THE EVERETT ADVOCATE - Friday, May 22, 2015 SCIENCE STARS - Page 9 - Distrigas honors two Everett students with $5,000 Scholarships /RFDO6WXGHQWV+RQRUHGIRU7KHLU $ZDUG:LQQLQJ6FLHQFH)DLU3URMHFWV Distrigas presented $5,000 scholarships to Pope John XXIII student Phuong Ngu (left) and Everett High School’s Vesna Imsirovic during an awards dinner at the New England Aquarium. They are pictured with, from left, Pope John Head of School Tom Ryan, Distrigas Vice President of Operations Anthony Scaraggi, Distrigas Manager of Communications Carol Churchill, and Everett Superintendent of Schools Frederick F. Foresteire. Distrigas of Massachusetts recently honored 19 students, primarily from Everett, and also Lexington and Somerville, for their DFDGHPLFVXFFHVVDQGRXWVWDQGLQJZRUNLQWKH¿HOGRIVFLHQFH Students, along with their families, school administrators, and educators, were recognized at an Awards Dinner held in their KRQRUDWWKH1HZ(QJODQG$TXDULXPLQ%RVWRQ'LVWULJDVKDV been sponsoring the local scholarship program and science fair FRPSHWLWLRQIRUPRUHWKDQ\HDUV “Given the importance of science to our natural gas business, we believe it’s important to support students who show drive, creativity, and a commitment in this area,” said Carol Churchill, 0DQDJHURI&RPPXQLFDWLRQVIRU'LVWULJDV³7KHVWXGHQWVZH¶UH honoring have shown innovation, academic achievement, and an LQWHUHVWLQXQGHUVWDQGLQJWKHZRUOGDURXQGWKHP´ 7KHKLJKOLJKWRIWKHQLJKWZDVWKHSUHVHQWDWLRQRI scholarships to two Everett students – Vesna Imsirovic of Everett +LJK6FKRRODQG3KXRQJ1JXRI3RSH-RKQ;;,,,+LJK6FKRRO Both seniors have impressive records of academic achievement DQGH[WUDFXUULFXODULQYROYHPHQW Imsirovic, whose family came to Everett from Bosnia in 2002, KDVDWWHQGHGWKH(YHUHWW3XEOLF6FKRROVVLQFHNLQGHUJDUWHQ6KH KDVDJUDGHSRLQWDYHUDJHDQGLVWKH1RVWXGHQWLQWKH &ODVVRI6KHLVJRLQJWRVWXG\FRPSXWHUHQJLQHHULQJDW %URZQ8QLYHUVLW\LQWKHIDOO ³>9HVQDLVD@VWXGHQWZKRDVRQHWHDFKHUVD\VދQHYHU hesitates to ask questions to clarify and deepen her understanding RIWKHPDWHULDO´6XSHULQWHQGHQWRI6FKRROV)UHGHULFN))RUHVWHLUH VDLGZKHQLQWURGXFLQJ,PVLURYLF³+HUWHDFKHUVGHVFULEHKHUDV KDUGZRUNLQJDPELWLRXVV\PSDWKHWLFDQGUHVSRQVLEOH´ In addition to the major scholarship awards, Distrigas SUHVHQWHGSUL]HVDQGRUFHUWL¿FDWHVRIDFKLHYHPHQWWRWKH following Everett students for their outstanding student science fair projects: REGION IV STATE SCIENCE FAIR WINNERS Honorable Mention – Christopher Boucher of Everett High School EVERETT HIGH SCHOOL SCIENCE FAIR WINNERS 1st Place tie – Christopher Boucher, Jack Calascibetta, and Obed Posada 2nd Place tie – Emilee Guzman and Angoori Rana 3rd3ODFHWLH±'HUHN%DUERVD7LPRWK\(ZLQJDQG&RQRU Rachlin Everett Middle School students Tyler Pearce, Kayo Gomes, Ngoc Nguyen, Melisa Demaku, Elmer Sandoval, and Oscar Segovia were honored by Distrigas of Massachusetts for their academic success ERHSYXWXERHMRK[SVOMRXLI½IPHSJWGMIRGI EVERETT MIDDLE SCHOOL SCIENCE FAIR WINNERS 1st Place team – Elmer Sandoval and Oscar Segovia 2nd3ODFHWHDP±.D\R*RPHVDQG7\OHU3HDUFH 3rd Place team – Melisa Demaku and Ngoc Nguyen 7KHDZDUGZLQQHUVZHUHUHFRJQL]HGE\'LVWULJDV9LFH 3UHVLGHQWRI2SHUDWLRQV7RQ\6FDUDJJLDQG(YHUHWW V$VVLVWDQW 6XSHULQWHQGHQWV'U7KRPDV6WHOODDQG&KDUOHV2EUHPVNL Making the night all the more special was the fact that Scaraggi invited Everett High graduate and 1999 Distrigas Scholarship ZLQQHU%UXFH6KDQGWRVSHDNWRWKHVWXGHQWVDQGJXHVWV6KDQG graduated from the University of Massachusetts/Dartmouth ZLWKD%6LQ0HFKDQLFDO(QJLQHHULQJDQGDPLQRULQ%XVLQHVV $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ+HLVFXUUHQWO\HPSOR\HGDWWKH0%7$ Science Department Chairperson Noreen Colannino is pictured with, from left, Milena Campos, Angoori Rana, Obed Posada, and Milena Campos, all of whom submitted award-winning projects in the 2015 EHS Science Fair. Guest speaker Bruce Shand, an Everett High graduate, received a Distrigas Scholarship in 1999. Everett High Principal Erick Naumann (right) enjoys the dinner served by Distrigas at its annual Science Awards Night at the New England Aquarium. Everett High School science standout Obed Posada (right) is pictured with his sister, Bertha, and his mother, Melida, at the Distrigas Awards Dinner. Everett Superintendent of Schools Frederick F. Foresteire introduces Distrigas Scholarship winner Vesna Imsirovic. Emilee Guzman and her parents, Ignagio and Leanne, enjoy the Awards Dinner.
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