APRIL 2015 Page 2 APRIL 2015 President - Dennis Sutton Vice President - Steve Thorp Director - Tom Brown Director - John Eubank Secretary - Charlotte Staruch Treasurer - Ken Dupont The Voice An Official Publication of the Savanna Club Homeowners’ Association We’re On The Web! savannaclubhoa.com Port St. Lucie, Florida Phone: 772-340-1889 Email: [email protected] Advertising: Contact Office Phone: 772-340-1889 Deadlines: Advertisements: 15th of each month Organization Articles: 15th of each month All articles submitted for publication must contain the name of the author. If photographs are submitted, the names of all subjects must be named. Please call the HOA office at 772-340-1889 if you have any questions. APRIL 2015 Page 3 SAVANNA CLUB HOA BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING The following actions were taken by the Board of Directors: March 12, 2015 Passed: Appointment of Nick Toque to the ACC. Passed: Appointment of Ber nar d Sweeny to the ACC. Passed: Resignation of Rober t Car ey fr om the ACC. Passed: RV lot revised parking policy: Any visitors wishing to park an RV (including motor home, 5th Wheels, travel trailers) or large trucks or trailers for a limited time (not to exceed 7 days) must park in the RV Compound. Overnight parking for these vehicles is no longer allowed at any SC facility parking lot. The policy is amended to allow tractors however no trailers .The charge for overnight parking would be $5.00/night plus a $50.00 refundable deposit for the remote. Reservations for the RV Com pound use for this limited parking must be made in advance by the homeowner during regular business hours. Passed: Appr oval of Golf Resour ces and Management Inc. maintenance contr act in the amount of $365,000.00 per year to be paid from Golf Operations. Passed: Approval of Cinnamon Lane drainage repairs by Joel Pelloni LLC in the amount of $12,698.79 to be paid from reserves. Passed: Appr oval of Blackbead Cour t dr ainage r epair s by J oel Pelloni LLC in the amount of $10,075.00 to be paid from reserves. Submitted: Charlotte Staruch, Secretary. Page 4 APRIL 2015 BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP March’s book lent itself to another of our lively discussions and really got us thinking about what might be in our future. For April we will read South of Superior by Ellen Airgood. Set is a small Michigan town, it is the story of a young woman who arrives to take care of an ailing relative, but stays for many other reasons. The wonderfully drawn characters will make you want to go and visit them yourself. I look forward to seeing you all again on Tuesday, A pril 14th at 10:30 in the Mini Theater at Eagles Landing. If you need a copy of our discussion questions, please just give me a call at 785-8215 and I will see that you get them. -Liz Taylor PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB The Photo Club met in the Mini-Theater at Eagles Landing on March 2nd. After a short instructional lesson we finished up the meeting discussing our upcoming Photo Contest. It was held on March 10th at the Eagles Landing Clubhouse and the topic was “Bridges”. All photo’s entered included a picture of a bridge. They were entered in three classifications: Color unaltered, Creative, and Black & White and were grouped in two categories that include beginner & advanced classes. We want to thank our judges for this contest. They were Roberta Taylor and Bonnie Trudo. Bonnie is our president but had none of her photos entered, so she didn’t have a dog in the fight. The winners are as follows: Beginner: Color unaltered -1st Place - Norene Michalik Color unaltered -2nd Place - Robert DePlanche Black and White - 1st Place - Norene Michalik Advanced- Color unaltered - 1st Place - Chet Smith Color unaltered -2nd Place - Bob Laliberte Honorable Mention - Joe Agresta Creative - 1st Place- Bob Laliberte Creative - 2nd Place Joe Agresta Creative - Honorable Mention - Chet Smith Black and White - 1st Place - Marty Fox Black and White - 2nd Place - Chet Smith Black and White - Honorable Mention - Robert Dale Peoples Choice - Marty Fox All the photo’s will be on display in the hallway between the clubhouse and theater. Everyone please enjoy them as they are a labor of love. The clubs next meeting will be held on April 6th at 7 pm in the Mini Theater at the Eagles Landing Clubhouse. Stop by and see what were all about. GARDEN CLUB Our March meeting took place at Tony's Garden Center. Tony had been our speaker during the previous season and he knows the plants and soil in this area. If you have any questions, he will be happy to help you. The April meeting will be held on Wednesday, the 1st day of the month, at 2 PM on the Porch at F/W. Check the Town Talk for further information. We will also email our members to bring them up-to-date on any important gardening events being held in PSL. APRIL 2015 Page 5 SAVANNA CLUB DVD LIBRARY A reminder that the DVD library has an inventory of 4,000 movie titles for both adults and children in all genres. Up to three titles may be borrowed free of charge for three days, with more time given for multiple packs. The DVD library is temporarily located in the Fairways building behind the porch and is open seven days a week from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. A Savanna Club ID is required. The DVD library is supported by a potluck supper the second Sunday of each month. Cost is $6.50 per person and tickets may be purchased on Saturday mornings during the Fairways coffee hour. The following new movies have been acquired from the March potluck supper receipts: Pitch Perfect Saige Hercules Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Dumb Dumber 2 Dracula Untold The Hunger Games Right Partners Boxcatcher McKenna Iron Man 3 The Theory of Everything Outside Bet Subconscious Ouija Mocking Joy Homesman Thor St. Vincent Come Back to Me The Captive Ask Me Anything Summer Snow Private Peaceful Black November If you have a couple hours per week available to help with monitoring the DVD Room, please contact Director Bob Staab at 772-879-7370. If you’re new to Savanna Club or are alone, it’s a great way to meet new people. Thanks. -Bob Staab, Director SENIOR FITNENSS In exercise, as in life, everything has its season. For younger bodies, aerobic activity such as jogging or tennis may be enough to lay down a firm foundation for a healthy life. But as we get older, the emphasis shifts from building the foundation to protecting the structure (your body). Aerobic activities are still important for strong hearts and lungs, but middle aged and older people also need exercises designed to preserve and enhance body strength. Without exercise, muscle power fades with age. Your strength begins to decline in your 30’s. Between ages 50 and 70, strength can decline by 15% each decade and even more in the years beyond. This decline is responsible for the weaknesses and disabilities associated with old age. Strength training to reverse those losses should become a part of everyone’s exercise routine from midlife on. As little as 15 minutes of strength training twice a week can and will increase strength and help prevent injuries from other more strenuous activities. The older you become, the more evenly you should split your time between aerobic exercise and strength training. Strength training will not bulk you up, you will see more definition and toning but don’t worry you will begin looking like Arnold Schwartzenegger! Remember, strong muscles bring many benefits throughout life. Stronger muscles power more of your daily activities, making it easier to do everything from swinging a golf club, running after a tennis ball, throwing a Bocce ball, or being able to carry your grandchild and that is something truly worth working for! I hope YOU will decide to take advantage of our Physical Fitness Classes held at the Fairways on Tuesday and Thursday morning’s at 9:30 A.M. Fran Muir, a certified Trainer from Martin Wellness Center leads the class. No special equipment is needed other than comfortable clothing and a good pair of non-skid athletic shoes. If you have any questions, please call Lois at 879-4666 and I will look forward to seeing you! -Lois Lindsay Page 6 APRIL 2015 IRISH AMERICAN CLUB April Spring Fling As we enter the end of our season, we have our Spring Fling, held in the Theater on April 16th. Our menu will feature pulled pork on a sub roll, baked beans, coleslaw, potato salad, and dessert. The music will be by “Just Us”. Tickets go on sale on in the Fairways Clubhouse March 28th, April 4th and 11th. Prices are $12.00 for members and $14.00 for non-members. Looking forward to the fall, we will have a dance in October. Details forthcoming. GERMAN AMERICAN CLUB German-American Club: Wednesday, March 25 Country-Western /BBQ fun evening at our own Eagles Landing Theater! Doors open at 6 PM. So - Dust off your boots and 10 gallon hats, and come enjoy music by the ever popular Marshall, and an outstanding BBQ menu, catered by PA Barbeque, with all the fixin's; beer soda, coffee and water will be provided, along with dessert. Tickets at $22 for members, and $25 for non-members will be sold at the Saturday coffee hour at Fairways, starting 2/21, 8:30 to 9:30 AM. Hope you were able to enjoy the free membership evening with sandwiches, beverages and lively music. It is not too late to join - membership is $12 pp, and available on Saturday mornings. This will give you membership rates for all events, and a chance to participate in planning activities for the group. All are welcome to join. Come join us for this great hoe-down and meet our new officers and committee people. Watch the Town Talk for details the next general meeting. CONNECTICUT CLUB The Connecticut Club will hold a dinner on April 9th at 6:00 pm at Pietro’s on the River in Jensen Beach. They will accept our entertainment guide coupons. Deadline for reservations is April 4th. To RSVP please call Bob Johnson 866-759-2626 or Jim Duffy 772-237-4927. Hope we see many of you there. ITALIAN AMERICAN CLUB SPONSORED TRIPS CALL MARIE CALANTONI 772-871-2791 JUNE 2015 TBA: DEC. CHRISTMAS PAGENT FLL. MUST RESERVE A.S.A.P. SEP 20-26, 2015-MYRTLE BEACH SHOW TRIP BUS -7DAY-6N $634.PP GO NOV 22 -28, 2015-RCCL NAVIGATOR OF SEAS- 6N –WEST-FROM $663. DEP $200 PER CAB BY JULY 25, 2015, $25. OBC- PER CAB NOV 28-DEC 5, 2015-MSC NEW DIVINIA. 7N WESTERN –FROM$495, -DEP $200.PP BY MARCH 25,2015.FIN SEP 14. JAN 11-21, 2016-MS DIVINA. 11N CRUISE. ITINERARY: MIA, 2 SEA, ANTIGUA, MARTINIQUE, ROADTOWN BVI, ST MARTEN, SEA, NASSAU,MIA. PRICES FROM: $935.PP, DEPOSIT $200.PP BY MAR 25, 2015 FINAL NOV 14, 2015 FEB 13-20,2016-MSC DIVINIA. 7N EAST-ITINERARY:MIA,ST MAARTEN, SAN JUAN, SEA, NASSAU, MIA. PRICES TO BE ANNOUNCED. DEP $200 BY MAR 31.2015/ FINALNOV 14, 2015 DIVINIA CRUISES –ONBOARD- OCEAN VIEW$25.P CAB, BALCONY $50. PP. INSURANCE AND BUS IS ADDITIONAL ON THESE TRIPS. CALL FOR INFORMATION: FLYERS IN THE FW AND EGL CLUBHOUSE. FLST30131 2/1/2015 APRIL 2015 Page 7 SAVANNA CLUB TENNIS ASSOCIATION March madness: Events during last half of March were Mixed Doubles Tournament, Ladies day with Magnolia, The Dinner, and March 29th last in house, but will not be reported on til May as VOICE articles are always due by the 15th. By then, you will have known everything anyway. Right! Our current officers, Jim Hadden, president, Dan Kraft, vice-president, Tony Krawczyk, treasurer and Janie Vazquez, secretary, have agreed to stay on for the 2015-16 season. Yea and thank you! The March 1st tournament winners were, first place tie by John Everest and Jim Hadden, 2nd Linda Reinhart and 3rd place, Joe Matsey. Nice going and congratulations players! 2015 marks the 25th year of SCTA, started by about 15 members, led by Bill Lane. They adopted the USTA rules, the Code of Ethics, and A/B player arrangements. Three unanimously passed motions made throughout our hx and supposedly to be followed forever...or at least until repealed: the SERVER announces the score before every serve; only made in USA club -tennis balls to be purchased; and the ‘matirx’/chart is to be posted for people to sign up for something...set up, clean up or bring foods, encouraging all members to help out at events. We’re a good group of 108 coeds and for us, it’s the ‘only game in town’. Our sport supposedly started when French Monks batted the ball with their hands, over a hung rope. But Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Italians and the French may have had something similar. In the 1800’s English Major Winfield patented both the rules and the equipment. Mainly a game for the nobility, it was played by hand, led to a glove, to a webbed finger glove, to a short handle, to a paddle, and then to what we have now.. grew like Topsy. In the 1930’s – was known as a ‘country club’ sport with whiteclothing-only enforced. Fortunately for most of us that has changed, although it is nice when we see our own SCTA players in all white occasionally... hmm when was that? Several years ago we were encouraged to buy SCTA white with logo shirts and actually wear them for tournaments. Nice. Bit more history of SCTA… We’ve had outside tournaments over the years with Ocean Resort.. 52 players in the 2006 tournament…Cascades I and II, North River Shores, PGA, Ocean Villages, Longwood, Spanish Lakes. Fairways. Some were with the whole group and a few with the traveling men’s teams. We’ve had up to 50 or so at our in-house tournaments, and up to 110 club members. We’ve donated a whole bunch of rackets to the Boys and Girls Club here in town, gave old tennis balls to the nursing home, and helped with a Habitat Home in Ft Pierce. Numerous tennis groups organized by members…Tex Matias, Bob Pohl, the Ladies’ Wednesday 3 pm group, Tom Mittlebaum, Deana Black, Jackie Meier, Diane Coupal…Apologies to those I’ve forgotten, as there were more. Don Pritchett, local tennis pro, came here for skills sessions, and some members have stepped up and offered time and instruction. Serena still a no-show. The Wannabees, started in 2007, with Nancy Brunton, Deanna Black, Gail Kowalsky and Peg Krawczyk. Nancy continues leadership with member-instructors and has taught a lot of once-non-playersgrowing-into-B-players-and-some-now-A’s!! We are a tennis group first; not a vehicle for anything except tennis. We’ve had only a couple of inside-difficulties and the presidents during those times.. Joan Fauci and later, Gail Kowalsky…handled them ‘behind the scenes’, well and with class. There is an overall pride in belonging to SCTA with a sense of fairness on courts and in the gazebo, expressing what tennis stands for… courtesy and good sportsmanship. *Yes.. of course underhand serves are legal; but are legal people underhanded.. wot? *Checking out tennis balls: Experts say: drop it from 100” high and it should bounce back to 53-56”. And, which member is 100” tall? Do the math. Ok. So the next best is to drop if from your forehead area and it should bounce back to your navel…bb. *Watch your toes and toenails.. sneaky little pain leads to unwanted problems…comes from running and stopping short, which is what we’re supposed to do, or having lousy sneakers. Check it out: beware Turf Toe or Tennis Toe.(yes, real diagnoses). *Warm up is exactly that: warm up your body and warm up a variety of shots by returning the ball to your opponent and keeping the ball in play, NOT for killing the ball or running it down the alley. Play Nice during warm up. *Mental games means concentration, relax, talk positively to yourself and partner (not in 1000 decible voice), for-getabout- bad shots, no negativity, stay focused. Gotta be the same in the other sport. Pro’s magic words for self-talk: ‘Palm forward’.. forehand - keep your hand open and racket parallel to the net, and ‘Finish high’..backhand - bringing that racket all the way through.. open shoulder. *Developing a signature shot isn’t easy, but the older some of us get (who? Not us!), the longer we can stay with the game, particularly if running is the skill to leave us first. A slice, a down the alley, and just hitting them where they ‘aint’, but a great serve is a good one to have. Watching the pros serve is one way to learn; their feet, where the balance of their body is, where both hands are in the very beginning, what they do to establish their focus, the very high toss and their grip. Tennis Uppers ...Members who pitch in and are always there Happy Hitting and keep your eye on the made in USA tennis ball………June Walters Page 8 APRIL 2015 SC FISHING CLUB SC Fishing Club our next meeting is 7th, 2015 in the Fairways Clubhouse (note our meeting date is new). Our guest speaker TBA ….We invite all the fishermen and fisherwomen to attend this meeting and hear a successful fisherman speaker relate how to catch fish. The fish of the quarter------ Was won by Roger Poirier with a 19 inch 19 lb. Pompano caught off Ft Pierce inlet. First prize is a $25 gift certificate for fishing equipment. FISHING TOURNAMENT…On Satur day Mar ch 7th, 2015 we held our first SC Fishing Club FISHING TOURNAMENT--Thirty fishermen/fisherwomen signed up and they all showed up in spite of the rainy weather. The tournament was off to fast start at 10:00 AM in the two ponds on Savanna Club Blvd. just before Bromeliad Circle. That fast start meant all lines in the water, but the fish did not get the memo to bite-and the rain continued to fall. Only a few fisher people gave up and went home. The four ladies who came out showed up the men and continued to fish through the rain. Way to go ladies! With only twenty minutes left in the tournament the first fish was caught by Stan Jopski…a 14” Bass caught on live shiners. This was followed up quickly by Bruce Bernard using the same bait caught a 12” Bass...Bruce told me he had a plan of types of bait to use...A, B, C, D and finally E paid off when he borrowed a live shiner. I’m glad he did not run out of Alphabet! The tournament was followed up by a pizza party and awarding of prizes. First place award for the 14” Bass caught by Stan Jopski, second place to Bruce Bernard for his 12” Bass and consolation award to Frank Nazario who fished but was skunked… his name was drawn out of a hat. There were many donations that were given by local merchants and individuals, the remaining prizes were drawn out of a hat and were our door prizes. All in all there were some great prizes to be won. The two individuals responsible for organizing the tournament and securing all those prizes were Joe Agresta and Tony Welder. A big thank you to them and all who volunteered to make this SC Fishing Club tournament a success! L to R…… Bruce 2nd. place, Stan 1st. place, Frank consolation award It was our 10th anniversary in March of the SC Fishing Club, we celebrated with cake, coffee, and members relating about the past history of our club. It was our 10th anniversary in March of the SC Fishing Club, we celebrated with cake, coffee, and members relating about the past history of our club. Our Next meeting of Whooper Tellers (SC Fishing Club) is April 7th 3rd.... Fairways Clubhouse at 7:00 PM -submitted by secretary Robert De Planche APRIL 2015 Page 9 SOCIAL COMMITTEE The Social Committee had its reorganizational meeting in March with the following results: Chair – Jane Roy, Vice-chair – Sue Berger, Secretary – Cathi Valanzola, Treasurer – Elaine Simms, and Publicity – Marilyn Kamp and Wendy MacArthur. Other committee chairs were also named. The Sweetheart Dinner Dance, honoring 13 couples who this year celebrate 50 years of marriage, was held Saturday, February 14 in the Theater and was a rousing success. The Social Committee received “thank-you’s” and compliments from not only the honorees, but also from many of the attendees. For those fortunate couples who will be celebrating their 50th in 2016, please contact Jane Roy at 772-224-2777 to let her know that you would like to be included in the festivities. Saturday Coffee Hour continues from 8:30 – 9:30 AM in the FW Club House through the end of April. Stop by for a cup of coffee, to purchase tickets for sale by the various clubs, and to mingle with friends to catch up on the latest community news. Coffee Hour will be suspended from the beginning of May until the first Saturday in September (9/5). Our final Christmas Tree Basket Raffle drawing was held at the end of March (post this writing) with a Pool/Beach themed basket won by a lucky raffle player. Check the “Town Talk” for March’s winner. The winner of February’s Golf Basket was Judy Suttman. As you read this, we will have had our last Welcome Meeting of the season on March 16, hoping to have reached 33 new resident addressees. One of our HOA Board members was present to both observe and to participate. We always get positive reviews for this event because it helps our new residents, be they owners or renters, acclimate to their new surroundings. This was our last big event of the season. A huge “thanks” to all those Social Committee members who helped to make this event go smoothly. As things wind down and people start heading out to new summer adventures, we of the Social Committee wish all of Savanna Club a safe and happy summer. Start thinking about Halloween costumes, decorations for the cart parade, and spending New Year’s Eve with us. For NYE, each resident will be able to buy up to 4 tickets with 4 Savanna Club ID badges. Tickets go on sale in November, so if you will be away from Savanna Club that month, be sure to leave your ID’s with a friend. See you in the Fall. PIECEMAKERS Thank you to all who stopped by our table, at the Savanna Club Flea Market, to make purchases or just say hello. Your support is greatly appreciated. April is when we begin saying "happy summer" to those who head to their northern homes. We will miss you. We welcome everyone to come and join us at one of our weekly meetings to see what we do and meet our members. We meet every Monday at 1 p.m. at the Fairways. -Shirley Navelski SAVANNA CLUB FINE ARTS LEAGUE We do not close down for the summer. Watch for notices of SUMMER ART CLASSES in the Town Talk.. We have had a fabulous year of trips and classes. Our membership has tripled since I first joined the League. We have top of the line instructors for both experienced and beginners, of almost all mediums. All Savanna Club residents are invited to our meetings; however only paid members can take classes and go on our trips. Membership is $20 and includes a free member luncheon in the spring. Call Diane Modrak 878 0726 We are in the process of booking classes for next year. Join the League and enjoy all it's benefits. -Sylvia Foster, President Page 10 APRIL 2015 SAVANNA WOMEN’S CLUB Wed. April 8 SPLASH BASH at the Fairways Pool! BBQ Pulled Chicken on a Roll, Pasta Salad, Apple Pie a la mode, Cold Drinks. Games & Prizes! 50/50 & Relay for Life Basket Raffle. WEAR YOUR SWIMSUIT & COVER-UP You’re gonna get wet ! 10:30 am Doors Open - Meeting 11:00 am - Food & Fun to Follow. Please Bring school supplies - construction paper. $6.00 Tickets on sale March 21 & 28 at Fairways Coffee Hour 8:30am-9:30am Ticket Info: Sammi Picardi 772-475-4582 Our March “Day in Ireland” luncheon was made extra special by 7 dapper gentlemen in green bowties serenading us with Irish love songs. Many thanks to Bob Bailey and members of the chorus! MARK YOUR CALENDARS Saturday April 25 Relay for Life Event outside Tr adition Field. Noon till midnight. Games, food, entertainment to support the Cancer Society. Luminary bags will be lit at dusk. Come walk the track with survivors, caregivers, or remember those who have succumbed to cancer. Donations may also be made through the Women’s Club or the American Jewish Friendship Club. Wednesday May 13 BINGO! At Fairways For the 1st time in the history of the Women’s Club we are opening up our May Luncheon Meeting to all of Savanna Club… men included … a mixed meeting! BINGO WITH CASH PRIZES APRIL 2015 Page 11 To continue our efforts to answer “What Does The Men’s Club Do?-------- Follow our exploits….. sometimes working hard and other times enjoying life. Every day, our Men’s Club members go around to our collection areas for recycling aluminum and empty the barrels into very large plastic bags. There barrels are located at the Fairways Pool Area, inside the Fairways Club House, Eagles Landing Pool area, inside the Savanna Club Theater, Recreation Centre Pool Area, Horseshoe Pit area, Tennis Court Pavilion area, and the new Cove area when completed. All in all there are 9 barrels waiting to receive your recycled aluminum. It takes twenty minutes to empty these barrels every day and transport them to a safe deposit area. Usually once a month the filled bags are loaded on a special trailer, (donated by Steve Yetzer), and trucked away to the scrap dealer. In the month of March we collected 604 lbs of aluminum which equates to 43 bags, weighing 14 lbs per bag = 1890 cu. ft. saved from our land fills. Remember this is for one month so multiply by 12 to get a year’s saving. I’ll do the math for you it is 22,680 cu. Ft. (that’s assuming the cans are left uncrushed) -----So Savanna Club residents by your diligent recycling of aluminum our environment was spared using up 22,680 cu. ft. of space in one year! And the monies collected from this endeavor helped out those in need in our own Savanna Club community. The volunteers who faithfully carry out this mission throughout the year are Bob Nittinger, Fred Thompson, Joe Ryan, Steve Yetzer, Jim Dorn, Tom Devine, Rich Waltz, and Jim Roach. Now that your heads are swirling with math and statistics…. remember DO NOT put steel or tin cans into the barrels! L to R .. Fred, Bob, Jim, Joe, Steve Mets Baseball Concession Stand……. Our Savanna Men’s Club man two concession stands Mar ch 6 th and March 20th at the Mets spring training home games. It requires 18 members to cook and serve Hamburg’s, hot dogs, French fries, and pop corn. Then we man the cash registers and serve upwards of 7500 people their favorite baseball food and drink. It is a trying day that starts at 9:30 AM until after everything is cleaned up and put away around 5:30 PM, but it is also rewarded by the money we receive to carry on our Charity endeavors. Don’t forget our Day at the Races April 18th in the Savanna Club Theater (see poster and articles in the Voice, Town Talk, & bulletin boards) Next meeting of the Savanna Men’s Club is April 14th, 2015 in the Savanna Club Theater at 7:00 PM. Guest speaker Tom Kimmel Pearl Harbor ------- sign up in the book located at the Fairways Clubhouse if you are attending so we can plan for refreshments. -Submitted by secretary Robert J De Planche Page 12 APRIL 2015 APRIL 2015 Page 13 RV ASSOCIATION The March Rally to Lazy Days RV Resort and the Annual Strawberry Festival was a big success with 14 member rigs and one guest couple participating for a total of 30 people. There is always a “lot of eating” during our rallies and this one was no exception. Thursday evening the group enjoyed a Southern Buffet at Freddie’s (but no “chittlins and greens”). Friday evening the group enjoyed one another’s cooking at the Potluck and on Saturday a catered buffet by Lazy Days provided a relaxed evening. Sunday morning there was a catered breakfast for the group and that evening we were off to Ichiban for a Chinese buffet. In the evening, everyone got together in the Lazy Days Club house to play Rummy Cube, Dominos, Catch Phrase (a charade type game but you can talk to provide clues). Some members learned to play Hand & Foot. There were many opportunities for socializing with Club members, not only in the evenings but also during breakfast and lunch available when camping at Lazy Days. The primary reason for the Rally in early March was to be able to attend the Annual Strawberry Festival and enjoy the great performances by well know artists. Patty and Jitter Tortarella saw Ronny Milsap and Loretta Lynn, others attended performances by Alabama, Bobby Vinton and Reba McIntire. And of course everyone enjoyed the delicious Plant city Strawberries! New Club members, Jerry and Roxie Barger, took advantage of the Disney Florida Resident Pass to visit Disney several times. Eileen and Tom Schoenberg also spent time at Disney, while Jack and Helen spent Monday at the Webster Flea Market. The weather cooperated and everyone had a great time! I am happy to report Barbara and Stanley Windolowski are on the mend. Stan had his gallbladder removed as well as needing surgery for a duct blockage. Barbara is recovering from medical issues that started last fall. She is in therapy and getting around while Stan is back playing golf! The April 17-21 Rally will take the group to Sunshine Key, Mile Marker 39, at the south end of the Seven Mile Bridge. This is always a “fun” trip. Anyone interested in extending their stay may do so at the rally rate of $30.00 a night for 2 days before and/or 2 days after the scheduled dates. All Savanna Club RVers are always welcome to join us. Our regular monthly meetings are held the second Monday of the month in the Fairways at 4:30. If you have questions, please call our Wagon Master, Rudy Picardi, 878-6992 or Lois, 879-4666. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE During the month of January the ACC received 21 applications of which 17 were approved. In February we received 31 applications of which 24 were approved. In March we are on track to receive another 31 applications. The new ACC Maintenance and Exterior Appearance Standards states that all homes within Savanna Club must be painted with ACC approved colors. One of the common reasons for disapproval of a homeowner’s application is a request to repaint the house, shutters and doors, using a color other than a SCHOA approved color. A Sherwood Williams color wheel is available in the HOA office indicating which colors are approved by the ACC and BOD for both house paint and trim paint (including shutters and doors). The homeowner may use a paint manufacturer or brand other than Sherwin Williams providing the color choice matches one of the approved colors. The ACC asks that home owner check with the Sherwin Williams color wheel in the front office before submitting an application to use a paint color from another brand and indicate on the application which approved color (Sherwin Williams color) your choice matches. This would greatly help in our review of your application and could mitigate the possibility of receiving a disapproval notice. Thank you for your cooperation. -Submitted by Robert A. Watts Page 14 APRIL 2015 SAVANNA CLASSIC CAR CLUB Greg Covey’s pretty white 1971 Cougar has a new home in Norway! A recent trend indicates a good number of American muscle cars are being purchased by Europeans for investment purposes as well as for pleasure. American large bore motorcycles are also appearing in Europe as well. In Greg’s case he didn’t have to seek a buyer from Europe. When he found a pretty blue 1971 Cougar he liked better he decided to sell the white car and very soon after listing it for sale he had a call from a Norwegian whose business it is to find the best examples of American cars to export to Norway, Switzerland, Denmark and other countries for buyers with shopping lists. One nice thing about these overseas sales is little likelihood of ‘Buyer’s Remorse’ to occur. Regarding our annual car show, it washed out after 4-11 inches of rain fell in our area. The deluge was caused by a lingering storm that caused considerable flooding in surrounding areas. And the people then asked what about the Rain Date, set for Sunday March 1st? Well, a group of members and officers met at the site on Sunday morning to assess the weather situation and our options. Based on the best info available at 6 a.m. (forecast called for isolated shows and thunderstorms at noon) we concluded it was a no-go and phoning invited guests and clubs performing certain acts, etc. Our invited car owner was already 85 miles Southeast of Brooksville when we turned him around. Due to the short time remaining until our favorite Snowbirds start to wing their way west and north there will be no show this year but stay tuned. If you own a vintage or special interest car or pickup truck and would like to learn more about the Classic Car Club, please plan to join us at our February Breakfast Meeting at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, March 18th at the Fairways Café. -Dave Greenberg SC PLAYERS CLUB The next Players Club meeting will be held Wednesday, April 16th at 6:30PM in the SC Theatre. Refreshments will be served. With the success of our last show "Don't Touch That Dial", Pres.Ed Birch thanked everyone for their hard work & especially thanked Casey & Georgann Krakowiecki for putting the whole show together. Our next production will be "Annual Hoe Down" Saturday, November 14th in the SC Theatre. Further details will be given in the next few months. This promises to be a fun filled show with singing, dancing & comedy in Country style. -Submitted by Maddy Goldberg, Secretary APRIL 2015 Page 15 SAVANNA CLUB CHORUS On Saturday, April 25th at 6:30 pm in the Theater, our Savanna Club Chorus will be presenting a free concert. In celebration of 25 years as a chorus in Savanna Club, they have invited the Sunrise City Community Chorus, directed by Jeff Edwards, to join them in making this concert an exciting event. The music will include Broadway tunes, popular music from the 70's and the traditional music we grew up with. The Savanna Club Chorus began in 1990 as the Harmony Singers under the direction of John Manz (who still sings with them). Leighton Smith and Paul Morgan directed later and the current director is Bob Bailey. Bring your food and drinks and enjoy all the harmonies two choruses can provide. A 50/50 drawing will be held during intermission and free desserts will be provided following the concert. SAVANNA CLUB MONDAY SUMMER BOWLING LEAGUE Our Monday Bowling League is scheduled to start on May 4, 2015. We will be having our organizational meeting at 1 PM on April 27, 2015 in the St. Lucie Bowling Lanes Meeting Room. Any questions or concerns, please give me a call, Ann Miller 772-344-8507 or 516-238-3376. TEXAS HOLDEM - CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS TOURNAMENT On Saturday March 7th we held our 4th Annual Tournament. In order to qualify to participate, you had to win a quarterly tournament. We started with 18 qualifiers and everyone was playing tight as it took 45 minutes for the first elimination. As the blinds increased players were quickly eliminated and soon we were down to 4 players. Toni Agnetti then moved all in and was sent home by Betty Shea. Minutes later Betty was gone courtesy of Bob Fonteyn. Bob went heads up against chip leader Vic Toledo. After 15 minutes Vic defeated Bob for the title with a “Broadway Straight”. Congratulations Vic!! -Howard Hershkowitz Tournament Champion Vic Toledo Receiving the Winner’s Bracelet from Tournament Director Benay Herschkowitz Page 16 APRIL 2015 APRIL 2015 Page 17 ITALIAN AMERICAN CLUB IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM THE ITALIAN CLUB EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY: The April dinner meeting (for members only) is in the Theater on Monday, April 13 at 6:00 pm. The menu is salad, pasta with garlic and oil, bread and dessert. Bring your own beverage and cups. It has been requested by our membership that the dinner meeting must be paid for in advance at the previous dinner meeting or at Saturday morning coffee hour in the Fairways between 8:30 and 9:30 until April 11. This will be the standard procedure from now on. Following the dinner meeting, tickets for the May 9th Mother’s Day Dinner dance will be available for members only. The menu will be Tomato and Mozzarella salad, Prime Rib with Baked Potato and String Beans, Tiramisu for dessert. Beer, wine, soda and water are also provided. Also, tickets will be available for everyone at the Saturday morning coffee hour in the Fairways at 8:30 to 9:30 until May 2. Ticket prices are $22 per person for members, $27 per person for non-members. Proper attire is requested. There will be no dance in April. The dinner meeting in April will be the last until the fall. Have a wonderful summer. The New Year's Eve Committee has already begun planning for New Year's Eve 2015. Each resident will be able to buy up to 4 tickets, if desired, upon presentation of 4 ID badges. Music by Dan. Tickets will go on sale sometime in November, so if anyone is going to be away during that month, be sure to leave your ID badges with a friend. -Dan. PARTY BY THE POOL EAGLES LANDING Live Music by Bob “Fudge” Ferragine Everything from Sam Cooke to Santana Date: Sunday April 26, 2015 Time: 3-5 or later Grills will be on Come and party with your friends, cook out and enjoy our beautiful facility. Page 18 APRIL 2015 SAVANNA CLUB GOLF COMMITTEE The March 4th Golf Committee Meeting was one of the shorter ones, but a lot of important business was addressed. But, before that, a complete version of the Minutes are being posted on the SCHOA Website at www.savannaclubhoa.com The following instructions are for those residents not familiar with finding and opening the Minutes but who wish to read them. To view the Minutes on SC website: • open www.savannaclubhoa.com • click on "SC Organization" in the left side column, • click "Golf Committee" • click the "date" in the center of the page and the minutes will open. Now for some of the golfing topics discussed: The First Annual SC Senior Open Championship is to be held March 28 & 29. This tournament is open to all Seniors residing within and outside of Savanna Club. It will be advertised here at home and in the local news media. Check with the Pro Shop for details. Talk to your friends and relatives. Invite them to play! The Course is looking much better and hopefully we will increase outside play. Proceeds will also go to benefit our Wounded Warriors who gave so much to us in these trying times. It was suggested that after completing the 9th hole the golfers move forward to calculate their scores so the group behind them doesn't have to wait. This will be a big help speeding up play. The BOD notified Austin that they would be terminating their Contract for the Golf Course and the Common Areas. Separate contracts have been drawn- one for the Golf Course and one for the Common Areas. The BOD has chosen to hire individual Management Companies for these areas. Contingent on a timely take over, discussions for closing the Course to rehab the Greens and auxiliary areas were held. Suggestions were also made for reimbursing membership fees for the period during the closure. After much discussion, it was determined the fairest method was a per-diem rate with a 120 day cap. This suggestion will be presented to the BOD for their consideration. The Savanna Golf Course is moving forward and it is the golf Committee's goal, with your help, to fuel that momentum. -Jerry Hill LADIES’ 18 HOLE GOLF LEAGUE April 3rd and 10th are the play days for the league championship There will be awards for low gross and low net. Be sure to sign up on the hallway bulletin board for both rounds. In case of rain the championship will be decided by one round. April 17th is the league Awards luncheon at Gator Trace Golf Course at 11:30 AM. If directions are needed or any questions contact Merrill Maryniewski ( 336-8992). Because of the league's finances it is necessary to charge attendees $8.00 towards their meal. Checks should be made out to "S.C. Ladies 18 Hole Golf League" dropped off in the Pro Shop no later than April 10th. There is a sign up sheet on the league bulletin board to commit to the luncheon and menu choice. Since this is the league's second business meeting of the year, only members may attend. Members are encouraged to attend because there will be several matters to be discussed for the welfare of the league. There will also be an election of officers. Anyone willing to serve on the Executive Board next year should contact Linda King (878-5019). Trivia question: Who was the first female golfer to achieve $10 million in career earnings? Read next month's Voice for the answer (ha-ha) -Roberta Eades APRIL 2015 Page 19 MEN’S CLUB WOUNDED WARRIOR GOLF TOURNAMENT Save this date for the Savanna Club Men's Club 3rd Annual Wounded Warrior Charity Golf Tournament to be played on Sunday, October 24th. Why am I posting this event in April? Because this tournament was so successful last year that Savanna Club residents can register now to reserve a spot and pay in the Fall. Entry forms are available in the Pro Shop. The fee is $75. per person for the shotgun scramble that includes a continental breakfast, buffet lunch, plus refreshments on and off the course. There will be several hole-in-one prizes "TBA". Anyone who has played in the past two tournaments can attest that this is a fun tournament. Besides golf there will be great door prizes, auction items, and a 50/50. If you have any questions contact Ken Smalley, Men's Club President (878-9478) or Wayne Huffines, Pro Shop Manager (879-1316). GOLF TIP Over control is a tension producing, distance reducing, disease that you should know about because if afflicts all golfers to some degree. Over control in your golf swing is any action you make that inhibits the natural movement of the club head. Lets talk about improper turn. When the hip does not turn, the coil is lost so your power is not developed. Your ability to return the clubface squarely to the ball is greatly reduced. The most common cause is the hip going high on the back swing so that the hip ends up outside the knee. Your shoulder turn is limited which further impacts the path of the club. This problem, lack of hip turn has much more affect on the longer clubs. The longer clubs have flatter lies and are designed to move more around the body. Shorter clubs are made more upright and are designed to move more vertical. When you swing the club back the hip should turn forty five degrees and should be inside of the knee. This will give you a proper coil and maximize your power and improve your direction. Happy Golfing, Wayne Fairways Café &Catering Daily Specials for Breakfast & Lunch Our “Dinners to Go” available Monday—Friday Call 871-9299 for daily special Order by 1pm and pick-up by 4pm Mon—Sat 7:00am to 3:00pm Sun 7:00am to 2:00pm Page 20 APRIL 2015 MARCH MADNESS GOLF TOURNAMENT RESULTS: The March 11th March Madness Tournament was a great success, with 120 golfers and 117 awards being presented. Congratulations to all of our winners. We also want to thank the Committee for their time in effort and putting forth a fun day of golf: Trudy Kesting, BJ Morgan, Sharron Fonteyn, Linda King, Sarto Caron, Celine Baril, Marcia Richling, Kathy Lynskey, Ron and Pat Massey. Without the efforts of our SCGA members, these tournament wouldn’t be the same. Scramble: Women 1st Place - Jeanne Hoffman, Rickie Casey, Joyce McDowell, Edie Whitford 2nd Place - Cathy Gorman, Cheryl Tripp, Arlene McGarry, Judy DiFlorio 3rd Place - Mary Greenwood, Mary Gouldrick, Ruth Morse, Mary Greider 4th Place - Marcia Richling, Nancy Chiaverini, Irene Lambert, Ann Dunn 5th Place - Celine Baril, Gerry Kortier, Helen Leone, Betty Brewer 6th Place - Cathy Lamorte, Diane Pianfetti, Christine Fortune, Jean Sullivan 7th Place - Trudy Kesting, Terry Reinagel, Joyce Welton, B J Morgan Men 1st Place - Bob Greenwood, Frank Costanzo, Mike Kraemer, Ron Gouldrick 2nd Place - Lavern Morse, Raymond Nevins, Bruce Lambert, Jim Hawks 3rd Place - Joe Navelski, Bill Ryan, Nick Angiolillo, Leslie Steele 4th Place - Jack Miller, David Lehman, Tom Schoenberg, Ray Smith 5th Place - Gary Brewer, Bill Goddard, Tony Krawczyk, Jim Kelly 6th Place - Mike Moroose, Jim Mohr, John Gormly, Gary McDowell 7th Place - Joe Parisi, Jim Staller, Jack Kortier, Hugo Bolin 8th Place - John Lynsky, Jack Hyatt, Ken Roberts, Mike Griemsman 9th Place - Merrill Taylor, Bob Gauthier, George Ivers, Bob Doran 10th Place - Steve Smith, Al Garrant, Dick Overton, Neil Overton 11th Place - Sarto Caron, Jim Richling, Mark Tocchetti, Bob Fonteyn Fairways & Putts Game Women - Cathy Lamorte, Diane Pianfetti, Christine Fortune, Jean Sullivan Men - Bob Pilla, Don Banks, Art Kelly, Len Panella Closest to the Pin: Women – Arlene McGarry Men – George Ivers Closest to the Squiggly Line: Women – Betty Brewer Men – Ron Gouldrick -Pat Massey, Secretary, SCGA THE NEW RATES FOR APRIL 7 AM till 11AM $35.00 11 AM till 2 PM $27.50 After 2PM $20.00 Super Twilight After 4 PM $15.00 Nine-Holes 7-8 AM $22.00 After 11 AM $16.50 Buy 10 rounds of golf for $250.00 Good till April 15, 2015 (5 Day Advanced Tee Times) (Rates Subject to Change) Page 21 APRIL 2015 KARAOKE There are two nights of karaoke in April. Friday April10th and 24th at the Fairways Clubhouse from 5:30 until 9 pm. It's casual, fun and free for our residents and registered guests. If you would like to sing you may bring your own disc or choose a song from one of the 450 karaoke discs we have. Sign up and you will be called in rotation. If this is not your pleasure, just come and listen to your friends and neighbors. We start early with dance music and between rounds get you out on the floor for line dances. Nancy's cafe is open for the karaoke crowd with a limited menu, or you may bring your own snacks and drinks. Remember, we are all volunteers, so please clean up after yourselves when you leave. All residents and registered guests are welcome! You must have a Savanna Club ID with you. Thank you., Allen Weed MEN’S CLUB ALUMINUM CAN Pickup PLEASE- PLEASE DON’T THROW TIN CANS (Dog , Cat, Glass, Plastic Bottles & Plastic Bags) It makes it very difficult for our men, we have to go through all the bags collected and remove all NON ALUMINUM products. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP! - Ken Smalley, President YOGA Yoga ends the 17th of April and resumes October 16th, 830am in the Recreation Center Questions 516 680 3849 Eileen BASKETBALL Basketball weekly - Anyone wishing to play basketball on a weekly basis, either Tuesday or Wednesday nights, please contact Lou Albert at 214-403-5771 or at [email protected] ZUMBA Zumba! We are back! Every Monday, and Friday at 11:00 AM and Wednesday at 11:30 AM in the Rec Center, $5.00 a class. Come and shake the pounds away while having fun and meeting new people. For more information call Benay 772-344-6330. EUCHRE Euchre is back for the winter. We start on Monday October 13th. We will be playing at the Fairways. Please note that the starting time will be 6:30 PM. Anyone interested or with questions, please call Dot Shepheard at 772-871-1502. Hope to see you there. APRIL 2015 Page 22 21 1PM ART LEAGUE— FW 28 13 10AM QUILTERS—FW 12:30PM EM. RESP.— MEDIA 5:30PM ITALIAN MTG.— THEATER 7PM BALLROOM—FW 20 10AM FINANCE—MEDIA 10AM QUILTERS—FW 12PM BOWLING LUNCH—THEATER 1PM A.C.C.—PORCH 4:30PM RV—FW 7PM BALLROOM—FW 27 11AM— BOB HARPER CELEBRATION OF LIFE—FW 1PM QUILTERS—FW 6PM NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH—THEATER 12 6PM DVD—FW 7PM BRIAN GURL SHOW—THEATER 19 5PM PRVT. PTY—EL CARD RM 26 5PM POOLSIDE MUSIC WITH BOB— EL POOL 6PM JERSEY GIRLS GAME NITE—EL LOBBY 29 22 12PM IRISH LUNCH—FW 5:30PM BUFFET— FW CAFÉ 15 2PM GOLF COM— MEDIA 5:30PM BUFFET— FW CAFÉ 6:30PM PLAYERS— THEATER 8 11AM WOMEN’S CLUB—POOL PARTY—FW 5:30PM BUFFET— FW CAFÉ THEATER 2PM GARDEN CLUB—FW 2PM GOLF COM— MEDIA 2PM C.O.P.S.—MINIT 5:30PM BUFFET— * 11:30AM ZUMBA— 1 Wed 10 3 11AM IRISH BOD—MEDIA *11AM ZUMBA THEATER 5PM SOFTBALL PARTY—FW Fri 30 23 3PM CHORUS— FW 7PM SCCRC—FW 16 10AM BLDS & GROUNDS—EL READING RM. 10:30AM JUDICARY—MEDIA 1PM THEATER COMMITTEE— MEDIA 3PM CHORUS— FW 3PM CHORUS— FW 5PM 50/50 GALA—THEATER 25 8:30AM MORNING COFFEE—FW 5PM “SPRING HARMONIES” CONCERT— THEATER 4PM DON SCHEURER CELEBRATION OF LIFE—EL LOBBY & 18 8AM MATURE DRIVING 8:30AM MORNING COFFEE—FW 11AM DAY AT THE RACES—THEATER 7PM AJFC—FW 11 8:30AM MORNING COFFEE—FW 10AM BALLROOM DANCING—FW 7PM BINGO—FW 4 8:30AM MORNING COFFEE-FW 10AM FINE ARTS— ART RM. EL 10AM BALLROOM— THEATER Sat * CHANGE OF VENUE 24 5:30PM KARAOKE—FW 17 11AM ARTS & CRAFTS—ART RM. 6PM JAMMIN— EL LOBBY ROKE—EL 1PM BOD—FW 5:30PM KA- 9 2 10AM MEN’S BOD—PORCH 3PM CHORUS— FW 7PM HAM RADIO—MEDIA Thu PLEASE NOTE DATES MAY VARY AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE 14 10:30AM BOOK DISCUSSION—MINI-T 6PM MENS CLUB— 7PM RULES & REGS—MEDIA 7 9AM SOCIAL COM.— MEDIA 7PM SCGA DINNER— FW (BACK) 7PM FISHING CLUB—FW (FRONT) 6 1PM A.C.C.—PORCH 1PM QUILTERS— FW 5:30PM ITALIAN CLUB MTG—THEATER 7PM PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB—MINI-T 7PM TOWN MEETING— FW 5 Tue Mon Sun APRIL 2015 Savanna Club Community Calendar APRIL 2015 Page 23 Page 24 APRIL 2015 FAIRWAYS DAILY ACTIVITIES CLUBHOUSE Monday 7:00 am - Lap Swim 8:00 am – Lap Swim 8:00 am - Tennis 8:45 am -Tappettes 9:00 am - Aqua dynamics 9:00 am - Ultimate Workout 10:00 am - Aqua dynamics 10:00 am - Tap (Intermediate) 1:00 pm - Bocce Tuesday 7:00 am - Lap Swim 8:00 am - Lap Swim 8:00 am -Tennis 9:30 am - Senior Fitness 10:00 am - Aqua dynamics 1:00 pm - Bocce Wednesday 7:00 am - Lap Swim 8:00 am - Lap Swim 8:00 am - Tennis 9:00 and 10:00 am -Aqua dynamics 9:00 am - Ultimate Workout 12:00 – 1:00 - Beginner Line Dancing 1:00 – 3:00 - Intermediate Line Dancing 4:30 – 5:30 pm - Ballroom Dance Lessons Thursday 7:00 am - Lap Swim 8:00 am - Lap Swim 8:00 am - Tennis 9:00 am and 10 am - Aqua dynamics 9:30 am - Senior Fitness 10:00 am - Beginner’s Tap 10:30 am - Bocce 1:30 pm - Tappercise Friday 7:00 am - Lap Swim 8:00 am - Lap Swim 8:00 am -Tennis 9:00 am and 10 am -Aqua dynamics 9:00 am - Ultimate Workout 1 pm - Fun Bocce Saturday 7:00 am - Lap Swim 8:00 am - Lap Swim 9:00 am - Coffee Hour 10:00 am - Ballroom Dance Lessons Sunday 7:00 am - Lap Swim 8:00 am - Lap Swim 8:00 am -Tennis (Oct – Apr) PORCH 1:00-4:00 - Piece Makers (Quilters) NOTE: The use of any r oom for a daily activity may be affected by a scheduled event, i.e., show, par ty, etc. for which an official booking has been made. Efforts will be made to accommodate effected groups. APRIL 2015 Page 25 EAGLES LANDING DAILY ACTIVITIES EAGLES LANDING ART ROOM Monday 9:00 am - Swimnastics 10:00 am - Swimnastics 8:00 am - Woodcarvers 1:00 pm - Scrapbooking Tuesday 9:00 am - Swimnastics 10:00 am -Swimnastics 12:00 pm - PAN (Billiards Room) 7:00 pm - Ladies Cards 6:30 pm - Bridge 9:00 am - Fine Arts League Wednesday 8:45 am - Tappettes (Theater) 9:00 am - Swimnastics 10:00 am - Swimnastics 12:30 pm - Mah Jong 6:30 pm - Mah Jong 6:30 pm - PAN (Billiards Room) 6:30 pm - Cribbage (Media Room) 7:00 pm - Pool (Billiards Room) 9:00 am - Ceramics Class 1:00 pm - Scrapbooking Thursday 9:00 & 10:00 am - Swimnastics 10:00 am - Beginners Tap Dance 12:30 pm - Mah Jong 12:30 pm - Bridge 6:45 pm - Canasta (Media Room) 9:00 am – 4:00 PM – Fine Arts League Friday 9:00 & 10:00 am - Swimnastics 1:00 pm - Bridge 11:00 am - Arts & Crafts (3rd Friday) 1:00 pm - Scrapbooking (1st and 2nd Friday) Saturday Sunday RECREATION CENTER DAILY ACTIVIES Monday 11:00 am - Zumba 7:00 pm - Ping Pong Tuesday Wednesday 11:30 am Zumba Thursday 7:00 pm - Ping Pong Friday 11:00 am Zumba 8:30 am Yoga Saturday 1:00 pm SC Rotors Sunday *The Pilates classes have been canceled till further notice. Call Aggie Hill for more info 224-2579 NOTE: The use of any room for a daily activity may be affected by a scheduled event (show, party, etc.) for which an official booking has been made. Efforts will be made to accommodate effected groups. Swimming pool closings In the past the maintenance men have been cleaning the pool deck and furniture on a monthly basis while the pool was open. This has created complaints that it interfered with the residents’ enjoyment and that the fumes from the chemicals are bothering some people. Therefore we will be closing the pools for cleaning on the following schedule: Rec. Center 1st Monday of the month Eagles Landing 2nd Wednesday of the month Fairways 4th Thursday of the month Please use one of the other pools on the scheduled closing dates. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Page 26 APRIL 2015 Dinette chairs on casters - set of 4 - with arms (wood rests on arms) upholstered back and seat cushions (beige/brown) brown metal frames. Extra seat cushions included. (From “Dinettes and More” in Stuart). Call Nancy DeMatteo 343-0515. $300.00 ($75.00 per chair). BoseL1 Model 1 PA System with casels– great shape. New $3,000 asking $1275. Call Bob 814-450-5980. 1983 Convertible Firemist red Buick Riviera $7,000. 1984 Convertible white Buick Riviera $12,000. Can be seen at 3701 Crabapple Dr. [email protected] or 772-879-2400. RoadMaster Tow Bar, 5,000 lb. rated. $300.00. 772-341-7310. 2004 - 38’ Pace Arrow Motorhome. Well maintained with many new and improved updates. Priced to sell at $29,900. Someone could have a great summer seeing the country. Call Marty at 486-5122. 24" Toshiba flat screen TV. $150.00. 772-873-2013. New Meridian Schwinn adult Tricycle, blue, paid $269.00. All assembled with basket. Call 772-224-0480. WANTED- Fishing equipment- Savanna Club member seeks any and perhaps all types of fishing gear. Please call Ken 772-807-1400. We would like to thank the Social Committee and the many volunteers who helped make our 50th Celebration a forever memory. It was a perfect evening shared with family and friends. Your dedication and caring make Savanna Club a very special place. -Kathy and Nick Angiolillo I would like to thank my Savanna Club friends for all the many calls, cards, cookies, flowers after my knee surgery. Savanna Club is the best. -Margaret Goddard We want to thank everyone that was involved in “The Sweetheart Dance”, for doing such a wonderful job. It was far beyond our expectations! We know how hard you all worked to accomplish every detail– what a Celebration! A great time was had by all. -Love, Susan & Michael Grunwald (Honoree) In loving memory of Thelma B. Williams I wish to thank our friends and neighbors for the many cards and thoughts. Thanks to the folks on Leadtree Ct. for the help and kindness they gave us. -Bob Williams Reminder of Dr. Don Scheurer Celebration of Life April 25, 2015 at Eagles Landing, 4 PM APRIL 2015 4-01 4-01 4-02 4-03 4-03 4-03 4-04 4-04 4-04 4-04 4-04 4-04 4-04 4-06 4-07 4-08 4-09 4-09 4-09 4-10 4-11 4-11 4-11 4-12 4-12 4-12 4-12 4-12 4-13 4-16 MURRAY, THOMAS & DOREEN JORDAN, PETER & CULHANE, CAROLE STEADMAN, WILLIAM & JOYCE COUPAL, GUY & BOISMENU, DIANE BLODORN, JOHN & CLAIRE SANDBERG, ROBERT & SALLY POWELL, HUGH & SHARON VILLAR, JOSEPH & PATRICIA BIRCH, EDMUND & HAZEL GASS, ROBERT & MARSHA MASON, ROBERT & BAXTER, BARBARA JOHNSON, JOHN & BEVERLY MARCELLA, ALBERT & DOROTHY LUDWIG, FRED & PATRICIA SCARPATO, ROY & SHIRLEY AZZARO, BERNARD & ACCURSIA DOUGLAS, ALVIN & MAUREEN RIVERA, JOSEPH & MARILYN FOLKENS, DAVID & BETTY GREENSPAN, HARRY & CAROL PAUL, JULIAN AND MARJORIE BREITFELDER, JOHN & ANNA GREVE, NORMAN & GEORGIA ORI, PETER & KATHLEEN BALDWIN, ALLAN & INEZ ADAMS, GEORGE & JANET MONTGOMERY, DONALD & WILMA MATHIOWETZ, DONALD & LORRAINE MORGAN, LESLIE & CHERYL STEPHENSON, JERRY & NORMA 4-17 4-17 4-18 4-18 4-19 4-19 4-20 4-20 4-21 4-21 4-22 4-22 4-23 4-23 4-23 4-24 4-24 4-25 4-26 4-26 4-26 4-27 4-27 4-27 4-27 4-28 4-28 4-28 4-28 4-28 4-29 Page 27 HUBBARD, CLIFTON & ALICE BOCCIA, LOUIS & CAROL KIMICATA, ARTHUR & MARION SCHIDECKER, JOSEPH & PHYLLIS WOOD, ROBERT & MILDRED MENYHART, ERNEST & LILLIAN TOCCHETTI, MARK & EILEEN WEGRZYN, JOSEPH & BARBARA ROEDIG, JOSEPH & MARIE CASSESSO, ROBERT & SHIRLEY BRATCHER, THOMAS & SHIRLEY LARDER, GEORGE & NANCY MOGAVERO, ROBERT & CATHERINE BAKER, JOHN & ANGELA CONTROVILLAS, WILLIAM & ELIZABETH GARRANT, ALFRED & MARYLEE GERMANO, JOSEPH & PEGGY VALENTINO, JOHN & GERALDINE GIRAFALCO, RALPH & PATRICIA ASTARITA, GEORGE & JEAN PETERSON, RALPH & SANDY SWANSON, MORT & JOAN RUBENSTEIN, WILLIAM & LOIS PICARDI, RUDOLPH & SAMANTHA HANSON, GARY & BARBARA OLSEN, CHRISTIAN & PHYLLIS ZANINI, JOHN & BARBARA LERNER, RAYMOND & CAROL FOLEY, PATRICK & LINDA CLEMENT ROBILLARD & HELENE BUSSIERES SCHULZ, GEORGETTE & ROBERT Page 28 4-01 4-01 4-01 4-01 4-01 4-01 4-02 4-02 4-02 4-02 4-02 4-03 4-03 4-03 4-03 4-03 4-03 4-03 4-03 4-03 4-03 4-04 4-04 4-04 4-04 4-04 4-04 4-05 4-05 4-05 4-05 4-05 4-05 4-05 4-05 4-05 4-05 FRANK CERAR GINETTE TRUDEL MARY LEES MARY LOUISE BOYER MERRILL MARYNIEWSKI RODNEY RUPERT DAN CHRISTIANSEN DAVID CINTRON KATHLEEN MITTELBRUN RICHARD SUMMERS ROBERT GORDON ALLAN BALDWIN CHRIS CLAUSEN HAROLD DUNLEAVY IRENE DUMAS JOHN DALY JOHN MCNEELY JOHN THORNTON PAUL WOLKIEWICZ SHELDON WEISS VERNON PETTY BONNIE FIELDS DONALD LERNER EDMUND BIRCH JEAN HARDING JEAN KROWKA PHILLIP SPROWLS ALBERT MARCELLA DANIELCOYLE DANIEL PERFETTO GLEN CLIFTON JOHN ZBORAY MARLENE HILLEN PASQUALE ZARLENGA RICHARD PSZANKA ROGER BURKS WALTER MESEROLL APRIL 2015 4-06 4-06 4-06 4-06 4-06 4-06 4-06 4-07 4-07 4-07 4-07 4-07 4-07 4-07 4-08 4-08 4-08 4-08 4-08 4-08 4-08 4-09 4-09 4-09 4-09 4-09 4-09 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-11 4-11 4-11 4-12 4-12 ANNE D'AMATO CATHERINE SPENNATO DAVE LEES ROGER DESROSIER HAROLD BUDD JAMES MOONEY LINDA YOUNG JANET MIKESELL JOYCE SIEDEL LILIANE DUBUC LUCILLE CORTESE MARGARET SACRESTANO PAMELA PERFETTO RALPH IANNOTTA BARBARA POSATIERE CAROL EVANS JOHN DUNN JOSEPH MAHONEY, JR. MARIE RIORDAN MARLENE MOHRBECK VIRGINIA PELLEGRINO BASIL FLANIGAN CATHERINE CHERRY FREDERICK THOMPSON JOHN MCCARTHY LINDAMAE BENEVIDES STEVEN STANLEY EVELYN TANKE FRANKLIN BETTS JENNIFER BOYD JOYCE REAVER RONALD WHITFORD DARLENE McCABE ELEANOR TOZSER MARGARET LALONDE ANTHONY NAIMOLI BLANCHE LOVISKA 4-12 4-12 4-12 4-12 4-12 4-12 4-12 4-13 4-13 4-13 4-13 4-13 4-13 4-13 4-13 4-13 4-14 4-14 4-14 4-14 4-14 4-14 4-14 4-14 4-14 4-14 4-14 4-15 4-15 4-15 4-15 4-15 4-15 4-15 4-15 4-15 4-15 4-16 CHRISTIAN OLSEN DANIEL SULLIVAN LESLEE VANRANST MARIA BUSH MARTHA DEGER SALVATORE CILMI WILLIAM BRENNAN ARLENE DAILEY BERNADETTE CICALO BRIAN MASON WENDY DAVIS GINA RIOUX JOHN GRAZIANO LILLIAN REINAGEL PETER JORDAN ROSE AMON BARBARA DONALDSON BARRY BROWN CHARLES SHEA CHERYL SKRIVANEK CHESTER HROSTEK DEBBIE SIMARI JACK TURNER JOSEPH LUTTON MARIE VIDA MICHAEL LANESE WILLIAM HARMON ANITA ANGELOS CELINE BARIL DONA CUTHRIELL JOAN OJALA KAREN GOODWIN PATRICIA HUGHES RICHARD GIORDANO RONALD GOULDRICK STEPHEN PAUL KANE THOMAS MITTELBRUN ANGIE BETTS MARCH 2015 4-16 4-16 4-16 4-16 4-16 4-16 4-16 4-16 4-16 4-16 4-16 4-17 4-17 4-17 4-17 4-17 4-17 4-17 4-17 4-17 4-18 4-18 4-18 4-18 4-18 4-18 4-18 4-19 4-19 4-19 4-19 4-19 4-19 4-20 4-20 4-20 4-20 4-20 ARTHUR DUMONT JANET RYAN JOAN KISTINGER JUDITH SIAS MARIA LAMORGESE MARIA YOUNG MARIE SCAVETTA ODDBJORG OLSEN ROBERT VANDERSTYNE ROLF SEEBACHER SUSAN NORRIS BAGHDASSARIAN BAGHDASSAR BARBARA SANTEK FRANK COPPOLA ISABELLE CARON JANET DeBROISSE JUDITH GESKE LAURIE HARRIS PIERRE CHAPELARD TREVOR GOODWIN ALAN YOUNG BARBARA WERGZYN DENNA RAGEIS FRANCIS MEYERS HANNELORE WONKE ROBERT KALMIN THOMAS DEVINE ELEANOR GLEICHMAN JAMES SALVADOR JAMES STANGEL KARL MOELLER MARJORIE SCHWERDTFEGER SUSAN COTRONE ARIGO MENIS BARBARA WELTSEK DONALD SANFORD GERALDINE VALENTINO JULIE SEEHAFER 4-20 4-20 4-21 4-21 4-21 4-21 4-21 4-21 4-21 4-21 4-21 4-22 4-22 4-22 4-22 4-22 4-22 4-23 4-23 4-23 4-23 4-23 4-23 4-23 4-24 4-24 4-25 4-25 4-25 4-25 4-25 4-25 4-25 4-25 4-25 4-26 4-26 4-26 LOIS LINHARES RONALD GRIFFITH CARL ANDERSON GEORGE URIE GERALDINE CLAREN JEAN COULTER JOAN PIERSON JOHN CUMMINGS MARY ANN EVENSON PAULA FARAGE ROBERT CASSESSO DIANE BOISMENU GEORGIANNA ANDREW GERALD FORCIER ROLAND PEARCE STEPHEN AALDERS STEVE YETZER BARBARA WEBSTER COLLEEN COSTELLO MARY EMMENDORFER NORMAND VANDALE ROCCO DeMARIA THOMAS VALENZUELA WILLIAM WOLFGRAM KRYSTYNA HIRSCHLER SUSAN MORGAN HENRY GARGANO JOANNE GALINIS JOHN HARRER MARY MAGNANI PATRICIA STARR RAYMOND STONE SIDNEY LOCKLEY TERRI RUSSELL WILLIAM GASS HARMONY GESKE BARBARA BRAUN JAMES CUCCIA 4-26 4-26 4-26 4-26 4-26 4-26 4-27 4-27 4-27 4-27 4-27 4-27 4-27 4-28 4-28 4-28 4-28 4-28 4-28 4-28 4-28 4-28 4-29 4-29 4-29 4-29 4-29 4-29 4-29 4-30 4-30 4-30 4-30 4-30 4-30 4-30 4-30 4-30 4-30 Page 29 PAUL MACDONALD MARIE MESSICK PETER BRENNAN ROBERT FOSBERRY ROBERT GARDNER TRUDY KESTING BETTY RICHARDSON CHARLES MILLER ELLEN TAMBORNINI KATHLEEN GEORGE MARGARET DOYLE MARYLIN AUSIELLO VIRGINIA GRABOWICZ BARBARA STIENE CATHERINE VALANZOLA ELAINE SIMMS HELENE PAQUETTE JOY BECKER JUDITH HUNTER KEN MORROW ROSEMARIE MEYERS SHEILA SNYDER GEORGE DAY JEROME MARYNIEWSKI JOHN DELVECCHIO JOHN OVERTON LILLIAN BOLDUC MARY ZANGOGLIA ROBERT CLEMENS GEORGE ASTARITA GUVEN KADEM JACK RUNYAN JOSEPH FARAGE KATHERINE SEQUEIRA LINDA BIRO LYNN LOPARDO MEREDITH RODMAN PATRICIA LAMSON THEODORE BONHAM Page 30 APRIL 2015 S AVA N N A C L U B C O N TA C T L I S T Directors and Officers President Dennis Sutton 344-3676 Vice President Steve Thorp 215-872-5770 Director Tom Brown 418-6315 Director John Eubank 905-8876 Director Lee Dobbins (ALL) Secretary Charlotte Staruch 879-4737 Treasurer Ken Dupont 978-502-9758 SCHOA STAFF Email: [email protected] Manager Sarah Watkins 340-1889 ext 106 Asst Manager Brenda DeHart 340-1889 ext 103 Accountant Lydia Guthrie 340-1889 ext 105 Receptionist Ellen Boulette 340-1889 ext 101 Receptionist 340-1889 ext 102 Admin Asst. Janet Demonte 340-1889 ext 104 Activities Dir Lenore Mascar 344-9874 Golf Manager Wayne Huffines 879-1316 Maintenance Kevin Slater 340-1889 ext 401 SCHOA Committee Chairpersons Architectural Control Interim Sarah Watkins 340-1889 ext 106 Bldg. & Grounds Joe Bruschetti 873-0919 Computer John Eubank 343-1748 Emergency Response Kathy Thornton 343-7887 Finance Sheila Soto 204-2914 Golf Paul Wolkiewicz 344-4630 Insurance Advisory Karen Laurel 905-8802 Judiciary Bob Magill 878-5485 Lennard Road John Eubank 343-1748 Rules & Regs Don Mathiowetz 763-843-1629 Audrey Stiefel 340-2438 Social Jane Roy 224-2777 Theater Casey Krakowiecki 873-0569 Tennis RV/Boat Storage Ken Stiritz 359-8465 (May - Oct) Dan Haggerty 336-8735 Activities American Jewish Friend Club Sheila Soto 204-2914 Aqua dynamics June Maine 873-9079 Arts & Crafts Lois LaGrega 340-4054 Joan DePlanché 871-6450 Baby Items, Bikes/Beds Lois Lindsay 879-4666 Ballroom Dancing John Natale 879-0170 Bingo Jerry Moncrief 344-7788 Blood Bank Drives Lois LaGrega 340-4054 Bocce Ball (Tues) Shirley Dorsey 879-6039 Bocce Ball (Thurs) Daniel Kraft 812-9011 Book Discussion Group Liz Taylor 785-8215 Bowling (Mon) Ann Miller 344-8507 Bowling (Fri) Nancy Parkey 359-1022 Bridge Barbara Stiene 879-9310 Bonnie Kasperowicz 340-1487 Ceramics Jill DeRosa 336-8028 C.E.R.T. Dan Haggerty 336-8735 Chris Clausen 340-7469 Channel 63 e-mail [email protected] Clerk of the Court for Elections (Precinct 74) Lois Lindsay 879-4666 Community Chorus Bob Bailey 237-5189 Ed Birch 871-2233 Chris Gearhart 873-1957 Connecticut Club Carl Schmidt 440-213-8589 COP Bob Stringham 579-0310 DVD Library Bob Staab 879-7370 Domino’s Jerry Moncrief 334-7788 Euchre Dorothy Shepheard 871-1502 Fine Arts League Agnes Hill 224-2579 Fishing Club Marty Frano 344-9593 Ed Stubbs 871-1764 Fitness–Senior Lois Lindsay 879-4666 Forum, The John Neafsey 344-7901 Fun Shuffleboard Carolyn Moncrief 344-7788 APRIL 2015 Page 31 S AVA N N A C L U B C O N TA C T L I S T C O N T ’ D Garden Club Gerry Skoczylas German American Club Horst Emmert Golf Couples (Tues) George & Cheri Tripp Golf, Men’s League (Mon) John Gormly Golf Men’s League (Thur) Paul Mueller Golf, Women’s 18-Hole League (Fri) Sharron Fonteyn Ham Radio Club Vigo Johansen Tom Kalil Irish American Club Joan DePlanche 340-7539 Italian American Club Michael Mele 807-1410 Line Dancing 785-9557 343-8926 Liz Barone Jean Hoffman Long Island Club Carol & Hank McLoughlin Lynn Vellon Medical Equip Dick Roy Rich Fruggiero Men’s Cards Lou Lupinacci Men’s Club Ken Smalley Mah Jongg 873-1230 344-8215 873-1243 343-0825 871-9038 340-4311 343-1668 871-6450 340-5655 785-6381 224-2777 678-9529 871-6342 878-9478 Marie Scavetta 873-5325 Gale Rosenthal 342-6285 One Stroke Painting Paul Hilko 873-2756 Photography Club BonnieTrudo 879-7693 Piecemakers (Quilting) Mary Lee Garrant 871-6759 Pickleball Jim Hadden 860-338-5902 Ping Pong Warren Schongut 873-6733 Restaurant Nancy Marshall 871-9299 R.V. Association Rudy & Sam Picardi 878-6692 S.C. Classic Car David Lee Greenberg 579-9489 S.C. Concerned Residents Coalition (SCCRC) Sonny Jamieson, Pres 879-1198 S.C. Golf Assn Ron Massey, Pres 248-505-8374 [email protected] S.C. Jam Session Maddy Goldberg 873-1983 S.C. Players Club Ed Birch, Pres 871-2233 S.C. Samaritans Tony Cocilova 879-2400 Shuffleboard Doug Upton 828-284-0087 Softball Tom Joyce 446-7662 Snappy Steppers Gail Willoughby 343-8351 Swimnastics (9 AM) Judith Hunter 336-5880 (10 AM) Cheryl Stetz 340-0882 Tappettes Diane Budd 224-6445 Tennis Jim Hadden 860-338-5902 Town Talk Sharon Comeau 336-5297 Vivian Sullivan 340-2309 Ultimate Workout Georgann Krakowiecki 873-0569 Voice e-mail [email protected] Women’s Club Linda Houlihan 871-6064 [email protected] Woodcarving Bob Staab 879-7370 Yoga Eileen Schoenberg 516-680-3849 CLUBHOUSES Eagles Landing Clubhouse Hours 7:00 am - 11:00 pm daily 344-7973 FW Clubhouse—Monitor Office Hours 7:00 am - 11:00 pm daily 249-0324 Recreation Center Hours 7:00 am - 10:00 pm daily 873-1020 SCHOA Curbside Waste Pickup 595-9390 Tuesday & Friday Trash Pickup Only Wednesday Yard Waste APRIL 2015 Page 32 Page 33 APRIL 2015 APRIL 2015 Page 34 Page 35 APRIL 2015 INCOME TAX CENTER ACCOUNTING PLUS 8717 SOUTH US #1 CALL BARRY 772-879-4101 40+ YEARS EXPERIENCE DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM SAVANNA CLUB SEAMTRESS Mary Ann Evenson 3310 Columbrina Circle Port St. Lucie, FL 34952 Cell:480-316-3060 Fairways Café & Catering Join us every Wednesday for our WEDNESDAY NIGHT DINNER BUFFET From 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm Mon—Sat 7:00am to 3:00pm Sun 7:00am to 2:00pm Nancy Torchetti Marshall 772-871-9299 APRIL 2015 Page 36 Dr. Noah M. Blum, DPM Treat your feet well and they will last you a lifetime!!! 8513 S. US 1~Port St. Lucie, FL 34952 2316 Nebraska Ave~ Fort Pierce, FL 34950 (772) 489-4343 drnoahblum.com -Diabetic Foot Care -Ingrown Toenails -Foot & Ankle Pain -Hammer Toes -Diabetic Shoes -Corns & Calluses -Plantar Fasciitis -Fungal Nails -Ulcers/Wounds -Orthotics/Arch Supports -Warts -Gout -Tendinitis -Bunions -X-rays Page 37 APRIL 2015 Buying or Selling? Call me- 772-801-9187 Tara L. Edwards, PA Your Savanna Club Realtor 772-801-9187- Direct Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices www.TaraSellsFL.com -orStop by one of my open housesMarch 2015 3729 Pebble Beach ~ 8519 Marlberry Ct 2979 Fiddlewood ~ 3825 Morning Dove 8109 Meadowlark ~ 3817 Hydrilla Ct 3249 Scarlet Tanager ~3289 Columbrina APRIL 2015 Page 38 “Outdoor A/C” Cool off you porch, Patio, Pool area, etc. ….it’s mystifying… __________________________ Flooring, Kitchens, Bathrooms Power washing, etc. Free Estimates M.H. Services “How can I Help You” Licensed & Insured 772-214-9120 Treasure Coast Ear Nose & Throat, PA *Snoring *Sleep Disorders *Adult & Pediatric ENT * Hearing * Dizziness *Hearing Aid Sales * Laser Surgery Daniel E. Sharkey, M.D., F.A.C.S Stuart J. Sabol, M.D., F.A.C.S Robert A. Nunez, M.D., F.A.C.S Adrienne Sacco, CCC-A, Certified Audiologist ACCEPT MEDICARE ASSIGNMENT Port St. Lucie 337-2393 Stuart 220-8459 Page 39 APRIL 2015 Page 40 APRIL 2015 APRIL 2015 Page 41 Page 42 APRIL 2015 APRIL 2015 Page 43 Page 44 APRIL 2015 Worried about outliving your retirement savings? $8.99 (plus tax) 1 LARGE 16” 1 TOPPING PIZZA PORT ST LUCIE US 1 772-337-3500 Thomas P Kiernan, CFP® Financial Advisor 1201 19th Pl Suite B-404 Downtown Office Center Vero Beach, FL 32960 772-562-9750 APRIL 2015 Page 45 Page 46 APRIL 2015 APRIL 2015 Page 47
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