- Yfactor

iCMS 9.0
The industry leading
responsive, multi-user,
multi-website content
management system
Strategy + Design + Technology
Do you need a reliable, flexible and easy-to-use
website content management system?
Keep it simple
iCMS is a modular, web-based content management system (WCMS)
that makes the process of keeping a website up to date easier.
Share the load
Assign sections of the site to different people to share the workload.
Simple tools help to manage workflow and approvals.
Be accessible & be mobile
Complying with accessibilty legislation and being mobile friendly
is important for your website visitors. iCMS makes both easy.
No desktop software, no server, no hassle
iCMS is cloud-hosted so you can just log in and update.
We look after the rest of it.
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iCMS is for website managers
that need to:
View across mobile devices
iCMS supports responsive design,
making it easy for visitors to view your
website on their mobile devices.
Be accessibility compliant
iCMS can meet even the most
stringent accessibility requirements.
Reduce website publishing costs
Shift website updates to internal staff
and increase efficiencies.
Ensure information is current
iCMS has tools to help keep track of
what needs to be updated when.
Manage non-technical publishers
iCMS is simple to learn and to use
since it looks and feels like familiar
word processing tools.
Look after multiple websites
iCMS can be configured to manage
and maintain multiple, connected
iCMS 9.0 Features-At-A-Glance
;; Add/edit/move/delete pages
;; Date-based publishing
and archiving
;; Automated content update
email reminders
;; Page-by-page versioning
and rollback
;; Full featured WYSIWYG
content editor
;; Unlimited quick polls
;; Page-based meta tag management
;; Friendly URL page naming
;; Printer friendly pages
;; Email to a friend on all pages
;; Integrated search on all pages
;; Custom interface design
;; Auto-generated, responsive
navigation menu
;; Automatically generated
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Integrated workflow management
One click publishing
Multi-user access and rights
management tools
Integrated Google Analytics
Automatically generates a site map
Form & survey maker
Video gallery with integrated
one-step video conversion
Photo gallery
Responsive and mobile friendly
Seamlessly manages accessibility
Easily publish content
Improve efficiency and reduce costs
Enterprise vs Lite
All features are enabled in both versions.
Enterprise = Unlimited users
Lite = 3 users
Multiple Websites & Portals
Unlike other similar tools, iCMS offers many different configuration choices
ranging from single websites to any combination of multiple websites, public
websites, private websites and multilingual websites.
Mobile Friendly
iCMS makes it easy for your visitors to view your
website on their mobile devices. Since iCMS
supports responsive design, your website will
automatically adjust to the screen size that your
website visitor is using. Any updates you make are
immediately available on all their devices.
Accessibility Compliance
iCMS can be configured to meet AODA or
even the more stringent accessibility standards
including accessible menu configuration, non
tabled page layouts, ALT tag management and
more. Accessible website management training is
also available to ensure that website publishers
understand how to maintain the standards.
iCMS is ideal for organizations that have more
than one website. Whether each site is independently managed or is wholly or partially reviewed
by a central manager, iCMS can be configured for
page-by-page workflow and approvals. Portals can
be configured to be public or to require
password access, further increasing flexibility.
Multilingual Websites
iCMS supports all characters in all languages and
can be configured with multiple independent yet
interconnected websites to support an
unlimited number of language options.
One or Many Users
iCMS administrators can quickly set up groups of
users or individual users with varying rights that
range from creating content to review it to publishing it. Users can be set up in various workflow
publishing and approvals processes.
Extending & Integrating
From IFrames to exporting of data to single
password sign-on to extending website functions
through integration with third party tools, iCMS
integrates well with many other software systems
and tools.
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Managing Content
With iCMS anyone can easily create and edit pages. Features like content reminders
and workflow approval make iCMS a flexible, powerful, yet simple tool.
Core Features
• Intuitive, web-based page and
content management
• Multi-user, multiple access levels
• Page roll-back, audit trail tracking
• Publishing automation and workflow
• Integrated polls, forms and surveys
Website CMS Features
• Easily add new pages or move or delete pages
• Manage page content with full screen
WYSIWYG page editing
• Copy, paste, format text, set style sheets
• Upload images, videos or files including
PDF, PPT and many other formats
• Use pre-set page layouts and page parts
• Create and manage tables
• Easily add links
• HTML page editing can be turned on or off
• Page can be previewed prior to saving, editing
or publishing
• Web-based access via username and password
• Multi-user with multi-level rights publishing
• Granular, page level, access permission setting
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• Page versioning and rollback
• Audit trail tracking
• Workflow approval for authors, reviewers and
• E-mail notification of approval requests and
• Multiple page types: content, file and link
• Integrated meta tag management
• Publishing automation including reminders,
archiving and go live
• Friendly URLs and page names
• Navigation automatically updates
across entire website
• Pages can be visible, hidden, archived,
searchable or not searchable
• Quick poll, form or survey creation
• Videos and/or photo gallery
Create, edit and format text, images,
media files and links.
Create table layouts or use pre-set
style sheets, work in full screen mode
and switch to HTML view if desired.
Quick Polls, Forms and Surveys
Quickly and easily create quick polls, custom forms and surveys and place them
on any page of your iCMS website.
Build Features
• Choose form type
• Select various size text fields with labels
• Set up radio buttons with group and
individual labels
• Set up checkboxes with group and
individual labels
Provide a file upload field with label
Limit file size of uploads
Optionally make fields “required”
Optionally validate submitted data
(for example: numbers, dates, email)
Provide a “Thank You” message or redirect
options on form submission
Set up “Email to Recipient” and/or
“Save to Database” options
Optionally send email on form submission
Define fields that will only be seen by
the author after posting
(for example: follow up fields)
Add a form to any page on your iCMS public
or private website or portals
Data Analysis
View in aggregate form (where applicable)
View individual submission details
Email to another interested party
Export to CSV file
Create quick polls
Polls, forms and survey administration access is
integrated with iCMS user management.
Manage forms
Create new polls, forms or surveys
Analyze survey data
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Video and Photo Gallery
Photo Gallery
Quickly and easily add image or video collections to any page of your iCMS website.
Photo Gallery
Images are displayed as thumbnails on the page
but can be viewed in full size either individually or
as a slideshow.
Easily upload images
Photo thumbnails are automatically created
Click on thumbnails to launch slideshow
Viewers can browse slideshow with previous
and next buttons
Video Gallery
Videos can be uploaded using many common
formats and website visitors can rate and
comment on videos through the video gallery.
Video Gallery
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• Allows upload of video from all popular digital
• Converted movies can easily be added to any
page on the website
• Viewers can browse by category, popularity or
• Viewers can comment on videos and rate
them (optional)
Responsive Design
Websites using the responsive web development approach automatically adjust to
display the best view of the site depending on the screen size and orientation of the
device that’s being used to view it. When an iCMS website is viewed on a mobile
device, the site adjusts to the screen size of the device that’s being used.
Rather than managing, a separate site and
corresponding codebase and content for widescreen monitors, desktops, laptops, tablets and
phones of all sizes, a single codebase can support
users with differently sized viewports.
In responsive design, page elements reshuffle as
the viewport grows or shrinks. A three-column
desktop design may reshuffle to two columns for
a tablet and a single column for a smartphone.
Responsive design relies on proportion-based
grids to rearrange content and design elements.
Responsive design is relatively “future-proof” in
that it can support any device sizes. If a 5-inch
device or 15-inch device takes off in the market,
the code can support the new devices.
iCMS Features
Responsive Design
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Same content can be used for all screens
Layouts shuffle to suit screen size
Easy to navigate on all devices
Automatically simplified menu bars
Functionality of iCMS extended to all devices
Accessibility Compliance
Due to legislation such as the AODA in Ontario and Section 508 in the United States,
accessible websites are becoming a requirement by law for many organizations.
Experience Accessibility
Yfactor’s iCMS follows the W3C guidelines for
accessibility by providing a simpler, more
enjoyable experience for website visitors with
accessibility needs. From any page on your
website visitors can select the “Accessible Site”
button on the top right and view a website
specifically created to meet accessibility standards
and to work with assistive technologies such as
screen readers.
Simplify Publishing
Accessibility compliant websites are automatically
generated with iCMS using separate accessiblecompliant stylesheets on standard content.
Content authors can create standard content
knowing that accessibility formating will be
applied when needed. If special content is
desired for users in accessibilty mode, authors
can simply add it in the Accessibile Content tab.
• W3C compliant
(WCAG 2.0 Level A or AA Guidelines)
Visitors can navigate the website without
the use of a mouse
Scalable text
High contrast text using only
Arial or Verdana fonts
Tables not used for layout, only for data
Links & buttons are descriptive
No repeating link titles e.g., “more info.”
All links are descriptive.
CSS for layouts and menus
Includes a “skip to content” link, putting the
focus on the page heading
Keyboard Shortcuts
Keep it Interactive
Due to the way iCMS manages accessibility
compliance, your website can continue to display
interactive and visual content for those who do
not require accessible content.
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Accessible Website
Accessibility Administration
Managing Users
Powerful, yet simple to use, iCMS user management tools allow the
system administrator to assign access levels and manage users in both
simple or complex environments.
• User administration is only accessible to
system administrators
• All system users are able to update their own
profiles, but security measures prevent them
from changing access permissions
• Access to HTML code in WYSIWYG editor can
be granted by user
User permissions can be set for all websites and
pages including:
• Authors
• Reviewers
• Publishers
• Site administrators
• System Administrators
• Set “user types” to group user permissions
• Upon user deletion an alternate user will be
chosen to inherit all outstanding tasks such as
page reviews, form posts, etc.
Authorized users are able to view reports
• Overdue page review dates
• Poll and form reports
• Automatic email alerts for preselected page
Defining User Access Rights
Managing Users
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Benefits of iCMS
About Us
Contact Us
1. Simple & Flexible
Experienced, strategic and collaborative,
Yfactor is a marketing and communications firm
that delivers strategic consulting, creative design
and technology products and services.
Anya Codack, CEO
1-416-977-9724 x509
Mobile: 416-371-0842
[email protected]
Easy to use and easy to learn, iCMS can
be configured for many different situations and
comes with practical tools.
Mobile & Accessible
Keep the administration simple, yet give
your visitors choices and with mobile friendly and
accessible websites.
3. Reliable & Proven
iCMS has been running websites since it’s
first version was launched in 2005. A proven track
record and excellent support make it an ideal
choice for organizations that value reliability.
We have worked with economic developers,
tourism destinations and municipalities in
14 states and provinces, consistently delivering
effective solutions that make a tangible
economic impact.
Marketing & Communications Strategies
Business, Tourism, Resident Attraction
Branding and Creative
Websites and iCMS
Strategy + Design + Technology
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