Saint Mary’s Parish A Parish of the Diocese of Youngstown Most Reverend Georg e V. Murry, S.J., Bishop 206 Cherry Road, NE Massillon, Ohio 44646 MISSI ON STATEM ENT We, St. M ary’s Parish, ar e a diver se family of faith, dr awing str ength from our Catholic Tr adition and each other. We witness through faith the love of Christ by living and spr eading the Gospel of hope, justice and forgiveness within our parish and the larger community. National Shrine of Saint Dymphna at Saint Mary’s Phone 330-833-8478 April 12, 2015 PASTOR Reverend A. Edward Gretchko ASSOCIATE PASTOR Reverend John P. Tully PASTOR EME RITUS Reverend Msgr. James R. Kolp CHOIRMASTER AND ORGANIST Dr. Thomas Kolar PARISH BUS INESS MANAGER Mr. Richard M. Chapis PARISH SCH OOL P RINCIPAL Mrs. Jennifer Fischer DIRECTOR OF RELIG IOUS EDUCATION, YOUTH MIN ISTRY, & PASTORA L MIN ISTRY Sr. Jean Marie Squiric, OSHJ SAINT MARY’S PARISH CENTER Parish Offices and Notre Dame Chapel 726 First St. NE Phone 330-833-8501 FAX 330-833-3359 PARISH WE BSITE: mary PARISH E-MAIL ADDRESS ES PARISH: stma rysma [email protected] BULLETIN: st [email protected] HOLY CROSS ACADEM Y AT SAINT MARY’S CAMPUS 640 First St. NE Phone 330-832-9355 FAX 330-832-9030 ABSENTEES: 330-832-0023 PARISH REL IGIOUS ED UCATION OFF ICE: 330-833-8501 SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL SOC IETY: 330-837-0084 MOTHER TERESA GUILD: 330-832-6614 LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS OF THE PARISH SUNDAY MASSES 4:30 pm Vigil Mass (Saturday) 7:30 am Mass 9:30 am Mass Choir Music 12:00 pm Mass Contemporary Music Ministry WEEKDA Y MASSES 6:30 pm (Monday) 8:15 am (Tuesday–Saturday) HOLY DAYS OF OBL IGATION (see schedule inside bulletin) SACRAMENT OF RECONC ILIATION (Penance) SATURDAY 11:00–11:30 am (or until all are heard) NOVENA (Miraculous Medal Novena) MONDAY following the 6:30pm Mass TUESDAY following the 8:15 am Mass ADORATION OF THE BLESSE D SACRAMENT EVERY WEDN ESDAY 9:00 am–5:00 pm (Notre Dame Chapel / Parish Center) SAINT MARY’S PARISH Rosary Altar Society Meeting T his month’s meeting will be held on T hursday, April 16th. We will start at 10:40am by praying the rosary in church, followe d by Mass at 11:00am. We will then go to the Monsignor Labbe Center for our luncheon, meeting, fellowship, and cards. For reservations please call Mary Irene Seifert at 330-832-6535 before NOON on Monday, April 13th. Get your best friend and come and discover the best kept secret around. Se e you there. HELP - HELP - HELP St. Vincent de Pa ul Can Sunday is the weekend of April 11 and 12. Most needed items are peanut butter and canned fruit. Any dry goods, includin g Mac ‘n Cheese, cereals, spaghetti and noodles, are also nee ded. For your monetary offering, the angel baskets will be in place at each entrance of the church. Many thanks and God bless you for your support. St. Vincent de Pa ul ( SVdP) provides emer gen cy foo d assistance, to individuals an d families in need, on a strictly confidential basis. Anyone in need of assistance should call SVdP at 330-837-0084 between the hours of 9:00am and 11:30am Monday-Friday. From our Parish Records Our Newest Parishioners Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Phillips / Curt L. Campbell / Christopher & Tracy Clark / Hurl & Elizabeth Eckelberry Welcome! MASSILLON, OHIO 2015 Annual Bishop's Appeal for Catholic Charities and Church Changing Lives... One Family at a Time A heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who made a commitment to the 2015 Bishop’s Appeal. To date 358 families have pledged a total of $85,164.80. This is 104% of our goal of $82,000.00. The Diocese will rebate 50% of payments over our goal, so it is important for all of our families to consider a pledge and keep our total climbing. If you have not yet responded to the 2015 Bishop’s Appeal for Catholic Charities and Church, please do so at this time using the Commitment Envelopes available in the pews. You may send your commitment to the Parish Office or put it in the collection basket. Saint Mary's Weekly Offering 547 Families Contributed Please mark your envelopes to assure proper credit. Our parish ste wardship for last week: $38,653.62 Thank you ve ry, ve ry much for your ongoing ste wardship to your parish. STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT 50 Days o f Joy & Gratitud e- In the Gospel today, we share of Thomas’ discovery that Jesus was truly with them. It took seeing and touching Jesus for Thomas to believe and share in the joy of the resurrection with his fellow disciples. Jesus said, “Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.” What is preventing us from sharing in the true joy of the Resurrection? How can we live in gratitude for this tremendous gift given to us by God? Our Newly Baptized Stella Jane Phillips / Lincoln James Leadbetter Congratulations! May the Holy Spirit guide your every step along this earthly journey. Our Dearly Departed William Smeyres / James Letcavits Eternal rest grant unto them, Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon them. SACRAMENT of HOLY MATRIMONY Church la w re quires a minimum period of six (6) months for marriage preparation. Please contact one of the parish priests, prior to making any arrangements. SACRAMENT of the ANOINTING of the SICK T his sacrament of mercy is provided to all in nee d of God’ s healing presence. Please contact Father Ed for an anointing, prior to surgery or in time of serious illness. SACRAMENT of HOLY ORDERS If you are discerning a vocation to the priesthood or religio us life, please contact one of the parish priests. Second Sunday of Easter April 12, 2015 ST. MARY'S SCHOOL NEWS Dates to Reme mbe r: HAPPY EASTER! HE IS RISEN! What a great privilege we have at St. Mary’ s School to worship God, pray everyday, and serve Christ and others! Thank you St. Mary’ s P arish and fa milies for your generosity and support over the last 165 years. I f you want your child to make a diffe rence in the world, then start by sending him or her to a school where making a difference is what we are all about. Registration time is here. P lease register/re-register your child as soon as possible. For financial assistance, please do not hesitate to call Mrs. Fischer: 330 -832-9355. PRESCHO OL INFOR MATION: St. M ary’ s P reschool is the best preschool opportunity around. Not only do children learn about working with others but also that learning is fun. You would be surprised at what you learn about your child through the eyes of his/her preschool teacher. However, the best thing about our preschool is that we are developing the future o f our Catholic Church right here at St. Mary’ s. I f you would like a tour or to answer any questions, please call Valerie Haines, the preschool director, at 330 -832-9355. April 13 - Bac k to Sc hool April 13- 17 - Cog AT testi ng Week; OffGrade Writi ng Profici enc y Week April14 - PTO meeti ng in the Adult Ed room at 6:30 PM April 15 - Sc hool M ass April 16 - Sc hool Ador ation April 17 - Jesus Day for Sec ond Grade sc hool childr en April 17 - $1 J eans Day April 20 - IOWA T esti ng Week April 26 - First Communion @ noon Mass April 29 - Confir mation May 1-3 - Eighth Grade Trip May 6 - School Mass May 8 - M ay Cr owni ng @ 1:45 PM May 11- 15 - Right to Read Week! May 12 - PT O meeting i n the Adult Ed room at 6:30 PM T A P PI N G I N T O KNOWLE DG E: On Monday, March 30th, the preschoolers got to participate in tapping a maple tree and learned about making maple syrup. Mrs. Haynes’ father, Will Roth, tapped the sugar maple tree on the P arish prop erty . Mrs. Haynes also made pancakes for the entire school and served maple syrup fro m sap gathered fro m trees at her ho me. “ They got to taste true maple syrup,” Haynes said. “ This was a safe opportunity for the m to try so mething new. Oftentimes you’ ll find with children if they participate in doing the project, if they had a hand in the process, they’ll be more apt to try it.” Check out The Independent for the great coverage! EDCHOICE EXPANSION SCHO LARSHIP: The EdChoice Expansion Scholarship now reaches grades K 2! The funding may even allow for an increase to grade 3. The scholarship application pays for your student’ s tuition to St. Mary’s, and the application is ongoing (there is no deadline). Many parents did not realize they qualified for this statewide scholarship, so please ask if you have a child entering grades K -2. The application can be found at . FISH FR Y TI ME: Thank you to everyone fro m both the school and P arish who made the Fish Fries such an overwhelming success. We appreciate the set -up, clean-up, and all of the help in between. We, literally, could not have done it without you. We served a record number of people fro m all over Stark County, and the fellowship among the people of the P arish was a great time o f co mmunity and fun! STAY UP- TO- DATE: Ti me is flying by! With the fourth quarter here already the school year will be filled with many activities. P lease be sure to check the calendar often to stay up -to-date with all of the activities. You can find all of the happenings at the school by going to www.stmary ST. MARY’S PARISH BINGO TUESDAYS at 6:30 p.m. - Doors open at 4:30 p.m. Paper Games $1,050.00 JACKPOT $300.00 BNO GAME Door Prizes & Lucky Jar $15 package-2/$20-All 9's on (Buy 2 get one FREE) Help our school earn money by saving BOX T OPS FOR EDUCAT ION. It’s easy, simply cut and save the box tops from many househo ld p ro ducts like Cheerios Cereal, Kleenex T issues an d Ziploc Ba gs. When you have a bunch, drop them in the collection box at the back of the church. If you do a lot of shopping o n lin e, p le a se c on side r registering with box tops and shopping at the marketplace. T hey have many stores, such as JC Penney, Kohl’s, Home Depot, just to name a few, that will give a percentage of what you buy back to our schoo l. T he we bsite is T hank you for yo ur continued support of our school. Labels… Not only does St. Mary’s School collect Box Tops, but we al so colle ct Campbell’s Soup labels and Our Family labels. If possible, put them in an envelope and drop them in the offering. The parish office will make sure we get them. THANK YOU! hGGzG wG G G n G l GGG GG G GGH G XUGz GGGnl U V hm{ zG YUGw GGGpkGJGZ]W X G ZUG l G G G h G j G G G G GtGX^SGY WX\SG G G G GGGmyllG GU G SAINT MARY’S PARISH C.O.O.L. - Community Outreach of Love Theme Verse: “ Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 The MISSION of C.O.O.L.: C.O.O.L. exists to partner with the Body of Christ to facilitate physical and spiritual impact in our communities. T he aim is to see transformation happen in the lives of those who serve and are bein g served through the various C.O.O.L. projects. St. Mary ’s Church is a part of this y ear’s C.O.O .L. proje ct in Massill on. We need more v olunteers t o assist w ith the project. If y ou ca n hel p, please call Rick Chapis at the Parish Office (330-833-8501). Fashion Show at St. Joseph, Massillon Fashion Sho w and Luncheon, “ Hats Off to Mothers,” Satur day, May 2nd, Santangelo Party Center. Doors open at 10:30 am, Luncheon at 12 noon, Style Sho w to follow. Raffles, dra wings, “ Best Hat” contest, grand prize one week stay at Greensprings Plantation Resort in Williamsbur g, VA. Proceeds to benefit Christian Mothers of St Joseph, Massillon. Cost is $30. For reservations, call Cathi Heitger at 330-844-1270 or E-mail [email protected]. Save the Date FAIT H IN ACT ION FASHION SHOW AND LUNCHEON May 16, 2015 - 11:30 - T ickets $25.00 Santangelo’s Party Center - 1008 Ninth St. SW, Massillon MASSILLON, OHIO It’s That Time Again! St. Mary’s 15th Annual Reverse Raffle Dinner April 18, 2015 $10,000 GRAND PRIZE As members o f t he Parish Co mmunity, it is our pleas ure to announce St . Mary’s 15th annual Rev erse Raffle Dinner. This ev ent will be held Saturday, April 18, 2015 at the K of C Hall on Cherry St. As in the past, this will be a sit-down dinner , with a cho ice of strip steak, stuffed chick en breast, or broiled scrod, plus the usual amenities, including dessert. We will r eserve t ables o f eight or ten. This year the ticket cost will be the s ame as last year. Ticket cost for one person, including dinner, is $125.00 with one extra dinner tick et for $25.00. This also inc ludes an open bar for the evening. If you bo ught a t icket last year, a co mmitt ee member will co ntact you for this year. Only 225 tic ket s will be sold this year (250 la st yea r), so don ’t wait until the end to buy you r ticket ! Tickets are available from : Richard & Ros ie Fields 330-833-4585 Dav e & Maureen Haffner 330-837-3229 John & Patty H elline 330-833-0026 Tim & Sheila McCullough 330-854-1748 Jim & Sue Seifert 330-832-1973 Ralph & Josie Spever e 330-832-3456 Parish Cent er (R ick Chapis) 330-833-8501 All pro fits go tow ard the upk eep o f our Parish Co mplex. Retrouvaille Retrouvaille of Youngstown, a peer ministry for trouble d married couple s, will hold a weekend seminar May 22-24 at the Villa Maria E ducation and Spirituality Center, 2105 Evergreen Road, Pulaski, PA. For more information and registration, contact 330-501-9377 or log on to Mass for Victims of Cancer in Carey, OH Our Lady of Consolation Shrine, Carey, Ohio will offer a Mass for Victims of Cancer on Friday, May 1st at 7:00pm. We we lcome all to come and pray together. Followin g Mass, visitors are invited to participate in special prayers for healing. Second Sunday of Easter SANCTUARY LAM P INTENTI ONS for the Week of April 12, 2015 I. De cease d Membe rs of Spe ve re Family (Ralph & Josie) II. De cease d Membe rs of Ge rmano Family (Ralph & Josie) III. In Fond Re me mbrance of Jim Letcavits (Noreen & Bob Grabe r) IV. In Thanksgiving of 60 Ye ars of Marriage (Charle s & Barbara Fe rrell) L IT U RG ICA L R EA DINGS FO R T H E W EEK Sun day: Monday: T uesday: Wednesday: T hursday: Friday: Satur day: Next Sun day: Acts 4:32-35/1 Jn 5:1-6/Jn 20:19-31 Acts 4:23-31/Jn 3:1-8 Acts 4:32-37/Jn 3:7b-15 Acts 5:17-26/Jn 3:16-21 Acts 5:27-33/Jn 3:31-36 Acts 5:34-42/Jn 6:1-15 Acts 6:1-7/Jn 6:16-21 Acts 3:13-15, 17-19/1 Jn 2:1-5a/Lk 24:3548 St. Mary’s Radio and Web Broadcast Our 9:30am Mass can be heard each Sunday on 1060 AM WILB radio and on the world wide web at John Michael Talbot Mission On May 11, 12, & 13, Little Flower Catholic Parish in Canton will be hosting a John Michael T albot mission. John Michael will be speakin g on the liturgy, Jesus and the Marian prayer. His preaching will be intertwined with his awar d winning m usic. T his mission is appropriate for ages 6 years and older. If you want to learn more about John Michael T albot, log on to www. You can reserve your tickets by calling the Parish office at 330-494-2759. T ickets can be picked up on April 25 & 26. Night to Honor Mary A Night to Honor Mary will be held Friday, May 8, 2015 at 7:00pm at Saint Columba Cathedral, Youn gstown, and on Friday, May 22, 2015 at 7:00pm at Saint Michael the Archangel Parish, Canton. The Most Reverend George V. Murry, S.J., Bishop of Youngstown, will preside at both of these devotional services to honor Our Blessed Mother. All are invited to attend the service that will include scripture readings, a homily, hymns and recitation of the rosary. April 12, 2015 MASSES AND NOVENA DEVOTIONS Saturday, April 11, 2015 4:30 pm Perry Christie (Nadine) Sunday, April 12, 2015 Se cond Sunday of Easte r / Divine Me rcy Sunday 7:30 am Elmer Phillips & Mary Rose Lanzo (Kevin & Elizabeth Phillips) 9:30 am Marilyn Kurtzman (Husband & Family) Renewa l of Wedding Vo ws - Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hansen 12:00 pm People of the Parish / Rudy & Clotilda Lapikas (Family) Monday, April 13, 2015 Monday within the O ctave of Easte r 6:30 pm Mass & Nove na - Francis Joseph & Elizabeth Ann Scharon (Family) Tue sday, April 14, 2015 Tue sday within the O ctave of Easte r 8:15 am Deceased Members of the Walter Hec kathorn Family (Family) 4:00 pm Mass for Shrine of St. Dymphna at St. Mary’s with Novena Following We dne sday, April 15, 2015 We dne sday within the O ctave of Easte r 8:15 am School Mass - Rose Mahoney (St. Mary School) 2:00 pm Rose Lane - Beatrice & Bernard Keffle r (Estate) Thursday, April 16, 2015 Thursday within the O ctave of Easte r 8:15 am James Blankenship (Larry & Beverly Shertzer) 11:00 am Rosary Altar Society Mass Friday, April 17, 2015 Friday in the O ctave of Easte r 8:15 am Jane Weisgarber (John & Janet Kesse l) Saturday, April 18, 2015 Saturday in the O ctave of Easte r 8:15 am Joan Peters (Walt & Andrea) 4:30 pm Albert & Mary Haubert (Daughter) Sunday, April 19, 2015 Se cond Sunday of Easte r / Divine Me rcy Sunday 7:30 am Doris Kurkas (Tammy Smith) 9:30 am Vincent [Jerry] Eberhardt (Leroy & Liz Maurer) 12:00 pm Alvin & Grace Ertle (Alice Ertle) “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent Me, so I send you.” How is God sending you? Will you respond to God's call to be sent as a priest, sister, or brother who proclaims the truth and peace of Jesus Christ? If this is your calling, contact Fr. Chris Luoni at (330) 744-8451, or email: [email protected]. SAINT MARY’S PARISH MASSILLON, MASSILLON,OHIO OHIO Sts. Philip & James Card Party Calvary Cemetery Addition T he Sts. Philip & James Altar & Rosary Society Annual Card Party will be held in the SPJ Social Hall in Canal Fulton on Thursday, April 16 at 6:30pm (doors open at 6pm). Light supper served at 6:45pm. T ickets may be purchased at the door - $5 donation. Many raffle & door prizes! Bring cards or board game s of your choice. Contact Marie at 330-854-4230 for more info. Calvary Cemetery is pleased to announce the expansion of our Chapel Ma usole um. T he addition will consist of 240 inside crypt spaces and 298 cremation niche spaces. 112 Indoor Glass Front cremation niches capable of holding up to two cremains will be include d. Pre-construction prices are offered at this time and will increase as each phase of the construction is complete. If you would like further information, please contact: Cindy Smith at 330-832-1866. Quarter Auction The Fundraisin g Committee of Holy T rinity Lutheran Church, 4275 Lincoln Way West, Massillon, will be hosting a Quarter Auction in the Community Center on Sun day, April 26 from 1-4:30pm. A Lunch counter will be availa ble. A Quarter Auction is an opportunity for people who might have a home busine ss, such as T upperware, Pampered Chef, Jewelry, etc., to display and sell their items. Vendor T ables ( which seat 8 people) are available for $40.00, which include s a table aro und the perimeter of the Community Room to display your wares. Individua l seats are also available for $5.00. Those renting a table are a sked to provide 2 items to be auctioned off. T hese items may range from $10 to whatever in price. Contact Alice Sch uler, 330-837-9707 for more information. Magnificat Breakfast Mary, Queen of Heaven an d Earth Chapter of Magnificat, a women’s ministry modeled after the Visitation, invites you to a Breakfast Satur day, May 9th at Walsh University, Barrette Center, 2020 East Maple Street, North Canton, Ohio. Join us in a special time of fellowship and sharing. Cindy Welker will be the guest speaker. Doors open at 8:30am with Breakfast at 9:00am. Cost is $18.00. Make checks payable to “ Magnificat of Stark County” and send to Andrea Sin garella, 1531 Ra dford NE, North Canton, OH 44720. Seating is limited. PLAN on getting your reservations EARLY! NO reservations will be accepted AFT ER Saturday, May 2. For further information call Shirley DeOrio at 330-305-1146. T here will be an optional Mass at 8:00am in Our Lady of Perpetual Help Chapel at Walsh University. House of Vocation Discernment T he St. Andrew House of Vocation Discernment at Walsh University is de signed to help young men know in a deeper way the path God is callin g them to live, with a special emphasis on priesthood. If you know of a man who is or will be attending Walsh University, please encourage him to consider becomin g part of this House. As well, if you know of a young man who is interested in this House, but is attending another college/university, encourage him to consider a transfer to Walsh. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Fr. Chris Luoni at 330-744-8451 or at cluoni@youngstowndioce 6th Annual Faith & Family Festival Save the Date : Sunday, July 12, 2015 Hoover Park at Walsh University, North Canton Featuring: Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio - Popular speaker, best-sellin g author, presenter at World Meeting of Families; Ben Walthe r & Band - Praise and Worship Music; Brooke Taylor - Radio Personality & Emcee FREE! ~ Lunch Provided ~ Donations Accepted Parishioner of St. Mary’s? St. Mary’s Parish Bulletin Ad Spotlight Please Support Our Sponsors! Are you and your family re gistered parishioners? Please do not assume you are registered just beca use yo u attend Mass. If you have not called the Parish Office or stopped in, and are not receiving envelopes, we do not have record of you. Please call the Parish Office (330-833-8501), from 9:00am4:00pm, to register. Attention: Any infor mation or announcements to be published in the church bulletin s hould be sent to the e- mail addr ess: stm [email protected] All infor mation must be accurate, grammatic ally correct (spelling, punctuation), readable and intelligible (easily understood), and r eceived by 12:00 noon on the Monday before the bulletin date. DRIFTERZ RESTAURANT !""#$%&'()'$*+$,$-)../001' 330-832-8920 3359 Bruening Ave. SW • Canton, Ohio 44706 LUNCH SPECIALS 10AM-2PM DAILY DINNER SPECIALS WWW.ARMSTRONGRELOCATION.COM (330) 497-0077 8am-10pm Daily • 11am-8pm Sunday Joe Paquelet Charlene Paquelet & CREMATORY • Family-owned -owned ation services • Cremation Health & Business Auto • Home Life !"#$%&'()*%$+,-%. • More affor affordable Pre-arrang • Pre-arrangements Massillon - 833-3222 Frankk J. Sauser, S Parishioner Parishio (330) 832-7411 LINDER GARAGE DOOR SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION Call Jay *Larry J. Paul Glenn Dumoulin Parishioner Bud Paquelet * Carol Harting *unlicensed associates For Advertising Information, call JACK HARDING at LPi today! 837-3929 ~ Parishioners ~ AUTO • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL STONE CHIP REPAIRS • WINDSHIELDS • TABLETOPS MIRRORS - SCREENS - STORMS THERMO UNITS - ETC... 837-1147 • 2907 Lincoln Way E. PUMPHREY HAMEL INSURANCE Auto - Home - Life - Health - Business 956 1st St. N.E. Massillon, OH Janet L. Hamel/Rep. of ERIE Insurance Kendra Nasvadi 837-3848 $$$$$$2)3/.4/1'53 Santangelo’s Party Center 1008-9th St SW • Massillon, OH 330-834-0808 Thank you for considering us for your special event! RICK CHAPIS ATTORNEY AT LAW Wills-Trusts-Estates-Probate 800.477.4574 ext. 6331 [email protected] 330-833-6375 ~ Parishioner ~ THE KAUFFMAN PLUMBING & HEATING CO. Liebermann’s MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS 600 3rd Str., S.E. Canton, OH 44702 49 1st Street, Massillon, Ohio 453-9103 Visit G F. B ATTORNEY AT LAW Bakery Wills, Trusts & Estates • Real Estate Elder Law Medicaid - Financial/Planning Accredited Attorney of the Department of Veteran Affairs 30 First St. Southeast • Massillon Phone: 833-4745 Parishioner (330) 830-0083 MEMBER National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys [email protected] HAMMER’S MARATHON SERVICE 6$78-29:;:$<=;8$7<>:$6 ?@"#$9/'(10'$+)A$+5.B 1016 State Ave. N.E., Massillon, OH 832-0319 330-832-4933 *C5(/)0/D5$/'$E&00$*53F/(5 ~ Since 1954 ~ Tom Tully, Owner Home of the Tugger KRAFT THE ULTIMATE IN COLLISION REPAIR 2012 LINCOLN WAY WEST • MASSILLON 11969 Lincoln Way W., Massillon, OH 44647 Bus.: (330) 832-3043 FAX: (330) 832-1251 Joe Stancato John Stancato 24 Lincoln Way East 833-7253 330/832-2226 PLUMBING FREE DELIVERY 3 Generations of Quality KRIS KINGSBURY, RPH Owner / Manager Call 837-5161 CARPET – HARDWOOD – LUXURY VINYL TILE CERAMIC – AREA RUGS - INSTALLATION 4925 West Tuscarawas St. Canton Across from Central Catholic High School 330-477-2231 1004 Lincoln Way E. 330-833-1096 7934 Hills Dales Rd. 330-833-0500 JOHN L KURTZMAN ,$91'JK;53L$7)35 ATTORNEY AT LAW ,$<../.B5H$9/F/'J Probate, Wills, Trusts, Estate Administration 330-830-8500 330-575-4519 2859 Aaronwood Ave NE • Massillon, OH ~ Parishioner ~ 4-E-5-4 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 ,$23/F)B5$*G/005H$>54)I !@!"$E/3.B$*BM$NM:M -)../001'O$8P ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-0084/i Your Catholic Credit Union Heitger Services: Dignified & Personalized Regardless of Cost Pre-Need Counseling Available )LUVW6W6:f0DVVLOORQ fZZZNR]PRVJULOOHFRP Open to all Stark County Residents and Businesses Main Office Louisville Branch 1811 Whipple Ave NW 315 Sherban Court Canton, Ohio 44708 Louisville, Ohio 44641 330.478.8400 330.871.8401 Massillon: 639 First St., N.E. (across from St. Mary’s) (330) 833-3248 Jackson Twp.: 5850 Wales Ave., N.W. f Italy? (330) 830-0148 Dreaming o Bob, Jeff, Cathi and Tommy Heitger* (parishioners) and Frank Gadd III *Unlicensed Associate John C. Roseman Jr. D.P.M. Podiatric Physician & Surgeon Parishioner Medica and Surgical Treatment Medical of the Foot and Ankle 330.452.6601 State License #24665 Multi-city luxury vacation packages start at $2,850 land only V & S AUTO Complete Auto Repair Visit our website to see what so many people are raving about on (330) 837-9180 323 Marion Ave., NW, Ste. 101 Massillon, Ohio 44646 712 Wales Road N.E. (330) 837-2700 Massillon, OH 44646 888-290-5595 In service to One. In service to all. Massillon • (330) 833-6025 1930 Lincoln Way E Massillon, OH 44646 North Canton • (330) 497-8299 623 North Main Street North Canton, OH 44720 COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL SERVICE • INSTALLATION $20 Off Next Service Call exp 12/31/13 Religious Goods Center Full Line of Religious Articles for All Occasions 4915 W. Tuscarawas St. • Canton 0DVVLOORQ:LQGRZ &OHDQLQJ (330) 833-7943 10% off with this ad RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Pressure Washing limit one coupon per visit ~ Since 1930 ~ 330-477-7777 DR. KATHARINE MORRISON DR. JOSEPH R. LACH DR. JOHN C. WESTERBECK MARILYN PERKOWSKI New Patients Welcome Same Day Appointments WEST MEDICAL, INC. (330) 830-WEST (9378) 2037 Wales Ave, NW - Suite 130 Masillon, OH 44646 General Dentistry In Massillon !"#$%&'()%*+,##-'(#."/0# 1/)%#2)"'#*"4+(+05 65#7"'./))'/'&9#7575:5 Parishioner 7)%$+/#65#8)'/'&9#7575:5 Parishioner/Alumnus of St. Mary’s School “Bring a friend into the Family” 833-CARE 2273 (330) 832-1371 • !"#$%&'()*+%,-./%01#*%231**3%24536 Nick Langenfeld, CEO • Parishioner GENERAL HOME REPAIR & REMODELING! • Decks • Kithens & Baths • Painting • Flooring 832-2242 • 915 Amherst –– FREE ESTIMATES! –– $2 off any large pizza or 12 pc. chicken order or 2 dozen hot wings 4-E-5-4 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 Call: PAUL STOCK, Parishioner (330) 830-9010 Engineering • IT Services Massillon • 330-833-2700 Parishioners ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-0084/o
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