April 5, 2015 - Immaculate Conception Church

Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
A parish served by the Paulist Fathers
more than 150 years of service to God and God’s People
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
Tel: (865) 522-1508
April 5, 2015
414 West Vine Avenue Knoxville, Tennessee 37902-1327
Fax: (865) 524-8514 E-mail: [email protected] Website: icknoxville.org
Saturday: 6 p.m.
Sunday: 8:30, 10, 11:30 a.m.
Monday - Friday: 12:10 p.m.
Saturday: 8:30 a.m.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: First Friday after
12:10 p.m. Mass
Rosary: First Saturday after 8:30 a.m. Mass
Saturday, 5-5:30 p.m. or by appointment
Parents must attend a preparation meeting. Please call
the parish office to register in advance.
6 months preparation time required. Contact one of the
priests to schedule an appointment. Deposit required to
secure date. Request a copy of the Wedding Guidelines
from the parish office.
Fr. Ronald Franco, CSP[[email protected]].………....…...Pastor
Fr. Jerry Tully, CSP[[email protected]]….Associate Pastor
Deacon Hieu Vinh [[email protected]]…….....Permanent Deacon
Deacon Joe Stackhouse [[email protected]]....Permanent Deacon
Brigid Johnson [[email protected]]……Dir. of Rel. Ed. &
Faith Formation
Karl Jacob [[email protected]]…………….Dir. of Music Ministry
Amanda Peavyhouse……………………………..…………..Cantor
Jenifer Dills [[email protected]]……........Business Manager
Nancy Brennan Strange [[email protected]]..…....Receptionist
Ed Stokes [cell:243-6903]..Facilities and Systems Maintenance Dir.
Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-12:45 p.m.; 1:45 - 5 p.m.
In the event of inclement weather, we will notify WATE, WBIR, and
WVLT of any parish office closings or parish activity cancellations.
Deadline is noon on Monday. Announcements may be mailed,
faxed, or e-mailed to Jenifer Dills.
Find us on Facebook: Immaculate Conception Church
Pre-K (age 4) - 5th grade: 10-11 a.m.
Sundays (Sept. - May) at St. Joseph School
6th - 12th grade: 7-8:30 p.m.
Wednesdays (Sept. - May) at Immaculate Conception
2000 Martin Luther King Blvd Knoxville, TN 37915
For information, please call the parish office.
St. Joseph School (PK - 8th grade)
1810 Howard Drive Knoxville, TN 37918 (865) 689-3424
St. Francis Xavier in Fond des Blancs, Haiti
Free Sunday morning Mass parking is available in
the lot across the street from the front doors of the
church, as well as in the Eagles’ lot across Cafego Place
and the Crowne Plaza parking garage. During the week,
the only free parking available is our own parking lot.
Free Funeral parking is available at the Cr owne
Plaza, space permitting. After parking, you will need to
notify the front desk and request a token.
From the Pastor:
Most Reverend Father, I bring you a message of great joy, the message of Alleluia. With
these traditional words of greeting to the Bishop at the Easter Vigil, the joyful word
Alleluia is solemnly reintroduced into the liturgy after its annual Lenten absence. On this
“Solemnity of Solemnities,” the Church proclaims to the world the great joy of Christ’s
triumph over sin and death and the hope this holds out for all of us to share in his new
and gloriously risen life. On behalf of the Paulist Fathers and the parish staff I extend to
all this same joyful message of life and hope. Every year Easter challenges us all to
experience what the Risen Lord’s disciples experienced and to be renewed, revived, and
transformed as they were. Every day during the Easter season, the Church reads from the
Acts of the Apostles, the wonderful story of the first Christians’ experience of the Risen
Christ’s presence and action in their lives and their impact on their world. Let us listen
intently this Easter season to their story of the power of the risen Lord’s life at work in
those first Christian communities, so that we too may experience what they experienced
and so become what they became!
In his Apostolic Exhortation, The Joy of the Gospel, Pope Francis has written: If we think
that things are not going to change, we need to recall that Jesus Christ has triumphed
over sin and death and is now almighty. Jesus Christ truly lives. Put another way, if
Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain” (1 Corinthians 15:14). The
Gospel tells us that, when the first disciples went forth to preach, “the Lord worked with
them and confirmed the message” (Mark 16:20). The same thing happens today. We are
invited to discover this, to experience it. Christ, risen and glorified, is the wellspring of
our hope, and he will not deprive us of the help we need to carry out the mission which he
has entrusted to us. Christ’s resurrection is not an event of the past; it contains a vital
power which has permeated this world. Where all seems to be dead, signs of the
resurrection suddenly spring up. It is an irresistible force. Often it seems that God does
not exist: all around us we see persistent injustice, evil, indifference and cruelty. But it is
also true that in the midst of darkness something new always springs to life and sooner or
later produces fruit. On razed land life breaks through, stubbornly yet invincibly.
However dark things are, goodness always re-emerges and spreads. Each day in our
world beauty is born anew, it rises transformed through the storms of history. Values
always tend to reappear under new guises, and human beings have arisen time after time
from situations that seemed doomed. Such is the power of the resurrection, and all who
evangelize are instruments of that power [Evangelii Gaudium, 275-276].
In the Western Church, Easter is also the special day for baptisms. Today, the parish
community welcomes three newly baptized members - Isaac Bruner, Abby Bruner, and
Richard Moore – along with those who have been received into full communion with
the Catholic Church and have completed their sacramental initiation – Darby Huddleston,
Cierra Unbehaun, Karl Jacob, Kacy Aslinger, and Kelsey Spangler – and also Jesse
Fisher who celebr ated his confir mation at the Easter Vigil.
Welcome to our Visitors. We extend a
warm welcome to all the visitors who are
celebrating Mass with us this weekend.
We are blessed with many “visitors” who regularly
attend our liturgies and generously contribute to our
offertory. We would like to extend an invitation to
“officially” register with our parish family. Registration
cards are available on the magazine rack in the vestibule.
We Pray for the Repose of the
Soul of †Garry Conlee,
son of Ralph & Mary Ellen Conlee,
brother of Barbara (Mac) Wilhoit.
Magazines and Books
for Adult Faith Formation
(located in the church vestibule)
“Easter Duty” Church Law stipulates that
The magazine rack in the vestibule includes the
“All the faithful, after they have been initiated
into the Most Holy Eucharist, are bound by the
obligation of receiving Communion at least
once a year” (canon 920). This obligation is normally to
be fulfilled during the Easter season, which for this
purpose is specified in the United States as the period
from the First Sunday of Lent to Trinity Sunday
inclusive. This year, Trinity Sunday will fall on May 31.
Not specifically tied to the Easter season is another
obligation – “faithfully to confess serious sins at least
once a year” (canon 989).
newest issues of America, Catholic Digest, Liguorian, St.
Anthony Messenger, and U.S. Catholic. Select your
magazines, put your money in the envelope clipped to
each magazine, and place in the collection. The parish
must pay for all magazines removed from the rack.
We have a small selection of spiritual books
for sale at our cost. Each book has an envelope
labeled with the name and the price of the book. To
purchase a book, put your money (cash/check made out
to IC) in the envelope and place it in the lock box located
on the wall to the right of the book shelves.
Easter Monday: The parish office will be closed all
day tomorrow. Mass will be at the usual time–12:10 p.m.
Thank You to everyone who contributed to
our Easter decorations.
Memorials and
donations will be acknowledged next weekend.
Education: Please be generous to the
annual Easter Sunday 2nd Collection in
support of Seminarian Education for the Diocese of
Knoxville. Though we are one of the smallest dioceses
in the United States, we are blessed with a rich harvest of
vocations to the priesthood. Currently, we have 20
seminarians enrolled in studies – nearly 1 seminarian for
every 3 priests currently serving in the diocese! But with
this wonderful blessing comes a financial challenge. The
cost of educating just one seminarian is approximately
$45,000, a financial commitment for the diocese of
$900,000 this year! But your investment in the future of
the priesthood is one that will help guarantee the growth
of the Catholic faith in East Tennessee. Please be
generous in supporting our Diocesan Seminarians in
their formation as they endeavor through the grace of
God to become your future priests.
Roof and Ceiling Fund: There will
be two collections next Sunday. The first
will be the regular weekly collection for
the support of the parish. The second will be the monthly
special collection for the roof and ceiling fund. Thank
you for your generosity in supporting our parish and in
maintaining our church building.
2014 Statements of Giving:
Now Available!
To request your copy, please contact the parish office
at 522-1508 or [email protected]. Please
specify if you would like to receive your statement
by email. Statements are sent upon request only.
Online Giving is available with
WeShare. Donating is simple, safe, and
completely secure. You can set up a one
-time donation or a recurring transaction using your
checking, savings, or credit card account. For more
information, please call the parish office at 522-1508 or
visit https://icknoxville.weshareonline.org.
Pantry News: The next
distribution is on Mon., Apr. 13, 8 - 11 a.m.,
in the parish hall.
Wish List: Cans of Pork & Beans • Cornbread Mix
Pouches (add water only) • Cans of Spaghetti Sauce •
Boxes of Pasta (any type) • Powdered Milk • Canned
Fruit • Canned Vegetables • Cans of Soup • Cans of
Tuna or Chicken • Boxes of Cereal/Oatmeal • Peanut
Butter • Dish Soap • Toilet Paper.
Do you have any unused Sunday newspaper
coupons? Help us increase our buying power. Please
leave them in the FISH basket in the church vestibule.
The ICWG will meet on Mon., Apr. 13, at
6:30 p.m. in the parish office basement
meeting room. Spring and summer activities
will be planned. All women of the parish are invited to
Envelopes are available in the back of the
church to collect money for the ICWG project to help
feed the children of Burkina Faso. These filled envelopes
need to be returned no later than Sun., Apr.
19. Plastic containers will be in the back of the church to
accept your donation. Each 50 cents donated will
provide one meal. Let's all do our part to help feed these
children. Thanks!
Knoxville Diocesan Council of Catholic
Women's 26th annual Diocesan Convention will
be held Apr. 23-25, at the Holiday Inn (Executive
Park Drive). Our theme is "Be Not Afraid." The
convention begins with a Memorial Mass to
recognize all deceased Catholic women in the
diocese on Thurs., Apr. 23 at 4:30 p.m. at St. John
Bishop Stika will be the main
celebrant. The Mass will be followed by an opening
banquet. Patty Schneier, noted speaker, author, radio
host and guest, will be our banquet keynote
speaker. Visit www.kdccw.org for information and
registration forms. The ICWG will pay part of your
registration fee.
A Silent Auction will be held during the
KDCCW Convention Apr. 23-25. We are accepting
all types of items--new, old, handmade--something
you have but might not need. For more information,
contact Pat at [email protected] or 6870050. Nothing will be turned away.
Religious Education News
Classes do not meet today at St. Joseph
School. Happy Easter!
Gospel Reflection
In today’s Gospel, we see three different reactions to the
empty tomb. Mary Magdalen was afraid, Peter just
pondered, but “the beloved disciple” believed! Which
are you? Afraid to believe Christ’s wonderful gift to us,
still pondering the whole thing, or a believer, no matter
Youth Ministry News: Youth Ministry
for middle and high school will meet on
Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the parish hall.
Reminder to all parents: Diocesan policy states
that all minors must be accompanied by an adult when
they use church restrooms. Please do not send your
children downstairs alone to the restroom.
Virtus Training sessions: A complete list of
locations can be found at www.virtusonline.org.
Please keep Paulist seminarian Evan
Cummings, CSP in your prayers. Evan
was led to the Paulists by a reluctance to do
his homework and a Wikipedia search. From
that he discerned a vocation and applied to
the order upon his college graduation. There’s still
homework involved but he loves exploring the Paulist
community and finding where he fits in.
Join the summer fun at Knoxville
Catholic High School! Our summer camps
are open to the community and provide a safe
environment to explore new interests and improve
skills. From robotics to football to cheerleading…
KCHS is the place to be this summer. Reserve your
child’s place today! For info/to register online, visit
Have you ever dreamed of making a
pilgrimage to the Holy Land?
Now is the time!
Father Jerry will be co-leading a Spiritual Journey to the
Holy Land with Father Randy Stice of St. Mary’s in
Athens on August 10-21, 2015.
The Following Jesus conference at KCHS and All Saints
Church is free and will feature presentations by Curtis
Martin, author, sought after speaker, Crossing the Goal
co-host and CEO of the Fellowship of Catholic
University Students, and by Cardinal Timothy Dolan,
who will also celebrate Mass for conference
attendees. This event is open to everyone and all are
welcome—but tickets are limited and registration is
Experience the beauty and peace of the Mount of
Beatitudes, the Sea of Galilee, Bethlehem, Nazareth,
Mount Carmel, Mount Tabor, Cana and receive a
baptismal blessing at the Jordan River. We will pray at
the holy and sacred sites of Our Lord’s passion, death
and resurrection in Jerusalem at the Garden of
Gethsemane, walk the way of the cross along the Via
Dolorosa, touch the rock of Golgotha at the Church of
the Holy Sepulchre and be present at the Church of the
Ascension and more!
Grow closer to Our Lord, His Church and others from
the Diocese of Knoxville through faith, fellowship and
fun on this once in a lifetime pilgrimage opportunity!
The Scriptures will come alive in a way as never before,
as you recall the images and scenes of the places where
Jesus gave us His teachings, that will be forever treasured
in your heart.
There will be an informational meeting on Tues., Apr.
21, 6:30 - 8 p.m. at the Chancery Office (805 S.
Northshore Drive).
Pilgrimage Cost is $2,945.00 per person Land Only (air
travel can be arranged through Select International or
you can make your own arrangements, if you prefer).
Space is limited. For more information, contact Lisa
Morris of Select International at (865) 567-1245 or
[email protected].
Remember in your prayers…
David Accardi, Hazel Allegree, Annette Andrews, Alberta Bachman,
Scott Barstow, Martha Bond, Tammy Bookbinder, John Breeden, Ruby Breeden,
Charlie Brummitt, Eric Butcher, Guy Carawan, Candie Carawan, JoAnn Castine,
Mary Chandler, Tom Chandler, Pat Chrapliwy, Hillary Herbert Christiansen, Mary Conlee,
Ralph Conlee, Cara Rain Cowell, Ronald Cross, Stuart Daw, Rebecca Digmann,
Megan Dugan, Robbie Edwards, Anna Lee Stone Fine, Jay Gambino, Maria Gervin,
Ruby Gillespie, Michele Gorey, Ray Guay, Richard Guay, The Guthrie family, Kitsy Hartley,
Shirley Hirsch, Chuck Holmes, Emily Hudson, Sheila Hudson, Agnes Hughes,
Lois Humphrey, Salvadore Iannazzo, Tyler Irwin, Pete Jenkins, Maria Kasipovic,
Jack Kramer, Helen LoFaro, Diane Longo, Rev. Msgr. Xavier Mankel, V.G.,
Catherine Matlock, Dominick Matranga, Jim McClure, Delbert McCoy, James McMurray,
Jim Monahan, Shirley Mulligan, Paul Nesbitt, Catherine Nevin, Robyn Norris,
Lily Ostermayr, Peter Ostermayr, Cody Patrick, Kathy Pino, John Potorski, Sonny Potorski,
Micheline Rabot, Joan Race, Louis Rankin, Michael Rankin, Celeste Reedy, Kim Reeves,
Paul Rodarte, Rachelle Rodarte, Dorothy Romines, Mia Roberts, Freeda Ryan,
Shirley Sheffield, Margaret Short, Barbara Sirknen, Ben Smith, Candi Smith,
Elizabeth Smith, Jane Snidas, Dan Solla, Judy Southern, Tina Spindola, Jeff Stiles,
John Swindeman, Ida Ticer, Patsy Trollinger, Barbara Vest & family, Rose Vickery,
MaryLee Vining, Nicholas Walles, Kristie Whetsell, Melissa Whetsell, Grace Willard,
Steven Willis, Mary Ford Woody, James C. Wright, Sr. & Charlie Yurick.
Parish Financial News
Readings for the Week
Parish Offertory Report*
Octave of Easter – Proper: pgs. 310 ff.
Sundays of Easter – Proper: p. 329
Mar. 22 Collection
Online Donations
Needed for Budget each week:
Total Collection YTD:
Total Budgeted YTD:
Gain/(Loss) this fiscal year:
*Regular offertory giving only. Does not include
additional income from donations and other parish
Roof & Ceiling Repair Fund
Total Expense:
Total Income:
Balance Remaining: $
Together….Our Future Fulfilled
St. Joseph School Capital Campaign
Total Pledged:
Total Remitted:
Balance Remaining: $
Mass Intentions
Saturday, April 4
8:30 p.m. The People of Immaculate Conception
Sunday, April 5
8:30 a.m. †George Willard by the family
10 a.m.
†Robert DeWine by the family
11:30 a.m. †Ella Marie Ambroziak by the family
Monday, April 6
12:10 p.m. †Larry Kelly by Clete & Brenda Walles
Tuesday, April 7
12:10 p.m. Diane Longo by Victoria Ostermayr
Wednesday, April 8
12:10 p.m. †Rubin Smith by Mrs. Guy L. Smith & family
Thursday, April 9
12:10 p.m. for the sick
Friday, April 10
12:10 p.m. †Tracy Scott & the Scott family
by Charles & Leslie Rutherford
Saturday, April 11
8:30 a.m. Canonization Cause of Isaac Hecker
Paulist Prayer Book:
Acts 2:14,22-33
Ps 16:1-2a,5,7-11
Mt 28:8-15
Acts 2:36-41
Ps 33:4-5,18-20,22
Jn 20:11-18
Acts 3:1-10
Ps 105:1-4,6-9
Lk 24:13-35
Acts 3:11-26
Ps 8:2ab,5-9
Lk 24:35-48
Acts 4:1-12
Ps 118:1-2,4,22-27a Jn 21:1-14
Acts 4:13-21 Ps 118:1,14-15ab,16-21 Mk 16:9-15
Acts 4:32-35
Ps 118:2-4,13-15,22-24
1 Jn 5:1-6
Jn 20:19-31
A Word from Servant of God
Isaac Thomas Hecker
“Yesterday I went to the Catholic Church in west Roxbury; it
was Easter Sunday. The services of the Church were to me
very impressively affecting. The altar piece was Christ’s
rising from the tomb. This was the subject matter of the
Priest’s sermon. In the midst of it as he was preaching he
turned and pointed to the painting with a few touching
remarks turning all eyes towards it which made his remark
doubly affective.” [Diary, April 17, 1843]
If you have asked Father Hecker to pray for you or another
person who is ill, and you believe something miraculous has
happened, please phone Fr. Paul Robichaud, CSP, at (202)
269-2519 and tell him your story.
Paulist Fathers’ Necrology
Throughout the year, the Paulist Fathers remember in their
prayers their deceased brother missionaries on the
anniversaries of their death. Please join this week in
Algernon A. Brown (4/8/1878)
Edward J. Gleason (4/8/1986)
Robert E. Moran (4/8/2006)
George F. Helmich (4/9/2009)
John M. Donelon (4/11/1978)
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