St John the Baptist Parish Newsletter Parish Office: Sacred Heart Church, Silver Link Rd, Tamworth, B77 2EA Parish Office: 01827 769403 Parish Centre Bookings: 01827 288226 Priests: Fr Michael – [email protected] Fr Noel – [email protected] Bookings: Rev Deacon Brian Cox and Mrs Nora Cox – [email protected] Tel. 288226 Admin: Wendy Quinn – [email protected] Gift Aid, HOT, database (Tues & Wed): Rob Breeden – [email protected] St John’s Church in on St John St, Tamworth, B79 7EX Easter Sunday (B) – 5th April 2015 Psalm Response: This day was made by the Lord: we rejoice and are glad 8.00 pm (S.H.) Easter Vigil 9.00 am (S.H.) Mikie Crotty – Leon Spicer 10.30 am (S.J.) Bro. Martin Morris – Kath Wakelin 12.00 noon (S.H.) Eric Richards – Lizzie Jordon Monday 6th April Easter Monday 11.00 am (S.J.) Hughie McKenny (please note time change) th Tuesday 7 April Easter Tuesday 10.00 am (S.J.) Miriam Sturm (please note time change) Wednesday 8th April Easter Wednesday 10.00 am (S.J.) Anne Crowley 10am – 3pm (S.H.) Day of Prayer for Vocations 7.00 pm (S.H.) UCM Mass (everyone welcome) Thursday 9th April Easter Thursday 10.00am (S.J.) Mary Wilson th Friday 10 April Easter Friday 12.30pm (S.J.) Mass for the sick and housebound of the parish 7.00pm (S.H.) Communion Service th Saturday 11 April Easter Saturday 10.30am (S.J.) Bert Wheeler Second Sunday of Easter 6.00pm (S.J.) Pat Lane – Nora Bolt th Sunday 12 April 9.00 am (S.H.) Joe Eddy – John Coll 10.30 am (S.J.) Holy Souls – David Burford Second Sunday of 12.00 noon (S.H.) Frances and Ken Dingley Easter Confessions at St John’s: Sat 11.00 till 11.30 am and 5.15 – 5.45 pm. th Saturday 4 April Sunday 5th April Holy Saturday Happy Easter Alleluia! He is risen! This is the most joyous feast of the year. Christ’s death and resurrection is the foundation of the Christian Faith. The church is now filled with the spirit of Jesus and with His Light. It is no longer silent as we join our songs of praise with the choirs in heaven. We are reminded of Christ’s promise “I will give you a joy which no one will take from you.” (John 16:22). Easter is the beginning of our new life with Christ. Although our Lenten Journey is complete don’t forget to create times of prayer in your daily lives where you can spend time with our Risen Lord. As we reflect on today’s readings, especially the Gospel, let us ask the Risen Christ for courage and strength we need to take His Light into the world. The Second Collection at all Masses this Easter will be for your priests. Registered Charity 234216 Na każdej niedzielnej mszy dostępne są polskie tłumaczenia czytań i Ewangelii. Można je znaleźć w prz edsionku kościoła. Miłej i owocnej lektury! Please pray for the sick: Mick Evans, Chad Williams, Steve Brindley, Finn Lynch, Teresa Woodcock, Gill Horsley, Margaret Thompson, Mary Pullen, Patrick O’Hara, Maggie Gordan, Noreen Doherty, Christine Lavery, Michelle Mason, Julie Orme, Nikolas Atkins, Sheila Brown, Stephen Morley, Jaden Walker, Frank Ryan, Elsie Newbold, Gillian & John Solanky, Edna Mundin, John Barrass, June Beggan, Michael Fox, Betty Meehan, Mary Miller, Sarah Gillen, Conan Teyssou, Winnie Claridge, AnnMarie Purslow, Eileen Murphy, Philip Nolan, Margaret Fenn, Ann Bernes, Teresa Weir, Morag Deighton, Joan Trevis, Nellie Mattison, Tony Soden, Betty Meehan, Ethel Haughton, Stan Merryweather, Eileen McDaid, David Herbert, Denise Payne, Phil Crook, Maxine Beech, Ray Barber, John Toft Please pray for those whose anniversaries occur around this time: Harold Levesley, Ernest Bonham, William Jackson, Annie Doggerell, Catherine Collins, Michael Davey, Harry Glevey, Arthur Wood, Walter Davis, George Radford, Eli Roots, Nora Clover, James O'Rourke, John Fowley, Rose Robinson, Julia Worgan, Eileen McGovern, Emma Riley. Ken Guilder, Eleanor Luton, Elizabeth Lynch, George Cash, Horace Spooner, Margaret McLean, Ferdynand Dent, Olive Catherine O’Conner, Alexander Connelly, George Waterhouse, Patrick Healey, David Willis, Irene Moore, Margaret Dowd, Eileen Connolly, Carol Hill, Barbara Coggins, Christina McGregor. Reflection: During this Easter season, as we meditate on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, let us celebrate with great jubilation, for “this is the Day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad.” Nourished by the Holy Eucharist, let us look forward with faith, to the Resurrection of our own bodies from the dead on the last day. Jesus told us that he who believes in Him and eats His Body and drinks His Blood will have eternal life, and that He will raise him up on the last day. Welcome into the Church the new parishioners who have been Baptised, Confirmed and/or made their first Holy Communion this Easter. Having completed their Journey in Faith, they now begin life as fledgling Catholics. Please keep Jane Glynn, Wendy Shanley, Katie Wright, Kory Wright, John Hackett, Troy Minton, Geoff Franklin, Lisa Sterling, Lisa Rose Summers, Jayne Callaghan, Julia Slater, Mackenzie Slater, Julie Cunningham, Lisa Thomas, Maria Flemming and Poppy Flemming in your prayer. Easter Thank-you to everyone who have worked so hard in preparing for Easter: musicians, Eucharistic Ministers, especially those visiting the sick and housebound, readers, people cleaning our Churches, flower ladies, gardeners, wardens, welcomers, singers, sacristans, caterers, servers, powerpoint presenters and others. It is only with your help and commitment that we can celebrate our Easter Liturgies with meaning, reflection and joy. Easter Egg Hunt – after all Masses on Easter Sunday morning. Eggs will be hidden around the grounds of both churches. If you find two, keep one for yourself and give one away to someone who has none. Union of Catholic Mothers – the next meeting will be the AGM on Wednesday 8th April starting with Mass at 7-30pm at Sacred Heart. All members are urged to attend. Members of the parish are also invited to the Mass. Dear friends, colleagues, Father Michael and parents, we wanted to write a few words to thank sincerely all of you that have sent best wishes to us over the last few weeks. Each gesture of kindness, whether it has been kind words, messages, your own time to help make arrangements for the funeral, cards, gifts or donations to Sands via Noah’s Page, have meant so much to us. It has been the most unbearable time since our baby Noah Matthew sadly passed away but each one of your sentiments has helped us tremendously. We have been extremely touched by all of your generosity and it has helped the whole family to believe Noah will never be forgotten. You are all amazing people. Endless thanks and God Bless. Nikki, Matt, Darcie, Rose, Oliver, Caleb and Noah Batchelor Jack Downes and Robert Bradburn would like to thank the parishioners that attended the 9am Mass last week for their purchase of raffle tickets and also their generous donations. The boys made £70.30 for Father Hudson's. The prize winners are 1st Mrs Bolger, 2nd Mrs Bonsor and 3rd to Denise Student news - From September 2015 a student from Oscott Collage will be living in the parish for six month, which will give him a taste of working in a busy parish. General Election 2015 - We all have a responsibility to be involved in the democratic process. The Bishops of England and Wales have put together a leaflet for us to read through before we vote in the General Election on Thursday, 7th May 2015. Please take one and ask the question ‘how in the light of the Gospel, can my vote best serve the common good?’ Copies of the leaflet are at the back of church. Also look out for the election ‘hustings’ coming up in St Editha’s in April. Situations vacant – Due to the bulletins being so full of news and events any situations vacancies will be put on the notice boards at the back of both churches. Starfish: Our Starfish ‘breakfast club’ takes place at Sacred Heart from 10am till 12.00 am. We have a desperate shortage on volunteers now. This is so worthwhile – can you spare some time on Saturday mornings to help some of our poorest neighbours? If so, please contact Rob Stay and Play – ‘Stay and Play’ session are held in the upstairs room of Sacred Heart 1pm – 3pm, Children up to 1 are free then £2 for first child, £1.50 for second and £1 for third child. This is for babies up to school age children and parents to enjoy time together with play and interaction; refreshment will be served. Multiple Sclerosis (M S) Society and Tai Chi – Meet on a Tues at 11.30am in the Modwen room. The Tai Chi class is open to anyone. The MS Society meets for their meeting after the class at 12.30pm Senior Citizens at Sacred Heart – Meet every Tuesday for social gatherings at 1.30am. Irish Dancing Classes now run from the parish centre every Saturday. It is open to people of all ages. If you are interested then contact Katie Martin on [email protected] or tel. 07932 359413 The Bridge Club are also keen to recruit new members – come and play the King of card games on Monday evenings at 7.00 pm. Pilates Classes – A set of exercise performed in standing, seated and lying positions. Pilates exercise can be beneficial for everyone whatever their fitness. Thurs 7pm – 8pm. £5 per session. A.A. meeting at St John’s upper room on Mondays at 8.00 pm for people recovering from alcohol related problems. Proteens our group for teenagers will meet after the Easter break. YOSH will restart on Thursday April 16. (For further info., contact [email protected]) 2nd Coton Green Rainbow and Brownie Guide Units meet at St Elizabeth’s School on Wednesday evenings. Contact details are: Rainbows, Steffi 07815087565. Brownies, Sharron 07500426682. Brownies also meet at Sacred Heart on a Wednesday night. Contact details are Tracey 07743306495 The Light of One Candle As we gathered in darkened churches to celebrate the Easter Vigil, we were reminded of the power of one candle. The Paschal candle lit from the Easter fire had the ability to illumine the entire church and banish the darkness. From that one candle the flame is shared and diffused throughout the worshipers until hundreds of reflections of that light bathe the entire church in a warm glow. All of which is a powerful symbol of the power of the resurrected Christ to cast out the darkness of our lives. Part of the human experience to this day is times of darkness when we lose our way. A catastrophe can knock us off our feet. We can make impulsive decisions that endanger our longterm well-being. We can engage in destructive behavior because of the inclination to jealousy or feelings of ill-will toward others. Where do we find the guidance to help us get back on track? For many people struggling with darkness in their lives, Catholic Charities, and some of the groups that meet in our community, Starfish, Homestart, the AA, Justice and Peace, Multiple Sclerosis, the Boxing Club are the light that shines in their darkness. Like the power of one candle they shine in the darkness of another’s life and create hope and a path out of the darkness. And, taken together, all of those candles have the power to bathe our communities in the warm glow of compassion that leads to opportunity for every human being. A helping hand, a kind word, a necessary resource shared can be the spark that provides light where before there was none. This Easter celebration of new life, of light overcoming darkness gives us the hope and faith that will show us the way throughout this coming year. This journey is one that we walk together. Let us reflect the light of the Easter candle to all those we meet, but especially to those who are looking for a way out of darkness. Money Matters Envelopes 246.92 Standing Order 660.00 Loose 453.90 Total: £1360.82 Building Fund 269.18 The Parish AGM this year will be at Sacred Heart on Sunday April 19th at 1.00. We will provide soup and a sandwich. Please note that 3 members have served their time as members of the parish council. Unfortunately, after many years of great service they need to step down (in line with our constitution). Are there any people willing to join us – maybe someone who has not been on the parish council before? Also a good opportunity for younger people to shape the future of our parish? If so, please collect a form from the office. There will be a Day of Prayer for Vocations in the parish this Wednesday from morning Mass till 3 pm. Due to the short notice it will be at Sacred Heart since this will be more secure with parish workers on site. We hope you will be able to come for some of that day or, at least, pray at home for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. A Headteacher for St Elizabeth’s was appointed after a long deliberations with good candidates. We thank God for that but, until all procedures have been fulfilled, we cannot announce the successful candidate. We should be able to do so next week. Thank-you for your prayers.
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