The Australian College of Advanced Postgraduate Psychologists Minutes of Committee Meeting Date: 21 June 2014 Location: 213a South Street, Beaconsfield, WA 6162 Attendees: Jillian Horton (Chair), Richard Taylor (via Skype), Liz Tong (via Skype), Melanie Freeman Time: 1300-1430 Agenda Item 1. 2. 3. 4. Notes Action Welcome Meeting opened at 1310 New agenda items Change the college name at the bank (Jillian) APAC submission due at the end of July (Jillian) Previous Minutes Jillian moved to accept the minutes, Richard Seconded. Correspondence (in/out) (Jillian) Outgoing: Melanie sent out the graphic designer’s brochure changes and logo 26 May: domain name due for renewal and hosting. Let it lapse. Mel will find a new one and move to a new web site. Mel to action. 28 May: consultation paper from APAC from July regarding standards for courses 6 June: Mel sent a note regarding off label use of drugs for kids. Jillian sent out note to all health ministers, all mental health commissioners, media and professional colleagues discussing how problematic it is. 18 June to Minister Hames about Nova criteria to finalise. He said previously this would be in June. We've not heard back yet. 18 June: media statement on GP fees went to media outlets Incoming: 22 May: Reply from Min of health in VIC. David Davis Re Specialist registration. It was a reply to an email Jillian sent on 2 March. Jillian will scan and send to us as it has quite interesting points included. 11 June: From WA health minister. Thanking us for corresponded about the off the label drug use for kids. He has passed it on to Helen Morton. 20 June: From WA mental health commissioner. Liz noted she had seen in the past some stats around kids dying as a result of these meds. If we can find the source, would be good to send it back. General Issues for Discussion Financial Statement (Jillian) o As of 23 May: $4709.67 ACSP Minutes 21 June 2014 1 Agenda Item Notes Action o 5. We need to pay for new hosting, domain name and graphic designer in the next month Membership Update (Richard) o Postal addresses are oncoming in. Once they are in, we will send out a letter about renewing. Still aiming for end July so we know who can vote at the AGM. Specific Items for Discussion Brochure logo (Melanie) o All done. Mel to send to committee in next day for review. o Distribution as planned. Draft letters for other professions (Melanie) o Mel to email once retrieved from hard drive Web site (Melanie) o Mel has drafted a basic web site. Melanie to send the draft out for review. o Need password from the old one to double check content and retrieve documents. Jillian to please ask for this. APAC Board membership applications (Jillian) o Board has appointed a new person to APAC – a female clinical psych in private practice. From VIC we think. She is a full APS member concern about independence and a lack of representation from WA. o It’s a bit sad as we were hoping for a WA person. WA has not had great representation at the Board or APAC level to date. National Mental Health Commission (Jillian) o Ian hickey been appointed to the national mental health commission. There was some discussion about that this might mean for psychologists as in some interviews in the past he was careful about his support for psychologists getting rebates under Medicare. Media release regarding the $7 Medicare co-payment (Jillian) o Thanks Richard and Jillian for making this media release. It looked great. Liz and Mel agree. It went out to media outlets, and Jillian may resend after a review of her media email list as some addresses bounced (List to be updated). UK psychs advising the govt on policy (Jillian) o Jillian noted that on ABC radio national about 5 days ago, there was a story about psychs advising the UK govt about health and well being. Jillian tried to Google and find the link – she did find a report that had been writtten in Jan 2014 focused around depression and anxiety and workplaces. Mel noted well being is a popular topic in govt and business right now from the org psych perspective so this is not unexpected. o Liz said she might ask the BPS if they know who has been on this. Bank Account (Jillian) o We need to change the college name at the bank - Jillian will do this. APAC Submission on Training Standards (Jillian) o APAC submission on standards of retraining is due at end of July. Is the second round. Jillian will draft a reply. AGM in August (Jillian) o AGM- august. Format last year was a normal executive meeting. We put out the notices as required, was forewarning, people sent in proxies and they could attend if they wanted. Jillian will send ACSP Minutes 21 June 2014 Melanie Melanie Melanie Jillian Jillian Liz Jillian Jillian 2 Agenda Item 6. 7. Notes Action notifications at end July once Richard has the revised membership list. We will aim for end August as planned. Anything else? o New mental health commissioner Tim Marney – has a Finance background in Dept of Finance and Treasury. What experience and perspective do we get from someone with a non-mental health background is yet to be seen. Next Meeting: At 1300 on 26 July in Beaconsfield Meeting closed at 1415 ACSP Minutes 21 June 2014 3
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