03-15 / 9308849/008/GB/A / Document and/or pictures not legally binding. Modifications by bioMérieux can be made without prior notice / BIOMÉRIEUX, the blue logo, ARGENE, BIONEXIA, DIVERSILAB, FIRST LINE BIOLOGY, R-GENE and VITEK are used, pending and/or registered trademarks belonging to bioMérieux, or one of its subsidiaries, or one of its companies / Any other name or trademark is the property of its respective owner / bioMérieux S.A. 673 620 399 RCS Lyon / Photos : C. Ganet / Printed in France / thera RCS Lyon B 398 160 242 Our complete solution for Legionella testing Culture media GVPC and VITEK® MS First Line Biology® tests for Laboratories bioNexia® Legionella Detection within 15 min of Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 in urine samples Identification of all Legionella species GVPC agar - 20 plates (90 mm) Ref. 43031 bioNexia® Legionella - 25 tests Ref. 414263 URINE SAMPLE Legionella pneumophila Urinary antigen (Lp1) + HIGH SUSPICION LOWER RESPIRATORY SAMPLE LOWER RESPIRATORY SAMPLE CULTURE (systematic) + PCR - + Strain sent to reference lab TYPING STOP ■ CULTURE - + STOP Sample sent to reference lab ARGENE® Strain sent to reference lab TYPING DiversiLab® Legio pneumo/ Cc r-gene® DL Propionibacterium kit Automated Legionella strain typing in 4 hours for epidemiological surveillance Qualitative real time PCR detection of all Legionella pneumophila serogroups within 3.5 hours DL Propionibacterium kit 24 tests - Ref. 410987 Legio pneumo/Cc r-gene® 60 tests - Ref. 71-046 REFERENCES 1. Beauté J, Zucs P, de Jong B. Euro Surveill. 2013;18(10):pii=20417. 2. ECDC surveillance report. Legionnaires’ disease in Europe. 2012. 3. Fields BS, Benson RF, Besser RE. Clin Microbiol Rev. 2002;15(3):506-26. 4. Lück PC.. Legionella: Molecular Microbiology. Editors: Heuner K, Swanson M. Caister Academic Press. UK. 2008. 5. Yu VL, Ramirez J, Roig J, Sabria M. Clin Infect Dis. 2004;39(11):1734-7. 6. British Thoracic Society guidelines for the management of community acquired pneumonia in adults: update 2009. 7. Mandell LA, Wunderink RG, Anzueto A, et al. Clin. Infect. Dis. 2007;44(suppl 2):527-572. 8. Stout JE, Sens K, Mietzner S, et al. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2005;25:302-7. bioMérieux S.A. 69280 Marcy l’Etoile France Tel. : +33 (0)4 78 87 20 00 Fax : +33 (0)4 78 87 20 90 www.biomerieux-diagnostics.com www.firstlinebiology.com marked products Contact your local bioMérieux representative for availability bioNexia Legionella ® All of bioMérieux’s microbiology expertise in a rapid urine antigen test bioNexia Legionella ® Did you know? Rapid detection of Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 directly from urine samples Why perform a Legionella Rapid Urine Antigen Test? Legionnaires’ disease (LD) is a common cause of severe pneumonia requiring hospitalization. l The clinical syndrome of Legionella pneumonia is generally non-specific.5 71% of cases are community-acquired, 20% are travel-associated, 8% are linked to healthcare facilities.1 lD iagnostic testing for Legionella species for Among confirmed cases of pneumonia due to Legionella 2: Excellent performance to ensure an accurate first-line answer all patients admitted to the hospital for CAP* is therefore highly recommended.6 98% are caused by Performance on non-concentrated urine lE arly initiation of targeted antibiotics is crucial for L. pneumophila, successful treatment and to reduce mortality rates .7,8 85% by L. pneumophila disease is essential to: - decrease prescription of broad-spectrum antibiotics, - shorten length of stay, - improve patient outcomes through rapid, and targeted therapy.6 1% - 22% of legionellosis cases observed among pneumonia cases. 3,4 (79/82) Negative % Agreement 100% 97.56% 100% (279/282) (280/282) (200/200) 98.94% ▲ (80/82) 96.34% Global % Agreement ▲ Performance on concentrated urine Positive % Agreement lA ccurate laboratory diagnosis of Legionella serogroup 1. ▲ (200/200) 99.29% Comparison with another Legionella rapid test performed on 282 samples ✔ Validated protocols for non-concentrated and concentrated urines to fit with your quality process. 100% of bioNexia Legionella tests are quality checked How to diagnose a Legionella infection? with no additional cost URINE SAMPLE Legionella pneumophila Urinary antigen (Lp1) Suspicion of Legionella: diagnostic algorithm (adapted from HSCP**, 2013) ✔ Innovative control line (patent pending): the C+ line is coated with an inactivated + Legionella pneumophila antigen. - ✔ In addition to migration checks, bioNexia® Legionella confirms conjugate is “bioactive” for all cassette tests. HIGH SUSPICION LOWER RESPIRATORY SAMPLE LOWER RESPIRATORY SAMPLE CULTURE (systematic) + PCR - + Strain sent to reference lab * Community-Acquired Pneumonia ** HCSP : Haut Conseil de Santé Publique ■ Symptoms, outbreaks, at risk patients TYPING STOP ■ STOP Sample sent to reference lab ✔ A 15 minute answer for emergency situations. CULTURE - Ease-of-use for universal practice + ✔ 1 simple step with addition of 3 drops of urine. ✔ bioNexia® Legionella is compatible with standard urine transport tubes. Strain sent to reference lab More information in the Instructions for Use TYPING 03-15 / 9308849/008/GB/A / Document and/or pictures not legally binding. Modifications by bioMérieux can be made without prior notice / BIOMÉRIEUX, the blue logo, ARGENE, BIONEXIA, DIVERSILAB, FIRST LINE BIOLOGY, R-GENE and VITEK are used, pending and/or registered trademarks belonging to bioMérieux, or one of its subsidiaries, or one of its companies / Any other name or trademark is the property of its respective owner / bioMérieux S.A. 673 620 399 RCS Lyon / Photos : C. Ganet / Printed in France / thera RCS Lyon B 398 160 242 Our complete solution for Legionella testing Culture media GVPC and VITEK® MS First Line Biology® tests for Laboratories bioNexia® Legionella Detection within 15 min of Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 in urine samples Identification of all Legionella species GVPC agar - 20 plates (90 mm) Ref. 43031 bioNexia® Legionella - 25 tests Ref. 414263 URINE SAMPLE Legionella pneumophila Urinary antigen (Lp1) + HIGH SUSPICION LOWER RESPIRATORY SAMPLE LOWER RESPIRATORY SAMPLE CULTURE (systematic) + PCR - + Strain sent to reference lab TYPING STOP ■ CULTURE - + STOP Sample sent to reference lab ARGENE® Strain sent to reference lab TYPING DiversiLab® Legio pneumo/ Cc r-gene® DL Propionibacterium kit Automated Legionella strain typing in 4 hours for epidemiological surveillance Qualitative real time PCR detection of all Legionella pneumophila serogroups within 3.5 hours DL Propionibacterium kit 24 tests - Ref. 410987 Legio pneumo/Cc r-gene® 60 tests - Ref. 71-046 REFERENCES 1. Beauté J, Zucs P, de Jong B. Euro Surveill. 2013;18(10):pii=20417. 2. ECDC surveillance report. Legionnaires’ disease in Europe. 2012. 3. Fields BS, Benson RF, Besser RE. Clin Microbiol Rev. 2002;15(3):506-26. 4. Lück PC.. Legionella: Molecular Microbiology. Editors: Heuner K, Swanson M. Caister Academic Press. UK. 2008. 5. Yu VL, Ramirez J, Roig J, Sabria M. Clin Infect Dis. 2004;39(11):1734-7. 6. British Thoracic Society guidelines for the management of community acquired pneumonia in adults: update 2009. 7. Mandell LA, Wunderink RG, Anzueto A, et al. Clin. Infect. Dis. 2007;44(suppl 2):527-572. 8. Stout JE, Sens K, Mietzner S, et al. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2005;25:302-7. bioMérieux S.A. 69280 Marcy l’Etoile France Tel. : +33 (0)4 78 87 20 00 Fax : +33 (0)4 78 87 20 90 www.biomerieux-diagnostics.com www.firstlinebiology.com marked products Contact your local bioMérieux representative for availability bioNexia Legionella ® All of bioMérieux’s microbiology expertise in a rapid urine antigen test
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