Python Essentials Outline 1. Introduction. 2. Data Types and Expressions. 3. Control Statements. 4. Strings and Text Files. 5. Lists and Dictionaries. 6. Design With Functions. 7. Design with Classes. Python Essentials 2 Python Essentials: Chapter 1 Introduction Objectives After completing this chapter, you will be able to: • Compose and run a simple Python program Python Essentials 4 Getting Started with Python Programming • Guido van Rossum invented the Python programming language in the early 1990s • Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language for solving problems on modern computer systems • Useful resources at Python Essentials 5 Running Code in the Interactive Shell • Python is an interpreted language • Simple Python expressions and statements can be run in the shell – Easiest way to open a Python shell is to launch the IDLE – To quit, select the window’s close box or press Control+D – Shell is useful for: • Experimenting with short expressions or statements to learn new features of the language • Consulting the documentation Python Essentials 6 Running Code in the Interactive Shell (continued) Python Essentials 7 Input, Processing, and Output • Programs usually accept inputs from a source, process them, and output results to a destination – In terminal-based interactive programs, these are the keyboard and terminal display, respectively Python Essentials 8 Input, Processing, and Output (continued) Python Essentials 9 Editing, Saving, and Running a Script • We can then run Python program files or scripts within IDLE or from the OS’s command prompt – Run within IDLE using menu option, F5 (Windows), or Control+F5 (Mac or Linux) • Python program files use .py extension • Running a script from IDLE allows you to construct some complex programs, test them, and save them in program libraries to reuse or share with others Python Essentials 10 Editing, Saving, and Running a Script (continued) Python Essentials 11 Editing, Saving, and Running a Script (continued) Python Essentials 12 Behind the Scenes: How Python Works Python Essentials 13 Detecting and Correcting Syntax Errors • Programmers inevitably make typographical errors when editing programs – The Python interpreter will nearly always detect these – Such errors are called syntax errors • Syntax: rules for forming sentences in a language • When Python encounters a syntax error in a program, it halts execution with an error message Python Essentials 14 Detecting and Correcting Syntax Errors (continued) Python Essentials 15 Summary • Fundamental ideas of computer science – The algorithm – Information processing • Real computing agents can be constructed out of hardware devices – CPU, memory, and input and output devices • Some real computers are specialized for a small set of tasks, whereas a desktop or laptop computer is a general-purpose problem-solving machine Python Essentials 16 Summary (continued) • Languages such as Python are high-level • Interpreter translates a Python program to a lowerlevel form that can be executed on a real computer • Python shell provides a command prompt for evaluating and viewing the results of Python expressions and statements Python Essentials 17 Summary (continued) • IDLE is an integrated development environment that allows the programmer to save programs in files and load them into a shell for testing • Python scripts are programs that are saved in files and run from a terminal command prompt • When a Python program is executed, it is translated into byte code – Sent to PVM for further interpretation and execution • Syntax: set of rules for forming correct expressions and statements in a programming language Python Essentials 18 Python Essentials: Chapter 2 Software Development, Data Types, and Expressions Objectives After completing this chapter, you will be able to: • Describe the basic phases of software development: analysis, design, coding, and testing • Use strings for the terminal input and output of text • Use integers and floating point numbers in arithmetic operations • Construct arithmetic expressions • Initialize and use variables with appropriate names Python Essentials 20 Objectives (continued) • Import functions from library modules • Call functions with arguments and use returned values appropriately • Construct a simple Python program that performs inputs, calculations, and outputs • Use docstrings to document Python programs Python Essentials 21 The Software Development Process • Software development: process of planning and organizing a program – Several approaches; one is the waterfall model • Modern software development is usually incremental and iterative – Analysis and design may produce a prototype of a system for coding, and then back up to earlier phases to fill in more details after some testing Python Essentials 22 The Software Development Process (continued) Python Essentials 23 The Software Development Process (continued) • Programs rarely work as hoped the first time they are run – Must perform extensive and careful testing Python Essentials 24 The Software Development Process (continued) Python Essentials 25 The Software Development Process (continued) • The cost of developing software is not spread equally over the phases Python Essentials 26 The Software Development Process (continued) Python Essentials 27 Strings, Assignment, and Comments • Text processing is by far the most common application of computing – E-mail, text messaging, Web pages, and word processing all rely on and manipulate data consisting of strings of characters Python Essentials 28 Data Types • A data type consists of a set of values and a set of operations that can be performed on those values • A literal is the way a value of a data type looks to a programmer • int, long, and float, are numeric data types Python Essentials 29 Data Types (continued) Python Essentials 30 String Literals • In Python, a string literal is a sequence of characters enclosed in single or double quotation marks • '' and "" represent the empty string • Use ''' and """ for multi-line paragraphs Python Essentials 31 Escape Sequences • The newline character \n is called an escape sequence Python Essentials 32 String Concatenation • You can join two or more strings to form a new string using the concatenation operator + • The * operator allows you to build a string by repeating another string a given number of times Python Essentials 33 Variables and the Assignment Statement • A variable associates a name with a value – Makes it easy to remember and use later in program • Variable naming rules: – Reserved words cannot be used as variable names • Examples: if, def, and import – Name must begin with a letter or _ – Name can contain any number of letters, digits, or _ – Names are case sensitive • Example: WEIGHT is different from weight – Tip: use “camel casing” (Example: interestRate) Python Essentials 34 Variables and the Assignment Statement (continued) • Programmers use all uppercase letters for symbolic constants – Examples: TAX_RATE and STANDARD_DEDUCTION • Variables receive initial values and can be reset to new values with an assignment statement <variable name> = <expression> – Subsequent uses of the variable name in expressions are known as variable references Python Essentials 35 Program Comments and Docstrings • Docstring example: • End-of-line comment example: Python Essentials 36 Numeric Data Types and Character Sets • The first applications of computers were to crunch numbers • The use of numbers in many applications is still very important Python Essentials 37 Integers and Long Integers • In real life, the range of integers is infinite • A computer’s memory places a limit on magnitude of the largest positive and negative integers – Python’s int typical range: –231 to 231 – 1 • Integer literals are written without commas • When value of integer exceeds int limits, Python automatically uses long data type to represent it Python Essentials 38 Floating-Point Numbers • Python uses floating-point numbers to represent real numbers • Python’s float typical range: –10308 to 10308 and • Typical precision: 16 digits Python Essentials 39 Floating-Point Numbers (continued) Python Essentials 40 Character Sets Python Essentials 41 Character Sets (continued) • In Python, character literals look just like string literals and are of the string type – They belong to several different character sets, among them the ASCII set and the Unicode set • ASCII character set maps to set of integers • ord and chr convert characters to and from ASCII Python Essentials 42 Expressions • A literal evaluates to itself • A variable reference evaluates to the variable’s current value • Expressions provide easy way to perform operations on data values to produce other values • When entered at Python shell prompt, expression’s operands are evaluated and its operator is then applied to these values to compute the value of the expression Python Essentials 43 Arithmetic Expressions • An arithmetic expression consists of operands and operators combined in a manner that is already familiar to you from learning algebra Python Essentials 44 Arithmetic Expressions (continued) • Precedence rules: – – – – – ** has the highest precedence and is evaluated first Unary negation is evaluated next *, /, and % are evaluated before + and + and - are evaluated before = With two exceptions, operations of equal precedence are left associative, so they are evaluated from left to right • ** and = are right associative – You can use () to change the order of evaluation Python Essentials 45 Arithmetic Expressions (continued) • 45%0 is a semantic error Python Essentials 46 Arithmetic Expressions (continued) • When both operands of an expression are of the same numeric type, resulting value is of that type – Unless combination of two ints is large enough to produce a long • When each operand is of a different type, the resulting value is of the more general type – Example: 3 / 4 is 0, whereas 3 / 4.0 is .75 • For multi-line expressions, use a \ Python Essentials 47 Mixed-Mode Arithmetic and Type Conversions • Mixed-mode arithmetic involves integers and floating-point numbers: 3.14 * 3 ** 2 • Mixed-mode arithmetic can be problematic: 3 / 2 * 5.0 yields 1 * 5.0, which yields 5.0 3 / 2.0 * 5 yields 1.5 * 5, which yields 7.5 • Solution: – Place a .0 after the relevant integer literals – Use a type conversion function with variables: 3 / float(someInteger) * 5.0 Python Essentials 48 Mixed-Mode Arithmetic and Type Conversions (continued) Python Essentials 49 Mixed-Mode Arithmetic and Type Conversions (continued) • Note that the int function converts a float to an int by truncation, not by rounding Python Essentials 50 Mixed-Mode Arithmetic and Type Conversions (continued) • Type conversion also occurs in the construction of strings from numbers and other strings • Solution: use str function • Python is a strongly typed programming language Python Essentials 51 Using Functions and Modules • Python includes many useful functions, which are organized in libraries of code called modules Python Essentials 52 Calling Functions: Arguments and Return Values • A function is chunk of code that can be called by name to perform a task • Functions often require arguments or parameters – Arguments may be optional or required • When function completes its task, it may return a value back to the part of the program that called it Python Essentials 53 The math Module • To use a resource from a module, you write the name of a module as a qualifier, followed by a dot (.) and the name of the resource – Example: math.pi Python Essentials 54 The math Module (continued) • You can avoid the use of the qualifier with each reference by importing the individual resources • You may import all of a module’s resources to use without the qualifier – Example: from math import * Python Essentials 55 The Main Module • In the case study, earlier in this chapter, we showed how to write documentation for a Python script • To differentiate this script from the other modules in a program, we call it the main module – Like any module, the main module can be imported Python Essentials 56 The Main Module (continued) Python Essentials 57 Program Format and Structure • Start with comment with author’s name, purpose of program, and other relevant information – In the form of a docstring • Then, include statements that: – Import any modules needed by program – Initialize important variables, suitably commented – Prompt the user for input data and save the input data in variables – Process the inputs to produce the results – Display the results Python Essentials 58 Running a Script from a Terminal Command Prompt Python Essentials 59 Running a Script from a Terminal Command Prompt (continued) Python Essentials 60 Running a Script from a Terminal Command Prompt (continued) • Python installations enable you to launch Python scripts by double-clicking the files from the OS’s file browser – May require .py file type to be set – Fly-by-window problem: Window will close automatically • Solution: Add an input statement at end of script that pauses until the user presses the enter or return key Python Essentials 61 Summary • Waterfall model describes software development process in terms of several phases • Literals are data values that can appear in program • The string data type is used to represent text for input and output • Escape characters begin with backslash and represent special characters such as delete key • A docstring is string enclosed by triple quotation marks and provides program documentation Python Essentials 62 Summary (continued) • Comments are pieces of code not evaluated by the interpreter but can be read by programmers to obtain information about a program • Variables are names that refer to values • Some data types: int, long, and float • Arithmetic operators are used to form arithmetic expressions – Operators are ranked in precedence • Mixed-mode operations involve operands of different numeric data types Python Essentials 63 Summary (continued) • A function call consists of a function’s name and its arguments or parameters – May return a result value to the caller • Python is a strongly typed language • A module is a set of resources – Can be imported • A semantic error occurs when the computer cannot perform the requested operation • A logic error produces incorrect results Python Essentials 64 Python Essentials: Chapter 3 Control Statements Objectives After completing this chapter, you will be able to: • Write a loop to repeat a sequence of actions a fixed number of times • Write a loop to traverse the sequence of characters in a string • Write a loop that counts down and a loop that counts up • Write an entry-controlled loop that halts when a condition becomes false Python Essentials 66 Objectives (continued) • Use selection statements to make choices in a program • Construct appropriate conditions for conditioncontrolled loops and selection statements • Use logical operators to construct compound Boolean expressions • Use a selection statement and a break statement to exit a loop that is not entry-controlled Python Essentials 67 Definite Iteration: The for Loop • Repetition statements (or loops) repeat an action • Each repetition of action is known as pass or iteration • Two types of loops – Those that repeat action a predefined number of times (definite iteration) – Those that perform action until program determines it needs to stop (indefinite iteration) Python Essentials 68 Executing a Statement a Given Number of Times • Python’s for loop is control statement that most easily supports definite iteration • The form of this type of loop is: loop header loop body statements in body must be indented and aligned in the same column Python Essentials 69 Executing a Statement a Given Number of Times (continued) • Example: Loop to compute an exponentiation for a non-negative exponent – If the exponent were 0, the loop body would not execute and value of product would remain as 1 Python Essentials 70 Count-Controlled Loops • Loops that count through a range of numbers • To specify a explicit lower bound: Python Essentials 71 Count-Controlled Loops (continued) • Here is the form of this version of the for loop: • Example: bound-delimited summation Python Essentials 72 Augmented Assignment • Augmented assignment operations: • Format: Equivalent to: Python Essentials 73 Loop Errors: Off-by-One Error • Example: Loop actually counts from 1 through 3 • This is not a syntax error, but rather a logic error Python Essentials 74 Traversing the Contents of a Data Sequence • range returns a list • Strings are also sequences of characters • Values in a sequence can be visited with a for loop: • Example: Python Essentials 75 Specifying the Steps in the Range • xrange and range expect a third argument that allows you specify a step value • Example in a loop: Python Essentials 76 Loops That Count Down • Example: Python Essentials 77 Formatting Text for Output • Many data-processing applications require output that has tabular format • Field width: Total number of data characters and additional spaces for a datum in a formatted string Python Essentials 78 Formatting Text for Output (continued) – This version contains format string, format operator %, and single data value to be formatted – To format integers, letter d is used instead of s • To format sequence of data values: Python Essentials 79 Formatting Text for Output (continued) • To format data value of type float: where .<precision> is optional • Examples: Python Essentials 80 Case Study: An Investment Report • Request: – Write a program that computes an investment report Python Essentials 81 Case Study: An Investment Report (continued) • Analysis: Python Essentials 82 Case Study: An Investment Report (continued) • Design: – – – – Receive the user’s inputs and initialize data Display the table’s header Compute results for each year and display them Display the totals Python Essentials 83 Case Study: An Investment Report (continued) • Coding: Python Essentials 84 Selection: if and if-else Statements • Selection statements allow a computer to make choices – Based on a condition Python Essentials 85 The Boolean Type, Comparisons, and Boolean Expressions • Boolean data type consists of two values: true and false (typically through standard True/False) • Example: 4 != 4 evaluates to False Python Essentials 86 if-else Statements • Also called a two-way selection statement • Often used to check inputs for errors: • Syntax: Python Essentials 87 if-else Statements (continued) must be a Boolean expression Better alternative: Python Essentials 88 One-Way Selection Statements • Simplest form of selection is the if statement Python Essentials 89 Multi-way if Statements • A program may be faced with testing conditions that entail more than two alternative courses of action • Can be described in code by a multi-way selection statement Python Essentials 90 Multi-way if Statements (continued) • Syntax: Python Essentials 91 Logical Operators and Compound Boolean Expressions • Often a course of action must be taken if either of two conditions is true: Below are two approaches – Could we use the and logical operator instead? Python Essentials 92 Logical Operators and Compound Boolean Expressions (continued) Python Essentials 93 Logical Operators and Compound Boolean Expressions (continued) • Next example verifies some of the claims made in the previous truth tables: • The logical operators are evaluated after comparisons but before the assignment operator – not has higher precedence than and and or Python Essentials 94 Logical Operators and Compound Boolean Expressions (continued) Python Essentials 95 Short-Circuit Evaluation • In (A and B), if A is false, then so is the expression, and there is no need to evaluate B • In (A or B), if A is true, then so is the expression, and there is no need to evaluate B • Short-circuit evaluation: Evaluation stops as soon as possible Short-circuit evaluation can be used to avoid division by zero Python Essentials 96 Testing Selection Statements • Tips: – Make sure that all of the possible branches or alternatives in a selection statement are exercised – After testing all of the actions, examine all of the conditions – Test conditions that contain compound Boolean expressions using data that produce all of the possible combinations of values of the operands Python Essentials 97 Conditional Iteration: The while Loop • The while loop can be used to describe conditional iteration – Example: A program’s input loop that accepts values until user enters a sentinel that terminates the input Python Essentials 98 The Structure and Behavior of a while Loop • Conditional iteration requires that condition be tested within loop to determine if it should continue – Called continuation condition – Improper use may lead to infinite loop • while loop is also called entry-control loop – Condition is tested at top of loop – Statements within loop can execute zero or more times Python Essentials 99 The Structure and Behavior of a while Loop (continued) Python Essentials 100 The Structure and Behavior of a while Loop (continued) data is the loop control variable Python Essentials 101 Count Control with a while Loop Python Essentials 102 The while True Loop and the break Statement • while loop can be complicated to write correctly – Possible to simplify its structure and improve its readability a while True loop with a delayed exit loop’s termination condition causes an exit from the loop Python Essentials 103 The while True Loop and the break Statement (continued) • Alternative: Use a Boolean variable to control loop Python Essentials 104 Random Numbers • Programming languages include resources for generating random numbers • random module supports several ways to do this – randint returns random number from among numbers between two arguments, included • Example: A simple guessing game Python Essentials 105 Random Numbers (continued) Python Essentials 106 Loop Logic, Errors, and Testing • Errors to rule out during testing while loop: – Incorrectly initialized loop control variable – Failure to update this variable correctly within loop – Failure to test it correctly in continuation condition • To halt loop that appears to hang during testing, type Control+c in terminal window or IDLE shell • If loop must run at least once, use a while True loop with delayed examination of termination condition – Ensure a break statement to be reached eventually Python Essentials 107 Case Study: Approximating Square Roots • Request: – Write a program that computes square roots • Analysis: • Design: – Use Newton’s square root approximation algorithm: • Square root y of a positive number x is the number y such that y2 = x • If initial estimate of y is z, a better estimate of y can be obtained by taking the average of z together with x/z Python Essentials 108 Case Study: Approximating Square Roots (continued) • A quick session with the Python interpreter shows this method of successive approximations in action: Python Essentials 109 Case Study: Approximating Square Roots (continued) • Design (continued): Algorithm set x to the user’s input value set tolerance to 0.000001 set estimate to 1.0 while True set estimate to (estimate + x / estimate) / 2 set difference to abs(x - estimate ** 2) if difference <= tolerance: break output the estimate Python Essentials 110 Case Study: Approximating Square Roots (continued) • Implementation (Coding): Python Essentials 111 Summary • Control statements determine order in which other statements are executed in program • Definite iteration is process of executing set of statements fixed, predictable number of times – Example: use for loop • for loop consists of header and set of statements called body – Can be used to implement a count-controlled loop • Use xrange to generate sequence of numbers – Can traverse and visit the values in any sequence Python Essentials 112 Summary (continued) • A format string and its operator % allow programmer to format data using field width and precision • An off-by-one error occurs when loop does not perform intended number of iterations, there being one too many or one too few • Boolean expressions evaluate to True or False – Constructed using logical operators: and, or, not – Python uses short-circuit evaluation in compound Boolean expressions • Selection statements enable program to make choices Python Essentials 113 Summary (continued) • if-else is a two-way selection statement • Conditional iteration is the process of executing a set of statements while a condition is true – Use while loop (which is an entry-control loop) • A break can be used to exit a loop from its body • Any for loop can be converted to an equivalent while loop • Infinite loop: Continuation condition never becomes false and no other exit points are provided • random.randint returns a random number Python Essentials 114 Python Essentials: Chapter 4 Strings and Text Files Objectives After completing this chapter, you will be able to • Access individual characters in a string • Retrieve a substring from a string • Search for a substring in a string • Convert a string representation of a number from one base to another base Python Essentials 116 Objectives (continued) • Use string methods to manipulate strings • Open a text file for output and write strings or numbers to the file • Open a text file for input and read strings or numbers from the file • Use library functions to access and navigate a file system Python Essentials 117 Accessing Characters and Substrings in Strings • In this section, we examine the internal structure of a string more closely • You will learn how to extract portions of a string called substrings Python Essentials 118 The Structure of Strings • An integer can’t be factored into more primitive parts • A string is a immutable data structure – Data structure: Consists of smaller pieces of data – String’s length: Number of characters it contains (0+) Python Essentials 119 The Subscript Operator • The form of the subscript operator is: • Examples: Python Essentials index is usually in range [0,len); can be negative 120 The Subscript Operator (continued) • Subscript operator is useful when you want to use the positions as well as the characters in a string – Use a count-controlled loop Python Essentials 121 Slicing for Substrings • Python’s subscript operator can be used to obtain a substring through a process called slicing – Place a colon (:) in the subscript; an integer value can appear on either side of the colon Python Essentials 122 Testing for a Substring with the in Operator • When used with strings, the left operand of in is a target substring and the right operand is the string to be searched – Returns True if target string is somewhere in search string, or False otherwise Python Essentials 123 Data Encryption • It is easy to observe data crossing a network, particularly in wireless networks – Attacker may use sniffing software • Data encryption can be used to protect information transmitted on networks – Many protocols have secure versions (e.g., HTTPS) – One or more keys are use to encrypt messages to produce cipher text, and to decrypt cipher text back to its original plain text form – Examples: Caesar cipher, block cipher Python Essentials 124 Data Encryption (continued) • Caesar cipher replaces each character in plain text with a character a given distance away Python Essentials 125 Data Encryption (continued) • To decrypt, use inverse method Python Essentials 126 Data Encryption (continued) • Caesar cipher worked well in ancient times, but is easy to break using modern computers Python Essentials 127 Data Encryption (continued) • Block cipher – Uses plaintext character to compute two or more encrypted characters – Each encrypted character is computed using two or more plaintext characters – Uses an invertible matrix Python Essentials 128 Strings and Number Systems • The digits used in each system are counted from 0 to n - 1, where n is the system’s base • To represent digits with values larger than 910, systems such as base 16 use letters – Example: A16 represents the quantity 1010, whereas 1016 represents the quantity 1610 Python Essentials 129 The Positional System for Representing Numbers • In positional notation, a digit has a positional value, determined by raising the base to the power specified by the position (baseposition) Python Essentials 130 Converting Binary to Decimal • Each digit or bit in binary number has positional value that is power of 2 • We occasionally refer to a binary number as a string of bits or a bit string • To determine the integer quantity that a string of bits represents: Python Essentials 131 Converting Binary to Decimal (continued) Python Essentials 132 Converting Binary to Decimal (continued) Python Essentials 133 Conversion Shortcuts • Thus, a quick way to compute the decimal value of the number 111112 is 25 - 1, or 3110 Python Essentials 134 Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers • To convert from octal to binary, start by assuming that each digit in the octal number represents three digits in the corresponding binary number • To convert binary to octal, you begin at the right and factor the bits into groups of three bits each Python Essentials 135 Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers (continued) • To convert from hex to binary, replace each hex digit with the corresponding 4-bit binary number • To convert from binary to hex, factor the bits into groups of 4 and look up the corresponding hex digits Python Essentials 136 String Methods • Python includes a set of string operations called methods that make tasks like counting the words in a single sentence easy Python Essentials 137 String Methods (continued) • A method behaves like a function, but has a slightly different syntax – A method is always called with a given data value called an object • Methods can expect arguments and return values • A method knows about the internal state of the object with which it is called • In Python, all data values are in fact objects Python Essentials 138 String Methods (continued) Python Essentials 139 String Methods (continued) Python Essentials 140 String Methods (continued) Python Essentials 141 String Methods (continued) • Example: extracting a filename’s extension • The subscript [-1] extracts the last element – Can be used to write a general expression for obtaining any filename’s extension, as follows: Python Essentials 142 Text Files • A text file is software object that stores data on permanent medium such as disk or CD • When compared to keyboard input from human user, the main advantages of taking input data from a file are: – The data set can be much larger – The data can be input much more quickly and with less chance of error – The data can be used repeatedly with the same program or with different programs Python Essentials 143 Text Files and Their Format • Using a text editor such as Notepad or TextEdit, you can create, view, and save data in a text file • All data output to or input from a text file must be strings Python Essentials 144 Writing Text to a File • Data can be output to a text file using a file object • To open a file for output: – If file does not exist, it is created – If it already exists, Python opens it; when data are written to the file and the file is closed, any data previously existing in the file are erased Failure to close output file can result in data being lost Python Essentials 145 Writing Numbers to a File • The file method write expects a string as an argument – Other types of data must first be converted to strings before being written to output file (e.g., using str) Python Essentials 146 Reading Text from a File • You open a file for input in a manner similar to opening a file for output – If the pathname is not accessible from the current working directory, Python raises an error • There are several ways to read data from a file – Example: the read method Python Essentials 147 Reading Text from a File (continued) • After input is finished, read returns an empty string Python Essentials 148 Reading Numbers from a File • Examples: Python Essentials 149 Reading Numbers from a File (continued) Python Essentials 150 Accessing and Manipulating Files and Directories on Disk • When designing Python programs that interact with files, it’s a good idea to include error recovery • For example, before attempting to open a file for input, you should check to see if file exists – Function os.path.exists supports this checking • Example: To print all of the names of files in the current working directory with a .py extension: Python Essentials 151 Accessing and Manipulating Files and Directories on Disk (continued) Python Essentials 152 Accessing and Manipulating Files and Directories on Disk (continued) Python Essentials 153 Case Study: Text Analysis • In 1949, Dr. Rudolf Flesch proposed a measure of text readability known as the Flesch Index – Index is based on the average number of syllables per word and the average number of words per sentence in a piece of text – Scores usually range from 0 to 100, and indicate readable prose for the following grade levels: Python Essentials 154 Case Study: Request • Write a program that computes the Flesch index and grade level for text stored in a text file Python Essentials 155 Case Study: Analysis • Input is the name of a text file • Outputs are the number of sentences, words, and syllables in the file, as well as the file’s Flesch index and grade-level equivalent Python Essentials 156 Case Study: Design Python Essentials 157 Case Study: Implementation (Coding) Python Essentials 158 Case Study: Implementation (Coding) (continued) Python Essentials 159 Case Study: Testing • Bottom-up testing: – Each task is coded and tested before it is integrated into the overall program – After you have written code for one or two tasks, you can test them in a short script • This script is called a driver Python Essentials 160 Summary • A string is a sequence of zero or more characters – Immutable data structure – [] used to access a character at a given position • Can also be used for slicing ([<start>:<end>]) • in operator is used to detect the presence or absence of a substring in a string • Method: operation that is used with an object • The string type includes many useful methods for use with string objects Python Essentials 161 Summary (continued) • A text file is a software object that allows a program to transfer data to and from permanent storage • A file object is used to open a connection to a text file for input or output – Some useful methods: read, write, readline • for loop treats an input file as a sequence of lines – On each pass through the loop, the loop’s variable is bound to a line of text read from the file Python Essentials 162 Python Essentials: Chapter 5 Lists and Dictionaries Objectives After completing this chapter, you will be able to: • Construct lists and access items in those lists • Use methods to manipulate lists • Perform traversals of lists to process items in the lists • Define simple functions that expect parameters and return values Python Essentials 164 Objectives (continued) • Construct dictionaries and access entries in those dictionaries • Use methods to manipulate dictionaries • Decide whether a list or a dictionary is an appropriate data structure for a given application Python Essentials 165 Introduction • A list allows the programmer to manipulate a sequence of data values of any types • A dictionary organizes data values by association with other data values rather than by sequential position • Lists and dictionaries provide powerful ways to organize data in useful and interesting applications Python Essentials 166 Lists • List: Sequence of data values (items or elements) • Some examples: – – – – – – Shopping list for the grocery store To-do list Guest list for a wedding Recipe, which is a list of instructions Text document, which is a list of lines Words in a dictionary • Each item in a list has a unique index that specifies its position (from 0 to length – 1) Python Essentials 167 List Literals and Basic Operators • Some examples: ['apples', 'oranges', 'cherries'] [[5, 9], [541, 78]] • When an element is an expression, its value is included in the list: • Lists of integers can be built using range: Python Essentials 168 List Literals and Basic Operators (continued) • len, [], +, and == work on lists as expected: • To print the contents of a list: • in detects the presence of an element: Python Essentials 169 List Literals and Basic Operators (continued) Python Essentials 170 Replacing an Element in a List • A list is mutable – Elements can be inserted, removed, or replaced – The list itself maintains its identity, but its state—its length and its contents—can change • Subscript operator is used to replace an element: – Subscript is used to reference the target of the assignment, which is not the list but an element’s position within it Python Essentials 171 Replacing an Element in a List (continued) • Examples: Python Essentials 172 List Methods for Inserting and Removing Elements • The list type includes several methods for inserting and removing elements Python Essentials 173 List Methods for Inserting and Removing Elements (continued) Python Essentials 174 Searching a List • in determines an element’s presence or absence, but does not return position of element (if found) • Use method index to locate an element’s position in a list – Raises an error when the target element is not found Python Essentials 175 Sorting a List • A list’s elements are always ordered by position, but you can impose a natural ordering on them – For example, in alphabetical order • When the elements can be related by comparing them <, >, and ==, they can be sorted – The method sort mutates a list by arranging its elements in ascending order Python Essentials 176 Mutator Methods and the Value None • All of the functions and methods examined in previous chapters return a value that the caller can then use to complete its work • Mutator methods (e.g., insert, append) usually return no value of interest to caller – Python automatically returns the special value None Python Essentials 177 Aliasing and Side Effects • Mutable property of lists leads to interesting phenomena: first and second are aliases (refer to the exact same list object) Python Essentials 178 Aliasing and Side Effects (continued) • To prevent aliasing, copy contents of object: Alternative: Python Essentials 179 Equality: Object Identity and Structural Equivalence Python Essentials 180 Example: Using a List to Find the Median of a Set of Numbers • To find the median of a set of numbers: Python Essentials 181 Tuples • A tuple resembles a list, but is immutable – Indicate by enclosing its elements in () • Most of the operators and functions used with lists can be used in a similar fashion with tuples Python Essentials 182 Defining Simple Functions • Defining our own functions allows us to organize our code in existing scripts more effectively Python Essentials 183 The Syntax of Simple Function Definitions • Definition of a function consists of header and body – Docstring contains information about what the function does; to display, enter help(square) • A function can be defined in a Python shell, but it is more convenient to define it in an IDLE window • Syntax of a function definition: Python Essentials 184 Parameters and Arguments • A parameter is the name used in the function definition for an argument that is passed to the function when it is called • For now, the number and positions of arguments of a function call should match the number and positions of the parameters in the definition • Some functions expect no arguments – They are defined with no parameters Python Essentials 185 The return Statement • Place a return statement at each exit point of a function when function should explicitly return a value • Syntax: • If a function contains no return statement, Python transfers control to the caller after the last statement in the function’s body is executed – The special value None is automatically returned Python Essentials 186 Boolean Functions • A Boolean function usually tests its argument for the presence or absence of some property – Returns True if property is present; False otherwise • Example: Python Essentials 187 Defining a main Function • main serves as the entry point for a script – Usually expects no arguments and returns no value • Definition of main and other functions can appear in no particular order in the script – As long as main is called at the end of the script • Script can be run from IDLE, imported into the shell, or run from a terminal command prompt Python Essentials 188 Defining a main Function (continued) Python Essentials 189 Case Study: Generating Sentences • Request: write a program that generates sentences • Analysis: program will generate sentences from a simplified subset of English Python Essentials 190 Case Study: Generating Sentences (continued) • Design: – Assign task of generating each phrase to a separate function Python Essentials 191 Case Study: Generating Sentences (continued) • Implementation (coding): – The variables for the data are initialized just below the import statement Python Essentials 192 Case Study: Generating Sentences (continued) Python Essentials 193 Case Study: Generating Sentences (continued) • Testing: – Two approaches: • Bottom-up • Top-down – Wise programmer can mix bottom-up and top-down testing as needed Python Essentials 194 Dictionaries • A dictionary organizes information by association, not position – Example: When you use a dictionary to look up the definition of “mammal,” you don’t start at page 1; instead, you turn directly to the words beginning with “M” • Data structures organized by association are also called tables or association lists • In Python, a dictionary associates a set of keys with data values Python Essentials 195 Dictionary Literals • A Python dictionary is written as a sequence of key/value pairs separated by commas – Pairs are sometimes called entries – Enclosed in curly braces ({ and }) – A colon (:) separates a key and its value • Examples: {'Sarah':'476-3321', 'Nathan':'351-7743'} A Phone book {'Name':'Molly', 'Age':18} Personal information {} An empty dictionary • Keys can be data of any immutable types, including other data structures Python Essentials 196 Adding Keys and Replacing Values • Add a new key/value pair to a dictionary using []: • Example: • Use [] also to replace a value at an existing key: Python Essentials 197 Accessing Values • Use [] to obtain the value associated with a key – If key is not present in dictionary, an error is raised • If the existence of a key is uncertain, test for it using the dictionary method has_key – Easier strategy is to use the method get Python Essentials 198 Removing Keys • To delete an entry from a dictionary, remove its key using the method pop – pop expects a key and an optional default value as arguments Python Essentials 199 Traversing a Dictionary • To print all of the keys and their values: • Alternative: Use the dictionary method items() – Entries are represented as tuples within the list • You can sort the list first: Python Essentials 200 Traversing a Dictionary (continued) Python Essentials 201 Example: The Hexadecimal System Revisited • You can keep a hex-to-binary lookup table to aid in the conversion process Python Essentials 202 Example: Finding the Mode of a List of Values • The mode of a list of values is the value that occurs most frequently • The following script inputs a list of words from a text file and prints their mode Python Essentials 203 Example: Finding the Mode of a List of Values (continued) Python Essentials 204 Case Study: Nondirective Psychotherapy (Request) • Doctor in this kind of therapy responds to patient’s statements by rephrasing them or indirectly asking for more information • Request: – Write a program that emulates a nondirective psychotherapist Python Essentials 205 Case Study: Nondirective Psychotherapy (Analysis) Python Essentials 206 Case Study: Nondirective Psychotherapy (Analysis) (continued) • When user enters a statement, program responds in one of two ways: – With a randomly chosen hedge, such as “Please tell me more” – By changing some key words in user’s input string and appending string to a randomly chosen qualifier • Thus, to “My teacher always plays favorites,” program might reply, “Why do you say that your teacher always plays favorites?” Python Essentials 207 Case Study: Nondirective Psychotherapy (Design) • Program consists of a set of collaborating functions that share a common data pool • Pseudocode: output a greeting to the patient while True prompt for and input a string from the patient if the string equals “Quit” output a sign-off message to the patient break call another function to obtain a reply to this string output the reply to the patient Python Essentials 208 Case Study: Nondirective Psychotherapy (Implementation) Python Essentials 209 Case Study: Nondirective Psychotherapy (Implementation) (continued) Python Essentials 210 Case Study: Nondirective Psychotherapy (Testing) • Functions in this program can be tested in a bottom-up or a top-down manner • Program’s replies break down when: – User addresses the therapist in the second person – User uses contractions (for example, I’m and I’ll) • With a little work, you can make the replies more realistic Python Essentials 211 Summary • A list is a sequence of zero or more elements – Can be manipulated with the subscript, concatenation, comparison, and in operators – Mutable data structure – index returns position of target element in a list – Elements can be arranged in order using sort • Mutator methods are called to change the state of an object; usually return the value None • Assignment of a variable to another one causes both to refer to the same data object (aliasing) Python Essentials 212 Summary (continued) • A tuple is similar to a list, but is immutable • A function definition consists of header and body – return returns a value from a function definition • A dictionary associates a set of keys with values – [] is used to add a new key/value pair to a dictionary or to replace a value associated with an existing key – dict type includes methods to access and remove data in a dictionary • Testing can be bottom-up, top-down, or you can use a mix of both Python Essentials 213 Python Essentials: Chapter 6 Design with Functions Objectives After completing this chapter, you will be able to: • Explain why functions are useful in structuring code in a program • Employ top-down design to assign tasks to functions • Define a recursive function Python Essentials 215 Objectives (continued) • Explain the use of the namespace in a program and exploit it effectively • Define a function with required and optional parameters • Use higher-order functions for mapping, filtering, and reducing Python Essentials 216 Functions as Abstraction Mechanisms • An abstraction hides detail – Allows a person to view many things as just one thing • We use abstractions to refer to the most common tasks in everyday life – For example, the expression “doing my laundry” • Effective designers must invent useful abstractions to control complexity Python Essentials 217 Functions Eliminate Redundancy • Functions serve as abstraction mechanisms by eliminating redundant, or repetitious, code Python Essentials 218 Functions Hide Complexity • Functions serve as abstraction mechanisms is by hiding complicated details • For example, consider the previous sum function – The idea of summing a range of numbers is simple; the code for computing a summation is not • A function call expresses the idea of a process to the programmer – Without forcing him/her to wade through the complex code that realizes that idea Python Essentials 219 Functions Support General Methods with Systematic Variations • An algorithm is a general method for solving a class of problems • The individual problems that make up a class of problems are known as problem instances – What are the problem instances of our summation algorithm? • Algorithms should be general enough to provide a solution to many problem instances – A function should provide a general method with systematic variations Python Essentials 220 Functions Support the Division of Labor • In a well-organized system, each part does its own job in collaborating to achieve a common goal • In a computer program, functions can enforce a division of labor – Each function should perform a single coherent task • Example: Computing a summation • Each of the tasks required by a system can be assigned to a function – Including the tasks of managing or coordinating the use of other functions Python Essentials 221 Problem Solving with Top-Down Design • Top-down design starts with a global view of the entire problem and breaks the problem into smaller, more manageable subproblems – Process known as problem decomposition • As each subproblem is isolated, its solution is assigned to a function • As functions are developed to solve subproblems, solution to overall problem is gradually filled out – Process is also called stepwise refinement Python Essentials 222 The Design of the Text-Analysis Program Python Essentials 223 The Design of the Sentence-Generator Program Python Essentials 224 The Design of the Doctor Program Python Essentials 225 Design with Recursive Functions • In top-down design, you decompose a complex problem into a set of simpler problems and solve these with different functions • In some cases, you can decompose a complex problem into smaller problems of the same form – Subproblems can be solved using the same function • This design strategy is called recursive design • Resulting functions are called recursive functions Python Essentials 226 Defining a Recursive Function • A recursive function is a function that calls itself – To prevent function from repeating itself indefinitely, it must contain at least one selection statement • Statement examines base case to determine whether to stop or to continue with another recursive step • To convert displayRange to a recursive function: – You can replace loop with a selection statement and assignment statement with a recursive call Python Essentials 227 Defining a Recursive Function (continued) • Making displayRange recursive (continued): • Most recursive functions expect at least one argument • Another example: Recursive version of sum Python Essentials 228 Tracing a Recursive Function Python Essentials 229 Using Recursive Definitions to Construct Recursive Functions • Recursive functions are frequently used to design algorithms that have a recursive definition – A recursive definition consists of equations that state what a value is for one or more base cases and one or more recursive cases • Example: Fibonacci sequence 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 . . . Python Essentials 230 Recursion in Sentence Structure • Recursive solutions can often flow from the structure of a problem • Example: Structure of sentences in a language – A noun phrase can be modified by a prepositional phrase, which also contains another noun phrase Indirect recursion Python Essentials 231 Infinite Recursion • Infinite recursion arises when programmer fails to specify base case or to reduce size of problem in a way that terminates the recursive process – In fact, the Python virtual machine eventually runs out of memory resources to manage the process Python Essentials 232 The Costs and Benefits of Recursion • PVM reserves an area of memory for the call stack • For each call of a function, the PVM must allocate on the call stack a stack frame, which contains: – Values of the arguments – Return address for the particular function call – Space for the function call’s return value • When a call returns, return address is used to locate the next instruction, and stack frame is deallocated • Amount of memory needed for a loop does not grow with the size of the problem’s data set Python Essentials 233 The Costs and Benefits of Recursion (continued) Python Essentials 234 Case Study: Gathering Information from a File System • Request: Write a program that allows the user to obtain information about the file system • Analysis: – – – – File systems are tree-like structures At the top of the tree is the root directory Under the root are files and subdirectories Each directory in the system except the root lies within another directory called its parent – Example of a path (UNIX-based file system): • /Users/KenLaptop/Book/Chapter6/Chapter6.doc Python Essentials 235 Case Study: Gathering Information from a File System (continued) Python Essentials 236 Case Study: Gathering Information from a File System (continued) – When user enters a number, program runs command; then, displays CWD and menu again – An unrecognized command produces an error message Python Essentials 237 Case Study: Gathering Information from a File System (continued) Python Essentials 238 Case Study: Gathering Information from a File System (continued) • Design: Python Essentials 239 Case Study: Gathering Information from a File System (continued) … Python Essentials 240 Managing a Program’s Namespace • A program’s namespace is the set of its variables and their values – You can control it via good design principles Python Essentials 241 Module Variables, Parameters, and Temporary Variables file (module name is doctor): A module variable A parameter name A temporary variable A method name • Module variables and temporary variables receive their values as soon as they are introduced • Parameters behave like a variable and are introduced in a function or method header – Do not receive a value until the function is called Python Essentials 242 Scope • Scope: Area in which a name refers to a given value – Temporary variables are restricted to the body of the functions in which they are introduced – Parameters are invisible outside function definition – The scope of module variables includes entire module below point where they are introduced • A function can reference a module variable, but can’t under normal circumstances assign a new value to it Python Essentials 243 Lifetime • Variable’s lifetime: Period of time when variable has memory storage associated with it – When variable comes into existence, storage is allocated for it; when it goes out of existence, storage is reclaimed by the PVM • Module variables come into existence when introduced and generally exist for lifetime of program that introduces or imports them • Parameters and temporary variables come into existence when bound to values during call, but go out of existence when call terminates Python Essentials 244 Default (Keyword) Arguments • Arguments provide the function’s caller with the means of transmitting information to the function • Programmer can specify optional arguments with default values in any function definition: – Following the required arguments are one or more default or keyword arguments – When function is called with these arguments, default values are overridden by caller’s values Python Essentials 245 Default (Keyword) Arguments (continued) Python Essentials 246 Default (Keyword) Arguments (continued) • The default arguments that follow can be supplied in two ways: – By position – By keyword Python Essentials 247 Higher-Order Functions (Advanced Topic) • A higher-order function expects a function and a set of data values as arguments – Argument function is applied to each data value and a set of results or a single data value is returned • A higher-order function separates task of transforming each data value from logic of accumulating the results Python Essentials 248 Functions as First-Class Data Objects • Functions can be assigned to variables, passed as arguments, returned as the values of other functions, and stored in data structures Python Essentials 249 Functions as First-Class Data Objects (continued) • Passing a function as an argument is no different from passing any other datum: • Apply a function to its arguments by passing it and a sequence of its arguments to the apply function: Python Essentials 250 Mapping • Mapping applies a function to each value in a list and returns a new list of the results Python Essentials 251 Mapping (continued) Python Essentials 252 Filtering • When filtering, a function called a predicate is applied to each value in a list – If predicate returns True, value is added to a new list; otherwise, value is dropped from consideration Python Essentials 253 Reducing • When reducing, we take a list of values and repeatedly apply a function to accumulate a single data value Python Essentials 254 Using lambda to Create Anonymous Functions • A lambda is an anonymous function – When the lambda is applied to its arguments, its expression is evaluated and its value is returned Python Essentials 255 Creating Jump Tables • A jump table is a dictionary of functions keyed by command names Python Essentials 256 Summary • A function serves as abstraction mechanism and eliminates redundant patterns of code • Top-down design is strategy that decomposes complex problem into simpler subproblems and assigns their solutions to functions • A structure chart is diagram of relationships among cooperating functions • Recursive design is special case of top-down design, in which complex problem is decomposed into smaller problems of the same form Python Essentials 257 Summary (continued) • A recursive function is a function that calls itself – Parts: Base case and recursive step – Can be computationally expensive • Programmers must avoid infinite recursion • Program namespace structured in terms of module variables, parameters, and temporary variables • Scope can be used to control the visibility of names in a namespace • The lifetime of a variable is duration of program execution during which it uses memory storage Python Essentials 258 Summary (continued) • Functions are first-class data objects • Higher-order functions can expect other functions as arguments and/or return functions as values • A mapping function expects a function and a list of values as arguments • A predicate is a Boolean function • A filtering function expects a predicate and a list of values as arguments • A reducing function expects a function and a list of values as arguments Python Essentials 259 Python Essentials: Chapter 7 Design with Classes Objectives After completing this chapter, you will be able to: • Determine the attributes and behavior of a class of objects required by a program • List the methods, including their parameters and return types, that realize the behavior of a class of objects • Choose the appropriate data structures to represent the attributes of a class of objects • Define a constructor, instance variables, and methods for a class of objects Python Essentials 261 Objectives (continued) • Recognize the need for a class variable and define it • Define a method that returns the string representation of an object • Define methods for object equality and comparisons • Exploit inheritance and polymorphism when developing classes • Transfer objects to and from files Python Essentials 262 Getting Inside Objects and Classes • Programmers who use objects and classes know: – Interface that can be used with a class – State of an object – How to instantiate a class to obtain an object • Objects are abstractions – Package their state and methods in a single entity that can be referenced with a name • Class definition is like a blueprint for each of the objects of that class Python Essentials 263 A First Example: The Student Class • A course-management application needs to represent information about students in a course Python Essentials 264 The Student Class (continued) Python Essentials 265 The Student Class (continued) • Syntax of a simple class definition: class header – Class name is a Python identifier • Typically capitalized • Python classes are organized in a tree-like class hierarchy – At the top, or root, of this tree is the object class – Some terminology: subclass, parent class Python Essentials 266 The Student Class (continued) Python Essentials 267 Docstrings • Docstrings can appear at three levels: – Module – Just after class header • To describe its purpose – After each method header • Serve same role as they do for function definitions • help(Student) prints the documentation for the class and all of its methods Python Essentials 268 Method Definitions • Method definitions are indented below class header • Syntax of method definitions similar to functions – Can have required and/or default arguments, return values, create/use temporary variables – Returns None when no return statement is used • Each method definition must include a first parameter named self • Example: s.getScore(4) – Binds the parameter self in the method getScore to the Student object referenced by the variable s Python Essentials 269 The __init__ Method and Instance Variables • Most classes include the __init__ method – Class’s constructor – Runs automatically when user instantiates the class • Example: s = Student("Juan", 5) • Instance variables represent object attributes – Serve as storage for object state – Scope is the entire class definition Python Essentials 270 The __str__ Method • Classes usually include an __str__ method – Builds and returns a string representation of an object’s state • When str function is called with an object, that object’s __str__ method is automatically invoked • Perhaps the most important use of __str__ is in debugging Python Essentials 271 Accessors and Mutators • Methods that allow a user to observe but not change the state of an object are called accessors • Methods that allow a user to modify an object’s state are called mutators • Tip: if there’s no need to modify an attribute (e.g., a student’s name), do not include a method to do that Python Essentials 272 The Lifetime of Objects • The lifetime of an object’s instance variables is the lifetime of that object • An object becomes a candidate for the graveyard when it can no longer be referenced Student object still exists, but interpreter will recycle its storage during garbage collection Python Essentials 273 Rules of Thumb for Defining a Simple Class • Before writing a line of code, think about the behavior and attributes of the objects of new class • Choose an appropriate class name and develop a short list of the methods available to users • Write a short script that appears to use the new class in an appropriate way • Choose appropriate data structures for attributes • Fill in class template with __init__ and __str__ • Complete and test remaining methods incrementally • Document your code Python Essentials 274 Case Study: Playing the Game of Craps • Request: – Write a program that allows the user to play and study the game of craps • Analysis: define Player and Die classes – User interface: prompt for number of games to play Python Essentials 275 Case Study: Design Python Essentials 276 Case Study: Implementation (Coding) Python Essentials 277 Case Study: Implementation (Coding) (continued) … Python Essentials 278 Data-Modeling Examples • As you have seen, objects and classes are useful for modeling objects in the real world • In this section, we explore several other examples Python Essentials 279 Rational Numbers • Rational number consists of two integer parts, a numerator and a denominator – Examples: 1/2, 2/3, etc. • Python has no built-in type for rational numbers – We will build a new class named Rational Operators need to be overloaded Python Essentials 280 Rational Number Arithmetic and Operator Overloading • Object on which the method is called corresponds to the left operand – For example, the code x + y is actually shorthand for the code x.__add__(y) Python Essentials 281 Rational Number Arithmetic and Operator Overloading (continued) • To overload an arithmetic operator, you define a new method using the appropriate method name • Code for each method applies a rule of rational number arithmetic Python Essentials 282 Rational Number Arithmetic and Operator Overloading (continued) • Operator overloading is another example of an abstraction mechanism – We can use operators with single, standard meanings even though the underlying operations vary from data type to data type Python Essentials 283 Comparisons and the __cmp__ Method • __cmp__ is called whenever you use the comparison operators: ==, !=, <, >, <=, and >= • Returns 0 if operands are equal, -1 if left operand is < right one, 1 if left operand > right one Python Essentials 284 Equality and the __eq__ Method • Not all objects are comparable using < or >, but any two objects can be compared for == or != twoThirds < "hi there" should generate an error twoThirds != "hi there" should return True • Include __eq__ in any class where a comparison for equality uses a criterion other than object identity Python Essentials 285 Savings Accounts and Class Variables Python Essentials 286 Savings Accounts and Class Variables (continued) Python Essentials 287 Savings Accounts and Class Variables (continued) Python Essentials 288 Putting the Accounts into a Bank Python Essentials 289 Putting the Accounts into a Bank (continued) Python Essentials 290 Putting the Accounts into a Bank (continued) Python Essentials 291 Using cPickle for Permanent Storage of Objects • cPickle allows programmer to save and load objects using a process called pickling – Python takes care of all of the conversion details Python Essentials 292 Input of Objects and the try-except Statement Python Essentials 293 Playing Cards • Use of the Card class: • Because the attributes are only accessed and never modified, we do not include any methods other than __str__ for string representation • A card is little more than a container of two data values Python Essentials 294 Playing Cards (continued) Python Essentials 295 Playing Cards (continued) • Unlike an individual card, a deck has significant behavior that can be specified in an interface • One can shuffle the deck, deal a card, and determine the number of cards left in it Python Essentials 296 Playing Cards (continued) • During instantiation, all 52 unique cards are created and inserted into a deck’s internal list Python Essentials 297 Case Study: An ATM • Develop a simple ATM program that uses the Bank and SavingsAccount classes • Request: – Write a program that simulates a simple ATM • Analysis: – Figure 8.1 shows sample terminal-based interface – Class diagram in Figure 8.2 shows the relationships among the classes • Name of each class appears in a box • Edges connecting the boxes show the relationships – Use model/view pattern to structure the code Python Essentials 298 Case Study: An ATM (continued) Python Essentials 299 Case Study: An ATM (continued) • Design Python Essentials 300 Structuring Classes with Inheritance and Polymorphism • Most object-oriented languages require the programmer to master the following techniques: – Data encapsulation: Restricting manipulation of an object’s state by external users to a set of method calls – Inheritance: Allowing a class to automatically reuse/ and extend code of similar but more general classes – Polymorphism: Allowing several different classes to use the same general method names • Python’s syntax doesn’t enforce data encapsulation • Inheritance and polymorphism are built into Python Python Essentials 301 Inheritance Hierarchies and Modeling Python Essentials 302 Inheritance Hierarchies and Modeling (continued) • In Python, all classes automatically extend the built-in object class • It is possible to extend any existing class: • Example: – PhysicalObject would extend object – LivingThing would extend PhysicalObject • Inheritance hierarchies provide an abstraction mechanism that allows the programmer to avoid reinventing the wheel or writing redundant code Python Essentials 303 Example: A Restricted Savings Account A RestrictedSavingsAccount permits up to three withdrawals • To call a method in the parent class from within a method with the same name in a subclass: Python Essentials 304 Example: The Dealer and a Player in the Game of Blackjack Python Essentials 305 Example: The Dealer and a Player in the Game of Blackjack (continued) • An object belonging to Blackjack class sets up the game and manages the interactions with user Python Essentials 306 Example: The Dealer and a Player in the Game of Blackjack (continued) Python Essentials 307 Example: The Dealer and a Player in the Game of Blackjack (continued) Python Essentials 308 Example: The Dealer and a Player in the Game of Blackjack (continued) Python Essentials 309 Example: The Dealer and a Player in the Game of Blackjack (continued) Python Essentials 310 Polymorphic Methods • We subclass when two classes share a substantial amount of abstract behavior – The classes have similar sets of methods/operations – A subclass usually adds something extra • The two classes may have the same interface – One or more methods in subclass override the definitions of the same methods in the superclass to provide specialized versions of the abstract behavior • Polymorphic methods (e.g., the __str__ method) Python Essentials 311 Abstract Classes • An abstract class includes data and methods common to its subclasses, but is never instantiated Python Essentials 312 The Costs and Benefits of ObjectOriented Programming • Imperative programming – Code consists of I/O, assignment, and control (selection/iteration) statements – Does not scale well • Improvement: Embedding sequences of imperative code in function definitions or subprograms – Procedural programming • Functional programming views a program as a set of cooperating functions – No assignment statements Python Essentials 313 The Costs and Benefits of ObjectOriented Programming (continued) • Functional programming does not conveniently model situations where data must change state • Object-oriented programming attempts to control the complexity of a program while still modeling data that change their state – Divides up data into units called objects – Well-designed objects decrease likelihood that system will break when changes are made within a component – Can be overused and abused Python Essentials 314 Summary • A simple class definition consists of a header and a set of method definitions • In addition to methods, a class can also include instance variables • Constructor or __init__ method is called when a class is instantiated • A method contains a header and a body • An instance variable is introduced and referenced like any other variable, but is always prefixed with self Python Essentials 315 Summary (continued) • Some standard operators can be overloaded for use with new classes of objects • When a program can no longer reference an object, it is considered dead and its storage is recycled by the garbage collector • A class variable is a name for a value that all instances of a class share in common • Pickling is the process of converting an object to a form that can be saved to permanent file storage • try-except statement is used to catch and handle exceptions Python Essentials 316 Summary (continued) • Most important features of OO programming: encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism – Encapsulation restricts access to an object’s data to users of the methods of its class – Inheritance allows one class to pick up the attributes and behavior of another class for free – Polymorphism allows methods in several different classes to have the same headers • A data model is a set of classes that are responsible for managing the data of a program Python Essentials 317
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