Floor Warden Training

Floor Warden Training Thursday, May 27, 2015 • Congratula1ons – HDR •  The 2014 Floor Warden Team of the Year! •  Vests and hats were worn by all members of the Life Safety Monitor team. •  All tenants on floors took drill seriously and reloca1on went smoothly. •  Floor Wardens, Elevator Monitors, Stairwell Exit Monitors and Searchers communicated clearly with each other in order to maintain posts un1l reloca1on drill procedures were carried out. •  Reloca1on was quick and efficient with the HDR team. Training Presentation Outline Fire Drill / Fire Emergency Egress / Reloca>on Floor Warden Responsibili>es The Life Safety / Fire Sprinkler System Earthquakes Contact / Addi>onal Informa>on Building Egress Reloca1on Building: Tenants relocate 4 floors down. Floors 31 through 28 are the excep1ons. Designed to move people out of the fire zone safely within 4 minutes, permiYng SFFD uninterrupted access. Floor of incident, floor above, 2 floors below floor of incident. •  As you enter your exit stairwell, take note of the colored shape. •  Con1nue down 4 floors, or un1l you see the same shape as your floor. •  Floors and 28-­‐31 due to internal stairwells – must travel more than four floors. •  As you enter your exit stairwell, take note of the colored shape. •  Con1nue down 4 floors, or un1l you see the same shape as your floor. • Floors 2-­‐7 – evacuate the building to a predetermined assembly area at least 300 yards front the building. • DO NOT gather in the main lobby or around the building! Proceed to predetermined reloca1on area. High Rise Life Safety Team Building Management, Engineering, Security Floor Warden / Deputy Floor Warden Stairwell Exit Monitor Elevator lobby monitor Floor Searcher Aide for the Disabled Duties of the Floor Warden Pre-­‐Emergency (preparation) Know the loca>on and use of all fire related equipment in your area. Appoint area wardens if the floor is large and beyond the control of one person. Be familiar with the floor arrangement, the number of occupants and the loca>on of the exits. Be fully aware of exi>ng procedures. Train the floor occupants in fire preven>on measures and in safe fire exit procedures. Select and train your team to assist during emergencies. Iden>fy hazards and eliminate or report them to the building management. Traits of Successful Floor Warden Programs Select mo>vated team members who are typically in the building. Select enough people to perform the work. Conduct a team mee>ng and review individual assignments / ensure everyone knows what to expect. Walk the floor to become familiar with the stairwell loca>ons. Duties of the Floor Warden During Emergency Event Direct life safety team. Maintain control of occupants. Communicate vital informa>on to security or PMO. AWer reloca>ng, communicate to lobby your arrival at refuge area. Ensure everyone has relocated. When floor is clear release assistants to reloca>on floor. Stairwell Exit Monitor Responds to stairwell as directed by Floor Warden. Test the exit door for heat and smoke before allowing entry. Take a head count as occupants exit the floor Keep occupants calm and quiet. Once relocated, close the stairwell door. Do not traverse through the host tenant floor. Elevator/Lobby Monitor Respond to elevator lobby and prevent occupants from using the elevators. Direct occupants to nearest stairwell. Floor Searcher Mark the room a`er the door is closed with a post-­‐it note. This ac1on informs SFFD the room has been cleared of occupants. Searches offices, copy rooms, conference rooms, kitchens and restrooms. Close all doors a`er room is checked. Aide for the Disabled •  Place disabled person in stairwell ves1bule away from path of travel for exi1ng occupants; contact security or the PMO to iden1fy the loca1on. The aid can proceed to the reloca1on floor or wait for the Fire Department. •  No1fy the PMO with informa1on about permanent or temporarily disabled occupants. Fire Extinguishing Agents PASS Method Larger than a trash can, call for help. Ensure your evacua>on route is clear. Automa>c fire sprinkler heads. • PULL AIM SQUEEZE SWEEP Life Safety / Fire Alarm System Fire Alarm System Monitors Life Safety Equipment No>fies Life Safety Personnel Ac>vates Life Safety Equipment Fire Sprinkler System Slows or stops progress of fire Smoke Control Makes egress paths safer PA System Make public announcements to individual floors or en>re building. Fire Alarm Monitoring Devices Water Flow Switches Smoke Detectors Manual Pull Sta1ons •  Anthony Street (west) lobby exit •  Stairwell #2 Jessie Street (north) •  Split Bread exit •  Mixt Greens exit Alarm Activation Elevator recall. Egress doors unlock (stairwells and elevator lobbies). Door magnets release on smoke control doors. Smoke control ac>vates. Speaker-­‐strobes ac>vate. Automa>c reloca>on message delivered to effected floors. PA Announcements deliver instruc>ons. Emergency Communication The Public Address System – Used to make voice and evacua>on messages to select floors or en>re building. The Warden’s Sta1ons -­‐ Located in the stairways on floors 4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29. The Intercom System -­‐ Located in the stairways on floors 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31 and in each elevator cab. Office and cell phones work too! Earthquakes DURING: DUCK, COVER and HOLD Stay away from exterior glass AFTER: Medical emergencies CALL 911 and/or inform management team Administer first aid Assess damage Listen for announcements IT IS SAFEST TO STAY IN THE BUILDING! Helpful Hints •  CONDUCT ANNUAL TEAM MEETINGS – assign tasks – talk about responsibili>es, walk the floor. •  HAVE BACKUPS – assign others to your posi>on to cover vaca>ons, sick days, etc. •  KNOW YOUR FLOOR – Be familiar with your floor plan, nearest exits, and loca>on of safety equipment. •  KNOW YOUR PEOPLE – Know how many people are on your floor, maintain Disabled person list and provide updated list to the PMO. •  BE PREPARED – Maintain floor warden hat, post-­‐it note pad and emergency response bag. Train your people so they know what to do. Contact Information Property Management Office: 415.512.5600 Lobby Security Desk: 415.512.5637 or 415.315.3911 Life Safety Training can be found at: •  hjp://560mission.com/ -­‐ Life Safety Training Video •  Facili1es Emergency Plan •  Floor Warden Presenta1on •  560 Mission Life Safety Training video Annual Fire Drill: Thursday, June 18, 2015