
Games in Open System Verification
Ansuman Banerjee
Indian Statistical Institute
• The Synthesizability problem for open systems
– Game-based analysis
– Realizability and Receptiveness
• Games in Test Generation
– Vacuity Games
– Realizability Games
• Consistency Issues in 3-party specifications
– Game based modeling
– Observability based Analysis
Formal-V Group, ISI
The Validation Problem
Specification P
Validation Process
Does M satisfy P ?
Model M
• Simulation
– Most popular but not exhaustive
• Formal verification
– mathematically prove that an implementation
satisfies its specification
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The Synthesizability Problem
Does there at all exist an implementation that can be
made to satisfy a given specification ?
– For closed systems: Same as the satisfiability problem
• Does there exist an assignment of variables that can
satisfy the specification?
– For Open systems:
• Does there exist an implementation that satisfies the
specification for all possible environment behaviors?
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Games and Synthesizability of Open
system specifications
• Can be modeled as a 2-player game
– Player 1: The environment (decides the input values)
– Player 2: The Open system (decides the output values)
• Strategy for Player1:
– Depends on nature of the environment
– An adversarial environment may try to present inputs to
refute the specification
• Winning strategy for Player-2
– An implementation that can satisfy the specification
against possible moves of Player-1
– Synthesizablity investigates the existence of a strategy for
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Games and Property Verification
• Whenever x arrives, y is asserted in the next cycle
• Strategy of Player-2 (setting y) is a correct labeling
of nodes with output variables
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Game Models: Applications
• Property Verification of Modules
• Synthesis [Church:1962, Rabin,
Ramadge/Wonham:1987, Pnueli/Rosner:1989]
• Receptiveness [Dill:1989, Abadi/Lamport:1993]
• Reasoning about adversarial behavior
• Interface-based design [Henzinger:1997]
• Modular reasoning [Kupferman:99/Vardi:2000]
• Early error detection [deAlfaro/Mang:2001]
• Reasoning about security [Raskin et al.]
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Consistency of 2-party specifications
• A specification that is satisfiable when interpreted
over a closed system may be inconsistent when
interpreted over every module (open system)
• A consistent specification must meet the following
– Realizability:
• The module must be able to assign its outputs without
knowing its future inputs such that the property is
satisfied for all input scenarios
– Receptiveness:
• The module must have the freedom to choose its
outputs as long as it does not refute the specification
at that instant
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• Consider a priority arbiter
– Property:
• Whenever the request r arrives,
the grant g must be given exactly in the next cycle
– Suppose the designer is tempted to write this as
G[ r  X(g) ∧ X X(¬ g)]
• This property is satisfiable, -- consider input sequences
where r is never asserted
• It is not realizable for input sequences where r is
asserted for two consecutive cycles
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Realizability: Formal Characterization
ψ = G(r  ( X( g ) ∧ X X( ¬g )))
ψ is satisfiable
but not realizable
Does there exist a strategy for Player-2 that can guarantee
satisfaction of ψ for all possible strategies of Player-1 ?
Formal-V Group, ISI
Unfolding of LTL formula
• An LTL formula L can be unwound to a finite time
step(say k) to generate a Boolean formula FL.
• Consider the property : (a & X b → XX c)
FL= ¬a ∨ ¬Xb ∨ XX c
FL0 = ¬ a0
FL1 = ¬ a0 ∨ ¬b1
FL2 = ¬ a0 ∨ ¬b1 ∨ c2
• Consider the property : G (a) ∧ F (¬a)
– FL0 = a0 ∧ ¬a0
– FL1 = (a0 ∧ a1) ∧ (¬a0 ∨ ¬a1 )
– FL2 = (a0 ∧ a1 ∧ a2) ∧ (¬a0 ∨ ¬a1 ∨ ¬a2 )
Formal-V Group, ISI
Checking Realizability
• L be an LTL formula over set of inputs i and set of outputs o
• Let FL be the Boolean formula unfolded for |L| cycles.
• L is realizable iff the following QBF is true
QL = ∃o0∀i1 ∃o1 … ∀i| L| ∃o| L| (FL)
where ik denotes a valuation of the inputs at time step k,
and ok denotes a valuation of the outputs at time step k
• Theoretical results on the sufficiency of length of L
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• A module must have the freedom of choosing its
outputs as long as it does not refute the property
• Consider the property: G( o ⇒ X i )
• The arbiter can realize this property by never
asserting o.
– It cannot assert o because it cannot see its future inputs!!
– This is an un-receptive property
Formal-V Group, ISI
An invalid strategy
QBF based characterization for checking receptiveness
of specifications has been proposed [ICCAD:2005]
Formal-V Group, ISI
• The Synthesizability problem for open systems
– Game-based analysis
– Realizability and Receptiveness
• Games in Test Generation
– Vacuity Games
– Realizability Games
• Consistency Issues in 3-party specifications
– Game based modeling
– Observability based Analysis
Formal-V Group, ISI
Test Generation for Open Systems
• The test-bench attempts to mimic the environment strategies
• An intelligent test bench must be online and adaptive
– It should avoid generation of vacuous scenarios
– Whenever the module makes a wrong move, the test
bench must be able to drive the module to a refutation
• ATPG based techniques
• Methodology for automatically determining the appropriate
vector constraints, based on the analysis of both the design
and the property being checked
• Our contributions
– Vacuity Games
– Realizability Games
Formal-V Group, ISI
Intelligent Test-benches
Vacuity Games and Test Generation
• Strategy of the environment must be to defeat the module by
driving it to a refutation of the specification, not satisfy the
specification itself
• Test-bench must present inputs that are non-vacuous
G (x → X y)
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Vacuity Games
• Non-vacuous test generation with respect to a specification
can be modeled as a game
– Strategy for test-bench at every step is to avoid satisfaction of
the property due to its own values
– Strategy for module is to attempt satisfaction
• We have developed an algorithm for non-vacuous test
Simulation based
Incrementally unfold the specification
Assign inputs that do not satisfy the specification vacuously
Simulate the module and sample its outputs
Continue till a success or failure is reached
Formal-V Group, ISI
An example run
Consider the property : (a & X b → XX c)
– FL= ¬a ∨ ¬Xb ∨ XX c
– Step 0: FL0 = ¬ a0 ∨ ¬b1 ∨ c2
• Substitute module initial values and evaluate
• a = 0 satisfies specification vacuously
• Simulation done with a = 1
– Step 1: FL1 = ¬b1 ∨ c2
• Substitute value of c in Step 0 and evaluate
• b = 0 satisfies specification vacuously
• Simulation done with b = 1
– Step 2: FL2 = c2
• Substitute value of c in Step 1 and evaluate
• Any random input vector is good.
• Simulation done and in the next step c must be true
Formal-V Group, ISI
• P1: Whenever r1 goes high, g1 is asserted in the next cycle :
G(r1 → Xg1)
• P2: Whenever r2 goes high, g2 is asserted within 3 cycles :
G(r2 → (Xg2 ∨ XXg2)
• Test sequences that do not drive r2 satisfy P2 vacuously
• Test sequences that do not drive r1 satisfy P1 vacuously
• Requirement of non-vacuity may span multiple cycles as well
• Target P1 and P2 separately and generate non-vacuous tests
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Costly mistakes: Guiding towards disaster
X : Environment
0 : Module
1. Unreceptive specifications: Options to realize at the start
2. Module makes a mistake
3. Environment guides the module to disaster !!
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Realizability games
• The test-bench can intelligently detect such cases
Aware of realizability
Specification was realizable at the beginning
Became unrealizable after the first move by module
Environment strategy: Drive module to refutation
• Crucial move: occupying the central box after module makes
the mistake
• We have developed an algorithm for intelligent test
generation for unreceptive specifications
– At the start of every simulation step, check for realizability
– If unrealizable, present inputs such that module can’t
recover !!
Formal-V Group, ISI
• The Synthesizability problem for open systems
– Game-based analysis
– Realizability and Receptiveness
• Games in Test Generation
– Vacuity Games
– Realizability Games
• Consistency Issues in 3-party specifications
– Game based modeling
– Observability based Analysis
Formal-V Group, ISI
Consistency of 3-party specifications
•The module (M): the controlled system
•The environment (E): the set of inputs
•The controller (C): supplies the control inputs
1. The specification of the system consists of the specification of
the module as well as its controller.
2. Neither the module nor the controller can realize the
specification alone: Symbiotic strategy
3. We present results of observability based synthesizability
analysis of 3-party specifications
Formal-V Group, ISI
The formal model
I = IM ∪ IC
1. Verify whether both M and C are realizable
2. Analysis done at the architectural phase of the design,
before implementing any of the two
3. Does the controller have adequate observability ?
Formal-V Group, ISI
An example
I = {devicerdy, r0, r1, lock, busfree}, IM = {devicerdy, r0, r1, lock},
IC = {r0, r1, busfree}, C = {valid}, O = {g0, g1, busy}, OM = {busy}
Formal-V Group, ISI
The Formal Specification
P0: G (((r0 ∨ r1 ) ∧ ¬ busy & busfree) → Xvalid)
P1: G ((lock ∧ ¬ r0) → X ¬ valid)
P2: G ((r0 ∧ valid ∧ devicerdy) → Xg0)
P3: G ((r1 ∧ valid ∧ devicerdy) → Xg1)
P4: G ((g0 ∨ g1) ↔busy)
P5: G (mutex(g0, g1))
P6: G (busy → X ¬ busy)
P7: G (mutex(r0, r1))
Formal-V Group, ISI
The Observability Spectrum
• Zero Observability: The controller has no visibility.
Can M alone realize the system specification?
• Full Observability: The controller can observe the full set
of environment inputs and machine outputs (2-party system)
• Partial Observability:
– Adequate Observability
– Inadequate Observability
• For Inadequate Observability, what should be the strategy of
the environment ?
• Can we bridge the observability gap?
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Zero Observability
• Given a machine M and a LTL specification P, we say that the
machine is synthesizable under zero observability of the
controller, if the machine alone can realize P – Zero
Information Game
• Both OM and IC are empty, define IMU = I – IM as the set of
inputs M cannot see
• Solution: Check the truth of
QP = ∃o0 ∀iM1 ∀C1 ∃o1 … ∀iM| P| ∀C | P| ∃o| P| (∀iMU1 … ∀iMU| P| ) (FP)
• For our example, Zero observability check fails
Formal-V Group, ISI
Full Observability
• OM = O and IC = IM = I
• Can M realize P assuming a friendly C?
– Perfect Information Game for C
• For our example, Full observability check fails !!
• Control Strategy: For a given LTL specification P, a control
strategy exists if M is able to realize P by choosing appropriate
values for its control inputs (assuming the existence of a
friendly C) and assigning appropriate values to its outputs
Formal-V Group, ISI
Control Strategy
P0: G (((r0 ∨ r1 ) ∧ ¬ busy & busfree) → Xvalid)
P8: G ((r0 & ¬ busy & busfree) → Xvalid )
P9: G (( r1 & ¬ busy & ¬ lock & busfree) → Xvalid )
Formal-V Group, ISI
The Formal Specification
P0: G (((r0 ∨ r1 ) ∧ ¬ busy & busfree) → Xvalid)
P1: G ((lock ∧ ¬ r0) → X ¬ valid)
P2: G ((r0 ∧ valid ∧ devicerdy) → Xg0)
P3: G ((r1 ∧ valid ∧ devicerdy) → Xg1)
P4: G ((g0 ∨ g1) ↔busy)
P5: G (mutex(g0, g1))
P6: G (busy → X ¬ busy)
P7: G (mutex(r0, r1))
P8: G ((r0 & ¬ busy & busfree) → Xvalid )
P9: G ((r1 & ¬ busy & ¬ lock & busfree) → Xvalid )
Existence of a Control Strategy: Check the truth of
QP = ∃o0 ∀i1 ∃C1 ∃o1 … ∀i| P| ∃C| P| ∃o| P| (FP)
Formal-V Group, ISI
Partial Observability
• Can the controller really produce the friendly control
which the module wants ?
– Incomplete Information Game
– Depends on how much it is able to observe.
• Existence of a control strategy is not enough
– The controller may not be able to provide desired inputs
• Inadequate Observability: The controller is not
synthesizable for all possible control strategies
• Adequate Observability: The controller is
synthesizable for all possible control strategies
Formal-V Group, ISI
Back to our example
P1: G((lock & ¬r0) → X ¬ valid)
P9: G((r1 & ¬ busy & busfree & ¬ lock) → Xvalid )
Controller cannot see lock
Formal-V Group, ISI
Back to our example
P1: G(¬r0 → X ¬ valid)
P9: G((r1 & ¬ busy & busfree) → Xvalid )
Inadequate Observability: Control strategy exists, but the controller is
not synthesizable
Formal-V Group, ISI
Partial Observability: Formal methods
• Inadequate Observability:
– For all possible control strategies (Synthesizability of M
does not imply synthesizability of C) over all time steps
• Adequate Observability:
– For all possible control strategies (Synthesizability of M
should imply synthesizability of C) over all time steps
• We have developed a QBF based characterization
Formal-V Group, ISI
Observability Games
• The environment can make
use of the observability
limitations of the controller
• The environment can play its
moves such that the system
is bound to fail (may span
multiple cycles)
• We have developed a formal
methodology for constructing
this malicious environment
r0 and lock are raised with devicerdy and busfree, r1 kept low
Arbiter is not busy, controller raises valid,
Arbiter raises g0 and becomes busy, r0 is lowered and r1 raised
Controller lowers valid, arbiter lowers g0 and busy
Formal-V Group, ISI
Dealing with Inadequate Observability
• Transform to a case of adequate observability
• Increase observability of the controller
– Simple iterative algorithm (guaranteed to be
successful since a control strategy exists)
– Add the signal lock to the observable set of C
• Add more properties that refine the interaction
protocol of M and C
– Keep busy high till the bus gets unlocked
– Solution based on coalition games
Formal-V Group, ISI
Verification Group @ ISI: Focus Areas
• Coverage
• Assertion Mining
• Semi-formal flows
• Efficient implementations
• Test versus security
Protocols in
Modeling and
Intent Analysis
Constraint Solvers
(AI, Learning, Architecture)
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CAD Tools
Cache efficient
Distributed Computing
High Performance
Efficient Procedures
Probabilistic verification
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