2015 INFORMATION KIT ACQUIRE ACQUIRE ACQUIRE The Official Magazine Of TranswOrld Business advisOrs The Official Magazine Of TranswOrld Business advisOrs The Official Magazine Of TranswOrld Business advisOrs spring/suMMer 2015 L a u n c h y o u r e n t r e p r e n e u r i a L c a r e e r t o d ay ! spring/suMMer 2015 L a u n c h y o u r e n t r e p r e n e u r i a L c a r e e r t o d ay ! L a u n c h y o u r e n t r e p r e n e u r i a L c a r e e r t o d ay ! L a u n c h y o u r e n t r e p r e n e u r i a L c a r e e r t o d ay ! ACQUIRE ACQUIRE The Official Magazine Of TranswOrld Business advisOrs SpRIng/SUmmER 2015 spring/suMMer 2015 s p r i n g / s u M M e r The Official Magazine Of TranswOrld Business advisOrs 2 0 1 5 Launch your entrepreneuriaL career today! s p r i n g / s u M M e r Launch your entrepreneuriaL career today! ACQUIRE The Official Magazine of Transworld Business Advisors Your Brand, Your Business 2 0 1 5 ACQUIRE 2 0 1 5 IN F O RM AT I ON KI T The Official Magazine of Transworld Business Advisors Your Brand, Your Business A s a global leader in the marketing and sale of businesses and franchises, Transworld Business Advisors offers truly distinct services that provide exposure for its valued service partners. And now with the introduction of its new magazine, Acquire, Transworld creates a branding and marketing opportunity that is unparalleled in its commitment. With a focus on news and information about business, investing, technology, entrepreneurship, leadership and other valuable content, Acquire will become a “go to” resource for potential business buyers. But what makes Acquire Magazine poised to become part of your market identity is its specially created Signature sponsorships. These very exclusive and limited opportunities will allow for an incomparable showcase that features a special custom editorial written by Acquire’s editor-in-chief and compelling layout by Acquire’s design team. The added value editorial for Signature advertisers helps prospective clients understand your business and positions your company as an expert and leader in the field. Signature sponsorships will be “flagged” with a very special Acquire Recommends notation, which serves as a stamp of approval that will make clients take notice that you are an approved and recommended business. Offering a limited number of Signature spaces, select participants will receive significant exposure in an innovative and original way. Acquire Magazine will be a game changer in the industry. Why Acquire? Because your message receives long-term exposure with a targeted audience that are decision makers and standout leaders who have the power to drive business decisions. Become an Acquire mover and shaker and don’t miss this prime opportunity. Your business is ready. Are you? ACQUIRE 2 0 1 5 IN F O RM AT I ON KI T The Official Magazine of Transworld Business Advisors Your Brand, Your Business S i g n at ur e Spon s o r s h i p Of f er COVER SPACES (With IFC, IBC and BC, editorials are presented in the far forward section of the magazine). All prime spaces receive one page of editorial. Inside Front Cover + one page of custom editorial* Inside Back Cover + one page of custom editorial* Back Cover (Prime Location) + one page of custom editorial* $6,000 $6,000 $6,500 CONTENT SPACES Opposite President’s Letter + one page of custom editorial* One page Ad. near prime location (directory) + one page of custom editorial* One right hand page of advertising + opposite full page of editorial $5,000 $4,000 $4,000 AD ONLY SPACES (does not include custom editorial) Half page advertising 1/4 page advertising $2,000 $1,000 • Additional fee of $300 for creation of ad by Acquire’s design team. / Provide camera-ready artwork per Spec sheet at no cost. * Editorial will be custom created and of journalistic standards written by Acquire editor. Will include interview. 50 percent deposit required. / Space Reservation Deadline: May 5, 2015. For advertising opportunities, contact: Michelle F. Solomon, publisher, Editorial Content Providers, LLC. Phone: 954 922 7784 or [email protected]. CHARITY OFTen A TOpIC OF InTereST ArISeS when FAMIlIeS wAnT TO TUrn The reInS OF TheIr BUSIneSS FrOM One generATIOn TO The nexT generATIOn. The issue of creating a family legacy and a mechanism for future generations to benefit from is very important if the founders of the company want that to happen. 14 ACQ U I RE . t wo r l d .c o m IN THE KNOW CHARITY TransWorld Lends a Helping Hand How long will your family business stay in business? T he biggest concerns is, what steps should be taken to keep the business in family control and ensure that the family business will provide the family with job security, financial success and a legacy for generations to come. The issue of creating a family legacy and a mechanism for future generations to benefit from is very important if the founders of the company want that to happen. This type of planning is called succession planning and there are many things that you can do to create the proper path for generations to come. Family businesses can last years, decades and sometimes even centuries. The world’s oldest family business is a business named, Kongo Gumi. Kongo Gumi was founded in 578 and is presently being operated by the family’s 40th generation. The business builds and repairs religious temples and manages general contracting from its main headquarters in Osaka Japan. Its first structure, the Buddhist Shitennoji Temple, still stands some 1400 years later. The oldest family business in the U.S. is the Zildjian Cymbal Company founded in 1623 and now being run by its 14th generation. Although founded by Avedis Zildjian I in Constantinople, the family moved to the U.S. in 1929 and some 80 years later the business continues to be managed and owned by the great, great granddaughters of its founder. Many of the other generational U.S. based family businesses dating back to the 17th century are family farms that are still in operation today. These and other family business owners must have a succession plan in place to ensure that their future generations will have a role and a stake in the family business for years to come. The founders, whether they are patriarchs or matriarchs or both, must have the dream and desire to plan accordingly. Successful succession planning requires the founders or the generation planning the future for the business to begin to develop a plan that must incorporate some of the most critical issues such as: identifying family members who desire to be in the family business and want a role in its future, involving family members in the business and at all types of levels, creating a responsible time period for developing, managing, training, empowering and transitioning those family members into the family business and their specific roles, duties and responsibilities, preparing the family for the future during the periods of transition from one generation to the next, communicating to the non-family members in the business especially those essential and loyal employees and monitoring the activities of the family members so that if a problem arises there is always a way to ensure its survival. Family businesses are very important to the U.S. population and will be having significant impact in our business world over the next few decades. Various studies predict that nearly 40% of family businesses in the U.S. will be passing the reigns to the next generation over the next 5 years. By 2050, virtually all closely held and family owned businesses will lose their primary owner to death or retirement and approximately $10.4 trillion of net worth will be transferred by the year 2040, with $4.8 trillion in the next 20 years. However, only 40% of family owned businesses survive to the second generation, 12% to the third, and 3% to the fourth. If you plan your legacy now and think ahead for the future you and your business will proudly continue on and be among the survivors! Family businesses are very important to the U.S. population and will be having significant impact in our business world over the next few decades. “Everyone gets together for an informal, oldfashioned family style pasta dinner. The good feeling is families helping families.” T welve years ago, Andy Cagnetta had an idea. What if everyone got together and had a big pasta dinner and raised money for families who needed help. It all started in the kitchen of LifeNet4Families, where Andy had an idea to invite a few friends and family members to join him for an Italian style family pasta dinner, His goal was to raise money to assist LifeNet4Families in its mission to feed hungry children, men, women and families in Broward County. With the help of his mother and aunt, he served dinner for 50 people, raising $500 and a tradition began. meals to the food insecure individuals and families in Broward County This year’s Master of Ceremonies is former Dolphin player Joe Rose. “Everyone gets together for an informal, old-fashioned family style pasta dinner. The good feeling is families helping families,” says Cagnetta. LifeNet4Families’ invites you to join Master of Ceremonies, former Dolphin player,Joe Rose, on February 8, 2015, at the Signature Grand, 6900 West State Road 84, Davie, FL, for an informal, old-fashioned family style pasta dinner. Adults can stroll through an amazing silent auction while the children enjoy friendly game room activities and raffles. The event mixes sauce, meatballs and spaghetti together for more than a filling meal. “It’s a boon for LifeNet4Families,” says Melanie Geddes, president and chief executive officer of LifeNet4Families. Last year’s event was an incredible success with more than 800 attendees and $133,000 contributed to support LifeNet4Families. Over the last 12 years, Andy’s Family Pasta Dinner, has raised in excess of $500,000 for LifeNet4Families and has provided more than 500,000 written by: Ian M. Berkowitz, Berkowitz & Associates, Corporate & Business Attorney who specializes in small to medium size business and advise people all over the country on these issues. t wo r ld .c o m . A CQU IR E 15 4 ACQUIRE . tworld.com “I’m excited to be part of such a wonderful event,” says Rose. The mission of LifeNet4Families is to be a seamless system of care in Broward County, to reduce the pain and suffering of individuals and families in poverty by providing necessary food, ancillary services and referrals. LifeNet4Families helps 500-700 daily and serves over 1.3 million meals a year. ACQUIRE 2 0 1 5 IN F O RM AT I ON KI T The Official Magazine of Transworld Business Advisors Your Brand, Your Business ACQ UIRE REC OM M ENDS Signature Sponsorships will be “flagged” with a very special Acquire Recommends notation, which serves as a stamp of approval that will make clients take notice that you are an approved and recommended business. ACQUIRE RECOMMENDS MAkINg AN INvEStMENt In The U.S. South Florida lawyer helpS inveStorS obtain green cardS with eb-5 government program. I rina Rostova is Russian-American having grown up in the former Soviet Union, so she knows how many people from the country have a desire to move to the United States. The attorney has made it her life’s work to help Russians and other foreign nationals get their green cards through a program that allows them to invest in America. Dubbed the “green card for money” program, the EB-5 (Employment Based VisaCategory 5) sets a minimum investment of $500,000. Investors must be able to prove that their money has created at least 10 jobs for U.S. workers. In return, the investor receives a green card. “The program allows the affluent to earn their way into the United States by making these investments,” says Rostova, a Miami attorney who focuses her practice exclusively on the EB-5 investor program. Her prior work experience was in management at Chase, the country’s largest banking institution. She received her undergraduate degree in economics from the University of Michigan and graduated with honors from the University of Miami School of Law. Rostova Consulting provides a full range of EB-5 related services. Her consulting firm also offers consultation on matters related to immigrating and establishing a business in the United States. She says the goal of the company is to provide personal and professional service to clients so that they have the knowledge and necessary legal guidance to succeed in America. Dubbed the “green card for money” program, the EB -5 (Employment Based Visa-Category 5) sets a minimum investment of $500,000... In return, the investor receives a green card. 18 ACQUIRE . tworld . co m IrINA roStoVA AttorNEY At lAw HELPING CLIENTS ACHIEVE DREAMS Irina Rostova, of Rostova Consulting, provides a full range of EB-5 related services. “There are many Russians and other people who have the means to afford this program. However, very few of them know that it exists,” she says. This knowledgeable attorney speaks fluent Russian and regularly travels to Russia to meet with clients. She is also aware that there are many people from Latin America who would be interested in this program. “We are prepared to assist our Latin/Hispanic clients,” she says, pointing out that she has Spanish speakers at her consulting firm, and is putting her efforts into helping people from those countries, as well. The EB-5 program allows investors to create their own businesses, or they can invest in a regional center — a company that receives a special designation from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) to work with the program. Regional centers pool funds together from multiple investors to develop job-generating projects such as hotels, medical facilities, and schools. Five years ago, there were only 25 regional centers in the United States; today there are 379 — with some recognizable names, including Hilton and SLS — involved in projects. “My company provides full legal support for the investors, from preparing their immigration petition to helping them select the right project. Green cards and return on investment are not guaranteed by the government, so it is very important to select the right project that qualifies for the program and has a good chance of success,” says Rostova. Each year, more and more foreignnationals are choosing the EB-5 program. Last year, 8,700 EB-5 visas were issued — up from 158 in 2005. With current wait times, an investor can expect to receive an approval for an initial green card in approximately 12 to 14 months. Each investor receives a green card for himself or herself, a spouse, and all minor, unmarried children (under 21 years old). Two years after receiving a conditional green card, they can file a petition for a permanent one. “This is a very satisfying program,” says Rostova. “It is very important, however, to use competent legal counsel to be guided through the process.” contact rostova law group for a free consultation at (786) 408-3183 or www.usainvestorvisas.com. EB-5 VISA foR InVEStoRS Rostova Law Group, P.A. is an immigration law firm specializing in the EB-5 Investor Visa Program. EB-5 is a United States government immigration program, which allows foreign nationals to obtain permanent residency (Green Card) when they make a qualifying investment in a project which creates at least 10 jobs. We help determine if EB-5 is the best option for you and assist with the process of selecting a qualifying project and preparing your immigration petition. InVEStoR VISAS Learn more about L1, EB-5 and E2 Visas RESoURCE CEntER U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Resources ROSTOVA LAW GROUP, P.A. 1801 NE 123rd StrEEt . SUItE 409 . mIAmI, Fl 33181 Phone: (786) 408-3183 . Email: admin@usainvest or visas.com ACQUIRE The Official Magazine of Transworld Business Advisors Your Brand, Your Business
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