ESCONDIDO UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL BOARD WORKSHOP AND REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Date: 11/13/2014 Workshop Location: Palm Room Meeting Location: GCEC Boardroom A PRELIMINARY FUNCTIONS 5:00 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER QUANTUM ACDEMY WORKSHOP • Staff will give an update on the progress of the specialty school, Quantum Academy. • Discussion will take place regarding the Quantum Academy recommended action items on the November 13, 2014, regular agenda. 2. B 5:00 PM – Call to Order, Workshop 6:01 PM – Closed Session 7:00 PM – Open Session Public Comments Regarding Closed Session Items 6:00 PM CLOSED SESSION 200 HUMAN RESOURCES 201 Public Employee Appointment: 54956.95) (FG 1) 6:01 PM Coordinator of Data & Assessment (GC 202 Public employee discipline/dismissal/release (GC 54954.5) (FG 1) 203 Conference with district negotiator, Kevin Rubow, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources (GC 54957.6) (FG 4) REGULAR MEETING/OPEN SESSION 1. RECONVENE REGULAR BOARD MEETING/CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE ☐Donnellon ☐Fragozo ☐Gardner ☐Hranek 7:00 PM ☐Woods 4. REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION 5. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Make corrections, remove items, rearrange order, and/or approve agenda. Motion by________________, Second by________________, Vote_________ 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the minutes of the regular board meeting of October 23, 2014. Motion by________________, Second by________________, Vote_________ Board Agenda, 11/13/14 Page 1 C D RECOGNITIONS 7:05 PM 100 SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE 101 Recognize outgoing president Marty Hranek, for his service to the Escondido Union School District. 102 Recognize the GFWC Inland Valley Federated Women’s Club for the donation of Drew’s Dancing Drum to each middle school library. 300 301 EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Recognize Student Champions from Home Education Program, L. R. Green, and Miller Schools. (FG 5) COMMUNICATIONS 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS 7:45 PM 2. PUBLIC HEARINGS 200 HUMAN RESOURCES 201 Conduct a public hearing related to the reappointment of Ann George to the Personnel Commission for a three-year term beginning December 1, 2014, and ending December 1, 2017. (F 5) 3. CALIFORNIA SCHOOL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION CHAPTER 150 4. ESCONDIDO ELEMENTARY EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS E PRESENTATIONS/REPORTS 8:00 PM 400 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES 401 Update on the final outcomes of the district’s Safe Schools/Healthy Students grant. (FG 3, FG 5) F DISCUSSION/INFORMATION ONLY 100 SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE 101 Review proposed board meeting dates for 2015. (FG 5) G DISCUSSION AND/OR ACTION 8:25 PM 200 HUMAN RESOURCES 201 Approve Ann George as the appointee by the Board of Education to the Personnel Commission for a three-year term beginning December 1, 2014, and ending December 1, 2017. (F 5) Motion by________________, Second by________________, Vote_________ 202 8:20 PM Revise the “Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators” for the 2014-15 school year, and authorize the superintendent or his designee to sign the necessary paperwork, to extend the number of special education teachers and English learner certified teachers, to serve under a Limited Assignment Credential. (FG 1) Motion by________________, Second by________________, Vote_________ Board Agenda, 11/13/14 Page 2 H I J 300 301 EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Conduct a discussion of and/or approve the location and 2015-16 grade span of students for Quantum Academy and hiring of a school site administrator to complete the planning and implementation process of the school. (FG 1, FG 5) Motion by________________, Second by________________, Vote_________ 500 501 BUSINESS SERVICES Adopt Resolution 2014-15-09 approving an amended and restated trust agreement, continuing covenant agreement, option redemption of certain outstanding bonds, and approving official actions. (FG 5) Motion by________________, Second by________________, Vote_________ BOARD POLICIES AND/OR REGULATIONS 500 BUSINESS SERVICES 501 First reading of BP/AR 3260, Fees and Charges, revised. (FG 5) 9:05 PM 502 First reading of BP 3452, Student Activity Fund, new. (FG 5) 503 First reading of BP/AR 7214, General Obligation Bonds, revised. (FG 5) BOARD & STAFF REPORTS 1. MEMBER’S REPORT 2. PRESIDENT’S REPORT 3. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT 4. CABINET ANNOUNCEMENTS 9:20 PM CONSENT ITEMS 9:30 PM All matters on the consent agenda are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one action. There is usually no discussion prior to the action unless a board member requests the removal of an item(s) for discussion and separate action. It is recommended the board take the following action: 100 SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE 101 Approve the regular board meeting date of December 11, 2014, as the annual organizational meeting for the Escondido Union School District. (FG 5) 102 Approve out-of-state travel for Kathy Shirley to attend the Apple Education Leadership Summit in Austin, Texas, November 16-18, 2014, at no cost to the district. 200 201 HUMAN RESOURCES Approve Certificated Personnel Order 2014-15-08 (FG 1) 202 Approve Classified Personnel Order 2014-15-07 (FG 1) 203 Approve public employee discipline/dismissal/release. (FG 1) 204 Approve the American Fidelity Master Consulting Services Agreement that will apply to any contract provided by American Fidelity which can be used during the Board Agenda, 11/13/14 Page 3 time period of five years. (FG 4) 205 Approve Southern California VEBA to provide a Health Care Reform analysis to review their liability, procedures, and potential impact of providing non-benefitted employees insurance benefits based on Health Care Reform regulations. (FG 4) 206 Approve independent contractor agreement with LifeStyles Infocus, who is the contractor for the “GOT HEALTH” annual wellness event to be held at the Carilyn Gilbert Education Center, March 13, 2015. (FG 4) 300 301 EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Approve the independent contractor agreement with Transformative Inquiry Designs for Effective Schools and Systems (TIDES) for eight days of consulting services at Lincoln School from January 1, through June 30, 2015, at a cost of $12,000. (FG 1, FG 5) 302 Approve the independent contractor agreement with San Diego Heritage Tours to provide assemblies to K-5 students at North Broadway and Reidy Creek schools at a total cost of $990, paid with a combination of PTA and gift funds. (FG 1) 303 Approve the independent contractor agreement with Coast 2 Coast Soccer to provide an afterschool physical education enrichment program to students at Reidy Creek, Rock Springs, and Rose schools at a total cost not to exceed $6,850 paid with a combination of site and gift funds. (FG 1, FG 2) 400 401 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES Approve interdistrict attendance recommendations for the 2015-16 school year. (FG 3, FG 5) 500 501 BUSINESS SERVICES Approve the Statement of Work (SOW No.1) with American Fidelity Services LLC to provide the Worxtime Program that will track district data needed to maintain compliance with the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Contract would allow for use of the Worxtime system for a period of up to five years, with satisfactory system performance and continued district need. (FG 5) 502 Approve an Addendum to the Maintenance Contract for Services with Available Termite & Pest Control for districtwide pest control services as needed for the remainder of the school year. (FG 5) 503 Approve the Agreement with Dolinka Group, LLC for preparation of a School Facilities Needs Analysis. (FG 5) 504 Approve agreement for legal services with the law firm of Stutz Artiano Shinoff & Holtz; authorize the superintendent or his designee to sign the necessary documents. (FG 5) 505 Approve GEM Industrial, Inc. Change Order No. 2 related to the Juniper School new restroom building project. (FG 5) 506 Approve filing a Notice of Completion for GEM Industrial, Inc. for general Board Agenda, 11/13/14 Page 4 contractor services related to the new relocatable buildings for Rooms 30/31 at Felicita School and the new relocatable building for Room 6A at Orange Glen School; authorize superintendent or designee to execute/sign the necessary documents. (FG 3, FG 5) 507 Authorize advertising for bids for a districtwide network infrastructure project. (FG 3, FG 5) 508 Approve district use of the Public Surplus Auction website and/or Ken Porter Auctions to dispose of surplus property; further approve the disposal of any surplus property that the district is unable to sell. (FG 5) 509 Accept with thanks cash donations in the amount of $32,737.83 and donations of materials to Escondido Union School District pursuant to Education Code 41032(a) for the period October 9, 2014, through October 29, 2014. (FG 5) 510 Ratify purchase orders for the period September 21, 2014, through October 25, 2014, in the amount of $1,780,106.93. (FG 5) 511 Ratify revolving cash for the period June 20, 2014, through October 23, 2014, in the amount of $8,675.56. (FG 5) K ANNOUNCEMENT OF NEXT MEETING 9:40 PM The next regularly scheduled/annual organizational board meeting will be held on Thursday, December 11, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in the boardroom at the Escondido Union School District, Carilyn Gilbert Education Center, 2310 Aldergrove Ave., Escondido, CA 92029. L CLOSED SESSION (if required) M ADJOURNMENT 9:45 PM Adjourn at _______p.m. Motion by________________, Second by________________, Vote_________ Board Agenda, 11/13/14 Page 5
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