First Echoes April 2015 • Volume 56, Issue 4 A Call to Prayer and Reverence Holy Week Holy Week is a somber time in the Christian year when we journey through the final hours of Jesus’ life. Often we prefer to glaze over the sacrifices of Jesus, but in doing so we fail to acknowledge our own suffering and God’s desire through Christ to bring an end to suffering and death once and for all. As we move through Jesus’ betrayal, rejection, humiliation, persecution, and crucifixion, let us remain in a solemn spirit of prayer. Be invited to take a moment of silence each day at noon or during another hour of your choosing each day of this week to remember the gift of Life, and the resolve and magnitude to which God will go in Christ to offer it to us. Services of Worship for Easter Sunday April 5 Join us for worship as we celebrate our risen Lord and the new life God brings each of us in Christ! Sunrise Service (outdoors, weather permitting) - 6:30 a.m. Easter Service 10:30 a.m. **Easter Service at McCrite Plaza for residents and their guests at 9:00 a.m. April Worship Schedule at a Glance April 2 Holy Thursday Holy Communion & Hand Washing Service, John 13:1-35 April 3 Good Friday Tenebrae Service April 5 Sunrise Service Mark 16:1-8 April 5 Easter Service John 20:1-18 April 12 Then the Next Day. . . Mark 16:9-18, Liz Isaacs preaching April 19 The Walk to Emmaus Luke 24: 13-35 April 26 Jesus Appears to his Disciples Luke 24:36-48 First Echoes • April 2015 • 1 Easter Offering-Northland Assistance This year’s Easter offering may be designated to Northland Assistance Center or Apportionments. Undesignated Easter offerings will be split evenly between these two ministries. Many in our church are already familiar with Northland Assistance and have been supporting it for many years, participating in major fundraisers and even serving on its board. Vital to those in our community who fall upon hard times, this organization helps families with things like utility assistance and food, and provides motel rooms for our friends without homes during extreme winter weather. To designate your Easter offering, simply write “Northland Assistance” or “Apportionments” A Service of Worship for Holy Thursday - April 2, 6:30 p.m. Just hours before Jesus’ betrayal, arrest, and crucifixion, Jesus laid aside time to spend with his disciples, taking this opportunity to both care for them and teach them. Through his Last Supper, he reminded his disciples of what lay in the hours ahead--that his body would be broken, his blood spilled--but that through it the sins of the world would be forgiven. He also washed his disciples’ feet, reminding them that just as he came to serve to the point of laying down his life, they, too, must be willing to serve one another. In order that we might remember that we, too, receive that same invitation from Jesus that he extended to his earliest disciples, a service of worship for Holy Thursday evening, which will include Holy Communion and a hand washing ritual, will take place on Thursday, April 2, at 6:30 p.m. 2 • First Echoes • April 2015 in the memo line of your check or utilize the offering envelope that says, “Easter Offering.” These envelopes will be available in your Easter worship bulletin, the north foyer, as well as the bell tower. Also remember that nonperishable foods may be donated to Northland Assistance Center year-round; simply drop these groceries off in the big wooden box by the east door of our church. Thank you for being so generous and for helping those among us in need. A Service of Tenebrae for Good Friday - April 3, 6:30 p.m. As the United Methodist Book of Worship reminds us, “A Service of Tenebrae, or “Darkness,” is based on a twelfth-century late night/early morning service and is an extended meditation on the passion of Christ.” Having departed Christ’s table the night before on Holy Thursday, we reconvene on Good Friday to remember the rest of the story. Candles will be slowly extinguished in partnership with a series of oral and musical meditations that will carry us through those final hours of Christ’s life. As the last light is extinguished we will remember the stark and seemingly grim reminder of humanity’s capacity to fail and harm, and God’s capacity and resolve to abide with us even to death. This Service of Tenebrae will take place on Friday, April 3, at 6:30 p.m Easter Sunrise Breakfast The Men’s Group will be hosting a breakfast on Easter morning, April 5, following the Easter Sunrise service. The Sunrise service begins at 6:30 a.m. Connection Point You may have noticed the newest fixture in our north foyer, the Connection Point! This booth is an important tool in communication here at our church. It will also help inform our guests of events in our church and other ways to get involved. Most often, our youth director, Toni Griem, and some of our youth will be at the booth helping to promote events. This booth will have the important details of upcoming events as well as opportunities to sign up! Stop by and check it out! Also, if your group would like to promote events, the Connection Point is a great way to do this! For more information, contact Sara in the office at [email protected] or 842-3944. First Echoes • April 2015 • 3 Youth Ministry 8th Annual Leadership Institute April 23, 10 a.m - 2 p.m. Please be in prayer for church council member, Trish Ferguson, as she travels to Central Methodist University for the 8th Annual Leadership Institute on April 23, 2015. The guest speaker this year will be Dr. Lovett H. Weems, Jr., Director of the Lewis Center for Church Leadership. The theme of this year’s presentation is “Joyful Generosity: Serving God’s Vision.” Both church leaders and clergy are invited to attend. If this sounds like a topic you may be interested in and would like to attend in order to bring fresh insight and ideas back to our church, please be in touch with Pastor Stephanie at pastor@fumcnkc. org or 816-842-3944. The cost for the conference is $35. 4 • First Echoes • April 2015 by Toni Greim Throughout the month of March, the youth group has been participating in the Adam Hamilton’s “Making Sense of the Bible” Lenten Bible study. We are digging into our Bibles, learning scripture, and actually learning what exactly the Bible is, who wrote it, and why. We will be extending this lesson plan out several more weeks that the six week time period of the other classes. The time to gather deposits for the youth Mission Trip is here. I am really excited to announce that we are going to be living with the Navajo Native Americans in Eastern Navajo, New Mexico from August 2-7, 2015. Deposits are $50.00, check only and are to reserve a spot on this mission trip for your youth. It is very important that all deposits be turned in to Toni Greim by March 21, 2015. I encourage you to visit http://experiencemission. org to watch videos and read more informative material regarding the trip and the importance of sending young disciples to this society. We are also asking youth to volunteer for the Connection Point Booth on Sunday mornings, and to help arrange games and stuff Easter eggs for the Easter egg hunt on Saturday, April 4, 2015. Please contact Toni Greim at Tonifindley@, 816-832-8772 (home phone), or on Facebook for any and all questions or to volunteer for our upcoming events. Thank you! Get on the Bus John Campbell’s dream of a bus ministry is nearly a reality. A very generous challenge gift of $15,000 has been offered by a member of our congregation. This means if our congregation will collectively work together to raise the equivalent of $15,000, we will have met our financial goal of $60,000, and will be able to purchase a new, more accessible bus. We’ve stated the problem—some folks are not able to connect or stay connected with our church because they are unable to drive. We’ve cast the vision—to have a more accessible bus in order to reach out to our community by providing rides to worship and church events for those unable to drive, and to build friendships among our faith community as we travel together to partake in mission projects— both local and beyond, and fellowship events where we get together just to have a little fun. Your prayers, participation, and gifts will bring this project to fruition. Please pray about how you can support this missional outreach opportunity. And thank you, thank you, thank you for your enthusiasm and support of this new chapter in the life of our church. United Methodist Women by Marilyn Henegar Thanks to those women who could brave the weather and come to our February Unit meeting. Now spring is here and United Methodist Women is planning a Spiritual Growth Retreat on April 24 & 25 in Columbia MO. Our theme this year is: A Garden Getaway. Take time to relax, enjoy time with old friends and meet new friends. Any woman in our church that is interested in going should contact Marilyn Henegar for more information at rmhenegar@ or (816) 4531462. Registration forms for this event will be available at the Connection Point Booth in April. All women of the church are invited to attend the Northland Church Women United Forum on April 3 at Hillside Christian Church at 10 a.m. A forum will be presented by Senior Services in Clay and Platte County. It’s that time of year when Pam Wark is collecting dues for Della Lamb & Spofford Home. The annual dues are $3.00 each. See Pam if you would like to donate. Our circles that took the winter months off are meeting again, so if you are looking for a circle to attend now is a good time to visit one of them. Wesley Ann meets the first Monday each month at 10:30 a.m., Susannah Circle meets the fourth Tuesday at 10 a.m. and Esther Circle meets the second Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. Or if you have an idea of a circle you would like to start or be a part of, call Marilyn Henegar and she would be happy to work with you. Children’s Ministry Children’s Ministry is still searching for amazing volunteers to help teach the young minds on Sunday mornings! If you would like to contribute your time to this formative ministry, please contact Morgan Anderson at [email protected] ! First Echoes • April 2015 • 5 Church Council Members: Chair - Ryan Hankins Lay Leader - Liz Isaacs Glenn Johnson Carol Sivils Randy Carney Dave Wood Stephanie Nugent Trish Ferguson Tammy Henderson Gayle Bennett Jane Ramsey Robert McIntyre (UMM representative) Marilyn Henegar (UMW representative) Patricia Gbomina (youth representative) Staff & Team Leads: Overall Operations: Rev. Stephanie Moore--Pastor Sara Chester--Director of Office Operations Alberta Campbell--Director of Congregational Care Worship: Danny Fowler--Director of Worship Jeanette Pierce--Director of Audio/Visual Technology Helen Bradshaw--Altar Guild Kathryn Smith--Hospitality Coordinator Thank yous To my church family, Thank you for your continued cards and prayers. I also appreciate the visits from Pastor Stephanie and others. Love, Anna Mae Rowland Christian Education: Morgan Anderson--Children’s Ministry Director Toni Greim--Youth Ministry Director, Connection Point Coordinator Cameron Carney--Young Adult Ministry (20ishsomethings) Jenny McGee--RAYA (20’s to 30ish-something) Mission Statement May Newsletter Deadline Our “mission” is to “make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” The deadline to submit your articles, photos, etc for print in the May newsletter is April 7, 2015. Feel free to leave the articles in the church office or email them to Sara at [email protected] . Our Vision is to dream, dare, and grow into our call to share the love of Jesus Christ with our community. Church Office Hours 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Monday - Friday Birthday and anniversary lists are available in the church office. February 2014 Finance Report Tithes Other Inc. Budget Total Feb. Income Budget Expense 6 • First Echoes • April 2015 February 2015 $11,891.92 $85.00 $11,976.92 $15,124.50 February 2015 YTD $23,112.07 $6,078.00 $29,190.16 $30,534.18 First United Methodist Church 2100 Howell Street North Kansas City, Missouri 64116 816.842.3944 First United Methodist Church is connected - join us on.... 20 7p Boy Scout Troop 9 27 7p Boy Scout Troop 9 19 9 Sunday School 9 Worship at McCrite Plaza 10:30 Worship Service 4p Youth Group 26 9 Sunday School 9 Worship at McCrite Plaza 10:30 Worship Service 4p Youth Group Terms - Privacy 13 7p Boy Scout Troop 9 12 9 Sunday School 9 Worship at McCrite Plaza 10:30 Worship Service 4p Youth Group 28 10 NFLT Spring Session 10 Susannah Circle 21 10 NFLT Spring Session 14 10 NFLT Spring Session 6:30p Esther Circle 7 Newsletter Deadline 10 NFLT Spring Session 6 Easter Monday--Office Closed 10:30 Wesley Ann Circle 7p Boy Scout Troop 9 5 6:30 Easter Sunrise Service 7:30 Easter Sunrise Breakfast 9 Lenten Singers Rehearsal 9 Sunday School 9 Worship at McCrite Plaza 10:30 Worship Service Tue 31 Mon 29 30 9 Lenten Singers Rehearsal 7p Boy Scout Troop 9 9 Sunday School 9 Worship at McCrite Plaza 10:30 Worship Service--Palm Sunday 4p Youth Group Sun Calendar 29 22 6:30p Girl Scouts 15 8 6:30p Girl Scouts Apr 1 Wed APRIL 30 23 16 9 2 Holy Thursday 6:30p Holy Thursday Service Thu Sat May 1 9:30 Bazaar 24 UMW Spiritual Growth Retreat 9:30 Bazaar 17 9:30 Bazaar 10 9:30 Bazaar 2 11:30 UMW Spring Luncheon 25 UMW Spiritual Growth Retreat 18 11 3 4 12p Community Egg Hunt/Cookout Good Friday 9:30 Bazaar 6:30p Good Friday Tenebrae Service Fri Easter Egg Hunt April 4, 12 p.m. Join First United Methodist Church of North Kansas City for a Community Easter Egg Hunt in Macken Park on Saturday, April 4, 2015. The festivities will begin at 12:00 p.m. and include a picnic lunch, bag decorating, egg hunt, and an opportunity to have a photo taken with the Easter Bunny! First United Methodist Church 2100 Howell Street North Kansas City, MO 64116-3528 8 • First Echoes • April 2015
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