ITE /¡lr\ \,r, rrl MODULAR BUILDING SYSTEMS. ti i l I O (Ð o CONTENTS The company Values I I I individual 6 eff icient I sustainable 10 Business fields o I I I I medicine 12 education 14 administration 16 research 18 Rental modules 20 Experts on ADK Modulraum 22 o o WE SUPPLY o o Transportable individual modules for unrestricted room creation - this is what ADK Modulraum in Neresheim (Baden-Württemberg) stands for. Our modular rooms are susta¡nable. individual, efficient and You can live, work, operate and research in them. They are produced under secure and weather-independent conditions using industrial production methods in our own factory. Around 400 modules leave our premises each year - for construc- tion projects around the globe. The universally deployable componêîts are 95 percent prefabricated and subsequently delivered to the construction site. Fully technically equipped, they only need to connected once on location. o I be QUtCK, COMM|TTED AND ADK Modulraum produces architectural solutions for fêSêafCh, health, administration and educatioh world- wide. And that always with the goal of realising a complex building solution in a few months, at a fixed price and with an absolutely binding delivery time. Three experienced managing directors, Richard Ahle (sales), Alexander Danner (engineering) and Robert Kohler (controlling, personnel, purchasing), as well as the entire ADK Modulraum team work to this end. 0ur quality management and external quality control guarantee the highest possible production standards in observance of all national and international norms. lf desired, we can take on the complete project management and coordination of the individual assembly sections. The ADK \4anaging Director trlo: ì:h¡il Àh e P:r:r. r.:h er r e,arler lanner fr:nr tle efr I NEED THEIR OWN SPACE Even though it does not look like it at first glance: ro0m modules are not just prefabricated rooms which can be used to construct or extend buildings. They simultaneously provide architects, planners and builders with the greatest possible freedom for individual design and planning: ADK's modular rooms are individually manufactured for each construction project and equipped according to the wishes and conceptions of the architect and builder. This leaves room for construction and room for ideas. This generates freely planable rooms, that all have one thing in common: they are individual, efficient and sustainable. I o o o ALLOW DESIGN FLEXIBILITY Freedom to plan. Room modules mean individuality. We provide architects, planners and builders with the greatest possible freedom. This leads to the creation of living and working rooms for the people who use them. say: lt is them that we have in mind when we building w¡th room modules is individuat, efficient and sustainable. The steel frame construction of our modules facilitates virtually unrestricted design flexibility. The modular solutions are not restricted by set dimensions and can be extended at a later date if required. I SAVE TIME Building with room modules is quick, uncomplicated and can be conducted during continued operations. Long drying times are for- eign to modular construction. The modules are prefabricated in the factory to 95 percent, transported to the construction site on -.---1 -a heavy goods vehicles and assembled on site in the ShOrteSt of t¡mes. Y9!-Y! We often only need a few weeks construction time for complete building wings - from the placing of the order to commissioning. Thanks to factory construction we are not dependent on weather ÂDK ¡,1ò¿ -JZ and can guarantee that your plans will be realised without delay. I - IT E i.l t-j l-l FI E ,^ -[7 ,\llü{ \ì ,.tì\ trl?-- I I t fl /¡¡\ itrT l- f- E;= _ 'a¡ E I l Ìl I I t f I I I CONSERVE RESOU RCES Building with modules conserves resources and is consequently of interest from both an environmental and energy-saving perspective. This includes the use of environmentally friendly building materials and products, as well as the selective choice of building materials and an optimal insulation. As a result, you save on heating, electricity and water. Environmentally friendly materials for walls, doors and windows are selected in accordance with the national energy saving and sound insulation ordinances. Regardless of whether for hospitals, schools, nurseries, labora- tories or administrative buildings: room modules require minimal soil sealing and can ue at any time disassembled and recycled without leaving any residues. Consequently, they are suitable as both permanent constructions and temporary solutions. I @ I O @ BUILT IN RECORD TIME ADK lVlodulraum has been a construction of OP, laboratory fOOmS for for the and clean competent partner many years. The room modules are completely equipped wlth the requisite medical, i. e. laboratory technology in the factory - including the necessary medìa, in observance of in- ternational requirements such as GMP and FDA, The rooms are dellvered completely prefabricated, and are literally lowered in with the crane.New operating theatres and laboratory wings are thus constructed at a previously unrealisable speed. How else rs it possible to build a complete OP department in 80 days, from planning to frnal assembly? ADK Modulraum also constructs complete hospitals and dormitories, care homes and surgeries for veterinarians and other medical professionals. I 1' @ @ IN SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE it to a school during the holidays? With construction, yes. Thanks to 95 prefabrication ADK fulfills the highest requirements for effective learning and at the ADK factory and extremely short assembly time, the construction site period is reduced to an absolute minimum. Efficient, metal, Eternit or mineral rendering when building with room modules you also have complete freedom to select the design of functional buildings erected in record time, such as schools, kinder- your façade. Extensions or modifications, moving the site of the gartens or nurseries can be attractively designed and constructed building, or even disassembly, are simple options with this sustai- according to the latest technological standards. nable construction technique. ls possible modular extend teaching with solutions for education and training centres. Wood, - I o 'E -7 @ WITH MAXIMUM FUNCTIONALITY ln rapidly changing working environments, high quality modular room concepts are a good solution. Here the focus is on optimal technical facilities, an attractive architectural design and max¡mum functionality. The result: an office precise- ly tailored to your needs. ADK Modulraum supplies functional buildings according to individual customer specifications - in record time and immediately rea- dy for occupancy. We have demonstrated this on many occasions, with rooms for embassy building, e.g. in Minsk, Tbilisi or Kabul. With no restrictions in terms of room height or modular dimensions - and extendable at any time as required - ADK room modules are the ideal solution for modern administrative buildings, such as in Voith Heidenheim, Ulshöfer. o I o :Iì\ 't7 T I I JÀ: rt7-/ FÞÈ ?F f: f- l-fFr t f r r Fr î'r I l_r: Fr-r Ì t--7 lrn- | II tI I -,i; I Hf.l t T I .t¡ -'t:tr F È <> IN HIGH-TECH MODULES Scientific research requires an environment in which technology and hygiene are factored in right from the beginning. 0ur clean rooms all technical equipment, - pre-fitted in our production halls - on-site installation, and laboratories come complete with @ @ susceptible to contamination, is not required. Module rooms, thanks to the exceptional depth of planning, the concentration of the work processes in the factory and the indust- rial production quality, are especially suited for complex high-tech bu ild in gs. ADK Modulraum supplies highly technical clean rooms ratory buildings - manufactured according - and labo- to individual ments and flexibly equipped to meet a range of concepts. require- I @ @ FOR INDIVIDUAL AND FLEXIBLE FINANCING ADK Modulraum also offers flexible solutions for financing, not just planning and design. Different room modules on request - completely furnished - can be hired or leased through the ADK Leasing GmbH - permanently or for an interim period. This ensures planning rel¡ability, as the leasing rate and the contractual period are fixed right from the start. 0ur rental modu- uHl HI t les bring flexibility into your construction project, as the level of the rental fee can be flexibly adjusted throughout the leasing period - along with the length of the lease and how the module will be utilised at the end of the contractual period. ADK Leasing undertakes the financing of the investment object, securing builders the necessary liquidity. Thus at the time of invest- ment there is no loss of liquidity or expansion of external financing. lnstead, through the leasing rate, investment costs are spread across the period in which revenue is generated with the leased object according to the "pay as you earn" principle. "ln principle, with modular construction any architectural design can be realised. No module is the same as the next, there are neither fixed dimensions, standard walls or roofs. This means maximum flexibility in both planning and design." Dipl. Ing. Stefan Egelhof o I @ o @ I @ I @ WHAT THE ARCHITECTS SAY "Two aspects characterise ADK Modulraum: an understanding for building under operating conditions and absolute reliability, with @ "The modular construction technique provided benefits for us regarding speed and statics. lf we had realised our project using on-time delivery of the completed room modules." solid construction techniques we would have entered a threshold Lucas Müller, Arcass Free Architects BDA, region in terms of weight." Stuttgart Georg Walter, Technical Director Klinik MedBau GmbH "The 50 percent saving in construction time and the excellent logis- "With room modules we are not restricted to standard dimensions. tics make this the best realised construction project that I have ever Connections and installations are already integrated. The prefab- been involved D irector wirh." Andrew Tatterson, Medicell ricated construction technique outperforms the solid construction technique in terms of quality and precision several times over." Stefan Egelhof, Architect I 23 ADK Modulraum GmbH lm Riegel 28 73450 Neresheim Germany Phone: +49 7326 9641-0 Fax: i Modulraum MODULAR BU ILDI NG SYSTEMS. +49 7326 9641-99 nfo@ad k-mod u I ra u
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