TARRANT COUNTY PURCHASING DEPARTMENT JACK BEACHAM, C.P.M., A.P.P. PURCHASING AGENT MARCH 19, 2015 ROB COX, C.P.M., A.P.P. ASSISTANT PURCHASING AGENT ADDENDUM NO. 1 RFP NO. 2015-087 RFP FOR JUVENILE ASSESSMENT SYSTEM PROPOSALS DUE APRIL 1, 2015 1. Change(s): A. 2. The due date for this RFP has been changed to April 1, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. Questions and Responses: A. Questions received by the due date and their responses are included in this Addendum No. 1. B Discard pages 10, 14, 15, 18 and 19 of the original RFP package and replace with revised pages dated March 19, 2015. Changes are indicated. This Addendum #1 must be signed and the original and five (5) copies must be returned with Proposal! NAME AND ADDRESS OF COMPANY: AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE: ____________________________________ Signature __________________________ ____________________________________ Name _____________________________ ____________________________________ Title ______________________________ ____________________________________ Tel. No. ___________________________ Email Address:________________________ Fax No.: __________________________ TARRANT COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, SUITE 303 100 E. WEATHERFORD, FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76196 (817) 884-1414; (817) 884-2629 Fax RFP FOR JUVENILE ASSESSMENT SYSTEM QUESTIONS AND RESPONSES 1. Page 9, Section I. D. 341.36 – Screening TJJD Standard Screening Tool: a. What is the name of the TJJD Standard Screening Tool that Tarrant County currently uses? b. Can Tarrant County please provide the screening tool’s question and answers? c. If the screening tool is proprietary, will the bidder be granted permission to build this tool in the bidder’s Assessment Management System? RESPONSE: 2. a. Positive Achievement Change Tool (PACT) which is based on the Washington State Juvenile Court Assessment (WSJCA). b. The PACT is based on the WSJCA. information, and can be found online. c. Yes, the WSJCA is not proprietary. The assessment is public domain Page 9, Section 1.D. 341.37 – Case Planning: a. Can Tarrant County please provide an example of the case plan that is currently used? b. How often is the case plan required to be updated? c. How is the case plan currently being stored? The case plans are part of the web application, however, the completed form is stored as a PDF on the server. RESPONSE: a. Yes. See Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) Case Plan PDF and Texas Juvenile Justice Case Plan Review PDF which have been posted to the Tarrant County website. Both of these documents have a highlighted area that no longer pertains to the state requirement and would not be required. b. See TJJD Standards. A 341 case plan shall be completed sixty (60) days from date of disposition. A 341 case plan review shall be completed one hundred eighty (180) days from date of disposition or from the last case plan review, fifteen (15) days from disposition of Motion to Modify, re-adjudication, extension of probation and order of Electronic Monitoring from administrative hearing, and completed fifteen (15) days from first face to face visit on Interim Supervision and transfer to a traditional unit from Placement unit and Family Partnership Program. c. The case plans are part of the web application, however, the completed form is stored as a PDF on the server. RFP NO. 2015-087 PAGE 2 OF ADDENDUM NO. 1 MARCH 19, 2015 RFP FOR JUVENILE ASSESSMENT SYSTEM QUESTIONS AND RESPONSES 3. Please describe the data that is expected to be converted, including the type of data and amount of data. RESPONSE: SQL reports that we have 4736.31 MB of data with 18544710 records. production server currently is at 6 GBs of data. 4. The Page 10, Core Requirements: The RFP calls for a “fourth-generation juvenile risk and need assessment adapted from the Washington State Juvenile Court Assessment.” In 2005, Florida’s Department of Juvenile Justice slightly modified the Washington State Juvenile Court Assessment (WSJCA) and created the “Back on Track! Assessment” to meet their needs. The changes included: wording of detention questions to reflect Florida institutions, breaking each domain into Historical and Current sections based on question text, addition of approximately 10 questions throughout the assessment. Assessments.com created training materials and the software necessary to perform the Back on Track! Assessment and the resultant product was marketed as the PACT assessment, which is proprietary. Subsequently another vendor has emerged in the marketplace, also offering the PACT as a proprietary instrument. a. If the proprietary instrument Tarrant County referring to in this requirement Assessments.com or Noble Software Group’s PACT? b. If answer to question above is YES: These instruments are owned by private vendors and cannot be used by other vendors – how can other vendors submit a qualifying bid? c. If answer to above is NO, what is the name of the tool Tarrant County is referring to in this requirement and is it available as a public domain instrument? Will the bidder be granted permission to build the instrument(s) referred to in this requirement in the bidder’s Assessment Management System? If the bidder’s Assessment Management System provided access to other validated assessment tools that also identify risk and protective factors, would the instrument(s) be satisfactory replacement for the PACT? d. Will the bidder be granted permission to build the instrument(s) referred to in this requirement in the bidder’s Assessment Management System? e. If the bidder’s Assessment Management System provided access to other validated assessment tools that also identify risk and protective factors, would the instrument(s) be satisfactory replacement for the PACT? RFP NO. 2015-087 PAGE 3 OF ADDENDUM NO. 1 MARCH 19, 2015 RFP FOR JUVENILE ASSESSMENT SYSTEM QUESTIONS AND RESPONSES RESPONSE: 5. a. The RFP is not requesting a proprietary solution. The RFP is requesting that the solution be based on the WSJCA, a public domain tool. b. See Response to Question 4a. c. No, the link provided should provide the paper model of the assessment tool: http://www.wsipp.wa.gov/Reports/PolicySubarea/3 d. Permission is not necessary. e. No, we are clear in our requirements. TCJS has administered an assessment based on the WSJCA. We have research and many staff members trained in the method. We do not wish to spend the time and expense to retrain staff to use a different tool. Page 10, Section II,B: The RFP states that if the bidder fails to meet the core requirements listed in this section, the bidder may be disqualified and not considered for award. a. If Tarrant County is requiring proprietary instruments in the Assessment Management System that the bidder cannot be granted permission to include in their software, does this preclude the bidder from submitting a qualifying bid or being awarded the contract? RESPONSE: See Answer to Question 4a. 6. Page 11, Section II. C What platform does Tarrant County use for single sign on with JCMS? RESPONSE: Active Directory and Windows Authentication. 7. Page 11. C, Solution Requirements Please describe the customizations anticipated for the Assessment Management System. RESPONSE: Once the vendor is selected and if needed the customization to fit the needs of the Tarrant County Juvenile Services. This could include work to convert data as well. RFP NO. 2015-087 PAGE 4 OF ADDENDUM NO. 1 MARCH 19, 2015 RFP FOR JUVENILE ASSESSMENT SYSTEM QUESTIONS AND RESPONSES 8. Page 11. C, Solution Requirements: a. It is preferred that customizations are developed and implemented by the vendor, not the customer. Does Tarrant County expect to develop and implement customizations internally without the vendor’s involvement? b. Please describe the customizations Tarrant County intends to implement in the Assessment Management System. c. Please describe the customization to management reports Tarrant County intends to implement. RESPONSE: 9. a. Yes, the County expects to maintain enumeration tables without the vendor’s involvement. b. The County will need the ability to maintain tables relating to offense and dispositions that are used to generate Domain 1 of the assessment and the school listing that feeds into the case plan. Additionally, the case management solution needs to provide a framework that can be edited to create an individualized case plan based on the criminogenic needs of each client. The County also needs the ability to add and maintain system users. We do not wish this to be something we must pay a vendor to accomplish each time there is a need to make such a change. c. We require the ability to generate ad-hoc reports. Page 11. C, Solution Requirements. a. Do the intake screens include capturing other data elements besides the instrument question and answers? If so, please list the data elements included. b. For “case management tools” can the County please describe what is expected for this requirement? c. What type of management reports does Tarrant County require? Please list and describe the data contained in the reports, as well as desired file format. d. Can Tarrant County provide examples of the current management reports used? RESPONSE: a. The solution needs the ability to pull information from a replicated database of the Juvenile Case Management System (JCMS) in order to auto-populate all items referring to the client’s criminal history (i.e. Domain 1 of the WSJCA). In addition, the solution needs to provide a way to add offense history not stored in the JCMS (e.g. offenses committed in other jurisdictions). Finally, the user needs to be able to label each assessment as an Initial, Amended, Reassessment, or Final. RFP NO. 2015-087 PAGE 5 OF ADDENDUM NO. 1 MARCH 19, 2015 RFP FOR JUVENILE ASSESSMENT SYSTEM QUESTIONS AND RESPONSES 10. b. The solution must generate a case plan and case plan review based on the TJJD 341 standards. See TJJD Case Plan and TJJD Case Plan Review PDFS which have been posted to the Tarrant County website. c. The exact requirements of these reports will be discussed with the selected vendor. Number of cases, number of cases per manager, per supervisor, number of cases pending case plan review, etc. d. No, the currently utilized reports are part of the current vendor’s solution. Page 12, C. Solution Requirements Requirements call for customized case plans based upon the results of the assessment tool. a. What case planning tool does the County currently use? b. Please provide examples of the customized case plan Tarrant County wishes to use. c. What file format is required for the case plan? d. How are case plans currently stored? (i.e. in JCMS, in the current assessment tool, in SharePoint)? e. Does Tarrant County wish to include electronic signatures for the case plan as part of this requirement? RESPONSE: 11. a. See response to Question 2a. b. See response to Question 2a. c. Need a web application to assist in the creation of the case plan and ability to save case plan and review as a PDF. d. The case plan is a part of the web application and the PDF is saved on the server. This is an item for analysis and discussion with the selected vendor. We are looking for a better solution than our current method of saving the PDFs on the server. e. No. Page 12, C. Solution Requirements. What are the requirements for completing the case plan? RESPONSE: See response to Question 2b. RFP NO. 2015-087 PAGE 6 OF ADDENDUM NO. 1 MARCH 19, 2015 RFP FOR JUVENILE ASSESSMENT SYSTEM QUESTIONS AND RESPONSES 12. Page 12, C. Solution Requirements. a. Is Tarrant County currently registered with NYSAP to administer the MAYSI-2 Version 2? b. If so, what software provider is Tarrant County contracted with to administer the MAYSI-2? c. Please clarify what is meant by “enhancement feature in English and Spanish.” RESPONSE: 13. a. Yes. b. ADC (Assessments.com). c. Verbally presented in English and in Spanish. Page 12, C. Solution Requirements. What is the “ability to add/update/track/search and/or set to in-active” regarding? Please clarify. RESPONSE: We need to be able to maintain and search subject profiles and inactivate clients who age-out of the system. 14. Page 12, C. Solution Requirements. a. Does Tarrant County currently use a substance abuse screening tool? If yes, which one(s) and are they in the public domain or proprietary? b. Does Tarrant County have a preference for which substance abuse screening tool is provided in the Assessment Management System? If yes, please list the tools Tarrant County would be interested in. c. Would the County consider a validated substance abuse screening tool in the public domain? RESPONSE: a. No. b. We are open to suggestions from the vendor. c. Yes. RFP NO. 2015-087 PAGE 7 OF ADDENDUM NO. 1 MARCH 19, 2015 RFP FOR JUVENILE ASSESSMENT SYSTEM QUESTIONS AND RESPONSES 15. Page13, C. Solution Requirements. a. How many Tarrant County staff are expected to be trained by the bidder on how to use the assessment management software? b. How many Tarrant County staff are expected to be trained by the bidder on administering the risk and needs assessment tool? c. How many Tarrant County staff are expected to be trained by the bidder on case planning? d. Is Tarrant County expecting a train-the-trainer approach on using the assessment management software, where the bidder trains “power users” who will then roll out training to all end users? If not, please describe the training methodology Tarrant County wishes to use. RESPONSE: 16. a. Approximately 225-230 staff. b. Approximately 125 staff. c. Approximately 100 staff. d. Yes. Page13, C. Solution Requirements: a. What are the training objectives for technical staff on the data code? Is it for reporting purposes only to write queries against the database, for example? b. The bidder’s proposed solution is a SaaS-based product hosted by Microsoft Azure. If the bidder provides a read-only copy of the database to Tarrant County will this meet the requirement? c. How many technical staff would need to be trained by the bidder? d. What are the preferred reporting tools the technical staff would like to use? RESPONSE: a. Yes, also research and IT staff will wish to have some database training. b. No, we are looking for an SaaS solution. c. 2-4. d. SSRS. RFP NO. 2015-087 PAGE 8 OF ADDENDUM NO. 1 MARCH 19, 2015 RFP FOR JUVENILE ASSESSMENT SYSTEM QUESTIONS AND RESPONSES 17. Page13, C. Solution Requirements a. b. How many facilities and users will require training on? i. End-user training on the Assessment Management Software. ii. System Administration training on the Assessment Management Software. iii. Case Planning Training. iv. Training on the Risk and Needs Assessment Tool. What is the desired timeline to complete training for required users and facilities? RESPONSE: 18. a. Training can occur at a single location. See response to Questions 15 and 16 for number of staff to be trained. b. At least one (1) week prior to go-live. Page13, C. Solution Requirements. a. How many facility liaisons will the bidder be providing training on: RESPONSE: a. 19. Approximately 15 – 20 for all items below: i. End-user training on the Assessment Management Software. ii. System Administration training on the Assessment Management Software. iii. Case Planning Training. iv. Training on the Risk and Needs Assessment Tool. Page 14, C. Solution Requirements. a. Please describe the current process used to assign and reassign case at Tarrant County in the software. b. Is caseload assignment also available in JCMS? i. If so, would Tarrant County consider an integration between JCMS and the Assessment Management System to synch caseload assignments rather than manually assigning / reassigning caseloads? c. How many caseloads currently exist in Tarrant County? d. Approximately how many clients are assigned to each caseload? RFP NO. 2015-087 PAGE 9 OF ADDENDUM NO. 1 MARCH 19, 2015 RFP FOR JUVENILE ASSESSMENT SYSTEM QUESTIONS AND RESPONSES RESPONSE: a. There is an administrator account that can reassign cases or a supervisor can assign cases to those in that supervisors group. b. Yes. i. 20. Yes. c. Approximately 100. d. Approximately 20-25. Page 14, C. Solution Requirements. What are Tarrant County’s expectations for the hierarchy of users as it relates to permissions/roles in the Assessment Management Software? RESPONSE: 21. 1) Administrator full permission to read, write and edit. 2) Supervisor permission to read, write, edit any subjects in current caseload or any caseload of probation officer’s assigned to that supervisor. 3) Probation officers permission to read, write, and edit any subjects assigned to that officer. 4) Read only access for staff that do not carry a caseload. Page 14, C. Solution Requirements. a. Please describe the basic reporting requirements for Tarrant County. b. Please describe what reporting requirements/data elements are needed for cases. c. The Bidder’s proposed solution does not include programs date. Does Tarrant County expect to include the management of programs within the Assessment Management System? d. i. If so, does JCMS also provide programs functionality to users? ii. Would program data need to be included in an integration between JCMS and the bidder’s solution? iii. What type of program data does Tarrant County expect to be able to report on? What type of reporting tools does Tarrant County expect to use? RFP NO. 2015-087 PAGE 10 OF ADDENDUM NO. 1 MARCH 19, 2015 RFP FOR JUVENILE ASSESSMENT SYSTEM QUESTIONS AND RESPONSES RESPONSE: a. We require the ability to generate ad-hoc reports regarding caseload and case plan goals and interventions. b. The exact requirements of these reports will be discussed with the selected vendor. c. No. d. 22. i. NA. ii. NA. iii. NA. We require the ability to generate ad-hoc reports in the application. SSRS, SPSS, MicroStrategy. Page 14, C. Solution Requirements: a. The bidder’s proposed solution is a SaaS-based product hosted by Microsoft Azure. The editing of tables and valid values cannot be edited by customers, only by the software vendor. i. Is this a mandatory requirement to allow system administrators to edit tables and values? ii. If the bidder does not comply with this requirement, does this preclude the bidder from being awarded the contract? We will score the proposal based on the merits of the proposed solution. b. Does Tarrant County wish to edit the values of an assessment tool? c. Please provide an example of a field name that would need to be edited. RESPONSE: a. SaaS is not a preferred solution. i. The County will need the ability to maintain tables relating to offense and dispositions that are used to generate Domain 1 of the assessment and the school listing that feeds into the case plan. Additionally, the case management solution needs to provide a framework that can be edited to create an individualized case plan based on the criminogenic needs of each client. The County also needs the ability to add and maintain system users. ii. We will score the proposal based on the merits of the proposed solution. b. No. c. Schools, offenses dispositions, offenses are sometimes changed to different levels as well. RFP NO. 2015-087 PAGE 11 OF ADDENDUM NO. 1 MARCH 19, 2015 RFP FOR JUVENILE ASSESSMENT SYSTEM QUESTIONS AND RESPONSES 23. Page 14, C. Solution Requirements: a. Please provide screenshots of the intake screens for risk to re-offend. b. Are the upgrades required for the risk and needs assessments initiated by the assessment author solely? In other words, could Tarrant County initiate changes to the risk and needs assessments? c. What upgrades to the case management tools are expected by Tarrant County? Please provide examples. d. What upgrades to the management reports are expected by Tarrant County? Please provide examples. RESPONSE: 24. a. We are not at liberty to provide vendor’s screen shots. b. Any updates made to the tool for other agencies using the same solution would be expected to be made available to Tarrant County at no cost to the agency. c. Any updates made to the tool for other agencies using the same solution would be expected to be made available to Tarrant County at no cost to the agency. d. Any updates made to the tool for other agencies using the same solution would be expected to be made available to Tarrant County at no cost to the agency. Page 14, C. Solution Requirements. a. Please describe Tarrant County’s current method for exporting data from the Assessment Management System. b. What type of assistance is required of the bidder for ad hoc data mining? Please describe. RESPONSE: a. SQL can be exported in Excel and other acceptable formats available through SQL management studio. b. Ad Hoc Reporting, Data Marts, assistance with your data structure, data dictionary, data schema. Information that would assist in the evaluation of the data. RFP NO. 2015-087 PAGE 12 OF ADDENDUM NO. 1 MARCH 19, 2015 RFP FOR JUVENILE ASSESSMENT SYSTEM QUESTIONS AND RESPONSES 25. Page 14, C. Solution Requirements: a. What is Tarrant County’s preferred method for exporting existing data? b. Please describe the amount of data and from which system(s) data will need to be converted. c. Does the data conversion include reports, and if so what file format(s)? d. Does the data conversion include case plans? RESPONSE: 26. a. SQL to XLS. b. See answer to Question 3. c. Yes, SSRS. d. Yes. Page 15, C. Solution Requirements. a. b. c. Please provide a list of all TCJS systems that will require an integration with the Assessment Management System. What are the current interfaces in place today between TCJS systems and the Assessment Management System? For each TCJS system requiring an integration with the bidder’s Assessment Management System, please provide the following information: i. Integration method (i.e. web service, flat file). ii. Data Structure: 1. File layout if flat file. 2. Web Service parameters and security. iii. Integration Frequency (i.e. nightly, real time). iv. Direction of data (bidirectional or one way) RESPONSE: a. Currently JCMS is the only system. We replicate the data to our SQL servers and criminal history data is pulled from that database. b. Web services, WSDL & Stored procedures with JCMS Database. c. i. Web Service, WSDL and Stored Procs. ii. 1. SQL relational database. 2. Active Directory and Firewall. iii. Real time. iv. One way. RFP NO. 2015-087 PAGE 13 OF ADDENDUM NO. 1 MARCH 19, 2015 RFP FOR JUVENILE ASSESSMENT SYSTEM QUESTIONS AND RESPONSES 27. Page 15, C. Solution Requirements a. Does Tarrant County have an existing user correction plan? i. If so, please provide a copy. ii. If not, what are the desired contents for the user error correction plan and how does this differ from the bidder’s SLA? RESPONSE: a. 28. Delete and Repeat (Delete file and re-enter). i. NA. ii. We would need to see the SLA to answer that question. Page 15, C. Solution Requirements: a. Are all the requirements listed in the “Solution Requirements” mandatory? b. If the bidder does not meet all the requirements (i.e. the requirements marked as “No” on the matrix), will this preclude the bidder from being awarded a contract with Tarrant County for this RFP? RESPONSE: 29. a. All requirements listed in the solutions requirements are desired. b. The proposed solution will be scored based on the vendor’s response. Page 19, Section 3: Please define and describe “LMS integration etc.” (LMS-Learning Management System) RESPONSE: We would like for you to provide us with your proposed training plan. 30. Page 22, Section D: a. Can Tarrant County provide the estimated date range that bidders would be requested to provide a demonstration? b. Would this demonstration be on-site at Tarrant County? RESPONSE: a. April 2015. b. Yes. RFP NO. 2015-087 PAGE 14 OF ADDENDUM NO. 1 MARCH 19, 2015 RFP FOR JUVENILE ASSESSMENT SYSTEM QUESTIONS AND RESPONSES 31. What is the desired timeframe for implementation of the new system, including expected contract award date? RESPONSE: Contract award is estimated be April or May 2015. 32. What is Tarrant County’s desired go-live date? RESPONSE: June 30, 2015. 33. What is the proposed budget for this contract, Years 1-4? RESPONSE: $40,000/year. 34. Can Tarrant County provide copies of existing contracts with the current Assessment Management System Vendor, including contracts with Assessment Tool Vendors if applicable? RESPONSE: In order to obtain current contracts, you must submit an Open Records Request. This Request should be sent to Patty Page via email at [email protected] or via fax at 817-884-2629. The law allows ten (10) business days to respond once an Open Records Request is received. 35. What Youth Risk and Needs assessments are currently used by TC juvenile services? RESPONSE: We currently use the Positive Achievement Change Tool (PACT) which is based on the Washington State Juvenile Court Assessment. 36. What vendor (s) or third parties provide these assessment tools? RESPONSE: The WSJCA s public domain, the number of vendors with assessments based on this tool is unknown by the County. RFP NO. 2015-087 PAGE 15 OF ADDENDUM NO. 1 MARCH 19, 2015 RFP FOR JUVENILE ASSESSMENT SYSTEM QUESTIONS AND RESPONSES 37. Does the TCJS currently use the MAYSI 2? Do you currently pay a fee for its use? RESPONSE: Yes, we are currently licensed to use the MAYSI-2 through TJJD. 38. Would TCJS consider a different leading 4th generation, validated (risk and criminogenic needs and protective factors), assessment tool as a viable alternative to tools that have been adopted from the Washington State Juvenile Court Assessment? RESPONSE: The requirements are clearly stated in the core requirements. RFP NO. 2015-087 PAGE 16 OF ADDENDUM NO. 1 MARCH 19, 2015 RFP FOR JUVENILE ASSESSMENT SYSTEM B. Core Requirements: 1. Is your solution providing a validated assessment tool, for use in identifying risk and protective factors to target in programming, treatment and rehabilitation of juvenile delinquents based on a fourth-generation juvenile risk and need assessment adapted from the Washington State Juvenile Court Assessment? _____Yes _____No 2. Is your solution providing a Massachusetts Youth Screening Instrument (MAYSI-2)? _____Yes _____No 3. Is your solution compliant with Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 and above? _____Yes _____No 4. Is your solution compliant with Windows Microsoft Server 2012 R2? _____Yes _____No Proposed system must be compatible and interface with Tarrant County’s existing infrastructure and meet all core requirements listed above. Any proposal that includes a system not compatible with Tarrant County’s existing infrastructure and/or fails to meet the core requirements listed above may be disqualified and not considered for award. Does your proposed system perform in Tarrant County’s infrastructure and meet or exceed all the core requirements listed above? _____Yes _____No Comments/Explanation: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ PAGE 10 OF RFP NO. 2015-087 REVISED 3/19/2015 RFP FOR JUVENILE ASSESSMENT SYSTEM Solution Requirements: 3.3 Provide a hierarchy of users from Admin, Director, Supervisor, Probation Officer, and Client. 3.4 System should have basic reporting on number of cases, number of programs. 3.5 System should have ability to provide tables, valid value list that can be edited by a system administrator. 3.6 Provide any upgrades to intake screens for risk to reoffend, a criminogenic risk and needs assessment instrument, case management tools, and useful management reports at no cost to the agency. 3.7 Provide a method to export data and provide assistance in ad hoc data mining for research purposes. 3.8 System should have ability to accept updates provided by external agencies, i.e. Texas Department of Public Safety update to offense codes, crime type, severity index and other relative information affecting the validation and scoring of the assessments. 3.9 Provide a method to convert existing data and legacy information to the proposed system. Yes No Planned Comments . PAGE 14 OF RFP NO. 2015-087 REVISED 3/19/2015 RFP FOR JUVENILE ASSESSMENT SYSTEM Solution Requirements 3.10 .Provide interface to accept data from other TCJS systems. 3.11 For the first 6 months provide, without cost, Technical Support to be available during the hours of 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. CST/CDT, Monday – Friday. 3.12 System should be able to interface with 2014 SQL server and databases. 3.13 System must be able to run on Windows Microsoft Server 2012 R2. 3.14 Web application must function with Internet Explorer 9 and above at a minimum. Yes No Planned Comments 4. Support 4.1 Vendor Solution provides an acceptable service level agreement. 4.2 Vendor solution incorporates a strong strategy for bug fixes and product upgrades 4.3 Vendor solution provides a user error correction plan (1.4.3) Does your proposed solution meet or exceed all the requirements listed above? Yes ________ No ________ PAGE 15 OF RFP NO. 2015-087 REVISED 3/19/2015 RFP FOR JUVENILE ASSESSMENT SYSTEM III. PROPOSAL SUBMISSIONS: A. Proposals should be submitted with the information placed in the following order and divided into sections. All pages should be numbered consecutively. Section 1 – Respondent’s Qualifications and Experience: Please provide answers to the questions below, or provide documentation supporting the question that is clearly linked to the request. Please provide an overview of your corporation. Include: 1. Type of organization (C-Corp, LLC, S Corp, Employee owned etc.) 2. Number of employees split between categories (management, sales, support, implementation, development etc.) 3. Company and/or Key Personnel should have a minimum of five (5) years’ experience in operating, administering and maintaining an installed or web based Juvenile Assessment System. Provide a list of key personnel assigned to this project with names and description of qualifications. 4. Installations: Please provide an analysis of your installs, differentiate complete vs. partial solutions implemented. 5. Number of installations over the last three (3) years US and worldwide, specify installations in the justice arena; state or county government installs. 6. Total number of installations in Texas. 7. Largest annual volume customer installed and number of users. 8. Recent acquisitions / divestitures: Please identify any recent acquisitions made to increase the breadth of the product, and how these applications are being integrated / interfaced today, and the future plans. 9. Include qualifications and experience of proposed subcontractors. Section 2 – Technical Response: 1. This section should set forth the proposed technical solution in response to this RFP. The Respondent must demonstrate to the sole satisfaction of Tarrant County that the Respondent can successfully deliver services of the type and scope set forth in this RFP. Include in this section responses to the Core Requirements and System Requirements (pages 10 to 16). PAGE 18 OF RFP NO. 2015-087 REVISED 3/19/2015 RFP FOR JUVENILE ASSESSMENT SYSTEM 2. Project Solution – This section should contain a narrative that clearly demonstrates the Respondent’s approach toward meeting the goals and objectives of this RFP. This section should address how each specific requirement of the RFP will be met by the proposed solution. Further, any desirable features of this approach should also be explained. Clarity of description of the proposed solution is the aim and, therefore, use of product boilerplate and marketing releases throughout this section is discouraged. 3. Software and Hardware Requirements – Respondent should provide detailed software and hardware requirements to implement the system. Include specifications for all hardware required to implement the system. DO NOT INCLUDE COSTS FOR HARDWARE. Tarrant County will provide support and maintenance for all hardware. 4. On-Going Support and Maintenance – Respondent should include a detailed proposal outlining the ongoing support and maintenance offered over the four (4) year contact term. 5. Install Base Version: What is the current version of your product? How many of your customers are utilizing that version? Section 3 – Training and Support 1. Describe your methods of end and super user training including; classroom; online; LMS integration etc. 2. Support model: Please identify the ways in which you provide support to customers. Identify in this any web / remote access / telephone / help desk/ user forums etc. Within this number, identify the total support FTEs dedicated to the solution proposed. 3. User groups and community: Please identify any user groups that are in place; any user group events or conferences; level of involvement of user groups in system design and any other relevant information. Section 4 – Project Approach and Management: 1. This section should contain a brief description of how the Respondent proposes to successfully manage this project. 2. Project Team – The Respondent should include a description of how the project team will be structured, its roles and responsibilities, location within the company’s organizational framework and chain of command. 3. Project Plan – Respondent should provide a preliminary Project Management and Communication Plan including implementation, test strategy, transition, training, inspection and acceptance plans. Include a preliminary Statement of Work that describes products to be delivered and the work to be performed by the Respondent during this engagement and a detailed timeline and milestone schedule. PAGE 19 OF RFP NO. 2015-087 REVISED 3/19/2015
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