reforms in education of uzbekistan

RECEIVED 31.01.2015 ACCEPTED 25.04.2015 PUBLISHED 01.06.2015
DOI: 10.15550/ASJ.2015.03.021
M. Tsoy, Z. Kuychieva, D. Kosimova
Dzhizak Politechnical Institute
4, Khalklar Dustligi Str., 4, Dzhizak 130100 Uzbekistan
[email protected]
Abstract. This article describes the fundamental changes taking place in education, aimed at training the
intellectually developed personnel with in-depth knowledge and skills. Given laws and specific activities by
the state administration to support and stimulate scientific and pedagogical activity of highly qualified
personnel. In this article analyzed the drastic changes which are occurring in educational sphere and directed
on preparation intellectual developed specialists with deep knowledge. There are legislative acts and specific
material from direction of State for supporting and stimulation of scientific and scientific pedagogical efforts
of highly qualified specialists.
Keywords: education system in Uzbekistan, information and communication technologies, reforms in
education, scientific and pedagogical activity, the construction of a great state.
The development of society, culture, science and technology, increased requirements for improving the
educational system, to the enrichment and improvement of not only professional knowledge, but also
pedagogical skills – managerial, teaching, communication, research, scientific and educational.
Uzbekistan gained its rightful place among the developed countries; its future largely depends on the
staff, with deep knowledge and qualifications. In the constant attention given under the supervision of the
President of Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov educating intellectually advanced generation, is his
ultimate goal – the construction of a great state.
Consistent implementation of the initiative taken by the President the Law "On Education", National
Program for training plays an important role in the preparation of professionals with deep knowledge and
professionalism. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to strengthen the
material-technical base of higher educational institutions and radical improvement of the quality of
excellence» is another practical manifestation of the constant attention given to improve the system of higher
education that meets modern requirements.
The Constitution guarantees citizens the right to education in Uzbekistan, knowledge and access to
information. "Everyone has the right to seek, receive and impart any information, except information directed
against the existing constitutional order or otherwise restricted by law." The use of new information
technologies has significantly changed the role of libraries. An important step towards improving library
service was the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the organization of information
and library provide the republic." Over the next few years in this area there have been dramatic changes. To
equip educated information and library center of the state to allocate more funds for the renovation and
modernization of material-technical base. At the same time gradually been put in order information and
library centers (ILC) of all regional centers, then the National Library named after Alisher Navoi. According
to the decree of the President "On measures to further qualitative development of information and library and
information-resource services based on information and communication technologies in 2011-2015.", all the
teachers and students of higher educational institutions are members of the National Library of Navoi and
using ID - cards over the Internet can use the information from the library. This allows registered users sitting
at home or at their workplace, use the catalog and read the full-text electronic publications. Over three years
Digital Library of scientific and technical literature (EBNTL) general fund of the library grew to 40,000 units,
28,700 of which are digitized and made available to readers both on-site and through the website. Information
– Library Network of the republic in 1815 covers information of library, information and resource centers
and libraries. General fund literature is 83,600,000. Storage units, including 3.5 million. Units in electronic
ISSN 2219-746X EISSN 2219-7478
The higher education system in Uzbekistan is currently experiencing complex transformations associated
with modifications within the system and outside it. An important feature of the present time is a significant
turnaround from the population of highly specialized education in the formation of a wider, allows a person to
easily adapt to rapidly changing technologies. This greatly increases the requirements for the process of
training in educational institutions. During the preparation of specialized professionals, to educational
institutions is even one major problem associated with the implementation of the National Program for
Training: Bridging the gap morality, raising national consciousness of young citizens of the republic.
National science and is the heir of the world famous Al-Khwarizmi, Ulugbek, Beruniy, and others,
received a new impetus to development in the years of independence. Scientists of Uzbekistan actively use
opened in a new time search capabilities on actual directions and conquest of significant milestones.
The people who has no interest in science deprived of the future, – President Islam Karimov said at a
meeting with scientists. There the head of state set their objectives for the future: increasing and
strengthening the intellectual and scientific potential of the nation, work on new discoveries and inventions,
improving the structure of the academy for the development of the priority areas. The country's leadership has
been systematically implement policies to support the sphere, the results of which today are felt in almost all
Teaching staff of higher education institutions actively involved in solving problems of high technology.
To date, the higher educational institutions work in 1529 doctors and 7762 candidates of sciences. They are
actively involved in the implementation of state scientific and technical programs, innovative activity groups
established higher education institutions in cooperation with enterprises. (Information and analytical weekly
«Uzbekistan Today», 47 (378) on November 21, 2014, p. 6)
The country is focusing the training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel. In determining the
propensity to conduct scientific and teaching activities are actively using modern information and
communication technologies.
Since January, the country has a new system of training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical
personnel. Unlike the previous two-tier system – PhD and PhD, a new single-stage system is represented by
the Institute of senior researchers, applicants being awarded the degree of Doctor of Science. Introduced
several new provisions aimed at ensuring a high quality of training of highly qualified personnel. Among
them - the obligatory definition of applicants in the propensity to conduct scientific and educational activities.
This rule is designed to improve the system of targeted training. Applicants to create optimal conditions for
the passage of the appropriate test Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education has undertaken a
number of organizational decisions with the active use of modern information and communication
technologies. To pass the test it is necessary to be familiar with the regulatory framework of conducting
scientific and pedagogical activity, be prepared to answer questions in the field of scientific and pedagogical
competence, as well as spiritual and moral values. The process of testing is controlled by a special
commission, whose composition is approved by Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Attestation
Commission. All information on the procedure for conducting tests, schedule and program test questions are
available on the website of the Head of scientific and methodological center for the organization of retraining
and professional development of teaching staff and the governing system of higher education. For the
convenience of residents of the regions tested organized in-line with the use of Internet technologies.
Experts say that the current economy is transformed into the so-called knowledge economy, the essence
of which links the level of production, that is ultimately the nation's wealth, with the development and
application of new knowledge experts. And the pace of economic growth is determined not so much physical
capital and people skills (human capital), but the ability to apply knowledge. The economy is based on an
information basis, learning and adaptation, the power of modern information technology provides global
economy, new technological base.
If today a State wishes to integrate into a modern community, it should teach their people to navigate in
science, knowledge, ideas, ability to theoretically prove their insolvency or viability. Innovative education
model focused on the maximum development of creative abilities and create a strong motivation based on
voluntarily chosen field, direction, sequence of education or the type of educational institution.
Thus, the possibilities of the education system in Uzbekistan, the integration of science and industry for
training highly competitive professionals, give an impetus to the development of society and the state in an
ever increasing penetration and integration into the world community.
Government of Uzbekistan (1992) The Constitution, Article 29. Tashkent: Uzbekistan.
Government of Uzbekistan (1995) Speech of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan at a meeting with a
group of scientists of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, November 1995.
President of Uzbekistan (2006) The decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the
organization of information and library provision republic" from June 20, 2006.
President of Uzbekistan (2011) The decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to
further qualitative development of information and library and information-resource service based on
information and communication technologies in 2011-2015" on February 23, 2011.
President of Uzbekistan (2011) Resolution of the President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov "On measures to
strengthen the material-technical base of higher educational institutions and radical improvement of the
quality of excellence" of 20 May 2011.
Uzbekistan Today (2014) Information and analytical weekly «Uzbekistan Today», №47 (378) on November
21, 2014.
This paper has been presented at the International Conference
“SCIREPS EDUCATION FORUM” in Paris (April 25-30, 2015).