MEDIA RELEASE May 19, 2015 BANANA GROWERS URGED TO MAINTAIN VIGILANCE ON TR4 The Australian Banana Grower’s Council (ABGC) is urging banana growers to remain vigilant on their farm biosecurity following today’s Biosecurity Queensland announcement that a Panama disease Tropical Race 4 (TR4) test result from a Mareeba farm has been overturned and the farm’s quarantine lifted. ABGC Chairman Doug Phillips said the announcement that the final TR4 test result was negative for the plant disease was excellent news for the Mareeba grower and his family. “The announcement that the Mareeba farm has had its initial TR4 diagnosis overturned and its quarantine lifted is great news for that farm’s grower and his family and for the banana industry,” Mr Phillips said. “However, growers need to remember there is still one case of TR4 on a Tully Valley farm and this result has been confirmed using the highest level of TR4 testing available. Growers need to remain vigilant and continue with their on-farm biosecurity measures.” Mr Phillips said the ABGC supported the Queensland Government’s appointment of consultancy group Deloitte Australia to review the TR4 testing processes and the ABGC looked forward to being kept informed about the review’s progress and outcomes. For more information: Rhyll Cronin Communications Manager Tel: 07 3278 4786 Mob: 0428 038 330 Unit 3, South Gate East Commercial Centre 250 Sherwood Road ROCKLEA QLD 4106 PO Box 309 BRISBANE MARKET QLD 4106 Tel: 07 3278 4786 Fax: 07 3278 4938 Web:
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