International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2015) Design of GSM Based Smart Automatic Energy Metering System Kiran Mahale1, Shraddha Bansal2 Recent developments in this direction seem to provide opportunities in implementing energy efficient metering technologies that are more precise & accurate, error less, etc. The implementation of GSM based smart automatic energy meter provides with many vital features as compared with the analog meter reading. Some of these features are listed below, Abstract--Industrial wireless communication opens up many new possibilities for highly flexible and efficient solutions. In this paper use of GSM network is for energy metering system incorporating the widely used GSM network. In many countries GSM network is popular because of its vast coverage area & cost effectiveness. Using GSM as the medium for metering system provides a cheap, wireless, seamlesslyconnected, full duplex communication between utility company and energy metering system, the GSM based smart automatic energy meter sends information of service usage, power excellence and outage alert to service company, tampering finding to the service servers. Here, we propose use of GSM network to transmit message of bill to the server and generates a soft copy which will be send via short messaging services, Email. Keywords-- 89C51-Based Reading, GSM, Relay Control I. System, Automatic Far faster. Load management. Automatic billing invoice. Accurate energy cost. Tamper finding. Bundling with water and gas. Operated using remote. Improved load efficiency. Alarm warning. This system provides a full duplex communication between the electricity company and the load by sending in a lot of power parameters and control signal to reach the goal of load management and power need control. Based on GSM smart automatic power meter on supply automation can supply many capabilities such as efficient meter-reading, distribution, power control and monitoring, load organization and time of use rate. With quick growth of wireless mobile communication network, future use service will gradually concentrate on data communication service. GSM was developed wisely and has many realtime applications at current. It has lots of compensation such as extra constant network with healthy features, integrate almost all segments of the globe, continuation and security of information broadcast. It fulfill the requirement of impetus for data broadcast required for routine meter reading scheme. Meter INTRODUCTION The rapid change in mobile technology here we tried successfully to develop GSM based smart automatic energy meter system whose goal is to help collect the meter measurement automatically and possibly send commands to meter. Automation start from Connecting to a meter via an RS-232 interface for transmitting the meter measurements all the way from the meter to the utility company via GSM network. 1.1 Traditional Way In existing system for collection of energy utilization data is that the representatives of MSEB monthly comes and visit every residential , take the snap shot and corporate and manually reads the utilization data from meter. This composed information is written on a piece of paper along with a picture of the meter and finally submitted to the local electricity office. After that official's read the snap shot and meter readings and then gives it to the local software for bill calculations and generation of bill. Consumer will make payment for the bill received. This is quite hectic process. Human mistakes is countless. Many other problems do occur due to human resources and all are wasted. Now concludes to building a system that will do the above process automatically. 1.2 Message transmission using GSM GSM is used by over 1.5 billion people across more than 212 countries and territories. Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) is the world's most popular standard for mobile telephony systems. GSM also well known for low-cost implementation of the short message service (SMS) which allows segmenties to exchange delaytolerant short text messages. 294 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2015) Due to the low cost, wide coverage & convenient broadcast medium, it successful too involved researchers to think the use of SMS service. However there are some drawbacks regarding GSM network such as its scalability reliability and security SMS delivery success rate was found to be 94.9%. GSM uses several cryptographic algorithms for safety. The growth of UMTS introduces an not obligatory Universal Subscriber Identity Module (USIM), which utilize a longer authentication key to give better safety, as well as equally authenticating the system and the consumer. The paper consists of following sections: Section II describes the proposed system design. The scheme having a 32-bit ARM microprocessor to contract with power information dispensation and relay manage, which transmits the power expenditure values occasionally, via an accessible GSM system to a main station. Section III and IV explain the hardware design and software unconnectedly of GSM based smart routine energy indicator. Section V ends the paper. II. The energy utilization is being calculated using a standard calibrated energy meter. In order to prevent unofficial connection, mismatch with the power meter, a modification finding component is added in this slab. The digital date generated from this section is then sent to ARM-based embedded system to compute power parameters. The GSEMS can be divided into five segments; these five segments separately are power unit (PU), relay control unit (RCU), and ARM-based embedded scheme (AES), wireless communication module (WCM) and utility control center (UCC). The hardware explanation of five segments is given as follows. SYSTEM STRUCTURE The system structure of GSM based smart automatic energy meter system is shown in fig. 1. The network meter analysis scheme consists of incurable gauge meters, sensors, clever terminals, organization centre and wireless communication system. Clever incurable or AMR edge, a hardware linked to a meter or a system of meters, which fetch data as of meter(s). Management Center, mainly a computer or a network of computers, which collects the data sent by the AMR interface. Communication medium or GSM system, which enables transfer between the AMR interface and the center. Meter-reading, computation and charge can be finished at the management centre of every house. The accuse message i.e. SMS or Email would drive to tenant at usual intervals. The GSM system establishes a full duplex link in between the clever terminal and the supervision center given that useful skin as mentioned on top. III. Figure.1 Structure of diagram of GSEMS IV. H ARDWARE ARCHITECTURE The GSM based smart automatic energy meter can be divided into five segments; these five segments separately are power unit (PU), relay control unit (RCU), ARM-based embedded system (AES), and wireless communication module(WCM) and utility control center (UCC). The hardware architecture and appearance of GSM based smart automatic energy meter is as shown as Fig. 2. The energy utilization is being calculated using a standard calibrated energy meter. In order to prevent unofficial connection, mismatch with the energy meter, a damage finding unit is extra in this chunk. The digital date created from this slab is then sent to ARM-depends on embedded scheme to compute control parameters. H ARDWARE ARCHITECTURE The hardware architecture and appearance of GSEMS is as shown as Fig. 2. 295 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2015) The hardware explanation of five segments is inserted as follows. 4.1. Energy measuring unit (EMU) The energy measuring unit consists of a standard calibrated energy meter along with the tampering finding circuit. If any changes other than the defined voltage or specified values are obtained, the ARM-based embedded system (AES) generates the essential signals required for further operations. In many countries, it is seen that the consumers attempt to obtain electrical energy unlawfully. These incoming losses of stolen power for utility companies are very high. It’s essential for utility meter to have the capability of tamper finding. The following events are considered for tamper finding by the method. Missing potential event Current unbalance event Current reversal event If some above occasion occurs, the AES will record the meter status in database and inform UCC about tamper warning on the instant. 4.2. Control unit using Relay (RCU) The RCU is a vital segment in GSEMS. It provides the useful functionality of remotely switching the power ON/OFF to the user. It consists of a defensive relay, roller control circuit & line breaker. Figure. 2 Hardware Architecture 1 4.3.89C51 microcontroller-based embedded system (MBES) The MBES is termed to the heart of GSEMS. The AT89C51 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcomputer with 4K bytes of Flash programmable and erasable read only memory (PEROM). The device is manufactured using Phillips’s high-density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the industrystandard MCS-51 instruction put & pin out. The on-chip spark allows the plan recall to be reprogrammed in-system or by a straight nonvolatile recall programmer. By adding a versatile 8-bit CPU with Flash on a massive chip, the Phillips microcontroller AT89C51 is a influential microcomputer which gives a highly-flexible and costeffective solution to many embedded control applications. 4.4. Wireless communication module (WCM) The GSEMS adopts a SIM 300 GSM modem manufactured by SIMCOM limited as the wireless communication unit. SIM300 is a Tri-band GSM/GPRS engine that works on frequencies EGSM-900MHz, DCS1800MHz & PCS-1900MHz. SIM300 is designed with power saving technique, the current utilization to as small as 2.5mA in SLEEP manner. The SIM300 is included with TCP/IP protocol, comprehensive TCP/IP AT instructions are also urbanized for using the TCP/IP protocol easily, which is very useful for those data transfer applications. 4.5. Utility control center (UCC) The UCC resides in the utility company and has a PC as control server with needed programs and storage to read and collect power parameters from MBES via communication system. The specifications of server are as follows: 296 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2015) 2.4 GHz Intel Pentium IV processor 512 Megabytes RAM 80 Gigabyte Hard Disk 15" LCD Monitor DVD-Rom Drive 100 Mbps. Network Connections Dot-matrix printer. V. SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE The system software is implemented by C language in the Keil MCB2130 software along with blaze thrilling. All software extension tasks with control, compiling and debugging can be consummate using the above mentioned software’s. Figure 4. Flowchart for server end terminal 5.1. Terminal Software Design According to the hardware circuit design features, terminal software design flow chart is given and shown in Figure 3. In beginning, initialization takes place of each module followed by it reads the meter readings regularly, and stores them. When receiving the instruction, the meter sends the current status along with the energy consumption. In case of uncertain events such as reverse voltage, tampering, etc the GSEMS will generate error signals by enabling pre-programmed flags. The system is usually in reserve mode. The manager may read the contents of the condition register to check data transmit status. 5.2. Terminal Software Design at Server End In accordance to the function of the hardware circuit plan, the software programming scheme of server end terminal is as follows: Figure 3. Flow chart for Meter Reading T terminal 297 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2015) The system completes starting, and then sends instructions to the meter analysis terminal via the GSM modem. When the host GSEMS receives the signal, it will choose the information and revise the database at the identical time, send the use to the customer via SMS or Email. The in general software flow chart is shown in Figure 4. VI. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] CONCLUSION [4] The GSM based smart automatic energy meter (GSEMS) presented in this paper absorbed many advanced study results in computer technology and communication technology. The GSM networks plays an important role because it has good coverage facility and to manage fault tolerance The unit-reading task can be finished at the management authority by using this system. 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