The United Methodist Church of Red Bank
247 Broad Street, Red Bank, NJ 07701
732-747-0446 Fax: 732-530-5715
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Sunday, October 12
Worship Services
8:30 am Worship in the Chapel
9:30 am Education Hour
10:30 am Worship in the Sanctuary
11:30 am Reception for Rev. Henritzy
in Fellowship Hall
11:45 am Sunday Seminar (Lounge)
Monday, October 13 – Columbus Day
Office closed; Learning Tree closed
10 am-2 pm Meyers Counseling (L)
7:30 pm RCC (114)
8-9 pm 12 Step Closed (107)
8-10 pm Roundtable (B2,B3)
Tuesday, October 14
11 am Outreach (Lounge)
12 pm AA (B2,B3)
4-7 pm Meyers Counseling (UR)
6:30 pm Al-Anon (114)
6:30 pm Prayer Shawl Group (Lounge)
7 pm Folk Dancers (FH)
Wednesday, October 15
1 pm AA Women (114, B4)
5 pm Wesley Singers
6 pm UMY
7 pm Young Adults (209)
8 pm Sanctuary Choir
Thursday, October 16
11 am-7 pm Meyers Counseling (L)
12 pm AA Women (B2,B3)
4-8 pm Meyers Counseling (UR)
6 pm IDRC (B5)
7 pm AA (B4)
7 pm NA (114)
Friday, October 17
6:30-9:30 pm AA (FH)
Saturday, October 18
9 am-3 pm UMW Conference (S, FH, L, 114)
9:30 am OA (114)
10 am-12 pm Meyers Counseling (UR)
REMINDER - Please contact Sheila with
your meeting & event dates. This includes all
committees & fellowship groups.
Please join us TODAY!!
After the 10:30 service in Fellowship Hall for a BIG
Thank You to Rev. David Henritzy for his excellent
service as our interim minister.
United Methodist Women (UMW)
UMW Bazaar - Auction Baskets are out on Sunday mornings for
your attention. Place a Bid and maybe it will be yours on
November 9. UMW Bazaar will be held on Saturday November
8, and their famous Chicken Salad Luncheon will be served.
The Bazaar will continue on Sunday after both services at
which time the auction winners will be announced. Mark your
calendar plan to come out both days.
ONE WEEK until CROP WALK #34 takes off with some
United Methodist youth running out fast, after the ribbon is cut by
Lunch Break Director Gwen Love, a partner for 3 decades with
our Hunger Walk. Bobbie Ridgely has been getting folks signed
up in Fellowship Hall on Sundays, and she also has T shirts in
many sizes and styles to wear with Heart and Sole as you take steps
to Change The World and walk to End Hunger! Thanks so much
for whatever you can do –1) Walk with a sponsor sheet to help
fund programs that bring people help and hope; 2) sponsor a
walker if you cannot walk, 3) volunteer to hand out water at OUR
church and cheer walkers on at Stop #3; 4) bring in rice, beans or
peanut butter for our food collection at the Red Bank Regional
High School on Oct. 19th! All food is counted, bagged, and given
out to at least 20 local pantries by 4 pm! It is an awesome thing to
observe! 5) Keep us in prayers for a wonderful day that helps so
many close to home and far away. Check out our table in FH this
Sunday, invite your friends, and go online at
www.redbankcropwalk.com. for our latest posts. You can register
online as well. We invite you to join this community event and
bring the kids! Get photos at the Photo Op and with Anna and
Emma of FROZEN fame or Shortstop the Clown. Our United
Methodists have led all other participating groups in raising funds
for many years! You will feel really good at the end of the 5 mile
walk, when you are feasting on apples and ice cream or getting a
Second Sunday Seminar – “Accepting (Addressing) Our
Differences” -Join Gil Caldwell and Jim Mellon as we lead a
discussion on “Accepting (Addressing) Our Differences as
Christians, and Talking About Them.” At about 12 (noon) following the 10:30 service and the reception for David Henritzy
we will gather in the lounge to discuss our differences and our
acceptance as Christian. Grab a snack a drink and join us for an
interesting and lively discussion about how we, as Christians,
accept and address our differences (political parties, religions,
cultures, races, intellect,,… join us to fill-in the gap for you).
All those affected by natural and human-made
disasters, economic conditions, famine, civil
war and genocide, those serving our country,
shut-ins, all who are sick in body and spirit,
Lyell Gressitt, MaryEtta Moffler, Daisy, Lillian
Poling, Florence Lang, Vicki Kaszuba, Janet
and Mildred Schmidt, Grace Caldwell, Kim
Zito, and for strength and healing for all in the
world who need it and for compassion and
understanding in our relationships.
 Lunch Break food pantry donations are collected on an
ongoing basis, place items in the grocery cart near the
church office. There are also regular opportunities to be
involved with hands on work at Lunch Break.
 The Backpack Crew provides weekend food for local
elementary school children and their families. Collection
box and needed items are near the church office.
 Work with Family Promise, a program that helps
homeless families by providing shelter, meals and
assistance as they seek permanent housing.
 Other opportunities to serve our community are often
available. Check out The Outlook and our
 We welcome those who would like to assist the worship
team on Sundays by ushering, greeting, running our
sound, and assisting the pastor during worship services.
 Sponsor a Coffee Hour. Visit Fellowship Hall after
worship to munch and mingle. Information about
hosting this time is near the coffee!
 Join a Sunday School class. Classes for all ages are
 Adult Classes are also held at other times during the
 Make a pledge to the church.
 Participate in our fund raisers.
 Purchase grocery cards and gift cards available on
 Sundays in Fellowship Hall.
 Use GoodSearch and GoodShop. (Ask for
JOIN: Become a member of the congregation.
Frank Kerfoot
Gary Babler - Head Usher
Notices for The InLook should be
submitted by Tuesday. Please keep
notices brief. Send to
[email protected].
Find us on Facebook, or visit www.umcredbank.org.
Our Staff
Contact Us: (732) 747-0446 or
Rev. Jessica B. Naulty, Senior Pastor
[email protected]
Rev. Christina Zito, Minister of Visitation
[email protected]
Neil Brown, Music Ministries Director
[email protected]
Elaine Dawson, Director CYAA Ministries
[email protected]
Sheila Leavitt, Financial/Church Secretary
[email protected]
Bob Shindel, Sexton
[email protected]
Trash & Treasure
The annual Trash and Treasure sale will be held November
15, 2014. Please leave any treasures you are selling on the stage,
behind the curtain. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave items
within the taped off areas and leave the pathways free for
walking. The God Squad thanks you for your support.