April 2015 - District 201 V6

Lions Club of
Chartered 1969
District 201 V6
April 2015
May 2: MD Convention, Newcastle
May 17: Club Trip to Tocumwal
May 24: Incoming Officers Training, Moama
May 31: Children of Courage, Tocumwal
June 16: Changeover Night, mixed night
June 26-30: International Convention, Honolulu
October 16-18: V6 Convention, Lavington
May 12-16 2016: MD Convention, Echuca
June 24-28 2016: International Convention, Japan
June 20- July 4 2017: International Convention, Chicago
June 29-July 4 2018: International Convention, Las Vegas
July 5-9 2019: International Convention, Italy
2020: International Convention, Melbourne
Lions Trip to Tocumwal
Sunday May 17
Travel by own vehicle
10am at Christies Museum, cost $5 or pensioner $3
12.00 Lunch at Kellys Pub
2pm RSL Museum
3pm Railway Museum and afternoon tea from 3.30pm
cost $8
Names to Lion Carol by May 12
Wood Raffle Roster 2015
If unable to attend please arrange your own swap
No wood raffle April 25 – Anzac Day
Greg Brunt
Steve McRae
Ron Beattie
Peter Martin
Brian Moore
John O’Rourke
Duncan Carmichael
Graeme Falconer
Bill Rowlands
Ray Healey
Peter Scott
Belinda Rogers
Brian Hill
Warwick Douglas
Chris Horne
Eric Dean
Allan Callaghan
Graeme Fisher
Carol Kennedy
Doug Wastle
Bernie Rogers
Peter Braybon
Nellie Johnson
Eric Dean
Doug Wastle
Bill Rowlands
Ken Lowry
Steve McRae
Keith Kennedy
John Lacy
John O’Rourke
Graeme Fisher
Greg Brunt
Paul Sexton
Peter Martin
Brian Hill
Allan Dixon
Ron Beattie
Ray Healey
Brian Moore
Allan Callaghan
Paul Sexton
Chris Horne
Duncan Carmichael
Peter Braybon
Anne Braybon
Brian Hill
Peter Scott
May 2
May 9
May 16
May 23
May 30
June 6
June 13
June 20
June 27
July 4
July 11
July 18
Eric Dean
Warwick Douglas
John Lacy
Graeme Fisher
Keith Kennedy
Ray Healey
Bernie Rogers
Glenda Rogers
Bill Rowlands
Ken Lowry
Carol Kennedy
Graeme Falconer
July 25
August 1
August 8
Please were your Lions Uniform
The club continues to maintain a busy schedule, we only have to look back at
the number of projects and man-hours put in by the members of the club to
appreciate just how busy we have been. As president of the club I can only sit
back and continue to be not only in awe but very satisfied with how things are
With winter fast approaching our major fundraising turns to the weekly
wood raffles. Roster now completed and all members should now have
one at hand, remember if you are unable to attend on your allocated day,
please arrange for another member to swap with you.
It seems very probable that the Lions Club of Finley will be involved in
this years Children of Courage Awards. Lion Bill Rowlands now steadily
working towards this.
Incoming Officers School plays a very important role in assisting the new
executive of clubs to settle into their respective roles. I encourage members
of the new executive to attend and make full use of the day.
Social day trip on Sunday May 17 now well in hand and would like to see
as many members and their partners participate in the day.
To all members, thank-you for all your work over the past few weeks.
Lion President Allan
Finley Lions Club Dinner Meeting held 17th March
at the Tuppal Hotel
Present. 21 members, 10 partners,
M Smith, C Barnes, E Carey, M Barnes, J Milne, G Doyle,
B Rodgers, P Weatherall, D Cordell, L Cordell, R Clarke, N Cardwell,
W Androssi, D Androssi
A. Dixon
Invocation. W. Douglas
Guest speakers
Emma Carey and Michelle Barnes
International Children’s Games held at Lake Macquarie
(Newcastle) in December 2014
Finley Lions Board Meeting 14th April at the Bob Close Pavilion
A Dixon, W Douglas, K Lowry, W Rowlands, R Healey,
C Kennedy, P Braybon, C Horne
Apologies P Sexton, G Fisher
moved by C Kennedy and P Braybon
Minutes of previous meeting were read and accepted as true record by C
Kennedy and R Healey
Business Arising Driver reviver afternoon tea will be held in May
C Horne will present 4 quotes at next dinner meeting from Finley Golf
Club, Finley Bowling Club, Returned Soldiers Club, Tuppal Hotel.
Cemetery memorial wall is still waiting for ideas
Seniors afternoon tea, moved W Douglas and C Kennedy, a donation of $100
be made to Andy Anderson for providing the entertainment.
Correspondence Inwards
217 Aust Post box renewal $115
218 MGT $61.50
219 CBA Term Deposit investment notice
220 MV Printers $66.00
221 Aust Cancer Research Survey
222 NSW Business Chamber Magazine
223 VLF Newsletter
224 Lions Crimewatch Operation Teddy Bear
225 Lions Prostate Cancer Research
226 RMS Trailer rego $62.00
227 Lions Cord Blood Foundation
228 Lions NSW Deaf Camp
229 Ridge Roller cheque $425.00 J Braybon
230 Lions Eye Health
231 Haemophilia Foundation
232 IGA $388.43
233 Aust Childhood Cancer Biggest BBQ
234 Children of Courage 31/5/15
235 Ridge Roller cheque $400.00 G McLeod
236 CBA **5960 Statement
237 CBA **5952 Statement
238 ALF AGM 1/5/15
239 SRN $158.40
240 ALDAF AGM 1/5/15
241 MGT $nil
242 Boomerang SS $23.00
243 SRN Volunteer Week
Correspondence Outwards
Incoming Officers School reply
MD Convention delegates (nil)
Remembrance Ceremony
Order new members kits x 3
Order Patricks badges x 1
Lions advertising for volunteers week, photograph of wood raffle at 10am to
be submitted
Correspondence moved by C Horne and P Braybon
Treasurers Report
$1114.00 $1369.00
S/Complex $251.00
moved by K Lowry and R Healey
Vice Presidents C Horne
Cemetary watering and memorial wall
General Business
W Rowlands advised Graham Sannie had passed
Children of Courage application form
C Kennedy discussion about watering of BCP lawns, who is
responsible ?
Discuss at next dinner meeting, suggestion about delegates from club
Mini fruit cakes available
Changeover coming up, inducting oficer ?
P Braybon should we purchase trailer to transport shade tents ?
C Horne
other shade products available
Recommendation Shade tents not to be taken outside showgrounds area, and
club to purchase suitable substitute for our own use KL & AD
A Dixon
ALF funding complete
Induction of Steve McRae planned for first meeting in May
New members Peter Weatherall and Belinda Rodgers approved by
Assistance for local needy person $250 approved
Closed 9.25pm
Finley Lions Club Dinner Meeting held 7th April 2015 at the
Tuppal Hotel
Present. A Dixon, W Douglas, K Lowry, A Callaghan, R Beattie, P Braybon,
G Brooksby, G Brunt, D Carmichael, E Dean, G Falconer, B Hill, N Johnson, C
Kennedy, K Kennedy, J Lacy, P Martin, B Moore, J O’Rourke, B Rogers, W
Rowlands, P Sexton, D Wastle
Apologies. A Brain, R Healey, C Horne, O Ndlovu, P Scott, G Fisher
Apologies accepted by K Kennedy and D Wastle
Minutes of Previous meetings x 2 (3/3 & 17/3)
Accepted by C Kennedy and P Braybon
Correspondence. Ridge roller cheques x 2
Various items for Treasurer
Correspondence moved by W Douglas and G Brooksby
Treasurers Report
summary of ridge roller hire and payments
Did Ken move it, or did I miss it ?
Vice President’s Reports
1st VP
Visitation Thursday 9/4/15, Tocumwal Lions, at 4pm
Report on Oaklands Truck Show
2nd VP
all committees covered
3 VP
General Business
E Dean
Chris has obtained 3 quotes from prospective venues
D Wastle Berrigan races gate successful
J Lacy
Can the Lions magazine be emailed to members ? This would
eliminate a lot of expense. Can it be downloaded from Lions website ?
C Kennedy Reminder of Tocumwal trip on Sunday 17th May. Possibly 7 or 8
members interested.
P Martin Report on wood cutting day
A Dixon
Incoming Officers schools on 19/4/2015 at Corowa, and
24/5/2015 at Moama C Kennedy, G Fisher, G Brunt, P Braybon, C Horne ?
W Rowlands
Driver Reviver report
Tail Twister
B Rogers
J O'Rourke
Lions Family Fun Day at Barooga
A great day was had by all that attended. Lions clubs of Berrigan, Cobram,
Nathalia, Finley and Barooga attended. Cobram and Berrigan took their food
vans, and people in the park took advantage of them. Salty took the jumping
castle, children from a other group, thought all their crissys had come at once.
Whilst the numbers were a little disappointing, Barooga looks like it will get
one member from the day. The raffle was won by Leroy, a visitor to the day, he
won both 1st and 2nd prize. Many thanks to Salty (Berrigan lions) for all his
efforts to make this day a good day for Lions.
Lion Graeme Falconer
Members might be interested in downloading their own
copy of the Lion magazine. Go to www.lionsclubs.org.au
If you wish to stop receiving the Lion magazine by post
contact the Club Secretary.
Happy Birthday
Glenda Brunt, Warwick Douglas, Doug Wastle
April Anniversaries
Bill & Lyn Rowlands
Comedy Corner
The Irish Millionaire.......
Mick had been appearing on ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’ and
was up to 500,000 euros Chris Tarrant, the show’s presenter, told
him he had done very well so far, but had only one life line left,
‘Phone a Friend’. “Everything is riding on this last question, will you
risk it?” “Sure, Oi’ll have a go” says Mick.
“Which of the following birds does not build its own nest?
A) sparrow, B) thrush, C) magpie, D) cuckoo.
“Oi haven’t got a clue” said Mick, “so Oi’ll use me last lifeline and phone me mate, Paddy in
Dublin.” Mick called up his mate, told him the circumstances and repeated the question to
Dat’s simple, it’s a cuckoo” cried Paddy. “Are you sure.” “I’m sure.”
Mick hung up the phone and told Chris, “Oi’ll go with cuckoo as moi answer.”
“Is that your final answer,” asked Chris. “Dat it is,” says Mick.
There was (of course) a long, long pause, and then the presenter screamed, “Cuckoo is the
correct answer, Mick, you have won a million euros!!”
The next night, Mick invited Paddy to their local pub for a celebratory pint.
“Tell me, Paddy, how in Heaven’s name did you know it was da cuckoo that doesn’t build its
own nest?”
“Sure, an’ it lives in a clock.”
I think this qualifies for laughing at ourselves.........
After living in Shanghai for fifty years, a Chinese man decides to move to Australia. He buys
a small piece of land near Mount Isa. A few days after he has moved in, a friendly Aussie
neighbour decides to go over and welcome the newcomer.
On his way up the driveway, he spies the new guy chasing about ten hens around his front
yard. Not wanting to interrupt a Chinese custom, he goes away, deciding to leave the
welcome to another day.
Next day, he decides to try again, but, as he is about to knock on the front door, he sees
through the window the new neighbour urinate into a glass and then drink it! Has to be
another very strange Chinese custom, he thinks to himself, and he decides to put the
welcome on hold for yet another day.
A day later, he decides to give it one last go. However, as he again approaches the
driveway, he sees the Chinese man lead a bull, tie it up at the fence, then put his ear to the
bull’s bum!
The Aussie bloke can’t handle this any longer, so he goes up to the neighbour and says,
“Jeez, mate, what the hell is it with your Chinese customs? I come over to welcome you to
the neighbourhood, and see you running around the yard after hens. The next day I see you
piss into a glass and drink it, and today, you had your head close enough to that bull’s arse it
could have shit on you.
The Chinese man is very taken aback, and says, “Sorry, sir, you no understand, these no
Chinese customs, these Australian customs I am learning.”
“Wadya mean, mate, those aint Australian customs.........”
“Yes, they are,” replied the Chinese man, “the travel agent say, to become true blue Aussie,
I must learn to chase chicks, drink piss, and listen to bullshit.