The Herald Sunday, March 29, 2015 ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST Roman Catholic Church Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord 168 Chestnut St., Lockport, NY 14094 Rectory Office: (716) 433-8118 St. John’s Outreach: (716) 433-5252 St. John’s Faith Formation : (716) 478-3565 St. John’s Catholic Store: (716) 434-4219 DeSales Catholic School: (716) 433-6422 MONDAY 6PM ^hEzD^^^͗Sat. Vigil: 5:00 PM, Sunday: 7, 8:30, 10 AM & 12 Noon ,K>zzD^^^͗Holy Day: 7:00 & 8:00AM, 12:10 PM & 7:00 PM />zD^^^͗Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM, and 12:10 PM, Sat. 8:00 AM ^ZDEdK&ZKE/>/d/KE;KE&^^/KEͿ͗Sat.: 4:00-4:45 PM & Thurs. before 1st Fri.: 4:00-4:30 PM ^d͘:hEKsE͗Tuesday after 8 AM Mass Infant &Child Baptism Preparation sessions are now at 6pm on the First Tuesday of the month. St John’s Outreach Center Hours Mon., Wed., & Fri: 12-3pm (716) 433-5252 Please help us to re-stock the following Hygiene items: disposable razors, deodorant. Saturday, March 28 5:00PM Rhonda Hausrath by Christopher, Beth & Children Sunday, March 29 We would like to thank everyone who donated rice for the Nicaragua Mission project 7:00AM Joseph Villone by Joe & Elaine 8:30AM BIRTH REM: Mary Truscio by Husband, Son & Daughter 10:00AM IN MEMORY OF: Carl Smugor by Florence Burnett 12:00PM Catherine & Benjamin Trudnowski by Ben Trudnowski Monday, March 30 Clothing Ministry needs: 8:00AM Mike Payne by Debby & Michael Boron 12:10PM BIRTH REM: Julia J. Naples by Family All sizes of bedding sheets and comforters Tuesday, March 31 For infants: crib sheets, blankets, hooded bath towels, rattles, pacifiers Furniture Ministry needs: 8:00AM 12:10PM IN MEMORY OF: Fr. James Roth by Madeline Chenez Steliani Labate from Daughter & Family Wednesday, April 1 8:00AM Florence Maul by Daughter, Donna 12:10PM DEATH REM: John D. Fermoile Sr. by Wife & Family Box springs and mattresses of all sizes through Queen Thursday, April 2: HOLY THURSDAY Kitchen Tables Friday, April 3: GOOD FRIDAY Small sofas and chairs NO MORNING MASS 7:00PM Cecelia Dumphrey by the Family NO MASSES ON GOOD FRIDAY ANYWERE IN THE WORLD 3:00 PM Good Friday Service & Veneration of the Cross Saturday, April 4: HOLY SATURDAY EASTER VIGIL ONLY 8:30PM For the Newly Initiated Sunday, April 5: EASTER SUNDAY 7:00AM Eugene Landrigan by John & Linda Rosenberg 8:30AM Dorothy Sullivan-Wells by Michael & Debby Boron 10:00AM DEATH REM: Mary Lou Blackley by the Family 12:00PM Yolanda Gorman by Imelda McGowan Bring your bottles and cans to the Good Neighbor Redemption Center on Walnut St. across from Harrison Place. Proceeds benefit Outreach. The Sanctuary Lamp is lit this week For Deceased Members of the Ladies of Charity For details about this special intention, call the rectory. The Sanctuary Lamp is the 7-day candle next to the Tabernacle which signifies that the Real Presence of Christ is within it. Your assistance as trained altar servers, Eucharistic ministers and lectors (team members and substitutes) is greatly needed in anticipation of Holy Week services beginning Palm Sunday. One extra lector is needed for each Palm Sunday weekend mass, March 28 & 29, 2015, to assist the regular Team B lector in the gospel reading. On Holy Thursday (the evening mass of the Lord’s Supper on April 2, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.) four (4) Eucharistic ministers and two (2) lectors are needed as well as altar servers. In addition, we are seeking volunteers for the following: Three (3) oil bearers and twelve (12) volunteers for the washing of the feet. This is a wonderful opportunity to participate in this profound service. On Good Friday (Celebration of the Lord’s Passion) on April 3, 2015 at 3:00 p.m.) three (3) Eucharistic ministers and two (2) lectors are needed. On the Glorious Easter Vigil (Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 8:30 p.m.) four (4) Eucharistic ministers and four (4) lectors are needed. On Easter Sunday, April 5, 2015, a normal Sunday mass schedule will be followed with Team C Eucharistic ministers, lectors and altar servers. Our Parish drive total is now almost $85,000 from 423 donors. Thanks for your support in moving us toward our goal of $112,000 ! Our thanks go out to all who have contributed thus far. The next week is a critical period for the Drive. If you have not yet participated, please attempt do so, and help your Parish achieve its goal for the third straight year. The Ancient order of Hibernians, William J. Ryan Division VI, has scholarships available for college, high school and DeSales students of Hibernian families. Applications are available at Sullivan's Hair Design, 458 Walnut Street, and will be accepted until Monday, April 27. Call John Sullivan at 434-0175 with questions. A WARM WELCOME TO Fr. Walter Szczesny who is joining our Lockport community as Pastor of All Saints Parish! The Lenten Penance Service is Monday at 6pm. Holy Thursday Mass is at 7pm. Good Friday Service at 3pm. Easter Vigil is at 8:30pm. Regular Sunday Schedule on Easter PASTOR: PAROCHIAL VICAR: PASTOR EMERITUS: PARISH BUSINESS MANAGER: SACRAMENTAL ASSISTANT: COORDINATOR OF LIFELONG FAITH FORMATION: FORMATION TEAM: FORMATION SECRETARY: DIRECTOR OF OUTREACH: COORD. OF OUTREACH CLIENT & VOLUNTEER SVCES DIRECTOR OF MUSIC: FACILITIES MANAGER: ST. JOHN’S CATHOLIC STORE: The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on May 19th at 7pm. Bishop Richard Malone will be the celebrant. Please keep the 61 candidates who are preparing for the sacrament in your prayers. Rev. James A. Waite ● [email protected] Rev. Joseph C. Dumphrey, OSFS ● [email protected] Rev. Msgr. Donald R. Wangler Cheryl Naples ● [email protected] Robert Goodlander, OFS ● [email protected] Cheryl Donnelly ● [email protected] Kathleen Wilson ● [email protected] Brenda Randolph ● [email protected] Michael Boron ● [email protected] Virginia Gonzalez ● [email protected] Lucy Wronski ● [email protected] Robert Vanderlinde ● [email protected] Jane Coakley ● [email protected] ST. JOHN’S CATHOLIC STORE Phone: 434-4219 STORE HOURS: Wed. & Fri. 10-3 and after Masses on the weekend. Check out our selection of cards, gifts, religious articles, jewelry and books Eucharistic Ministers, Ministers of the Word & Altar Servers for Next Weekend: TEAM C Estabania Andino, Anna Mary Archie, Jacqueline Artieri, Pauline Bain, Mildred Bartz, Rose Batt, Betty Beauman, Sandy Benevento, Rose Bergman, David Berhalter, Mary Ann Bishop, Elizabeth Bishop, Wayne Bixby, Patrick Bower, Mary Ann Boyne, Charles Brown, Josephine Burgio, John Call, Joanne Chambers, Robert Cinelli, Rosalia Clark, Josephine Cline, Linda Coffey, Mary Regan Condon, Doug Conlin, Robert Cramer, Derek Cutter, Donald Cutter, Tracey DiNicolantonio, Sally Dockery, Douglas DeFilippo, Challis Dietz, Herbert Dietz, Sr., Gary DiMaggio, Ethel Donner, Harold Donoughe, Jean Dysinger, Charles Faraci, Im Sun Fermoile, James Fiegel, Daniel Fitzgerald, Sargent Fitzgerald, Joanne Follick, Terry Fox, Bob Frey, Barbara French, Joe Furioso, Mary Gangi, Mary Garlock, Albert Gates, Joseph Graham, Paul Gregoire, Charles Guarnieri, Martin Hartz, Vincinza Harvey, Francis Hensel, Darlene Hereth, Cecelia Hillman, Art Hintz, Ruth Jagow, Tammy Jordan, Jerome Kern, Margaret-Mary Kern, Deanna Klumpp, Jack Langdon, Alyce LaPort, Sandra LeBar, Helene Lee, Michael Lewandowski, Eileen Ludwig, David Manna, Jason McGahan, James McKenna, Bill McLean, Lorna McLean, Donna Mellenthien, Margaret Moor, Jane Moore, Dennis Moran, Diane Moskalik, Albert Mullaney, Jamie Naple, Deborah Nichols, Lynda Niland, Christopher Niver, Kenneth Nugent, Fanny Orlando, Jeremy Paananen, Lynn Peacock, Louis Peracciny Jr., Jean Pettit, Daniel Petock, Marcia Plants, Judy Porroni, Shirley Prue, Carolyn Putalavage, Samuel Quagliana, Eleanor Raymond, Cecelia Reger, Sally Remmele, Gretchen Ridler, Sandra Rooney, Concetta Rosati, Connie Rosetti, Robert J. Roth, Joseph Rucci, Anthony Sammarco, Diane Sammarco, Robert Sanders, John Santarsiero, Cindy Sargent, Jeannie Sargent, Patricia Schiavitti, Margaret Schomers, Mary Schubauer, Mary Seaver, James Shanahan, Karen Smith, Phillip Smith, John Sommers, Helen Spedding, James Spedding, Carl Stieffenhofer, Susan Storbeck, Ace Strickland, Anita Sullivan, Jennifer Sullivan, Jamey Tatu, Jimmy Tatu, Joanne Tatu, Rose Tatu, Frank Teglash, Clara Tilney, Marcia Tilney, Cory Todak, Michael Tomaino, Larry Truscio, Rosemarie Tucker, Carmen Ubiles, Margaret Vanderlinde, Albert Ventura, Sandra Weger, Joe Whalen, MaryLou Williams, Jean Wise, and Catherine Wyshyvanuk. Altar Care for April 4 & 11 Carolyn Luick & Bev Nuwer exáà |Ç cxtvx Michael James Dmochowski Robert Linderman Steven Olick James Witkop ASSISTIVE LISTENING DEVICES AVAILABLE An usher or minister can direct you to the sacristy where they are kept and you can make use of this device to hear mass. PRUDDEN AND KANDT FUNERAL HOME, INC. 242 Genesee Street 433-6300 Choose to bank where you belong... Borrow & Save In the Neighborhood 260 West Avenue Call 434-4180 JOHN M. ROSENBERG ANDREW G. 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TILNEY, JR. ——— Attorney at Law ——— General & Appellate Practice Saturday & Evening Hours Upon Request 80 Park Ave., Lockport, NY Office: 434-6000 4-D-5-3 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-0428/o
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