Theme Development Competition YOUTH CLIMATE CHANGE CONFERENCE 2015 Objective The purpose of this competition is to provide young Jamaicans between the ages of 14-28 years with an opportunity to develop a relevant, interesting and motivating theme for the 2015 Youth Climate Change Conference Eligibility Any Jamaican youth between the ages of 14-28 years can submit one (1) theme idea for the 2015 conference. Participants must be a part of a community based youth organization/ Club/Society or attending an institution ( Secondary, Tertiary Level. Procedure a. b. c. Please keep a copy of your conference theme submission for your own records as submissions will not be returned. Completed Conference Theme Development Entry forms MUST be submitted to the YCCC Conference Secretariat by the latest Monday April 20, 2015. The first place winner will be announced during the YCCC Launch and CCAT Graduation on April 30, 2015 Competition Guidelines a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Conference theme submissions must be original. All entries must express contestant’s view on Youth involvement in action to combat Climate Change. The theme can be accompanied by supporting graphic images/logos All themes must be submitted with a short paragraph (maximum 200 words) on why you chose your theme. The theme must not contain any inappropriate message or language. The theme should be written so that it can easily be displayed on future conference programs/flyers. The theme must be the result of the contestant’s own efforts with limited guidance from others. Key points to consider in theme development a. b. c. d. How does your theme relate to Youth participation in climate change action at the national level Does your theme actively address the objectives of the YCCC2015 conference as outlined below? What kind of theme would inspire your peers’ involvement in the school/community and motivate them to become agents of positive change and good environmental stewardship? Is the theme relatable to the youth audience and easy to remember? 1 Judging and Awards The following theme factors will be considered when the entry is judged: A. Portrayal of the vision of the conference; B. Appropriateness for Youth target audience C. Creativity, unique quality and cleverness; D. How clear and understandable the theme is; E. Correct grammar, spelling and punctuation; The judges’ decisions will be final. Winners will be notified within one ( 1) week of the competition deadline. Previous themes 2014 – “One Climate, One Future… Empowering Youth for Action” Prizes The originator for the winning theme will receive a 1600 gallon water tank and other surprises. The winning theme will be displayed on promotional items and used for branding of the YCCC event. Background The Youth Climate Change Conference (YCCC) is an initiative of the Jamaica Rural Economy and Ecosystems Adapting to Climate Change (Ja REEACH) Project, under the project’s youth empowerment program area. First held in September 2014 under the theme, “One Climate, One Future… Empowering Youth for Action”, the YCCC conference was made possible through collaboration with corporate partners, the Ministry of Youth and Culture, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Water, Land Environment and Climate Change. The second year of the YCCC promises to be even bigger and better and will include a variety of exhibitions, speakers, scholarships, prizes and surprises. Importantly, young Jamaicans will be coming together to contribute to Jamaica’s first climate change action framework for schools. It will be a unique opportunity to experience how our nation’s youth are responding to this important development challenge. The Ja REEACH project is funded by the United States Agency for International Development and implemented by the international non-profit, ACDI/VOCA, and local partners. Ja REEACH works to protect rural lives, livelihoods and ecosystems through interventions that drive adaptation and build resilience. Specific YCCC objectives include: 1) To share information on the impact and issues related to climate change. 2) To create a joint youth statement and framework for Climate Action in Schools 3) To showcase current climate action projects by youth 4) To edutain the participants through creative expression, ensuring transfer of knowledge and information through entertainment and facilitating a fun ending to the conference. 5) To provide networking opportunities for partners and participants. 6) To showcase the products and information by the sponsors and partner agencies 2 YCCC 2015 THEME DEVELOPMENT Evaluation Sheet Judge Name : _____________________________ School/Group:____________________________ Competitor Name:_________________________ Associated Graphic : YES_____ NO________ Submitted theme: __________________________________________________________________________ CRITERIA ELIGIBILITY The theme is appropriate and does not contain any inappropriate language or message etc short paragraph (maximum 200 words) included in entry Circle yes or no. YES NO If yes, continue the scoring process. If no, do not continue. RELEVANCE-The theme relates to the objectives & outcomes of the Youth Climate Change Conference 2015 MAXIMUM POINTS 20 20 CREATIVITY-The content of the theme is presented in a manner that is unique and appealing to the youth audience 20 INSPIRATIONAL-The theme will inspire young persons to become agents of positive change and good environmental stewardship 20 CLARITY-The theme is clear, easily understood easy to remember 10 ACCURACY- The presentation has correct spelling, grammar, capitalization and punctuation 10 TOTAL POINTS 3 100 SCORE YCCC 2015 THEME DEVELOPMENT COMPETITION Entry Form Entry form is due no later than Monday April 20, 2015. Please keep a copy of the entry form and theme for your records. Please type or print. Name: ________________________________________ School/Group: __________________________________ Parish: ___________________________________ _____ Phone Number: _________________________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________________ All themes must be submitted with a short essay (one paragraph of 200 words or less) on why you chose your theme. Submitted theme: _________________________________________________________________________ Supporting paragraph ( No more than 200 words)-Why I chose this theme: Graphic Attached: YES ☐ NO☐ I, , certify that the submitted Conference Theme and supporting graphic images are original and solely my work and can be used on promotional materials related to YCCC 2015. Signature _______________________________________ Date Submitted ___________________________ RETURN TO: YCCC 2015 Theme Development Competition ACDI/VOCA JAMAICA Jamaica Rural Economy and Ecosystems Adapting to Climate Change (Ja REEACH) Project 1A Braemar Avenue, Kingston 10, Jamaica, W.I. Tel: (876) 946-1602-3 l Fax: (876) 946-1604 |E-mail: 4
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