1667 OLD FOLEYANS’ ASSOCIATION THE OLD FOLEYAN 2014 PRESIDENT’S REPORT TO THE AGM JUNE 2014 This last year has been a very good year for the Old Foleyans’ Association, though I am very sorry to say that since the end of November 2013 my health has not allowed me to give my normal 100% support to the Old Foleyans’ and to Old Swinford Hospital. The osteoporotic collapse fracture in my spine has certainly put a severe stop to my activities, though at last I am able to manage it better. I was pleased to support the OFA and School activities until the end of November, including the 1st XV rugby matches until I had to succumb to the pain. My biggest heartache was to miss the OFA annual carol service in Witley Church on 7th December. The service was organised by John Whiting and Rob Franks and from the letters of thanks I received the carol service was as good as ever and the School choir under their Director of Music were absolutely fabulous. As a thank you to the choir, the committee entertained them to a BBQ evening at Hanbury House on the 10th June where Eric Hickman assisted by Rob Franks cooked beef burgers and sausages etc. for about 50 hungry members of the choir. John and Pat Whiting organised the food. Our committee have been able to financially support our old School and the pupils by donating: £270 towards the Borneo Tour £320 towards the cricket tour in St. Lucia £1460 towards mountain bikes £800 towards the music tour of Spain £2000 towards the Duke of Edinburgh scheme £500 towards the Margaret Fingerhut master class & concert £300 towards the World War I battlefield expedition £750 towards the Vietnam expedition £2000 towards the refurbishment of the OFA room in Barn Block The OFA vs School 1st XI Cricket match was held on 28th June during cricket week. The OFA batted first captained by Dick Ellis and were soon 5 wickets down for 28 runs. Then John Stanier was joined by Ed Taylor - better known for his rugby playing - who scored 64 runs and who together with John Stanier put on 78 for 6 wickets. The OFA were all out for 139, then lunch. We enjoyed a rather splendid lunch with a few glasses of Merlot before OSH 1st XI started to bat. When the score was 34 for 3 the heavens opened and no further play was possible. Our grateful thanks to Anthony Green, master in charge of cricket, for organising the day and all the work he does in preparing such a first class wicket. This years highlight has most certainly been our Annual Dinner. It was Peter Jones’s last dinner as Headmaster and 220 ex pupils, former members of staff, present members of staff and invited guests were there. I was just too ill to attend. Rob Franks did all the arranging and covered for me during the evening. Peter Jones said Grace and David Walker proposed absent friends. Peter Teale and the catering staff provided a first class meal, the main course being roast Rib of Beef. Our guests were Peter Jones Headmaster, Chris Potter - former Headmaster, John Yeates - Feoffee, Colin Wilson - Feoffee, Peter Mason - Feoffee, Geoff Smith - Governor, Peter Picken - Old Carolians, Steve Branson - President Old Edwardian Club. From what I’ve been told, it was our best OFA dinner ever, with tremendous thanks due to Rob Franks for standing in at such short notice. My brother Owen ran his most successful raffle ever, making over a £1000 for the Chris Potter bursary which helps to provide an OSH Boarding School education for a boy from a financially disadvantaged home. John Yeates proposed a toast to the Hospital and Founder, coupled with that of Peter Jones, who replied as only Peter can. I am told all the ‘toasts’ and replies were very eloquent and extremely humourous. Joe Shaw, one of Peter’s 1st XV rugby captains also proposed a toast to Peter from the floor! While talking about the dinner I am once again pleased to thank Jeffery O’Neill for his continued benevolence towards the Potter Bursary Fund. Jeffery supports the OFA dinner every year. I would now like to thank all the officers and committee members for their untiring support, especially this year when I have not been able to help so much. Steve Taylor our Secretary and magazine editor, David Edwards our Treasurer, for looking after our finances and keeping them in very good order and providing us with a valuable monthly statement. My thanks to Rob Franks and John Whiting, two very valuable members of our committee. My thanks also to our clerk of the committee, Linda Williams who resigned after 12 years valueable service. I would like to thank Paul Goode our School Staff representative for all he has done for the OFA and finally a big thank you to Headmaster Peter Jones for his support of the OFA. To the Feoffees and Governors, my thanks for their support, especially Malcom Wilcox and Jack Edmonds. Also to the ladies in the School office, thank you for making me so welcome whenever I appear unannounced. It is now 76 years this September that I first arrived here as a very young 10 year old. It is my spiritual home! I am very proud to wear the Old Foleyan tie and I feel very honoured and privileged to be your President. I have enjoyed my rather curtailed Presidential duties throughout the year. At the School remembrance service in the Great Hall I read one of the lessons and laid a poppy wreath on behalf of the OFA. It was quite a moving ceremony. Furthermore, if I could have one wish it would be that Peter Jones stayed a few more years at OSH. I was invited to give my annual enrichment talk to the Upper Sixth on 21st November. The talk was about my time at OSH before and during the second World War. I was extremely pleased by the welcome I received from 140 students. I first met Peter 26 years ago when he first started here as Head of Sport. He was a brilliant Rugby coach and being Welsh we were soon good friends - even though he is leaving us. I just can’t imagine Old Swinford Hospital without him. I regard it as a very great privilege to be able to support my old School and its various functions, none of which would be possible without the never ending support of my wife Sue. He has been a tremendous help to the Old Foleyans’ Association. I end my report by repeating a few words I will never tire of saying... That gentlemen ends my report. ...I am immensely proud to be an ‘Old Boy’ of Old Swinford Hospital. I would like to wish both Christine and Peter many years of happy semi retirement and look forward to seeing them both in the future. Maurice Evans 1938-1943. Change to the format of the Old Foleyan magazine Since the summer the funding model of the Association has changed, as a result of a significant fall in subscription revenue. The Committee has curtailed the amount of donations made to the School and has reviewed other areas of expenditure, one being the format of the magazine which has reduced publication and distribution costs. We will consider moving the magazine to an electronic format for future years. During the forthcoming year we will be looking to change the focus of the Association, and will keep everyone informed. FAREWELL TO AN OSH ART MASTER James Ivor Wilkinson 30.04.1914 – 04.12.2014 Foley House 1938-39 Old Swinford Hospital was Ivor’s first teaching post in 1938 when he was appointed art teacher, occasional organist and House Master of Foley House. Aside from his teaching duties, he recorded summer holidays during wartime, when he and a science teacher took a group of boys, via the school’s barge, to help with work on a farm. They camped near a canal tunnel, with the boys sleeping on the barge and the masters in tents. If an air raid siren sounded they would tow the sleeping boys into the tunnel. He spent nine very happy years at OSH and was recently delighted to renew friendships with some of his past pupils. A visit to the school for a cricket match was a highlight. Back at school in 2013, Ivor Wilkinson - centre Also: Gilbert Harris 1932 - 2015 Head of School and Captain of Rugby NEW FORMAT ANNUAL DINNER 2015 For the first time in it’s long history the Old Foleyans’ Annual Dinner is now open for partners to attend. Please fill in the form below or e-mail your details to Rob Franks to book your places. ANNUAL DINNER BOOKING FORM 2015 Saturday 28th March 2015 at 7.00pm • Bar open from 6.30pm onwards • Dinner served 7.15pm • Dress is lounge suit or black tie and equivalent dress for the ladies Attendance at the dinner is £28 per head payable in advance by one of the following means (please note no tickets will be issued): 1. Cheque or Postal Order made payable to the Old Foleyans’ Association, sent to Rob Franks at: 58 Corser Street, Oldswinford, Stourbridge, West Midlands DY8 2DQ. Please provide an e-mail or telephone number for confirmation of receipt. 2. Bank Transfer to the following Account: HSBC Bank plc Name: Old Foleyans’ Association Sort Code: 40-23-03 Account: 71100475 Reference: (Your Name) 3. By Debit Card to the School on 01384 817315. (Heather Hinton) If you are booking a ticket on behalf of others please ensure we have the details of all attending. Once payment has been made please email [email protected] with the following details: Name, Address, Email, Tel No, Start/Finish Year and House and any special dietary need, or complete the slip at the bottom of the page for each guest and return to Rob Franks at above address: Booking Details (to be completed for each person attending) Name Address Postcode Tel: Start / Finish Year & House e-mail Special Dietary Needs Join us at our new Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/oldfoleyansassociation/ ANNUAL DINNER 2014 A selection of images from the 2014 Annual Dinner OLD FOLEYANS REMEMBERED 46 Old Foleyans gave their lives in the First World War. An alphabetical list of their names follow. Their names are also commemorated, along with other Old Foleyans from World War 2, Gulf War 1 and Afghanistan on a memorial in the Great Hall. A service is held every year in the Great Hall at 10.00am on Remembrance Sunday. James William Ashcroft Royal Field Artillery Died of Wounds May 2nd 1917 Fred Blewitt South Staffordshire Regiment Died of Wounds October 20th 1914 Benjamin Bartle Royal Engineers Killed in Action May 12th 1918 John Blewitt South Staffordshire Regiment Killed in Action February 17th 1917 Wilfred Harry Beaman Worcestershire Regiment Died of Wounds November 30th 1916 Richard Augustus Bourne Lancashire Fusiliers Killed in Action July 11th 1917 Ernest Bennett Worcestershire Regiment Killed in Action April 17th 1918 Harold Bunn Durham Light Infantry Killed in Action September 13th 1918 William Bennett Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry Died September 24th 1919 Ernest Colledge Royal Engineers Died of Wounds February 24th 1916 Ralph Beresford South Staffordshire Regiment Killed in Action July 15th 1916 Frederick John Cook King’s Shropshire Light Infantry Killed in Action March 28th 1918 Mark Billingsley Royal Field Artillery Killed in Action August 13th 1916 James Craddock Worcestershire Regiment Killed in Action April 24th 1917 Richard Henry Daffon Australian Infantry Killed in Action November 15th 1916 Noel Lewis Tank Corps Killed in Action July 31st 1917 Samuel Thomas Eley Australian Machine Gun Corps Killed in Action May 18th 1917 Harry Male Worcestershire Regiment Killed in Action July 15th 1916 Arthur Fosbrook Worcestershire Regiment Killed in Action July 31st 1917 John William Martin Worcestershire Regiment Killed in Action January 18th 1917 Walter Stephen Harris Canadian Infantry Killed in Action September 27th 1918 John Moseley Royal Engineers Killed in Action January 2nd 1917 Walter Haycock King’s Shropshire Light Infantry Killed in Action September 25th 1915 John Thomas Mound Royal Engineers Died of Wounds october 4th 1915 Benjamin John Hill South Staffordshire Regiment Killed in Action February 29th 1916 Norman Parkes Canadian Infantry Died of Wounds July 26th 1917 Jack Hill Worcestershire Regiment Died of Wounds April 28th 1915 Albert Henry Parton Royal Garrison Artillery Killed in Action June 7th 1917 Richard Jones Worcestershire Regiment Killed in Action May 7th 1915 John Wallis Parton Worcestershire Regiment Killed in Action April 1st 1917 Ernest Charles Kempson Royal Army Medical Corps Killed in Action November 18th 1916 James Laurence Perry Australian Field Artillery Died June 9th 1917 Alfred James Lamb Worcestershire Regiment Killed in Action September 26th 1915 Walter James Powell Royal Flying Corps Died July 22nd 1918 Albert George Price Worcestershire Regiment Died June 17th 1917 Abel Stokes Worcestershire Regiment Killed in Action April 24th 1917 George Price South Staffordshire Regiment Killed in Action October 13th 1915 Arthur Western Royal Navy Killed in Action October 23rd 1916 Arthur Roberts Royal Army Medical Corps Killed in Action June 17th 1917 William Oliver White Manchester Regiment Died of Wounds September 3rd 1918 William Rubery Worcestershire Regiment Killed in Action August 17th 1917 Albert Wilkes Hampshire Regiment Killed in Action April 24th 1917 Frank Edgar Smith South Staffordshire Regiment Killed in Action October 4th 1917 William Henry Wilson Kings Shropshire Light Infantry Died of Wounds September 23rd 1916 Frederick James Sneyd Worcestershire Regiment Killed in Action May 16th 1915 Wallace Ernest Wooldrige Royal Field Artillery Killed in Action January 9th 1918 A publication including all of the above casualties, along with more in depth information, photographs and images is available from the Association at a cost of £5 plus £2 postage & packing - see the memorabilia page at the back of the magazine. 1667 OLD FOLEYANS’ ASSOCIATION ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2015 Notice is hereby given of the Annual General Meeting of the Old Foleyans’ Association to be held in the Feoffees Parlour, Barn Block, Old Swinford Hospital on Monday 22nd June 2015, commencing at 8.00pm Agenda: 1 Apologies 2 Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting 3 Matters Arising 4 President’s Report 5 Treasurer’s Report 6 Headmaster’s Report 7 Election of Officers 8 Any Other Business 9 Date of the next Annual General Meeting Nominations from paid up members of the Association for committee members are to be received in writing no later than Monday 8th June 2015, with the prior written consent of the nominee, then sent to: Steve Taylor, OFA Secretary, 55 Lightwoods Road, Pedmore, Stourbridge, West Midlands DY9 0TR or e-mail [email protected] MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION & CHANGE OF ADDRESS Please use the following form for change of address or to become a member. Only life membership is available at £100.00. Please make cheque/postal orders payable to The Old Foleyans’ Association. Please post to: Rob Franks, Membership Secretary, Old Foleyans’ Association, 58 Corser Street, Oldswinford, Stourbridge, West Midlands DY8 2DQ Surname Title Forenames Address Postcode Home/Mobile Telephone (optional) E-mail address House Upper Sixth Year Year Started Full Boarder Weekly Boarder Year Left Day Student DATES FOR YOU DIARY Great Witley Carol Service - 3.00pm Saturday 5th December 2015 Annual Dinner - Saturday 28th March 2015 Leavers’ Party - Friday 23rd May 2015 Annual General Meeting - 8.00pm Monday 22nd June 2015 OLD F OLEYANS’ ASSOCIATION COMMITTEE M EMBERS 2015/16 President - Maurice Evans Common Barn Bungalow, Common Barn Lane, Cookley, Kidderminster, Worcestershire DY10 3RS Telephone: 01562 850661 Vice-President - Professor David Walker Willow Lodge, 3 Farlands Drive, Oldswinford, Stourbridge, West Midlands DY8 2DY Telephone: 01384 373109 e-mail: [email protected] Secretary - Steve Taylor 55 Lightwoods Road, Pedmore, Stourbridge, West Midlands DY9 0TR e-mail: [email protected] Treasurer - David Edwards 7 Cypress Court, Oldnall Road, Kidderminster, Worcestershire DY10 3HN e-mail: [email protected] Membership Secretary - Rob Franks 58 Corser Street, Oldswinford, Stourbridge, West Midlands DY8 2DQ e-mail: [email protected] School Staff Representative - Paul Goode Old Swinford Hospital, Heath Lane, Stourbridge, West Midlands DY8 1QX Ex-Officio Member - Paul Kilbride Headmaster, Old Swinford Hospital. Telephone: 01384 817300 e-mail: [email protected] Committee Members Tim Bailey, Eric Hickman, Tom Leighton, James Mason, John Partridge, George Partridge, John Whiting MILITARY COLLECTABLES • WANTED • ALL MILITARY ITEMS MEDALS & BADGES ARP & HOME GUARD BAYONETS & SWORDS MILITARY UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT CLOTH BADGES GERMAN ITEMS PART OR COMPLETE COLLECTIONS HOME FRONT ITEMS • Absolute discretion assured • Probate valuations undertaken • Professional local dealer with over years experience CASH PAID CALL STEVE ON 01384 372929 105 Worcester Street, Stourbridge UK BUILDER OF THE YEAR 2013 3W Developments is an award-winning family-owned business with a reputation for beautiful results BUILDERS • CONTRACTORS • PROPERTY DEVELOPERS New Builds Extensions Alterations Refurbishments Renovations 01905 620453 www.3wdevelopments.co.uk [email protected] MEMORABILIA 1667 OLD FOLEYANS’ ASSOCIATION ORDER FORM Item Quantity Price Life Membership £100 OFA Tie (polyester) £14 OFA Tie (silk) £20 OFA Bow Tie £12 OFA Scarf £5 OFA Polo Shirt (Please state size) £18 OFA WW1 Remembered Book £7 OFA Print (unframed 680mm x 400mm) £18 TOTAL (The above prices include postage & packing) Amount
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