07 3878 8118 +61 7 3102 3149 2 www.rawpower.com.au Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Index Juices and Shakes Page 5 - Alkalising Green Juice Page 6 - Essential Superfood Shake Page 7 - Almond Chocolate Milk Page 8 - Chilli Chai Smoothie Superb Salads, Sprouts and Dressings Page 9 - Sprouting Guide Page 10 - Raw Power Salad Page 10 - Raw Power Salad Dressings Page 10 - Seafood salad sprinkles Page 11- Spicy Mexican Salad Dehydrator Delights Page 12 - Curried Crepes Page 13 - Sprouted Rye Bread Page 14 - Flaxseed Crackers Page 15 - Living Garden Pizza Page 16 - Sprouted Lentil Burgers Page 17 - Sweet and Sour “Meatballs” Page 18 - Superfood Cookies Delicious Spreads, Dips & Soups Page 19 - Sprouted Chickpea and Herb Hummus Page 20 - Brazil Nut Pesto Page 21 - Carrot Soup Page 22 - Brazil Nut Butter Rawsome Main Courses Page 23 - Mango Vegetable Curry Page 24 - Herb Nut Loaf Page 25 - Zucchini Fettuccini Amazing Guilt Free Desserts 2 Page 26 - Apple Cake with Banana Cream Page 27 - Apple Crumble Pie Page 28 - Avocado Chocolate Pie Page 29 - Apricot Banana Cake Page 30 - Banana Custard Page 31 - Custard Cake Page 32 - Hazelnut Praline Cake Page 33 - Coconut and Vanilla Ice-cream Page 34 - Ecstasy Balls Page 35 Chocolate Almond Torte Page 36 Carrot and Brazil Nut Cake Page 37 Sprouted Seed Choc Fudge Page 38 Tropical Strawberry Cream Pie 3 www.rawpower.com.au Why Raw Food? To live a long, natural, happy and balanced life is your birthright. It is not rocket science or something you can get from a practitioner, doctor, expert or prescription. Somewhere along the way we have been misled, conditioned, and distracted from what is essential; we have lost touch with our innate knowing, naturalness and bliss. In nature, animals eat only raw food and don’t consult experts on how to live healthy, active lives, they also don’t suffer the widespread sicknesses and ailments humans do. My experience is that people who eat a high percentage of living, organic foods are free of most illnesses, have greater mental clarity and higher energy levels. Our bodies were not designed to be a dumping ground for dead, cooked and processed foods and as such there is a price to pay for ignoring nature’s laws. From a scientific viewpoint all cooked food is devoid of enzymes which are vital for the absorption and digestion of food. Enzymes are the ‘life force’ or energy contained in living food and are essential for all the chemical processes within the body. Once heated above 45°C enzymes begin to be destroyed and once food is heated beyond 50°C they are totally destroyed. Eating enzyme-dead foods places a burden and eventually exhausts your pancreas and other organs. Many people gradually impair their pancreas and progressively lose the ability to digest their food after a lifetime of ingesting processed foods. In 1930, under the direction of Dr. Paul Kouchakoff, research was conducted at the Institute of Clinical Chemistry in Lausanne, Switzerland. The effect of food cooked and processed versus raw and natural - on the immune system was tested and documented. Dr. Kouchakoff's discovery concerned leukocytes, the white blood cells. It was found that after a person eats cooked food, his/her blood responds immediately by increasing the number of white blood cells. This is a well -known phenomenon called 'digestive leukocytosis', in which there is a rise in the number of leukocytes - white blood cells - after eating. Since digestive leukocytosis was always observed after a meal, it was considered to be a normal physiological response to eating. No one knew why the number of white cells would rise after eating, this appeared to be a stress response, as if the body was somehow reacting to something harmful such as infection, exposure to toxic chemicals or trauma. Dr. Kouchakoff and his researchers made a remarkable discovery. They found that eating raw, unaltered food did not cause a reaction in the blood. In addition, they found that if a food had been heated beyond a certain temperature (unique to each food), or if the food was processed (refined, chemicals added, etc.), this caused a rise in the number of white cells in the blood. The researchers renamed this reaction 'pathological leukocytosis'. They tested many different types of foods and found that if the foods were not refined or overheated, they caused no reaction. The body saw them as 'friendly foods'. However, these same foods if heated too much, caused a negative reaction in the blood, a reaction found only when the body is invaded by a dangerous pathogen or trauma. 3 4 Living Food Recipes For The Art Of Organic Raw Gourmet Food Preparation Class A great visual example of what heating does to food can be seen in Kirlian photography. Kirlian photography captures the bio-electrical energy field surrounding living organisms. The following Kirlian photographs are of organically grown living lentil sprouts. The diagram on the left shows a living organically grown lentil sprout. The diagram on the right shows an organically grown lentil sprout, blanched at 60°C for 2-3 minutes. Which food has more energy? Which food has more living nutritional benefits? Which food would you prefer? Living or Dead? So should you eat more raw foods? Only if you want to live a longer, happier, more radiant, disease free life! If you have been eating a high percentage of cooked, processed food throughout your life or have poor digestion you may initially have some challenges switching to a living food diet. Even just increasing the percentage of raw foods in your diet can cause your body to go into what is known as a cleansing reaction. Your body is an innately intelligent, self-healing mechanism and when introduced to more living foods, it may begin to eliminate toxins which have been stored in the tissues and organs for years. Headaches, nausea, rashes or even flu like symptoms are not uncommon signs that you are experiencing a cleansing reaction. These reactions usually last for 3 or 4 days (or longer if you are particularly toxic). Drinking 2 to 3 litres of pure living water a day can help with the elimination of toxins and make the ride a little smoother. Once through this phase most people feel much healthier and have more energy than before. If you have issues with digestion try green juices with a high percentage of celery. Celery is high in sodium and conditions the intestinal tract. You can add lettuce, cucumber, parsley, kale and a little apple or carrot for taste (under 10%). To me a living food lifestyle is about self-empowerment. It’s about taking my health and wellbeing back into my own hands and returning to an easier more natural state of equilibrium. If this resonates with you the good news is there are now so many amazing delicious living food recipes available you will be able to eat better than ever before without the slightest sense of deprivation – it’s just a matter of changing some habits and saying yes to life. Enjoy the recipes and a radiantly healthy, happy life! 4 Anand and the Raw Power Team 5 www.rawpower.com.au Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You The Amazing Power Of Green Juice – calming, energising, alkalising and healing Raw organic Green Juice is the best foundation for a raw food lifestyle. There is almost nothing on the planet that is better for your body. Use celery as the base and experiment with the other ingredients to taste. Tools: a Sampson (or similar) juicer. These are now quite reasonably priced, are easy to clean and most importantly work on a powerful, slow rotation so the juice doesn’t become over heated (Many cheaper juicers spin too fast and reduce the nutritional value of the juice by over heating) Celery (make this the foundation of your juice) it is very high in sodium and conditions your whole digestive tract, improving digestion. It is a much better option than carrot which is high in sugar (even organic carrots these days have 17% sugar – wild carrots if you can find them have only 3% sugar!) Leafy Greens (Just as important as celery, though less palatable to begin with – leafy greens are packed with chlorophyll and oxygen and are unparalleled in their ability to alkalise and heal the body. Try Rocket, Kale, Cos Lettuce, (preferable over Iceberg Lettuce which has fewer minerals) or any other dark green leafy vegetables. Cucumber - Also a highly alkalizing vegetable and very refreshing. Parsley - A cup of minced fresh parsley (about 100g) contains more beta carotene than a large carrot, almost twice as much vitamin C as an orange, more calcium than a cup of milk, and twenty times as much iron as a serving of liver. Wheatgrass – What to say about wheatgrass? There are reams of information available on the healing, regenerative properties of wheatgrass. 20 ml of wheatgrass juice is the nutritional equivalent of over one kg of fresh fruit and vegetables. Wheat grass has only about 10-15 calories per teaspoon. It has nearly a gram of protein per teaspoon and includes all eight of the essential amino acids, as well as 13 of the remaining 16. Tip: Try watering your wheatgrass using 1 part sea water to 19 parts water to get the correct balance of all 92 minerals needed for perfect health. Grass is the only plant which can absorb all 92 minerals, however, you can still add diluted sea water when watering all your vegetables and sprouts for a highly mineralized diet. Apple or carrot- Some people find green juice a little hard to take at the beginning. To make your green juice sweeter you can add a very small quantity of carrot or apple to your juice (less than 10%). After a while when you grow accustomed to taste you can reduce or totally cut out the carrot and apple. Water – We recommend you water down your juice 4 or 5 parts filtered water to 1 part juice. This is especially important when using wheatgrass Green juice is a very powerful detoxifier and it is best to ease into it gently if you haven’t been living a clean, raw food lifestyle. As you progress you can gradually decrease to amount of water to a 50/50 mix. Probiotics - 1 teaspoon of In-Liven probiotic superfood. This is the only certified probiotic powder on the market. In-Liven is the result of over 20 years research & development. The bacteria are produced from fruits and vegetables and not fast-tracked from faecal matter. Contains significant enzymes, vital amino acids and a broad spectrum of essential nutrients. In-Liven will re-colonise the gastrointestinal tract with the full spectrum of Lactobacillus (friendly) bacteria. Detoxification - When you begin drinking green juice the pollutants which have been stored in your body will literally begin to be flushed out of your cells sometimes causing nausea, head aches or even flu like symptoms. Be happy if this happens as it means you are on track to a healthier, more balanced existence. It can also be very helpful to be in contact with someone who has already gone through the process themselves. Quantity – Begin with 250ml of green juice a day (watering it down 4 to 1 with water) This will give you around 5 glasses to down. As you progress, increase the amount of juice and decrease the water. You can eventually increase to drinking 500 to 750mls of green juice no problems and your body will sing in total gratitude! You will get optimum nutritional value if you drink your juice within 15 minutes of making it, however, you will still get amazing benefits if you refrigerate it and drink it throughout the day. You can even add a little 5 lemon juice or vitamin C powder to help preserve it for up to 24 hours. 6 www.rawpower.com.au Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Essential Superfoods Shake Tools: A blender. Ingredients: 1 teaspoon of macca powder 1 tablespoon of spirulina powder 1 - 2 teaspoons of Wild or Organic Bee Pollen* 1 handful of pepitas (pumpkin seeds) 5 Brazil Nuts 30ml of Goji Berry juice or 1 tablespoon of soaked Goji berries. 1 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil 1 tablespoon of hempseed (For pets only within Australia) 1 small apple (or banana or mango…..) 1/2 a teaspoon of raw honey Organic Trace Minerals Half a cup of water Or if you are feeling lazy just use a couple of tablespoons or Raw Powers superfood blend Powermix with water and an apple and blend (For pets only!) For human consumption you must remove the hempseed from the mix. (Australian Government Law prohibits the consumption of hempseed by humans) NB. Quantities are just suggestions will vary from person to person depending on your metabolism and current nutritional needs. *Some people are allergic to be pollen. (it can create hay fever type symptoms) If you aren’t sure begin with smaller quantities and gradually increase. 6 7 www.rawpower.com.au Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Heavenly Almond Chocolate Milk (serves 6) Tools: A blender Ingredients: 2 cups of almonds – soaked for a minimum of 7 hours ¼ cup raw cacao – ground in a coffee grinder 4 T spoons raw honey ¼ vanilla pod – scrap the seed from the pod 3 cups of pure water Preparation: In the blender, blend for a few minutes until smooth and creamy. Now strain the mixture through either a cheese cloth, a nut milk bag or a fine sieve. And serve! Tip: you can add some more honey to the remaining pulp and dehydrate into cookies. 7 8 www.rawpower.com.au Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Chilli Chai Smoothie Tools: A blender Ingredients: 4 frozen bananas 2 cups water 2 handfuls Almonds (1/2 cup) 7 dates 3 tsp Carob powder 1/4 tsp cinnamon 1/4 tsp nutmeg thin slice ginger or 1/4 tsp ginger powder 1 tsp pure vanilla extract Blend it all and delight in eating with a spoon 8 9 www.rawpower.com.au Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Easy Sprouting Instructions and Chart 1. Select the type of seed from Type of seed amt of seed the sprouting chart. adzuki 2. Place recommended amount of seeds in a half alfalfa gallon glass jar and cover jar with mesh screen and a rub- almond ber band. buckwheat 3. Fill jar with water 4. Soak seeds for suggested time. 5. Drain seeds then fill with water and drain again. 6. Now set the jar at a 45º angle with good air flow. 7. Continue to rinse and drain for correct number of days. 8. Soon your sprouts will be ready. 9. Expose to some sunlight for 15 minutes. 10. Your sprouts are now ready for consumption. 11. Enjoy! 9 soak time sprouting time amt harvested 1 cup 12 hrs 3 days 2 litre jar 3 tsp 110 hrs 3 days 2 litre jar 1 cup 8 hrs 2 days 2 cups 2 cup 10 hrs 2 days 2 litre jar cabbage 3 tsp 8 hrs 3 days 2 litre jar clover 2 tsp 8 hrs 3 days 2 litre jar fenugreek 4 tsp 10 hrs 4 days 2 litre jar flax 1 cup 8 hrs 2 days 2 cups garbanzo 1 cup 12 hrs 2 days 2 litre jar lentil 1 cup 10 hrs 2 days 2 litre jar millet 1 cup 10 hrs 2 days 2 litre jar mung 1 cup 12 hrs 2 days 2 litre jar oat groat 2 cups 8 hrs 1 day 2 litre jar pea 1 cup 10 hrs 2 days 2 litre jar quinoa 1 cup 8 hrs 2 days 2 litre jar radish 3 tsp 8 hrs 2 days 2 litre jar sesame 1 cup 8 hrs 2 days 2 litre jar sunflower 2 cups 12 hrs 2 days 2 litre jar wheat 2 cups 12 hrs 2 days 2 litre jar wild rice 1. cups 12 hrs 4 days 2 litre jar 10 www.rawpower.com.a Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Raw Power Salad Ingredients: 1 cos lettuce 1 sprig parsley 1 sprig basil 1 sprig coriander 2 red bell peppers 2 cucumbers 3 avocado 1 bunch spring onion 3 tomatoes Chop all ingredients, mix in a large bowl and serve with our Raw Powers dressing: Raw Power dressing Ingredients: ½ cup olive oil Celtic sea salt to taste 1-2 lemons juiced or dash of apple cider vinegar Raw Power Coconut dressing ½ cup virgin coconut oil Celtic sea salt to taste 1-2 lemons juiced Fresh basil & coriander to taste Sea food Salad Sprinkles* Ingredients: ½ cup pepitas ½ cup dulse ½ cup kelp *Note: this salad sprinkle is very rich in minerals - Kelp has the highest amount of minerals (80) in a food you can buy of the shelf in a health food shop 10 11 www.rawpower.com.a Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Spicy Mexican Salad Serves 8 Ingredients: 1 cos lettuce 1 small bunch of rocket 2 medium sized tomatoes 1 cup seeded raisins 2-5 hot chilli’s to taste 2 red capsicum Sprig of fresh oregano Sprig of fresh mint leaves 1 Salad Onion 1 cob Corn (optional) Chop all ingredients, making sure the chilli is finely chopped. Serve with raw power dressing (see raw power salad recipe) 11 12 www.rawpower.com.au Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Curried Crepes Tools: Blender & dehydrator Ingredients: serves 3 1 cup golden flax meal 1 cup of skin from granny Smith apples ½ cup of unsweetened shredded dried coconut ½ tsp freshly ground turmeric ½ teaspoon Celtic sea salt ½ tsp freshly ground cayenne pepper 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice 2 cups filtered water To make the curried crepes in a high-speed blender combine all ingredients and blend to form a smooth batter with the consistency of thick cream. For each crepe using an offset spatula spread a ¼ cup[ of batter into a 1/8 inch round layer on a non-stick drying sheet. . You should have 4 crepes in all. Keep any leftover batter for later use. Dehydrate at 40C for 1 hour and 30 minutes or longer or until dry but still pliable. Filling ideas: season and toss red tomato peeled and juliened, ½ granny smith jullienned, 1 avocado, grated carrot, chopped basil leaves, lemon juice, sea salt , ground pepper 12 13 www.rawpower.com.au Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Sprouted Rye Bread Tools: juicer with blank screen for pastes and nut butters, dehydrator Ingredients: 4 cups of rye (sprouted 1 – 2 days) 2 medium carrots 2 tsp of Celtic salt 1 tablespoon caraway seeds (optional) Directions: Put sprouted rye and carrots through juicer with blank screen to make dough. Mix in salt and caraway seed. Form the dough into bread sized patties of about ½ cm thick. Dehydrate at 40 – 45C for 4 -6 hours on a non-stick sheet until they are ready to flip over. Then remove non-stick sheet and put on to dehydrator mesh. Dehydrate for another 4 hours (or longer if you prefer your bread drier) 13 14 www.rawpower.com.au Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Flax Crackers Tools: Food Processor, Dehydrator Ingredients:| 4 cups whole flax seeds, soaked 4-6 hours Celtic sea salt to taste 2 carrots or whatever vegetables you wish Directions: Soak flax seeds for 4 to 6 hours in purified water. You will then have formed a gelatinous mixture. In the food processor process the mixture with vegetables and salt. be sure to keep moist and loose for spreading. Spread mixture as thin as possible on your dehydrator trays with a teflex sheet on top. Keep your hands wet as this will help to spread the flax seeds (or use a spatula) Dehydrate at 40c for 5-6 hours and then flip the mixture and remove the teflex sheet. Continue dehydrating until the mixture is completely dry. Approximately 5-6 hours. Optional: You could add garlic, onions, tomato, carrot juice, taco seasoning, Italian seasoning, chilli powder, cumin, pulp from your vegetable juice in any combination. Be creative and make up your own recipe. 14 15 www.rawpower.com.au Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Raw Living Garden Pizza (Serves 8) Tools: Sampson juicer or a food processor and a blender. Dehydrator or oven at very low temperature Ingredients: Crust 1 cup of flaxseed (soaked) 1 handful of desiccated coconut 1 apple 1 handful of basil 1 cup of sprouted buckwheat 1/4 teaspoon of Celtic sea salt Topping 1 cup sunflower seeds (Soaked and/or sprouted) 5 tablespoons of virgin cold pressed olive oil ½ an avocado 4 tablespoons of coconut oil ½ tablespoon of Celtic sea salt 1 tablespoon of dulse/kelp/pepita sprinkles 1 teaspoon of lemon juice ½ cup of water ½ a small onion cut into thin slices 1 tomato 1 capsicum 1 handful of parsley Directions: Crust Mix the crust ingredients in a bowl and then process through a Sampson juicer or you can use a food processor or blender. Roll dough into a ball and then spread flat into a round pizza shape using a wet spoon onto teflex dehydrator tray or pizza tray. Place in dehydrator for 8 hours at 40c. Alternatively you can place the base in your oven at a very low temperature with the door slightly ajar for 8 hours (to make sure you are not heating above 40c buy and oven thermometer to check the temperature, this way all the enzymes, life-force and nutrition will be preserved in your food! Topping Blend or process the sunflower seeds, olive oil, avocado, coconut oil Celtic sea salt, dulse/kelp/pepita sprinkles, lemon juice & water. Spread the mixture over the pizza base and then add sliced tomatoes, capsicum and onion and garnish with a handful of parsley. If you would like your pizza warm, place in a dehydrator or oven at 40c for 30 minutes. 15 16 www.rawpower.com.au Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Sprouted Lentil Burgers Serves 4-5 Tools: Food processor Ingredients: 1 ½ cups of lentils (sprouted 1-2 days) 2 medium carrots grated 1 medium zucchini grated 1 small chilli pepper (optional) 1 teaspoon of Celtic salt 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 teaspoons paprika 1 clove garlic crushed (to taste) 1 small red bell pepper 2 teaspoon grated ginger 1 dash of tamari (optional) 2 to 4 few tablespoons flax meal (as required to bind burgers) Directions: Add all ingredients in food processor and process till blended. Add enough flax meal to bind burger . Shape mix into burger patties on dehydrator sheets. Dehydrate at 40C for 3 – 6 hours. Remove sheets, flip the burgers over and place on dehydrator mesh. Dehydrate for as long as necessary 16 17 www.rawpower.com.au Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Sweet & sour meatballs Tools: food processor, dehydrator Ingredients: ½ cup almonds soaked overnight 2 cup sunflower seeds, soaked overnight 1 cup cilantro leaves and or parsley (coriander) 1/4 cup olive oil 1 lemon juiced 1 tablespoon nama shoyu, or wheat-free tamari 1 bunch green onions, chopped finely (shallots) 2 tablespoons freshly grated ginger 1 chilli Directions: Process greens, chilli, ginger, lemon juice, lemon juice, olive oil in food processor. Add almonds and then sunflower seeds and process until a smooth paste is formed (process less for a crunchier mix0 Place uniform balls, like mini scoops of ice-cream, directly on a mesh dehydrator tray. Dehydrate 6 to 12 hours or until set. Dip in Sweet and Sour Sauce (see below) and continue to dehydrate until dry on the outside, but still moist on the inside (4 to 6 hours more). Serve with extra Sweet and Sour Sauce on the side. Sweet & Sour Sauce Ingredients: 2 large tomatoes or 2 cups chopped fresh tomatoes 1 clove garlic 6 fresh basil leaves 1 inch piece fresh ginger, peeled 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar 1/2 cup pitted dates or 1/2 cup honey 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 teaspoon Celtic sea salt Directions: Blend the fresh tomatoes. Add the garlic, ginger, apple cider vinegar, dates or honey, olive oil, and sea salt and herbs. Blend everything together until smooth. Adjust herbs and spices to taste 17 18 www.rawpower.com.au Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Choc chip superfood cookies (makes 8 cookies) Tools: food processor Ingredients: ½ cup pepitas 2 cups brazil nuts 3 tablespoons macca root powder ¼ cup raw chocolate nibs 1 Tablespoon raw honey ½ cup raisins In the food processor process the brazil nuts for 5 minutes or until it becomes oil and almost liquid. Add rest of ingredients except chocolate nibs and blend thoroughly. Mix in the chocolate nibs by hand and form in little round cookies. Place on dehydrator mesh sheets and dehydrate for 16 hours, more or less depending on whether you like your cookies soft of crunchy. Enjoy! And receive superfood nutrition at the same time. 18 19 www.rawpower.com.au G OURMET L IVING F OOD R ECIPES F OR Y OU Sprouted Hummus Tools: Food processor or a powerful blender Ingredients 2 Cups of chickpeas (soaked and/or sprouted) ¾ of a cup of cold pressed olive oil Juice of one lemon A handful of fresh herbs – garlic chives, basil, coriander, parsley 1 shallot (optional) 1 teaspoon of Celtic sea salt A dash of wheat free tamari or nama shoyu (optional) ¼ of a cup of water Preparation Soak chickpeas over night (or soak for at least 8 hours) Drain water from chickpeas and put them into a sprouting jar, rinsing them 2 twice a day for 2 days. (You can also make this recipe after soaking the Chickpeas for 8 hours- sprouting them is optional) Directions: Place half of the chickpeas into a blender or food processor, add olive oil, lemon juice, herbs, salt, tamari and blend into a smooth paste. Slowly add the remaining chickpeas to the mix, adding water if the mix gets too thick. If you like your hummus extra creamy, add more olive oil instead of water. 19 20 www.rawpower.com.au Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Brazil Nut Pesto Tools: food processor Ingredients: 1 big bunch of basil 2 cups of brazil nuts 1 clove of garlic Squeeze of lemon juice Salt to taste In the food processor process all ingredients into a paste. Serve with Flax crackers. 20 21 www.rawpower.com.au Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Carrot soup Tools: Blender, juicer. Ingredients: 8 juicing carrots ½ avocado, peeled and chopped 2 tablespoons chopped young Thai coconut meat Juice of ½ lemon Celtic sea salt and freshly ground pepper Directions: Juice the carrots, discard the pulp and measure out two cups of juice. Immediately pour the juice into a blender. Add the avocado, coconut meat and lemon juice and puree until smooth. Season to taste with salt and pepper. To garnish sprinkle with olive oil and sesame seeds. 21 22 www.rawpower.com.au Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Brazil nut butter Tools: Food Processor Ingredients: 3 cups brazil nuts Directions: In the food processor process the brazil nuts for 5 minutes or until it forms a smooth creamy butter. Store in the fridge and serve on flax crackers. Brazil nuts are the only nuts that you can make such an easy nut butter from, they are also the richest source (in the plant kingdom) of selenium on the planet - that’s why they are our favourite nut. 22 23 www.rawpower.com.au Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Living mango vegetable curry Serves 6 Tools: Blender and food processor (or knife) Ingredients: Curry Paste: 3-4 large red chilli peppers 1 handful of fresh coriander (replace with basil if not in season) 6 basil leaves 1/4 red capsicum 1/2 red onion 1/2 tomato 1 piece of fresh ginger ( a piece 1/2 the size of your thumb) 100ml of cold presses olive oil 1 clove of garlic 1/4 teaspoon of Celtic sea salt 1/2 lime or lemon Vegetables for curry: 1 medium sized mango 1 small sweet potato The equivalent of 1 cup of butternut pumpkin 3/4 red capsicum 1/2 red onion 1 head of broccoli 1 and 1/2 tomatoes 1 medium sized cucumber 1 handful of fresh coriander 1 avocado 6 basil leaves 1/2 a lime or lemon 1 cup of virgin coconut oil Nama shoyu tamari Directions: For the curry paste simply place all the ingredients except the olive oil in blender. Gradually add olive oil while blending into a smooth paste. For the main body of the curry either slice vegetables very finely using a food processor (slicing blade) or slice finely with a knife. Then add curry paste, coconut oil and mix thoroughly. Note: if you let the curry stand in the fridge for a few hours the vege’s will soak up more flavour. You can also very gently heat the curry at a low temp for no more than 1 minute and serve warm. 23 24 www.rawpower.com.a Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Herb Nut loaf Tools: Food processor, Samson juicer (or similar) . Ingredients: 2/3 cup almonds (soaked for 8 hours) 1 ¼ cup of flaxseed ½ cup pepitas (soaked for 6 hours) 1 cup of celery juice (no pulp) Small quantity Finely chopped fresh rosemary 1 cup of finely shredded carrots 1 tsp Celtic sea salt (to taste) A few dashes of wheat free tamari or nama shoyu 1 tablespoons of lemon juice 1 small handful of parsley, onion and/or garlic chives Preparation Grind flaxseed to a meal in a coffee grinder or suitable blender. Process almonds and pepitas in blender (or food processor). Mix in flax meal, lemon juice, Celtic salt, shredded carrots, rosemary, parsley and chives and process a little more while slowly adding celery juice until you obtain wet but firm consistency. Form mixture into a loaf or place it in a suitable mould. Let it stand in the fridge for 3 to 4 hours for flavours to blend. 24 Serves 4 to 6 25 www.rawpower.com.au Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Zucchini Fettuccini Tools: Blender, spiralizer and/or peeler Ingredients: 3 medium sized zucchini’s – peeled 3 medium sized tomatoes A handful of fresh basil 3 spring onion stalks A handful of soaked almonds ½ a large avocado A squeeze of lemon juice 1 tablespoon of coconut butter. Directions: Turn the zucchini into “spaghetti" using the spiralizer. If you don’t have a spiralizer you can use a vegetable peeler for create the “pasta”. -Blend all the other ingredients in a blender to make a creamy tomato sauce. -Mix the sauce with the “pasta” 25 26 www.rawpower.com.au Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Apple cake with banana cream Tools: Food processor and/or blender, peeler Ingredients: Crust 1 ½ cups dates - soaked for 10 min 1 ½ cups almonds - soaked for a minimum of 7 hours Filling 2-3 apples – peeled and chopped 2 bananas - sliced 1/2 cup coconut oil ¼ cup macadamias - soaked for a minimum of 7 hours ¼ cup lemon juice 1 ½ cups dates – soaked for ½ hour Banana cream 4 bananas 1 cup coconut oil Directions: To make crust, process almonds and dates in a food processor to form a sticky dough. Press into a 9 inch pie dish. Arrange bananas on top of the crust for a layer between the crust and the filling. To make the filling add apple, coconut oil, lemon juice, dates and macadamias into the food processor. Process all ingredients until smooth and pour over bananas and crust. Refrigerate. To make the banana cream blend banana and coconut oil until smooth. Serve cake with a dollop of banana cream, and feast! 26 27 www.rawpower.com.au Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Apple Crumble Pie (Serves 8-10) This recipe is purely scrumptious! It is so rich, recommended for special occasions only Tools: Food processor, grater Ingredients: Crust: 1 ½ cups pecans soaked for 8 hours 1 ½ cups dates Filling: 3 apples – peeled, cored and grated 1 ½ cup raisins 2 cups pecans – coarsely chopped 1/4 cup orange juice 2 tablespoons honey 2 tsp cinnamon Preparation: Crust: In the food processor process the dates and pecans until there forms a smooth dough. Spread the dough evenly in a 9 inch pie dish and place in the fridge to set. Filling: In a large bowl, thoroughly mix all ingredients and spread onto crust. Place in the fridge to set for 3 hours. You can serve as is, or place in the dehydrator at 145 F for half an hour, for a warm pie. Serve with vanilla ice cream see page 32 , or custard see page 29 . 27 28 www.rawpower.com.au Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Avocado Chocolate Pie Tools: Food Processor Ingredients: Crust 2 ½ cups desiccated coconut 1 ½ cups dates – soaked for 20 min Filling 2-3 avocadoes 1 Banana (Optional) 3 tablespoons of raw honey (optional) 3 tablespoons of coconut butter 10 tablespoons or cocoa powder (not raw) 2 cups dates (pitted) In the food processor process the first two ingredients for the base and press onto a 9 inch pie dish. Press down firmly and put in the fridge to set. For the filling process thoroughly the remaining ingredients into a smooth creamy, unctuous mousse. Spread onto pie crust and eat right then or place in the fridge for later. 28 29 www.rawpower.com.au Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Apricot Banana Cake Tools: Food processor Ingredients: Crust: 1 ½ cup dates/dried apricots 1 ½ cup almonds Filling: 3 bananas ¼ cup coconut oil ½ cup dates Preparation: Using the food processor, process the apricots and almonds into a paste and spread out onto a 9 inch pie dish. Making sure to bring the dough evenly up the sides. Still using the food processor process the bananas, coconut oil and dates until smooth and creamy. Pour onto pie crust and refrigerate. The coconut oil should completely set the pie. Decorate with crushed nuts and serve! This is a very simple a Yummy dessert, with only 5 ingredients, it can be completed within 10 minutes. Enjoy living a gourmet lifestyle with the effort of one minute noodles! 29 30 www.rawpower.com.au Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Banana Custard (Serves 8) This is an incredibly simple but incredibly effective recipe. Tools: Food processor or blender. Ingredients: 8 medium bananas – cut in chunks 1 cup coconut oil/butter 1 cup dates – soaked for half an hour Directions: Using either a food processor or a blender, process all ingredients to a rich creamy consistency. Place in fridge until ready to use. Serve with your favourite cake. 30 31 www.rawpower.com.au Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Custard Cake Tools: Food processor, pie dish. Ingredients: Crust: 1 ½ cup almonds 1 cup dates or 3 tablespoons honey Filling: Meat from 1 ½ young coconuts 1 large banana ½ cup coconut oil 4 tablespoons honey ¼ - ½ vanilla pod Using the food processor, process the dates & almonds together and press into a 9inch pie dish chill. Using a blender, blend the coconut meat and coconut oil together until liquid. Gradually adding rest of ingredients – adding more coconut oil if needed (beware not to let the coconut flavour overpower) or alternatively some coconut water. Pour onto crust, decorate with almond pieces and ether chill and serve cold (or warm in the dehydrator for 10 min, for a warm & runny custard pie) and serve with vanilla ice cream. 31 32 www.rawpower.com.au Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Hazelnut Praline Cake with vanilla ice cream Tools: food processor Directions: Base: 2 cups Hazelnut – soaked overnight 1 cup Dates soaked for 5 min ½ cup Desiccated Coconut ¼ cup raw Chocolate Chips 1tsp honey Process all ingredients in food processor until smooth. Spread evenly over 9’’ pie dish remembering to bring it all the way up the sides. Filling: 1 cup Hazelnut – soaked overnight ½ cup grated Apple 1 tsp Honey ½ cup dates soaked in 1 cup water Blend all ingredients including date soak water until smooth and creamy, adding more water if necessary. Pour onto pie crust and set in fridge for at least an hour. Serve with vanilla ice cream for a white dream experience. 32 33 www.rawpower.com.au Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Smooth vanilla coconut ice cream (Serves 4) Tools: Blender; Champion juicer or food processor Ingredients: Meat of 2 to 4 young coconuts, depending on yield 1 vanilla bean 4 frozen bananas (whole if using a Champion juicer, finely chopped if using a food processor) Directions: Put the coconut meat in a blender. Scrape the seeds out of the vanilla bean, and add to the blender. Blend until smooth. Combine the bananas and meat and process through a Champion juicer using the blank plate The easiest way to do this is to add one banana and a little coconut meat at a time. You may need to mix the ice cream a little afterward to distribute the coconut evenly. If you don't have a Champion, process the finely chopped frozen banana in a food processor. When the "ice cream" is white and fluffy, add the meat, and process for a little while longer. If you're not eating it immediately (a tough task!), put it into individual bowls and return to the freezer. Variation 1: Add chopped fruit or nuts.` Variation 2: Make a fruit or carob sauce, and pour it over the top. 33 34 www.rawpower.com.au Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Ecstasy Balls Tools: Food processor or powerful blender. 1 cup soaked dates (30 mins soaking time) 7 TBS cocoa 3 cups soaked and dehydrated almonds 3 ½ TBS honey 1-2 drops peppermint essential oil Desiccated coconut to coat Directions: Grind the almonds to a powder in coffee grinder. Put dates and honey in food processor with “s” blade (possibly could work in blender). Process until dates are blended, add peppermint oil. Add ground almonds gradually, keep blending and checking consistency until firm enough that you can roll into balls. Roll into balls in the palm of your hands (one inch diameter). Coat balls in the desiccated coconut by rolling on a plate or board. Put in fridge to firm. 34 35 www.rawpower.com.au Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Raw Chocolate Almond Torte Tools: food processor blender Ingredients: Base: 2 cups date 3 cups almonds – soaked overnight 4 tablespoons cacao powder ½ cup desiccated coconut 1 vanilla bean or 2 t vanilla essence Cream: 1 ½ cup dates soaked for 20 mins in 2 1/2 cups of pure water 2 cups almonds – soaked overnight Chocolate sauce: 4 tablespoons cacao powder ½ cup water 10 dates – soaked for 30 mins Directions: In the food processor process the base ingredients until smooth but still a bit crunchy. You may have to do several batches depending on the size of your processor. Shape out onto a 9 inch flat base or a large plate using your hands and bringing up to form sides. Now using a spoon shape as smoothly as possible and set aside. Blend cream ingredients in a blender until smooth but not to long as the texture goes strange. Pour onto cake base and smooth out with a spatula. Blend Sauce ingredients until smooth and creamy and using a measuring or serving jug pour in a zig zag pattern to decorate the cake. Garnish with mint leaves or blackberry’s and set in the fridge for 3 hours or overnight. Tip: substitute almonds for your favourite nuts like hazelnuts 35 36 www.rawpower.com.au Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Carrot and Brazil Nut Cake Tools: food processor, blender or coffee grinder Ingredients: 7 carrots 2 ½ cups of brazil nuts 1/2 cup brown or golden flax seeds, soaked overnight 1 cup raw honey 1 cup shredded coconut 1 cup raisins 3 tablespoons psyllium powder 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon cinnamon Directions: Grate carrots. Blend brazil nuts and flax seeds separately into meals. Add raisins, vanilla, shredded coconut, cinnamon and honey and mix in processor until fully blended. Last of all mix in psyllium and flax meal and process a little more. Put mixture into 9 inch spring form cake tin and put in fridge for 1 hour to set. After 1 hour free cake from its container and spread icing on top. Icing 1 cup honey 1 cup brazil nuts 2 tablespoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon vanilla Blend brazil nuts, honey, lemon juice and vanilla in a blender until mixture is thick and creamy. After icing the cake garnish with your favourite nuts. 36 37 www.rawpower.com.au Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Sprouted Seed Choc Fudge Makes 24 slices Tools: Food Processor and a large biscuit tray Ingredients: Base: 1 cup sprouted sunflower kernels, 1/2 cup soaked/sprouted sesame seeds, 1 cup soaked almonds, 2 cups Brazil nuts, 1 cup dates (soaked for 15 minutes), 5 dried figs, 6 dried apricots, 1 cup raisins Topping: 2 cups dates (soaked for 30 minutes or more), 1 and a half cups coconut oil, 12 tablespoons cocoa powder, 4-5 tablespoons honey, 1/2 cup almond meal or Brazil nut meal. Directions: Blend base ingredients in food processor until sticky, then press evenly in to the biscuit tin. Next blend topping ingredients in food processor until creamy and then spread evenly over the base mixture in biscuit tin. Place in fridge for 1 hour and them slice up into 24 portions and serve. Warning! This fudge is highly addictive! 37 38 www.rawpower.com.au Gourmet Living Food Recipes For You Tropical Strawberry Cream Pie Tools: Food Processor Ingredients: Crust ½ cups pitted dates – soaked for 20 min 1/4 cup dried figs 1/4 cup seeded raisins 1/2 cup soaked almonds 1/2 cup of soaked or sprouted sunflower kernels 1 cup Brazil nuts Filling 1/2 cup strawberries 1/2 cup tropical fruit - jackfruit or papaya or mango or durian 1/4 cup Brazil nuts 1 banana (Optional) 1/4 cup desiccated coconut 3/4 cup coconut butter (coconut oil) 1/2 cup dates (pitted) 3 tablespoons agave nectar or honey Directions In the food processor process the crust ingredients for the base and press onto a 9 inch pie dish. Press down firmly and put in the fridge to set. For the filling thoroughly process the remaining ingredients into a smooth creamy mousse. Spread onto pie crust and decorate with strawberries and tropical fruits of your choice. For a really exotic finish sprinkle 1 teaspoon of raw cacao nibs on top. 38
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