J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2015 Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES) ISSN: 2220-6663 (Print) 2222-3045 (Online) Vol. 6, No. 3, p. 381-400, 2015 http://www.innspub.net RESEARCH PAPER OPEN ACCESS Ethnobotanical survey of the medicinal plants in the central mountains (North-South) in Jordan Sawsan AS Oran*, Dawud MH Al-Eisawi Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Jordan, 11942 Amman-Jordan Article published on March 28, 2015 Key words: Ethnobotany, Medicinal plants, Mountains, Jordan. Abstract An ethnobotanical survey for the wild medicinal plants in the central high mountains extending from northern to central Jordan has been carried out. A special questionnaire is prepared to test for the medicinal uses of the local wild medicinal plants in the study area. The information such as the Arabic local name, parts used for medication, methods of preparation, purpose of use, doses and any other remarks, were all collected from direct contact visits to local people by the researchers of this study. The total numbers of recorded species in all the study sites are 108 species belonging to 33 families. The families Asteraceae and Lamiaceae have recorded the highest species of medicinal plants. A number of 25 plants species were found to be more frequently used by the local people in the studied areas, 38 species were found to be used more occasionally than the remaining 22 species. Visits for the available herbalist’s shops in the study area were made for all the sites of the study area. The age range of the questioned sample of the people who were interviewed was ranging between 40-65- years old. It is learned from the study that the use of wild medicinal plants is highly recommended and still practiced by the majority of local people in the study area. It has been observed that the study area is very rich in medicinal plants, where some species are becoming degraded and over cultivated. The knowledge of using wild herbs in traditional folk medicine is basically more common among the elderly rather than the young generation in most of the visited domestic areas. However, the use of medicinal plants by the locals are causing great declining of the diversity of many plant species growing in all sites visited by the authors. *Corresponding Author: Sawsan AS Oran [email protected] 381 | Oran and Al-Eisawi J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2015 Introduction in the urban areas and the Badia area (Desert of Ethnobotany is interdisciplinary science in a position Jordan). Medicinal plants in Jordan are representing to contribute much to plant conservation. This 20% of the total flora. 363 species of medicinal includes a precise understanding of local social vascular plants were recorded in Jordan (Oran & Al- dynamics, institutions, and different values attributed Eisawi, 1998). The recent status of medicinal plants in to resources. These values may be symbolic, religious, Jordan with regards to its diversity, use by local or political for a given society whilst the same plant people in folk medicine and the currently research resources represent only an economic value for other that is taking place to test for their biological societies. potentials is explained by (Oran, 2014); The use of medicinal plants in the high mountains of northern Ethnobotany is a science Jordan and their diversity has been recorded by encompassing botany, anthropology, economics, and (Oran & Al-Eisawi, 2014). A study prepared by (Al- linguistics, which studies the ways in which a society Eisawi, 2015), evaluated the diversity of the medicinal relates to its environment. It investigates and plants in Mujib Biosphere Reserve, a number of 148 evaluates the knowledge of all phases of life amongst plants species were recorded in the reserve. Many primitive societies and of the vegetal environment studies were carried out globally with regards to the upon the life customs, believes and history of these ethnobotanical knowledge (Jordan et al., 2006) listed tribal people. It also tackled the relationship between the vascular plants that are utilized by the plains the cultural societies and medicinal plants of a Apache in southwestern Oklahoma USA. Comparative specific potential. These relationships can be social, food ethnobotanical study in West bank (Palestine) economic which was concentrated on the edible wild herbs in symbolic, multi-disciplinary religious, commercial and artistic. west bank (Shtayeh et al., 2007); an ethnobotanical survey of herbal markets and medicinal plants in The role of ethnobotanists is to bring a larger Lagos perspective, whilst remaining open about how the (Olowokudejo et al., 2008). An ethnobotanical study knowledge recorded will be used in the future. It is about medicinal plants of Poonch valley Azad important the Kashmir was carried out by (Khan et al., 2012; communities at every steps of the research process. Choudhary et al., 2008), reviewed the work that has With this respect efforts are made to document and been done so far in the ethnobotany of Rajsthan integrate indigenous knowledge about land use, (India). The ethnobotanical survey of medicinal vegetation and forest management, non-timber forest plants for the treatment of diabetes mellitus in north products, medicinal plants, agro-forestry, home- western region of Nigeria was carried out by (Etuk et gardens, and biodiversity. al., 2010). 34 plant species were reported or cited by that results are shared with state of Nigeria was carried out by the herbalist for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Ethnobotanical approaches enable the establishments An ethnobotanical survey of folklore plants for of close dialogue and communication with local treatment of Jaundice and snakebites in India was people, and may ultimately facilitate the elaboration carried out by (Thirumalai et al., 2010). of management plans which ensure participation by local people and a void having adverse impacts on Another ethnobotanical survey was carried out for their life and their environment (Cunningham, 2001). medicinal plants used to treat gastrointestinal disorders in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, 26 In Jordan the knowledge and practice of MP is plant species were found to be commonly used in the inherited from predecessors since ages and still treatment of a variety of gastrointestinal disorders. adopted by a large number of population especially, Similar study on the ethnobotanical survey of some 382 | Oran and Al-Eisawi J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2015 medicinal plants used in traditional health care in (L.) DC. Bidens pilosa L. Launaea taraxacifolia Abeokuta areas of Ogum State, Nigeria has been Willd] in southern and central Benin in Africa by conducted by (Erinoso et al., 2012). A number of 58 (Sanoussi et al., 2015). plant species were found to be useful in the treatment of various ailments such as asthma, cough, yellow The aim of this study is to investigate an fever, tuberculosis, measles, malaria, ringworm, boil, ethnobotanical survey of the medicinal plants in the eczema, typhoid and diabetes. Ethnobotanical survey central mountains of Jordan, using a of medicinal plants of Tswapong North in eastern questionnaire that has been prepared, and filled by Botswana revealed a wealth of traditional knowledge the etnobotanical data for the use of medicinal plants on uses of medicinal plants in the study area. Another in folk medicine by the local people of the study area. simple ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used by traditional healers of Adilabad district Andhra Materials and methods Pradesh, India was carried out by (Lingaiah et al., The study area 2013). In the Mediterranean sub-region in Turkey In this survey the local people in the studied areas (Akaydin et al., 2013), carried out an ethnobotanical were participated in the following geographical areas: survey in selected towns in Turkey, in that study uses of 88 plant taxa were documented; another survey for 1. Wadi As Sir district west of Amman and Salkhada the medicinal plants used by herbalists in Lebanon, in Bader Al-Jadida suburb west of Amman, central was conducted by (Deeb et al., 2013), in an attempt to Jordan study the ethnobotanical status in Lebanon, the data 2. Wadi Al-Azraq, Al-Fuhais municipality, west of based on 26 local herbalists and the study revealed Amman, central Jordan that 128 plants species are used for treatment of 3. Dair Yousuf village / Irbid district, northern various diseases, his study also concluded that most Jordan interviewed herbalists did not hold even a high school 4. Jal’d, Salt district, central Jordan certificate and they were not licensed for practicing 5. Rmaimeen / Salt district, central Jordan folk herbal prescriptions. 6. Um Al-A’mad, Jerash district, northern Jordan 7. Dibbeen, Jerash district, northern Jordan Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used in curing some diseases in infants in Abeokuta south All sites were investigated about the local Arabic local government area of Ogum state, Nigeria carried names of the medicinal plants in their geographical out by (Shosan et al., 2014) and the results of this area, applications and utilization of MPs in traditional study showed that 63 plant species are used to treat medicine, cold, malaria, fontanel, diarrhea, typhoid, chicken questionnaire in every site of the study which was pox, measles, and small pox. Ethnobotanical survey of conducted in the central mountains of Jordan. In medicinal plants used in the traditional treatment of order to test for the medicinal potential of the local viral infections in Jos, Plateau state, Nigeria has been knowledge of medicinal plants and their uses by the carried out by (Ohemu et al., 2014). They recorded 62 native people in folk medicine, a questionnaire was plant species that are used for different viral prepared for this purpose Table 1. doses given for each plant using infections. The recipes for the treatment of viral infections were also reported. (Chauhan et al., 2014), 2. A simple Questionnaire was prepared as shown in has published a paper on the ethnobotanical survey in table 1. Pabbar valley, distt. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh in The questions addressed to the locals about the local India. The ethnobotanical investigation of three Arabic names in the visited area, uses, the part used, traditional leafy vegetables [Alternanthera sessilis the purpose of use, method of preparation, number 383 | Oran and Al-Eisawi J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2015 and duration or doses (not always known), and any other needed remarks. Results The results of the information related to the scientific Table 1. Showing the questionnaire used for the names of the medicinal plants in the studied areas, ethnobotanical survey. such as, Arabic local, parts used, methods of No of Variables 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Variables Answers Age Marital Status Education Occupation Name of the region, town, village …etc. Do you use herbal and medicinal plants (Yes/No) Local name of the medicinal plants Scientific name of the plant Use of the plant Method of use Decoction Boiled Fresh (eaten or chewing) Doses per day or per week Length of the period used Remarks Ten people were questioned about their knowledge of the medicinal plants in their area. Their age ranges between 30 and 60 year olds. The medicinal plants that they were able to recognize and information of their medicinal value are few. remarks, are documented in tables 2-8. More than twenty different herbal shops spreading within the various governorate of the study area, Amman, Salt, Jerash, Ajloun and Irbid were visited. The herbal content of the shops was looked at to identify the plants, and to look at the type, quality, and sources of the herbs. The herbs found in these shops are listed in table 12. The total number of recorded species in all study sites and the number of species in each family are shown in table 9. The recorded families and the number of species belonging to each family are presented in table 10. The highest species recorded in families with more than two species is recorded in Fig. 1, and the most recorded species in the seven studied sites are shown in Fig. 2. The results shown are the ethnobotanical investigations in the different geographical sites of the Data also collected about the name of the user gender, age, social status, education, profession, and name of the geographical area Table 1. I. preparation, purpose of use, doses and any other study area, the sites studied were: 1. Salkhada area, Bader Al-Jadeda, and Wadi As-Sir, West of Amman, central Jordan The ethnobotanical results of the medicinal plants surveyed in the studied area are shown in table 2-11 Local people from Bader area were questioned, most of them were farmers and middle age (30-50), as the area is urbanized (farms). II. The families with the highest number of medicinal plants are shown in fig. 1. All of them agreed on the names of the plants used in folk medicine. The name of the plant, (Arabic), the III. The most recorded species in the seven studied sites are shown in fig. 2. part used, medicinal purpose, method of preparation are all listed in table 3. It is concluded here that not all of the medicinal plants are known or used by the IV. The plant species that are deposited in the people of this area (Table 2). herbalist’s shops are recorded in table 12. 384 | Oran and Al-Eisawi J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2015 Table 2. Showing ethno-botanical plant species used by people in Wadi As-Sir, West of Amman, central Jordan West Amman (Study area one). Scientific Name (Latin) Rhus coriaria Bifora testiculata Tordylium aegyptiaca Bifora testiculata Cyclamen persicum Varthemia iphionoides Centaurea Iberica Cichorium pumilum Dittrichia viscosa Ecballium elaterium Capparis spinosa Family Arabic Name Anacardiaceae سماق Apiaceae كزبرة Apiaceae دريهميه Apiaceae كزبرة Primulaceae قرن الغزال Asteraceae كتيلة Asteraceae مرار Asteraceae هندبة Asteraceae طيون Asteraceae قثاء الحمير Capparaceae كبار،قبار Paronychia Caryophyllaceae argentea Ceratonia Fabaceae siliqua Tetragonolobus Fabaceae palaestinus رجل الحمامة الخروب جلثون Part Used Method of Purpose of Doses/day Remarks Preparation Use Cold Flower beverage, AntiWhen buds, blast, direct microbial , Common needed fruits application ulcers, burns on the skin SedativeWhen Seeds Hot beverage Common stomach pain needed Nutritional When Growing Fruits fresh value needed season Sedative, Fruits decoction 1 Very common stomach pain Washing Direct Growing Rhizome heads as anti1-2 application season dandruff All parts Stomach Hot beverage 2-3 Common ailments Nutritional When Growing Leaves fresh value available season Antiseptic, Roots, Boiling, hot When Growing anti-diabetic, flowers beverage necessary season eczema Boiling, hot Tumors, Flowers 3 Very common beverage chronic cough Direct Jaundice Juice few drops Toxic application treatment Flower Diuretic, Growing buds, Boiling 2 antiseptic season roots Kidney stones 1 before All parts Hot beverage Common ailments eating Cold or hot Pod Cough 3 Very common beverage Nutritional When Pod Fresh Not common source available Cough, lung Flowers Cold beverage troubles, 1-2 Very common expectorant Antidiuretic Green Hot beverage healing 1 Common parts wounds When Leaves Hot beverage Stomach pain Common needed Stomach and When leaves decoction intestinal Common needed pain Lonicera etrusca Fabaceae زهر،عبهر العسل Retama raetam Fabaceae رتم Teucrium polium Lamiaceae جعدة Ballota undulata Lamiaceae دبيغه )(خويخة Origanum syriacum Lamiaceae Asparagus aphylla Liliaceae Asphodelus aestivus Liliaceae غيصالن Leaves Olea europaea Oleaceae زيتون Leaves Papaveraceae شقيق Seeds Papaver subpiriforme ،زعتر بردقوش ،شوك ،هليون عاجول الجبل Leaves Decoction Stomach pain 3 Common Roots Decoction Kidney stones, headache 2 Not known by most 1 Growing season 1 Common 3 Recommended by most Sedative for rheumatic pain Hypertension, Hot antidiabetic, antidiuretic Chest pains, Hot beverage cough Decoction 385 | Oran and Al-Eisawi J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2015 Scientific Name (Latin) Family Ziziphus lotus Rhamnaceae Sarcopoterium spinosum Rosaceae Punica granatum Rosaceae Mandragora autumnalis Solanaceae Arabic Name Part Used Method of Purpose of Doses/day Remarks Preparation Use Cough and عرقد، سدرFruits Edible 2-3 Well known measles ، نتش،بالن Boiling, hot Sedative, Roots 1 Very common ينبوت beverage antidiabetic Grinding and Growing Seeds, mixing with Antidiuretic season as well رمان fruit honey to treat 3 and jaundice as dry fruit coat diarrhea and leathery skin used for ulcer Can be eaten at maturity, ،تفاح المجن Sedative, and Leaves Hot beverage 1 but is highly جرابوح cough Toxic when green 2. Wadi Al-Azraq, Al-Fuhais municipality, West of Amman, central Jordan Table 3. Showing ethno-botanical plant species used by people in study area in locality Wadi Al-Azraq, AlFuhais, West of Amman, central Jordan (Study area two). Scientific Name (Latin) Foeniculum vulgare Family Arabic Name Part Used Apiaceae شومر Leaves Apocynaceae الدفلى Leaves, bark Arum palaestinum Araceae اللوف Leaves Varthemia iphionoides Asteraceae ،خويخة ،كتيلة هنديدة Leaves Chrysanthemum coronarium Asteraceae بسباس Flowers Dittrichia viscosa Asteraceae طيون Leaves Matricaria aurea Asteraceae بابونج Whole plant Anchusa strigosa Boraginaceae حمحم Roots Cappasis spinosa Capparaceae كبار،قبار Leaves, flowers Origanum syriacum Caryophyllaceae الزعتر الفارسي Leaves Paronychia argentea Caryophyllaceae رجل الحمامة Whole plant Euphorbiaceae لبين Latex (juice) Nerium oleander Euphorbia hierosolymitana Method of Purpose Doses/Day Remarks Preparation of Use Abdominal Hot beverage 1 Very common pain, cough AntiDirect extract syphilitic, 1 Toxic application rat poisoning AntiHot beverage 2 Toxic tumorous Stomach and When Hot beverage abdominal Very common needed pain and headache Abdominal Hot beverage 1 Common pain Cough and Hot beverage chest pains, Highly not to be arthritis 1-4 recommended boiled pains sedative Abdominal Hot beverage and cough 2-3 Very common sedative Wounds Direct healer and 2 Common application dermal ulcers Stomach Hot beverage 1 Common wash Stomach and When Hot beverage abdominal hypertensive needed pain- salad garnish Kidney Very popular Hot beverage 3 stones medicine Applied Direct Warts directly from 1/ week application treatment fresh plants in the field 386 | Oran and Al-Eisawi J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2015 Scientific Name (Latin) Medicago arabica Ceratonia siliqua Family Arabic Name Fabaceae برسيم Fabaceae خروب Part Used Whole plant Pods Method of Purpose Preparation of Use AntiHot beverage diabetic Hot beverage Retama raetam Fabaceae رتم Whole plant Extraction cold, direct application, cold beverage for diarrhea Ficus carica Fagaceae تين Latex (juice) Direct application Salvia triloba Lamiaceae ميرمية Leaves Hot beverage, Mentha longifolia Lamiaceae نعنع بري Leaves Hot beverage Thymus capitatus Lamiaceae زعتر Leaves Hot beverage Salix babylonica Salicaceae صفصاف Leaves Hot beverage Doses/Day Remarks 1 Common When needed Very common 1 Very common 1 Fresh application When needed Hypertensive 2-3 Hypotensive 3 Very common 1 Well known by most cough Roots antidiuretic, branches wound healer and eye troubles Foot fleshy warts Stomach and abdominal pain relieve Stomach and intestinal pain Abdominal pain and cough Leprosy 3. Dair Yusuf village, Irbid district, Northern Jordan, Ten persons were questioned. (30-65) years old. The following medicinal plants were known and recognized by the majority. Table 4. Showing ethno-botanical plant species used by people in Dair Yusuf, Irbid, Northern Jordan (Study area three). Scientific Name (Latin) Phagnalon rupestre Family Arabic Part Method of Purpose of Use Doses/Day Name Used Preparation Whole plant Asteraceae قدحة Leaves Achillea santolina Asteraceae قيصوم Whole Hot beverage plant Anthemis palaestinum Asteraceae ،قحوان اقحوان Flower Cold and hot beverage Matricaria aurea Asteraceae بابونج Whole Hot beverage plant Anchusa strigosa Boraginaceae خشيمة Roots Ononis natrix Fabaceae وسبة Roots, flowers Teucrium polium Lamiaceae جعدة leaves Scrophularia Scrophulariaceae عرق النساRoots xanthoglossa Remarks Knees pain sedative Rap Very common antispasmodic 2-3 Very popular drug in the country Cough treatment 2 Cough and antispasmodic Powder, roots Wounds, burns and grinded Tuberculosis Roots diuretic, Decoction flowers depurative, flowers for eczema Stomach and Hot beverage abdominal pain, antidiabetic Root is mixed with olive oil Knee pain and black seeds 387 | Oran and Al-Eisawi 2- 3,when needed 3-4 Very common Common herb medicine, very mild drink Successfully tested 2 Highly recommended 2-3 Antimicrobial, anti-diabetic 2 Successfully tested in this area J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2015 Scientific Name (Latin) Family Arabic Part Method of Purpose of Use Doses/Day Name Used Preparation ، عميةLeaves, Verbascum Scrophulariaceae fruticosum آذان الدبroots Boiling Anti-diabetic, antipoison 1 Remarks Hairs of the plant are dangerous to the eyes 4. Jal’d – Salt North West of Amman, central Jordan Ten people were questioned: some plants are known to the people of 50-65 years old. Table 5. Showing ethno-botanical plant species used by people in Jal’d – Salt North West of Amman, central Jordan (Study area four). Scientific Name (Latin) Pistacia palaestina Family Anacardiaceae Foeniculum vulgare Apiaceae Arum palaestinum Araceae Eminium spiculatum Achillea santolina Ecballium elaterium Matricaria aurea Phagnalon rupestre Araceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Varthemia iphionoides Asteraceae Sinapis alba Brassicaceae Cappais spinosa Capparaceae Paronychia Caryophyllaceae argentea Arabic Name Part Used Method of Preparation Purpose of Use Oil or the Direct Antispasmodic Twice a day resin application Leaves Chest and back الشومر and Hot beverage 1 pain relive branches ،لوف Mixed with Leaves, ،سلجلج onion and Anti-tumorous 1 corms salt رجل االسد ،لوف Juice Powder Anti-tumorous 1-2 دنيدلة جعدة Cold or hot Stomach and flower 1 الصبيان antispasmodic Jaundice, Direct قثاء الحميرJuice epilepsy and Few drops application headache Flowers, Cold or hot Abdominal بابونج 1-2 branches beverage pain Leaves, Joints pain and When قدحة Dry roll flowers cauterize needed Cold beverage, Abdominal كتيلة، شتيلةLeaves 2-3 extraction or pain decoction Leaves and Eat fresh and When لفيتة Vitamin source green cooked available branches When قبار Roots Hot beverage For arthritis having pain بطم شويشة الراعي Whole plant Decoction Kidney stones For hay fever, cold, cough and bronchitis Wound healing, Hot beverage eczema treatment as Cold or hot Abdominal beverage pain Ephedra aphylla Ephedraceae ،قضاب علندا Ononis natrix Fabaceae لبيد،وسبة Roots Lamiaceae نعنع leaves Lamiaceae زعيتمان leaves Hot beverage For nausea leaves Cold or hot beverage Abdominal pain, antispasmodic Mentha longifolia Micromeria nervosa Salvia triloba Lamiaceae Doses/Day ميرمية All parts, Cold beverage branches 388 | Oran and Al-Eisawi Remarks Well known Rarely known Well known and used by many Common Very common Highly toxic Well known Very common Very common Common Common 1 Very common and highly recommended 1 Well known When needed Very common 1-2 Well known 1 Well known 3 -4 Very much applied J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2015 Scientific Name (Latin) Family Arabic Name Teucrium polium Lamiaceae جعدة Thymus capitatus Lamiaceae زعتر Alcea setosa Malvaceae ختمية Plumbago europaea Plumbaginaceae خامشة Sarcopoterim spinosum Rosaceae Part Used Method of Preparation Purpose of Use Doses/Day Remarks 3-4 Very common 1-3 Well known 1 Common When needed Very well known Every day 2 times Very common and highly recommended Abdominal pain, antidiabetic Expectorant Leaves Hot beverage Antispasmodic, cough Hot beverage Cough and Flowers or cold chest pain Leprosy Whole Powder treatment as plant rap Leaves Hot beverage بالن، نتشAll plants Hot beverage Anti-diabetic, anticoagulant 5. Rmaimeen / Salt district, central Jordan Table 6. Showing ethno-botanical plant species used by people in Rmaimeen / Salt district, central Jordan (Study area five). Scientific Arabic Family Name (Latin) Name Pistacia Anacardiaceae )بطم (صمغ palaestina عريفة Bongardia Apocynaceae رجل،الديك chrysogonum الديك Arum Araceae لوف palaestinum Part Used Resin Method of Preparation Oral, mixed with animal gee Purpose of Use Doses/Day Remarks Cough 1-2 Common Roots Boiled Anti-tumorous, stomach pain 1 Common Leaves Decoction Anti-tumorous 1 Very common Achillea santolina Asteraceae جعيدة الصبيان Flowers Hot beverage 2-3 Very common Phagnalon rupestre Asteraceae قدحة Hot beverage Knee pain, abdominal pain When needed Very common Cistus salviifolius Leaves and floral parts Abdominal pain, antidiuretics Cistaceae لباد Flowers Boiled Cough, tracheal ailments 1-2 Common Micromeria nervosa Lamiaceae عشبة ،الشاي زعيتمان All parts Hot beverage Nausea When necessary Very common Thymus capitatus Lamiaceae زعتر بري Leaves Hot beverage Cough, antispasmodic 3 Very common 6. Um Al-A’mad, Jerash district, Northern Jordan Table 7. Showing ethno-botanical plant species used by people in Um Al-A’mad, Jerash district, Northern Jordan (Study area six). Scientific Name (Latin) Pistacia atlantica Arum palaestinum Anthemis palaestinum Method of Purpose of Doses/ Preparatio Use Day n Mixed with Cough, asthma 2 animal gee Family Arabic Name Part Used Anacardiaceae البطم Resin Araceae خبيزة Leaves Boiled Flowers Mixed with olive oil, left under sun shine one week Asteraceae قحوان Remarks Common Anti-tumorous 3 Very common Arthritis, diabetics 2-3 Common 389 | Oran and Al-Eisawi J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2015 Scientific Name (Latin) Family Arabic Name Part Used Matricaria aurea Asteraceae بابونج All parts Capparis spinosa Capparaceae كبار Roots Mixed with honey and olive oil Calycotome villosa Fabaceae ،قنديل عر،الحزقوق يفة الديك Whole plant Flowers are dried and powdered Quercus coccifera Fagaceae بلوط Fruit Boiled Thymus capitatus Lamiaceae زعتر Leaves Hot beverage Salvia triloba Lamiaceae ميرمية Leaves Hot beverage Teucrium polium Lamiaceae جعدة Leaves Boiled Plumbaginaceae خامشة Leaves Polygonaceae حميض Leaves Anemone coronaria Ranunculaceae شقيق Whole plant Reseda lutea Resedaceae رتا All parts Urtica pilulens Urticaceae قريص ،الحكة الدبيقه Whole plant Plumbago europaea Rumex pulcher Method of Purpose of Preparatio Use n Cough, Hot abdominal beverage pain Doses/ Day Remarks 3-4 Very common Back and joints pain 1-2 Very common Animal fat flavoring When needed Common 3 Common 3-4 Very common 4 Very common 3-4 Very common Treatment of uncontrolled urination Cough, abdominal pain Abdominal pain Antidiabetic, abdominal pain Fresh grinding Cooked as pies Leprosy Anorexia Boiling with Asthma, knee olive leaves pain Wound Hot healing, hypertension Boiling with Pistachio Anti-diabetic gum 1 every week Growing season Very common Common 1-2 Common 1 Highly recommended 2 Very common 7. Dibbeen, Jerash district, Northern Jordan Table 8. Showing ethno-botanical plant species used by people in study Dibbeen, Jerash district, Northern Jordan (Study area seven). Scientific Name (Latin) Family Ajuga chia Lamiaceae Dittrichia viscosa Asteraceae Teucrium polium Arabic Name Part Used Method of Purpose of Doses/Day Remarks Preparation Use All parts Rap Wounds 1 Common طيون Leaves Hot beverage Ant diabetic, for 40 days 2 Very common Lamiaceae جعدة Leaves Hot beverage Cold, colic pain 2-4 Very common Paronychia argentea Caryophyllaceae رجل الحمامة All parts Hot beverage Anti-diabetic, kidney stones 2 Very common Fumana parviflora Fumaricaceae شترج Leaves, flowers Boiled Flowers for eczema, 1 Common Arum palaestinum Araceae ،لوف قرقيطة Leaves Boiled Antitumorous 2 Very common Leontice leontopetalum Leonticaceae حميرة الظهر Leaves Grinding Antitumorous 1 Common 390 | Oran and Al-Eisawi J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2015 Table 9. Showing the total number (No.) of recorded species in all study sites and the no of species in each family. No of species in each family Anacardiaceae Pistacia atlantica Rerecorded species 1. Anacardiaceae Pistacia palaestina 2. Anacardiaceae Pistacia palaestina 3. Anacardiaceae Rhus coriaria 4. Apiaceae Bifora testiculata 5. Apiaceae Bifora testiculata 6. Apiaceae Foeniculum vulgare 7. Apiaceae Foeniculum vulgare 8. Apiaceae Tordylium aegyptiaca 9. 1 Apocynaceae Bongardia chrysogonum 10. 1 Apocynaceae Nerium oleander 11. 6 Araceae Arum palaestinum 12. Araceae Arum palaestinum 13. Araceae Arum palaestinum 14. Araceae Arum palaestinum 15. Araceae Arum palaestinum 16. Araceae Eminium spiculatum 17. Asteraceae Achillea santolina 18. Asteraceae Achillea santolina 19. Asteraceae Achillea santolina 20. Asteraceae Anthemis palaestinum 21. Asteraceae Anthemis palaestinum 22. Asteraceae Centaurea iberica 23. Asteraceae Chrysanthemum coronarium 24. Asteraceae Cichorium pumilum 25. Asteraceae Dittrechia viscosa 26. Asteraceae Dittrichia viscosa 27. Asteraceae Dittrichia viscosa 28. Asteraceae Matricaria aurea 29. Asteraceae Matricaria aurea 30. Asteraceae Matricaria aurea 31. Asteraceae Matricaria aurea 32. Asteraceae Phagnalon rupestre 33. Asteraceae Phagnalon rupestre 34. Asteraceae Phagnalon rupestre 35. Asteraceae Varthemia iphionoides 36. Asteraceae Varthemia iphionoides 37. Asteraceae Varthemia iphionoides 38. Boraginaceae Anchusa strigosa 39. Boraginaceae Anchusa strigosa 40. 4 5 21 2 Families Species 391 | Oran and Al-Eisawi J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2015 No of species in each family 1 Families Brassicaceae Species Sinapis alba Rerecorded species 41. 4 Capparaceae Cappais spinosa 42. Capparaceae Capparis spinosa 43. Capparaceae Capparis spinosa 44. Capparaceae Cappasis spinosa 45. 1 Caprifoliaceae Lonicera etrusca 46. 4 Caryophyllaceae Paronychia argentea 47. Caryophyllaceae Paronychia argentea 48. Caryophyllaceae Paronychia argentea 49. Caryophyllaceae Paronychia argentea 50. Cistaceae Cistus salviifolius 51. Cistaceae Fumana parviflora 52. Cucurbitacaeae Ecballium elaterium 53. Cucurbitaceae Ecballium elaterium 54. 1 Ephedraceae Ephedra aphylla 55. 1 Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia hierosolymitana 11 Fabaceae Calycotome villosa 56. 57. Fabaceae Ceratonia siliqua 58. Fabaceae Ceratonia siliqua 59. Fabaceae Medicago arabica 60. Fabaceae Ononis natrix 61. Fabaceae Ononis natrix 62. Fabaceae Retama raetam 63. Fabaceae Retama raetam 64. Fabaceae Tetragonolobus palaestinus 65. Fagaceae Ficus carica 66. Fagaceae Quercus coccifera 67. Lamiaceae Ajuga chia 68. Lamiaceae Ballota undulata 69. Lamiaceae Mentha longifolia 70. Lamiaceae Mentha longifolia 71. Lamiaceae Micromeria nervosa 72. Lamiaceae Micromeria nervosa 73. Lamiaceae Origanum syriacum 74. Lamiaceae Origanum syriacum 75. Lamiaceae Salvia triloba 76. Lamiaceae Salvia triloba 77. Lamiaceae Salvia triloba 78. Lamiaceae Teucrium polium 79. Lamiaceae Teucrium polium 80. Lamiaceae Teucrium polium 81. Lamiaceae Teucrium polium 82. 2 2 20 392 | Oran and Al-Eisawi J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2015 No of species in each family Families Lamiaceae Species Teucrium polium Rerecorded species 83. Lamiaceae Thymus capitatus 84. Lamiaceae Thymus capitatus 85. Lamiaceae Thymus capitatus 86. Lamiaceae Thymus capitatus 87. 1 Leonticaceae Leontice leontopetalum 88. 2 Liliaceae Asparagus aphylla 89. Liliaceae Asphodelus aestivus 90. 1 Malvaceae Alcea setosa 91. 1 Oleaceae Olea europaea 92. 1 Papaveraceae Papaver subpiriforme 93. 3 Plumbaginaceae Plumbago europaea 94. Plumbaginaceae Plumbago europaea 95. Plumbaginaceae Plumbago europea 96. 1 Polygonaceae Rumex pulcher 97. 1 Primulaceae Cyclamen persicum 98. 1 Ranunculaceae Anemone coronaria 99. 1 Resedaceae Reseda lutea 100. 1 Rhamnaceae Ziziphus lotus 101. 3 Rosaceae Punica granatum 102. Rosaceae Sarcopoterium spinosum 103. Rosaceae Sarcopoterium spinosum 104. 1 Salicaceae Salix babylonica 105. 1 Scrophulariaceae Scrophularia xanthoglossa 106. 1 Scrophulariaceae Verbascum fruticosum 107. 1 Solanaceae Mandragora autumnalis 108. 1 Urticaceae Urtica pilulens 109. Table 10. Showing the recorded families and the number (No) of species belonging to each family. Notice final families in the side rows 3&4 with more than two species. 1. Families Asteraceae Lamiaceae Fabaceae Araceae Apiaceae Anacardiaceae Capparaceae Caryophyllaceae Plumbaginaceae Rosaceae Boraginaceae Cistaceae Cucurbitaceae Fagaceae Liliaceae Apocynaceae 2. No. of Species in each family 21 20 9 6 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 3. Families with highest Sp. No. Asteraceae Lamiaceae Fabaceae Araceae Apiaceae Anacardiaceae Capparaceae Caryophyllaceae Plumbaginaceae Rosaceae Boraginaceae Cistaceae Cucurbitaceae Fagaceae Liliaceae 393 | Oran and Al-Eisawi 4. Species No. 21 20 9 6 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2015 2. No. of Species in each family 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. Families Apocynaceae Brassicaceae Caprifoliaceae Ephedraceae Euphorbiaceae Leonticaceae Malvaceae Oleaceae Papaveraceae Polygonaceae Primulaceae Ranunculaceae Resedaceae Rhamnaceae Salicaceae Scrophulariaceae Solanaceae Urticaceae 3. Families with highest Sp. No. 4. Species No. Bifora testiculata 2 29 Ceratonia siliqua 2 29 Ecballium elaterium 2 29 Foeniculum vulgare 2 29 Mentha longifolia 2 29 Micromeria nervosa 2 29 Ononis natrix 2 29 Origanum syriacum 2 29 Pistacia palaestina 2 29 Fig. 1. Showing the highest species recorded in Retama raetam 2 29 families with more than two species. Sarcopoterium spinosum 2 29 Table 11. Showing species occurrence in in the study areas (z) and their ratios (z/7*100). Only species occurring in two or more of study sites are considered. Arum palaestinum 5 71 Teucrium polium 5 71 Cappais spinosa 4 57 Matricaria aurea 4 57 Paronychia argentea 4 57 Thymus capitatus 4 57 Achillea santolina 3 43 Dittrichia viscosa 3 43 Phagnalon rupestre 3 43 Plumbago europaea 3 43 Salvia triloba 3 43 Varthemia iphionoides 3 43 Anchusa strigosa 2 29 Anthemis palaestinum 2 29 Fig. 2. showing the most recorded species in 7 sites. Herbalists Visits More than twenty different herbal shops spreading within the various governorate of the study area, Amman, Salt, Jerash, Ajloun and Irbid were visited. The herbal content of the shops was looked at to identify the plants, and to look at the type, quality, and sources of the herbs. 394 | Oran and Al-Eisawi J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2015 Various aspects of herbal and medicinal plants were variable pack sizes are either produced locally or investigated through direct or in direct asking the imported from Syria, India, China or other countries. owners of such shops. The questions were rather simple and proposed in a friendly way to avoid Education of the People Working in These Shops offending the people who are selling such products. Indirect asking or even from speaking with the owner The answers and recorded remarks are summarized one can tell what is the level of education those and found to fall under the following categories. people. It becomes clearer if one behaves more friendly and asking them about some scientific 1. Quality of the herbal shops knowledge regarding the plants, they become even 2. Packing of the herbal products more frank when you tell them that you are doing a 3. Education of the people working in these shops scientific investigation, and then they start asking 4. Their ability to know the scientific names back, who are you and where you are working? If they 5. Their proper knowledge of plant uses and doses know that, you are working at the university and you 6. Source of these herbs do not belong to the Ministry of Health or Food 7. Types of the herbs found in most of the shops Department, then they tend to speak more freely. 8. Types of the plant parts preserved 9. Quality of herbal plants The education level of most people in this trade is 10. Trade size in the market? mostly less than high school on average. Again, most of those people are young generation and do not have Quality of the Herbal Shops the traditional experience one would expect. It is just Herbal shops are found to belong to two simple a market and they are selling the most popular herbs categories: that people are purchasing, especially, Za’tar, (Thyme), Sana Mekka (Senna), Ja’da (Teucrium) and i. Specialized herbal shops that are selling herb products, ii. incense, spices and Carkadeh (Roselle). sometimes including perfumes. Ability to Know the Scientific Names None specialized shops who are selling herbs in Since the education of the owners of herbal shops is addition to normal grocery products. rather limited, then it was very unlikely to know scientific names or even common English names. Packing of the Herbal Products Packing of herbal products was found in most cases to Proper Knowledge of Plant Uses and Doses be of a very simple type. Cloth bags (Sacs) filled with As for the use of the plants and their experience about herbs which are arranged at the entrance of the their effect, they will just say this is a very well-known shops. Small seeds, powders or crushed material are plant; everybody is buying it for this purpose. found in plastic, metal buckets, or square wooden Moreover, they stress on the fact, that you just take it containers. In other case, plastic, or glass, jars are and if you don’t like it bring it back. Of course, no used to put the products. In more well organized body would come back, since the price paid in most shops a series of wooden or metal drawers are made cases is not worth coming back and spending the time at the back or one sides of the shop in a rack like and effort. system. Sometimes labels are put on these containers and often they are with no labels. Regarding the doses, nothing is documented in a proper way. If you just ask about the use of certain In some cases, new products such as herbal tea bags plants, they will say take a little and boil in water and are found in the shops as well new products of drink. They cannot precisely tell how often, one 395 | Oran and Al-Eisawi J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2015 should use the plant, what is the proper amount one although a local species Rheum palaestinum occurs should take? How long should the extract is kept in Jordan. boiling? For example, they say take alfalfa seeds boil in water and drink for reducing diabetes. They cannot Types of the Plant Parts Preserved give how many grams and in how much water one The plants presents in most shops are found in the should boil? And for how long period one should use following form: the plant? They say boil the seeds, drink, put the i. Whole plant excess in the refrigerator, and keep going like this. ii. Coarsely crushed plants (most common) iii. Leaves Type and Source of Herbal Plants iv. Fragments of roots The source of the plants available in these shops is v. Seeds variable: vi. Fruits i. Jordanian Plant Quality of Herbal Plants Some of the plants are growing locally in Jordan The quality of medicinal plants is not really in good under local condition especially, the plant species of: condition or clean due to the fact that they contain Paronychia argentea (Rijl Al-Hamameh), Artemisia fragments of other plant parts or dirt. The stored herba-alba fragrantissima plants have neither expiry date nor any information (Qaisoom), Artemisia judaica (Baitharan), Artemisia about the date of collection or purchase or packing. arborescens (Sheeh), (Thagn Achillea Origanum Often they are left in the open air to collect dust, syriacum (Za’tar), Thymus capitatus (Za’tar Farsi), smoke, odors, or even beetles eating cellulose, or feces Teucrium of small rodents such as mice or others. Sometimes polium Ash-Shaikh). (Ja’dah). Salvia triloba (Maramieh). the plant parts especially, Paronychia, Artemisia, Achillea and others are mixed with wild plant ii. Imported plants particles especially, hay, and grass fragments. Such plants are imported from different countries such as Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Sudan, India, China or What is the size of this trade in the market? others. Some of the example herbs imported from There are no actual estimates of the size of the herb Syria and Lebanon are Both Origanum syriacum and market in terms of money per year or consumed Salvia triloba, since the local production in not amount per year. As far as it looks, there is a great enough for the local consumption especially, if we demand for herbal plants in the market because; know that a huge amount of Origanum syriacum is herbal shops are ever increasing, since this business is used as a spicy morning dish eaten with hot bread becoming more popular than previous times. This and olive oil or made as pastry called (Manageesh, part of information should be studied carefully and Man’eesh). In addition, seeds such as Pimpinella thoroughly. If the Ministry of Health in association anisum (anise, aniseed Yansoon), Nigella sativa with Ministry of Agriculture or other governmental (Black seed, Nigella or Habet al-Barakeh), and departments are conducting such a study, there will Foeniculum vulgare (Fennel). Other plants are be always a hidden part related to private dealing imported from Egypt especially, Anthemis camomile with some villagers or Bedouins who can collect (Camomile), Ammi visnaga (Khelleh). In Jordan, one medicinal plants and sell them privately. of the major imported medicinal plants from Sudan or India is Cassia italica, (Senna) and Hibiscus The kinds of plant species observed in the herbal shop sabdariffa (Roselle, Karkadeh), Rheum officinale are listed in Table 12. roots (Rubarb, Rubbas or Atrafan) are also imported 396 | Oran and Al-Eisawi J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2015 Table 12. Showing most common medicinal plants found in herbal shops. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 1 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. Scientific name Ammi visnaga Apium graveolens Coriandrum sativum Cuminum cyminum Daucus carota subsp. maxima Ferula blanchei Foeniculum vulgare Pimpinella anisum Arum hygrophyllum Sambucus nigra Achillea fragrantissima Achillea santolina Anthemis camomile Artemisia herba-alba Artemisia judaica Matricaria aurea Lepidium sativum Sinapis alba Paronychia argentea Juniperus phoenicea Ricinus communis Alhagi maurorum Cassis italica Ceratonia siliqua Glycyrrhiza glabra Lupinus termis Medicago sativa Trigonella foenum-graecum Crocus sativa Mentha piperita Micromeria nervosa Origanum syriacum Salvia triloba Teucrium polium Thymus capitatus Laurus nobilis Allium sativum Lausonia inermis Hibiscus sabdariffa Ficus carica Rheum officinalis Rheum palaestinum Nigella sativa Ziziphus spina-christi Crataegus aronia Crataegus azarolus Ruta chalepensis Urtica pilulifera Family Apiaceae Apiaceae Apiaceae Apiaceae Apiaceae Apiaceae Apiaceae Apiaceae Araceae Araliaceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Caryophyllaceae Cupressaceae Euphorbiaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Iridaceae Lamiaceae Lamiaceae Lamiaceae Lamiaceae Lamiaceae Lamiaceae Lauraceae Liliaceae Lythraceae Malvaceae Moraceae Polygonaceae Polygonaceae Ranunculaceae Rhamnaceae Rosaceae Rosaceae Rutaceae Urticaceae Arabic name خله كرفس كزبرة كراوية خلة جدة،مروحة شومر يانسون لوف بيلسان قيصوم فلفل؛ شويشة الراعي بابونج شيح بعيثران بابونج رشاد خردل رجل الحمامة عرعر خروع عاقول عشرج،سنامكة خروب سوس ترمس برسيم حلبة زعفران نعنع زوفا زعتر ميرمية جعدة زعتر فارسي غار ثوم حناء كركديه قطين،تين عطرفان،رباص عطرفان حبة البركة سدر زعرزر نبق،زعرور فيجن،سذاب قريص The results of this study showed that the highest Discussion families with medicinal plants in the study area were This ethnobotanical study is providing a source of Asteraceae, Lamiaceae, Fabaceae and Apiaceae, taxonomical data about the wild medicinal plants in whereas the families of Apocynaceae, Cistaceae, the central mountains of Jordan and their medicinal Fagaceae, Liliaceae, Rosaceae and Scrophulariaceae values as applied by the local people in folk medicine. showed lower number of medicinal plants as shown Moreover it reflects the richness of plant biodiversity in Fig. 1. of the study area, particularly the wild medicinal plants, which are used by the native populations through history for a long period of time in the 397 | Oran and Al-Eisawi J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2015 treatment of diseases as alternative medicine. The use 4. Most of the investigated areas were people living of different plant species for the treatment of various nearby their farms or house or serving in farms or ailments looks similar in the different sites of the shepherd boys. study area as shown in tables 3-11. A remarkable 5. The knowledge of the local medicinal plants is not observation in this study showed the ignorance of the as expected, the people are seems ignorant about the young generation about the identity and the use of majority of their native medicinal plants. these medicinal plants in treating diseases, on the 6. The use of native medicinal plants in the different contrary with sites are used and practiced more or less similarly by applications of local medicinal plants in traditional the eldest were very familiar locals in most sites of the study area Jerash, Zai, medicine. The study revealed a number of 47 families Dibeen, Rmamea, Ajloun, Irbid, Amman (Bader), of vascular flowering plants, with redundancy of Fuhais and Mahis). similar species in the different studied sites, with 7. The local Arabic names of the MPs are largely some plant species that showed highest occurrence in similar in all the studied, examples are: other sites as shown in Fig. 1 and 2. Ononis is called wasba, Lubaid in all the sites, with similar uses. However the most recorded species in the seven study Paronychia is called Rijl Al-Hamamah in all the sites sequentially were Arum palestinum, Teucrium sites with similar uses. polium, Plumbago is called Khamshah in the all sites with Capparis spinosa, Matricaria aurea, Paronychia argentea, Thymus capitatus, Achillea similar uses. santolins, Dittricha viscosa, Phagnalon rupestre, Varthemia is called Chetailah in all the sites Plumbago europaea, Salvia triloba, Varthemia except in Al-Fuhais, it is also called Hendedeh. iphinoides, Anchusa strigosa, Anthemis palaestina, 8. Most of the medicinal plants used by the locals in Bifora testiculata, Ceratonia siliqua, Ecballium all of the study sites are used as decoction or boiled in elaterium, Foeniculum vulgare, Mentha longifolia, water. Micromeria nervosa, Ononis natrix. Origanum 9. The MPs that are used by the locals in the syriacum, Pistacia atlantica, Retama raetam, and different sites of the study area are used mainly for sarcopoterium spinosum as shown in Fig. 2. pain relief or for microbial infections, respiratory ailments and cancer. Conclusion It is learned from the present ethnobotanical Based on this survey, it was found that the use of investigation in the different sites of the study area, medicinal herbs in folk medicine is declining in most and from the participation of the local community in of the investigated areas. Some reasons are to be most of the study sites and the direct communication considered as follows: with local communities and visits took place to all a) Degradation of the wild plants resources including mentioned sites, the following facts: the MP. b) Grazing. 1. Most of the people questioned were of age range c) Urbanization. between 40-60 (few were young shepherd boys) d) Road construction. 2. The absence of very old age sample of people (Men e) Forest destructions. or Women). f) Lack of elderly people in most of the study 3. The isolation of citizens (inhabitants) living localities, hence the youth are comprising the large closely to the study area. number of the population. g) Lack of public awareness or knowledge about medicinal plants, the people kept saying in every visit 398 | Oran and Al-Eisawi J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2015 to the study sites: “Our grandfathers and health care in Abeokuta areas of Ogum State, Nigeria. grandmothers used to know much more than us!” African Journal of Pharmacy and pharmacology, h) The use of medicinal plants by the locals are 6(18), 1353-1362. causing great declining of the diversity of many species growing in all sites visited by the investigators. Etuk EU. 2010. 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