Special Report 2013 Lezha, Albania Your update f rom your spons ored child’s communit y in Lezha, Alba nia rk monitor the wo Dear Friends, nia it is my job to ba Al es. r liv fo ild er ch ag d an ramme M ur sponsore gs As Countr y Prog munity where yo in m th t co ea e gr th e in th g in n is do from hearing all re su ea pl that World Visio se ur en s of yo e UK, I get imm about the effect While based in th year and to hear ch ea a zh Le s. in g ilie fam that are happenin children and their r your t on the lives of ank you again fo th d generous suppor year’s update an is th g in ad re y jo We hope you en t! or pp su Karen Moulder, bania mme Manager, Al Countr y Progra otos ok page to see ph Vision UK Facebo . If ld ild or ch W d r re ou so it ited their spon PS Why not vis vis ve ha ho ist w ial rs sponso sor Visit Spec and updates from it, call our Spon vis a g in ng ra ar ed in you are interest 2. 44 4 24 8 90 on 01 Arlinda had ne card. “My sp ver received a birthday o said, “sending nsor is a real friend,” s he me a beautif ul card!” re hts Group a ig R d il h C in this ur The children st child labo in a g a g in n campaig Building hope Wor ld Vision has been working wi th teachers, healt and local govern h worker s, police ment to help impr ove the lives of ch year we’ve suppor ildren in 2012. Th ted parenting cla is sses, as well as ad teachers and scho ditional training fo ol boards. r We helped 16 ch ildren to organise activities designe children’s rights, an d to promote d helped them to organise a Christm local children. Th as celebration fo ey have even wo r rked on the prod advertisement pu uction of a local TV blicising women’s rights. 1,000 children screened for scoliosis In Albania people rarely receive preventative health screenings because access to healthcare is expensive. But thanks to you r suppor t, World Vision has been able to collaborate with local doctors to ensure that a thousand children in the Lezha area are now being scre ened for the painful musculoskeletal conditio n, scoliosis. Elsewhere, approv al has been granted by the government to build a new health centre in one of the villages in Lezha that lacked app ropriate health facilities, somethi ng we’ve been campaigning about for som e time. This year, we’ve had a par ticu lar focus on helping children with special needs, bringing together 15 fam ilies to discuss the challenges they face and raise awareness of this in the local community. ow” workshop N h lt a e H d il h part in a “C ealth issues h n o Children take m m o c t u eness abo raising awar he ssing t jmen u c is d s e student exhibition in Z e h t f One o at their s h p a r photog 100 family visits each week Our sponsorship project has been active at nine scho Lezha area. There ols across the have been at lea st 100 visits each we involved in the pr ek to families oject, helping no t only to monito the children them r the progress of selves, but also to create stronger re with the families. lationships Another notable success was a ph otography projec by 12 young peop t carried out le from Zejmen city, who used ph highlight issues th otography to ey felt required at tention from their community. stment for ve in n a is s tree Planting olive the future Over 100 house on the way to holds self-sufficiency Our economic de velopmen t project is helping including 106 sm various local busin all family-run farm esses, s. Of these, 68 ha olive trees, with ve been given the hope that ov er the next few year grow will make a s the olives they significant contrib ution to their an nual income. The remaining 34 sell goats’ milk. W e’ve helped thes communal milk sto e farmer s with a rage system and to broker a com with a local food mercial agreemen processing compa t ny. As a result, th enjoying comple ey should be te financial sustaina bility during this financial year. ania A bit more about Alb onomically since the ich has str uggled ec wh try un co work a , nia n Alba out half of Albanians Lezha lies in norther ime 20 years ago. Ab lef t reg ve ist ha un le mm op co pe r ny younger collapse of the for me ecure or seasonal. Ma ins en oft are t tha s in agricultur al job abroad. ted by the country to work mland adversely affec larly dif ficult, with far rks cu rti wo pa ion be Vis n ca ld or nia W mmunities Life in rural Alba Around half of the co t. gh ou dr d an ing regular flood an drinking water. ot always access cle with in Albania cann le of the most vulnerab ion is helping some Vis ld ild a better or bu W to t, or gin pp be su d With your self-sufficient an re mo me co be to nia communities in Alba future. Lezha, Albania Here’s the facts Under-five mortality per 1,000 : 15 Child labour among children aged 6-14: 19% Gross national income per cap ita: $4000 Government expenditure on education (% of GDP): 4.9% Sources: http://hdrstats.undp.org/en/cou ntries/profiles/ALB.html http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/d ocid/4e8c39700.html http://www.unicef.org/infoby country/albania_statistics.html Lifecycle of a World Vision sponsorship programme LEZHA community is in Phase 3 Phase 1 Phase 3 Phase 2 Years 1-3: Building trust and laying groundwork Years 4-9: Building skills together Years 10-close: Building long-term solutions together Partnership with community established. World Vision and communities work together so children and families benefit and participate in projects such as education, nutrition, clean water and healthcare. Communities equipped to continue improving child well-being including education and health. Children should be cared for and protected in a loving environment. Communities and World Vision plan long-term projects together. E JOIN TH GN CAMPAI TODAY The fact is there is enough food for everyone It’s a heartbreaking fact that each night over 8 million children go to bed hungry. we give enough aid to stop children dying from hunger and help the poorest people feed themselves we stop big companies dodging their taxes in poor countries so that millions of people can free themselves from hunger we stop poor farmers being forced off their land, and use crops to feed people, not fuel cars. we force governments and big corporations to be honest and open about their actions that stop people getting enough food. Together, we can make 2013 the beginning of the end for hunger. Join the campaign and share your voice at www.worldvision.org.uk/IF All photographs ©2012 Klevisa Breshani/World Vision. In some instances, names have been changed to protect children’s identities Registered Head Office address: World Vision UK, Opal Drive, Fox Milne, Milton Keynes, MK15 0ZR World Vision is a registered charity no. 285908, a company limited by guarantee and registered in England no. 1675552. Registered office as above 2013_ALB_LEZ
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