îµ±¶š®²Š®± N¯S®u® N¯P¯Áwµ x‡®±ï±q®. N¯S®u® w®S®Š®, AŠ®oã S®, „®u¯äî®r. Phone: 08282-272484/270094, Fax:08282-270937 š®ºPµã:FFR/DF/RM/Reg/14-15/354 vw¯ºN®: 25.032015 y®äN®hnµ îµ±¶š®²Š®± N¯S®u® N¯P¯Áwµ x‡®±ï±q®, AŠ®oã S® - „®u¯äî®r Cªå wµ²ºu¯‰±š®©ÞhÔ AŠ®oã S®±rÙSµu¯Š®Š® 2015-2017Š® š¯ªSµ œµ²š®u¯T wµ²ºu¯‰±š®±î®/ w®ï°N®‹š®ªYÏš®±î® AŠ®oã S®±rÙSµu¯Š®Š®± vw¯ºN®: 25.04.2015 Š® š®î®±‡®± 4:00 S®ºgµ‡µ²¡®Sµ, Hz››Hy¬ î®±q®±Ù xuµÁ°ý®N®Š®± (AŠ®oã), N¯S®u® w®S®Š®, „®u¯äî®r-577302 CSµ xS®vÃq® AdÁ w®î®±²wµ‡®±ªå wµ²ºu®p ý®±©Ê Š®².1000/S®¡®w®±Ý ‡®¾¯î®¼u¯u®Š®² AºT°N®³q® „¯ãºOw®ªå îµ±¶š®²Š®± N¯S®u® N¯P¯Áwµ x‡®±ï±q®, „®u¯äî®r Hº… œµš®‹w®ªå qµSµu® m¯ãºl¬ l¯ä‚¬Ôwµ²ºvSµ š®ªåš®©± Nµ²Š®Œ¯Tuµ. q®u®w®ºq®Š® …Š®±î® AdÁS®¡®w®±Ý ›æ°N®‹š®Œ¯S®±î®¼v©å. AdÁ w®î®±²wµS®¡®w®±Ý î®±q®±Ù Ç®Š®q®±ÙS®¡®± / x„®ºu®wµS®¡®w®±Ý Hz››Hy¬ î®±q®±Ù xuµÁ°ý®N®Š®± (AŠ®oã) C® N¯‡®¾¯Á©‡®±u®ªå vw¯ºN®: 22.04.2015 Š® š®î®±‡®± 4:00 S®ºgµ ‡µ²¡®Sµ As®î® îµ²u®©± N®Zµ°‹ îµ°¡µ‡®±ªå y®lµ‡®±…œ®±u¯Tuµ. Hº.z.Hº. š®ºšµÚ‡®±± ‡®¾¯î®¼uµ° N¯Š®oî®w®±Ý x°l®uµ° S®±rÙSµu¯Š®Š¯T wµ²ºu¯‰±š®±î®/w®ï°N®‹š®±î® As®î® rŠ®š®Ê‹š®±î® œ®N®Êw®±Ý N¯‰±Û‹›uµ. Bš®OÙ CŠ®±î®î®Š®± œµYÏw® ¯ŸrSµ D ¬šµ¶hw®±Ý wµ²°l®…œ®±u®±. www.mpm.co.in îµ±¶š®²Š®± N¯S®u® N¯P¯Áwµ x‡®±ï±q® y®Š®î¯T. š®Ÿ/Hz››Hy¬ î®±q®±Ù xuµÁ°ý®N®Š®± (AŠ®oã) The Mysore Paper Mills Ltd., Forest Division, Paper Town, Bhadravathi-577 302 Phone: 08282-272484/270094, Fax:08282-270937 No.FFR/DF/RM/REG/14-15/354 Date: 25.03.15 NOTIFICATION The existing and other contractors who are interested to register/renew their names with MPM Forest Division, Bhadravathi for the period 2015-17 as MPM Forest Contractor may submit their application in the prescribed form by paying registration fee of Rs.1000/- in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of MPM Ltd., Paper Town, Bhadravathi within 25.04.2015 at 4:00 PM to the office of APCCF & Director (Forests). Applications received after the due date will not be accepted. The prescribed application form and other terms & conditions can be had from the office of the undersigned on or before 22.04.2015 at 4:00 PM. MPM reserves the right to register/renew as MPM Contractor or reject any or all without assigning any reason thereof. Interested contractors can also refer to our website: www.mpm.co.in for THE MYSORE PAPER MILLS LTD., Sd/APCCF & Director (Forests) Application form for Registration/Renewal as MPM Forest Contractor. Sub: Application for Registration/Renewal as MPM Forest Contractor in the Mysore Paper Mills Ltd., Forest Division, Bhadravathi for the year 2015-17 Ref: Notification No.FFR/DF/RM/Reg./14-15/354/dt.25.03.2015 Last date for submission of application form is: 25.04.2015 From: …………………………. …………………………. …………………………. …………………………. …………………………. To, The APCCF & Director (Forests) The Mysore Paper Mills Ltd., Paper Town – Post, BHADRAVATHI – 577 302 Dear Sir, With reference to the subject cited above, I am hereby submitting my application for Registration/Renewal as MPM Forest Contractor for the period 2015-17 and enclosing a Demand Draft No. _________________ dated _______________ drawn in favour of The Mysore Paper Mills Ltd., Bhadravati, for Rs.1000/- . I request that my name may kindly be registered/renewed in the list of MPM Forest Registered Contractors. Signature of the applicant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Name of the applicant (Firm or contractor) Full address (Residential address with phone No) Phone No: ___________________________ Cell No. Previous registration No. & date in MPM as a forest contractor, if any, Turnover (Balance sheet) for the past 3 years. Income tax clearance certificate issued by the income tax department. Service Tax Registration No. (copy of registration to be enclosed) Sales tax certificate/TIN Number issued by commercial tax department. Agreeable to execute bank guarantee/Security Deposit. Extent of solvency (Details immovable property in his name and the value thereof. A certificate should be produced from the revenue department -2- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 List of contracts taken in previous years in MPM/KFDC/KSFIC & KFD (the contractor should have handled the extraction & transportation work of minimum quantity of 1000 MT during the last 5 years. Name of the forest leases/forest works he wished to take and the amount upto, which he wished to take leases/undertake works. List of registration No of the lorries owned or managed by the applicant only (copy to be enclosed) An undertaking on a stamped paper of Rs.30/- for not black listed either by MPM/KFD/KFDC/KSFIC Has the applicant registered himself as a contractor with any other registering officer in the forest department? If so, full details have to be furnished. The work performance certificate issued by the concerned CFO of MPM should be enclosed Those who are interesting to seek fresh registration in MPM Forest Division as a Forest Contractor can also apply as per the notification for registration by furnishing the available documents along with registration fee, but their registration would be considered by judging the economic capability and capacity to take up the extraction & transportation of pulpwood from our captive plantation based on the verification and recommendation from our Chief Forest Officers. Professional Tax Certificate issued by competent authority I hereby declare that the particulars furnished above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Place: Bhadravathi Date:……………… Signature of the applicant Name: Address: Details to be furnished by the applicant: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Name of the applicant (Firm or contractor) Full address (Residential address with phone No) Phone No: Cell No Previous registration No. & date in MPM as a forest contractor, if any, Turnover (Balance sheet) for the past 3 years. Income tax clearance certificate issued by the income tax department. Sales tax certificate/Tin Number issued by commercial tax dept., Service Tax Registration No. (copy of certificate issued by the competent authority to be enclosed) To execute Rs.25,000/- or Rs.50,000/- bank guarantee for one year in the name of Director (Forests), MPM Bdvt., To execute bank guarantee as below: i) For extraction & transportation of pulpwood i.e., Euca, Acacia & Pine Rs.25,000/ii) For extraction & transportation of Bamboo Rs.25,000/iii) For extraction & transportation of both pulpwood & Bamboo Rs.50,000/Extent of solvency (details of immovable property in his name & the value thereof). A certificate should be produced from the revenue department. The contractor should enclose the work performance certificate & no due certificate from the concerned CFO’s for having taken up extraction & transportation work in previous year in MPM. The contractor should enclose the work performance certificate & no due certificate from the concerned Forest Officer of KFD for having taken up extraction & transportation work. The contractor should have experience in extraction & transportation of 1000 MT of pulpwood in MPM/ KFDC/KFD/KSFIC, if any one of the year from the past 5-years and should produce the certificate for the same. Name of the forest leases/forest works he wished to take and the amount up to which he wished to take leases/ undertake works 15 To perform extraction & transpiration of both the pulpwood & bamboo. The contractor should own at least one lorry in his name. 16 An undertaking on a stamped paper of Rs.30/for not black listed either by MPM or KFD. 17 Has the applicant registered himself as a contractor with any other registering officer in the forest department? If so, full details have to be furnished. 18 Those who are interesting to seek fresh registration in MPM Forest Division as a Forest Contractor can also apply as per the notification for registration by furnishing the available documents along with registration fee, but their registration would be considered by judging the economic capability and capacity to take up the extraction & transportation of pulpwood from our captive plantation based on the verification and recommendation from our Chief Forest Officers. 19 Professional Tax Certificate issued by competent authority I hereby declare that the particulars furnished above are true to the best of my knowledge & belief. Place: Bhadravathi Date:……………… Signature of the applicant Name: Address: List of certificates to be enclosed: 1 2 Name of the Applicant (firm or Contractor). Full Address (Residential address with phone No.) Phone No: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Cell No Previous registration No. & date in MPM as a forest contractor, if anyTurn Over (Balance Sheet) for the past three years Income Tax Clearance Certificate issued by the Income Tax Department. Sales Tax Certificate issued by Commercial Tax Department. Service Tax Registration Certificate issued by competent authority. To execute Rs.25,000/- Rs.50,000/- Bank Guarantee for one year in the name of Director (Forests), MPM, Bhadravathi To execute Bank Guarantee as below:i) For extraction & Transportation of Pulpwood i.e., Euca, Acacia & Pine-Bank guarantee of Rs.25,000/-. ii) For extraction & Transportation of Bamboo-Bank guarantee of Rs.25,000/iii) For extraction & Transportation of both Pulpwood and Bamboo-Bank guarantee of Rs.50,000/Extent of solvency (details of immovable property in his name and the value thereof. A certificate should be produced from the revenue department The contractor should enclose the work performance certificate and no due certificate from the concerned chief forest officer for having taken up extraction & transportation work in previous years in MPM The contractor should enclose the work performance certificate and no due certificate from the concerned forest office of KFD for having taken up Extraction & Transportation work The contractor should have experience in Extraction and transportation of 1000 MT of pulpwood in MPM/KFDC/ KSFIC /KFD in any one of the year from the past 5-years and should produce the certificate for the same. To perform extraction & transportation of both pulpwood and bamboo, the contractor should own at least one lorry in his name (connecting document to be enclosed) An undertaking on a stamped paper of Rs.30/- for not blacklisted either by MPM or KFD As the applicant registered himself as a contractor with any other registering officer in the forest department if so, full details have to be furnished. Name of the Forest leases/forest works he wished to take and the amount upto, which he wished to take lease/ undertake works. Professional Tax Certificate issued by competent authority Place: Bhadravathi Date: Signature of the applicant Name: Address: îµ±¶š®²Š®± N¯S®u® N¯P¯Áwµ x‡®±ï±q®. N¯S®u® w®S®Š®, AŠ®oã S®, „®u¯äî®r. š®ºPµã: vw¯ºN®: 25.03.2015 FFR/DF/RM/Reg/2014-15/354 Ç®Š®q®±ÙS®¡®±/x„®ºu®wµS®¡®±:1) HºzHº AŠ®oã S®u®ªå, N®mq®Œµ î®±q®±Ù š¯S¯pNµ S®±rÙSµ Nµ©š®S®¡®w®±Ý xî®ÁŸ›u®ÛŠµ, š®º…ºu®y®hÔ î®±±Qã AŠ®oã AvÃN¯‹S®¡®± HºzHº Cºu® u®³mðN®Š®o î®±q®±Ù „µ°-„¯O y®q®äî®w®±Ý ©S®rÙš®±î®¼u®±. 2) N®w¯ÁhN® Š¯cã AŠ®oã CŒ¯Pµ‡®±ªå N®mq®Œµ î®±q®±Ù š¯S¯pNµ S®±rÙSµ Nµ©š® ¯mu®ÛŠµ Au®Š® Aw®±„®î®u® y®q®ä ©S®rÙš®±î®¼u®±. 3) Hº.z.Hº. AŠ®oã S®/N®.A.A.x,/N®.A.C/N®.Š¯.A.Nµ¶.x, N®mq®Œµ î®±q®±Ù š¯S¯pNµ S®±rÙSµ Nµ©š®S®¡®w®±Ý xî®ÁŸ›u®ÛŠµ š®º…ºu®y®hÔ AŠ®oã AvN¯‹S®¢ºu® y®lµu® N®¡µu® Ju®± î®Ç®ÁS®¡® N¯Œ¯î®vÇ®±ªå ‡®¾¯î®¼u¯u®Š®² Kºu®± î®Ç®Áu®ªå ÁN® 1000-îµ±.hw¬ S®¡®Ç®±Ô y®Œ¬Þl¬w®±Ý N®mq®Œµî®¾¯m š¯S¯pNµ ¯mŠ®±î® …SµÌ D îµ±©Êºl® š®ºšµÚS®¢ºu® u®³mðN®Š®o î®±q®±Ù „µ° „¯O y®q®äî®w®±Ý ©S®rÙš®±î®¼u®±. 4) Kºu®± î®Ç®Áu® Aî®vÃSµ X®Œ¯î®nµ‡®±±¡®ë Š¯cš®æ CŒ¯Pµ‰±ºu® Š®².50,000/-(Š®². Jî®q®±Ù š¯ïŠ®NµÊ) N®mîµ± C©åu® „¯ãºN¬ S¯ãŠ®ºi y®q®äî®w®±Ý î®±±Qã AŠ®oã š®ºŠ®£®n¯vN¯‹S®¡®± î®±q®±Ù xuµÁ°ý®N®Š®± (AŠ®oã) Hº.z.Hº. „®u¯äî®r C® œµš®‹Sµ KqµÙ‡®¾¯Tl®q®N®Êu®±Û. 5) ANµ°™‡®¾¯/x°©T‹/yµ¶w¬ y®Œ¬Þl¬ î®±Š®S®¡®w®±Ý N®mq®Œµ î®±q®±Ù š¯S¯pNµ As®î¯ „µ²º…± N®mq®Œµ î®±q®±Ù š¯S¯pNµ Nµ©š®u® S®±rÙSµ ¯l®ªYÏš®±î®î®Š®±, D HŠ®l®Š®ªå ‡®¾¯î®¼u¯u®Š®² Kºu®N¯Êu®Šµ Š®².25.000/(Š®²y¯‰± Cy®ÞqµÙȶu®± š¯ïŠ® ¯q®ä) NµÊ N®mîµ± C©åu® „¯ãºN¬ S¯ãŠ®ºi y®q®äî®w®±Ý x°l®„µ°N®±. îµ±°Œ¯Êp›u® HŠ®l®² Nµ©š®S®¢S¯u®Šµ Š®².50.000/-(Š®²y¯‰± Jî®q®±Ù š¯ïŠ® ¯q®ä) NµÊ N®mîµ± C©åu® „¯ãºN¬ S¯ãŠ®ºi y®q®äî®w®±Ý x°l®„µ°N®±. 6) îµ±°Œ¯Êp›u® HŠ®l®² Nµ©š®S®¢S¯u®Šµ N®xÇ®Õ Kºu®± (1) Œ¯‹‡®±w®±Ý š®æºq® œµ²ºvŠ®„µ°N®±. 7) Hº.z.Hº. AŠ®oã S®±rÙSµ Nµ©š®u®Œ¯åS®ª° As®î¯ N®w¯ÁhN® Š¯cã AŠ®oã CŒ¯Pµ‡®± S®±rÙSµ Nµ©š®u®Œ¯åS®ª° N®y®¼ÈÞ y®iÔSµ („¯åN¬ ªš¬Ô) šµ°‹©å… …SµÌ Š®²y¯‰± y®ä¯o y®q®ä x°l®±î®¼u®±. 30/-(Š®²y¯‰± î®±²î®q®±Ù ¯q®ä) Z¯y® N¯S®u®u®ªå 8) ®î®¾¯w® qµ‹Sµ, šµ°î¯ qµ‹Sµ î®±q®±Ù î¯pcã qµ‹Sµ CŒ¯Pµ‰±ºu® y®lµu® CrÙ°Yw® rŠ®±î®¢ y®q®äS®¡® y®ärS®¡®w®±Ý ©S®rÙš®±î®¼u®±. 9) D Ÿºuµ î®±²Š®± î®Ç®ÁS®¡® î¯iw® („¯ãŒµw¬éþ°g¬) y®är‡®±w®±Ý ©S®rÙš®±î®¼u®±. 10) N®¡µu® š¯ªw®ªå Bu® wµ²ºu®p/w®ï°N®Š®ou® š®ºPµã î®±q®±Ù vw¯ºN®î®w®±Ý AdÁ‡®±ªå w®î®±²vš®±î®¼u®±. 11) Hº.z.Hº. AŠ®oã S®±rÙSµu¯Š®Š¯T œµ²š®u¯T wµ²ºu®p‡®±w®±Ý ¯mš®©± CYÏš®±î®î®Š®± w®î®±â y®äN®hnµ‡®±ªå y®äN®i›Š®±î®±qµ wµ²ºu®pSµ „µ°N¯u® wµ²ºu®p ý®±©Ê î®±q®±Ù u¯QŒ¯rS®¡®w®±Ý Kl®Tš®„µ°N®±. Bu®Šµ D wµ²ºu®p‡®±± A® BtÁN® î®±q®±Ù w®î®±â AŠ®oãu® K¡®…¡®Nµ‡®± wµl®±qµ²°y®¼S®¡®ªå N®q¯äî®nµ î®±q®±Ù š¯S¯pNµ ¯l®©± š¯î®±s®ãÁïuµ‡µ±° Hº…±u®w®±Ý r°î®¾¯Áx›, î®±±Qã AŠ®n¯ãvÃN¯‹S®¡® y®‹þ°©wµ î®±q®±Ù þy¯Š®š®éw®±Ý y®‹S®p› wµ²ºu®p‡®±w®±Ý ¯l®Œ¯S®±q®Ùuµ. wµ²ºu®p/w®ï°N®‹š®±î® AdÁS®¡®w®±Ý ‡®¾¯î®¼uµ° N¯Š®oS®¡®w®±Ý x°l®uµ ›æ°N®‹š®±î®/rŠ®š®Ê‹š®±î® AvÃN¯Š®/ œ®N®±Ê Hz››Hy¬ î®±q®±Ù xuµÁ°ý®N®Š®± (AŠ®oã) Hº.z.Hº. „®u¯äî®r CSµ šµ°‹Š®±q®Ùuµ. A©åuµ îµ±°Œµ š®²Y›Š®±î® ¯ŸrS®¡®w®±Ý š®ºy®½oÁî¯T x°l®uµ° …Š®±î® AdÁS®¡®w®±Ý š®œ® rŠ®š®Ê‹š®Œ¯S®±î®¼u®±. Cu®©åuµ D š®º…ºu®î¯T Cw®²Ý œµYïw® ï®S®¡®w®±Ý š®u®‹ N®Zµ°‹‰±ºu® N®Zµ°‹ îµ°¡µ‡®±ªå y®lµ‡®±…œ®±u®±. š®Ú¡®: „®u¯äî®r vw¯ºN®: 25.03.2015 îµ±¶š®²Š®± N¯S®u® N¯P¯Áwµ x‡®±ï±q® y®Š®î¯T š®Ÿ/Hz››Hy¬ î®±q®±Ù xuµÁ°ý®N®Š®± (AŠ®oã)
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