5 Ways To Find And Stay In The Zone – Free PDF

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Let’s just get right to it…
The biggest problem people have in achieving success is that they
try to overcome and fix their weaknesses, instead of acting from a
position of Strength. They disempower themselves by focusing on
what’s not working, instead of focusing on the things that are
You know that Sweet Spot you get into? The one where everything
flows and you’re in “the zone?” You’re highly productive, time
flies, and you feel energized, satisfied and accomplished!
It feels great, right?
So -- how do you get back there? How do you get back there
intentionally? How do you live your life in your Sweet Spot BY
DESIGN, whenever you want?
This report will help you do just that!
Here’s the problem -- all of your life, you’ve been trying to fix
yourself. It starts from the first time your Mom said, “No!”
If you’re like most of us, in school you were given unsatisfactory
scores in certain areas, or you were told you talked too much or
you’re too cautious or you’re too competitive or you ask too many
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Remember the dread you felt when your mom and dad came
home after a parent-teacher conference? You may have even
gotten punished for another bad report!
I know I was told -- on more than one occasion -- that I was not
“living up to to her potential.” At 7 years old, I didn’t even KNOW
what potential was!
Well, what if these were actually clues to who you really are? What
if they were clues to get you to the top of your game? Guess what…
They ARE!
On the following pages are 5 ways to discover HOW to get back to
your Sweet Spot. There are questions that are associated with
each section.
Read the questions and jot down at least your first response and
any others you wish. Often in those first few seconds, we can get
the some of the most important answers we need.
So let’s get started…
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1. Take a moment right now to pay attention to some of those
things that you’ve heard all your life.
● What did your teachers say about you in school?
● What did your coaches/trainers tell you that you were good
● What things do you do well right now, that cause friends and
family to say, “Wow! You are awesome!”
These are areas of potential excellence for you and should be
explored further. By taking a sharp look, you will be able to isolate
those areas in which you can potentially be a master.
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2. Now think again for a minute… What did your parents and
teachers say about you that you feel was negative?
Did you talk too much?
Were you too competitive?
Did they say you didn’t live up to your potential?
Where have you tried to “fix” yourself all of your life?
Are you lousy at organizing?
Do you hate to be around lots of people?
Did you get chastised for reading too much, thinking too
much, or being too slow to act?
Answer this question for yourself: have you honestly gotten
significantly better -- over time -- at any of these things? Are these
the very areas where teachers, coaches, and employers have tried
to help you improve? And have any of those Performance
Improvement Plans worked?
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3. So here’s something else to think about -- and as you ponder
these things, don’t think about money. So often, we don’t do what
we love because we can’t figure out how to do it and still eat. So
with that:
● What do you LOVE?
● What are you over-the-top passionate about?
● What makes your heart beat faster, your pulse race and
keeps you up at night?
● Is it a specific activity? Is it certain people or groups?
● Do you light up when you get to dig into something new?
● Are you happiest when you’re moving and shaking?
● Have you ever clicked on a link on the Internet and gotten
lost in learning for hours where time stood still?
● What do you do that gives you the most satisfaction?
These are all clues to the very best YOU. Realigning your life to do
more of THIS -- this thing you love so much -- is key to your
satisfaction and happiness.
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4. Yet another way for you to discover what you love and where
you’re strengths lie is to look at what other people in your life ask
you to do -- both for them, and others. If you spend some time on
this one, you’ll discover even more about who you are, and how
you do things best.
Do they ask you to research things for them?
Do they seek your advice or your input?
Do they want to tap into your network of friends?
How about organizing files or folders or food drives?
Do you restore order to their chaos?
Or fix problems that require research and planning?
Observing how other people want and need you will give you more
clues to walk more closely to your best self. They’re coming to you
for a reason -- because you’re the one for the job, or the project, or
the fundraiser, or the mission! You’re KNOWN for these things!
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5. Another opportunity to discover your greatest Strengths is to
learn where you are wasting time and precious resources.
This may be the easiest part to do because you’re dealing with it
most every day. So let’s ponder what you absolutely hate to do.
● What drains you of energy?
● In which areas of your life are you absolutely miserable.
● Where do you procrastinate?
● If you could get rid of -- (okay, so just pretend with me here)
-- if you eliminate ANYTHING in your job or in your home
life, what would it be?
● Would you stay as far away from people as possible?
● Would you get out of your cubicle or out from behind the
● How about all of the paperwork you deal with -- would you
make changes there?
● What is it that -- if you could -- stop doing?
The things you hate the most is draining your energy and really -get this -- sucking the very life out of you. I’m sure you realize that
already. Which is why you’re here in the first place, downloading
yet another free report, looking for that “something” that remains
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So how do you fix it? Our 5 ways to find and to stay in you zone
can help you discover these things about yourself and ANYONE
can do it. It just takes time and effort to analyze yourself and how
you operate. But what if we told you that there are tools that
you can use that can completely shortcut this process.
Isn’t that something that you want to use?
You can learn exactly where to put your attention -- on your
greatest potential for Strength and power! This IS your Sweet
Spot, the place where your music sings from the heart, where your
most authentic self becomes a magnet for all the good things in
Here at Activate Your Strengths, we use a tool called
StrengthsFinder 2.0 -- under development by the Gallup
Corporation for more than 50 years.
The assessment we use is part of a body of science called
Psychometrics. Psychometrics is a branch of psychology that deals
with the measurement of psychological variables, the most
popular of which are Personality Tests.
The StrengthsFinder 2.0 Assessment actually measures the
intensity of your raw talent, giving you the specifics on HOW you
need to operate to become the very best YOU!
Follow this special link to learn more about this tool we use and
shortcut the discovery process.
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Whether or not you decide to shortcut the process and take 30
minutes to discover what most people never do in a lifetime…
Make sure that you are always on the lookout for where your zone
is. This place is a gift of passion to you and will supply untold
energy to accomplish what you need to accomplish if you can
figure the right way for you to do them.
Thanks for reading and enjoy the journey of discovering who you
are and HOW you best operate in your life. Take advantage of the
tools we offer you. This is one of those things you know you need.
So don’t think about it, just do it...
Find your Zone at
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