OFFICE OF THE GOVERIIOR GONSULTANCY SERVICE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TURI(ANA GOUNTY GOVERNMENT SEGURITY' PEACE BUILD|NG AND CONFLICT MANAGEMENT POLTCY AND STRATEGY.) TEN DER NO: TGG/GVN/5O8/2O 1 4t20i s OBJECTIVE OF WORK The Objective of Work for the eventual assignment is; 1. 2. 3. . 4. 5. 6. To develop, coordinate and strengthen networks of partners for sustainable peace building and conflict resolution. To revamp and strengthen local institutional structures and mechanisms to foster peace and development. To Support and facilitate Early warning and Rapid response lnterventions geared towards peace building and conflict management. To develop Monitoring and Evaluation famework to assist the County Govemment and other peace stakeholders tract the impact of peace building and conflict management initiatives. To mainstream conflict sensitivity into the programming and management of the County,s development agenda Propose an institutional framework for management and coordination of peace building initiatives within and without ihe county asoss counties, intergovemmental and cross border: ELIGIBILITY lnterested firms are invited to send lheir Expressions of lnterest (EOl) for the Consultancy Services including all the necessary information to prove their capability and experience to undertake the required assignment, to include but not limited to: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix' x. t: ,i!: xiii. xiv. )0/. xvi. xvii. The Company Profile or Proftles of the Consortium Registration documents of the Company or Joint Venture Copies of the following documents: PIN Certificate VAT Certificate CunentKRATaxComplianceCertificate Certificate of Registration/ Incorporation Articles/ Memorandum of Association Professional Bodies Membership Certificates Copies of Audited Accounts for tile Firms for the last three years. At least a Masters' Degree in Social Sciences, Peace building, Pastoral livelihood, policy Formulation, Development Studies or Economics, with a minimum 6ifive (5) years demonslrated experience in policy development, research and/or practice Demonstrate a good understanding of the Arid and Semi-Arid Areas (ASALs) with practical working experience or research/Surveys in such environments. Experience of efiective interaction with local and national institutions, govemment departments, pastoralist, and specific experience with communities in Turkana. Conversant with current peace building models and conflicts especially in Turkana County with theniii(thuouringcommrinitieb. -Good understanding of appropriate melhods of designing studies geared towards developing policy documents Experience in the use, administration and analysis using the Do No Harm Framework. Proven experience of using participatory tools and methodology. Proven experience in data collection, analysis, report writing and dissemination of findings Practical application of cross cutting themes like gender mainstreaming, and gender competence, M&E, Advocacy. Good spoken and wiltten communication skills in English and Swahili. Turkana (Ng'aturkana) language is an added advantage. Demonstrated experience in editing professional documents/ experience of developing popular versions of policy documents Knowledge on peace building and conflict management in Kenya and working with non- state aclors Special considerations will be given to firms that have undertaken similar assignments in Turkana County A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the National procurement Guidelines. Interested Consultants may obtain further information by writing to; ryeLy-"[email protected] from 0800 to 1700 Hours fbm Monday to Friday exctuding tunch hour (1300 to 1400Hrs) and pubtic hotidays. ryl'I Duly completed consultancy documents, in plain sealed envelopes without indication of the sender must be appropriately marked consultancy bid name and number, and deposited in the tender box located at the entrance ofthe ofiice ofthe Governor or posted to(One Envelope [larked ,,Origina!,, and another envslope ma*ed "Copy" with tender Reference of ,,and addrcssed to: Procurcment Office, Turkana Countlr Governmer(, P.O BOX 11A05{t0 LODWAR, Or deposited in the Tender Box 4 at the County Headquarters situated at County Headquarte6 so as to reach him on or before 3d April, 2015. Submitted bids will be opened soon thereater represenlalives who may choosd to attend. in the presence of Tenderers late Bids shall be returned unopened. canvassing, oither direcuy or indirectly wilt result in automatic dftequalification. or their respective
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