SK I NNY G I R L V OD K A WITh NATURAL F LAVORS FPO FPO p l a c e n a ke d p l a cvo e d nka a ke d vo d ka BLACK PMS 1797 FO R I M M ED I AT E REL E ASE M ED I A CO N TAC TS Paula Erickson Beam Inc. 847.444.7590 [email protected] Marisa Van Brunt Rogers & Cowan 212.878.5073 [email protected] SK IN NYGIRL PROVID ES EN D LESS P OSSIBILITIES WITH THE INTRO D UC TI O N O F SK IN NYGIRL VO D K A WITH N ATUR AL FAVO RS Skinnygirl Cocktails Expands Into Vodka With Four Inventive Flavors (Deerfield, Ill.) -- Skinnygirl Cocktails, one of the fastest growing brands in the spirits industry, has changed the way women enjoy their cocktails. The groundbreaking, low-calorie cocktail line offers women a stress and guilt-free way to enjoy the drinks they have always loved. What started with the Skinnygirl Margarita from New York Times Bestselling Author Bethenny Frankel has turned into a cocktail phenomenon- offering innovative, low-calorie and great-tasting options for women who want it all. Skinnygirl Cocktails is excited to introduce Skinnygirl Vodka with Natural Flavors. The brand expands into the vodka category with four inventive flavors including Bare Naked, Tangerine, Island Coconut and Cucumber. Each offering is naturally flavored and provides a unique and exciting option for the Skinnygirl consumer. “Women love Skinnygirl’s ready-to-serve offerings but they are still drinking vodka,” says Melanie Hellenga, Director, Skinnygirl Cocktails. “Now we can capture that occasion and continue to offer something for everyone.” Skinnygirl Vodka with Natural Flavors is offered at 60 calories per 1.5 oz serving (that’s 25% - 40% less than leading vodka brands). It provides a high-quality, low-calorie base, yet allows Skinnygirls to design their own cocktail for the first time. The Skinnygirl Vodka drinker craves a stress-free and guilt-free way to entertain friends and enjoy original cocktails for every occasion. “We offer four flavors with endless possibilities,” says Hellenga. FPO p l a c e n a ke d vo d ka continue to nex t page Bare Naked offers a crisp, smooth and somewhat sweet flavor with a lightly warming finish. The aroma is clean and slightly sweet. Tangerine provides a mouthwatering flavor with sweet ripe notes and hints of sliced peel. The finish is gentle and the aroma offers a sweet tangerine scent reminiscent of freshly peeled fruit. Island Coconut presents a bright, tropical-inspired flavor including bold coconut and citrus, reminiscent of mango, papaya or pineapple. The aroma is a distinguishable succulent coconut with hints of citrus and it finishes with a tropical linger and slight vanilla note. Cucumber offers a balanced blend of fresh, ripe, green cucumber. It finishes with a hint of smooth cucumber and vanilla and provides a slightly sweet cucumber scent. The recommended drink strategy for all flavors is straight or with a no-calorie mixer, such as club soda or diet lemonlime soda. Skinnygirl Vodka with Natural Flavors is offered at 60 proof and served in 750 ml bottles with a screw top. It is currently priced at $21.99 everyday and $19.99 promotionally. The product competes in look and feel with super-premium offerings but is reasonably priced for the Skinnygirl consumer. Skinnygirl Vodka with Natural Flavors ships April 2012 and hits stores nationwide in May 2012. Skinnygirl Cocktails is thrilled to present the new Skinnygirl family. From Ready To Serve (Margarita, Sangria, White Cranberry Cosmo, Piña Colada and White Peach Margarita) to Ready To Drink (Skinnyminis) to Ready To Mix (Vodka) to Ready To Enjoy (Wine), Skinnygirl continues to raise the bar by breaking the rules and redefining womens’ cocktailing needs. AbOuT bEA M INC. As one of the world’s leading premium spirits companies, Beam is Crafting the Spirits that Stir the World. Consumers from all corners of the globe call for the company’s brands, including Jim Beam Bourbon, Maker’s Mark Bourbon, Sauza Tequila, Canadian Club Whisky, Courvoisier Cognac, Teacher’s Scotch Whisky, Kilbeggan Irish Whiskey, Laphroaig Scotch Whisky, Cruzan Rum, Hornitos Tequila, Knob Creek Bourbon, EFFEN Vodka, Pucker Flavored Vodka, Larios Gin, Whisky DYC, DeKuyper Cordials, and Skinnygirl Cocktails. The Beam portfolio includes 10 of the world’s top 100 premium spirits brands and some of the industry’s fastest growing innovations. Beam is focused on delivering superior performance with its unique combination of scale with agility and a strategy of Creating Famous Brands, Building Winning Markets and Fueling Our Growth. Beam and its 3,200 passionate associates worldwide generated 2011 sales of $2.8 billion on volume of 34 million 9-liter cases. Headquartered in Deerfield, Illinois, Beam is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol BEAM and is included in the S&P 500 Index and the MSCI World Index. For more information on Beam, its brands, and its commitment to social responsibility, please visit and A b O u T S k I N N yg I R L CO C k TA I L S Skinnygirl Cocktails is the groundbreaking, low-calorie cocktail line that has redefined the way women cocktail. What started with the Skinnygirl Margarita from the mind of New York Times Bestselling Author and cocktail “fixologist” Bethenny Frankel has turned into a cocktail phenomenon, offering innovative, low-calorie options for women who want it all. Frankel’s inspired concept did not go unnoticed and in March 2011, the brand was acquired by premium spirits powerhouse Beam Inc. Beam has rapidly grown the brand into one of the fastest growing spirits brands in the market today. In 2011, Skinnygirl Cocktails’ sales rose a staggering 486% and show no signs of slowing down. Skinnygirl Cocktails has created a new set of rules for the spirits industry as it flawlessly offers the options women need, with the calories they don’t. For more information on the new way to cocktail, please visit © 2012 Beam, Inc., Deerfield, Ill. S KIN NYGI RL VODK A WITh NATURAL F LAVORS • Vodka is the largest category in the spirits industry. There are 26 million female FPO p l a c e n a ke d vo d ka vodka drinkers responsible for 26 million cases per year. Skinnygirl Cocktails now offers something for every woman • Skinnygirl Cocktails expands into vodka with four great-tasting flavors: Bare Naked, Tangerine, Island Coconut and Cucumber. Each offering is naturally flavored and provides a unique and exciting option for the Skinnygirl consumer • Skinnygirl Vodka with Natural Flavors is offered at 60 calories per 1.5 oz serving (that’s 25% - 40% less than leading vodka brands). It provides a highquality, low-calorie base, yet allows Skinnygirls to design their own cocktail for the first time • Skinnygirl Vodka with Natural Flavors offers the same bottle structure as Skinnygirl’s ready-to-serve products. It competes in look and feel with superpremium offerings but is reasonably priced for the Skinnygirl consumer • Bare Naked offers a crisp, smooth and somewhat sweet flavor with a lightly warming finish. The aroma is clean and slightly sweet • Tangerine provides a mouthwatering flavor with sweet ripe notes and hints of sliced peel. The finish is gentle and the aroma offers a sweet tangerine scent reminiscent of freshly peeled fruit continue to nex t page S KIN NYGI RL VODK A WITh NATURAL F LAVORS • Island Coconut presents a bright, tropical-inspired flavor including bold FPO place naked vodka coconut and citrus, reminiscent of mango, papaya or pineapple. The aroma is a distinguishable succulent coconut with hints of citrus and it finishes with a tropical linger and slight vanilla note • Cucumber offers a balanced blend of fresh, ripe, green cucumber. It finishes with a hint of smooth cucumber and vanilla and provides a slightly sweet cucumber scent • The recommended drink strategy for all flavors is straight or with a no-calorie mixer, such as club soda or diet lemon-lime soda • Skinnygirl Vodka with Natural Flavors is offered at 60 proof and served in 750 ml bottles. It is priced at $21.99 everyday and $19.99 promotionally • Skinnygirl Vodka with Natural Flavors’ Bare Naked, Tangerine, Island Coconut and Cucumber ships April 2012 and hits stores nationwide in May 2012 • The Skinnygirl Vodka drinker craves a stress-free and guilt-free way to entertain friends and enjoy original cocktails for every occasion • Skinnygirl Vodka with Natural Flavors offers four flavors with endless possibilities M E D I A CO N TAC T S Paula Erickson Beam Inc. 847.444.7590 [email protected] Marisa Van Brunt Rogers & Cowan 212.878.5073 [email protected] SKI N N Y G I R L VO DKA W I Th N ATURA L FL AV OR S S A MPLE RE CIP E S FPO FPO FPO place cucumber co c k t a i l sh o t p l a ce n a ke d co c k t a i l sh o t FPO p l a c e isl a n d co co nu t co c k t a i l sh o t p l a ce t a n g e ri n e co c k t a i l sh o t SK I N NYG I RL bA R E N A K ED VO D K A SK I N NYG I RL CU CU M b ER VO D K A SK I N NYG I RL I S L A N D CO CO N U T VO D K A SK I N NYG I RL TA N G ERI N E VO D K A N A K ED TO N I C S K I N N Y CU CU M b ER CO C K TA I L b I K I N I CU bA - L I b R E C I T RU S S P R I T z ER 1 1/2 parts Skinnygirl Naked Vodka 1 1/2 parts Skinnygirl Cucumber Vodka 1 1/2 parts Skinnygirl Tangerine Vodka 2-3 3 – 4 parts soda water 1 1/2 parts Skinnygirl Island Coconut Vodka parts diet Tonic Water Garnish with Cucumber Wheel N A K ED ‘N C R A N b ER RY S K I N N Y R EFR ES H ER 1 1/2 parts Skinnygirl Naked Vodka 1 1/2 parts Skinnygirl Cucumber Vodka 2 – 3 parts diet cranberry juice 6 parts Club Soda 1 Cherry (8 calories) 1 Lemon Peel (1 calorie) 3 – 4 parts diet Cola 3 – 4 parts diet lemon-lime soda Garnish with a lime Garnish with a lime SKINNY PI N E A P P L E - CO CO N U T S P R I T z ER 1½ parts Skinnygirl Coconut Vodka 1 part Pineapple Juice 6 parts Club Soda or Sparkling Water Garnish with a lime S K I N N YG I R L TA N G ELOT I N I 1 1/2 parts Skinnygirl Tangerine Vodka ½ part Splenda Syrup Squeeze of ½ orange S KIN NYGI RL VODK A WITh NATURAL F LAVORS FPO p l a c e n a ke d vo d ka For The First Time, Skinnygirl Cocktails Expands Into Vodka Offering Bare Naked, Tangerine, Island Coconut and Cucumber W H Y VO D K A YO U AS K? Women love vodka. In fact, there are 26 million female vodka drinkers responsible for 26 million cases per year. By entering the mixables category, Skinnygirl Cocktails can now offer something for everyone. No two women are the same, so why should their cocktail be? With the addition of four exciting new flavors and 25% - 40% less calories than leading vodka brands, Skinnygirl Cocktails continues to empower women and break the rules one step at a time. W H AT M A K ES S K I N N YG I R L VO D K A W I T H N AT U R A L FL AVO RS D I FFER EN T ? Skinnygirl Vodka with Natural Flavors offers four great-tasting flavors at 60 calories per 1.5 oz serving. It provides a high-quality, low-calorie base, yet allows Skinnygirls to design their own cocktail for the first time. Most importantly, the product competes in look and feel with super-premium offerings but is reasonably priced for the Skinnygirl consumer. W H Y T H ES E FL AVO RS ? Bare Naked represents the base vodka category- the largest source of volume in the spirit industry’s biggest category. Tangerine introduces the citrus category- the largest flavored volume category. Island Coconut and Cucumber are trend forward flavors performing extremely well in both spirits and other consumer categories. Each offering is naturally flavored and provides a unique and exciting option for the Skinnygirl consumer. continue to nex t page S KIN NYGI RL VODK A WITh NATURAL F LAVORS W H O I S T H E S K I N N YG I R L VO D K A W I T H N AT U R A L FL AVO RS CO N S U M ER ? FPO place naked vodka The Skinnygirl Vodka drinker likes options. She craves a stress-free and guilt-free way to entertain friends and enjoy original cocktails for every occasion. Skinnygirl Vodka with Natural Flavors offers four flavors with endless possibilities. W H AT I S T H E PR I C I N G A N D AVA I L A b I L I T Y ? Skinnygirl Vodka with Natural Flavors, served in 750 ml bottles, is priced at $21.99 everyday and $19.99 promotionally. Skinnygirl Vodka with Natural Flavors’ Bare Naked, Tangerine, Island Coconut and Cucumber will begin to hit stores nationwide in May 2012. ThE FACTS • 4 Flavors: bare Naked, Tangerine, Island Coconut, Cucumber • 100 calories per 5 oz. serving (25% - 40% less than leading vodka brands) • 60 Proof • Naturally flavored • Same bottle structure as Skinnygirl RTS • Sizes: 750 ml • Pricing: $21.99 everyday/$19.99 promotionally • Ships April 2012- in market May 2012 M E D I A CO N TAC T S Paula Erickson Beam Inc. 847.444.7590 [email protected] Marisa Van Brunt Rogers & Cowan 212.878.5073 [email protected] TA S T I N G NO TE S F O R S KINNY G IR L V O DK A WI Th N ATU R A L F L AV ORS FPO p l a c e n a ke d vo d ka Type AromA TAsTe Finish Drink sTrATegy SK I N NYG I RL bA R E N A K ED VO D K A Clean, slightly sweet SK I N NYG I RL CU CU M b ER VO D K A Slightly sweet, and bright green cucumber SK I N NYG I RL I S L A N D CO CO N U T VO D K A SK I N NYG I RL TA N G ERI N E VO D K A Distinguishable succulent coconut with hints of citrus reminiscent of a caipirinha Inviting forward tangerine, reminiscent of freshly peeled tangerine, sweet note Crisp, smooth, neutral, yet slightly sweet Balanced blend of fresh, ripe, green cucumber Bright tropical inspired flavor including bold coconut and citrus; reminiscent of mango, papaya, or pineapple Mouthwatering tangerine flavor with sweet ripe notes and hints of sliced peel Slightly warming, clean Smooth, slight cucumber and vanilla Tropical linger with a slight vanilla note Gentle tangerine finish including hints of peel Straight or with a no-calorie mixer, such as club soda or diet lemon-lime soda. Straight or with a no-calorie mixer, such as club soda or diet lemon-lime soda. Straight or with a no-calorie mixer, such as club soda or diet lemon-lime soda. Straight or with a no-calorie mixer, such as club soda or diet lemon-lime soda.
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