issUe 4 | 29 aPril 2015 NEWSLETTER Term 1 Faction Behaviour Award Congratulations to Boodja Faction, who earned the most points last term by demonstrating excellent behaviour and work habits. each Year 1-6 student enjoyed a hotdog and an hour of games on the last day of term to celebrate their success. We look forward to seeing all students try their best and display excellent behaviour during term 2. anZaC serviCe tHis FriDaY 2.10Pm sKoolBag aPP adam road Primary school Hotchin Street, Bunbury WA 6230 Phone 9795 8999 | Fax 9795 8945 Email [email protected] Search Adam Road Primary School ANZAC 2015 oUr sCHool anZaC serviCe Will Be tHis FriDaY at 2.10Pm Weather permitting this service will be held on the grass near our new flag poles. Adam Road Primary School was extremely well represented by 21 students who marched in the ANZAC Parade through Bunbury on Saturday morning. The students were excellent ambassadors for our school and gained a better understanding of the meaning of ANZAC Day from being involved in such a significant event. ANZAC DAY POEM We would remember them today, On this, Australia’s Anzac Day. They left their families, children, wives; And many gave, for us, their lives, That this, our country, still could be, A land at peace, a land that’s free. And, though they fought for me and you, They fought for other people, too. They heard the threatened nations call, And went to fight, forsaking all. Young men and women, off to war, And dying on some foreign shore. The words of Jesus we can hear Resounding through two thousand years; “No greater love than he who dies For friends, a willing sacrifice.” What debt we owe today To those who, freely, sailed away. So many ne’er returned again; Our servicewomen, servicemen. So let’s give thanks to them today, On this, Australia’s Anzac Day. ORDER OF SERVICE Introduction and Acknowledgement to Country “Commemorating Lives Through Stories” ANZAC DAY POEM Choir – “The ANZAC Song” Bugle Calls, Silence, Rouse Guest Speaker: Mr Norm Eaton Ode Prayer of Remembrance Choir- “Lest We Forget” The National Anthem 2 FLOWERS AND GREENERY NEEDED For anZaC WreatHs Please bring to the school on Thursday & Friday morning. GIVE A DAMN, GIVE A CAN tUesDaY 21 aPril WeDnesDaY 20 maY Please bring to the school office. OUR ANNUAL SCHOOL BOOK FAIR IS BEING HELD THIS TERM IN WEEK 6 The theme for this year is KINGS, QUEENS & CASTLES ENTER THE KINGDOM OF BOOKS! As usual, the Book Fair will be held in the library. The preview days for the Book Fair will be Monday, 25th May and Tuesday, 26th May with Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th the days for purchasing. Book Fair provides a wonderful opportunity to purchase good quality books at very reasonable prices. It is a great chance to make purchases to be put away for future presents. Book Fair is the only fund raising venture that our school library holds. Hope to see you there. From the Principal’s Desk Adam Road Primary School was extremely well represented by 21 students who marched in the ANZAC Parade through Bunbury on Saturday morning. The students were excellent ambassadors for our school and gained a better understanding of the meaning of ANZAC Day from being involved in such a significant event. Our school ANZAC Service will be this Friday at 2.10pm. Weather permitting this service will be held on the grass near our new flag poles. Staff members were engaged in a wide range of professional learning activities on the SDD at the beginning of this term. The Bunbury South Network of Schools ran a conference at Bunbury SHS that catered for all teachers in the network while our support staff members were involved in two workshops at school. These are important days as they allow us to up-skill staff members so that we can continue to offer high quality teaching and learning experiences for all students at Adam Road. A very pleasing result from one of the programs offered at our school this year is the performance of Room 16 in the recent Sumdog’s Southwest Maths Contest run between 27th March and 2nd April. In total, 303 students from 15 schools in the South West answered 99089 questions correctly. Overall class scores were the average number of correct answers out of the students in that class. With a score of 777 Room 16 was the overall winner of the contest! The top students were the ones who answered the most questions correctly throughout the contest. Out of the Top 10 students, five were from Room 16:- Tyson, Alecia, Jack, Connor and Jessica. This term we have both the school and interschool cross country events conducted at our school. To assist with students’ preparation for these events Mrs Sheedy will be holding training on the school oval at 8.10am on Wednesday and Thursday mornings for students from Year 3 to 6. All families received a copy of our new Managing Student Behaviour Policy last week. This policy describes how we encourage appropriate behaviour at school and the consequences we use for inappropriate behaviour. If you have any queries regarding this policy please contact me. When behaviour issues arise they are always resolved most effectively if home and school are working together. We have moved the bike racks out of the bike compound as we were concerned that with bikes and scooters out of sight they were not secure. The bike racks have been bolted to the limestone wall outside rooms 18 and 19 so are in clear sight all day. It is critical that bikes are locked to the racks to ensure their security. Scooters are now kept in the locked courtyard off Room 20. The process to select a permanent Principal for Adam Road is now complete and I have been successful in gaining this position. I look forward to working with you and your children to ensure they gain the most they can from their primary school experience at Adam Road. Guy Asser PRINCIPAL 3 National Family Reading Month 2015 Having reading role models and reading together are critically important factors in a child’s learning and literacy development. Research shows us that family reading time is one of the BEST ways to grow a child’s interest in the wonderful world of books! Scholastic is committed to helping our school inspire a lifelong love of reading in all children. To help motivate our students we are invited to participate in National Family Reading Month! Scholastic is giving away $10000 worth of prizes to the families, classrooms and schools that read most in May. NATIONAL FAMILY READING MONTH Website opens 1st may 2015 It’ll include everything you need to get involved in the Read More in May Challenge! To participate: • On 1st May download the Reading Logs. Students record the number of minutes they spend reading on each day in May. • In the first week of June, students and their families can enter their total Reading Minutes online for a chance to WIN! The more families participating in National Family Reading Month the greater chance to share in the $10,000 prize pool! P&C News P & C MEETING monDaY 4tH maY at 2Pm in tHe meeting room New members welcome INTERM SWIMMING LESSONS 8tH JUne - 19tH JUne MOTHER’S DAY STALL Wednesday 6th may – Friday 8th may Gifts on sale before and after school. Items from 50c to $5. EASTER RAFFLE RESULTS 1st: Lily, Rm 5. 2nd: Lauchlan, Rm 13. 3rd: Macy, Rm 12. 4th: Denise Byrne. 5th: Fin, Rm 13. 6th: Matt, Rm 1. 7th: Dylan, Rm 4. 8th: Rachael Swan. 9th: Kim Olsen. 10th: Josh, Rm 2. 11th: Christian, Rm 18. 12th: Rohan, Rm 21. 13th: Jonah, Rm 13. 14th: Sharnee, Rm 18. 15th: Janie, Rm 7. Interm Swimming Lessons for students in Years PP – 6 will be held this year in 2nd Term, from the 8th June - 19th June. The cost is $45.00 per student and payments can now be made at the school office by cash, eftpos or cheque. Alternatively payment can be made by Internet Banking to the school account: BSB 016560 Account Number: 340823513 (Your child’s name as detail). CONGRATULATIONS Jessica, Year 1 room 1 – Boodja For winning her 2015 Contributions back. She paid her $60 and returned her Student Update Forms before the end of Term 1. Well done. 4 Seeking Volunteers for our Adam Road Book Fair Kings Queens and Castles Enter the Kingdom of Books! Can you help at our Book Fair? The Scholastic Book Fair will be at our school from Friday 22nd May (set up), selling is scheduled for Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th with pack up on Friday 29th May. The exciting theme for our 2015 Book Fair is Kings Queens and Castles Enter the Kingdom of Books! We need volunteers to help put on a one-of-a-kind Book Fair. We hope you will share your talents and join us as we bring this memorable reading celebration to our school. If you have some time to help us plan or conduct our next Book Fair, please complete the form below and circle the areas where you would like to help out. Send the form back to Sandy in the Library. Sincerely, Sandy Taylor Book Fair Organiser Name Sign me up to help at the Book Fair! Telephone E-mail I have circled areas where I’d like to help out: • Decorating (Friday 22nd May) • Setting up the Fair (Friday 22nd May) • Helping shoppers at the Fair Wednesday 27th, Thursday 28th May (8am-9am / 3pm-4pm) • Cashiering Wednesday 27th, Thursday 28th May (8am-9am/ 3pm-4pm) • Packing up the Fair (Friday 29th May - 8am) 5 Term 2 Planner 2015 ADAM ROAD PRIMARY SCHOOL TERM PLANNER Wk Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Term Two Sat Sun 1 20 April School Development Day 21 22 23 24 25 26 Anzac Day 2 27 April Anzac Day 28 29 30 2 3 3 4 May P & C Meeting 2 pm 5 6 Kindergarten Health Screening 9 - 12 7 1 May ANZAC Ceremony 2.10 pm Kindergarten Health Screening 9 - 12 8 9 10 12 NAPLAN 13 NAPLAN 14 NAPLAN 15 Assembly Rm 18 2.10 pm 16 17 4 Board Meeting 7 pm 11 5 18 19 20 21 Faction Cross Country Years 3 to 6 22 23 24 6 25 BOOKFAIR 26 27 28 29 Assembly Rm 11 2.10 pm 30 31 7 1 Jun WA Day 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 Swimming Lessons Years PP to 6 9 10 11 Earbus Program 12 Assembly Rm 16 2.10 pm 13 14 9 15 Swimming Lessons Years PP to 6 16 17 Kindergarten Health Screening 9 - 12 18 19 20 21 10 22 23 24 Interschool Cross Country 25 26 Assembly Rm 7 2.10 pm 27 28 11 29 30 1 July 2 3 Students Last Day 4 5 H 6 July 7 8 9 10 11 12 H 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Start and End of Term Public Holidays School Holidays (students) School Development Days 6 Community Notices Bunbury Junior Squash Powerful, Positive Parenting! During the school term, every Supporting positive and close relationships with your child Tuesday Bunbury Squash Club @ South West Sports Centre 4.30pm to 5.30 pm Contact Leanne French 0418598075 Come along and learn some simple and fun strategies to confidently build strong, healthy relationships with your child. All Bunbury families welcome. [email protected] $5 each week (+ $15 All equipment supplied annual registration with WA Session 1: The Power of Positive Parenting Session 2: Raising Confident Competent Children Session 3: Raising Resilient Children Squash) Coaches trained and registered with WA Squash The groups will be held at: St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Parade Road, Bunbury on Thursday 7, 14 and 21 May from 9.00am to 12.00pm Kidsport Registered A free crèche service will be provided for all workshops – bookings essential. For more information / bookings please contact the Child and Parent Centre - Carey Park Telephone: 9721 6991 Let’s Get Moving A walking group for parents. Come and join us on Monday morning for a walk, a coffee and a chat. Let’s learn English. Walk begins at the Maidens Reserve Car Park, on Ocean Drive - near the playground. Is English your second language? Learn how Grandparents and carers are welcome. to use English in different settings, like at the doctors, or job interviews! Run by a qualified ESL teacher. Free creche available - bookings essential. ALL OF OUR GROUPS ARE FREE OF CHARGE AND OPEN TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE BUNBURY COMMUNITY. Supported by PRINCIPAL PARTNER Mondays 12.30pm - 2.30pm For more information, please phone 9721 6991 The Child and Parent Centre is located at Carey Park Primary School. For more information, please call us on 9721 6991 In partnership with have fun. make new friends. learn new skills. TRYstars is Triathlon Australia’s national “first touch” junior participation program that encourages kids aged 7-12 to get involved in Triathlon all around Australia. Triathlon Western Australia is offering a "Have A Go" session on Thursday 30th April, in the lead up to the SunSmart Kids Event on Sunday May 3rd! TRYstars is a safe learning environment which facilitates development through play. Equipment to Bring along: - Bathers & Rash Vest - Bike & Helmet - Towel, runners, goggles & Drink bottle - Enthusiasm! Trystars Have A Go details: Shining TRYstars Club: Busselton and Bunbury Triathlon Club Session Date: Thursday 30th April Session Time: 4.30 pm - 5.30pm Location: West Busselton Primary School To sign up for and / or find out more information about TRYstars email Kathryn Clare at [email protected] or call 9443 9778 7 Community Notices Drama Classes •Fun-filled classes taught by our experienced team of drama teachers & performers, improving your child’s communication & self-confidence. •Ignite their imagination and creativity through participation in games and performances. Tuesdays - ages 10 & over Eaton Family Centre • Book your place now! Class for ages 6-9 yrs opening soon please register your interest today Inspiring children for over 10 years Call Terry on 0407 197 037 or email: [email protected] SPECIAL OFFER! FREE TRIAL FIRST CLASS, commencing Tuesday 28th April Positive Parenting Program (Triple P) Two free Triple P Parenting programs will be held in Term 2 2015. Triple P is a parenting program for all parents of children aged three to eight years. Triple P has been proven to help parents raise happy, confident children. The program is based on over 25 years of research that shows the importance of positive, effective parenting. All parents want to have a positive relationship with their child, but sometimes this can be challenging. Triple P suggests simple routines and small changes that can make a big difference to your family. There are two programs: Group Triple P (4 weeks 2 hour group session, 4 weeks 15 min phone calls) Boyanup Primary School Group: Wednesday, April 29th, May 6th, 13th and 20th at 10am to 12pm. Phone: May 27th, June 3rd, 10th and 17th. Free crèche available. Parents are required to attend all 4 sessions. Triple P Seminar Series (can attend 1 or all 3 sessions) Australind Primary School May 28th, June 4th and 11th at 9.30am to 11am Free crèche available. To register for either of the above courses please phone Bunbury Community Health on: 97952888. AUDITION PACK HOW TO AUDITION DISNEY’S How Book An Audition: MYto SON PINOCCHIO; GEPPETTO’S MUSICAL TALE 23rd May 2015 * Audition Date is Saturday production is shall sponsored by Healthways: *ThisAuditions begin from 8am ‘Act, Belong, Commit’ and will be run by the * Auditions must be booked by calling the Bunbury Musical Comedy Group Yarno on 043 The Auditions and 050 all the 1633, Rehearsalsand & an audition Performances shallgiven. be taking place at the time shall be New Lyric Theatre, Bourke Street, Bunbury. PURPOSE OF THE MUSICAL It can be a nervous experience booking and then attending an Audition, but please be aware all those who you shall meet at the theatre on Audition day want you to do well and will be assisting you to show what you can do. There will be no negative feedback or criticism. Those who shall be present are all fully aware of the courage required to audition. * To create a safe environment for local children, adolescents and adults to be introduced to performing on stage in live community theatre * To put together a musical suited to a family audience; the target audience is the parents and grandparents with enough life in the play from the younger cast to keep the children watching thoroughly entertained. * To create a light-hearted musical combining a healthy mix of men/women & boys/girls together on stage. * To bring in local school classes to watch live theatre they may not usually get the opportunity to do. * To allow high school students studying performing Arts the opportunity to assist in the behind the scenes work of a community show * To bring ‘fun’ and ‘enjoyment’ into community theatre during rehearsals and the performance build-up. MY SON PINOCCHIO – THE STORY NOTE: This is not a Pantomime. This family-friendly musical is centred on main character Geppetto and his realization through the course of the musical that to be a ‘real’ father is to accept a child for whom he/she is. The Blue Fairy grants life to a wooden toy Pinocchio under the care of Geppetto. To the distress of Geppetto, Pinocchio does not act exactly as he wishes and when Pinocchio says he does not wish to a toy maker Geppetto calls the blue fairy to take back the ‘faulty’ Pinocchio. 8
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