Rideau Park United Church Easter II Sunday, April 12, 2015 9:30 a.m. & 11:15 a.m. Communion Welcome to Rideau Park United Church. Please note: Audio loops are available from the ushers. Prayer requests for today’s services can be noted on the lists at the entrances. Childcare for pre-schoolers is available in room B-12 (lower hallway). Quiet activity boxes are also available for children in the chapel each Sunday. *Indicates where the congregation is invited to stand as able. Easter II Sunday, April 12, 2015 We GATHER TOGETHER Organ Prelude: Chorale Prelude on “Down Ampney” Sumsion Lighting of the Candles: If we walk in the light as Christ is the light, then we have a shared life with one another. (1 John 1: 7) CALL TO WORSHIP: (based on Luke 24: 13-35) ONE : We need your presence on the long road, Lord. All: The road between fear and hope, the road between the place where all is lost and the place of resurrection. ONE: Like the disciples walking the road to Emmaus, we are in need of your company! All: Jesus, stand among us, in your risen power, open our eyes to your presence with us. *Hymn: 158VU Christ is Alive Truro *Prayer of Approach WE LISTEN FOR GOD’S WORD Responsive Reading: Psalm 118—1,2 and 3, p. 837, with sung refrain Anthem: This Joyful Eastertide Scripture Reading: Luke 24: 13-35 Sermon: *Hymn: 184VU Wood Lay Reader: Judy Paré “Come to the Table” As We Walked Home at Close of Day Steve Clifton Angelus OUR RESPONSE The Life and Work of the Church Offering Offering Music: “The Silver Swan” Audi Vocem We Are One *Hymn : 402VU Acadelt We Are One Prayer of Thanksgiving ONE: God be with you. All: And also with you. ONE: Let us lift up our hearts. All: We lift them to God. ONE: Let us give thanks to God. Sung Response: 54 MV Al-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia! One: It is right that we should give thanks to God, and offer a prayer of thanksgiving. For each one of us is blessed with a journey and God is our companion on that journey. All: God was with the people of Israel when Moses and Miriam led them; they followed a pathway from oppression, through wilderness, to the land of freedom. The people grumbled, and were not always faithful, but God was with them. ONE: God was with the people as they journeyed through history; as leaders changed from judges to kings to prophets. The people were exiled from their home, they struggled to remain faithful, and God did not abandon them. Sung Response: 54 MV Al-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia! ONE: God was with friends and followers of Jesus as they were called, and blessed on their journey of faith. They travelled from Good Friday to Easter, with fear and confusion in their hearts. All: They were filled with sorrow and confusion, until he came to them and said: “Peace be with you.” Then they remembered the night they had gathered in the upper room… ONE: How Jesus broke the bread, saying, “This is my body, given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” He also lifted the cup saying: “This cup is the new covenant, poured out for you.” All: We remember Jesus, our companion on the journey of faith, and pray that God’s love may be revealed in our actions. We pray for God’s blessing on all who are in particular need. We offer this bread and this cup as nourishment for God’s children, in body and in spirit. ONE: O God, Father and Mother and Friend of us all, bless these things and these guests at your banquet. Send your Spirit upon them, and us, that we might be nourished with compassion, with justice and with hope. Amen. Sung Response: 54 MV Al-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia! Sharing the Bread and Cup (Communion will be served to you as you are seated. It is our custom to hold the elements and to partake together when invited by the worship leaders.) Jesus Prayer: 921 VU Note-Able Sound Chimes Featuring: Assisted by: Joyful Noise: You Are My All In All by Dennis Jernigan, arr. By Bill Ingram Directed by Andrea Lalibertè Clarinet: Ruth Bryce Erin Brunet, Katie Jourdeuil, Merina Shulist and members of Grace Notes Teen Bells and Joyful Noise Just As He Said! Accompanied by Teen Bells, directed by Julia Brown *Hymn: 164 VU The Day of Resurrection Ellacombe *Commissioning and Benediction Voluntary: Festal Flourish Gordon Jacob Please keep in mind worshippers who have limited mobility. Parking in the parking spots beside Cunningham makes it easier for them to come to church, so if you don’t have the need, please use a parking spot on the Beecroft side or in the back parking lot off Woodcrest. Thank you. Rideau Park News 2203 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa, ON K1H 7L9 (613) 733-3156 rideaupark.ca Easter II Sunday, April 12, 2015 Upcoming Worship Events Sun. April 19 Special Seniors’ Service 3:00pm Sun. May 10 Christian Family Sunday 9:30/11:15am Sun. May 24 Pentecost/Communion 9:30/11:15 Spring Nearly New Sale and Annual Used Book Sale is coming up! Sales will run Friday, April 17, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., and Saturday, April 18, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Please drop off gently used clothes and household items to Beecroft Hall during the day and evening on April 16 and until noon on April 17, and books can be left downstairs in Brackenridge, at the same times as above, for sorting and pricing. Please, no used tires or National Geographic magazines! Thank you. Occasional Chauffeurs Needed: The Pastoral Care Committee is searching for people who are willing to take an occasional turn and be part of a roster for driving some elderly folks to Sunday services at 9:30 a.m. In addition, we have need for a few drivers to chauffeur our invited guests to and from a special Senior's Service at 3 p.m., April 19, here at RPUC. To volunteer for either, or both, please contact Christel Kurz or Georgina Fitzgerald. Thank you. The RPUC Lost and Found Box was overflowing, so from Wednesday, April 8 to Wednesday, April 15, articles will be laid out on tables in the walkway for pickup. Articles not claimed will go to the Nearly New Sale. It might be a good idea to have a quick look! Turkey Dinner, Friday April 24: Celebrate spring by joining us for a delicious turkey dinner with all of the trimmings, followed by an ice cream dessert! The first sitting is at 5:00 p.m., with a second sitting at 6:30 p.m. All proceeds go to the work of the church. Tickets are available at coffee hour in Beecroft Hall, or from the office (M-F 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.). Adults: $18.00, Children (9-12): $10.00 (5 yrs. and under eat free). For more info please call 613-733-3156 ex. 229. HEALING PATHWAYS: This is a healing ministry offered by the United Church of Canada in the tradition of the "laying on of hands". There are some practices already operating in local area churches, and Rideau Park is hoping to have its own up and running very soon. In April and August, several Healing Pathway practitioners will be coming together to offer two dedicated weeks of healing sessions, called Healing Houses. They will both be run in Ottawa at First United Church, 347 Richmond Road Ottawa. The dates are April 13-16 and August 10-13. You are invited and encouraged to sign up for sessions. In fact, you can come more than once! Invite your friends and family, as there are 12 sessions planned per day. Please contact [email protected] to Carleton Pause Table: Rideau Park helps provide volunteers and food to the Exam Pause Table at Carleton University. Food, conversation and a warm welcome help students as they study through the exam period. One thousand (!!!) students came to the table on our day of duty in December. Our day for spring exams is Tuesday, April 14. If you can make a donation of food or time please see the sign-up sheet on the Help Wanted board. Your support of this outreach is appreciated! The Chancel Choir’s Spring Concert: Please join us on Saturday, April 18 at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary, where the Rideau Park Chancel Choir will sing the magnificent Rutter’s Requiem. Directed by Ian Bevell, with Rachel Laurin (Organ), Daniel Wade (Cello), Luci Laneville (Recorder) and Soprano Soloists Caitlin Taffenor and Katie Jourdeuil. Admission by freewill offering. We look forward to seeing you there. Next Sunday, April 19th, is Volunteer Appreciation Sunday. Please join us at 10:30 am in Beecroft Hall to celebrate the commitment and accomplishments of the many, many volunteers that it takes to keep Rideau Park going. Whether it be ushering, visiting, teaching Sunday school, reading scripture, serving coffee, being a duty officer, singing in a choir, ringing bells, quilting, baking, delivering flowers, counting the collection, running a church dinner, organizing Harmony Club, working at the Bazaar, or a myriad other activities, it is all essential and much appreciated. A big THANK YOU to all who have given of their time and talents. There will, of course, be cake, cookies, and refreshments! Funding Available from the Rideau Park Foundation Fund for Ministry: Applications are now being received for new project funding from the Rideau Park Foundation. Projects eligible for Foundation funds include those which involve experimenting with new approaches to ministry, outreach in our community, leadership development, special projects, and property renewal projects. Foundation funds are not intended to meet ongoing operational requirements of current projects/programs. Any member or long-term adherent of RPUC may apply, but applications must be sponsored by a committee of the church who will oversee the finances of the project. Approximately $10,700 is available for disbursement in 2015. Applications are due by April 30, 2015 and should be submitted to the Church Administrator, Debi Brown ([email protected]) and the Chair or Vice Chair of Council, (Alyce Dunnewold and Michael Presley). Applications may be submitted electronically or in paper form. For more information , please see the church website at www.rideaupark.ca and click General Info, then Financial Support, and scroll to “The Rideau Park Foundation”. For paper copies, please contact the Church Administrator, Debi Brown (613-733-3156 ext. 228). Council will evaluate applications after April 30, and make decisions on them around mid-June 2015. Meditative Service - Sunday, April 26 at 3:00 p.m., in the sanctuary. A time to gather for a gentle service of scripture, chant, sharing, silence and communion. All are welcome. CHURCHPOST: The next deadline for Churchpost is coming - please submit articles by Sunday, May 3, at noon, to Marcia Gosse or place your article in the Churchpost mail slot outside of the Church Administrative Assistant’s office. Thank you. The "Bells In Spring" Concert: Sunday, May 3rd, 7:00 p.m. : You are invited to our annual Massed Handbell and Chimes Concert at Rideau Park United Church, 2203 Alta Vista Drive. The concert will feature the music of bell ringing ensembles from three other local churches, including Emmanuel United, St. Andrew's Presbyterian, and Trinity-Kanata Presbyterian, as well as from the five handbell and chimes choirs at Rideau Park United. The bell choirs will perform en masse, as well as individual selections. It is a treat that should not be missed! There will be a free will offering. For more information: 613-733-3156 ex 229, or www.rideaupark.ca Global Partners Committee of Ottawa Presbytery meets Tuesday, May 5th 2015 at 12:00 p.m. at Parkdale United Church 249 Parkdale Avenue, K1Y 1H3. Erin Hunt from Mines Action Canada will speak with us about Landmines and Cluster Bombs, and update our knowledge of the Ottawa Treaty Banning Landmines. All are welcome. Please bring a bag lunch. Fairtrade tea is served. For more information contact Norma McCord [email protected] 613 745-4626 COME ONE COME ALL to the the fun musical entertainment of Disney’s Aladdin Jr! It is being performed by Rideau Park youth in two performances: Sunday, May 9 at 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Tickets are available at Beecroft Hall coffee hour on Sundays, or at the office. Tickets: $10.00 (children and seniors); $15.00 (adults); $40.00 package (family of 2 adults and 2 or more children). For more information please call 613-733-3156 ex 229. Camp Awesome 2015: This year’s VBS runs from Monday, August 10 to Friday, August 14, and serves children aged 4 to 12 years of age. Activities include games, crafts, drama, singing, water fun and story-telling. The program runs each day from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Optional childcare is provided from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. You can register online following the Camp Awesome link on our RPUC website. Early registration is strongly encouraged. Spring Retreat: You are invited to join in a retreat to Galilee in Arnprior for a time of quiet, reflection and fellowship. Galilee is a short walk from downtown Arnprior and sits on the shores of the Ottawa River, near an old growth forest. It`s a wonderful spot to spend some time away from schedules and routines. Everyone is welcome to come and join in. Our next retreat is scheduled for Friday, May 22 and Saturday, May 23. If you would like to know more please contact Steve. IMPORTANT: Announcements for RPNews MUST be emailed to: [email protected] or brought to the office no later than 4:00 p.m. on the Wednesdays before the Sunday services, please. Thank you. Activities Calendar: April 12– Apr 18 Sunday: Spring Musical Rehearsal 10:45am Brackenridge Medicine Wheel Teach. 2:00pm Beecroft Festive Bell Practice 2:00pm Sanctuary Monday: Cross Stitch 10:00am Parlour Knitting 12:30pm Beecroft UCW Unit 10 1:30pm Parlour Ringing Praise 6:30pm Sanctuary Touch of Brass 7:15pm Sanctuary Social Action 7:30pm B-19 Oasis 8:00pm Brackenridge Tuesday: 50+ Fitness 9:00am Beecroft UCW Unit 1 1:30pm Parlour UCW Unit 7 3:00pm Parlour Pastoral Care 7:00pm Bee. Balcony La Bell Ensemble 7:15pm Sanctuary Wednesday: Bible Explorations 9:30am Parlour Council 7:30pm Parlour Thursday: 50+ Fitness 9:00am Beecroft Quilting 9:30am Parlour Euchre 1:00pm Parlour HearSay for Families 5:45pm Parlour KinderPraise 6:15pm B-9 Seraphs 6:15pm B-12 Cherubs 6:15pm B-13 Noteable Sound Chimes 6:45pm Sanctuary Joyful Noise 6:45pm B-12 Grace Notes 6:45pm Sanctuary Chancel Choir 7:30pm Sanctuary Friday: Nearly New Sale 6:00pm Beecroft/Brackenridge Saturday: Nearly New Sale 9:00am Beecroft/Brackenridge Chancel Choir Concert 7:00pm Sanctuary Coffee Hour Volunteers April 12 Colin & Sue Townsend Norm & Rita Edwards Hope Ross-Papezik April 19 Tony & Sharon Bernard Kathy McKinlay Ada McEwen & Morley Craig Sunday Duty Officers April 12 April 19 9:30 am Marlene Hutchison 11:15am Jessie Weldon 9:30am Karen Humphries 11:15am Nancy McPherson Counting Volunteers April 13 Bob Roden April 20 Rod Hagglund Main Office is open Monday to Friday, 9am-4pm Ministers’ pager number: 613-786-4340 Visit our website: rideaupark.ca Prayer Chain: Ext 227 or [email protected] Elizabeth Bryce—Minister Steve Clifton—Minister Georgina Fitzgerald—Minister Ian Bevell—Music Director Debi Brown—Administrator Debby Gerro—Admin. Assistant Paul Sorg—Custodian Church Staff: 613-733-3156 Mon-Thurs ext 224 Tues-Fri ext 225 Tues-Thurs ext 226 Mon-Wed ext 223 Mon, Wed-Fri ext 228 Tues-Fri ext 229 Mon, Wed-Fri ext 229 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
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