The Birth, Development and Future Prospects for Craniofacial Biology Hal Slavkin, Professor & Dean Emeritus Center for Craniofacial Molecular Biology, Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California ([email protected]) Opening General Session: Keynote Address 72nd Annual Meeting & Symposia of the American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association Westin Mission Hills Golf Resort & Spa Hotel, Rancho Mirage, April 22nd, 2015 Dedicated to the Memory of Professor Samuel Pruzansky (One of the Midwives for Birth of a Discipline: Craniofacial Biology) • Role Model Mentor & Coach Advocate Leader Listener Inspirational Friend for 16 years • • • • • • • • Organized the First International Symposium on Craniofacial Malformations in 1959 Coined the term “Craniofacial Biology” Served as Chair for the First “Dental Study Section” at NIDR, NIH Founded the First Center for Craniofacial Anomalies at the University of Illinois College of Medicine in 1967 First President of Craniofacial Biology Group at IADR in 1968 Received the “Honors of the Association” in 1976 From American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association Published 190 Scientific Publications Authored the Forward for my book “Developmental Craniofacial Biology” (1979) His Death in 1984 Three Examples of Innovative Craniofacial Clinical Scholars Paul Tessier Carl Witkop,Jr. 1st Lab Chief, Genetics Branch, NIDR, NIH (1950s); Pioneer of enamel and dentin genetic diseases and disorders (amelogenesis & dentinogenesis imperfecta; AI & DI) French Surgeon who created major transformations of craniofacial surgery; consulted for NIDR in 1960s-1980s; provided training for craniofacial surgeons such as Dr. Henry Kawamoto; close friends with Drs. Sam Pruzansky and John Converse Robert Gorlin Father of craniofacial genetics of dysmorphology SELECTED EVENTS Social Security Act included funds for the care of children with congenital birth defects-1935 1st Cleft Palate Clinic- (Dr Herbert Cooper); 1st Craniofacial Team-1938 (creation of Inter Professional Teams for Health Care) NIDR created-1948 (with Cancer & Heart Institutes) NIDR formed the very first genetics branch at NIH (1950) Thalidomide Epidemic (10,000 babies) – October 1957 NIDR supports Gatlinburg Conference-December 1959 1st March of Dimes Conference on Birth Defects-1960 Dr Sam Pruzansky coins term “craniofacial biology” – 1968 (synthesis of embryology, biochemistry, clinical specialties) Japanese, USA, UK, France, Australia, Canada, Scandinavia Cleft lip and Cleft Palate Centers for Clinical Services as well as Research Institutes created NIDR becomes NIDCR in 1998; leads Surgeon General‟s Report on Oral Health in America” (released May 2000) Eurocleft led to WHO (2000) led to Americleft (2006) led to CLEFT-Q Regenerative medicine & dentistry, clinical trials for ED, Gordon Conferences, NIDCR FaceBase, Precision Health Care, 3-D Imaging, Nanotechnology, $1,000 for patient‟s complete genome, and era of the microbiome in 21st Century Dr Herb Cooper’s Interprofessional Team at Lancaster, PA (1938) Dr. Cooper with patient Cooper Protocol for CL/CP Composition of Craniofacial Interprofessional Health Teams ( ~200 CF Teams in USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, Europe & Beyond) Surgeon, Pediatrician, Neurologist, Anesthesiologist, Physician Nurse Assistant, Nurse, Pedodontist, Prosthodontist, Orthodontist, Speech Therapist, Audiologist/ENT, Geneticist, Craniofacial Biologist, Clinical Psychologist, Social Services, Physical Therapy for Feeding Disorders, Psychologist, Psychiatry, Nutrition and Education, Language, Occupational Therapy & Dental Hygiene Core Competencies for Interprofessional Education & Clinic Care (May 2011) American Association of Colleges of Nursing American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine American Dental Education Association American Association of Medical Colleges American Association of Public Health Colleges Competency Domain 1. Values/Ethics of Interprofessional Practice Competency Domain 2. Roles/Responsibilities Competency Domain 3. Interprofessional Communication Competency Domain 4. Teams and Teamwork My journey beginnings… After high school, pursued dental technician training at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, and then dental and craniofacial technology at Walter Reed Hospital, DC, and Forest Glen, Maryland (severe facial burns unit - - -acquired craniofacial anomalies) Worked as dental tech (“crown & bridge”) through undergrad & dent school (19581965) After 1yr (Richard Greulich, Anatomy, UCLA) & 2yrs (Lucien Bavetta, Biochemistry, USC) postdoctoral fellowships, joined USC in 1968 & served for 46 years on faculty (minus 5yrs as director NIDCR and 4yrs various sabbatical leaves) …my discovery of doing science as a dental student (1963-1965)... Slavkin, H.C., Canter, M.R. and Canter, S.R. (1966). An anatomic study of the pterygomaxillary region in the craniums of infants and children. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. 21(2):225-235. Slavkin, H.C. (1965). Anatomical investigation of the greater palatine foramen and canal. Alpha Omegan, 58:148-151. Slavkin, H.C. (1965). Dental amputation neuromas. JADA, 70:662-675. Greulich, R.C. and Slavkin, H.C. (1965). Amino acid utilization in the synthesis of enamel and dentin matrices as visualized by autoradiography. In: The Use of Radioautography in Investigating Protein Synthesis (eds. C.P. Leblond and K.B. Warren), pp. 199-214. New York: Academic Press. Canter, S.R., Slavkin, H.C. and Canter, M.R. (1964). Anatomical study of pterygopalatine fossa and canal: Considerations applicable to the anesthetization of the second division of the fifth cranial nerve. J. Oral Surg., Anesth. Hosp. Dent. Svc. 22:318-323. Creating Craniofacial Teams & Celebrating Professional & Cultural Diversity 1938 - Present “Craniofacial biology, as a life science, is a single fabric of interconnected facts and concepts in which, as in all dynamic works, the structure and strength of each portion depends significantly on the condition of the others.” S. Pruzansky 1968 The Burden of Congenital and Acquired Craniofacial Anomalies 1 out of every 10 people in industrial countries present craniofacial-oral-dental disease or disfigurements 1 million people in USA have severe congenital craniofacialoral-dental disfigurements (e.g. non-syndromic and syndromic clefts, birth marks, hemangiomas, oligodontia, severe malocclusions) Acquired craniofacial-oral-dental diseases and disorders include severe craniofacial facial burns, head and neck trauma, head & neck cancers, hypertrophic scars, and severe acne with facial scars impacting many millions of people Total direct & indirect global health care costs are ~ $500 billion per year Types of Cl/CP (in California 1:500 live births) The burden of craniofacial conditions cause $95.9 billion per year in medical and wage/household work costs (1999 dollars). A baby is born every hour with CL/CP in USA, every minute world-wide, and often requires surgery, speech, hearing, learning, orthodontics, dental, feeding needs, social services & psychosocial health care needs PHENOTYPE + GENOTYPE = PHENOMICS from single nucleotide polymorphisms to patient, family & population craniofacial phenotypes Phenotype (Examples) Cleft lip and/or Cleft palate (CLP) Unilateral vs Bilateral, Ethnicity Male vs. Female Chromosomal, Mendelian, Complex, and Teratogenic; Syndromic & Non-syndromic CLP affects 1/700 live births with wide variability across geography, racial & ethnic groups, SES & environmental exposures See See Michael Dixon, Mary Marazita, Terri Beatty & Jeff Murray (2011) Cleft Lip and Palate: Synthesizing Genetic and Environmental Influences. Nature Review Genetics 12(3):167-178. Genomics (Examples) TGFalpha, RARA, IRF6, MSX1, FGFR1,FGFR2, TP63, PAX7,NOG and Other Gene Networks (e.g., BMPs, TGF-beta (1-3), Wnts, Shh) See Leslie and colleagues (2015) Identification of functional variants for cleft lip with or without cleft palate in or near PAX7, FGFR2 and NOG by targeted sequencing of GWAS loci. Amer J Human Genetics 2/20/2015. Craniofacial Biology Highlights 3.62 million sites in 0.32 seconds from Google search 4/20/2015 Vertebrate fossils show craniofacial birth defects Aristotle and biological observations Charles Darwin “On The Origin of Species” (1859) & “The Expression of the Emotions of Man” (1872) first used term “craniofacial”; first pubMed citation Thomas Huxley (1876) with evolutionary biology Creation of National Association of Teachers of Speech in 1925 Synthesis of genetics, biochemistry, embryology to become “Evo-Devo” Hans Spemann receives Nobel Prize in 1935 (studies in craniofacial biology) Herbert Cooper creates first craniofacial team (1938) World War II and ultrasound, antibiotics, anesthesiology and surgery Vannevar Bush and creation of the NIH (cancer, dental, and heart) in 1948 NIDR creates “1st” Genetics Branch at entire NIH (1950) NIDR first grants for craniofacial in 1957 to Lancaster Landmark Conference December 6-9, 1959 called “Gatlinburg Conference” or “Congenital Anomalies of the Face and Associated Structures” (Pruzansky,editor) Paul Tessier, John Converse, Peter Randal, Poul Fogh-Andersen (surgeons), Bob Gorlin, Carl Witkop, F. Clark Fraser, Michael Cohen, Jr., Marilyn Jones (genetics), Sam Pruzansky, R.Bruce Ross, Ross Long (orthodontist), Duane Spriestersbach, Betty Jane McWilliams, & Don Warren all Exemplars of Clinical Scholars (late 1960s – 1980s, and beyond) Creation of American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) in 1978 Basic, translational & clinical research in craniofacial diseases and disorders Joseph Murray Plastic/Craniofacial Surgeon receives Nobel Prize in 1990 NIDR to NIDCR in 1998 (budget doubles) “50 Year Anniversary” NIDCR sponsors “Face Base Initiative” 2004-present Gordon Conferences “Craniofacial Morphogenesis and Tissue Engineering” Precision craniofacial medicine and dentistry An American Perspective Head & Neck Trauma Wars Advance Clinical Care 1938-Present Birth, Development, and Differentiation of Craniofacial Teams 1950-Present Thalidomide (teratology), March of Dimes, NIH (NIDR & NIDCR, NICHD) & Birth Defects Increasing research budgets: NIH doubled 1995-2000; NIH again doubled 20002015 (~$31 billion in 2015) Disruptive Technology = displaces established technology or provides a product or service that creates a completely new industry Head & Neck Trauma from Wars and Head & Neck Cancers Craniofacial Teams Inter-professional Education & Health Care (GME in 1960s) Basic, Translational & Clinical Research (e.g. Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Speech-Language-Hearing, Clinical Psychology and Preventive & Social Services) Gene-based diagnostics (saliva & blood) Digital 3-D imaging & CAD-CAM Haptics: Computer-assisted sensory perceptions “FaceBase” a NIDCR Resource Voice-activated computer technology NIH Plans Million-Person MegaStudy 2015 Accelerate the development of treatments and therapeutics tailored to individual patients; Integrate phenotype and genotype datasets for each patient (phenomics); Increase precision or personalized health care; Increase preventive services; Reduce costs. 2004: Cost of sequencing one human genome = $4 million dollars and 2 years of time 2004: 1 million smart phones in USA 2004: 25% health providers use electronic records 2015: Cost of sequencing one human genome = $1,000 and less than a day of time 2015: 160 million smart phones in USA 2015: >90% health providers use electronic records Strategic Plan of NIDCR 2014-2019 “Enable Precise and Personalized Craniofacial-OralDental Health Care” Martha Somerman DDS, PhD. Director, NIDCR, NIH Expanding the foundation for personalized medicine: implications and challenges for dentistry (Garcia, Kuska & Somerman, 2013 in JDR “Clinical Reviews in Oral Biology & Medicine 92(suppl 1):3-10s) Personalized health care aims to individualize care based on a person’s unique genetic (genotype), environmental, and clinical profile (phenotype) The completion of the Human Genome Project (2004), cost-effective whole genome-wide sequencing methods and bioinformatics (2013), enable clinicians to formulate decisions based upon the patient’s genotype and phenotype (e.g. risk assessment, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis) Now is the time for craniofacial-oral-dental health professionals to prepare for the arrival of personalized or precision health care Changing Knowledge & Therapy Understanding at cellular level Pharmacogenomics Genes Diagnostics Prevention Proteins Underlying Basic Biologic Defect Stem Cell Therapy Disease Targeted Drug Therapy Gene Therapy Precision Medicine: Who Benefits from Aspirin to Prevent Colorectal Cancer? Several genetic variants on chromosome 12, within genes that regulate prostaglandins, play central role in risk for colorectal cancers (see H. Nan and colleagues JAMA 313(11):1133-1142, 2015) Changing Knowledge & Therapy Understanding at cellular level My cancer Genes Proteins Disease Pharmacogenomics Diagnostics Underlying Basic Biologic Defect Targeted Drug Therapy Prevention Stem Cell Therapy Gene Therapy Personalized / Precision Health Care Two Examples of Specific Mutations in One Gene that Produce Different Phenotypes FGFR2 fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 BRACA1/2 tumor suppressor genes Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Saving Lives. Protecting People. Breast and Ovarian Cancer and BRCA1/2 Genes • • • • • Most cases of breast and ovarian cancer that occur in the general population are not the result of an inherited mutation in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes. Only about 3 out of every 100 women who develop breast cancer will have a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation About 10 of every 100 women who develop ovarian cancer will have a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation (variable SNP in sequence determines expression). For women who have a BRCA1/2 mutation, the risk for early breast cancer and ovarian cancer is greatly increased (SNP location in sequence). In some families, breast cancer or ovarian cancer will occur due to inherited mutations in genes other than BRCA1/2. However, this is uncommon. Craniosynostosis Syndromes and FGFR2 Gene Mutations • Different mutations (SNPs) in different locations within the DNA sequence of FGFR2 gene produce different phenotypes - - -Crouzon, Pfeiffer, Apert and/or Beare-Stevenson syndromes (“one gene produces different phenotypes”) Precision Medicine and Type 2 Diabetes: Lessons from Genetics to Epigenetics Known genetic variability (common SNPs) do not account either for current epidemics of type 2 diabetes or for family transmission of this disorder Rather, environmental factors illustrate extraordinary impact on natural history and/or epidemiology of type 2 diabetes Epigenetic mechanisms may explain familial aggregation of type 2 diabetes; certain epigenetic changes can be transgenerationally transmitted Cytokines & other metabolites affect DNA methylation and acetylation that reprogram specific gene expression and contribute to the type 2 phenotype The Promise of Precision Medicine The promise of precision medicine is delivering the right diagnosis and treatments, at the right time, to the right person. It is through this promise that we are given one of the greatest opportunities for new medical breakthroughs that we have ever seen. Sylvia Mathews Burwell, HHS Secretary 3/20/15 Convergence between the Biological and Digital Revolutions Meet Craniofacial Anomalies From Fish to Philosopher: “Evo-Devo” Evolutionary & Developmental Biology Reveal Highly Conserved Craniofacial “Blueprint” Slavkin Birth of a Discipline: Craniofacial Biology, Aegis Communications 2012 Highly Conserved Homeotic Genes Control Craniofacial and Body Form (discovered in 1980s) Slavkin Birth of a Discipline: Craniofacial Biology, Aegis Communications 2012 “A Tipping Point:” Thalidomide Tragedy Informs Teratology & Craniofacial Birth Defects (1950s – 1970s; Accutane in 1980s) Slavkin Birth of a Discipline: Craniofacial Biology, Aegis Communications 2012 From Chromosome Discovery (1842) To Karyotyping (1930s-1970s) To Genomics, To “The Post-Genomic Era”(2004) To The Transcriptome, To Proteomics To Metabolomics, To “The Diseaseome” To Pharmacogenomics and Systems Approaches To Biomimetics and Tissue Engineering To Regeneration and Nano-bio-informatics To Phenomics, Precision Medicine and Beyond… Genesis of Craniofacial (Multidisciplinary) Teams Cooper HK. Crippled children? Am J Ortho & Oral Surg. 28:35-40, 1942 Cooper HK. Integration of services in the treatment of cleft lip and palate. J Am Dent Assoc. 47:27-35, 1953. IOM & NRC. Improving access to oral health care for vulnerable and underserved populations. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, p.p. 114-115, 2011. Fox LM, Stone PA. Examining the team process: developing and sustaining effective craniofacial team care. In: Cleft Lip and Palate (S Berkowitz, editor), Berlin; Springer-Verlag, 885-896, 2013. Genetics as a Paradigm for Studies of Human Craniofacial-Oral-Dental Diseases and Disorders “With the exception of trauma, essentially all diseases and disorders have a major genetic component (single or multiple genes & gene-gene and gene environment interactions).” HC Slavkin (2001) The Human Genome, Implications for Oral Health and Diseases, and Dental Education. Journal of Dental Education 65(5):463-479. HC Slavkin, M Navazesh & P Patel (2015) Basic Principles of Human Genetics: A Primer for Oral Medicine. In 12th Edition Burket‟s Oral Medicine (edited Michael Glick), People‟s Medical Publishing House – USA, Shelton, Connecticut pp.625-654. From Nucleus to Genetic Variance Including Mutations in One or More Genes …ACGTATTGCTAAT CGATTCGGCAT… Genetic Code=Triplets or Codons (CGG, ATA) Slavkin Birth of a Discipline: Craniofacial Biology, Aegis Communications 2012 SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) are tools to identify minor genetic variance within genome-wide scans Human Genomic Math: 21,000 genes & 19,000 pseudogenes Human Genetic Variations, and Variation in DNA Sequences (less than 0.1% of Human Genome) a g g t a t t g c c t a t g c g t c g t g a g a g g c a t g att agt ccc tca tat ggg ttt tac gct tcc tta ttg tgg agt agg aaa ggg gga tgg tca ctg agc taa aca gta ctg ctt tta aca aca g gag a a gag t g aag g g cgg t a caa c a tga a t cgg t a gct c c ttc a t aac c g ttg t g aaa c c aat c t gta t c tgg g g att c a aaa g a gca g t gtt t c ccc a t aaa c a aaa g c acc g a tga a c tct c g acc t c aag g t gct c g agc a a tta a ca gt ac ac at ga ag ct gc cc at ct tt ca ct gt gc gc tt at ac ta tt aa gt ac gg gg gt gt aat ctt cat cag ccc gct att ctt gat agc tta tgt cgt ggc agg gat aat cta atc ctc atg taa ctg aac cct tgg taa cac cat tct g aat c t gca g g cga a a caa c t ttg c g gtt c t agt t a cgg t t ttc a c att t t aga a t atc g g tga g g ttg c g aaa g t act c g gaa a t gga t t ggc t a tct t g ttg a g aat c g ggg a t tta c g aag a a gag c a ata t c ata t c aag a t gag g ca tt gg tt tt ca tc ga ta tt ag tc tc cc tg ca aa ga tt gc ac tg ag at at gc ag aa ca aa cag agg tcg ttg gat aag tat aga ggc ggc act ctt gct ttc atg gaa atg tac ccc att tct gaa gga ggt att aag cac gaa tgc ggt c agt g a gtt c c cct t a gaa g t cgc t a aaa a g gat a a tat c a tgg a c tca t t taa a t caa c c ctt t t ggg t a taa g a tat g a tga t t taa c t agc t g tct t c tgg t t aaa t t tgg t g aga t a att t a ctc t a ggg t a aat t c act a g gat a ca ga gg ag tg tc ct ag ct tc gc ca gc ac gt tg aa ta ac gc ag ct gg ca ca ac aa ca ag ca gag a aaa a gcc c aac g aaa a gcc g gat a cga a aca a tta c cta a atc c ttt t aat t ctt c cat t tat g ctt c aca t tga g tgt c agc a acc t gac a aag t gca g ttg g ttc t aca g aat g aaa a ttc a act t aga a gct c acc g taa t caa a gca t gcg g caa t aac a taa c gct a aat t att t gcc t ctc t aga t aaa g ttc t atg a gaa t tca t tC TTt ggt aag a gac g cac t ggt a gg gg ag ca tc at tt ga ct at cg aa ct ct ca ca ca tt gg gt aa ac ga tt ag at tt gt at gg gtt ccc cgt gcg tga taa agg ccc ctt gca tgt att cct gat gag atc aac ctt aat cac aat aga gaa cag agg gat ctg ttc ctc agg g acg g t aca g t gct t c cgg t a aat a t gcc c g gag a g gta a t atg t g aga t t cag t t gtg a c agg t a gcc t a gtg c t gta t a gac a c tct t c acc t t cgc g a cgg a a gag t a gaa c t att a a cgt a t agg t t ttc c c ttg a c agt a t cac a gc gg cc aa tg tt tc ac tg ga at aa gg tt gg ag tg ca tc aa at tg aa tc tg ga ag at tt ga agg gac aaa ttg gaa cgg acc aag agg ata aaa gga cta gcc aag gca aaa ggg cgg ttt ttc atg caa tca ttg gaa ttt gaa gca gca c acc c c cag c c ttt t t cga a a gga a c gtg a a agc a g aga g a cct a g cat t a tag a c tgc t a ttg c c ttt t a tag c t atg c c tac g t ttt c a aat a c ctg c t tca a g aaa g a aaa c c tct t g cgt g c tga g t ctg c t aag t g aaa g a gat a a c t c a t a a g g t a g t t c t t a g a t t t t g g agaatttca at[T/C]gt aagaggaca a t 3.2 billion letters of human DNA encoded within 21,009 genes 1 Base per 1,000 Shows Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNPs) Regulation of Gene Expression through Epigenetic Processes (Epigenome) Gluckman P et al. N Engl J Med 2008;359:61-73 From Family Genetic Pedigree to Gene Identification & Positional Gene Cloning Phenomics: Decoding the Human Genome and Assigning Phenotype with Specific Gene(s) •TNFSF4: Heart Attacks •LCT: Lactose Intolerance •CLOCK: Evening Preference •SLC6A3: Substance Abuse •CHRNA6: Linked to Tobacco Addiction •OCA2: Blue Eyes Next Frontier Integrating genome-wide transcriptome, DNA methylation, and histone modification data with gene network and phenotype analyses will reveal the consequences of human disease- and disorder-causing mutations and introduce rational or precise drug design for many conditions. Who pays for health care in 2015? The government pays for it Annual Medicare Part A Surplus or Deficit Billions of Dollars 100 50 0 -50 -100 -150 -200 -250 -300 -350 Public Spending -400 accounts for more -450 than half all health care spending 2010 2000 2020 2030 2040 Based on 2009 & 2013 Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Federal Hospital Insurance and Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Funds and 2005 & 2013 GAO reports Healthcare Becoming Unsustainable National Health Expenditures as Percent of GDP (1960-2020) $2.57 Trillion 19.8% GDP % GDP Only 4 other countries have entire economies bigger than what we spend on healthcare Source: Truffer, et al. Health Spending Projections Through 2019: The Recession’s Impact Continues. Health Affairs 2010;29:1-8 Major Challenge: US Declining Health Is this the future for our children? 1/3 to ½ become obese 1/3 get type 2 diabetes Earlier disabilities Life expectancy 2-5 yrs Key Components of Craniofacial Health Care Cost Access Quality Which do you want? Can we have all three? Craniofacial-Oral-Dental Genomics! Will Clinicians Ride the Wave or Watch From the Beach? Now is the time! A call for increased education in genetics for dental health professionals. Collins & Tabak, 2004 JDE Genetics and its implications for clinical practice and education. Report of Panel 3 of the Macy Study. Genco, Tabak, Tedesco et al, 2008 JDE A view of the future: dentistry and oral health in America. Garcia & Tabak, 2009 JADA Larry Tabak and Francis Collins A call for increased education in genetics for dental health professionals. Collins & Tabak, 2004 JDE “Education is about the future, not the past, and we are now entering the era in which genetics and genomics will play a vital role in both oral health research and dental practice.” Calls To Action for “Personalized Craniofacial-Oral-Dental Health” (2012-2015) Personalized Medicine: Will Dentistry Ride the Wave or Watch from the Beach? Kornman & Duff, 2012 JDR Personalized Oral Health Care: Providing “ –omic” Answers to Oral Health Queries. Glick, 2012 JADA Evolution of the Scientific Basis for Dentistry and its Impact on Dental Education: Past, Present, and Future. Slavkin, 2012 JDE Patient Stratification for Preventive Care in Dentistry. Giannobile, Braun, Caplis, et al. 2013 JDR Personalized Medicine Enters Dentistry: What Might This Mean for Clinical Practice? Giannobile, Kornman & Williams. 2013 JADA Revising the scope of practice for oral health professionals in health care: Enter Genomics. The Santa Fe Group (Primary Author Slavkin). 2014 JADA From phenotype to genotype: enter genomics and transformation of health care. Slavkin. 2014 J Dent Res Human genetics very successful at explaining diseases caused by single gene mutation (Mendelian Inheritance) Genotype Phenotype Environment Mendelian inheritance of “traits” is very much the exception, not the rule. …but most “traits” or common diseases are caused by a combination of multiple genes, gene-gene and gene-environment interactions, and epigenetics… Genotype Phenotype Environment Enter personalized health care to improve diagnosis, risk, stratification of patients “at risk,” and treatment for specific diseases and disorders NextSeq 500 Desktop Sequencer (from Illumina, San Diego) • Faster (complete genome 8-12 hrs) • Cheaper ($1,000 per human genome) • Smarter (precise, efficient, accurate) • DNA and RNA sequencing • FDA approved in late 2013 • In 2015, now utilized in inherited disease detection, genetic variance and risk assessments, stratification of patients within large populations, and cancer diagnostics for treatment/chemotherapy selections The Decreasing Cost of Genotype Information Lu JT et al. N Engl J Med 2014;371:593-596. Examples of the Regulatory Genes that Control Craniofacial-OralDental Morphogenesis •Anhydrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia: TNF-alpha ligand (ectodysplasin-A1) and receptor genes •A Novel Oligodontia: PAX9 transcription factor gene •Cleidocranial Dysplasia (supernumerary teeth): CBFA-1 transcription factor gene •Rieger Syndrome (tooth number, size and shape): PitX2 transcription factor genes • 700 genes identified in mice and 200 in humans (see Inborn Errors of Development) Phenotype of the X-linked Anhidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia (ED) child Can we correct single gene mutations? X-linked Anydrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia Human defects include sweat and lacrimal glands, hair, nails and teeth Mouse animal models Dog animal models Define and measure clinical phenotype features Therapeutic Strategies Inject TNF-alpha (EDA) during pregnancy Inject TNF-alpha (EDA) after birth “Proof of Principle” FDA approvals Public/private partnerships First patient injected with ED1200 protein in 2013; with clinical trial in progress Slavkin Birth of a Discipline: Craniofacial Biology, Aegis Communications 2012 FROM DARWIN TO CLINICAL TRIALS 1875 - 2015 1990, Jonathan Zonana and Juha Kere discovered XLHED the gene mutation for X-linked hypohidrotic (anhydrotic) ectodermal dysplasia. 2000-2009, Oliver Gaide and Pascal Schneider identified ED1200 protein and showed that this protein rescued mutant Tabby strain mice with HED. 2006-2009, Margaret Casal rescued HED in a dog strain 2010, FDA approval EDIMER COMPANY begins „replacement therapy‟ trials with National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasia 2012-2013 Studies to better define and quantitate phenotypes 2013 First ED infant injected with ED 1200 2015-present Clinical Trial continues Biomimetics…(to “mimic” biology) --design and fabricate biological processes and biomaterials Tissue Engineering for Challenges of Craniofacial-OralDental Birth Defects, Head and Neck Trauma, Head and Neck Cancers & Behavioral Sciences Applications Mesenchymal Stem Cells Biomimetic Approach for Nose Replacement: Stem Cells, Scaffolds, Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials Robert Langer MIT Biomimetic Solutions for Nasal Carcinoma Design and Fabricate Human Roots Using Stem Cells Porcelain Crown Dental implant Stem cell-mediated Root/Perio-complex regeneration Bio-root implant Songtao Shi 2006 Reducing Scarring After Surgery or Burn Injuries Scarring is an unmet medical need: • Correction of birth defects, e.g. cleft lip and palate • Reconstruction after injuries from war fighting or accidents • Repair of burn injuries • Revision of hypertrophic scars and keloids First in man trial targeted for 2016 Small Business Phase II Grant: Anti-scar Peptide for Cleft Lip Repair Small Business Phase I Progress included: Grant: Anti-scar Peptide • Identification and characterization of peptide for Cleft Lip Repair Exploratory Grant (2007): A Novel Peptide Inspired by Nature - Fibromodulin • • • • • In vitro work in cell cultures Studies in small and large animal models Scarless Laboratories, Inc. formed Pre-IND meeting with FDA Pre-clinical package in progress Advanced Head & Neck Cancer Treatments Targeted Drug Encapsulated Drugs Photodynamic Therapy Modified Virus Monoclonal Antibody with Radioisotope Gene Therapy Nanomolecular “smart drug” Craniosynostosis & Novel Innovations New studies demonstrate that perivascular mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) contribute to endochondral as well as intramembranous craniofacial bone turnover. These Gli1+ cells are located within suture mesenchyme and give rise to bone formation during development as well as in response to injury in adults. Ablation of Gli1+ cells results in craniosynostosis. H. Zhao and colleagues. Nature Cell Biology 17:386-396, 2015. The Next Frontier: Changing & Emerging Opportunities The Next Ten Years (2025) • Science-Based Health Care (Biomedical & Behavioral) • Major Revision of Health Care Professional Education as a Function of Societal Needs (Interprofessional education & clinic care) • Advocacy For Health Promotion, Risk Assessment & Disease Prevention • Improved Cost Effectiveness & Clinical Efficacy • Human Genome-Wide Scans for less than $1,000 per person • Cellular, Molecular, Tissue and Organ Regeneration • Virtual Surgery and Nano-instrumentation • Advanced Bio-imaging • Therapeutics & Rehabilitation of “Aging Populations” • Access to Quality, Integrated, Coordinated and Comprehensive Health Care for all People at Reduced Costs in USA and beyond
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