Datamere News Update October 2014

Datamere News Update October 2014
Instant Quote in GMS V4 Causes a Stir!
The instant quote functionality that was on
demonstration provoked lots of interest at the
Energy Event last month! With just a postcode
and AQ you can provide a detailed gas
quotation including detailed network charges
on the spot. I’m sure you’ll agree this is a great
benefit for any sales team.
Carrying on with the V4 theme it’s great to be
able to report that that yes, we are finally on
the home straight with the last areas to be
developed in GMS V4©! The core modules are
all in place and just small pieces of development
remain in some of the optional modules.
We’ve been in touch with all existing clients
with a road map for the new system and will be
arranging a migration timetable in the next few
UK Link Shipper Engagement Days
Xoserve held their latest shipper engagement
day in early October and saw a large turnout
from shippers and suppliers alike.
Datamere is keeping a very close eye on the
changes to ensure that V4 is fully compliant
with all the industry changes that go ahead.
The detailed file formats are now available to
view on the Xoserve website at
At this stage it seems unlikely that the Project
Nexus changes will be incorporated into V3.
Datamere Expand Team Again
With the first development phase of GENUS
(our combined gas and power system) now well
underway, Datamere has expanded our team of
developers. Andrew Owen joined us in October
bringing our total in the office to the grand total
of eleven. We’ve trebled our workforce in the
last 3 years!
Energy Support Bureau open for
Our sister company the ESB, which provides
support and managed services for gas suppliers
is now up and running from a new office near
Worcester. Contact us on [email protected] if
you are looking to outsource any part of your
supply business.