Hazleton Area Board of Education Regular Monthly Board Meeting Hazleton Area School District Administration Building 6:15 P.M., Thursday, March 26, 2015 A - Call to Order by Board President B - Pledge of Allegiance & Moment of Silence C - Attendance Roll Call D - Announcement of Executive Sessions held as follows: March 17, 2015 - Personnel & Litigation March 26, 2015 - Personnel E - Public Announcements and Recognition F - Public Comment Directed to the Board on Agenda Items Only G - Approve Board Mtg. Minutes: Regular Board Meeting, February 26, 2015 (APPROVED) H - Treasurer Report for February, 2015 (APPROVED) Curriculum and Instruction Approve Items 1-26 With One Motion (APPROVED) 1. Recommend Board approve the following college students to do observations: Kiersten Matika Richard Pouffary Samuel Yeager Sehar Saeed Megan Kost Jillian Klingerman Megan Wilkinson Heather Garcia Clayton Brown Nicole Marusak Aileen Mendez Neil Shaver Kristina Evancho Lori Pavell Samantha Horsch Fiol Mora Sarah Pollakusky Darby Pliska Julia Palmieri Bloomsburg Univ. PSU-Hazleton PSU-Hazleton King’s College West Chester Univ. Shippensburg Univ. Misericordia Univ. Misericordia Univ. Bloomsburg Univ. Bloomsburg Univ. Bloomsburg Univ. LCCC Kutztown Univ. Misericordia Univ. Bloomsburg Univ. LCCC LCCC Bloomsburg East Stroudsburg 30 Hours 40 Hours 40 Hours 15 Hours 4 Hours 8 Hours 25 Hours 30 Hours 3 Hours 24 Hours 4 Hours 20 Hours 4 Hours 25 Hours 30 Hours 10 Hours 10 Hours 4 Hours 20 Hours 2. Recommend Board approve a blood drive serviced by Keystone Blood Services to be held on Friday, March 20, 2015, at the HAAS. Page 1 of 12 Regular Monthly Board Meeting March 26, 2015 3. Recommend Board approve Louise Keller from Luzerne County Domestic Violence Service Center, to conduct a “Safe Dates: Teen Dating Violence Awareness” program at the HAAS on April 15, 2015. 4. Recommend Board approve the Hazleton Area High School Key Club to sell “Cougars Care” T-shirts for the faculty and staff at HAHS, HAAS, and HACC to wear to school on Friday, March 27, 2015. All proceeds will benefit the American Cancer Society, Stop the Silence, and St. Joseph’s Center. 5. Recommend Board approve the cost of busing Builder’s Club, Ecology Club, and PJAS students from each middle school to HAAS on May 6, 2015, as an Earth Day event. 6. Recommend Board approve the Secondary Program of Studies for students in grades 9-12 at HAHS, HACC, and HAAS for the 2015-16 school year. 7. Recommend Board approve Eugenio Sosa and Elaine Curry as members of the District Comprehensive Planning Team. 8. Recommend Board approve Alex Deisenroth, a HAAS student, to conduct his senior project on safe driving in May 2015, at HAAS. 9. Recommend Board approve the cost for busing the STEM Environmental Biology Class at HAAS to the KidWind Challenge on Saturday, May 2, 2015, at Mount Nittany Middle School, State College, PA. 10. Recommend Board approve the cost for busing HAAS students to the microbiology lab at Lehigh Valley Hospital-Hazleton on April 13, 2015. 11. Recommend Board approve HAAS students to participate in the Donor Dash in Philadelphia, PA on Saturday, April 19, 2015, to be funded by The Organ and Tissue Donation Grant. 12. Recommend Board approve HAAS students, in conjunction with the I-Workout Club, to conduct a fund raiser at Bowl Arena, Hazleton, PA on Sunday, April 12, 2015, to raise funds to cover the entrance fees for students to race in the Donor Dash in Philadelphia, PA on April 19, 2015. 13. Recommend Board approve the revised calendar for the 2014-2015 school year. 14. Recommend Board approve Drums Elementary/ Middle School to hold their Spring Concert at Ferrwood Music Camp on May 29, 2015, at 6 PM (June 5, 2015, as a rain date). Parents will meet at Ferrwood. 15. Recommend Board approve the Memorandum of Agreement regarding Hazleton Area School District and Luzerne Intermediate Unit #18 ELECT Grant / Project MOM and Young Fatherhood Initiative, payment in the amount of $6,584.42, pending approval by Attorney Slusser. Page 2 of 12 Regular Monthly Board Meeting March 26, 2015 16. Recommend Board approve Wilkes University doctoral student, Katie Leach, to conduct a research study with gifted middle and high school students in the HASD. She is currently writing her doctoral dissertation, “The Effect of Growth Mindset on the Persistence of Gifted Students when Facing Challenges in Online Educational Gameplay.” This study is to see if the growth mindset will help underachieving gifted students. 17. Recommend Board approve the request from the HASD SADD Club of the placement of a permanent sign, approximately 5’ by 5’, to be placed at the exit of the student parking lot (behind Career Center) in May, to be funded by the HASD SADD Club. The sign will read: “FASTEN YOUR SEAT BELT, PUT DOWN YOUR PHONE, I LIKE YOU! Compliments of the Hazleton Area SADD Club.” 18. Recommend Board approve permission for Heights-Terrace students to wear their Heights-Terrace T-shirts on the PTA sponsored end-of-the-year field trips and during the year end activities. 19. Recommend Board approve the distribution of flyers to families, faculty, and staff for a PTA fundraiser with Bonanza Steakhouse. Proceeds will benefit PTA Council Reflections programs as well as training and leadership opportunities with the local, state, and national PTA. (Please see attachment) 20. Recommend Board approve 2 Diversity classes, approximately 80 students, from Bloomsburg University to obtain classroom observational hours at Hazle Township Early Learning Center, Maple Manor Elementary/Middle School, Arthur Street Elementary School, and Hazleton Elementary/Middle School on March 24-25, 2015, pending appropriate clearances. 21. Recommend Board approve HAAS 11th grade students to attend the PACAC College Fair at King’s College on Monday, April 27, 2015. 22. Recommend Board approve Maple Manor Elementary/Middle School PTA to sell discounted Hershey Park tickets for the 2015 park season. Tickets will be offered at a 44% discount. 23. Recommend Board approve Annie Moran to work 90 internship hours this summer at Maple Manor Elementary/Middle School under the guidance of Jeanne Conahan. Annie is obtaining her Masters in Educational Leadership at Wilkes University. 24. Recommend Board approve a fundraiser for a student/teacher talent show to be held at the HACC on May 22, 2015. Funds will be raised through admission and refreshment sales and will benefit our “Classy Coffee Corner” and Helen’s Salon for the purchasing of wigs for cancer patients. 25. Recommend Board approve the HACC 3rd annual teacher/student softball tournament to be held on May 23, 2015, at the HAHS Joe Maddon Field. Page 3 of 12 Regular Monthly Board Meeting March 26, 2015 26. Recommend Board approve to hold a “Fun’d Walk” at Maple Manor Elementary/Middle School on May 22, 2015 (rain date May 28, 2015). Event will require students to collect donations for one mile they walk. Donations received will go to the PTA and will be used for field trips, educational expenses, and incentives. FYI HOSA is hosting a breakfast on Monday, April 13, 2015, for the 79 recipients who received a wig from the donations that HOSA gave for cancer patients. Please see attached NOCTI testing schedules for the HACC juniors and seniors. The next focus group meeting about increasing interest from minority students in applying for STEM school admission will take place Monday, April 13, 2015 at 6 P.M. in the Administration Building, Large Group Instruction Room. Special Education, ESL, Alternative Education Approve Items 27-32 With One Motion (APPROVED) 27. Recommend Board approve the high school gifted students to attend the LIU-18 High School Computer Fair Competition in Kingston, PA on March 27, 2015. 28. Recommend Board approve the high school gifted students to participate in the 2015 Bloomsburg University Computer Programming Competition at Bloomsburg University on April 14, 2015. 29. Recommend Board approve CTC Manufacturing, Inc. Job Center to provide Prevocational Services and Integrated Employment Program for Special Education students at a rate of $72.00 a unit (6 hour day). Pending Attorney Slusser’s approval. 30. Recommend Board approve Avenues of Hazleton Transitional School To Work Program 2 in order to prepare Hazleton Area School District Special Education students for a large group work setting and gradually transition them into a variety of programs offered at Avenues of Hazleton. The cost for the fiscal year 2014-2015 is $1.82 per student per ¼ hour enrollment for the program. Pending Attorney Slusser’s approval. 31. Recommend Board approve draft of Special Education Plan. 32. Recommend Board approve the high school gifted students to compete in the Newton Foundation for Advancement of Math Contest at King’s College in Wilkes-Barre on March 27, 2015. 33. Recommend Board approve relocating the Hazleton Area Alternative Opportunities Program to 755 North Vine Street, as stipulated in the attached documents, effective August 1, 2015. (Please see attachments) (TABLED) Page 4 of 12 Regular Monthly Board Meeting March 26, 2015 Security Approve Items 34-37 With One Motion (APPROVED) 34. Recommend Board accept the resignation of Matthew Pauline, Security Officer, effective March 5, 2015. 35. Recommend Board accept the resignation of Sir Hayes, Security Officer, effective March 19, 2015. 36. Recommend Board approve resignation of Heather Gardner, Seasonal Security Officer, effective March 27, 2015. 37. Recommend Board approve part-time Security Officer, Steve Bugda, become a Seasonal Security officer, at a rate of $10.30/hour, effective March 27, 2015. Nutrition Approve Items 38-41 With One Motion (APPROVED) 38. Recommend Board approve the purchase of 30 HP Pro 3500 Micro Tower Computers for the Cafeteria POS stations at a cost of $11,970.00 to be paid out of the Food Service Fund. 39. Recommend Board approve the transition to the Community Eligibility Program, (CEP) a universal free meal program in all buildings for the 2015-2016 school year. 40. Recommend Board approve the cafeteria transfers-new hires as listed below. These are all open positions and rate is based on the HAESPA contract. A - Denise Hauze B - Deborah Ayala C - Ana Rodriguez FEMS MMEMS HTEMS 5.50 4.75 4.50 Hours Hours Hours 41. Recommend Board approve the resignation of Brenda O’Donnell a part-time cafeteria worker, effective 3/13/15. Transportation 42. Recommend Board approve the attached school bus route changes. (APPROVED) Technology Approve Items 43-44 With One Motion (APPROVED) 43. Recommend Board approve the purchase of Skyward Student Information System to be implemented beginning the 2015/2016 school year. The cost for the system is as follows: 2014/2015 (due April 2015) 2015/2016 (due July 2015) 2016/2017 and beyond $ 43,119.00 $176,713.00 $ 73,269.00 (estimated) Page 5 of 12 Regular Monthly Board Meeting March 26, 2015 *Additionally, yearly server hosting costs (by ISCorp) beginning 7/2015 not to exceed $33,000 per year. 44. Recommend Board approve the Hewlett Packard lease/purchase of 40 laptop computers associated with lease #101247000026 at a total cost of $2,369.35 (This is the final end of lease buyout payment). These computers are being used for Special Education and Administration. Pricing is as per COSTARS state contract. FYI Homebound student list Student Activities, Athletics and Extra Curricular Approve Items 45-47 With One Motion (APPROVED) 45. Recommend Board approve the following appointments as volunteer coaches: A - Rebecca Clatch B - Rebecca Drumheller C - Katie Fornataro D - Tyler Rubasky E - Gwen Valkusky F - Matthew Mazur Girls Track and Field Girls Track and Field Girls Track and Field Varsity Baseball Assistant Girls Lacrosse Assistant Junior High Boys Track and Field 46. Recommend Board accept the following resignations: A - Kevin Yurkanin B - Tracy Wisdo Head Coach McAdoo-Kelayres 7th/8th Grade Girls Basketball Head Coach West Hazleton 7th/8th Grade Cheerleading 47. Recommend Board approve the agreement with Riddell for the reconditioning of football equipment for the 2014-2015 school year (with the option for 2 additional years) in the amount not to exceed $9,850.00. This pricing is as per COSTARS Pricing Program. Facilities & Capital Projects Approve Items 48-59 With One Motion (APPROVED) 48. Recommend Board approve hiring summer help (college students) for the Business Office (4), Maintenance Department (4), Security Office (1), Warehouse (3), Technology (2) and Maintenance Office (1). Call last year students first to see if they are interested in coming in. 49. Recommend Board approve bid transfer of Thomas Fedor from Hazleton Area Career Center to Drums Elementary/Middle School. 50. Recommend Board approve bid transfer of Ramona Santos from Freeland Elementary/ Middle School to Hazleton Area Career Center. Page 6 of 12 Regular Monthly Board Meeting March 26, 2015 51. Recommend Board approve Sentry Security to monitor Vital House burglar alarm at a cost of $30.00 per month. 52. Recommend Board approve trailers at Hazleton Elementary/Middle School as surplus and authorize to sell by bid. 53. Recommend Board approve the purchase of a used loader/backhoe 1994 Caterpillar, Model 426B from Jeff Knelly in the amount of $19,000.00 to be used for snow removal, grounds and other projects. This was the lowest of 3 quotes solicited plus an advertisement in the local Standard Speaker newspaper. 54. Recommend Board approve The Hazleton Historical Society to display old Hazleton High School plaque. The plaque remains property of the Hazleton Area School District. 55. Recommend Board approve Vercusky Painting as the lowest quote for painting of the lower level of Harman-Geist Stadium locker rooms at a cost of $10,840.00, as per attached quotes. 56. Recommend Board approve 3B Services as the lowest quote to complete additional boiler repairs as required by Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry at a cost of $15,403.00, as per attached quotes as recommended by Alfred Benesch Engineering. 57. Recommend Board approve the selection of the following firms for Architectural Services for projects under $1 Million. Fees will be negotiated individually for each project. The firms are: A & E Group, Kesselman Architectural Design, Muhlenberg Greene Architects and Schrader Group Architecture. (APPROVED 2 FIRMS) 58. Recommend Board approve the Capital Projects as listed on the 2015 Capital Projects list. 59. Recommend Board authorize the District to enter an agreement with Vanguard Modular Building Systems to construct a modular locker room at the Harman-Geist Stadium in the amount not to exceed $340,000.00 as per KPN Contract No. 201203-03 pricing. Finance Approve Items 60-72 With One Motion (APPROVED) 60. Recommend Board approve the Property Tax Refunds. 61. Recommend Board approve the March surplus list. 62. Recommend Board accept the following commission check/grant: A - HASD /HTELC and Arthur Street El. School Diversity Night - Cargill Meat Solutions Corporation - $3,000.00 B - HAHS - State Farm Companies Foundation Good Neighbor Grant Program - $500.00 Page 7 of 12 Regular Monthly Board Meeting March 26, 2015 63. Recommend Board approve the bid/contract for the following (See Bid Tally): (Bid Due Date was 11:00 A.M., Wednesday, March 25, 2015) A - Demand Response Services (RFP) B - Lawn Maintenance Services (Bid) 64. Recommend Board approve the 2015-2016 Intermediate Unit 18 (LIU) General Operating Budget. 65. Recommend Board approve the following community members to serve on the initial Board of Directors for the Hazleton Area Education Foundation: o o o o o o o o o Megan Kennedy, First Federal Foundation (3 year term) Joseph Lettiere , CAN DO (3 year term) Mary Malone, Greater Hazleton Chamber of Commerce (3 year term) Anthony Cusatis, National Penn Bank (2 year term) John Fletcher, Lehigh Valley Hospital - Hazleton (2 year term) Jim Reinmiller, Hazleton Area Public Library (2 year term) Joe Clark, Leadership Hazleton (1 year term) Dr. Dan Gavio, Lehigh Valley Physicians Group (1 year term) Kevin O’Donnell, CAN DO (1 year term) 66. Recommend Board approve Mallie LLP Auditors for year 2 and 3 of their proposal for the amount of $26,265.00 and $27,053.00 respectively. 67. Recommend Board approve the corrective action plan for June 30, 2010 and June 30, 2009 State of PA Auditor General’s Audit. 68. Recommend Board approve as per procedure #29 of the rental policy to waive the rental fee for Hazleton City Police Department to use the Hazleton Area Sports Complex Track on Saturday, May 2, 2015 for agility testing. 69. Recommend Board approve as per procedure #29 of the rental policy to waive the rental fee for the Hazleton Enlarged Ministry to hold a day camp from June 22, 2015 through August 7, 2015 at the Drums El./Middle School. As in the past the Ministry will make a contribution to Drums El./Middle School at the close of the program. 70. Recommend Board approve as per procedure #29 of the rental policy to waive all fees for The Cure Starts Now to hold a 5K Run/Walk at the Valley El./Middle School on Saturday, October 24, 2015. The walk is in memory of Michael Balliet, a student at DEMS who lost his life after only a week of being diagnosed with a brain tumor. 71. Recommend Board approve as per procedure #29 of the rental policy to waive all fees for the Hazleton Area Little Cougars Wrestling to hold a wrestling tournament at the Hazleton Area High School gymnasium on 4/11/15.* Page 8 of 12 Regular Monthly Board Meeting March 26, 2015 72. Recommend Board approve the agreement with the City of Hazleton for Resolution 201540 as it pertains to the Safe Routes to School Project for Heights-Terrace Elementary/ Middle School and responsibility for the electricity bills on traffic signal beacons. 73. Recommend Board approve Resolution 2015-3-26 regarding the settlement of tax assessment between HASD and Hazleton Generation LLC as recommended by Attorney Slusser. (APPROVED) 74. Bills (ALL APPROVED) A - Wright Specialty Insurance - Deductible Invoice No. 50312 - Claim No. CND-PA-20145836-7447 - $7,854.00 - Deductible Invoice No. 50326 – Claim No. CND-PA-2014-78269926 - $222.00 B - School Specialty Furniture & Equipment - Hazle Township Early Learning Center - GOB 2014 - Invoice No. 608100017166 - $12,198.88 C - Gillespie, Miscavige, Ferdinand & Baranko - Attorney Daniel A. Miscavige - Legal Services - Hearing 2/17/2015- $125.00 D - Alfred Benesch Engineers - McAdoo-Kelayres El./Middle School Waterline Investigation - General Fund -1/19/15 to 2/15/15 - Invoice No. 79840 - $996.00 - HASD Boiler Repair Project - Valley, West Hazleton, 9th Grade Center (HTELC) and Freeland 1/19/15 to 2/15/2015 - Invoice No. 79839 - $1,596.00 E - Quality Assurance Plus - Maple Manor El./Middle School - 12/1/2014 to 12/31/2014 Invoice No. 14 - $250.00 F - Barry Isett & Associates - McAdoo-Kelayres Elementary/Middle School / NPDES Permit Termination - General Fund - 1/1/2015 to 1/31/2015 - Invoice No. 0096630 - $1,506.25 HACC Classroom - Fit-Out - GOB 2014 - 1/1/15 to 1/31/15 - Invoice No. 0096925 $1,353.75 G - Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates - Maple Manor El./Middle School - 1/1/2015 to 1/31/2015 - GOB 2014 - Invoice No. 42 - $2,992.15 H - CMG of Easton, Inc. - General Construction – HASD /HACC - Wing Fit-Out - GOB 2013 - Payment Application No. 6 - $11,801.00 I - Yannuzzi, Inc. - HVAC Construction - HASD 9th Grade Center (HTELC) - GOB 2013 – Payment Application No. 3 - $74,290.00 J - Attorney Antonio Doganiero - Legal Services - 6/1/2008 through 3/16/2012 - General Fund Invoice No. GD-HASD-Berger-002 - $48,500.00 K - Lobar, Inc. - General Construction - Maple Manor El./Middle School - GOB 2014 - Payment Application No. 19 - $202,637.23 L - General Fund - Monthly - $308,420.25 - Weekly - $1,318,370.18 - Activities - $20,301.14 Athletics - $43,864.33 - Cafeteria - $465,051.19 - Tax Refunds - $2,015.56 FYI Treasurer Report Investment Report Budget Report Rental Requests Student Activities Page 9 of 12 Regular Monthly Board Meeting March 26, 2015 Superintendent’s Agenda Approve Items 75-89 With One Motion (APPROVED) 75. Recommend Board approve the attached conference request list. 76. Recommend Board approve the attached substitute list. 77. Recommend Board approve the attached school functions list. 78. Recommend Board approve the expulsion for student #15-17. 79. Recommend Board approve the expulsion for student #15-18. 80. Recommend Board approve the expulsion for student #15-19. 81. Recommend Board approve the expulsion with contract for student #15-20. 82. Recommend Board approve Raffael Billet, Teacher, HAAS, to chaperone 2 students to attend MathCON 2015, which will be held in Chicago, IL, April 24 through April 26, 2015 Total Estimated Cost $2,296.36 for 3 people (2 students and chaperone) trip cost per person $765.45. 83. Recommend Board approve an unpaid leave of absence for ADD001, Paraprofessional, HEMS, effective approximately 12/02/2014. 84. Recommend Board approve a medical leave for DUN001, School Psychologist, Administration Building, effective approximately 3/26/2015. It is understood the leave will consist of the utilization of sick and personal days, followed by an unpaid leave of absence. 85. Recommend Board approve a medical leave for MAL014, Teacher, DEMS, effective approximately 4/15/2015. It is understood the leave will consist of the utilization of sick and personal days. 86. Recommend Board approve an extension of unpaid leave of absence for MIL008, Teacher, MKEMS, to the end of the 2014-2015 school year. 87. Recommend Board approve an Intermittent FMLA for SCH021, Security Guard, HAAS, effective approximately 2/26/2015. It is understood the leave will consist of the utilization of dock days. 88. Recommend Board appoint Jonathan Botey, 6.5 hr. Special Education Paraprofessional, HTEMS, at a salary of $11.56 per hour in accordance with the HAESPA. 89. Recommend Board Memorandum of Agreement between the District and HAEA regarding columnar movement adjustments. Page 10 of 12 Regular Monthly Board Meeting March 26, 2015 Approve Items 90-100 With One Motion (APPROVED) 90. Recommend Board accept the resignation of Ivelisse Eufracio, Bilingual Paraprofessional, effective March 6, 2015. 91. Recommend Board accept the resignation of Valerie Addes, Special Education Paraprofessional, effective March 26, 2015. 92. Recommend Board appoint Austin Smith, Elementary Teacher, effective 2/27/15 at a salary of $41,338.00, pending completion of Act 168 disclosure form. (REVISED MOTION APPROVED) 93. Recommend Board appoint Joana Martinez, 4.5 hr. Bilingual Paraprofessional, WHEMS, at a salary of $11.55 per hour in accordance with the HAESPA, pending receipt of clearances and Act 168 disclosure form. 94. Recommend Board appoint Inna Feliz, 6.5 hr. Bilingual Paraprofessional, HTEMS at a salary of $11.05 per hour in accordance with the HAESPA, pending receipt of clearances and Act 168 disclosure form. 95. Recommend Board approve the Hazleton Hybrid Learning Contract Agreement pending approval by Attorney Slusser. 96. Recommend Board approve the Northeastern Educational Intermediate Unit (NEIU) agreement for 2015/2016 school year, pending approval by Attorney Slusser. 97. Recommend Board approve the payment for two hours at $31.00 per hour for six teachers for preparation and presentation to the Inductees on the topic of leadership roles in the classroom. See list as follows: A - James Ringleben B - Katelyn Knick C - Jennifer Mason D - John Berta E - Brianna DePierro 98. Recommend Board rescind January 22, 2015 motion to approve Francis Padilla, 4.5 hour Special Education Paraprofessional, MKEMS. 99. Recommend Board approve Memorandum of Agreement between the District and Teamsters Local 401 regarding Water Treatment Facility certification stipend. 100. Recommend Board approve bid transfer of Francis Malloy from HAHS 2:00-10:00 PM shift to HAHS 6:00 AM - 2:00 PM shift. Page 11 of 12 Regular Monthly Board Meeting March 26, 2015 Approve Items 101-102 With One Motion 101. Recommend Board approve the Affiliation Agreement between HASD/HACC and Pavilion at Saint Luke Village for clinical experience to students enrolled in Schools Nurse Aide Program, pending approval by Attorney Slusser. 102. Recommend Board approve an Autism Awareness day for April 29, 2015. Faculty, staff, and students can purchase a T-shirt and wear it on April 29th, 2015. Cost of the T-shirts will be $7.00. The proceeds will benefit Autism Awareness and activities for students. This will be offered to the Hazleton Area High School Campus. NEW MOTIONS 103. Recommend Board deny Grievance HAESPA No. 0204-15. (APPROVED) 104. Recommend Board deny Grievance HAEA No. 14-15-06. (APPROVED) Page 12 of 12 Regular Monthly Board Meeting March 26, 2015 Conference Request for Board Approval 3/26/2015 Pg. 1 NAME CONF/CLINIC/DATE COST/FUND Sandra Beta McAdoo Kelayres Elementary/Middle School Role of SLP IN Sports Concussion Kingston, PA 3/12/2015 $-0(Access) Pamela Houseknecht 101 Best Strategies to Hazleton Area High School Enhance Your World Language Instruction Bethlehem, PA 5/7/2015 $-0- Lisa Latoski Valley Elementary/ Middle School Autism: Solutions for Successful Collaboration Dallas, PA 3/13/2015 $130.00 (EI Access) Kelcey Landis Hazle Township Early Learning Center Autism: Solutions for Successful Collaboration Wilkes Barre, PA 3/13/2015 $167.95 (EI Access) Lea Bognet Role of Spin Sports West Hazleton Elementary/ Concussion Middle School Kingston, PA 3/12/2015 $15.81 (if driving) (Access) Kimberly Sharonoff Hazleton Area High School PMEA All State Festival Hershey, PA 3/25 through 3/28/2015 $520.00 Megan Chopek Valley Elementary/ Middle School Initial Safety Care Training Kingston, PA 3/10 & 3/11/2015 $62.33 (Access) Melissa Cressinger Valley Elementary/ Middle School Initial Safety Care Training Kingston, PA 3/10 & 3/11/2015 $29.56 (Access) Conference Request for Board Approval 3/26/2015 Pg. 2 NAME CONF/CLINIC/DATE COST/FUND Jennifer Curcio Hazleton Area Career Center Perkins Regional Workshop Reading, PA 4/1/2015 $-0- Lori Herman Hazleton Area Career Center Perkins Regional Workshop Reading, PA 4/1/2015 $-0- Denise Rimshaw Hazleton Elementary/ Middle School PSSAELA Rangefinding (DRC) State College, PA 6/1 through 6/5/2015 $425.00 (Cost of Substitute for 5 days) Megan Martin Beekman Street Head Start Wilkes Barre Autism: Solutions for Successful Collaboration Dallas, PA 3/13/2015 $135.00 (EI Access) Tara Werner Beekman Street Head Start Wilkes Barre Child/Infant CPR & First Aid Scranton, PA 4/1/2015 (½ day) $-0- Rebecca Rutkowski Peregrine Falcon West Hazleton Elementary/ Harrisburg, PA Middle School 3/26/2015 $-0- Anella Cera Valley Elementary/ Middle School Evaluation & Treatment of Students who Stutter White Haven, PA 4/9/2015 $-0(Access) Sandra Berta McAdoo Kelayres Elementary/Middle School Evaluation & Treatment of Students who Stutter Kingston, PA 4/9/2015 $-0(Access) Conference Request for Board Approval 3/26/2015 Pg. 3 NAME CONF/CLINIC/DATE COST/FUND Virginia Ciotola Drums Elementary/ Middle School & HAHS Campus Evaluation & Treatment of Students who Stutter White Haven, PA 4/9/2015 $17.25 (if driving) (Access) Jennifer Gerhard PMEA District 9 Band Festival Heights Terrace Elementary/ Scranton, PA Middle School 4/24/2015 $-0- Susan Platek A Guide to Open West Hazleton Elementary/ Ended Questions Middle School Kingston, PA 3/25/2015 $-0- Lea Bognet Evaluation & Treatment of West Hazleton Elementary/ Students who Stutter Middle School Kingston, PA 4/9/2015 $15.81 (if driving) (Access) Tara Werner Beekman Street Head Start Wilkes-Barre Evaluation & Treatment of Students who Stutter Kingston, PA 4/9/2015 $-0Access) Michael Pozzessere Hazleton Area Career Center PILS 1 Schnecksville, PA 3/25 & 3/26/2015 $91.31 (mileage) Raffael Billet Hazleton Academy of Sciences MathCon 2015 Chicago, IL 4/24 through 4/26/2015 $2, 296.36 Kimberly Sharonoff Hazleton Area High School PMEA District Jazz Festival Scranton, PA 4/17 & 4/18/2015 $85.00 (cost of substitute) Conference Request for Board Approval 3/26/2015 Pg. 4 NAME CONF/CLINIC/DATE COST/FUND Mary Makuta Hazleton Area Career Center Patient Care Issues Nanticoke, PA 5/8/2015 $104.50 Lawrence DeBello Hazleton Area Career Center Penn Dot Safety Inspection Instructor Seminar Scranton, PA 6/16 & 6/17/2015 $53.20 (mileage) Michele Medek Hazleton Area Academy Of Science ISTE 2015 Phil., PA 6/29/2015 $200.00 Lesley McDermott Hazleton Elementary/ Middle School Evaluation & Treatment of Students who Stutter White Haven, PA 4/9/2015 $-0(Access) Board Agenda Substitute List March 26, 2015 Teachers Certification Addes, Valarie Darvell, Lucinda Hauze, Angela Papp, Gabrielle Social Studies/Secondary Science Emergency English 7-12 All Subjects 4-8/Social Studies 7-8 Substitute Aide Thomas, Nancy Warehouse Tombasco, Ramon (pending clearances)
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