POST-PRIMARY INSPECTION St Joseph’s College, Education and Training Inspectorate Enniskillen Report of a Sustaining Improvement Inspection in January 2015 Sustaining Improvement Inspection of St Joseph’s College, Enniskillen 223-0100 In the original inspection held in October 2011, St Joseph’s College was evaluated overall as very good. In January 2015, the Education and Training Inspectorate carried out a Sustaining Improvement Inspection which requires the school to demonstrate through effective self-evaluation that it is sustaining improvement, improving provision and raising standards. The inspection was based on two key areas in the school development plan (SDP): the implementation of a whole-school, uniform approach to assessment and the development of an assertive mentoring programme at key stage (KS) 4. Key findings The processes of self-evaluation leading to improvement are very effective. The school’s ‘assessment working group’ provides a sound foundation for research and for the development and implementation of a whole school approach to assessment. The work builds on existing assessment processes in KS4 to develop more uniform assessment standards and benchmarks in order to monitor and track the KS3 outcomes more effectively. The work of sustaining improvement is evident in the teaching and learning in lessons observed during the visit: the teachers are using a wide range of assessment for learning methods to inform lesson planning, to improve pupil engagement and to assist with target setting. There is a well-conceived ‘assertive mentoring’ programme provided by the teachers and learning support staff for all pupils at KS4; the pupils benefit well from regular one-to-one mentoring. The mentors make effective use of internal assessments, subject teachers’ feedback and judgements on the pupils’ work and progress, pupil feedback and discussions, and a wide range of pastoral information in order to set baselines, evaluate progress and address any under-achievement through appropriate intervention strategies. The pupils being mentored report that they: are more motivated; have a greater understanding of their learning; have raised their own expectations of what they may achieve; have a clearer focus on what they have to do to achieve; and are attaining higher standards in targeted subjects. The mentoring sessions observed during the visit were very effective in enabling the pupils to understand the aspects of their work which need to improve and to take appropriate actions to raise standards. The sessions used mentoring record sheets to collate performance data to help monitor and track the actions taken and improvements made. The pupils are encouraged to assess their own efforts and performance and to engage in peer assessment to enhance their motivation, confidence and self-esteem. Staff training in mentoring processes and skills remains an aspect for development. Conclusion St Joseph’s College continues to demonstrate its capacity for sustained self-improvement. CROWN COPYRIGHT 2015 This report is supplied in confidence.
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