TENDERS 24 MARCH 2015 Project Name and no. 1 2 Mossel Bay Municipality T44-03/15 Supply and installation of palisade fencing at Electrical Workshop, Schoeman Street, Mossel Bay. Mossel Bay Municipality 70-14/15 Supply and delivery of electrical material for a period of three (3) years from 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2018. 3 Sundays River Valley Municipality 12/2012/A2-4 Rehabilitation of Sportsfield in Paterson Phase 3 – construction of change rooms, caretaker house fence and provision of services connections. 4 Sundays River Valley Municipality 12/2012/A2-3 Rehabilitation of Sportsfield in Addo Valencia Phase 3 – upgrading of rugby pitch, provision of galvanised steel grand stand and the installation of fence around the caretaker house. Sundays River Valley Municipality 12/2012A4/3 Rehabilitation of Sportsfield at Bergsig in Kirkwood – finishes to kiosk, accessories to change rooms and fixing lighting to rugby field and earthworks and grassing of rugby field Nxuba Municipality SCM15/S2014-2015 Resurfacing of Bedford town streets includes stormwater reticulation, sewers, water mains, subsoil drains, erosion protection, etc. Nxuba Municipality SCM17/C/2014-2015 Re-gravelling of Adelaide street includes stormwater pipes, erosion protection and associated works 5 6 7 Tender Docs / Bid docs Compulsory Site inspection/meeting CIDB grading/ Criteria Closing Date Enquiries The specifications can be obtained at the compulsory information meeting 10:00 25 March 2015 Electrical Workshop, Schoeman Street, Mossel Bay. 1SQ or higher80/20 points 12:00 2 April 2015 Enquiries about the quotation can be addressed to Mr. Alwyn Huisamen at telephone (044) 606-5114. Non-refundable R259 per set from Ms Unchin Kannemeyer tel (044) 606-5197 OR on website www.mosselbay.gov.za free of charge. Pay at cashiers, Mossel Bay Mun., Main Building, 101 Marsh St, Lower Ground Floor prior to collecting. Proof of payment when collecting the docs from SCM Offices, Plaza Aquada Building, 55 Marsh Street, Mossel Bay. Non-refundable R200 per doc cash or bank guaranteed cheque payable to Sunday River Valley Municipality Budget and Treasury office on collection at Supply Chain Unit, Sundays River Municipality, 31 Middle Street, Kirkwood Non-refundable R200 per doc cash or bank guaranteed cheque payable to Sunday River Valley Municipality Budget and Treasury office on collection at Supply Chain Unit, Sundays River Municipality, 31 Middle Street, Kirkwood Non-refundable R200 per doc cash or bank guaranteed cheque payable to Sunday River Valley Municipality Budget and Treasury office on collection at Supply Chain Unit, Sundays River Municipality, 31 Middle Street, Kirkwood Non-refundable R300 cash or bank guaranteed cheque payable to Nxuba Local Municipality. Pay at Budget and Treasury Office, Market Sq, Adelaide. Collect SCM Unit, Market Sq, Adelaide Non-refundable R300 cash or bank guaranteed cheque payable to Nxuba Local Municipality. Pay at Budget and Treasury Office, Market Sq, Adelaide. Collect SCM Unit, Market Sq, Adelaide - 90/10 points 12:00 17 April 2015 Enquiries pertaining to specifications can be addressed to Mr Petrus Harmse tel (044) 606-5084.Enquiries pertaining to the completion of the docs can be addressed to Ms Unchin Kannemeyer tel (044) 606-5197 10:00 25 March 2015 at Sportsfield in KwaZenzele 3CE / GB 80/20 points 12:00 22 April 2015 12:00 25 March 2015 at Sportsfield in Addo 3CE / GB 80/20 points 12:00 22 April 2015 14:00 27 March 2015 At Sportsfield at Bergsig, Kirkwood 2CE / GB 12:00 22 April 2015 12:00 31 March 2015 On site 5CE or higher 90/10 points 30 April 2015 Mr M Nzuzo 042 230 0077 [email protected] Mr James Nyila 041 360 6485 [email protected] Mr M Nzuzo 042 230 0077 [email protected] Mr James Nyila 041 360 6485 [email protected] Mr M Nzuzo 042 230 0077 [email protected] Mr M Nduku 076 612 3365 [email protected] Technical – Mr S Sabani SCM – Ms Mavikela 046 684 0034 12:00 31 March 2015 On site 90/10 points 30 April 2015 Technical – Mr S Sabani SCM – Ms Mavikela 046 684 0034 Project Name and no. Tender Docs / Bid docs Compulsory Site inspection/meeting CIDB grading/ Criteria Closing Date Enquiries 11:00 27 March 2015 Buyer: Mr T P Ntshona 041 5067630 Mr X Khalimane 083 925 151 11:00 26 March 2015 Buyer: Mr N P Hafkie 041 5067630 Mr Martin Basson Cell 079 4900 070 8 Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality GQ0315601 Supply and deliver readymix concrete, 20MPA, 19mm stone for as when needed for the period ending 30 June 2015. Req. no. Z448029 All tender responses should be completed online & no fax submissions will be accepted by the Supply Chain Unit, Acquisitions, Harrower Road & Uitenhage Office. - 9 Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality GQ0315613 Supply and deliver STRAL 25m2 x 3 Core + 54,6 N electric cable XLPE insulated 600/1000volt Insulated neutral in accordance with S.A.B.S. 1418 PART 1 & 2. Req. no. Z453408 Camdeboo Municipality CAM-SCM-38 Supply & Delivery of Waterworks Material: 50 X 22mm Cobra Stopcock Female, 50 X 22mm X ¾ Copper To Female Iron, 50 X 22mm X ¾ Cop To Male Iron, 100 X 15mm Cobra Stopcock Female, 20 X 75mm CI Saddle Bore 1’’, 25 X 25mm Cobra Gate Valves, 20 X 25mm Brass Nipples, 20 X 15mm Cop Ball Valves, 20 X 22mm Cop Ball Valves & 50 X 22 Tape Hose Bibcock Mhlontlo Local Municipality MIG/EC/R/221995 Supply labour, materials and equipment for the construction of Godini-Buhlungwana Access Road Mhlontlo Local Municipality MIG/EC/R/222394 Supply labour, materials and equipment for the construction of Gungqwana Access Road Mhlontlo Local Municipality MIG/EC/R/221611 Supply labour, materials and equipment for the construction of Lotana Access Road Mossel Bay Municipality T46-03/15 Supply and erection of wire mesh fences at Nel’s and Wolwedans pump stations All tender responses should be completed online & no fax submissions will be accepted by the Supply Chain Unit, Acquisitions, Harrower Road & Uitenhage Office. - 80/20 points Acceptance of tender is subject to successful registration on Nelson Mandela Bay Supplier Database. To register call the Compliance Sec 041 506 3274 As above - - 80/20 points 12:00 26 March 2015 Senior Clerk: Stores, Mrs L. Botha at 049 807 5700/5730 Mhlontlo Local Municipality Cashiers Office in Qumbu on the day of compulsory site meeting – Nonrefundable R400 per doc. Mhlontlo Local Municipality Cashiers Office in Qumbu on the day of compulsory site meeting – Nonrefundable R400 per doc. Mhlontlo Local Municipality Cashiers Office in Qumbu on the day of compulsory site meeting – Nonrefundable R400 per doc. Specifications can be obtained at the site meeting. Compulsory site meeting: 10:00 25 March 2015 6CE/5CEPE or higher 90/10 points 12:00 9 April 2015 Compulsory site meeting: 10:00 25 March 2015 5CE/4CEPE or higher 90/10 points 12:00 9 April 2015 Compulsory site meeting: 10:00 25 March 2015 4CE/3CEPE or higher 90/10 points 12:00 9 April 2015 10:00 1 April 2015 Directorate: Technical Services, 4-6 Rudie Barnard Str, Mossel Bay. (both sites will be visited: Nel’s Pump Station and Wolwedans Pump Station) 1SQ/GB or higher 80/20 points 12:00 10 April 2015 Mr T Mbono 047 553 7000 Ms Y Nqatyelwa/Mr S Booi 047 553 7000/047 542 0192 Mr T Mbono 047 553 7000 Ms Y Nqatyelwa/Mr S Booi 047 553 7000/047 542 0192 Mr T Mbono 047 553 7000 Ms Y Nqatyelwa/Mr S Booi 047 553 7000/047 542 0192 Mr. Thys van Zyl at telephone (044) 606-5269 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Project Name and no. Tender Docs / Bid docs Compulsory Site inspection/meeting CIDB grading/ Criteria Closing Date Enquiries Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality BCMM/COO/HM/1376/2014 Potsdam Village Housing: Project A – Construction of 400 units EC Dept of Public Works SCMU5-15/16-0017 Renovations and Maintenance of MPL Residences Contracts Management Dept., Supply Chain Management, 80 Phillip Frame Road, Chiselhurst, East London – R500 10:00 27 March 2015 Potsdam Village Community Centre 8GB or higher 90/10 points 12:00 24 April 2015 Ms N Magodla 043 705 2016 Mr B Arthur 043 748 6230 Dept of Roads & Public Works, Room 346, Qhasana Building, Bhisho – Nonrefundable R150 per doc. Bank certified cheques payable to Department of Roads and Public Works - 11:00 - 12:30 31 March at MPL Residences 5GB PE/6GB or higher 90/10 points 11:00 16 April 2015 Ms N Manyefane 040 602 4076 - 1-4GB 11:00 21 April 2015 Project Leader Mr M Nieftagodien 041 390 9097 Dept of Roads & Public Works, Room 346, Qhasana Building, Bhisho – Nonrefundable R200 per doc. Bank certified cheques payable to Department of Roads and Public Works Dept of Roads & Public Works, Old Ford House, corner Albany, Westbourne and Clevedon Roads, Port Elizabeth. Nonrefundable R50 – bank certified cheques payable to Department of Roads & Public Works. After compulsory briefing session - SCM offices Mnquma Municipality, cnr King & Mthatha St, Butterworth. Pay at Budget & Treasury offices. Non-refundable R500 cash/bank guaranteed cheque payable to Mnquma Local Municipality Bid documents can be obtained after compulsory briefing session and site inspection. Non-refundable R426 cash or bank guaranteed cheque from Cashier, Nyandeni Local Municipality, B N Nomandela Drive, Libode Tel: 047 555 5000 Bid documents can be obtained after compulsory briefing session and site inspection. Non-refundable R426 cash or bank guaranteed cheque from Cashier, Nyandeni Local Municipality, B N Nomandela Drive, Libode Tel: 047 555 5000 09:00 31 March 2015 Mechanical Workshop in Queenstown 3EB or 2EBPE or higher 90/10 points 11:00 16 April 2015 Project Leader: Ms T Mhambi 045 807 6600 Ms N Manyefane 040 602 4076 - 4ME or higher 90/10 points 11:00 21 April 2015 Mr E Fortuin 041 390 9059 10:00 30 March 2015 SCM Offices Mnquma Local Municipality 7CE or higher 90/10 points 12:00 13 April 2015 Mr L Manjingolo 047 401 2400 Briefing session: 10:00 26 March 2015 Site Inspection: 11:00 26 March 2015 80/20 points 12:00 9 April 2015 Technical – Mr Q Madikida 047 555 0281 Mr J Yengan 047 555 0281 Briefing session: 10:00 27 March 2015 Site Inspection: 11:00 27 March 2015 80/20 points 12:00 10 April 2015 Technical – Mr Q Madikida 047 555 0281 Mr J Yengan 047 555 0281 EC Roads & Public Works – Call for Expression of Interest SCMU5-15/16/0007SG Jubilee Park Primary School Uitenhage: Repairs, renovations, alterations & Additions EC Dept of Roads & Public Works SCMU5-15/16 0021 EB Refurbishment of Mechanical Workshop – Queenstown – Electrical Installation 19 EC Roads & Public Works SCMU5-15/16/0001SB Grahamstown Roads Department – New Offices – HVAC Installation 20 Mnquma Municipality MNQ/SCM/49/14-15 Surfacing of Butterworth Township Roads 21 Nyandeni Local Municipality 06/2015 Construction Bukhwezeni Access Road 07/2015 Construction Mgonondi Access Road 08/2015 Cons Msuzwaneni-Thekwini Access Rd 09/2015 Construction Mafusini to Zincukuthwini Access Rd Phase 2 22 Nyandeni Local Municipality 10/2015 Constr Mgojweni - Mabhetshe Acc Rd 11/2015 Constr Cibeni to Ngojini Access Rd 12/2015 Constr Ndayini Access Rd Phasse 2 13/2015 Constr Libode Internal Roads Ext 1 14/2015 Constr Ngqeleni Internal Roads Ext 2 Project Name and no. 23 EC Dept of Roads & Public Works SCMU5-15/16-0019 Refurbishment of Water and Waste Water Treatment Works at Empilisweni Hospital in Sterkspurit 24 Oudtshoorn Municipality 02 of 2015 Upgrading of De Jager Athletic Track in Voortrekker Road. Hessequa Local Municipality HES-PLAN 02/1415 Upgrading of the slipway at the Kraaltjie, Witsand Hessequa Local Municipality HES-CORP INF 05/1415 Replacing of existing wooden fence at Ellensrus Caravan Park Hessequa Local Municipality HES-CORP INF 06/1415 Replacing of Roofing screws and broken “Big Six” sheets at Ellensrus Mnquma Local Municipality MNQ/SCM/64/14-15 Structural, Civil, Electrical Engineering, Project Managers, etc. Develop feasibility studies, business plans, construction and implementation of the IDP Projects and other infrastructure programmes on a turnkey basis. Coega Development Corporation CDC/1299/14 Renovation and construction of Lilitha Training College and accommodation at St Lucy’s Hospital in St Cuthberts (Tsolo) Port Elizabeth PE510/2015 Alterations, renovations and additions to toilet facilities in terminal at Port Elizabeth International Airport 25 26 27 28 29 30 Tender Docs / Bid docs Compulsory Site inspection/meeting CIDB grading/ Criteria Closing Date Enquiries Dept of Roads & Public Works, Room 346, Qhasana Building, Bhisho – Nonrefundable R200 per doc. Bank certified cheques payable to Department of Roads and Public Works 11:00 31 March 2015 Main entrance to the Empilisweni Hospital 3CEpe/4CE or higher 90/10 points 11:00 16 April 2015 Project Leader: Mr L Qwalela 040 602 4015 Ms N Manyefane 040 602 4076 Non-refundable R190.80 – at compulsory site meeting – must produce proof of payment 10:00 31 March 2015 Oudtshoorn Sport Complex 3CE SB or higher 90/10 points 12:00 10 April 2015 Mr G Pepler 028 713 4030 www.hessequa.gov.za Belinda van Deventer 028 713 8087 [email protected] www.hessequa.gov.za Belinda van Deventer 028 713 8087 [email protected] www.hessequa.gov.za Belinda van Deventer 028 713 8087 [email protected] SCM offices Mnquma Municipality, cnr King & Mthatha St, Butterworth. Pay at Budget & Treasury offices. Nonrefundable R300 cash/bank guaranteed cheque payable to Mnquma Local Municipality 10:00 31 March 2015 Corner King & Mthatha street, Butterworth - 14:00 13 April 2015 Mr Lubabalo Manjingolo & Mr Kulile Clock 047 401 2400 www.coega.com 11:00 26 March 2015 St Lucy’s Hospital, St Cuthberts 8GB or higher 12:00 20 April 2015 - Non-refundable R1000 payable by bank deposit or EFT. Nedbank, a/c no: 1212416597, Govan Mbeki Branch (Code 121217) – Airports Company South Africa SOC Limited (Quote tender & company name) Port Elizabeth International Airport, 1st Floor, Block A, Aeropark Office Complex, Allister Miller Drive, Walmer, Port Elizabeth or via email at [email protected] 10:00 1 April 2015 Port Elizabeth International Airport, 1st Floor, Block A, Aeropark Office Complex, Allister Miller Drive, Walmer, Port Elizabeth 6GB or higher 90/10 points 12:00 21 April 2015 Enquiries and Contact Information [email protected] Fax: 086 535 9125 Website: www.airports.co.za 31 32 Project Name and no. Tender Docs / Bid docs Compulsory Site inspection/meeting CIDB grading/ Criteria Closing Date Enquiries Sundays River Valley Municipality 12/2012B-2 Rehabilitation of Parks and Playground in Paterson – construction of concrete block paving, wire mesh fencing, concrete table and benches, etc. Sundays River Valley Municipality 12/2012A3-2B Rehabilitation of Sportsfield in Addo. Non-refundable R200 – cash or bank guaranteed cheque to Sundays River Valley Municipality Budget and Treasury office on collection of docs at Supply Chain Management Unit, Sundays River Valley Mun, 31 Middle Str, Kirkwood Non-refundable R200 – cash or bank guaranteed cheque to Sundays River Valley Municipality Budget and Treasury office on collection of docs at Supply Chain Management Unit, Sundays River Valley Mun, 31 Middle Street, Kirkwood. Registry Section, 33 Da Gama Road, Jeffreys Bay 042 200 2200 Non-refundable R150 per doc. 10:00 2 April 2015 Playground in Paterson CE/GB/SH 80/20 points 12:00 24 April 2015 12:00 2 April 2015 Sportsfield at Nomathamsanqa in Addo 2GB/CE 80/20 points 12:00 24 April 2015 - GB3/SQ3 90/10 points 12:00 17 April 2015 Mr M Nzuzo 042 230 0077 [email protected] Mr Keith Simon 041 373 6729 [email protected] Mr M Nzuzo 042 230 0077 [email protected] Mr Keith Simon 041 373 6729 [email protected] Mr E de Lange 082 895 1800 Mr A Perils 082 898 7879 33 Kouga Local Municipality 27/2015 A – wire fencing for graveyard 27/2015 B – concrete palisade fencing 34 Engcobo Local Municipality ELM/40/20/03/2015 Qebe Electrification – 228 households Finance Department, 54 Union street, Engcobo – Non-refundable R400 per doc - cash or EFT payable to Engcobo Local Municipality 11:00 27 March 2015 Municipal Town Hall, 54 Union Street, Engcobo 80/20 points 12:00 15 April 2015 35 Senqu Municipality 47/2015 Construction of a community hall in ward 9. Must be bought before the start of the meeting. Non-refundable R 300.00 must be paid in cash at the Municipal cashiers and proof of payment must be produced on collection of the tender documents Senqu Municipality 48/2015 Construction of a community hall in ward 12. Must be bought before the start of the meeting. Non-refundable R 300.00 must be paid in cash at the Municipal cashiers and proof of payment must be produced on collection of the tender documents 37 Senqu Municipality 49/2015 Construction of a community hall in ward 12. Must be bought before the start of the meeting. Non-refundable R 300.00 must be paid in cash at the Municipal cashiers and proof of payment must be produced on collection of the tender documents 4GB, 3GB PE or higher. Successful bidder be encouraged to employ existing 2 x local contras on site with a CIDB Grading of 1CEPE 90/10 points 4GB, 3GB PE or higher. Successful bidder be encouraged to employ existing 2 x local contras on site with a CIDB Grading of 1CEPE 90/10 points 4GB, 3GB PE or higher. Successful bidder be encouraged to employ existing 2 x local contras on site with a CIDB Grading of 1CEPE 90/10 points 12:00 24 April 2015 36 10:00 25 March 2015 and in case of JV, reps of both companies must be present. Meet at the Senqu Municipal Offices, 19 Murray Street, Lady Grey, after which the actual site inspection will take place. 10:00 25 March 2015 and in case of JV, reps of both companies must be present. Meet at Senqu Municipal Offices, 19 Murray Street, Lady Grey, after which the actual site inspection will take place. 10:00 25 March 2015 and in case of JV, reps of both companies must be present. Meet at Senqu Municipal Offices, 19 Murray Street, Lady Grey Mr C Obose 047 548 5600 [email protected] Mr S D Xinti 047 548 5628 Mr Neo Nkopane (PMU Manager) (051) 603 1450/1451. 12:00 24 April 2015 Mr Neo Nkopane (PMU Manager) (051) 603 1450/1451. 12:00 24 April 2015 Mr Neo Nkopane (PMU Manager) (051) 603 1450/1451.
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