Competition Rules & Procedures for the Spring Breakout Events Date: June 6 2015 Procedure: The Professional and Intermediate/Beginner panning competitions will be run separately. This will allow the organizers to tailor the skill level of the competition to the level appropriate for the competitors. Registration for the Professional and Intermediate/Beginner panning competitions will start at 7:00am and will be open until 9:00am. The Gold Panning registration table will be setup under the tent next to the competition area. Panners arriving at the registration table will pay the $10.00 registration fee, state if they wish to compete in the Intermediate/Beginner or Professional category, and pick a token identifying the pan they will use. The Intermediate/Beginner 10 flake panning competition will start at 9:30am followed by the Professional 10 flake competition. The events will be run in the order listed below. The registration fee for the 10 flake the 5 flake and nugget events will be $10.00 total. Competitors will not be allowed to register in both the Professional and Intermediate/Beginner competitions. Intermediate/Beginner Panners are those persons who have not won a competition in the past either at the Spring Breakout or any other recognized panning competition. Intermediate/Beginner and Professional Panning competitions will be run and judged separately; however, the rules are the same for both categories. Adult Entry fee is $10.00 and Juvenile Entry is $5.00 . Awards and prizes will be given to the winners of the Intermediate/Beginner and Professional competitions. If the water level of the river is too high, too fast, or the river is generally unsafe the panning competition will be moved from the river to designated tubs. Event #1 – 10 Flake Intermediate/Beginner Competition Panning takes place in the river Time Limit - 5 minutes 20 points for keeping all flakes Minus 2 points for each flake lost Event #2 – 10 Flake Professional Competition Panning takes place in the river Time Limit - 5 minutes 20 points for keeping all flakes Minus 2 points for each flake lost Event #3 – 5 Flake Intermediate/Beginner Competition Panning takes place in the river Time Limit - 3 minutes 10 points for keeping all flakes Minus 2 points for each flake lost Event #4 – 5 Flake Professional Competition Panning takes place in the river Time Limit - 3 minutes 10 points for keeping all flakes Minus 2 points for each flake lost Event #5– Nugget (Gold) Intermediate/Beginner Competition Panning takes place in a tub of water No dipping into the tub to retrieve a lost nugget is allowed Time Limit - 1 minute Must pick up nugget out of the pan and call “GOLD” as the Time Keeper will not stop until you call “GOLD” 10 points for the fastest time 9 points for next fastest time 8 points for next fastest time 7 points for next fastest time 6 points for next fastest time 5 points for next fastest time 4 points for next fastest time 3 points for next fastest time 2 points for next fastest time 1 point for the remaining competitors that find the gold nugget Event #6– Nugget (Gold) Professional Competition Panning takes place in a tub of water and in order of Pan #. No dipping into the tub to retrieve a lost nugget is allowed Time Limit - 1 minute Must pick up nugget out of the pan and call “GOLD” as the Time Keeper will not stop until you call “GOLD” 10 points for the fastest time 9 points for next fastest time 8 points for next fastest time 7 points for next fastest time 6 points for next fastest time 5 points for next fastest time 4 points for next fastest time 3 points for next fastest time 2 points for next fastest time 1 point for the remaining competitors that find the gold nugget Tie Breaker Rules for Intermediate/Beginner & Professional Competitions Time Limit - 3 minutes 10 flakes at 8 points each =80 and 2 nuggets at 10 points each =20 all together in one pan Total 100 points (NOTE: If 2 Competitors are tied at 2nd, then tiebreaker winner will become 2nd place and loser will become 3rd place for their final Competition placement) Event #7 Juvenile (ages 11 to 15 yrs) 5 Flakes Panning takes place in the river or tub Time Limit - 8 minutes Whoever gets the most flakes Tie Breaker Rules First tie breaker – 5 flakes – 4 minutes whoever gets the most flakes Second tie breaker – 5 flakes – 3 minutes whoever gets the most flakes Event #8 - Junior (ages 10 yrs. & under) Nugget Panning takes place in a tub of water NO Time Limit can be helped by a parent or other adult Event #9 – Claim staking (area TBA) Staking distance between 250 and 350 feet Early prospectors had to pace off the “claim” to certain dimensions. In our event, competitors are given a certain distance to pace off within a set area. Each competitor is given the use of a hammer and a numbered stake. When the competition is over the stakes closest to the actual distance are declared the winners. If there are two equal stakes, those competitors must have a pace off to see which one is closest to a different distance. The Juvenile Event is for those 14 years and under; winners may be asked to provide proof of age. The Adult Event is for those 15 years and older. Event #11 – Dirt Toss (main tent area) Each contestant is given 3 shovels full of dirt to toss at a bucket. The bucket is placed 20 feet from the competitor. The bucket along with the dirt is then weighted and the competitor with the most amount of dirt at the end of the competition is the winner. Event #12 – Pan Toss (main tent area) A stake is set in the ground 25 feet from the marked line. Each competitor is given 2 tries to place a metal pan closest to the stake by tossing it in the direction of the stake. The competitor closets to the stake wins. Event #13 – Metal Detecting (area TBA) Modern day “prospectors” use metal detectors to find valuables. In our event, several coins and other objects are “planted” within a specified area. The object is to find as many as possible. Those with the most objects and coins are the winners. If there is a tie, those with the highest dollar value in coins are the winners. • No coins in any pockets on competitors • No magnets are allowed on metal detectors or on any tools • If a competitor begins before the Judge officially starts the event, or leaves the designated area during competition, the competitor will be disqualified. Supplement to Gold Panning Competition Procedure Holding separate Intermediate/Beginner and Professional competitions could potentially increase the time required to complete the events. To ensure that the wait time between events is held to a minimum new registration and event preparation procedures are required along with tables and support people. The following procedure is based on having the registration, panning setup and judging facilities shown in diagram below located next to the river where the competition will be held. Registration: Panners will pay the registration fee for either the Intermediate/Beginner or Professional contest and select the token identifying the number of the pan the person panning will use for the contest. The information will be recorded on the registration form and the pan number will then be entered on the score sheet for either the Intermediate/Beginner or Professional contest. Pan Preparation: Gold pans for the Intermediate/Beginner 10 flake event will be set out on Tables #2 & 3 and be loaded with gravel selected for the event. The gold flakes will be buried in the gravel and the empty vial will be left on top of the gravel for inspection by the contestant. At the same time and assuming pans are available the pans for the Professional 10 Flake event will be set-out, loaded with gravel and gold and readied for the contest. At the end of the Intermediate/Beginner event all the pans used for the event will be returned to the Judges table. The quantity of gold in each pan will be counted and confirmed with the contestant. The gold and gravel remaining in the pans will be dumped into a pail and the pan cleaned and readied for the next event. The Professional 10 Flake event will then be moved to the Current Event Table and the pans for the Intermediate/Beginner 5 Flake event will be prepared. The flow of pans will continue until the Professional 5 Flake event is judged. Panners when called for the Nugget event will be given the pan assigned to them. Fees Panning - Intermediate/Beginner - Professional $10.00 per person - Juvenile (11-15 yrs.) $5.00 per person - Junior (10 & under) Free Claim Staking $5.00 per person Dirt Toss $5.00 per person Pan Toss $5.00 per person Metal Detecting $5.00 per person Sluicing $10.00 per team Flat Pan $5.00 per person
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