Page 1 HOLY TRINITY Palm Sunday Passion of the Lord Catholic Parish March 29, 2015 “Blessed are you, who have come in your abundant mercy!” Holy Trinity Catholic Women’s League The next Holy Trinity CWL General Meeting will be th held Wednesday, April 8 , 2015 at 7:00 p.m. In addition to our regular business, members will be taking part in making our candy chocolate bouquets which are being sold the May 2 & 3 weekend. Many hands make light work. I welcome back those members who helped last year when we did this project with our youth group. Any member requiring a ride, please contact Fatima at 519-290-1649. Personal toiletries & hygiene products Each year at the London Diocesan Convention, attending councils are asked to bring a gift as a way of thanking the hosting councils for the great work organizing the convention. This year, local women’s shelters, in the London area, will be the recipients of these gifts. CWL members are asked to contribute new personal toiletries (for example: deodorants and toothpaste) and hygiene products (for example: shampoo and body soap) as tokens of our appreciation. A labelled bin will be available in the Narthex (gathering area) and all items will be collected until Sunday, April 19th. 10 members will be attending our Diocesan CWL Convention. “Finding Joy in Your Journey” – Concert & Comedy with Wendy Farha Thursday, April 16, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at Holy Trinity Parish Cost: $17.00 (Refreshments during Intermission) A delightful evening of music & laughter. Makes a great date night or outing with friends and family. Please see poster in the glass display cases at entrances for more details. This weekend, tickets will be available for purchase in the gathering area after each Mass. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON SOCIAL Drop in anytime starting at 1:00 p.m.– 4:00 p.m. The Legion of Mary Meetings ~ Tuesday evenings at 7:40 pm Questions?, please call Jennifer at 519 -465-4009 Knights of Columbus, Council 3515 Contact information for: The Knights of Columbus Grand Knight: Email address: [email protected] Phone Number: 519-532-4211 Breakfast Knights of Columbus Monthly Breakfast will be held on Sunday, March 29th starting at 9:30 am until 11:00 am. Goodwill offering accepted. We are always looking for volunteers to help with set up, serving and clean up; as many hands make for light work. Bottle/Can Drive The Knights of Columbus would like to thank all parishioners, families and friends for the continued support in pop, beer cans and bottles and all returnable LCBO empties. Our next full drive with trucks and trailers will be on Saturday, March 28th & Sunday, March 29th. Thank you everyone. Calling all Knights of Columbus Members Our next meeting will be held on Monday, March 30th, 2015. Executive meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m., followed by a General Assembly meeting at 7:30 p.m. Hope to see all of you there. Come on out and share your ideas and let your voice be heard. Just a reminder, dues for 2015 can be made at the meetings or by placing the dues in a sealed envelope with “Knights of Columbus Dues” written on the outside and dropping the envelope in the offertory basket. Dues are $45.00 Knights of Columbus Lottery Tickets Every year the Knights of Columbus support the Canadian Arthritis Society through their Annual Lottery Tickets. The tickets are $5.00 each and are available for sale at the next Knights Breakfast or by contacting any Knight. Draw date is July 16, 2015. Last year three winning tickets were sold by our council, so don’t miss out on your chance to support a great cause and win some great prizes. Reflections from our Readings From today’s Gospel reading: Those preceding Jesus as well as those following kept crying out, "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord." Reflection: Humans fight to gain power over others. Disciples are not exempt from these ambitions; but Jesus knew that God’s rule would come by his patient suffering and death. How different is that! The crowd and we look for displays of power. But Jesus offers us the cross. So we ask ourselves: God’s power appears as weakness to the world? What could that mean? When and in what places have we experienced the power of God in weakness? Page 2 HOLY TRINITY PalmSunday Passion of the Lord Catholic Parish March 29, 2015 “Blessed are you, who have come in your abundant mercy!” Palm Sunday ~ Some Musings Isaiah 50.4-7; Philippians 2.6-11; Mark 14.1-15, 47 "Truly, this man was God's son." As we hear these gospel stories proclaimed, we'd do well to ask ourselves which of the characters we are like. There are those who shout "Hosannas" loudly one day and the next are screaming just as loudly to have Jesus crucified. There are those on the periphery of the story, the man with donkey colt and the one with the upper room. There are those bystanders, watching, wondering. There's a chief priest, wanting only to be rid of the problem of having to deal with this Man. There's Pilate, who really doesn't want to have Him crucified but is too afraid to stand firm. There are those who whip Him mercilessly and taunt Him and crown Him with a crown of thorns. There's Simon, who will, albeit unwillingly, carry the cross. There are the Roman guards who nail Jesus to the cross and gamble for His clothing. There's His mother, silent, sorrowing, unable to do anything but stand by and pray for her beloved Son. As I read these two gospels, hear them proclaimed, I ask myself, which of them am I like. And I don't always like the answer. The question ought to burn in my heart and make me evaluate my faith. Certainly there are many times in my life when I shout with praise and adoration, but there are also many times when through my actions and words, I crucify the Lord. Each time I fail to stand in the face of injustice, I lay another load to the cross He carries. Each time I sin, I add one more stripe to His wounds. Each time I turn my back on those in need, thinking only of my own wants, I crown His head with thorns. When I fail to stand firm in the face of injustice and wrong doing, it's then that like Pilate, I bend to the weight of public opinion. It's these answers that are hard for me to acknowledge. But if I am to grow in my faith, I must accept them and seek ways to improve, to find pardon, guidance and strength in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Peace. Yet so many times I allow my pride to stand in the way. Like Peter, I profess my faith but when things start to go awry, I deny my calling and fall back into sin. I pray that during this last week of Lent, I can put aside my own wants and seek the Lord with passion and longing. This royal road of Lent has led me through a desert place, to the foot of the cross. It has led me to examine my conscience and my actions. But I wonder if I've asked for the Living Water, for insight into what I am being called to in this next year, for unbinding from the prison of my own selfishness and anger. Just as we see so many signs of the coming of new life in spring, I pray that I answer the call to new life with a joyous heart, a thankful spirit and a willing heart. The Passion of our Lord gives me a depth of sadness as I realize that my sins, my faults and failings are partly responsible for His suffering and ignominious death. My prayer is that just as the earth awakens with breath of the winds of spring, I, too, will allow the breath of the Spirit to awaken my soul to a greater, deeper love of God and neighbour, a deeper understanding of what it is that God wants of me. Just as the world will soon blossom forth with the rich variety of colour and song, so my heart, too, will blossom with a deeper commitment to do the will of God. Just as the spring breeze sweeps away the flotsam of winter, so the breath of the Spirit will sweep continued above . . . away my lack of action and love. And as we walk through Holy Week, let's walk with the intent of coming to the foot of the cross and saying, "Truly, this Man is God's Son." Wishing a week of many holy moments of awakening and joy, and many small miracles. Betty Bruch Baptism Preparation Dates for 2015 Wednesday evenings on the following dates – April 8, May 6, June 3, August 5, September 9, October 7, November 4 ** Baptism preparation begins at 7:00 p.m. in the St. Joseph room, or as otherwise indicated, and concludes by 8:30 p.m. in the Church. Sacrament of Baptism Dates for 2015 Baptism dates for 2015 are Sundays April 26, May 31, June 28, August 30, September 27, October 25, November 29. Note: The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the above Sundays at 1:00 p.m. To set up an interview or for additional information, please call our parish office or e-mail Sr Teresa–[email protected] Wedding Anniversary Mass for Married Couples Most Reverend Ronald Fabbro, C.S.B., Bishop of London invites all married couples to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage at the Wedding Anniversary Mass: Sunday, May 3, 2015 at 2:30 p.m. at St. Peter’s Cathedral Basilica, London, ON (Reception to follow) As Bishop Fabbro celebrates his 35th Anniversary of Priesthood, a special invitation goes out to all couples celebrating 35 years of the Sacrament of Marriage. If you are celebrating your 35th Anniversary, please let us know. To register, please call the parish office or use the sign up forms on the table in the gathering area (Narthex). Seventh Annual Bishop's Dinner Most Rev. Ronald P. Fabbro, CSB will host the Seventh Annual Bishop's Dinner for London & Surrounding Communities on Thursday, June 4, 2015 at the London Convention Centre. This year’s performers will be “The Leahys – In Song.” For years the members of The Leahy Family have played, danced and shared their music throughout the world, gaining critical acclaim and accolades for their musicality, talent and performance. Their songs are distinct and identifiable, their presentation uplifting and full of life. Bishop's Dinner tickets are $125 per person and eligible for a $50 tax receipt. A table of ten is $1,250. To order, please call Mrs. Frances Barnard at 519-432-1824 or 1-888-548-9649, Ext. 255, or email [email protected] Funds raised will support St. Peter's Seminary, which provides education and formation for the servant-leaders of our Church: priests, permanent deacons, lay ministers, and others. Page 3 HOLY TRINITY Palm Sunday Passion of the Lord Catholic Parish March 29, 2015 “Blessed are you, who have come in your abundant mercy!” Bereavement News The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Holy Trinity Parish joins the families and friends who are grieving the death of loved ones. We especially remember in prayer – We enter into the holiest of weeks. Décor, words, symbols, liturgies and emotions take on a reflective tone as we walk through these blessed days. We are invited to do one thing only – keep our eyes and hearts focused on Jesus of Nazareth. We are also challenged as Christians to enter into the truth of this redeeming week! And what is the truth of our faith? It will unfold for us as we watch, listen and experience. As we look at Jesus, we may also become deeply aware of the seemingly ordinary men, women and children who have witnessed to us the truth of Jesus’ Gospel. One such woman, among many others, was Sr. Marie Sophie SSCC. Sr. Sophie was martyred while bringing bread to the starving poor in a war torn area in the Near East. As a compassionate nurse, Sr. Sophie was also bringing blood supplies for the many wounded. Her hospital vehicle, a sign of hope in the midst of horrible cruelty, was savagely attacked. Sr. Sophie was killed and her blood was mixed with the blood and bread meant for the victims of war. All in the van died. A friend of mine wrote about Sr. Sophie that her “courage, resilience and celebration of life amid the blind violence of war have been an inspiration to me”. You may know of many, like Sr. Sophie, who dared the utmost in living Christianity in desperate situations. Their heroic lives call us to reflect about how we live our Christianity within a peaceful Canada where we enjoy numerous freedoms and human rights. Is there enough evidence in our lives to ‘convict’ us of being Christians? As we walk with Jesus during this Holy Week, we are challenged to actually stand up and be counted as Catholic Christians. We are also challenged to honour the millions of men, women and children who live their commitments to Jesus Christ and who find courage and hope in His message of salvation. During this 2015 Holy Week, what is stirring in our hearts that longs for redeeming love and reconciliation? Please continue to hold in prayer the Elect and the Candidates for Full Communion. ** Isabel Jackman, mother of Charlotte (David) Walsh. ** Ellen Doucette, mother of Dynpma Cybulski. May all who grieve the deaths of Isabel and Ellen experience comfort and peace in your faith and in shared memories. “Praise and honour to you, Lord Jesus Christ.” Bereavement Support “Life is but a stopping place; a pause in what’s to be; a resting place along the road to sweet eternity. We all have different journeys, different paths along the way. We all were meant to learn some things but never meant to stay. Our destination is a place far greater than we know. For some the journeys quicker, for some the journeys slow. And when the journey finally ends, we’ll find an everlasting peace together with the Lord.” (Author Unknown) This Holy Week is a blessed time for us to reflect on our lives in Christ. Our heads tell us that we are meant for more and that this life is “but a stopping place”. Our hearts, however, want our earthly lives with our loved ones to go on. May everyone who is grieving loss find inner strength, reconciliation and comfort. Holy Trinity Parish offers ‘listening ears’ as you walk with and through grief. We wish each grieving family healing and peace as we journey this Holy Week with Jesus. ‘Care Notes’ on various topics are available in Sr. Teresa’s office. For additional information please contact Sr. Teresa at (519) 539-0876 or at [email protected] High School Youth Ministry Our next gathering is Monday, March 30th from 7:00 – 9:15 p.m. Our topic is “Dating and Relationships”. More details to follow . . . Looking ahead: Mon., April 20th–Apologetics Night–guest speaker Michael Ort Monday, May 4th – Iron Chef Night Monday, May 25th – Pro-life Night with guest speaker Monday, June 8th – Close-Out Party/Fun Night Decision Point Confirmation Program Our next session is: Thursday, April 9th–Session 11: Made for Mission Looking ahead; Wednesday, April 22nd – Final Session: Holiness is Possible Thurs., April 30th – Twenty-five weekends of journaling completed and due back to parish office by this date or earlier Thurs., April 30th – Confirmation Retreat Day with NET Ministries Please continue to keep all of our candidates and leaders in your prayers as they prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation. P R AY E R L I N E If you would like to add someone to the Prayer Line, please call 519-537-3633. Junior Youth Ministry- Grades 5 – 8 Our next gathering is Monday, April 13th from 6:45–8:30 p.m We will begin our evening by praying the Stations of the Cross in the church. More details will follow in your email this coming weekend. Please mark these upcoming dates on your calendars: Monday, April 13th – Monday, April 27th – Monday, May 11th Steubenville 2015 Don’t forget that permission/liability forms and remainder of payment for Steubenville are due April 22nd, 2015. This includes the liability form from Steubenville and our youth ministry permission/liability form. Page 4 HOLY TRINITY PalmSunday Passion of the Lord Catholic Parish March 29, 2015 “Blessed are you, who have come in your abundant mercy!” ** R E M I N D E R ** Baby Bottle Drive & Parish Wide Baby Shower Thank you to all those who have picked up either a baby bottle or a baby shower card! There is still time to do so if you wish. Just a reminder that all bottles and shower gifts must be in by the weekend after Easter (April 11/12) so that we can prepare everything for the rolling party which will be held Tuesday, April 28th and our Parish wide Baby Shower that will be held Wednesday, May 6th at 7:00 pm in the Parish Life Centre. For more information about the Baby Bottle Drive, please contact: Anita McCormick at [email protected] or by phone at 519-462-1213. For more information about the Baby Shower, please contact: Anita Clark at [email protected] or by phone at 519-537-0139. Mission News Thank you so much for all your support. Your donations of hygiene items (St. Michael’s School); yarn, fabric, pillows, bedding, clothing, sport equipment, etc. have been shipped or refurbished and sent to 20 different countries/missions supported by Dr. Simone and Canadian Food For Children. Dr. Simone is also asking for used mountain bikes and children's bicycles as well as sewing machines, which will be serviced and sent to the missions. Please contact Hank 519-485-0147 or Ben 519-285-2111 for pick up of bikes and sewing machines. Mission Sewing Group Holy Trinity’s Divine Mercy Sunday JESUS I TRUST IN YOU April 12, 2015 3:00 p.m. PRAYER LINE ~ If you would like to add someone to the Prayer Line, please call 519-537-3633. Lighthouse Catholic Media March's Lighthouse "CD of the Month" has arrived: Our Lady of Sorrows by Kimberly Hahn Speaker and author Kimberly Hahn, wife of Dr. Scott Hahn and mother of six, is a convert to the Catholic faith. Although honoring Mary was difficult for Kimberly to initially understand, she began to encounter Mary's loving guidance in little ways on a daily basis. In this presentation, she reflects on the joys and sorrows that Mary prayerfully experienced during her time on Earth, and shares how her example leads us closer to Christ. For CD's $3.50 each or 3 for $10 BOOKS ~ $5.00 each If you have any questions or requests, please email Anita McCormick at [email protected] Sacrament of Confirmation Saturday, May 23rd, 2015 @ 5:00 p.m. *For all candidates from St. Michael School* Sunday, May 24th, 2015 @ 9:00 a.m. *For all candidates from St. Patrick School* Sunday, May 24th, 2015 @ 11:00 a.m. *For all candidates from Holy Family, Notre Dame & Public/Homeschool* All candidates and sponsors should arrive at the church a half hour before Mass on the day you are scheduled to make your Confirmation. Candidates are to go to the St. Kateri room to gown and get your name tag and then proceed to the church with your sponsor. If your sponsor cannot be at the church a half hour before, please seat yourself and they can join you when they arrive. Please dress appropriately and we ask that no jeans are worn. There will be reserved seating for the candidates and sponsors only. There will be a reception in the parish hall following each Mass. The parish will provide refreshments and goodies. No photography is permitted during the ceremony. There will be an opportunity following the ceremony to have pictures taken with the celebrant and your sponsor. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the youth office by phone or email at [email protected] Page 5 HOLY TRINITY Palm Sunday Passion of the Lord Catholic Parish March 29, 2015 “Blessed are you, who have come in your abundant mercy!” Mass of Chrism Retreat for Young People An annual retreat for secondary and post secondary aged young people. This year the retreat is being held at Mary Immaculate, London (1980 Trafalgar St.) on March 30th at 1:00 p.m. Two Nashville Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia are attending this year to focus on the readings of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil. Dinner is served at 5:00 p.m. After dinner, everyone will go to St. Peter’s Cathedral for the Mass of Chrism. Registration can be found online at: Family & Youth > Events > Mass of Chrism. Cost for the retreat, transportation to the Cathedral and dinner is $10. If you have any questions, please contact Wendy at [email protected] or 519-433-0658 x252. Join the Ingersoll Choral Society For our 25th Annual Good Friday Concert, as we perform Faure’s “Requiem”, Rutter’s “For the Beauty of the Earth”, “I Believe”, and other sacred pieces. 50+ voices, with orchestral accompaniment and guest soloists. April 3rd at 8:00 pm Sacred Heart Church, Ingersoll (where our first Good Friday concert was held 25 years ago!) Free will offering. or find us on Facebook WALK IN THE HOLY LAND with Fr. John Sharp Nov. 5-17, 2015 (Information Meeting Sunday, April 12, 2:00 pm) St. Michael’s Church Hall, Cheapside St., London For information, please call Joan Bolt 519-471-6373 The New Evangelization Summit is a conference designed to inspire Catholics and help them live out their personal call to evangelize. Join over 4000 Catholics across Canada and the USA on April 24 / 25, 2015 to hear 8 world-class Catholic speakers on the New Evangelization – Scott Hahn, Fr. Michael Gaitley, Ralph Martin, Patrick Coffin and JoEllen Gregus and many more. Be inspired, receive formation, and connect with other Catholics. St. Anne’s & Holy Angels Parish Communion in St. Thomas and St. John the Baptist in Amherstburg is a host site for the New Evangelization Summit 2015. The Summit will be taking place in Ottawa and we will be LIVE STREAMING the Summit on a large screen. It will be like you are there, without the cost or time of extensive travel to Ottawa. Register now at and selection location: “St. Thomas, ON (Diocese of London)” or call 519-631-3640 or “Amherstburg, ON” or call 519-736-5418. Please choose the location that is best for you. Where/Location: St. Anne’s Parish Centre, St. Thomas, ON or St. John the Baptist Church, Amherstburg, ON When: Friday, April 24 ~ Registration at 6:00 p.m. ~ Event from 7:00 p.m. – 9:15 p.m. AND Saturday, April 25 ~ Event from 9:15 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. Cost: $65 – Includes lunch on Saturday Oxford County Right to Life is planning a bus trip on Thursday, May 14th, 2015 to attend the Annual March for Life in Ottawa. Please join us! Pick up in Ingersoll at Highway 19 & 401 parking lot at 12:10 am (just after midnight). Woodstock at Quality Inn (Lower parking lot) at 12:30 am. We will arrive in Ottawa approximately 7:00 am, arrive home around 12:00 pm. The cost is $70 for adults and $40 for students. To register for the bus or for more information, please call: **Wilma DeBruyn at 519-485-2679 **Bonnie DeDecker at 519-688-3248 **Mary VanVeen at 519-539-6975 If you cannot attend but would like to assist with a donation, it would be appreciated. Please send your donation to Ingersoll Right to Life, 73 Charles St. E., Ingersoll, ON N5C 1J5 Join us for the “Celebrate St. Mary’s” Day with Woodstock Ford June 6th, 9 am to 4 pm St. Mary’s Catholic High School is hosting this one day event at St. Mary’s, 431 Juliana Dr., Woodstock, to fund raise for much needed technical improvements. We are fortunate to partner with Woodstock Ford and their “Drive 4 UR School” Campaign. This is a unique opportunity for us and we can use your help. For every household that test drives a vehicle that day, Ford Canada will donate $20.00 to our school to a maximum of 350 test drives. The vehicles will be at our school and the test drive will only take a few minutes which can make a big difference to our school. But the fun doesn’t stop there - we will have other events planned to keep the kids entertained and relieve you of some domestic chores - such as a Car Wash, BBQ, Kids games and play area, and possibly a Spring Craft show in our forum. Definitely a fun time and a great way to help out the school. Please plan on attending this one day celebration! Use Fundscrip Gift Cards to SHOP!! Order forms are available in the slotted letter box on the table in the Narthex. You can also order gift cards on-line at — use the invitation code CWBVJ6 Your order will be delivered directly to your home. Please call Donna Rose at 519-290-0948 with questions. The CWL earns a percentage (%) of each Fundscrip Card purchased. A simple and easy way to support your CWL! Annual Yard & Bake Sale Sacred Heart CWL, Ingersoll We invite you to our Annual Yard & Bake Sale. Saturday, April 11, 2015 8:00 am to 12 noon Henderson Hall, John Street in Ingersoll. All proceeds will go to CWL local and mission projects. Thank you for your support. Page 6 HOLY TRINITY PalmSunday Passion of the Lord Catholic Parish March 29, 2015 “Blessed are you, who have come in your abundant mercy!” "I go frequently, but I confess the same serious things over and over again." "I celebrate the Sacrament at least once a month, and sometimes weekly. It's a bit embarrassing because I keep confessing the same pattern over and over again. [Anger and fighting with a spouse or particular person; an ongoing affair; a pattern of pornography use with masturbation; etc.] I know that I intend to have a 'firm purpose of amendment,' but I can't seem to change and I keep coming to Confession because I want to keep going to Communion, but I wonder if I should."— It is so important to keep coming to the Sacrament. We need God's grace and mercy. Without it, our efforts to stay close to the Lord are even more handicapped. The issue for us is to change our patterns. Some of our patterns might be deeply embedded habits and may require a genuine commitment and the help of others. Others may have become addictions which require therapy or a 12 step program. What starts to change our hearts is to focus on leaving the celebration of the Sacrament with deeper and deeper gratitude. The more we thank our Lord for his love and mercy, the easier it is to resist temptation. Secondly, it is very important to put a pattern of prayer in place in our lives so that, throughout the day, we are saying "Loving, Father, my life is in your hands," or "Thank you for your grace today, Lord," or "I trust you will be with me in this challenging situation I face this afternoon." These kinds of "amendments" to our lives will make our celebration of Sacrament lead to effective healing. "I go frequently, but I confess the same venial sins over and over again." "I celebrate the Sacrament at least once a month, and sometimes weekly, but I often begin by telling Father that I have no mortal sins to confess. It is usually just confessing my impatience and my tendency to judge others. I often confess my pride and my envy of others who have more than I do. And more and more I've been just confessing I can't concentrate on my prayer or when I'm at Mass. I don't know if going to Confession is helping me any more." The enemy of our human nature, the Evil Spirit, would love to have us just quit trying and would love even more to separate us from the Sacrament of God's mercy and peace. We can first of all make sure that we are examining our conscience on what we might have failed to do. Have we been as charitable and generous as we could have been? Have we fed the hungry, clothed the naked, visited the sick or imprisoned, in whatever ways we've heard our Lord's call to do those things? Have we exercised our civic responsibility and formed our consciences to hear the cry of the poor and followed the teachings of the Church regarding our role in the world and civil society? There are many ways we can come to a renewed sense of repentance, after years of confessing only the same things. After making sure we have not missed some serious sin in our examination, we can celebrate the Sacrament by being deeply grateful that our Lord has kept us from serious sin. We can then ask his grace to help us with the deep patterns, like impatience or judging others, for example. Offering us the grace of healing can be such a help to our being a witness to holiness and to our service of others. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place Thursdays from 10:00 am until 12:00 noon. You are invited to spend whatever length of time possible praying for your own needs, the needs of our parish and for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Confessions are celebrated from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Page 7 HOLY TRINITY Palm Sunday Passion of the Lord Catholic Parish March 29, 2015 “Blessed are you, who have come in your abundant mercy!” Our Madagascar Mission ~ Giving Life ~ Homework Before Class Are you willing to share? Woodingford Lodge is always looking for ways to entertain and engage our residents. Should you be willing to share your talents, travel slides or treasures (special collections), we would appreciate hearing from you. Beyond providing a program, your presence will help our residents maintain a connection with their community at large. Please feel free to contact: Woodstock Joan 519-421-5556 (ext. 2085) Ingersoll Jen 519-485-7053 (ext. 2309) Tillsonburg Trisha 519-688-4874 (ext. 2209) Camp Olalondo Memorial Fund The Board of Governors of the former Camp Olalondo (Our Lady of London) diocesan children’s summer camp has created the Camp Olalondo Memorial Fund. Financial assistance from this fund is available to any individual; group or organization within the Diocese of London that best satisfies its criteria and supports the objectives of the Diocesan Pastoral Plan. The fund is directed towards helping young people experience camping activities, projects and leadership opportunities. For specific criteria and an application form please visit click on the link “Family and Youth”, then “Camp Olalondo Memorial Fund”, OR contact Emma at the Diocese of London Chancery office at 519-433-0658. The deadline for all applications to the Camp Olalondo Memorial Fund is Monday, May 11, 2015. Fax all applications to the Roman Catholic Diocese of London at (519) 433-0011, c/o Camp Olalondo Memorial Fund. PRAYER LINE ~ If you would like to add someone to the Prayer Line, please call 519-537-3633. Let No One Go Hungry Playing a Local Game Are you interested in the El Camino walking pilgrimage in Europe this summer? There is a pilgrim group going to Fatima, Portugal (also Lisbon, Braga & and Santarem), the El Camino to Santiago de Compostela in Spain (also Burgos), and Lourdes, France. Part of the plan is to walk the last 100 km of the El Camino and become an official pilgrim. However there is also a non walking option. Travel dates are July 7 – 21, 2015. The Chaplain is Fr. Steve Savel. For more details, please call Liz Dachuk at 1-877-701-7729, Ext. 239 or email her [email protected] Holy Rosary Holy Trinity has a “Feed the Hungry” bin in the Narthex near the CWL Religious Goods Store. Please continue to give generously. Thank you for your continued support of the Salvation Army Food Drive. The Salvation Army has provided the following list of food items that are most needed by the Food Bank: Pancake Mix Peanut Butter & Jam Pancake Syrup Cereal Hamburger Helper School Snacks Canned Fruit Instant Coffee Canned Meat Regular Tea Canned Pasta (e.g. Ravioli, Beefaroni, etc.) Canned Salmon Crackers Canned Tomatoes Cookies Chick Peas Juice Boxes Mixed Beans Rice Kidney Beans Chunky Soups We pray the Rosary every Tuesday morning at 11:00 am in Holy Trinity Church. Please come and join us in this special time of prayer with Mary our Mother. “To pray the rosary is to hand over our burdens to the merciful hearts of Christ and his Mother.” Page 8 HOLY TRINITY PalmSunday Passion of the Lord Catholic Parish March 29, 2015 “Blessed are you, who have come in your abundant mercy!” Mass Schedule Date Time PALM Sunday, March 29 9:00 am & 11:00 am Holy Trinity Intentions For Requested By Please Pray For Mrs. Virginia Eade, Pastoral Minister For parishioners of Holy Trinity Monday, March 30 Deacon Andrew Alway Tuesday, March 31 7:00 pm Holy Trinity Irene Sadkowski (Repose) Wes Glab (Anniversary of Death) Claudio Teves (5th Anniversary of Death) Daughter Fran Fran Glab Maria Teves & Family Fr. Alan Dufraimont Wednesday, April 1 9:30 am Holy Trinity Elizabeth Radford (Birthday Remembrance) Whitney Vandermeer (Birthday Wishes) Anna Lai Bui (Anniversary of Death) Eugenia & Tess Radford The Vandermeer Family Van West & Family Mrs. Lynne Tibor, Coordinator of Youth Ministry Homebound Parishioners Holy Thursday, April 2 7:00 pm Holy Trinity Adoration to follow Mass until 11:00 pm 11:00 am Holy Trinity Children’s Liturgy 3:00 pm Holy Trinity Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 7:30 pm Holy Trinity Easter Vigil Good Friday, April 3 Holy Saturday, April 4 Mass of the Lord’s Supper Needs of the Prayer Line Holy Thursday Good Friday CWL RELIGIOUS GOODS STORE Be sure to take a look at our display cabinets. Are you looking for Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation or Wedding? We have boxes of Birthday & Sympathy cards. We also have a display rack of beautiful, handmade Rosaries which comes out when the ‘store’ is open. **Easter cards are now available!! The store will be open this Sunday, March 29th, during the Knights of Columbus Breakfast from 9:45-10:45 am Or call Christine Gable at 519-539-5345 to arrange a time. Have you had enough of winter?!? Are you looking to shed those winter clothes and check out what’s new for Spring!?! Then come and join us on our Annual Shopping Trip to Port Huron, Michigan on Saturday, April 18th. The bus leaves at 7:00 am, returning about 7:00 pm. The bus will be leaving from the Oxford County Administration Building, 21 Reeve Street (corner of Peel and Reeve Streets). Parking available. This is a great opportunity to shop without the worry of driving, parking, and finding your vehicle at the end of the shopping trip. We will be visiting Meijer’s Department Store, Wal-Mart, Kohl’s, Hobby Lobby, and the Birchwood Mall. The cost for the trip is only $40.00. You will need a valid Passport. Come and enjoy a day of stress-free shopping. For more information, please contact Louise Taschner at 519-421-2524 or 519-539-0015, Ext. 3212. Holy Saturday Stewardship Corner March 22, 2015 This Sunday’s monetary offering was $10,100.43 compared to $10,064.05 in 2014. Our Debt Reductions contributions this week were $421.25 Thank you for your continued generosity in support of our parish. Direct Deposit for Regular Sunday Offertory If you would like your Sunday Offering to be done through our direct deposit system, just call the office at 519-539-0876 and speak with Mary Abbey. Just think—no more envelopes! F. Y. I. ~ To include an upcoming community event or an announcement in Holy Trinity's column for the weekend edition of the Sentinel-Review, please contact Elisa Rocillo at [email protected] or call her at 519-694-2251. Deadline is Tuesdays at 5:00 pm. P R AY E R L I N E If you would like to add someone to the Prayer Line, please call 519-537-3633. * * A W O R D O F C AU T I O N * * Please be cautious when entering or exiting the west entrance of the church. There are some cement concerns that are being dealt with.
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