Eve•.•the market fee and rural de 'elopmen fee ha e been sashed by one percen 0 mo wa e buyers from outside Punjab 0 p rchase Basmati. ·Such a measure was taken to encourage farmers to grow more Basmati instead of common paddy, Basmati consumes less water and is also a short duration crop, And it fetches more money to the farmers, "The promotion of Basmati is part of a diversification plan to reduce the area under paddy cultivation,"said a spokesperson of the chief minister's office, \lisa denial like bullying,: Dalai ,lama Dharamsala, Breaking his silence for the first time oVer visa denial to him by the South African government owing to Chinese pressure,Tibetan spiritual leader tbe Dalai Lama Thursday said it was like "bullying': SHARAT SAN CHAR NIGAM LIMITED NOTICE INVITING TENDER ,The Executive Engineer (E), BSNL Electrical Division, 6'" Floor, Door Sanchar Bhavan" Ghod Dod Road, Surat - 395 001 invites on behalf of the BSNL sealed item rate tenders for followin works NIT No, '38/NIT/EEE Name of work, BSNLlSRT/2014·15 SITe of Main con\rol paneliLocal Control panel of Automatic fire detection system at various T.E.Bldg. under BSNL Electrical Division, Surat For further detaiis kindly visit our web site at www.guj<lrat.bsnLco.in ~ ~~""~~ ~ ~ Gujarat Pollution Control Board "Paryavaran Bhavan'; Sector-' 0/ A, ,Head Office, Gandhinagar \'e Der Secretary, Gujarat Pollution Control Board, Gandhinagar lI). are ted fOI owing bids on-line through International Competiti e Bidding 'rom eligible and qualified bidders: For 9 Nos, of CAAQMS (Tender.No, GPCBICEPI 3 & GPCB61 CAAQMS/2014) : Techno·Commercial and Financial Bitls for Supply, n5taliation,Commissioning and'Opetation & Maintenance Services for Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations for following Vatva (Ahmedabad); Ankleshwar, Vapi,Surat, Bhuj,Ahmedabad. Morb' Ankleshwar and Yap!. 2. For Micro Digital Balance (Tender No, GPCBNMDB/2014) : Technical and Financial Bids for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and 3Years CMCServices for Micro Digital Balance for Regional OfficeVadodara, Interested bidders are requested to submit the tender through etendering process, Financial bid must submitted oo·line on www,nprocure.com and Technical bid must be submitted in Physically, Bid document can be downloaded from websites W'A.w,gpcb.qov.ln and www.nprocure.com. {iPCB reserve the Rights to alter Change below schedule under unavoidable circumstances and such cranges will be displayed at GPeB website :www,qpcb,qov.i~, Duration of Dowflloading Tender: 01.10.2014 to 'l!.1<\2014 UplO 06,00 PM, Last date for Bid Submission: 30,10,2014 un to 3,00 PM Opening ofTecbPicalBid :01.11.2014 at 03.;0 PM Date of Pre Bid eeting: 1S,10,2ct14,at 11::,> AM r, Place: Gandhinagar Date :30,09,2014 ~':, INF/1371114-1 HARDIK SHAH Member Secretary violence a "The treatment by the South African government is like bullying a humble person who has no protection,"the Nobel Peace laureate said in his 15-minute address here, "They are protection,"he said, pointing towards fellow laureates Iran's Shirin Ebadi and Jody Williams of the US,who were present at a function here to mark the silver jubil(;?ecelebrations of the Dalai Lama's Nobel I Peace Prize, The Qalai Lama, who lives in exile in Dhara(T1sala, had applied for a 'visa to South Africa Aug 27 to attend the 14th World Summ'it of Nobel Peace laureates to' be held in Cape Town Oct 13 to 15,This was the third time in five years that'the Dalai Lama has called off his visit to South Africa, In 1989, the Tibetan spiritual leader won the Nobel Peace Pri,zefor his non-violent str\Jggle for Ti- Washington, that A study conducted by' is vel the University of Buffalo indiv suggests that reducing subprog stance abuse can lessen\iointer' lent acts by patients with to ( severe mental illness, abus Though the vast majorthe a ity of people with mental ill- ducir ness may not engage in viogres~ lence, the risk is greater nosi~ among the severely menBrad, tallyill than among the general population, found the the I study.. vidu, "We were surprised to find that the severity of the patient's psychiatric symp-, toms was not the primary factor in predicting later aggression, Rather, the patient's substance abuse was the factor most closely associated with future aggression," said Clara A Bradizza, senior research sci- •.... callel entist at the'Universit'y at nate< Buffaro' Research Institute the P of\Addictions, ing t "Our findings suggest NASI Ty bet ca stations: Substance ab SHREE SPONGE STEEL AND FORGING LTD, US teen kidnapped by mother 12 years ,ago returns home GIN:L27100GJ1991 PLG016203 Regd,Office'&,1GIOG,POR·RAMANGAMOI, N NO,8,0:5T:VAOOOARA 391243 Tel.No 0265-283013212830636 fax No'0265·2830131 E""" [email protected] Websrteaddress:www.shreesponge.com NOTICE NOTICEisherebygivenpursuant10 dause 41oftheListingAgreemenLthai a Meeting of iIle Boamof Directorsof the Company win be held'00 Saturday,18th October, 2014at 10:30am,at 204,205Rubilite;32 AjnNagarSoPaty,Akotato lake onrecord • and approve the Unaudited Financial Resultsof the companyfor the Second quarterelided on 30th September,2014 intllf<lliaamongstothers. ForShreeSpong.SteelandForgingLtd, SdI· (VINAYKUMAR PARIKH) Chairman & Managing Director Place: POR, Dis!. Vadodara Date: 03/1012014 San Antonio (Texas) An American girl, who was kidnapped by her mother at the age of four and taken to Mexico 12 years ago, lias been found and returned to the US, authorities have announced,A spokesman for the U.s. Federal'Bureau of Investigation m Wednesday that Sabrina Allen, 17, was discovered I~ving with her mother,Dara Marie Llorens, southeast of lexica City, Sabrina vas livino in 2002 with h,' r father -;:/ho had custody, ,f the ch d allowing the p; 'ents'd oree, " Mea~ satel phoc atlO Thur abOl inth, lite, r andl plor; into how thes I he Hi y Ad Co'
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