Alamo Heights United Methodist Church The Messenger, May 2015 It’s all about COMMUNITY Children, College Students & Churches Project Transformation Coming to the Asbury by Pastor Janet Weatherston Our Asbury campus has been chosen to be one of three inaugural sites in the Rio Texas Conference for Project Transformation. Project Transformation was founded in the Dallas area in 1998 in urban United Methodist Churches to promote literacy for children in kindergarten thru fifth grade in underserved areas. Our hope is that this program will expand throughout the entire Rio Texas Conference and impact the lives of countless people. Project Transformation’s mission is threefold; continued on page 3 How can you be involved? • Donate reading books (levels K-5th grade) • Recommend Project Transformation to a college student (Paid internship) • Volunteer to read (Requires Background Check) • Donate money and/or supplies • Contact Robert Ortiz or Janet Weatherston [email protected] or [email protected] Counseling Ministry Serves Members and the Community The AHUMC Finance Committee has made an commitment to educate our congregation about our ministries. It is helpful for all of us to understand how our budget is used to support the ministries of our church. This month, we highlight our Counseling Ministry. The AHUMC Counseling Ministry provides professional counseling within a Christian environment for church members and to many others in the San Antonio community. In 2005, a group of AHUMC members had a dream of a counseling program at AHUMC. One of the members of this group experienced the death of a loved one that possibly could have been prevented, if the loved one had sought counseling. The group spent three years doing research on other counseling programs and developed a plan to make their dream become a reality. In January 2006, Sue Dial, LPC, was hired as the first counselor at AHUMC. She served for five years. Sue worked diligently to promote the new counseling program and facilitate programs, as well as seeing clients. Sue retired in August 2011 and Cheryl Dunn, LCSW was hired to take over the program. She is the current AHUMC counselor. Cheryl received her Bachelors of Social Work from Texas Christian University and her Masters of Social Work at Our Lady of The Lake University. She is married to Troy Dunn and has two sons: Cameron (age 14) and Christopher (age 10). She has been a counselor for nearly 20 years. Throughout the years, the AHUMC Counseling Program continues to grow and serve more and more clients, offering a minisry of hope and healing. Spirituality and therapy work together to heal and to help persons become whole. Therapy can help people understand the beliefs, conscious and unconscious, that impact their lives and relationships. This understanding can help them make changes to better their lives. Our Staff Counselor is Cheryl Dunn, LCSW. She can also provide a referral to other therapists in the community who are experts in the fields of medical and mental health issues. Cheryl provides individual, adolescent, family, and couples therapy. The Counseling Ministry is closely tied to the Wedding Ministry at AHUMC. All couples married in our church participate in pre-marital counseling (typically six 1-hour sessions). Counseling can help couples identify strengths and areas for growth in their relationship and develop healthy communication skills and productive methods for conflict resolution. The counseling office is located in room E224 in the East wing of the church. The former classroom was recently renovated to make it more conducive to counseling, ensuring Staff Counselor Cheryl Dunn visits with Pastor Dinah Shelly in the renovated Counseling Center in E224. You’re invited to stopy by the Counseling Center to meet Cheryl. a safe and confidential space. The fee for a one-hour therapy session is $80. We can offer a reduced fee based on a sliding scale. Each year, with your generous donations, the AHUMC Counseling Ministry is able to help those who can’t afford counseling elsewhere. All sessions with Cheryl Dunn are held at the church. Call Cheryl at 210-826-3215, ext. 163 to schedule an appointment or for additional information. AHUMC Announces Establishment of The Amy Dorsett Counseling Fund Through the generosity of our members, a counseling fund honoring the memory of Amy Dorsett has been established. Amy was a long-time member of our church and had a heart for serving her community. All too soon, God called Amy home, but her spirit of service will continue to touch lives. Amy knew that the need for mental health services is great and touches people from all walks of life – especially for those suffering from chronic illnesses. The establishment of this designated fund is indeed a tribute to her caring spirit. This fund will augment the counseling budget, and it is the intent of the church to provide opportunities for donors to contribute to this fund which aids individuals, couples, and families who cannot otherwise afford to seek counseling. Gifts will be accepted for this fund as God moves others to support this ministry. Special Taizé Service To Remember Community Founder by Pastor Donna Strieb On Wednesday, May 6th, we will hold a special Taizé service event commemorating the 100th birthday (b. May 12, 1915) of Brother Roger Schütz, founder of the Taizé Community. It is part of a world-wide celebration of remembrance, worship, and prayer being held this year in May as a sign of Christian solidarity for peace, reconciliation, and trust that were such an integral part of Brother Roger’s ministry. Brother Roger put into practice his call to follow Christ. In 1940, as a 25-year-old Protestant man from Switzerland, Brother Roger came to the small village of Taizé in the Burgundy Region of France with the dream of starting an ecumenical community for contemplation and the reconciliation of all Christians. Today the monastic-style community, made up of over 100 Brothers from several continents and various denominations, hosts tens of thousands of people each year from all parts of the world (Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox). In the summers, the small French village of 140 individuals swells to over 6000 visitors a week as people (mostly youth) make the pilgrimage to worship and experience Christian community. While there, they experience the prayer services with the beautiful, chant-like songs, Bible study, fellowship, and meeting with Christians from all over the world. It is indeed an experience reminiscent of Pentecost! “I think that I have never lost the intuition that community life could be a sign that God is love, and love alone. Gradually the conviction took shape in me that it was essential to create...a community where kindness of heart and simplicity would be at the center of everything.” BROTHER ROGER Project Transformation continued from page 1 Please join us on May 6th at 6:30 p.m. in the Garden Chapel for prayer and worship in the style of Taizé, followed by fellowship, refreshments and a video on Taizé at 7:30 p.m. in the Seminar Room. Worship: God’s Design for Relationship college students, children, and churches. Project Transformation engages college students in purposeful leadership and ministry opportunities. In turn, these young adults implement academic, health, and spiritual programming for the children. The children in our city’s underserved areas will enjoy literacy activities, nutrition and wellness programs, art classes, and recreation. Project Transformation will also seek to develop and strengthen the connection between Asbury Church and the surrounding community. Asbury’s program will run June 8 through July 29, 2015. We will be in session Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Asbury campus. We have room for 80 children in our program. We will enjoy two Family Nights for the children, their families and the church family to help us develop relationships and will host VBS June 29-July 2. A reading program will be implemented so that every child is reading with an adult 30 minutes each day. On Fridays, our paid college interns will participate in different ministries in the San Antonio area as they explore their role in ministry in the community. Sadly, On August 6, 2005 during worship, Brother Roger was murdered by a deranged woman. The Taizé Community is known around the world and continues the ministry of reconciliation and reaching out to youth today. A Weekend of Learning, Exploring & Experiencing the Power of Worship Every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God. HEBREWS 3:4 Save the Date! October 16-17, 2015 Join us for a weekend seminar hosted by Rev. Donna Strieb and the AHUMC Spiritual LIfe Committee with guest leaders Dr. Constance Cherry, author of “Worship Architect” & Dr. Darrell Smith, Worship Leader for the New Heights Community. “Worship is the expression of a relationship in which God the Father reveals himself and his love in Christ, and by his Holy Spirit administers grace, to which we respond in faith, gratitude, and obedience.” – Robert Schaper NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS PERMIT NO. 1794 Alamo Heights United Methodist Church 825 E. Basse • San Antonio, TX 78209 visit us online at Coming Up visit for details on these and other upcoming events May 6 Taizé Celebration of 100th Birthday of Founder May 13-24 Feast of Shavuot June 15-19 Vacation Bible School June 22-26 Summer Sounds Music Camp Divine Layering: Shavuot and Pentecost Shavuot is the Hebraic word for “weeks.” The Festival of Shavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah by God to the Jewish people at Mount Sinai (Deut.16:9-12). Following the Passover, worshipers are instructed to count seven “weeks” that commemorate the time spent journeying from Egypt to Mount Sinai after being delivered out of slavery. Now the appearance of the glory of the Lord was like a devouring fire on the top of the mountain in the sight of the people of Israel. (Exodus 24:17) The divine layering of God’s story of redemptive presence echoed throughout creation thousands of years later when the Holy Spirit descended upon the gathered worshipers in Jerusalem—during the celebration of Shavuot. When the day of Pentecost (Shavuot) had come, they were all together ... Suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind...Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. (Acts 2:1-3) The Feast of Shavuot—or Pentecost—invites us to remember how God has entered into covenant with us. At Sinai, God instituted the Mosaic covenant and provided for the written Torah. Following the resurrection of Jesus, God established the new covenant and wrote the Torah on the hearts of the faithful. Join us at Join us as we continue our remembrance and celebration of the covenant we are all offered through our loving God who delivers us and dwells among us. Hag Sameach! (Happy Holiday!) Feast of Shavuot Schedule of Activities May 13 – 24, 2015 Shavout Class offerings include: Wednesday, May 13th – Women After God @ AHUMC – 9:30 a.m. Thursday, May 14th – The Quarry AHUMC in W100 – 6:30 p.m. Sunday, May 17th – Pastor’s Study Seminar Room @ AHUMC – 5:00 p.m. Shavuot Saturday May 23rd Family Picnic Join the New Heights community at 11:00 a.m. as they host a family picnic and baptism celebration on the Guadalupe River in Seguin. This celebration includes a catered meal, so please make reservations through Pioneer Group a recovery community worship @ Asbury UMC – 5:30 p.m. Pentecost Worship May 24th AHUMC Main Sanctuary Worship 8:30, 9:30, & 11:00 a.m. Asbury UMC Worship – 11:00 a.m. New Heights Worship – 9:30 & 11a.m.
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