• Upcoming Events & Seminars :

 Upcoming Events & Seminars :
 DBA and DPA Information session on 7th May, at IUG from 6.30-8pm.
 Doctorate Symposium on 26th Sept 2015 (2-6pm) to be held at IUG and will be open to
the public It will be a conference where DBA/DPA students of all 5 cohorts will have the
opportunity to present their research findings and work in progress, through 15 min
presentations, followed by a discussion
 25-27th September to be held at IUG for Cohort 5. The topic will be ‘Identifying and
Explaining Theory’.
 Oct 2015 (dates yet to be finalized) first workshop on ‘Introduction and Induction’
module for Cohort 6 to be held at IUG.
 Feb 2016 (dates yet to be finalized) seminar titled ‘Social Science and Business Studies’
for Cohort 5 to be held in Plymouth
 April 2016 (dates yet to be finalized) seminar titled ‘Reflexivity and Rigor’ for Cohort 5 to
be held at IUG.