149 Bay Thorn Drive, Thornhill L3T 3V2, Ontario, (905) 889-0873
Pastor Sebastian Meadows-Helmer
24 Orlon Crescent, Richmond Hill L4C 6S5, Ontario, (905) 881-9154
Dear Congregation,
Liebe Gemeinde,
For if we have been united with him in a death like his,
we will certainly be united with him in a resurrection like
his. Romans 6:5
Denn wenn wir mit ihm verbunden und ihm gleich geworden
sind in seinem Tod, so werden wir ihm auch in der Auferstehung gleich sein. Römer 6,5
Most people imagine Christmas Eve to be the
most important worship service of the year, and this is
made apparent in the large attendance we have that day.
Others would say that Easter morning is the most important, and they are partially correct. Actually, the most important service of the church year is the Easter Vigil, or
the service held in the night before Easter morning. We
don’t have a tradition of celebrating the Easter Vigil here
at CTKDB, but I thought it’d be a good idea to hold it this
year, and to invite local Lutheran and Anglican churches
to participate.
The Easter Vigil Service begins with an outdoor
lighting of the Easter fire, then the Easter (Paschal) Candle, and then handheld candles for the congregation.
Then a series of readings (between 4 and 12) are read,
highlighting the prophetic promise of a Saviour, beginning from Creation, through to the story of the delivery
from the fiery furnace, from Daniel. The night before
Easter Sunday was the traditional time for people to be
baptized; and so there is a section either for Baptism or
Affirmation of Baptism. The service then concludes with
Holy Communion.
The service, while lengthy (two hours), is a
deeply mystical, moving and traditional service that helps
us grasp a little of the mystery of the resurrection: a
passing from dark to light, from despair to hope, from
death to life. It uses time-old symbols, prayers and traditions, and gets to the heart of Christianity: Jesus Christ,
died and risen. We hear some of the most beautiful passages of Scripture, and huddle together on a cool Spring
night, grasping candles in our hands (the Easter Vigil is
the original Candlelight service!) and encouraging each
other to focus our thoughts on our God, who knows us so
intimately and who loves us so dearly, enough to send
His Son to be with us, to teach us and heal us, and to die
and to rise, showing that life is more powerful than death.
Come and join us if you can on Saturday, April 4th at
8.30 p.m.!
Die meisten Menschen meinen Heiligabend sei der
wichtigste Gottesdienst des Jahres, und dies schlägt sich in
den hohen Besucherzahlen an diesem Tag nieder. Andere
meinen, dass Ostermorgen der wichtigste sei, und sie haben
teilweise recht. Aber eigentlich findet der bedeutendste
Gottesdienst des Kirchenjahres während der Osternacht
statt. Wir haben bei uns keine Tradition den
Osternachtsgottesdienst zu feiern, aber ich dachte, es wäre
eine gute Idee, ihn in diesem Jahr zu halten, und die benachbarten lutherischen und anglikanischen Kirchen dazu einzuladen.
Der Osternachtsgottesdienst beginnt mit dem Entzünden des Osterfeuers, und dann werden zunächst die
Osterkerze und schließlich die Handkerzen für die Gemeinde
von diesem Feuer entzündet. Dann gibt es eine Reihe von
Schriftlesungen (zwischen 4 und 12), welche die
prophetischen Verheißungen des Heilands verkünden, von
der Schöpfung bis hin zur Geschichte der drei Jünglinge im
Feuerofen. Die Nacht vor dem Ostersonntag war die
traditionelle Zeit für Menschen sich taufen zu lassen; und so
gibt es einen Abschnitt entweder für diese Taufen oder für
eine Bestätigung der Taufe. Der Gottesdienst schließt mit
Der Gottesdienst ist lang (z. zwei Stunden, und auf
Englisch), aber ist zutiefst mystisch, ergreifend und
traditionell. Er hilft uns, das Geheimnis der Auferstehung im
Übergang von Dunkel zu Hell, von Verzweiflung zur
Hoffnung, vom Tod zum Leben, zu verstehen. Es nutzt alte
Symbole, Gebete und Traditionen, und konzentriert sich auf
den Kern des Christentums: Jesus Christus gestorben und
auferstanden. Wir versammeln uns an einer kühlen Frühlingsnacht um mit Handkerzen in der Hand einige der
schönsten Bibelstellen zu hören. Und wir ermutigen uns
gegenseitig unsere Gedanken auf unseren Gott zu lenken;
unser Gott, der uns so innig kennt und uns so sehr liebt. Ein
Gott der seinen Sohn zu uns gesandt hat, um uns zu lehren
und uns zu heilen, um zu sterben und aufzuerstehen, und zu
zeigen, dass das Leben stärker ist als der Tod. Feiern Sie
mit uns, wenn Sie können, am Samstag, den 4. April um
20.30 Uhr!
Sincerely in Christ,
Pastor Sebastian Meadows-Helmer
Herzlichst, im Dienst Christi,
Pastor Sebastian Meadows-Helmer
March / April / May 2015
Annual Congregational Meeting Update
Unfortunately due to bad weather on February 8th, we
did not reach quorum. Thus the meeting was postponed
to February 22nd. Thank you to outgoing Council members: Ed Stahlberg, Ruth Boothby and Gisela Neitzert for
your dedication and leadership!
New Committee Members
Thank you to Erika Lottermoser for joining the Stewardship and Finance Committee, and Leni Schwartzel for joining the Worship and
the Arts Committee. We’re looking forward to your fresh new perspectives!
The Thornhill Christmas Assistance Program 2014 helped 112
households, with 731 packages and $12,000 in gift cards. Thank you
to all who contributed.
Synod Retreats
This year’s lay spiritual retreat will be held April 10-12 in
Niagara Falls, and the Synod Women’s Retreat will be
held May 29-31 in Cambridge. Luther Hostel will also be
held June 1-5 (TBC) in Waterloo. Information is posted
on the bulletin board, or talk to the pastor. The Endowment Fund is able to help fund registration costs (50%
subsidy). Please consider taking advantage of these wonderful events, and meet
Lutherans from across the Synod!
Confirmation 2015-16
I’m planning to begin another confirmation program in
the summer, concluding in October 2016. If you know of
any interested youth currently in Grade 6 and up, let me
know ASAP.
Pastor Sebastian
Eastern Synod Bursaries
Deadlines for post-secondary bursaries ($250-$1,000) are due
April 30th. Talk to the pastor.
Reading of the Gospel of Mark
On Wednesday, March 18th at 10 a.m., we will begin a
complete read-through of the Gospel of Mark in the
Sanctuary. This year our Sunday Gospel Readings concentrate on the Gospel of Mark, and since it is the shortest, it lends itself well to a complete reading. If you
would like to participate by reading (in 2-chapter segments), please talk to the pastor. If you would just like to
come and listen, you’re welcome as well. The reading
will last between 2-1/4 and 2-1/2 hours, but if you can only come for a portion of the
time, that is fine. If you need to exit briefly for a break, that is fine too.
When we gather for worship, we only ever read a dozen or two verses at a time.
Reading a complete Gospel from beginning to end in one sitting is a very powerful
spiritual experience. Please come!
Engage! Service
As of the publishing date, we have held two Engage! informal English services. Both were relatively well attended, and those who came had positive feedback, noting that such an informal, engaging service is a more
work (but more fun too!) than a formal service where you
can sit back and relax a little more. Participants also commented on how it creates community, and how personally
wrestling with the Gospel texts is very rewarding. Due to
service rescheduling, the February Engage! services
were cancelled, but they will continue on March 15 and 22. Come and check them
Reduced Newsletter Frequency
In order to reduce printing and distribution costs, as well as committee time, the newsletter group decided to reduce our publishing frequency from 5 to 4 times a year. Previously we had a March-April
and then a May-June issue. For 2015 there will be a March-May issue, and then a June-September issue.
During the Lenten Season, please consider bringing non-perishable food
for our Lenten Food Drive, and place the food in our entranceway bin.
The food will be brought to Thornhill United after Easter (April 5).
Camp Edgewood 2015
Despite some ongoing fiscal and structural restructuring
(mainly a move away from year-round conference and
workshop events), Camp Edgewood is open for youth and
children’ summer camps again this year. Funding assistance is available through the Endowment Fund. Talk to
the pastor. Please consider using your special blue envelope for donations to Camp Edgewood this year.
Fundraising Concert Saturday June 6th at 7 p.m.
This year we will be raising funds for a CLWR project, and will have
some new faces as guest soloists: violinist Gretchen Anner, pianist
George Marton, and baritone Martin Pymm. More information to follow.
Tell your friends!
What is your favourite Bible
In a variation on last year’s display, Rev. Carey Meadows-Helmer
will be putting up an interactive
entranceway art display, and you
will be able to share your favourite
Bible Story (this can be anonymous if you
wish). Please participate as you are able and share how your story has helped you
in your life, and see the display grow before your very eyes!
The secret of a good sermon
is to have a good beginning and a good ending; and to have the two
as close together as possible.
George Burns
A kindergarten teacher was walking around observing her classroom of children while they were drawing pictures. As she got to one girl who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was.
The girl replied, "I'm drawing God."
The teacher paused and said, "But no one knows what God
looks like."
Without looking up from her drawing, the girl replied, "They
will in a minute.”
The 2015 Thornhill Lenten Series’ Theme is “Living Lent - 40 Day Journey to the
Cross””, and all services begin at 4 p.m.:
March 1:
A Psalm of Imploring
CTKDB, 149 Bay Thorn Drive
Preacher: The Rev. William Burns
March 8:
A Psalm of Sadness
Thornhill Baptist Church, 8018 Yonge Street
Preacher: Pastor Dennis Jones
March 15:
A Psalm of Confession
Thornhill Presbyterian Church, 271 Centre Street
Preacher: The Rev. Sebastian Meadows-Helmer
March 22:
A Psalm of Hope
St. Luke’s Roman Catholic Church, 33 Green Lane
Preacher: The Rev. Heather Vais
“Irrelevance is the most common criticism aimed at
the evangelical church.”
And with a view to countering this criticism, many
churches have mobilized their people into effective
and commendable social activities among the poor,
the oppressed and the marginalized.
Where this has happened, society has frequently
applauded the church and there is no doubt great
good being done. But it is also very clear that when
the church turns to proclaiming an uncompromising, uncomplicated message calling for repentance and faith in Christ as the only
Saviour, the same society becomes at worst hostile, at best, less than pleased.
So perhaps it is not surprising for this and other reasons, a new twist to evangelical
witness has taken place. Social concern has trumped evangelism and mission has
been increasingly defined as social action.
It is clear you can communicate love with a cup of cold water and we should, and
we must.
Naturally you can stand up for justice by picketing and battle poverty by rebuilding
ravaged neighbourhoods. But why should we? Because Christ’s love compels us.
And the beneficiaries of our love and compassion need to know that we do good
deeds before men that men and women will “praise your Father in heaven”. (from
Matthew 5:16).
written by Stuart Briscoe, Pastor.
Submitted by Gunther Kunzelmann
Special Easter Offering
The Easter Offering this year is again designated for Waterloo
Lutheran Seminary. Please use the special envelope included
with your regular set. Should you wish to direct your Easter Offering to another cause, please mark this envelope accordingly.
Die Osterspende ist wieder für Waterloo Lutheran Seminary bestimmt. Bitte benutzen Sie dafür den Sonderumschlag, den Sie in dem Kästchen mit den anderen
Umschlägen finden. Sollten Sie Ihre Osterspende einem anderen Zweck zukommen
lassen wollen, vermerken Sie dies bitte auf dem Umschlag.
Canada Lutheran Subscriptions
We wish to remind all recipients of this publication that
subscriptions were renewed in January, and would ask
you to submit the price of $18.50 for the year 2015 as
soon as possible. You may place a special envelope with
your name and envelope number in the donation plate, hand in the money at the office, or give it directly to our treasurer Edith Schiller. Thank you.
Advent Bazaar
It is with satisfaction and gratitude that we look back on
another Advent Church Bazaar. Compared to the previous years nothing much different happened in 2014.
The weather was good. Many people worked for hours
during the weeks prior to the event. Then days before
the event they prepared, sorted, baked, completed
crafts, shopped, cleaned-up, made phone calls, invited
friends, asked for donations of “collectables”, decorated and finally set-up our church hall for our guests.
Everything looked good again! Yet, things started slowly; there was no big rush at
10.00 am on November 29th. But after some time, the neighbourhood woke up and
all the shoppers and bargain seekers dropped in. As always people loved our lunch,
the “Kaffee und Kuchen” sensations, good conversations, - and somehow the hall
hummed with excitement until the afternoon hours.
I personally think that it was wonderful that our church again was such a welcoming
and inviting place in Thornhill. When people of good will come together, GOOD
THINGS happen. That also is, when among countless other times, God’s love and
grace becomes apparent, - We have so much to be grateful for. A big round of applause to you all.
Leni Schwartzel
P.S.: We will do it again!
Sunday, March 1
10:00 a.m.
Joint Service (Installation of newly elected
Council Members) followed by Potluck Coffee Hour
and FaithLife financial seminar
Gemeinsamer Gottesdienst (Einführung der neugewählten
Gemeinderatsmitglieder), gefolgt von Kaffee und Kuchen
und FaithLife Finanzseminar
4:00 p.m.
Thornhill Lenten Series
With Rev. Bill Burns, preaching
Friday, March 6
1:30 p.m.
World Day of Prayer / Weltgebetstag
at St. Luke's Church, 39 Green Lane
The country this year is The Bahamas. The subject is
“Jesus said to them”.
Thursday, March 12
7:00 p.m.
German Kontaktkreis @ CTKDB
Thursday, March 18
10:00 a.m.
Gospel of Mark Reading
March 29 - April 5
Holy Week (see next page)
Karwoche (siehe nächste Seite)
Monday, March 30
First Day of Spring Cleaning
Saturday, April 11
Last Day of Spring Cleaning
Sunday, March 29
10.00 p.m.
Sunday of the Passion / Palm Sunday
Joint Holy Communion
followed by Potluck Coffee Hour
Gemeinsamer Abendmahlsgottesdienst,
gefolgt von Kaffee und Kuchen
Wednesday, April 1
6:30 p.m.
Messy Easter “Spring Celebration”
Thursday, April 2
7.30 p.m.
Maundy Thursday Service
Friday, April 3
9.30 a.m.
11.00 a.m.
Karfreitagsgottesdienst mit Abendmahl
Good Friday Service
Saturday, April 4
8.30 p.m.
Lutheran Cluster Easter Vigil Service
Sunday, April 5
9.30 a.m.
Ostergottesdienst mit Abendmahl
11.00 a.m.
Easter Holy Communion
Sunday, April 12
10:00 a.m.
Joint Dietrich Bonhoeffer Sunday Service
followed by Potluck Coffee Hour
Gemeinsamer Gottesdienst
gefolgt von Kaffee und Kuchen
Tuesday, April 14
7:30 p.m.
Annual Altar Guild Meeting
Wednesday, April 29
6:30 p.m.
Messy Church “Daniel in the Lion’s Den”
Saturday, May 2
6:30 p.m.
Springfest Dinner / Fundraising Event
Frühlingsfest mit Abendessen
Saturday, May 9
Cooking Mother’s Day Luncheon
Sunday, May 10
10:00 a.m.
Joint Mothers’ Day Hymn Sing Service
followed by luncheon
Gemeinsamer Gesangsgottesdienst
zum Muttertag mit anschliessendem Mittagessen
Sunday, May 24
10:00 a.m.
Joint Pentecost Service
followed by Potluck Coffee Hour
Gemeinsamer Gottesdienst gefolgt von Kaffee und Kuchen
Wednesday, May 27
6:30 p.m.
Messy Church “Pentecost”
Sunday, May 31
10:00 a.m.
Joint Trinity Service
followed by Potluck Coffee Hour
Gemeinsamer Gottesdienst
gefolgt von Kaffee und Kuchen
Saturday, June 6
7:00 p.m.
Fundraiser Concert
Mary Pavlik will be 92 years old on March 12.
In May Wilma Dreger will be 95 years old (May 6).
Stefan Lojowsky will celebrate his 90th birthday on May 9 and
Helga Kosubek has her 92nd birthday on May 30.
We wish all of them a Happy Birthday and God’s Blessings.
Best Wishes
As always, we are also thinking of those members of the congregation who are sick, in hospital or at home, and about their family
members and/or caregivers. We sincerely hope that they do not
have to suffer too much, and wish them a speedy recovery, so that
they once again can join us in Church.
Spring Cleaning
Please sign up for the tasks you would like to take on, at a time
convenient to you. When completed, please sign off on the same
sheet (to be found on the board in the hallway) We need volunteers of all ages and both genders for these important tasks.
Am Anschlagbrett im Flur befindet sich eine Liste aller zu verrichtenden Aufgaben. Bitte tragen Sie sich dort ein und zeichnen
sie ab, wenn die gewählte Aufgabe beendet ist.
Please join us for our
Saturday May 2, 2015
Doors open @ 6:30pm
Ticket Price: TBA
Tickets are available at the church, or by phoning fellowship committee members.
Petra Boehringer………..
Ruth Moskowitz ……….
Marika Samulewitsch …
Annette Hinrichs-Pymm ….
(905) 477-4322
(905) 787-8713
(905) 882-8447
(905) 884-0292
We need your
Raffle donations
and volunteers are
March 2015
1 Lent 2
10:00 Joint Holy Communion
(Installation of new Council Members)
followed by FaithLife financial seminar
and Potluck Coffee Hour
4:00 Lenten Series
8 Lent 3
9:30 Gottesdienst
11:00 Engage!
12:00 Choir
4:00 Lenten Series @ Thornhill Presbyterian
9:30 Gottesdienst
11:00 Engage!
12:00 Choir
4:00 Lenten Series @ St. Luke’s
5 Pastor’s Day off
Pastor’s Day off
1:30 World day of Prayer
@ St. Luke’s Church
12 Pastor’s Day off 13 Pastor’s Day off
10:30 - 2:00 Secretary &
Pastor in the Office
10:30 Social Justice
7:45 Mutual Ministry
7:00 Kontaktkreis
10:00 - 1:00 Pastor in the
19 Pastor’s Day off 20 Pastor’s Day off
10:30 - 2:00 Secretary &
Pastor in the Office
10:00 Gospel of Mark
8:00 Council
10:30 - 2:00 Secretary &
Pastor in the Office
10:30 Social Justice
29 Palm / Passion Sunday
30 First day of
10:00 Joint Holy Communion followed
by Potluck Coffee Hour
Spring Cleaning
10:30 - 2:00 Secretary &
Pastor in the Office
8:00 MC Set-up and
Church Office: (905) 889-0873
Pastor away on vacation March 2 - 8, 2015
9:30 Gottesdienst
11:00 Service of the Word
12:00 Choir
4:00 Lenten Series @ Thornhill Baptist
22 Lent 5
10:30 - 1:30 Secretary in
the Office
2:00 Frauengruppe
(Daylight savings begins)
15 Lent 4
10:00 - 1:00 Pastor in the
2:00 Frohe Runde
26 Pastor’s Day off 27 Pastor’s Day off
Pastor Sebastian Meadows-Helmer (905) 881-9154
10:00 - 1:00 Pastor in the
2:00 Circle of Friends
Sunday, April 5, 2015
9:30 Abendmahlsgottesdienst
11:00 Holy Communion
April 2015
9:30 Abendmahlsgottesdienst
11:00 Holy Communion
2 Maundy
3 Good Friday
9:30 Abendsmahlgottesdienst
11:00 Service
10:00 - 1:00 Pastor in the
8:30 Lutheran Cluster Easter
Vigil Service
10 Pastor’s Day off
11 Last day of Spring
7:30 Service
5 Easter Sunday
10:30 - 2:00 Secretary &
Pastor in the Office
10:30 Social Justice
9 Pastor’s Day off
10:00 - 1:00 Pastor in the
12 Dietrich
Bonhoeffer Sunday
10:00 Joint Holy Communion
followed by Potluck Coffee Hour
10:30 - 2:00 Secretary &
Pastor in the Office
7:30 Altar Guild Meeting
8:00 Council
19 Easter 3
9:30 Gottesdienst
11:00 Engage!
7:30 Worship & the
10:30 - 2:00 Secretary &
Pastor in the Office
10:30 Social Justice
26 Easter 4
10:30 - 2:00 Secretary &
Pastor in the Office
8:00 MC Set-up and Prep
9:30 Gottesdienst
11:00 Engage!
Church Office: (905) 889-0873
16 Pastor’s Day off
17 Pastor’s Day off
10:00 - 1:00 Pastor in the
2:00 Frohe Runde
23 Pastor’s Day off
24 Pastor’s Day off
10:00 - 3:00 Toronto area
visioning day
30 Pastor’s Day off
Pastor Sebastian Meadows-Helmer (905) 881-9154
Sunday, May 3, 2015
9:30 Abendmahlsgottesdienst
11:00 Holy Communion
May 2015
1 Pastor’s Day off
10:00 - 1:00 Pastor in the
6:30 Springfest
3 Easter 5
9:30 Abendmahlsgottesdienst
11:00 Engage!
12:00 Newsletter
10 Easter 6
10:00 Joint Hymn Sing Service
followed by Mother’s Day
10:30 - 2:00 Secretary &
Pastor in the Office
2:00 Frauengruppe
10:30 Social Justice
7 Pastor’s Day off
8 Pastor’s Day off
10:00 - 1:00 Pastor in the
10:00 Cooking for Mother’s
Day Luncheon
14 Pastor’s Day off
15 Pastor’s Day off
7:00 Kontaktkreis @ St.
10:30 - 1:30 Secretary in
the Office
2:00 Frohe Runde
Pastor away on vacation May 11 - 17, 2015
17 Easter 7
9:30 Gottesdienst
11:00 Engage!
10:30 - 1:30 Secretary in
the Office
8:00 Council
21 Pastor’s Day off
22 Pastor’s Day off
2:00 Circle of Friends
Pastor away on continuing education May 18 - 24, 2015
24 Pentecost
10:00 Joint Worship Service
followed by Potluck Coffee Hour
10:30 - 2:00 Secretary &
Pastor in the Office
8:00 MC Set-up & Prep
28 Pastor’s Day off
10:00 Joint Holy Communion
followed by Potluck Coffee Hour
Pastor Sebastian Meadows-Helmer (905) 881-9154
10:00 - 1:00 Pastor in the
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Fundraiser Concert
31 Holy Trinity
Church Office: (905) 889-0873
29 Pastor’s Day off
Sunday, June 7, 2015
9:30 Abendmahlsgottesdienst
11:00 Holy Communion