News from Advent Lutheran Church May 2015 STAFF Rev. Jason Peterson Rev. Andrea Windsor-Peterson Co-Pastors Ginny Sweeton Director of Music / Admin. Assistant COUNCIL Mary Filpus-Luyckx President Jared Fischer Vice President Scott Fiegen Secretary Debbie Merzlak Treasurer Scott Bowers Heather Herrmann A Word from the pastors “For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, through many, are one body, so it is with Christ.” (I Corinthians 12:12) Beginning May 24th, Advent will move back to our 9:15am worship service for the summer months. During the past four months, while was have had two services, our worship attendance has increased. We have gone from an average of 120 with one service to 136 with two. It has been amazing to watch the spirit at work in and through both services. We have welcomed new members, had baptisms at both services, celebrated a most amazing Holy Week, heard wonderful music through the bells, choir, and other special music, our praise band has led at both services, and we have praised our Lord to the best of our ability. Having multiple worship services has allowed for a steady stream of visitors and outreach possibilities in welcoming guests to Advent. However, during the summer months, we also know that many of us will be taking some sabbatical time or intentional time of rest away from Augusta. Therefore, just as the body is one and has many members, we are all members of the body. Having one service over the summer we believe will provide us with an opportunity to worship once again as one body together. It will give us all a chance to reconnect with those who we have missed seeing at the other service. As numbers fluctuate over the summer, having one service will allow for us to continue to praise our Lord in a greater gathering. In the fall, we will resume our regular worship times still as one body, yet with two opportunities to praise our Lord to the highest. Thank you for your faithfulness to God in this place. May we continue to grow together in God’s grace as we worship and nurture our faith in Jesus Christ as one body. In Christ’s love, Pastor Jason and Pastor Andrea May Worship Schedule Sunday, May 3 5th Sunday of Easter Worship & Holy Communion 8:15 a.m. Sunday School for All Ages 9:30 a.m. Confirmation Class 9:30 a.m. Worship & Holy Communion 10:45 a.m. Sunday, May 17 7th Sunday of Easter Worship & Holy Communion 8:15 a.m. Sunday School for All Ages 9:30 a.m. Confirmation Class 9:30 a.m. Worship & Holy Communion 10:45 a.m. Sunday, May 10 6th Sunday of Easter One Service for Summer Beginning: Sunday, May 24 Day of Pentecost Worship & Holy Communion 9:15 a.m. Congregational Meeting 10:30 a.m. Mother’s Day Worship & Holy Communion 8:15 a.m. Sunday School for All Ages 9:30 a.m. Confirmation Class 9:30 a.m. Worship & Holy Communion 10:45 a.m. Sunday, May 31 Worship & Holy Communion 9:15 a.m. Prayer Requests Pray for Healing & Provision: Dee Alderson, Marge Rahn, Edgar Bollinger, Ruth Neumann, Ericka Blanchard, Ann Furlong, Art Suprek, Tania Hayes, Ron Ricklefs, Virginia Reedstrom, Lisa Stodola, Joe Pravato, Elizabeth Smith, Myron Burditt, Kay Carmona, Ginnie Frabizion, Sandy Ham, Gertrude Dix, Aaron Zamecnik, John Zamecnik, Rene Hopkins, Scott Fiegen, Carole Hope Pray for Our Deployed Military: Peggy Martin, Aaron Hanes-Dodd, Kristofer Nichols, Phil Lewis, Jim Coffman Notes from the Music Room Summer Music Calling all musicians! The Chancel Choir and Handbell Choir will be on a well-deserved vacation during this summer. Thanks for all of their hard work! But I would still like to have special music each Sunday during the summer. If you would be interested in singing a solo, a duet, or playing an instrument, please let me know. I would like to work out a schedule so that we have some kind of anthem/solo/instrumental piece each Sunday this summer. This is the time to use your talents for God's glory! Please contact me at the church office. ~Ginny Fellowship & Events Congregational Meeting Sunday, May 24th. The annual congregational meeting with be held in the sanctuary immediately following worship. This is a very important event for our church, so please plan to attend! Book Club Monday, May 11th at 7:30pm. This month’s book is “No Biking in the House Without a Helmet” by Melissa Faye Greene. Our discussion leader will be Ingrid Zamecnik & our hostess will be Pat Grim. Vacation Bible School Update June 22—26, 9:00am—11:30am Planning for Vacation Bible School continues. We are looking forward to sharing God’s word with a great group of children as we explore Everest. I know you are wondering, “How can I help?” There are many ways you can help make VBS a success. Here are a few: 1. Register a child you know to participate. You can register by clicking on the link on Advent’s website or by filling out a paper form available in the Narthex. 2. Volunteer your time to help in the kitchen, checking in children, or helping supervise during the week of Bible school (youth or adults). 3. Donate supplies or money. Items needed will soon be posted on colored papers in the Narthex. 4. Help us create decorations on Saturday, June 6 from 9 to 12. Help put up decorations on Sunday, June 21. 5. Pray for the staff and participants that God’s presence will be felt by all and that this will be a time of learning and spiritual growth for all involved. If you have any question or ideas, please contact Heather Herrmann (706-306-6009 cell or 706-8635151 home or Herrmanndh@bellsouth,net), or Jamie Sadenwasser (706-294-6940 or [email protected]). From your Advent Lutheran Church Service Ministry: We continue to collect items for recycling (disbursing to other organizations): For GAP Ministries (Food Pantry) in downtown Augusta— eyeglasses and cases, any food, personal hygiene items, hotelsize toiletries, and plastic grocery bags. For “When Help Can’t Wait” (a charitable organization service nursing home residents) - large playing cards, note cards, costume jewelry, and cosmetic bags. For Family Promise—clothing; furniture can be donated and arrangements made for their truck to pick up. For Ronald McDonald House—aluminum pop tops. For local school—Box Tops for Education Coming Up: 2015 God’s Work, Our Hands—the national ELCA day of volunteering will be September 13th. Last year we had two days of volunteer work: Saturday we worked on outside projects and Sunday we worked on an assortment of projects indies the Fellowship Hall. Positive comments were received from many and we would like to participate again this year. Anyone having an idea for a community-based project, please let the church office or anyone on the Service Ministry know. This is a second opportunity to wear the beautiful, bright orange t-shirts from 2014, and we can order more this year. The price has not been announced yet, but they were $6.00 last year. Family Promise—June 14th to 21st Advent will host families at our church. There are many ways to help with this very worthwhile program, and a sign-up board will be posted a few weeks before the families arrive. We are also in need of donations of twin bed sheet sets, and towels (new or gently used) for our Family Promise guests to use. We welcome everyone to join Advent’s Service Ministry. We meet the first Tuesday of the month at 2:30 pm at the church, and we would be blessed if you came. Linda Lawrence, Service Ministry Chairperson *************** Mark your calendars for Sunday, May 24th for our next Blood Drive. The Shepeard Bloodmobile will be here after church for your donations. Worship & Holy Communion Sundays at 8:15am & 10:45am Sunday School 9:30am S M T W T F 1 S 2 AA 8-9am 3 4 5Bible Study 6 7 Bible Study 10 11 7:30pm istry Training 6:30pm Night 6:15pm 18 AA 8-9am ing 10:30am AA 8-9am 19 AA 8-9am AA 8-9am 20 Choir Rehearsal 6:30pm AA 8-9am 25 26 27 Memorial Council Meeting 6:30pm Day AA 8-9am 31 14 Ministry 10:00am Congregational Meet- 13 AA 8-9am Stephen Min- Bible Study 24 AA 8-9am Book Club AA 8-9am 17 12 Meeting 9:00am 6:30pm Stephen Ministry Training 6:30pm 9 Property 10:00am Service 2:30 AA 8-9am 8 AA 8-9am AA 8-9am 21 Women’s Small AA 8-9am 15 Group 9:30am 16 Men’s Group 9:00am AA 8-9am 22 23 Bible Study 6:30pm AA 8-9am 28 AA 8-9am AA 8-9am 29 AA 8-9am 30 Service Times May 3 May 10 May 17 8:15 Pam Tipler Karen Smith Bobby Bisbee Heather Francesca Herrmann Furlong Lynn Reed Tim Sadenwasser Mary Suprek Paris Fiegen Patty Williams Di Hamilton Assisting Ministers 10:45 Tom Alderson 8:15 Zach Hubble Lectors 10:45 Paul FilpusLuyckx Communion 8:15 Assistants 10:45 Mary Suprek Maggie Heaney Sophie Van Stormi Hubble/ 8:15 Bladel/Max Van Ina Prescott Daisy Morgan Mary FilpusLuyckx Jamie Sadenwasser Lynn Reed Acolytes / Bladel Crucifers 10:45 Ushers 8:15 Early: Joe Pravato 706-447-4308 10:45 Late: Steve Merzlak Jeff Fiegen/ Niki Whitaker Jamie Jimenez Nikki Fiegen Eric Jablonski Bobby Bisbee Art Rahn Jim Plumley Joe Pravato Jim Williams Steve Merzlak Mary FilpusLuyckx 8:15 Greeters 10:45 Dieter & Ulrike Beck Erin & Sam Taylor Rob Gulbrandson Shirley Chipman Donna Meisner Scott & Paris Fiegen Sam Jimenez Gary & Linda Lawrence Julie Fillgrove Linda Lawrence Maria Pravato rich/Samantha Jimenez Dieter & Ulrike Beck Angie Hubble Patty Williams Don & Mable Plueger anniversary of Violet’s baptism *Sign up in the Narthex* Danny Moran Di Hamilton Fellowship Coffee Hour Advent Women Patty Williams Martha Ostendorff Hilda Sullivan Alice Glisson Scott & Paris Don & Mable Ron & Gayle Jim & Barbara Fiegen Plueger Ricklefs Plumley Coffee only Advent Men Coffee only Coffee only Eternal Candles Given By Altar Guild Zach Hubble Marissa Good- Heather & Derek honor of Maddie Visitor of Visitors Maria Pravato 706-447-4308 Stormi Hubble/ Herrmann on the Missionary Support Given By 706-736-8673 Pam Tipler Carole Hope & Harrison Hospital/Shut In Minister Erin Taylor Scott Fiegen Maggie Heaney in Flowers Given By Lynn Reed Kate Peterson/ Holly Sadenwasser Kate Peterson/ Jim Brown May 31 Marcy Jimenez Sam Taylor/ 706-855-8006 Martha Ostendorff May 24 *Sign up in the Narthex* Early/Saturday: Barbara Plumley Late: Mary Suprek 5/26 Updated Church Directory! Zach Teffeteller Amber Jimenez Britainy Hubble An updated photo directory will be available later this month in the Narthex. There is a copy posted on the bulletin board in the Narthex. Please take a minute to review your information and make any corrections necessary. 5/28 Jenny Holland Don Smith 5/7 Stormi Hubble Kristina Fischer 5/11 Nick Pravato 5/29 Joe Tokarska 5/12 Paris Fiegen 5/31 Alli Prescott 5/14 Addison Logemann 5/16 Timmy Kitts 5/8 Nancy & Rhett Bickley 5/9 Scott & Paris Fiegen Asher Sullivan Ava Sullivan 5/17 Christine Keller 5/21 Ulrike Beck 5/22 Clayton Lamb 5/24 Lisa Cheek 5/25 Shirley Chipman Have a birthday or anniversary in June? Let Ginny in the office know, so it can be included in the next newsletter! 3232 Washington Road Augusta, GA 30907 Phone: 706-860-0439 Web: Email: [email protected] DATED MATERIAL ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Final Deadline for June Newsletter Entries is May 21st
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