L o s e F a t A n d M e a s u r a b l y I m p ro v e H e a l t h B y E a t i n g W h o l e F o o d s
A FREE Guide For Busy People And Families
Who Want To End Food Confusion And Eat Real Health Foods
For Fat Loss And Optimal Health.
Visit www.wowweightloss.ca for more information
Legal Disclaimer
The information presented in this ebook is not intended as medical advice or as a substitute for medical counselling. The information should be used in conjunction with the
guidance and care of your physician.
Consult your physician before implementing any nutrition program or dietary changes
you feel could be harmful to your health. If you choose not to obtain the consent of your
physician and/or work with your physician throughout the duration of your time using
the recommendations in this ebook, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for
your actions.
You agree to accept full responsibility and release Lori Kennedy RHN and WOW!
Weight Loss Inc. from any injury or risk of injury because of any of the information contained in this ebook.
You expressly waive, relinquish and release any claim which you may have against Lori
Kennedy RHN or WOW! Weight Loss Inc. or its affiliates as a result of any future physical injury or illness incurred in connection with, or as a result of, the use or misuse of
the information contained in this ebook.
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5 ‘ H e a l t h y ’ F o o d s N e v e r To E a t
A Note From Us To You
Please keep an open mind when you read this. We ask that you think about how you
feel versus what popular culture and the medical profession have to say.
Just because your doctor never told you to avoid certain ‘health’ foods doesn’t make it
okay for you to consume them. Just because your doctor never mentioned that some
your diseases, health symptoms and inability to lose weight could all be related to your
food doesn’t make it not true.
Doctors receive little to no nutrition training. It’s possible they attend only 1 nutrition
course throughout their entire medical training education. The nutrition course that is
provided is centered around the biology and chemistry of food and has little if nothing
to do with how food can improve your health or detract from it.
With that being said, my profession – alternative health practitioners, aren’t really doing
a much better job educating the public. Between the extreme cult like diets (Vegan and
Paleo) to the 21-day detoxes and liquid diets we are leading people down a deep dark
rabbit hole of confusion when it comes to guiding people to make good quality food
choices from whole foods easily found at any grocery store.
We wrote this guide to help ease your stress, confusion and guilt surrounding food and
making nutritious choices for you and your family. Please take your time going through
this guide. We’ve tried as best as we can to provide you with a credible guide that you
can easily follow and implement right away.
For ease of use we’ve also provided an audio version of this guide, which you can
download and listen to from any electronic device.
Download the audio version HERE
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5 ‘ H e a l t h y ’ F o o d s N e v e r To E a t
Table of Contents
Who Are We?
5 ‘Healthy’ Foods Never To Eat Overview
#1 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat - Wheat
#2 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat - Omega 3 Eggs
# 3 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat - Honey
#4 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat - Fruit Juice
#5 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat - Vegetable Oil
W O W ! We i g h t L o s s!
5 ‘ H e a l t h y ’ F o o d s N e v e r To E a t
Who Are We?
Discover how to lose 10, 20 or even 50+ pounds...
Eat your way to a lean, thin, and healthy body by choosing
whole foods easily found at any grocery store.
We teach you to eat your way to health and happiness through our personalized weight
loss and nutrition plans. We get you off the diet roller coaster permanently through our
weekly accountability and ongoing support.
Imagine how you would feel if you could go eat at a restaurant and know with 100%
confidence exactly what to order off the menu. You enjoy every single bite without
those horrible familiar feelings of guilt and anger because you are no longer on a
What would it feel like if you could finally enjoy your meal without feeling bloating,
stuffed, gassy or tired?
WOW! Weight Loss is North America’s premiere whole foods based weight loss and nutrition system. Our personalized plans are created by a team of credentialed nutrition
professionals and tailored specifically to your unique body and lifestyle.
It’s a weight loss system for busy people who are sick and tired of feeling fat, sick and
We get you to lose fat through educating you on which strategic foods are best for your
body. We support your health through these foods so you quickly feel better, have more
energy, sleep deeper and keep the fat off for good.
We have WOW! Practitioner’s across North America that are ready to help you lose fat,
improve your health and mostly importantly feel vibrant and happy again.
Join our thousands of happy and healthy clients who credit WOW! for their complete
body transformations.
Visit our website to locate a WOW! Practitioner near you. Check out our blog giving
you practical and easy to implement fat loss tips, tricks and family friendly recipes.
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5 ‘ H e a l t h y ’ F o o d s N e v e r To E a t
5 ‘Healthy’ Foods Never To Eat Overview
Today we are sharing with you 5 health foods that you make think are healthy, but in
reality may be making you sick, fat and tired.
Since we know you don’t want that to happen we’ve put together this easy to use guide
that will educate you on the deception behind these so-called health foods. We are even
going to tell you which exact foods you should replace them with so you can start to
feel better and lose fat immediately.
The best part is that we’ve put all of this together in a simple and easy to follow guide,
that you can either read or download as an audio version, so you can start making small
but realistic changes today.
Okay, let’s jump in. First off we’d like to thank you for joining us and we’d like to thank
you in advance for sticking with us throughout reading the 5 ‘Healthy’ Foods You
Should Never Eat Guide.
Before we get into it we would like you to take a second and think about the kind of
body you desire. Now we would like you to think about how you want to FEEL on a
daily basis.
Would you like to wake up feeling well rested? How about having a quality poop first
thing in the morning – without the need for that coffee? Wouldn’t it be nice to feel relaxed and at ease while getting everyone ready for school and work? The same thing
goes for dinner time.
While we might be food wizards, we am not magicians and am not able to tell you that
you will feel 100% amazing all of the time because that’s simply just not true. We can
tell you that you can certainly improve how you feel and speed up your fat lose results.
Here’s a question for you… what is the main difference between those movie stars you
see on the cover of the magazines and you? You know the ones who have flat tummies
and seem to have it all together?
Food choices.
Not calories, not overeating or not even lack of activity.
It’s the so-called ‘health’ foods that you are eating that are actually the main cause of
your digestive system problems, inability to lose weight, unstable energy levels and intense and overwhelming cravings.
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5 ‘ H e a l t h y ’ F o o d s N e v e r To E a t
5 ‘Healthy’ Foods Never To Eat Overview
Now, what we are about to reveal to you may shock you and leave you feeling angry.
We know, we felt that way when we first started researching foods. Like, why didn’t
someone tell us this information sooner? Before we uncover the 5 ‘health’ foods that
you should never eat let us make one thing clear.
Losing fat and improving your health does not need to feel like you’ve been served a
dieting death sentence. The fact that you are reading this or listening to this means that
you already have a good understanding of nutrition and are motivated to make real and
lasting changes, not only for you but for your family’s sake too.
Throughout the next couple of minutes together we will fill in some nutrition gaps and
help you to tie all of the recommendations together, allowing you to put to use all that
you've learned in the best possible way, right now.
Why am we sharing this with you?
We felt it was our professional duty to get this information out to as many people as
possible. It’s part of WOW! Weight Loss’s 1 million mission (We are on a mission to improve the lives, both physically and emotionally for 1 million people by 2022).
We know these simple changes can change lives. We’ve used these recommendations
with thousands of our WOW! clients all across Canada to get rid of some of their health
symptoms, lose weight, reduce their risk for disease and achieve long lasting weight
loss. Not to mention improve the quality of health for their family members too.
Now we are sharing it with you because, frankly, we’ve had enough of the lies and deception.
Okay, enough of the warm up, let’s jump right into the 5 ‘healthy’ foods you should
NEVER eat.
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5 ‘ H e a l t h y ’ F o o d s N e v e r To E a t
#1 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat
Otherwise known as: whole wheat
or 100% whole wheat.
Eat whole grains!
We’ve heard this phrase over and
over again in the last 10 years. Then
it became only eat wheat free and
gluten free. There are so many controversial claims being made about
wheat and gluten free foods.
The most irritating and confusing thing is that they both have seemingly valid scientific
research to back up each side of the story.
So which is it? Eat whole grains or go gluten-free. Sorry but there is NO one right answer. It all depends on how you tolerate wheat, the most well-known type of carbohydrate.
Below there is a list of symptoms that have been associated with having a sensitivity to
wheat or an intolerance to gluten.
Please be advised that these symptoms are rather general. We are not doctors. If you feel
so inclined please speak to your medical practitioner about it before eliminating wheat
from your diet.
Unfortunately, your Doctor probably has no clue about wheat sensitivities or gluten intolerances. In that case find one of our WOW! Practitioners and ask them about it.
(1) Obviously, there are gastrointestinal (GI), stomach, and digestive problems. These
can include one or some of the following: Gas, bloating, queasiness, abdominal cramping, constipation, diarrhea, or an alternating combination of both - IBS (Irritable Bowel
W O W ! We i g h t L o s s!
5 ‘ H e a l t h y ’ F o o d s N e v e r To E a t
#1 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat
(2) Headaches and/or migraines.
(3) Fibromyalgia is not a disease, it's a syndrome. Getting a medical diagnosis is bogus.
You don't need to be told you have muscular and connecting tissue aches and pains.
That's what fibromyalgia means. Fibro= Connective Tissue; Myo= Muscle; Algia= Pain.
Thus fibromyalgia.
(4) Emotional issues involving chronic irritability and sudden, irrational mood shifts.
(5) Neurological issues, including dizziness, difficulty balancing, and peripheral neuropathy affecting nerves outside the central nervous system and resulting in pain, weakness, tingling or numbness in the extremities.
(6) Fatigue, whether chronic or almost after every meal. Chronic fatigue syndrome
(CFS) is, like fibromyalgia, a syndrome, not a disease. If that's what you're diagnosed
with, it means your doctor can't locate the cause of your fatigue.
These are some of the most common symptoms we see with our clients at WOW!
Weight Loss. Clients come in complaining of bloating, the inability to lose weight, recurring headaches, joint pain, heartburn, gas, constipation and intense cravings.
The simple answer is to remove wheat from your diet.
What does that mean and how do you do that? It is not the only answer and you should
really get to the bottom of why you cannot digest a food that most people can.
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5 ‘ H e a l t h y ’ F o o d s N e v e r To E a t
#1 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat
Let’s start with a breakdown of the grain types.
White Flour – The Devil Of Carbohydrates
White flour has been cut, crushed, heated, processed
and ends up completely devoid of fiber and other nutrition properties. It contains only the starchy endosperm of the whole wheat kernel.
Wheat – The Devil’s Henchmen
Whole wheat flour goes through a refining process
similar to white flour that removes some of the nutritional values. Whole wheat has the bran and germ removed during the refining process and is left containing only the endosperm (starch).
In fact, whole wheat flour has half of the nutrients stripped away during the refining
Whole Grain – The Modern Day Hero
Whole grains maintain the structure of the entire grain because they are not processed.
The whole grain includes the bran, or multilayered outer skin of the kernel; the germ,
which contains B vitamins, some protein, minerals and healthy fats; and the endosperm,
which contains starchy carbohydrates, proteins and a small amount of nutrients.
Gluten Free Grains – The Knight In Shining Armor
There are a number of gluten free whole grains that people with Celiac Disease and gluten sensitivities or intolerances can eat. Gluten free means that the grain does not contain wheat or the gluten protein.
Remember that whole grain simply means the ENTIRE 3 parts of the grain. It gets confusing when we talk about gluten free whole grains. It gets even more confusing because some of the so-called gluten free grains aren’t even grains at all.
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5 ‘ H e a l t h y ’ F o o d s N e v e r To E a t
#1 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat
Before we frustrate you even more let’s start with the devil in disguise… wheat.
You pick up a loaf of 100% whole wheat bread, cereal or granola bars made with whole
grains, expecting to experience the wonderful health benefits that come along with a
diet rich in whole grains. Except what you end up with are cravings and an extra 5
pounds of fat around your midsection that wasn’t there a couple months ago.
Graphic Courtesy of http://100caloriesecret.wordpress.com
In Canada, we are being misled when it comes to the term “whole wheat”.
The Globe and Mail reported that under federal rules, up to 5 per cent of the wheat kernel – which translates to about 70 per cent of the germ, where the majority of fiber, nutrients, vitamins and healthy fats are found – can be removed and the resulting flour can
still be called whole wheat.
That means food manufacturers can label bread 100% whole wheat even if they have
removed most of the nutrient-packed germ. (Because polyunsaturated fatty acids are
found in the germ, removing it can help increase shelf life, which is why many
W O W ! We i g h t L o s s!
5 ‘ H e a l t h y ’ F o o d s N e v e r To E a t
#1 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat
manufacturers remove part of the kernel.) While whole-wheat bread is frequently
darker in colour than white, often that’s because molasses has been added.
So the whole wheat breads and crackers that we think are good for us are not far off
from the evils of white flour. These days wheat just isn’t what it used to be.
Back in the 1950’s scientists began cross-breeding wheat to make it heartier, shorter, and
Wheat goes through a gamma irradiation process during manufacturing. The major
problem with the wheat supply, that is essentially making people fat and sick, are the
gluten proteins that aren't typically found in either the parent or the plant, some of
which are difficult for us to properly digest.
In plain English, big agriculture has hybridized wheat heavily to improve the crop yield
and baking characteristics but never thought about the effects the manipulations could
have on human health.
In case you didn’t know (we certainly didn’t)…
Hybridization is the structural change of the parent wheat plant. In wheat studies researchers found 14 new gluten proteins that were not present in the parent wheat plant.
This may or may not play a role – it is too
soon to tell.
They screwed us to make money.
You might be thinking, well I eat whole wheat
and I don’t have a problem. That is great for
you but are you sure?
Most people have an issue because they lack
good bacteria. All sensitivities and allergies
have been linked to a lack of good bacteria. Today we eat so much wheat, far more than
our ancestors. The biggest difference between the way our ancestors ate grains and us is
W O W ! We i g h t L o s s!
5 ‘ H e a l t h y ’ F o o d s N e v e r To E a t
#1 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat
that they fermented all their grains, making them easier to digest.
But you just love your wheat, right? That is not an accident.
Wheat contains addictive properties.
Yes, it’s quite possible you are literally addicted to your favorite wheat bread.
The National Institute of Health researchers have shown that gluten derived polypeptides can cross into the opiate receptors giving you a drug like induced happy-go-lucky
feeling when you eat a bagel...maybe it is supposed to do that, maybe that is why we all
like wheat so much. It is a natural “happy pill” in a food, just like exercise gives us endorphins.
But does that mean we should eat unlimited amounts? Of course not. And if we have
problems digesting them, then it makes it even harder to give them up.
Do you feel like you are addicted to carbs?
Below is a small list of some of the health issues people who cannot digest wheat well,
Heart burn
High levels of LDL
Based on our experience of working with thousands of clients over the years is that
when they remove wheat from their diet they feel better, aren’t as tired, don’t have cravings and are finally able to lose fat.
W O W ! We i g h t L o s s!
5 ‘ H e a l t h y ’ F o o d s N e v e r To E a t
#1 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat
When we say they remove wheat from their diet they are still getting about 40 – 50% of
their daily caloric intake from carbohydrates. Taking out wheat does not equal a carb
free diet.
So, what’s a nutritionist to do?
Here is what we recommend
Let’s go with the premise that you are going to remove whole wheat from your diet for
the next 7 days – which is what we recommend as a trial. Not only will you feel lighter
but you will have better energy and not feel so darn bloated.
Other Options
Try whole spelt flour or kamut flour as an option and see if you feel a difference. They
contain gluten too, but they are ancient grains, created and maintained the way nature
intended. Many people who have issue with wheat are fine with spelt and kamut.
Look for sourdough bread and give it a try. Many people with wheat intolerance have
no problem with sourdough as it is fermented as our ancestor would have done
And remember, if you have an issue with wheat or gluten, removing the food does not
correct the problem so work on your gut health. You can remove the food in the short
term, if it makes you feel better, but your true goals should be to digest the food because
that means you have sufficient good bacteria to do so. Leaving your gut alone and not
replenishing you gut health leaves you vulnerable to other conditions down the road.
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5 ‘ H e a l t h y ’ F o o d s N e v e r To E a t
#2 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat
the Terminology
What is an Omega 3 Egg?
Cage-free: It just
means they are not
caged, but they can
have very little space
to roam..
An Omega 3 egg is an egg from chickens that have been given
whole flax seeds or flax meal. Studies indicate hens fed flax or
canola produce eggs with a higher Omega 3 content.
But is that what makes an egg healthy?
Let’s look at commercial egg production
Commercial egg farmers feed their chickens feed that is corn and
soybean based. This is NOT the natural diet for chickens. The feed
is also generally from GMO corn and soybeans. By not feeding
them their natural diet, the chickens are not as healthy and are more
prone to illness.
The chickens are kept with other chickens in battery cages that are
too small to be sanitary or allow them sufficient room to run
around. This does not help them stay healthy either.
Since they are more prone to sickness, due to the conditions in
which they are raised, their feed is laced with antibiotics as a preventative measure and they receive vaccinations. Again, these
measures do not make for healthier chickens.
Chickens raised inside in cases have lower levels of vitamin D than
chicken allowed to be “free-range” or “pastured”.
The caged-chickens also lay eggs with weak shells. This may be due
to deficiency of calcium in their diet, which could be corrected with
some supplementation.
So what if these same chickens are fed some flax? Is that really going to make them the better option? A healthier option? An option
that typically costs $2 to $3 more per dozen?
What about organic eggs? Are they any better?
Free-run: When it is
organic it means they
live in special barns
with nests built into
the walls that provide
a lot more space. When
it is not organic it can
mean it is similar to
Free-range: It means
the chickens range outside, but it's always
wise to do some
homework and make
sure the farmer understands the terminology,
since no one is regulating the use of these
Pastured: Because of
the misuse of the term
“free-range” a new
term “pastured” has
now been created to describe the chickens that
go outside on a daily basis – not suitable for
chickens raised in areas
with winter.
Eggs with No label:
Don't dismiss them as
these will be from small
local farmers who
Let’s take look at organic chickens.
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5 ‘ H e a l t h y ’ F o o d s N e v e r To E a t
#2 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat
Organic chickens are either free-range or free-run. Freerange means they are allowed outside. For those chickens raised in countries that have winter it’s not possible
to send chickens outside in winter so the organic barns
have nests built into the walls, and they are free to run
the entire space of the barn. They can go outside in the
They are not allowed to be vaccinated or receive antibiotics.
They are fed a more natural diet and they may be given probiotics to increase their gut
flora. They are also exposed to bird, mice and human traffic so they can build a more
natural immunity. The primary goal is to prevent the flock from getting sick. Organic
farmers accept that occasionally a bird will be lost and the important goal is to have a
healthy flock.
More importantly, they are happy chickens running around socializing and having a
good time. Happy chicken are healthy chickens.
What to Buy:
Ideally organic free-range or pastured
Free-run organic would be the next best or a combination of free-run or free
Regular conventional eggs are still better than egg replacement products
Eggs to Avoid:
Egg Beaters® and any other egg like replacement product
Pasteurized eggs in cartons
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5 ‘ H e a l t h y ’ F o o d s N e v e r To E a t
#2 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat
Be Sure to Eat That Egg Yolk!
It is a myth that the cholesterol in egg yolks is linked to heart disease. Dietary cholesterol (cholesterol in food) has simply nothing to do with blood cholesterol. As the famous researcher Ancel Keys said, “There’s no connection whatsoever between cholesterol in food and cholesterol in blood. And we’ve known that all along. Cholesterol in
the diet doesn’t matter at all unless you happen to be a chicken or a rabbit.”
Blood cholesterol goes up when chronic inflammation is present in the body. It is a response mechanism and the cholesterol is trying to protect the body from the damage
caused by the inflammation.
The only issue with cholesterol is if it is attacked by free radicals
and becomes “oxidized”. Damaged cholesterol can damage arteries. Antioxidants protect cholesterol just like they protect the
whole body from free-radical damage.
More importantly, the yolk has all the nutrients including
Omega 3 and 6 and the vitamins and minerals. New research is
mapping the antioxidants in egg yolks and has found two
amino acids, tryptophan and tyrosine, have antioxidant properties.
Other research has found that two egg yolks in their raw state
have almost twice as many antioxidant properties as an apple
and about the same as half a serving (25 grams) of cranberries.
This is cut in half when the egg yolks are cooked, but it is still a
good amount.
In Summary, get to know your egg farmer. Eggs are mostly locally produced. They do not travel well so it is not hard to find
out the practices of the farmer for the eggs that are available in your grocery store.
Visit local farmers markets where you are more likely to find small egg farmers selling
their free-range or pastured eggs. Organic is best for healthy chickens and look for certified organic to be certain they are organic.
That being said, often small farmers raise chickens without antibiotics and vaccinations
and feed them more naturally. There is only one way to find out – talk to them.
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5 ‘ H e a l t h y ’ F o o d s N e v e r To E a t
#3 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat
The Good
This would be the honey that the bees made. And as food, it does not get much better or
healthier. Honey, the real honey, helps stabilize blood sugar as it is low glycemic (35),
an anti-inflammatory and contains powerful antioxidants, valuable protein and many
vitamins and minerals.
Phytonutrients found in honey can help with
respiratory issues and may help prevent cancer. Best of all, raw honey contains 10 strains
of good bacteria, the important gut organisms that research is now linking to the prevention of allergies, cancer, heart diseases.
diabetes and neurological conditions and
autoimmune diseases. It is important to note
that only honey from summer bees, meaning
they hibernate during the winter, produce
honey with good bacteria.
Honey is a 1:1 ratio of fructose to glucose making it an ideal liver fuel. Fructose helps
the conversion of glucose into glycogen, the storage form of glucose. The body can
store up to 16 calories of glycogen, so the better the conversion, the less likely any excess carbohydrates that are not burned as fuel are going to be stored as fat.
With adequate glycogen storage in the liver, the brain is better supplied with fuel when
we are sleeping and during prolonged exercise. There is more opportunity to decrease
repeated metabolic stress from cortisol produced when there is optimal liver glycogen
stores. When liver glycogen stores are available during sleep, it helps maintain glucose
metabolism and prevents insulin resistance, diabetes, and decreases risk for cardiovascular disease and obesity.
But wait... It gets better.
Honey is one of the best carbohydrate sources for exercise. It helps maintain energy levels during a workout or an endurance sport and it replaces glycogen stores after a
workout better than dextrose or sugar.
W O W ! We i g h t L o s s!
5 ‘ H e a l t h y ’ F o o d s N e v e r To E a t
#3 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat
Raw honey is great but what happens when you heat it? The antioxidant content goes
up. So eat it raw for good bacteria, live enzymes and great bioactivity but you can also
use it in marinades and recipes and get higher antioxidant protection.
So why would anyone have a problem with this marvelous food? Why aren’t we all eating it every day?
The Bad
Well, like everything else, the food industry cannot leave a good thing alone. First they
pasteurized it and kill the enzymes and good bacteria. But if that is not bad enough,
commercial honey producers feed the bees glucose during the winter. This keeps the
bees awake and prevents them from hibernating.
It is widely believed that this is all that insects need to survive. However, bees feed on
nectar and pollen. Nectar is their source of carbohydrate and pollen provides them protein. Both contain trace nutrients.
Feeding just empty glucose over the winter is going to produce a honey with less vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and protein than honey should have. Winter honey does
not contain any strain of good bacteria. Not that this matters, as that honey produced at
this level is destined to be pasteurized. All the benefits described above cannot be said
of this honey, but at least it is still honey.
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5 ‘ H e a l t h y ’ F o o d s N e v e r To E a t
#3 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat
The Ugly
Labeling laws are
different in different countries. In
the US, honey can
be mixed with
glucose and still
be called honey.
You may see a
glycemic chart
index and find
honey with a high
glycemic index.
This is the honey
that made the list,
not the pure
honey made by
bees. However, at
least it has some
honey, even if it is
pasteurized and
from winter bees.
It gets worse.
Sometime products said to contain honey or
called “honeyflavoured” have
no honey in them
at all. Artificial honey flavour plus their choice of refined white sweetener is all it takes
to be able to call some foods “honey-anything”
It would take a lot of time and effort to try and explain all the rules regarding the grading and labeling of the honey. So let’s makes this easy.
What Honey Should I Buy?
1. Avoid all commercial honeys
2. Do not be fooled by the word “pure”. Pasteurized honey made from winter bees
can still be labeled “pure”. The same is true for the word “natural”
3. Look for the words “raw” or “unpasteurized” on the label. But that alone is not
enough. Look for a local producer. Read the website or talk to the producers and
make sure they let their bees hibernate in winter. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Finding a good source of honey can be one of the best health decisions you
W O W ! We i g h t L o s s!
5 ‘ H e a l t h y ’ F o o d s N e v e r To E a t
#3 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat
White Sugar Versus Whole Sweeteners (including Honey)
Most nutrition experts all agree that white refined sugar is to be avoided. However many
experts try to link all sweeteners together.
They believe (without investigating the research), since all sweeteners tend to be a
combination of simple sugars like glucose
and fructose, they must all behave like white
sugar and spike blood sugar and have no
other nutrient value. That includes honey but
as we have just seen, it is not true. Whole
sweeteners are all low glycemic and contain vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.
They cannot be likened to white sugar. So here are some choices:
Sucanat: Short for “sugar cane natural” has a glycemic index of 47. Sucanat is a nonrefined sugar and has the strongest molasses flavour, as it is essentially dehydrated
sugar cane juice. It is made by simply crushing the sugar cane then extracting. Nothing
is added and nothing is removed. Rapadura is another dried, unrefined, naturally
evaporated sugar cane juice like sucanat. Both contain the same nutrients as molasses
including iron, potassium, manganese and some B vitamins. More importantly, sugar
cane and molasses both contain powerful phytonutrients called polyphenol which give
these sweeteners their brown colour.
Sucanat and Rapidura make a suitable substitute in cooking and baking and molasses
does not make a good substitute by itself, but could be mixed with honey or maple
Evaporated Cane Juice: Very similar to sucanat only a little more refined, as it comes
with a glycemic index of 54. Anything lower than 55 is considered low. Some sugars labeled “organic” are actually evaporated cane juice but not all are, so it can be very confusing. Evaporated cane juice is very light brown in colour. It has less nutrients than sucanat, but it performs well in baking and cooking. It is a common choice for organic
food manufacturers, especially in whole grain cereals and cookies.
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Molasses is a by-product of refining sugar cane. Molasses is a thick syrup containing
about 50% sucrose. It is the liquid separated from sugar crystals during the first stages
of refining.
Unsulfured molasses is made from mature sugar cane and has not been treated with
sulfur dioxide during the extraction process. Sulfured molasses is made when young
green sugar cane is treated during the sugar extraction process with sulfur dioxide,
which acts as a preservative.
There are three grades of molasses: Mild or ‘first’ molasses, Dark or ‘second’ molasses,
and Black Strap molasses, and all can be sulfured or unsulfured. Unsulfured, black strap
has the best nutrient content.
Coconut Sweetener or Sugar: It is made from the sap in the leaves of a palm tree. Palm
sugar is made from the sap of the palm tree. The sap is collected in a similar fashion to
maple sap and then boiled and crystallized. The result is a dry powder which is 85% sucrose, making it the closest substitute to sugar cane in any form.
With a glycemic index value of 35, it is a healthy substitute for white sugar and contains
vitamins, minerals, amino acids and phytonutrients. More importantly, farmers can
produce the sugar and still produce coconut oil, since it is from the coconut and not the
palm leaves or the tree trunk that produces the sugar.
Maple Syrup: With a glycemic index of 54, it is made from the boiled sap of maple
trees, and has an unmistakable flavor that makes it a great sweetener for baking and a
healthier alternative. It’s rich brown colour represents its high antioxidant content and
like all whole sweeteners, it is a good source of vitamins and minerals, especially trace
minerals. The one knock against maple syrup was the use of formaldehyde in the tapping process, but the practice has been banned since 1991 in Canada and the US.
Maple syrup like honey can be mixed with glucose and still be labeled “maple syrup” in
some countries. However, unlike honey, the word “pure” on the maple syrup bottle
means exactly that – pure, maple syrup with all the delicious health benefits. It also
comes in different grades. The darker the colour, the more nutrients it contains
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#3 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat
Agave Syrup or Nectar: It has an extremely low glycemic index and consists primarily
of fructose and glucose, but is sweeter than honey and thinner. To produce agave nectar,
juice is expressed from the core of the plant, then filtered and heated to hydrolyze carbohydrates into sugars. It is this processing that is currently causing some controversy.
Look for raw, amber agave as the best option with the most nutrients.
Brown Rice Syrup: With a glycemic index of 15, it is a sweetener with the consistency of
honey. It is made by combining barley malt and brown rice and cooking the mixture until all the starch is converted to sugar. The mash is then strained and cooked down to a
syrup that is only 20% as sweet as sugar. It had its place as an alternative to sugar but
unfortunately, rice and all rice products, have trace amounts of arsenic. There are studies to indicate if the arsenic levels are a health risk, but they are not naturally occurring
in rice, which makes it a cause for some concern.
Stevia: It is a wild shrub native to Paraguay. For centuries natives have made a powder
from this plant’s leaves to sweeten bitter teas and medicines. Stevia has no calories and
does not alter blood sugar levels, and depending on the form is up to 300 times sweeter
than sugar. Stevia does not break down in heat like artificial sweeteners.
The pure forms are ground stevia leaf and stevia concentrate, and both are nutrient rich,
containing protein, calcium, phosphorous, sodium, magnesium, zinc, rutin, vitamins A
& C, and phytonutrients. The natural green powder is 10 to 15 times sweeter than sugar.
The more refined white powder is 3 times stronger than the green powder, but this is a
processed, refined form and has lower nutritional value. It cannot replace sugar easily
as sugar also supplies bulk and binding power, and stevia has a somewhat bitter after
Sugar Alcohols: Such as maltitol, xylitol, sorbitol and erythritol are just some examples
of sugar alcohols. There are many nutrition advocates that think these are preferable
sugar substitutes as they do not spike blood sugar.
However, they are made from GMO corn or soy and are known to cause intestinal discomfort. They also are refined and have no nutrients. They also have not been around
very long so only time will tell if there are even more health concerns.
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What is High-Fructose Corn Syrup and is HFCS “Natural”?
The corn industry states that high fructose corn syrup is natural and the FDA and
Health Canada agree . The Center for Science in the Public Interest thinks it is too processed and chemically altered to be called “natural.
How Is It Made? First corn starch is broken down to glucose. Then through a highly
technical enzymatic, part of the glucose is converted to fructose. This is not exactly a
process you can do in your kitchen and certainly would not be considered natural in the
minds of most people.
But There’s More: Since cornstarch is already refined and been stripped of the nutrients
found in corn, HFCS has no nutrients at all. It is also made from GMO corn. Since it is
broken down already into glucose and fructose, it is extremely high glycemic. Worse,
consuming it in amounts that exceed the immediate need for carbohydrates will cause
the body to store the carbs as fats. Since the body is looking for glucose, it has no needs
for the fructose so it is definitely going to end up as fat.
Artificial Sweeteners:
“No calories, no problem.” At least that’s what I used to think. But when we look at the
actual studies – it’s getting clearer that artificial sweeteners are NOT the dieter’s best
friends after.
Splenda (Sucralose)
4 calories per packet
Does not raise blood sugar levels
Can be used in cooking
Processed and refined- no nutrients
Elevates insulin levels
Inhibits gut bacteria
May lead to weight gain
Nutra Sweet (Aspartame)
Zero calories
Does not raise blood sugar levels
Do not use for cooking
Processed and refined – no nutrients
Can raise insulin levels similar to sugar
Can cause neurological symptoms in excess
May lead to weight gain
Artificial sweeteners, such as Splenda and Nutra Sweet are the most common artificial
sweeteners. Their touted advantage is their low or no calorie count and the fact that
they do not spike blood.
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#3 ‘Health’ Food You Should Never Eat
Early research shows that both may raise insulin levels, despite not raising blood sugar,
and since Diabetes Type II is caused by too much insulin over time making a person insulin resistant, this means that these are not suitable substitutes. There is also preliminary research that shows that they both may still encourage weight gain. So what is the
In Summary
Avoid artificial sweeteners
Read labels and avoid products with high fructose corn syrup
Find a good source of pure honey form a local producer made from summer bees
Use coconut sweetener, maple syrup and sucanat as your best sources of whole
sweeteners along with honey
Evaporated cane juice is okay if you see it on a label and can be used in baking
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#4 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat
Sugar (fructose) content
Satisfaction level
12 g
More filling (contains fiber)
Best choice
Pure Orange Juice
22 g
Less filling
Drink half if you must
Let’s Start With the Best of the Worst - 100 % Pure Juice
This means that the juice only has fruit in it. That is a good thing, right? Not so
fast. Fruit juice is not like the fruit
It does not contain any fiber so it is less filling
It is much higher in calories as it usually takes several pieces of fruit to make an 8
oz glass of fruit.
With the higher calorie count and without the fiber the blood sugar can be spiked
At an average of 22 g of fructose per juice it contains almost as much simple
sugar as a can of pop, which has 27 g. The only difference is that fruit juice does
contain valuable vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients
Fruit juice is pasteurized unless it is made fresh by you in your home or at a juice
bar. Pasteurizing kills the enzymes
It is easy to drink too much and all this excess carbohydrate consumption can
easily translate to weight gain
Drinks may be labeled 100% pure juice, but
what type of fruit do they contain. Mixed
fruit juices may contain other juices.
Pomegranate, acai and blueberry juice, while
trendy, are quite expensive, so read the list
and see if pear, apple, or grape juices are
listed on the label as well. Juice producers
like to lower the cost of juice to make it easier
and because they’re very sweet.
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#4 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat
Categorizing Fresh Juice:
Juice can be categorized as long life and short life products. By pasteurizing it to varying degrees the shelf life can be extended. Long life juices usually keep for 6-12 months
while the packaging is kept sealed, and because of the pasteurization process applied
and packing method, they do not require chilling.
Short life juices have a shelf life of up to 30 days and must be kept chilled. These are
normally found in the refrigerator case in the grocery store.
Freshly squeezed fruit juices must have a shelf-life of not more than 14 days and undergo little or no pasteurization treatment; they are usually packed and delivered to retailers within 24 hours. Therefore freshly squeezed juice must be kept chilled and has a
shelf life of only a few days. Sometime retailer will freeze these juices.
Juice From Concentrate vs. Not From Concentrate Juice:
Fruit juices can further be described on the package as being juice from concentrate or
not from concentrate. In the case of juice from concentrate, the fruit has been picked,
squeezed and concentrated (by evaporating the water naturally present in the juice) in
the country of origin.
Juice form concentrate does actually contain more vitamin C than freshly squeezed.
However, vitamin C is found in so many fruits and vegetables there is no need to think
that juice is necessary to get more
The concentrated juice is then frozen and shipped to the country of use for packing.
Fruit juice packers then reconstitute the juice, restoring it to its original strength by adding the same amount of water. It will say on a juice label “made from concentrate”.
Not from concentrate juice is taken from fruit which is squeezed in the country of origin
and then pasteurized and frozen or aseptically packed for shipment to the country
where it will be sold.
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#4 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat
What About All the Other Juices?
The biggest issue with fruit beverages that are not 100% fruit juice is that the word
“fruit” can be flung on any label a manufacturer wants to. Many of these beverages are
marketed to children and they are very cheap, making it seem like an advantage to parents to provide some nutrition.
Consumers need to become savvy label readers as these beverages usually contain only
a small amount of fruit juice and loaded with high fructose corn syrup or sugar mixed
with water. Artificial flavours and colours are frequently used and in some products,
there isn’t any real juice at all. Here are some examples.
Six Examples of “Juices” to Avoid
1. Ocean Spray Cran-Apple (8 fl oz)
130 calories
0 g fat
32 g sugars
It does not matter what Ocean Spray drink you buy, they are loaded with sugar and
contain only 27% fruit juice. This one is even less as it only contains 15% juice.
2. Welch’s Mountain Berry (8 fl oz)
140 calories
0 g fat
33 g sugars
It is only 25% real fruit making it not too different form Sunny D.
Minute Maid Lemonade (20 fl oz bottle)
250 calories
0 g fat
67.5 g sugars
Most commercial lemonades contains between 10 - 15% lemon juice, which leaves 85
- 90% of the calories that are added table sugar or high fructose corn syrup and water. Minute Maid only contains 3%, making it the worst of the worst.
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#4 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat
4. SoBe Elixir Cranberry Grapefruit (20 fl oz bottle)
250 calories
0 g fat
63 g sugars
Despite the fruit in its name, it contains absolutely no fruit. It might as well be pop
5. Tropicana Grape Juice Beverage (15.2 fl oz)
290 calories
0 g fat
72 g sugar
Contains only 30% juice and is loaded with high
fructose corn syrup.
6. Arizona Kiwi Strawberry (23.5 oz can)
360 calories
0 g fat
84 g sugars
These cans are huge — they are only 5 % juice and 95% sugar water and have the
equivalent of 20 teaspoons of sugar! (That makes the 1,800-calorie salad look
downright nutritious.)
In Summary
Eat fruit, organic is best
To stay hydrated, drink plenty of water – this will limit the temptation to grab a
If you must drink juice, cut it with water to lower the calorie count and the potential to spike blood sugar
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#4 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat
If You Want to Drink Your Fruit Make A Smoothie
The machine does the chewing and you still get all the fiber as well as the nutrients of
the fruit. Add some crushed ice and you have a delicious drink that is lower in calories
than 100% fruit juice.
How to Make a Smoothie
The best machine to use for smoothie recipes is The Vitamix high powered
blender, a Nutri- Bullet or Magic Bullet is also a good option. These machines all
break down the fiber to make a smoother smoothie. Do not be afraid to use a
blender if that is what you have.
Prepare all the fruit and measure it according to the recipe.
If you should add extra fruit or less than a recipe calls for, it doesn’t matter. Experiment – it’s fun.
Place all the ingredients in the blender. Turn the blender on, and process until
If your blender get clogged up and stops, add some more liquid such as water or
your milk of choice to the blender.
It may take several minutes for all the chunks to break down.
Once it is done, transfer to a glass and enjoy!
Smoothies taste much better and have a higher nutritional content when you
consume them right away. However, you can take them to go. Find a thermos to
help maintain the cold temperature.
Arsenic in Fruit Juice?
First is was the rice and then the fruit juice. In 2012, Consumer Reports found arsenic in
10% of all fruit juices, having arsenic levels higher that than of the national standards
for drinking water. It is inorganic arsenic which is a known carcinogen. The problem is
that there are no official safe limits for arsenic in foods, and studies indicate that even
low levels can contribute to developing Type II Diabetes and interfere with brain function.
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#5 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat
Vegetable Oils - Are They the Best or the Worst?
For many years, they were touted as the”
healthy” oils but it turns out that it depends
on your definition of “healthy”. If the sole
criteria for beneficial is that an oil originates
from a plant, then these would be the oils
for all of us.
However, have you even wondered how
you get oil from corn? How about a soybean and what the heck is cottonseed or
canola? If you squish an olive in your hand you feel the oil.
If you milk a cow, the cream rises to the top and you can feel the fat. But without some
modern technology, it is very difficult to get oil from any of the oils typically used to
create vegetable oils.
Sunflower oil and safflower are two other plants used to create vegetable oils, but there
are different versions of these. Depending on where the plant is grown it makes them
more stable and less prone to needing refinement and chemicals. So let’s focus on the
big four: corn, soybean canola and cottonseed as they are all typically produced in the
same manner.
There are three types of fat found in plants – saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Saturated is supposed to be bad for us – it’s not, but more on that later. So
that leaves monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats as the “healthy” fats. Although
these fats have their health benefits especially when consumed as part of the vegetable,
they can be unstable and are easily prone to rancidity unless there is some unnatural
So how are they produced?
The first stage for any vegetable is extraction. Vegetable oils are created from crushing
or pressing, which is a fairly low-tech method with a long history for the extraction of
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#5 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat
the oil, it happens with the use of a solvent or water. Pressing and crushing is not an issue nor is using water. The trouble all starts when they use solvents and in particular
What is Hexane?
• Hexane is produce as part of the refining process of gasoline and is use to extract oil
form vegetables based oils like corn cottonseed, canola and soy. It is also used for
the extraction of protein from soy
It is a potential neurotoxin, which can lead to the headaches, blurred vision and muscle weakness especially when inhale.
Studies have found hexane residues in oils and protein powders extracted from vegetables using hexane, in levels that do not exceed government “safe” levels.
But that is not the end of the story. Once the oil is extract, it could be used as is, especially if it is just pressed or crushed, but unfortunately these oils are unstable as is. They
contain volatile oils and sediment - sounds scary but it's not - which makes the oils
more prone to rancidity, especially when they are exposed to heat light and air.
This is where refinement comes into the picture. Refinement is not necessarily a bad
thing. The Egyptians did it first with olive oil. By pouring the oil through a series of filters, they were able to remove the elements that made the oil more prone to rancidity
and the concept of “shelf life” was born. If we had left it at that there would be no need
for this information.
The Egyptians did not expect their oils to sit on a shelf for years in a grocery store. So
what is the issue now?
Here Are a Few Other Things That Now Happens to These Shelf-Stable Oils
Degumming: Water and phosphoric acid is added at 140 degrees F, agitated and then
separated. Oil and water separate easy. It decreases the amount of chlorophyll, calcium,
magnesium, iron and copper.
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#5 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat
Modern Refining: The oil is mixed with sodium hydroxide (lye or Drano). Agitated at
167 degrees F and then separated. It decreases the amount lecithin, phospholipids, and
more minerals.
Bleaching: Mixed with acid-treated clay materials at 230 degrees F and separated. Toxic
peroxides and conjugated fatty acids are formed from the essential fatty acids in the oil.
This decreases more chlorophyll and as well as carotene.
Deodorizing: Steam distillation under pressure to a temperature of 500 degrees F. It decreases free fatty acids and vitamin E, as well as making polyunsaturated even more
prone to rancidity.
Sound very tasty so far.
And as a final step they add synthetic antioxidants to protect the oils. These include
BHT and BHA which cause allergic reactions and liver damage and BHT may be carcinogenic, TBHQ which is a form of butane (lighter fluid) and can cause nausea and
vomiting. Citric acid is made from GMO foods
Hopefully you have heard of free radicals and anti-oxidants. Free radicals form when
we produce our food, or in our bodies, or in the air around us and can damage healthy
cells. Antioxidants counter free-radicals and protect cells.
If oils are more prone to rancidity and we consume them, then so are we. That is right fats can become rancid in your body and have been linked to Alzheimer’s disease and
other neurological issues.
GMO Issue
Unless certified Non-GMO or certified organic, all canola, corn and
soy vegetables oils are made from
GMO crops. Health issue link to
GMO crops include allergies and gastro-intestinal issues, not to mention the environmental issues which could also affect us, too.
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#5 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat
Hidden Trans Fat
According to a study by the University of Florida at Gainesville, samples of canola contained up to 4.6% trans fat. This is not from heating the oil in cooking but it occurs during the processing of the oil as some of the chemicals contain hydrogen, such a hydrogen peroxide used for bleaching. Apparently canola is much easier to hydrogenate than
other oils. And you will not find these on these trans fats listed on the label.
In Summary
Avoid processed
have used hexfined oil, opt for
water aqueous
nies will happily
they do. Opt for
first pressing is
labeled “virgin”),
What is Aqueous (Water) Extraction?
It is an environmentally cleaner alternative technology for extracting oils using water and enzymes. Enzymes are added to increase the amount
of oil extracted. Since this is performed without
chemicals or preservatives, it results in a non-toxic
oil. It also produces less oil per plant and therefore, is not flavoured by the commercial food industry.
refined oils that
ane. If using reoils made using
solution - compatell you this if
cold pressed oils,
best (also may be
if using.
Butter vs. Margarine
They contain the same amount of calories. Butter is natural and margarine is not. Butter
tastes good and margarine does not, and here is why:
Ingredient List for Becel: canola and sunflower oils 74%, water, modified palm and palm
kernel oils 6%, salt 1.8%, whey protein concentrate 1.4%, soy lecithin 0.2%, vegetable
monoglycerides, potassium sorbate, vegetable colour, artificial flavour, citric acid, vitamin A palmitate, vitamin D3, alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E).
Ingredient List for Salted butter: Cream, salt.
Which would you rather eat?
What about the cholesterol?
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#5 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat
Fact: 75% Cholesterol is made by the body and 25% comes from diet.
Fact: Remove cholesterol from the diet and the body will just make more to meet you
body’s need.
Fact: Cholesterol goes up in response to chronic inflammation – if cholesterol levels
need to be lowered in the body, then lower the chronic inflammation –after all that is all
the cholesterol drugs do.
Fact: Cholesterol is essential for bile salts, sex hormones and healthy cell membranes – it
plays a role in every cell in the body – does that sound like something you want to
Isn’t Saturated Fat bad For Us?
Well, if it is, then we are all in big trouble as we are all full of it. It is essential for health,
especially for our brain and nervous system. It is also extremely protective, which includes protecting the polyunsaturated essential fatty acids, Omega 3 and Omega 6 that
we need in our diet from going rancid in our body.
Why is that?
Saturated fats are extremely stable when exposed to heat
and far less prone to rancidity in comparison to monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat. It is found naturally
in places where temperatures are high.
Tropical oils like coconut, palm and cocoa butter are all
from the tropical areas of the world. Animals, including
humans, are also quite warm. We are 98.6 degrees F or 36
degrees C, so we are full of saturated fat to protect us.
Saturated fats are the best non-refined oils for cooking, and
that includes lard, which is both mono-unsaturated and saturated. So what is all the
fuss about? It is all politics.
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#5 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat
The hydrogenated vegetable oil industry had to get rid of the lard, butter, coconut and
palm oils from the commercial food products in order to sell their products, and since
they are not tasty they launched a small, un-substantiated study against saturated fats
and promoted theirs as the health alternative for 40 years. That was round 1. Round 2
came just recently when scientists discovered that the hydrogenated fats were far more
detrimental to our health than any naturally occurring fat.
What is Hydrogenation?
Hydrogenation is the process
of adding hydrogen to polyunsaturated fats so that they
will be solid at room temperature and more stable, like
saturated fat. A saturated
molecule, as seen in the diagram, has hydrogen in all
spaces. This makes it more
stable and less prone to rancidity. By forcing hydrogenated atoms into a polyunsaturated fat, it becomes “saturated” with hydrogen and
more stable. Unfortunately,
studies have found that a 1-2%
increase in the diet of synthetic trans fats significantly
increases the risk of many conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and depression.
Why? The shape has been changed and the fats cannot be utilized properly by the body.
Cooking with Fats and Oils
There are three considerations:
1. What is the smoke point for the fat and oil. The higher the smoke point, the
higher the temperature it can be heated to making it less prone to rancidity and
2. What are you cooking with it? Foods high in antioxidants can protect oils with
low smoke points to make them less prone to rancidity.
3. Baking is less of an issue as the oils and fats are protected by the other ingredients. It is high temperature direct heat cooking such as frying, deep frying sautéing and grilling that are the concern
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#5 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat
Cooking With Butter
Butter is delicious and is great for baking and sautéing, but it contains milk solids which
can burn when using for sautéing, so low temperature cooking is best.
Ghee is a form of clarified butter which allows the milk solids to be removed. In doing
so, the butter can be heated to a higher temperature and be more shelf-stable. It is the
milk solids that make butter more prone to rancidity over time.
Cooking With Olive Oil
Cold pressed olive oil has a low smoke point. The more olive oil is refined, the higher
the smoke point, but you are getting all the chemical issues outlined previously. However, antioxidant
foods used in cooking can increase the
smoke point of olive
The Olive Oil Test: There are so many types
oil a bit to make it
easier to cook with
and brands and adulterations. Tests by Consumer
at a higher temperature.
extra virgin olive oils shouldn’t be labeled as
Tip: To get the best
of both worlds, mix
such.115 The UC Davis Olive Center also
olive oil 50/50 with
butter. This will help
found 73% of extra virgin oils did not meet
protect the olive oil
when sautéing and
the standards.116
help limit the milk
solids in the butter
form burning. This
is for foods that
Here is a quick test to help you identify the
cook fairly quickly.
Also, adding broth
real things. Put the olive oil in the refrigeraand diluting the
butter or olive oil
tor overnight. If it is solid the next day, then
can also help prevent damage and
lower the calorie
count too. Is there a
downside to mixing with broth? It will not give you a crispy edge.
Cooking With Coconut Oil
Like butter, it is great for baking and sautéing and it does not have milk solids so it does
not burn. Coconut oil contains 56% medium chain triglycerides which are more easily
converted by the body to energy. Studies also show that medium-chain triglycerides aid
weight loss and thermogenesis (our ability to burn fat) with the use of coconut oil.
However, more of the fat is absorbed into the food when sautéing so the calorie count
might be higher.
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#5 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat
What is Palm Oil?
Palm oil is made from the leaves of the palm tree and coconut oil if from the fruit of the
coconut, which is the fruit of the palm tree. Raw coconut oil and raw palm oil are the
healthy version. Beware of packages that say “modified” palm oil or partiallyhydrogenated palm oil.
There are also similar versions of coconut oil. Palm oil is not
that available for home use but it has been embraced by the food industry as a replacement for hydrogenated oils. Coconut oil is widely available in the health food store and
most grocery stores.
Oils With the Best Smoke Point
This is where it gets complicated. Although polyunsaturated oil may be more fragile
when exposed to heat, light and air, monounsaturated fat less so, and saturated fat is
least fragile, but there is more to the story. Plants all contain varying amounts of antioxidants, and therefore both the smoke point and the shelf life vary. Hemp oil and flax
oil are both primarily polyunsaturated.
Hemp oil has a low smoke point allowing it to be used in light cooking and it has a very
long shelf life at room temperature because it has a lot of antioxidants. Flax oil has so
little antioxidant protection that it cannot even be cold pressed without some damage
from the friction of the pressing.
That is why flax oil always has a slightly bitter taste – it is already starting to go rancid
even when it is “fresh”. It also only lasts, according to the manufacturers, about six
weeks in the refrigerator. Grape seed oil is primarily polyunsaturated as well and has
one of the highest smoke points because it is loaded with potent antioxidants called anthocyanins.
What does this mean? We cannot always judge a polyunsaturated fat by the mere fact
that it is a polyunsaturated fat. Also using cooking oils with foods that contain antioxidants, such as the herbs thyme, rosemary and sage, can also lower the potential for rancidity and preserve the oil.
W O W ! We i g h t L o s s!
5 ‘ H e a l t h y ’ F o o d s N e v e r To E a t
#5 ‘Healthy’ Food You Should Never Eat
Saturated Mono- unsatu- Poly- unsaturated
12 %
74 %
14 %
Hemp Oil
12 %
79 %
Olive Oil (refined)
Grape Seed Oil
73 %
11 %
12 %
71 %
Olive Oil (extra
Rice Bran Oil
14 %
73 %
11 %
47 %
Sunflower Oil
(high oleic)
Sunflower Oil
Peanut Oil
82 %
11 %
20 %
69 %
18 %
49 %
33 %
160 C
Sesame Oil
15 %
42 %
43 %
(320 F)
232 C Sautéing, stir-frying and
salad dressing
(450 F)
65 %
30 %
200 C
Baking, and sautéing
65 5
30 %
(400 F)
250 C
Baking and sautéing
Coconut Oil
62 %
(482 F)
177 C
Baking and sautéing
Rendered Lard
40 %
W O W ! We i g h t L o s s!
271 C
Frying, sautéing, dip(520 F)
ping oil, salad oil
165 C Cooking, salad dressing
(329 F)
225 C
Sauté, stir-frying, fry(437 F) ing, cooking, salad oils
215 C
Cooking, salad oils
(419 F)
190 C
Cooking, salad oils
(374 F)
254 C
Asian cooking and all
(490 F) uses when neutral taste
is desired
160 C Baking sautéing, salad
(320 F)
246 C Baking, salad dressing
(475 F)
Sauté and stir-frying
(351 F)
Deep-frying, baking and
(394 F)
5 ‘ H e a l t h y ’ F o o d s N e v e r To E a t
Omega 3 Eggs
Effect of Feeding Full Fat Flax and Canola Seeds to Laying Hens on the Fatty Acid
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Egg quality traits of laying hens reared in organic and conventional systems G. Minelli,
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5 ‘ H e a l t h y ’ F o o d s N e v e r To E a t