PLEASE CONTACT ME ABOUT: Becoming a Member Baptism/Holy Communion Children’s Classes Adult Classes/Groups Community Service Assisting in Worship Confirmation (Jr. High) Youth Group (Sr. High) Music in Worship Receiving Spiritual Care PRAYER REQUESTS/COMMENTS: _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ We want you to be up-to-date, so we will send you periodic emails about what’s happening here. Check here if you DO NOT want to receive email from St. John’s. EASTER MEAL SIGN-UP FORM Name: _______________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________ Email: ________________________________________ I can bring the following: Lasagna Green Salad Garlic Bread Cookies _____ doz. My financial donation is enclosed. I can help with: Set-up (8:30am—10:00am) Food preparation (10:00am—11:30am) Serve (11:30am—3:00pm) Clean-up (2:30pm—4:30pm) Other: Pre-dinner jobs or day of dinner activities EASTER LILY ORDER FORM Please print clearly. Deadline: March 17 Your Name __________________________________ In Memory of: _______________________________ _____________________________________________ The Third Sunday of Lent Week of March 8, 2015 Rev. Frank Espegren, Senior Pastor Rev. Leslie Welton, Dir. of Discipleship & Outreach TODAY AT ST. JOHN’S WORSHIP............................ 8:00, 9:00 & 11:30 am 10:15 AM Coffee Hour ............................................ Oehler Hall Parents’ Fellowship ................................... Room 311 Infant/Toddler Play Group ............................ Nursery Sunday School ........................... 2nd Floor Ed. Wing Morning Youth ....................................... Youth Room Luminaria ........................................... Oehler South The Bible: Really? .................................. Goethe Hall 12:30 PM Confirmation.......................................... Goethe Hall 3:15 PM Youth Choir ............................................Music Room 5:00 PM Youth Group .......................................... Youth Room Lenten Hymnody ................................... Goethe Hall THE 5 SPOT 1. Healing Prayer: Today | 8, 9, & 11:30 am There is a prayer station located at the back of the sanctuary where, after you have received communion, you may go for private prayer with one of our Stephen Ministers. This is a time for you to share your hurts and sorrows and have them lifted up to God. 2. Lenten Worship: Wednesdays | 6 pm Join us on the church steps for this informal worship with acoustic guitar, mini devotion, and time for spiritual reflection -- all by candlelight during this season of Lent. 3. Synod Rwanda Meeting: Sat, Mar 14 | 1 pm The Synod’s Rwanda Connections Committee meets for reports on all of the Synod’s connections in Rwanda including the Rwamagana Lutheran School, the Girls Faith Encounter trip. All are invited! Location: Lutheran Church of the Master (1900 Potrero Way). 4. Save the Date: Bach-a-Thon on Mar 22 | 2-6 pm Our organists, Ryan Enright and Barry Moenter, will join several area organists to raise money for organ lesson scholarships through the AGO. More details to come! 5. Save the Date: Palm Sunday Potluck | Mar 29 Make plans to join us for the All-Church Palm Sunday Potluck! More details to come! In Honor of: _________________________________ _____________________________________________ LARGE PRINT BULLETINS & ASSISTED LISTENING DEVICES ARE AVAILABLE. ASK AN USHER. WELCOME We are an inclusive Lutheran Christian community of faith that seeks to Live God’s Love in the World through worship, through outreach and service, and through growth as disciples. We welcome ALL people. For more info, visit: WELCOME TO ST. JOHN’S! Please fill out this form if you are new here or if you would like to update your contact information. Tear off the form and place it in the offering plate. Date___________________ Worship Time__________ Name(s)______________________________________ If you are new to St. John’s, pick up The Q at the Welcome Wagon at the front of the church for more information about who we are and what we do. Street________________________________________ Contact Pastors & Staff: Phone________________________________________ WANT TO KNOW MORE? PRAYER REQUEST? If you’re new to St. John’s or you want to communicate with the church staff, please fill out the “Welcome to St. John’s!” form in the announcements and place it in the offering plate. CHILDCARE Available for children 4 and younger in the Nursery from 8:45 a.m.—12:45 p.m. Room 213 of the Educational Wing. PARKING AT ST. JOHN’S On Sundays free parking is available in our garage on the corner of 18th & K Streets. The Garage is open on Sundays, 8 am - 2 pm. Please lock and store your valuables out of sight. Note: Vehicles will be towed if they are parked in the parking lot adjacent to the orange and purple building across the street. WORSHIP NOTES NOTES ON HOW TO USE THE HYMNAL Items marked with a page number (ie. “p. 100”) are in the front of the red hymnal in your pew. Hymns are marked with just a number (ie. “Hymn 234”) and are located after the Psalms in the hymnal. TODAY’S FLOWERS are given by Grace Cloninger’s family in honor of her 101st birthday. PRAY FOR THOSE IN NEED OF HEALING FOR PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL OR SPIRITUAL ISSUES Rosemary Carlson, Jim Coviello, Eileen Davidson, Lynne Gilbertson, Gil Grotheer, Louis Heinzer, Tommy Jones, Delaney Michaels, Susan Shambaugh, Ken Single, Lennie Single, Dorothy Van Dyke, Lydia Wacker, Danny, and all our Stephen Ministers and the people in their care. DEATHS: Our prayers and condolences go to Pat Oehler at the death of her son, Richard Glasson. Also we pray for Judy Carson at the death of her father, Joseph Elliott. City/State/Zip_________________________________ Email_________________________________________ Check any that apply. This is my/our 1st 2nd 3rd time visiting. This is new/updated contact info. See other side for more. EASTER MEAL FOR THE HUNGRY On Holy Saturday, April 4, 2015, we will welcome those in our community who need a meal and a welcoming place for a festive meal. Served in Goethe Hall, the meal features lasagne, salad, cookies, and other delicious touches. Volunteers for setting up, preparation, food serving and clean-up are needed, and we need your help to provide food. Interested? Fill out the form on the other side and place it in the offering plate. EASTER LILY DEDICATIONS ORDER DEADLINE: MARCH 17 ONGOING CARES & CONCERNS Larry Buel, Gary Colberg, Tony Emick, Sue Hertless, Dianne Hocking, Pat Honstein, Phil Huston, Connie Ibarra, Erma Kumin, Frances LeBas, Ann Lindgren, Mandy Lisatano, Annie Lundahl, Kimberly Richardson, Kathy Schiffer, Dave Tuckerman, Stephanie, Karina. Help beautify our sanctuary for our Easter services with the purchase of lily for only $10 per plant. Fill out the form on the back and return it to the church with payment. Tuesday, March 17 is the deadline in order for your dedication to be included in the Easter bulletins. SERVICE OF HEALING PRAYER & COMMUNION Join us on Wednesday at 12:15 pm for a service of healing prayer and communion. Make checks out to St. John’s with “Easter Lily” written in the memo line. Plants may be taken home following the 11:30 am Easter Service. 916.444.0874 |
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