MM-351/II/2015-16 /8 dated at Bangalore, the BSNL BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM ARAT SANCHAR NIGALIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) BANGALORE TELECOM DISTRICT BANGALORE-560 001 No. MM-351 /II / 2015-16 /8 dtd. at BG-01, the 28.04.2015 LIMITED TENDER DOCUMENT Transportation of 16 KMs of 24F OF cable from Bengaluru to Sambalpur and 16 KMs of 96F OF Cable from Sambalpur (Odisha) to Bengaluru TENDER DOCUMENT NO. . ISSUED TO: M/s…………………………………………………. …………………………………………………… ………………………………………………….... TENDERER SHOULD SUBMIT THE PRICE OFFER IN THE PRESCRIBED PRICE SCHEDULE ONLY (SECTION 9 Part B ). INFORMATION GIVEN AT OTHER PLACES WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. The Tender Document can be downloaded from the web site without any Document fee. 28.04.2015 MM-351/II/2015-16 /8 dated at Bangalore, the 28.04.2015 BSNL 4th BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) BANGALORE TELECOM DISTRICT Floor, Telephone House, Raj Bhavan Road, Bangalore-560 001. SECTION – 1 DETAILED NOTICE INVITING TENDER (DNIT) 1.0 Principal General Manager, BSNL, Bangalore Telecom District invites wax / tape sealed tenders from eligible bidders for handling & Transportation of 16 KMs of 24 F OF cable from bengaluru to Sambalpur (Odisha) and Transportation of 96F OF cable from Sambalpur(Odisha) to BSNL Bengaluru TD Stores by Motor vehicles/lorries etc. Sl.No. Work Description 1. Transportation of 1 6 Kms of 24F OF Cable from Bengaluru to Sambalpur(Odisha) & Transportation of 1 6 Kms of 96F OF Cable alongwith 200 Nos Joint closures (FDMS Outdoor) from Sambalpur(Odisha) to Bengaluru EMD in Rs. NIL 2.0 Purchase of Tender Document: Tender document can be obtained by downloading it from the website free of cost 3.0 Availability of tender Document: The tender document shall be available for downloading upto 1300 hrs of 13.05.2015 3.1 The physical copy of the tender can be had from O/o The AGM (MM), Bengaluru Telecom District, 4th Floor, Telephone House, and Bengaluru-1. 4.0 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR BIDDERS: . i. The tenderer should have experience in handling & Transportation of materials. Proof of having carried out the transportation work earlier should be enclosed along with the document. ii. certificate of Registration to work as motor transport undertaking issued by State/Central Government iii. The bidder should have PAN No. (In case of Partnership / Pvt. Ltd. firm PAN No of firm is required & in case of Proprietorship firm PAN No of proprietor is to be enclosed). READ, UNDERSTOOD & COMPLIED SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER Page 2 of 19 MM-351/II/2015-16 /8 dated at Bangalore, iv. The bidder should also have Service Tax registration. 5.0 6.0 the 28.04.2015 Bidder’s Security/ EMD: Free of Cost Date & Time of Submission of Tender bid: Upto 14.00 hrs o n 13.05.2015 a. The envelope should be addressed to: Assistant General Manager (MM), BSNL, Bengaluru Telecom District, Telephone House, IV Floor, Rajbhavan Road, BENGALURU – 560 001. The envelopes shall bear the words Tender for “Transportation of 16 KMs of 24 F OF cable from bengaluru to Sambalpur (Odisha) and Transportation of 96F OF cable from Sambalpur(Odisha) to BSNL Bengaluru TD Stores by Motor vehicles/lorries etc. the tender No. MM-351/II/2015-16/ 8 dtd 28.04.2015 and the words “DO NOT OPEN BEFORE’ 13.05.2015 at 1500 hours in bold letters on top. Note 2 : In case the date of submission (opening) of bid is declared to be a holiday, the date of submission (opening) of bid will get shifted automatically to next working day at the same scheduled time. Any change in bid opening date due to any other unavoidable reason will be intimated in our website 7.0 Opening of tender bids: At 1500 hrs of 13.05.2015 8.0 Place of opening of Tender bids: O/o The AGM (MM), Bengaluru Telecom District, 4th Floor, Telephone House, Raj Bhavan Road, Bengaluru-560 001. 8.1 Authorized representatives of bidders can attend the tender opening event at the above mentioned address. 9.0 Tender bids received after due time & date will not be accepted. 10.0 Incomplete, ambiguous, Conditional, unsealed tender bids are liable to be rejected. 11.0 PGM , BSNL Bengaluru Telecom District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tender bids without assigning any reason. He is not bound to accept the lowest tender. 12.0 The bidder shall furnish a declaration that no addition / deletion / corrections have been made in the downloaded tender document being submitted and it is identical to the tender document appearing on 12.1 In case of any correction/addition/alteration/omission in the tender document, the tender bid shall be treated as non responsive and shall be rejected summarily. READ, UNDERSTOOD & COMPLIED SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER Page 3 of 19 MM-351/II/2015-16 /8 12.2 dated at Bangalore, the 28.04.2015 It should be clearly understood by the Tenderer that no opportunity shall be given to them to alter, modify or withdraw any offer at any stage after submission of tender. Note 3: All documents submitted in the bid offer should be preferably in English. In case the certificate viz experience, registration etc. is issued in any other language other than English, the bidder shall attach an English translation of the same duly attested by the bidder & the translator to be true copy in addition to the relevant certificate Note 4: All computer generated documents should be duly signed/attested by the bidder/ vendor organization. AGM (MM) BSNL, BGTD, Bengaluru-01. READ, UNDERSTOOD & COMPLIED SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER Page 4 of 19 MM-351/II/2015-16 /8 dated at Bangalore, the 28.04.2015 Section- 2 Tender Information 1.0 Type of tender : Single stage bidding & Two Envelope System. Note 1: The bids will be evaluated Techno-commercially and financial bids of technocommercially compliant bidders only shall be opened. 2.0 Bid Validity Period / Validity of bid Offer for acceptance by BSNL 3.0 The tender offer shall contain two envelopes viz. Techno-commercial and financial envelope which will contain one set of the following documents only : a) Techno-Commercial Envelop shall contain: i) Bid form duly completed ii) All Documents mentioned in Clause 4 of Section -I iii) Certificate of incorporation/Firm Registration Certificate. iv) Memorandum & Articles of Association or partnership deed or Proprietor ship deed as the case may be. v) Complete Tender Document duly signed in all pages by authorized signatory. vi) Power of attorney in case the documents are signed by persons other than the authorized signatory. vii) Copy of PAN card vii) No near relative certificate. viii) No Modification Certificate in case of website downloaded document. ix) Duly filled Bidder’s/Tenderer’s Profile as per section 8 x) Undertaking & Declaration as per Section 6(A) . : 90 days from the tender opening date and can be extended. b) Financial envelope shall contain: i. Price Schedule duly filled & signed. 3.1 The bidder shall submit his bid, through sealed envelope physically complying all eligibility conditions, other terms and conditions of tender document to be read along with the clarifications and amendments issued in this respect. All the documents must be authenticated by the authorized person signature. READ, UNDERSTOOD & COMPLIED SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER Page 5 of 19 MM-351/II/2015-16 /8 dated at Bangalore, the 28.04.2015 4.0 4.1 Payment terms: 100% payment may be made on completion of work duly certified by Store In charge. 4.2 The Bills as per work order shall be submitted to the SDE (DCS) BGTD. The contractor will be responsible to submit the bills prepared, accurately & in time by observing all the formalities. 4.3 The bills prepared by him in his own forms will be accepted, provided they comply with the following conditions : a) b) c) The bills with printed Sl. No. are submitted in triplicate all copies being signed by the contractor and may be marked as original, duplicate & triplicate respectively. Details of the quantity and nature of each item of work contract made well as the stipulated rates are given. Advance Stamp Receipt duly signed by the authorized signatory shall be submitted along with Copy of bill duly accepted by consignee is to be attached. 4.4 Along with Bill, satisfactory completion certificate attached. duly signed by nodal officer must be 4.5 The payments due to the contractor / supplier will be effected preferably through Electronic Clearing scheme (ECS) or Electronic Fund Transfer method (EFT) directly to the Bank account of the contractor / supplier. Contractor / Supplier should submit the Vendor creation form as in Annexure– 1 duly filled and signed with a Cancelled / Photo Copy of the Cheque leaf along with the performance security Bond / Agreement on receipt of the Advance Purchase order. 5.0 Evaluation: 5.1 The L-1 bidder will be awarded the contract. 6.0 No. of bidders to be awarded : One L-1 bidder 6.1 The entire 100% work will be awarded to L-1 Bidder 7.0 Consignee : 8.0 Bill to be submitted for processing bill : SDE(DCS) , WMS Compound, Jayanagar, Bengaluru SDE(DCS) BSNL, BENGALURU TELECOM DISTRICT, BENGALURU. READ, UNDERSTOOD & COMPLIED SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER Page 6 of 19 MM-351/II/2015-16 /8 dated 9.0 PERIOD OF EXECUTION : at Bangalore, the 28.04.2015 The contractor shall start the work immediately after the receipt of Work Order and complete the transportation within 15 days . 10.0 INSURANCE : The contractor shall be liable to obtain Transit Insurance cover from a General Insurance Company in favour of BSNL against loss or damage to the cable to him for transportation (Approx cost of the materials ₹ 12 lakhs for transportation of 24F OF cable from Bengaluru to Sambalpur & ₹ 14 lakhs for transportation of 96F OF cable from Sambalpur (Odisha) to Bengaluru) ) 11.0 PURCHASER’S RIGHT TO ACCEPT ANY BID AND TO REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS. The Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to annul the bidding process and reject all bids, at any time prior to award of contract without assigning any reason whatsoever and without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders on the grounds of the Purchaser’s action. 12.0 VERIFICATION OF DOCUMENTS AND CERTIFICATES: The bidder will ensure that all the documents and certificates, including experience/ performance and self certificates submitted by him are correct and genuine before enclosing them in the bid. The onus of proving genuineness of the submitted documents would rest with the bidder. If any document/ paper/ certificate submitted by the participant bidder is found / discovered to be false / fabricated / tempered / manipulated either during bid evaluation or during award of contract or thereafter, then the Purchaser will take action as per Clause-1 of Appendix-1 of BSNL procurement manual. 13.0 PERFORMANCE SECURITY: NIL 14.0 SUBCONTRACTS: The Supplier shall notify the Purchaser in writing of all subcontracts awarded under this contract if not already specified in his bid. Such notification, in his original bid or later shall not relieve the supplier from any liability or obligation under the Contract. 15.0 PENALY FOR DELAY The contractor must complete the work within the specified period mentioned in the Work order. If the contractor fails complete the work within the specified period without any valid reason (to the satisfaction of the concerned BSNL Officer), then for each day of delay, a penalty shall be levied @ 1% of the total value of the work order. If the delay exceeds 5 days, the Officer will be free to take action as deemed fit like cancellation of work order, Forfeiture of EMD/SD besides the penalties liable. READ, UNDERSTOOD & COMPLIED SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER Page 7 of 19 MM-351/II/2015-16 /8 16.0 dated at Bangalore, the 28.04.2015 ARBITRATION: In the event of any question, dispute or difference arising under this agreement or in connection there – with (except as to matters, the decision to which is specifically provided under this agreement), the same shall be referred to sole arbitration of the PGM, BSNL, BGTD, Raj Bhavan Road, Bengaluru-560 001, or in case his designation is changed or his office is abolished, then in such cases to the sole arbitration of the Officer for the time being entrusted (whether in addition to his own duties or otherwise) with the functions of the PGM, BGTD, BSNL, Raj Bhavan Road, Bengaluru-560 001, or by whatever designation such Officers may be Called (hereinafter referred to as the said Officer) and if the PGM or the said Officer is unable or unwilling to act as such, then to the sole arbitration of some other person appointed by PGM or the said Officer. The agreement to appoint an arbitrator will be in accordance with the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. There will be no objection to any such appointment that the Arbitrator is Government Servant or that he has to deal with the matter to which the agreement relates or that in the course of his duties as a Government Servant he has expressed his views on all or any of the matters in dispute. The award of the Arbitrator shall be final & binding on both the parties to the agreement. In the event of such an arbitrator to whom the matter is originally referred, being transferred or vacating his office or being unable to act for any reasons whatsoever, the PGM, BGTD, BSNL or the said Officer shall appoint another person to act as arbitrator in accordance with terms of the agreement & the person so appointed shall be entitled to proceed from the stage at which it was left out by his predecessors. The arbitrator may from time to time with the consent of parties enlarge the time frame for making and publishing the award. Subject to aforesaid Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and the Rules made there under, any modification thereof for the time being in force shall be deemed to apply to the arbitration proceeding under this clause. The venue of the arbitration proceeding shall be the Office of the PGM, BSNL, Bengaluru Telecom District, Telephone House, Raj Bhavan Road, CTO Building, Bengaluru-560 001 or such other places as the arbitrator may decide. 17.0 SET OFF: Any sum of money due and payable to the supplier (including Security deposit refundable to him) under this contract may be appropriated by the Purchaser or the BSNL or any other person or persons contracting through the BSNL, India and set off the same against any claim of the Purchaser or BSNL or such other person or person(s) for payment of a sum of money arising out of this contract or under any other contract made by the supplier with the Purchaser or BSNL or such other person(s) contracting through BSNL. READ, UNDERSTOOD & COMPLIED SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER Page 8 of 19 MM-351/II/2015-16 /8 18.0 dated at Bangalore, the 28.04.2015 FORCE MAJEURE: If, at any time, during the continuance of the contract, the performance in whole or in part by either party or any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reasons of any war or hostility, acts of the public enemy, civil commotion, sabotage, fires, floods, explosions, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, lockouts, or act of God (Hereinafter referred to as events) provided notice of happenings, of any such eventuality is given by either party to the other within 21 days from the date of occurrence thereof, neither party shall by reason of such event be entitled to terminate this contract nor shall either party have any claim for damages against other in respect of such non-performance or delay in performance, and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after such an event come to an end or cease to exist, and the decision of the Purchaser as to whether the deliveries have been so resumed or not shall be final and conclusive. Further that if the performance in whole or part of any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by reason of any such event for a period exceeding 60 days either party may, at its option, terminate the contract. Provided, also that if the contract is terminated under this clause, the Purchaser shall be at liberty to take over from the supplier at a price to be fixed by the Purchaser, which shall be final, all unused, undamaged and acceptable materials, bought out components and stores in the course of manufacture which may be in possession of the supplier at the time of such termination or such portion thereof as the Purchaser may deem fit, accepts such materials, bought out components and stores as the supplier may with the concurrence of the Purchaser elect to retain. READ, UNDERSTOOD & COMPLIED SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER Page 9 of 19 MM-351/II/2015-16 /8 dated at Bangalore, the 28.04.2015 Section -3 Scope of the work: JOB DESCRIPTION: a) Loading 16 KMs of 24F OF cable on to the lorry from Bengaluru and unloading at Sambalpur(Odisha), & Packing & Loading 16 KMs of 96F OF cable & 200 Nos of Joint closures(FDMS Outdoor) on to the lorry from Sambalpur (Odisha), and unloading at Bengaluru DCS Stores at WMS Compound jayanagar Bengaluru. b) Suitable crane should be used for loading / unloading Materials . c) Proper care should be taken while executing the job against physical damage to the material during transportation. d) The route to be followed for transportation of the above said materials should be safest, preferably NH, and shortest possible. e) Transportation should be completed within a period of 15 days from the date of receipt of work order. f) The tenderer should complete the work within the stipulated period mentioned in the work order failing which Liquidated damages as mentioned in the tender will be levied g) The details of approximate weight , No. of Drums materials to be transported is given below: etc Weight of the One Drum contains approximately 2 Kms of cable Wt per drum = 800 Kgs approx. for 24 F OF cable Wt per drum = 1200 Kgs approx. for 96F OF cable Each FDMS weighs approx 10 Kgs. h) Work of loading and unloading should be carried out in co-ordination with the BSNL (staff) present during the time of loading/unloading. i) The loading l of the materials should be planned in such a way that the total quantum of materials are accommodated in minimum number of trucks, taking into account the volume & weight of the materials , with respect to the capacity of truck. j) The materials should be properly secured by suitable arrangement, after loading in the Lorry, to avoid any damages due to loose movements within the truck. (Insurance coverage for the items.) k) The successful tenderers shall arrange transit insurance coverage from a General Insurance company in favour of BSNL against loss or damage to READ, UNDERSTOOD & COMPLIED SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER Page 10 of 19 MM-351/II/2015-16 /8 dated at Bangalore, the 28.04.2015 cable with accessories to him for transportation before commencement of work for shifting of the consignment during transit towards the safety of the materials from the place it is lifted till it reaches the designated place in consultation with the BSNL. The insurance should be comprehensive and among other things cover the loss due to fire hazards / Accidents by road, vehicle, animal and strike and terrorist damages. Note: The rate to be quoted in Price bid is exclusive of insurance. However the insurance charges will be reimbursed on production of documents on actuals. (Approx. worth of material : ₹ 26 lakhs for both ways) l) Materials must be transported as per the approved Terms & Conditions. Any deviation will attract penalty as deemed fit. m) The contractor has to arrange his representative at the loading and unloading spots .It is the sole responsibility of the contractor to deliver the collected Materials correctly without any damages to the authorized person of BSNL. n) The contractor has to acknowledge the receipt of materials given for transportation and obtain acknowledgement when materials are unloaded at the site. o) The tenderer should supply the vehicle immediately from the issue of Work Order or as directed by the concerned Officers at the time of urgencies and complete within 15 days . If the Tenderer fails to Supply the vehicle as above penalty of ₹100/- per day per Work Order will be levied for another 10 days. If work is not completed within the stipulated period , it may result in Termination of Tender and blacklist the firm. The PGM BGTD has the discretion to extend the period beyond 10 days with penalty. p) Whenever part load is to be transported, the same should be done with written permission from the authorized representative of the BSNL BGTD and the written permission should be enclosed with the Bill. q) If any Materials given to the custody of the Contractor for Transportation is lost during the transit or otherwise, the Contractor shall be fully responsible for the loss and Cost of the lost Materials as per the Suppliers Bill/ Challan plus other charges as determined by the PGM BGTD shall be made good by the Contractor and PGM BGTD reserves the right to recover such amount as determined by him. r) The Contract for Transportation of Materials is liable to be cancelled in case the service is found not Satisfactory after giving a Notice. s) BSNL will not reimburse the loss if any caused to the Contractor men/Materials incurred during carrying out the contractual obligations. READ, UNDERSTOOD & COMPLIED SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER Page 11 of 19 MM-351/II/2015-16 /8 dated at Bangalore, the 28.04.2015 t) The Contractor will abide by all the Statutory Acts in this regard such as Motor Vehicle Act 1968, Labour Act, EPF Act, etc. The liability arising out of said Acts is The Sole responsibility of the Contractor and hiring authority has no responsibility of whatsoever in this regard. u) The Contractor shall be responsible for any accidents or loss to any person Public / Private Property etc. That may occur during Transportation. v) The contractor should undertake full liability and responsibility as independent contractor for safe transport and handling of stores entrusted & are liable for all claims arising out of any tortuous acts committed by their employees or loss of stores while under their charge. READ, UNDERSTOOD & COMPLIED SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER Page 12 of 19 MM-351/II/2015-16 /8 dated at Bangalore, the 28.04.2015 SECTION-6 UNDERTAKING & DECLARATION 6(A) - For understanding the terms & condition of Tender & Spec. of work a) b) Certified that: 1. I/ We ……………………………………. have read, understood and agree with all the terms and conditions, Scope included in the tender documents & offer to execute the work at the rates quoted by us in the tender form. 2. If I/ We fail to enter into the agreement & commence the work in time, the EMD/ SD deposited by us will stand forfeited to the BSNL. The tenderer hereby covenants and declares that: 1. All the information, Documents, Photo copies of the Documents/ Certificates enclosed along with the Tender offer are correct. 2. If anything is found false and/or incorrect and/or reveals any suppression of fact at any time, BSNL reserves the right to debar our tender offer/ cancel the LOA/ Purchase/ work order if issued and forfeit the EMD/ SD/ Bill amount pending with BSNL. In addition, BSNL may debar the contractor from participation in its future tenders. I / We hereby certify that I / we have read the entire terms and 3. conditions of the tender documents from Page No. _______ to ______ (including all documents like annexure(s), schedule(s), etc .,), which form part of the contract agreement and I / we shall abide hereby by the terms / conditions / clauses contained therein. Date: …………… Place: …………… ………………………………… Signature of Tenderer Name of Tenderer ………………………………. Along with date & Seal READ, UNDERSTOOD & COMPLIED SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER Page 13 of 19 MM-351/II/2015-16 /8 dated at Bangalore, the 28.04.2015 Section 7 Near Relative Certificate FORMAT To: The Assistant General Manager (MM), BSNL BGTD, 4th Floor, Telephone House, Rajbhavan Road, Bengaluru-560001. Sir, Sub: Near Relative Certificate “I…………………..s/o………………. r/o…………….. hereby certify that none of my near relative(s) of all directors / Partners of M/s as defined in the tender document is/are employed in BSNL unit as per details given in tender document. In case at any stage, it is found that the information given by me is false/incorrect, BSNL shall have the absolute right to take any action as deemed fit/without any prior intimation to me.” Definition of near relative: (a) Members of a Hindu Undivided family (b) They are Husband & wife (c) The one is related to the other in the matter as father, mother, son(s), and son’s wife(daughter-in-law) daughter’s husband (Son-In-law), brother(s) wife, sister’s & sister’s husband( brother-in-law) Yours Truly, (Signature with seal) READ, UNDERSTOOD & COMPLIED SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER Page 14 of 19 MM-351/II/2015-16 /6 dated at Bangalore, the 20.04.2015 SECTION-8 Bidder’s /Tenderer’s profile Name of the Individual/ Firm: ……………………………………………… 1. 2. Present Correspondence Address …………………………..……………………………………………………… …………………………..………………………………………………………… T Telephone No. ………………………… Mobile No. ………………………... FAX No. ………………………………………………………………………… 3. Address of place of Works/Manufacture ……………………………. ………………………………….………………………………………………………… Telephone No. ..……………………….. Mobile No. ……………………… 4. State the Type of Firm: Soleproprietor-ship/partnershipfirm/Private limited company. / (Tick the correct choice): 5. Name of the sole proprietor/ partners/ Director(s) of Pvt. Ltd Co.: S. No. Name Father’s Name Designation 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. Name of the person authorized to enter into and execute contract/ agreement and the capacity in which he is authorized (in case of partnership/ private Ltd company): …………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………..……………………………………… 7. Permanent Account No. :……………………………………………………… Place…………………. Date …………………. Signature of contractor Name of Contractor READ, UNDERSTOOD & COMPLIED SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER Page 15 of 19 MM-351/II/2015-16 /6 dated at Bangalore, the 20.04.2015 SECTION-9 Part A BID FORM TENDER NO……………………………………………DATE / /2015 To, The Assistant General Manager (MM), BSNL, Bengaluru Telecom District, 4 th Floor, Telephone House, Rajbhavan Road,, Bengaluru – 560 001. Dear Sir, 1) Having examined the conditions of contract and specifications including addenda Nos.…………… the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged. We, undersigned, offer to carry out the work in conformity with the said conditions of contract and scope for the sum shown in the price schedule attached herewith and made part of this Bid. 2) Bid submitted by us is properly sealed and prepared so as to prevent any subsequent alteration and replacement. 3) We agree to abide by this Bid for a period of 90 days from the date fixed for Bid opening or subsequently extended period if any, agreed by us . The bid shall remain binding upon us to the aforesaid period. 4) We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any bid, you may receive. 5) If our Bid is accepted, we undertake to complete the work & perform all the services specified in the contract in accordance with the delivery period specified in the Section-2 (Tender Information). 6) Until a formal Work order of Contract is prepared and executed, this Bid together with your written acceptance thereof in your notification of award shall constitute a binding contract between us. Dated: ....... day of ................... 2015 Witness Signature …………………………. Name …………………………….. Signature…………………………. …………………………….. ...................................... In the capacity of …………………………. Name Duly authorized to sign the bid for and on Address behalf of .............................................. READ, UNDERSTOOD & COMPLIED SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER Page 16 of 19 MM-351/II/2015-16 /6 dated at Bangalore, the 20.04.2015 SECTION-9 Part-B Price Schedule Sl. No. Description Total amount inclusive of loading , unloading & packing but exclusive of Service tax & Insurance charges (₹ ) * In Figures 1 In Words Loading 16 KMs of 24F OF cable on to the lorry from Bengaluru and unloading at Sambalpur(Odisha), & Packing & Loading 16 KMs of 96F OF cable alongwith 200 Nos Joint closures (FDMS Outdoor) on to the lorry from Sambalpur(Odisha), and unloading at Bengaluru DCS Stores at WMS Compound jayanagar Bengaluru as per scope of tender. Transportation charges to be quoted including loading, unloading & packing at both ends but excluding service tax and Insurance Charges, which will be paid extra on actuals. Note: 1. Bidder should submit the price inclusive of loading, unloading & packing but excluding Service Tax in the prescribed proforma only. Information given at other places will not be considered. 2. No other materials should be loaded in the same trucks other than the above items during the period of transportation . 3. Service Tax & Insurance charges as per actuals will be reimbursed on submission of the relevant documents. * If discrepancy is found in the price mentioned in words and figures, if any, the amount mentioned in words will be taken as final. READ, UNDERSTOOD & COMPLIED SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER Page 17 of 19 MM-351/II/2015-16 /6 dated at Bangalore, the 20.04.2015 ANNEXURE-I RTGS/ NEFT/ MANDATE FORM FOR VENDOR CREATION 1. Vendor Name & Address 2. Vendor code (if available) 3. Permanent Account Number (PAN) 4. Particulars of Bank Account a. Name of the Bank b. Name of the Branch c. Branch Code d. City Name e. Branch Address f. Branch Telephone No. g. Bank Branch IFSC Code h. 9 Digit MICR Code i. Type of Account (S.B. Current or Cash credit specify code ) j. Account 5. Vendor’s E-mail Address 6. Vendor’s Authorised Signatory- Name 7. Vendor’s Contract person Name : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : I / We hereby declare that the particulars given above are correct and complete . If the transaction is delayed or lost because of incomplete or incorrect information, we would not hold the company responsible. DATE: Authorised Signatory --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BANK CERTIFICATE We certify that ------------------------------------------------- has an account with number ---------------------- and we confirm that the details given above are correct as per our record. We also confirm that we enable for receiving NEFT / RTGS credits. Date: Place: Signature and Name of the authorized official of Bank with Stamp (NOTE 1 : To be filled in the firm’s Letter Head & Kindly submit the original) (NOTE 2 : Not required, If BSNL ERP Vendor code exists.) READ, UNDERSTOOD & COMPLIED SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER Page 18 of 19 MM-351/II/2015-16 /6 dated at Bangalore, the 20.04.2015 Annexure-2 CERTIFICATE ( TO BE GIVEN IN CASE THE TENDER DOCUMENT IS DOWN LOADED FROM WEB ) The downloaded tender document as published at the website ( has been used for bidding in this tender. It is certified that no modification has been done to the contents of the document. Place : Date : Signature of the bidder (Seal / Rubber stamp of the firm) READ, UNDERSTOOD & COMPLIED SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER Page 19 of 19
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