International Conference on Hydropower for Sustainable Development Feb 05-07, 2015, Dehradun FACING THE FLOOD FURY “OVERTOPPING OF DAM OF 900 MW BAGLIHAR HEP IN J&K” - A CASE HISTORY ZAHOOR AHMAD CHAT Technical Head – Hydro, Rodic Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Gurgaon Haryana – India ABSTRACT Hydropower is the main source of clean , renewable and sustainable source of energy available at attractive tariff, in spite of the impediments faced during its construction and the criticism being generated against it’s development. The estimated Diversion Flood discharge , especially for Mega Hydropower Projects with high Dams having Flood Diversion Tunnels , is extremely crucial for their Design , Planning , Construction, Completion Time and Cost Implications. Usually conservative Diversion Flood Discharge is adopted for the Diversion Works after optimization , particularly in EPC & Turn Key Contracts, being works of temporary nature . In view of large construction periods required for Mega Hydropower Projects with Dams , there is every possibility of receiving a flood of magnitude higher than the adopted diversion discharge , which can cause huge damages to main works of Dam complex and consequently result in sharp time and cost over run of the Project. A similar situation was faced during construction of Baglihar Hydro Electric Project in J&K – India , when a minimum height of 65m out of 143m high Dam was achieved and a high discharge varying from 3000 – 6250 cumecs , against designed diversion discharge of 3000 cumecs, was consistently received at Dam Site from June to August -2005 with repeated rapid fluctuations in discharge causing several drawdowns , developing huge negative pore pressures and disturbing the hill slopes near Diversion Tunnels , thus blocking both Diversion Tunnels, one after the other, in a period of one month. This caused huge impounding and triggered overtopping of the Dam till a temporary outlet was punctured through the main Dam for the first time in history & was followed by construction of four gated construction sluices in the Dam to cater to summer discharges. Due to overtopping consecutively during two monsoon seasons of 2005 & 2006, followed by operation of 4 high level construction sluices during next two monsoon seasons of 2007 & 2008 , with huge water column falling from a minimum height of 65 m, about 20m – 30m scouring of bed rock below the Dam foundation was caused along with large scale damages to side slopes , developing a deep crater on the right bank , which finally required about 7 lac cum of concrete & other works for restoration at an approximate cost of INR 1200 Cr and delaying the commissioning of project by about 22 months . The paper deals with overcoming of this herculean challenge and methodology adopted for the diversion of mighty Chenab River by puncturing the main Dam , followed with construction of sluices and closure of these temporary outlets for completion of the project in absence of operational diversion tunnels. 473 ICHPSD-2015 1. HYDROPOWER A SUSTAINABLE SOURCE FOR DEVELOPMENT Electric energy is indispensable for development in any sphere and it’s per capita consumption is the main indicator for assessing the development of a Country. The average per capita consumption of electricity in India is 717 kwh as compared to World average of 2800 kwh , China 2500 kwh and USA 14000 kwh, which clearly indicates that India is severely lagging behind, has a long way to tread and needs to construct mega power projects expeditiously on war footing for its overall development. Electricity produced by various sources have their own inherent merits & demerits. For sustainable & Inclusive clean development, Hydropoweris definitely the first choice for a renewable source of energy. Hydropower generation does not involve consumption of any fossil fuels, which increase the carbon footprints in our ecology & environment and does not generate any hazardous wastes during operation , which require safe disposal. However, some criticism is being generated around the Globe against development of Hydropower as well , when all the developed countries have almost fully harnessed their own Hydropower Potential. Criticism comes mainly from a few groups of environmentalists, some fossil fuel producers / business groups , NGO’s etc. but more often for their vested interests . If Hydropower Projects are developed strictly compliant to National / International Standards , Policies & Practices for clean development with suitable R&R Programs / Packages & Efficient Environment Impact Management harmonized with its conservation , the demerits of Hydropower Projects such as Issues related to R&R, Submergence , Forests , Wild Life , Changes in Flow Patterns & Land Use, Aquatic life , Muck Generation , Capital Intensive, Large Gestation Periods , etc are finally set aside & rendered insignificant after completion & commissioning of Hydro Projects , on account of their Extreme Flexibility , Consistency, Reliability , Easy Accessibility , Low O&M Costs , Low Attractive Tariffs , Longer Life , Low Life Cycle Cost per Mw , Negligible Greenhouse Emissions , No Hazardous Waste Generation , CDM Benefits, Non-Consumptive use of Water , Lesser Risk Factors , etc. Difficulties, Impediments, Geological Surprises, Challenges etc. are faced mainly during construction periods of Hydropower Projects and thereafter they mostly run smoothly in rest of their operational life , with a feasible techno-economical option of life extension , if maintained properly and by conducting renovation, modernization & uprating works. Fossil fuels are finite and bound to finish in very near future but water resources are going to flow continuously. Fossil fuel reserves are under our control & dependent on our usage and if kept unconsumed, they can be preserved for future use at any time for some finite period but non utilization of water, without harnessing electricity, is merely continuous waste flow of currency into Oceans and not the mere flow of water. Our earnest attempt should be to utilize every drop of water optimally for its power generation through various methods of Run of the River , Storage , Pumped Storage, Lake bed and reservoir tapping schemes etc. Only about 30 % of the World Hydel Potentialstand harnessed (1311.3 Gw) and the pace of its development especially in India is reducing with every passing year. India has a total estimated Hydel Potential of about 1,48,701 Mw , when only 35,745.8 Mw (24.03%) stand harnessed by end of 2013-14 and rate of its development viz-a-viz Thermal & otherSources is retarding with every passing year and as on 31st March - 2014, the Hydro mix which normally should have been 40% has reduced to just 16.68 % as against 50.61 % in 1962-63 . 474 International Conference on Hydropower for Sustainable Development Feb 05-07, 2015, Dehradun 2. HYDROPOWER DEVELOPMENT IN J&K Jammu & Kashmir is supposed to be rich in Hydropower , with estimated Potential of about 20000 Mw but projects having a total potential of 16475 Mw have so far been identified with a negligible potential of just 2813.46 mw (14.06 %) harnessed till date , that too mostly through 7 Central Government Projects (NHPC) having a total capacity of 2009 Mw (71.4%) . Maximum identified Hydropower Potential is on River Chenab (11283 Mw) , followed by Jhelum (3084 Mw) , Indus (1608 Mw) and Ravi (500 Mw). About 14 Mega Projects of about 10500 Mw , with high dams have been identified on Chenab itself, out of which three projects, Salal 690 Mw (NHPC) , Dulhasti 390 Mw (NHPC) , and Baglihar Stage – I , 450 Mw (State owned) totaling 1530 Mw , stand already commissioned. J&K State is a part of Indus Basin and is governed by the Indus Water Treaty (IWT) of 1960 signed between India & Pakistan , as all the three Western Rivers, as referred in IWT (Chenab , Jhelum & Indus) , on which India has only the restricted use, flow through J&K , while as the other remaining three Rivers of Indus Basin (Satluj, Beas & Ravi) , referred to as Eastern Rivers in the IWT , on which India has complete unrestricted use , flow through other Northern States of Himachal , Punjab & Haryana. This has caused huge impediments in the development of Hydropower in J&K , while as other neighboring Northern States of Indus Basin have developed their Hydropower Potential to a great extent with large mega projects built on these rivers. 3. BAGLIHAR HYDRO ELECTRIC PROJECT (BHEP) BHEP is the first State owned Mega Hydel Project , located on River Chenab in Ramban area of Jammu Province. It is a run of the river Project , with a total capacity of 900 Mw , to be developed in two stages of 450 Mw each , with a common concrete gravity Dam . The work on Stage-I was started in the year 1999 , with proposed commissioning in December – 2004 which was later on firstly extended to December – 2006 due to various impediments during execution and then finally the Project was formally commissioned on 10th October , 2008 due to extensive flood dmages in August -2005, causing blocking of both diversion tunnels leading to over topping of Dam . The Stage – II of the project is presently under final stages of completion and is scheduled for commissioning in 2015-16. 475 ICHPSD-2015 4. MAIN FEATURES OF BHEP The project proposed a 144.5 m highconcrete gravity dam (later on lowered to 143m) above main foundation level (El.700m) to be constructed in 21 blocks (9 overflow blocks) involving a concrete quantity of 21.45 lac cum with u/s & d/s coffer dams of 28m & 10 m height respectively. The Dam was designed for a flood discharge of 16500 cumecs (1 in 1000 year return period) , for which 5 bays of Main Spillway (crest El. 808m) in blocks 10 to 14 , 3 bays of Chute Spillway (crest El. 821m) in blocks 4 to 6 and 1 bay of Auxiliary Spillway abutting block 14 (crest El. 837m) located within right training wall, were provided to cater to the discharges of 10500 cumecs, 5947 cumecs& 53 cumecs (total 16500 cumecs) respectively. The MDDL , DSL , FRL and Dam Top levels were fixed at 835m (later on raised to 836m) , 835m (later on raised to 836m) , 840m & 844.5m (later on lowered to 843m) respectively. 476 International Conference on Hydropower for Sustainable Development Feb 05-07, 2015, Dehradun The intakes for both the stages with sill level of 818m (later on raised to 821m) and each designed for a discharge of 430 cumecs , were to be constructed under stage-I. The various levels for the Dam Complex were changed (as given above) on the determination of Neutral Expert Prof Raymond Lafitte appointed by the World Bank in terms of IWT , to resolve the issues raised by Pakistan. Two circular HRT’s , one for each stage , about 2 km long of 10.15mØ , were to run parallel and about 50m of HRT-II from intake - II was to be constructed under stage-I and kept concrete plugged till completion of HRT-II. 3 Steel lined Penstocks of 5.5m Ø about 200m long taking off from an u/s Surge Shaft of 27.5 m Ø , 77 m high (restricted orifice type) provided with a separate d/s Gate Chamber , were to feed 3 Francis Turbines of 150 Mw each , with average net Hydraulic Head of about 125 m installed in an underground Power House with Transformer Hall of size 121mx24mx50m & 122mx15mx25m respectively. The Power house for Stage-II , earlier proposed as a mirror image of Stage – I as it’s extension , was later on shifted towards upstream side by about 200m on geological considerations. An underground d/s collection chamberwith circular Tail Race Tunnel 10.15m Ø , 197 m long was to deliver water back to River Chenab. 5. DESIGN FLOOD DISCHARGES BHEP was designed for a diversion flood of 3000 cumecs based on a very low return period of 25 years. Two Diversion Tunnels (DT-I & DT-II) of size 10.5m(W) x 10.7m(H) of modified horse shoe shape having length of 385m & 530m , each designed for 1500 cumecs , were to be constructed at inlet sill level of 710m & 710.5m respectively having outlet sill at a common level of 709m. 477 ICHPSD-2015 The Diversion Flood and Design Flood Discharges are very critical design parameters for all the Hydropower and other River Valley Projects, having huge impact on their Design, Planning, Construction Methodology and Cost. Since Diversion Works are temporary in nature , required during construction period only, attempts are commonly made to optimize on their Planning & Design , especially in EPC / Turn Key Projects. Gestation Period of Hydropower Projects is usually not less than 3 to 4 years with Diversion Floods generally worked out for a small return period, which is usually less than the average flood discharge worked out for that particular stream and a flood of higher return period can also hit the project during its construction phase , thereby making it vulnerable to huge damages. Detailed risk assessment and cost benefit analysis need to be thoroughly undertaken, more importantly for Mega Hydropower / River Valley Projects with high Dams, especially on Rivers proposing Temporary River Diversion through Tunnels and without any Construction Sluices. This critical aspect attains huge significance after witnessing present climatological changes triggering unprecedented Cloud Bursts , High Intensity Precipitation in extremely short periods & deluges with recent cases of high unprecedented cloudbursts /precipitation received in Leh (J&K) - 2010 , Uttaranchal - 2013 and now in Kashmir Sept-2014 , resulting in enormous loss to life , land , property and agriculture . The average rainfall for Kashmir in September is 26.6 mmwith average annual rainfall of about700 mmbut rainfall observed only in first 7 days of September - 2014 was173 mmin Srinagar , while as in South Kashmir , it was617mmin Qazigund , surpassing all the previous records. Major changes in precipitation patterns being observed presently should act as an eye opener and a wake up warning for all our Hydrologists , Meteorologists , Planners and Designers , who need to study such patterns and accordingly update / revise their norms , analysis & strategy for Estimation of Flood discharges (Diversion & Design Floods) , Planning, Design & Construction Methodology for Flood related works / structures , even though it may require adoption of higher flood discharges and increasing the flood frequency periods for their estimation / design. Seeing the damage potential of floods during construction of High Dams, as was witnessed during construction of BHEP-I in 2005, the cost impact by increasing the 478 International Conference on Hydropower for Sustainable Development Feb 05-07, 2015, Dehradun Design Diversion Flood will be very nominal and will work out techno-economically more feasible in the long run. 6. THE FLOOD FURY OF BHEP-I A situation of floods higher than the Design Diversion Flood was faced during construction phase of BHEP-I , causing colossal damages. During winter -2005, heavy snowfall occurred in the catchment of River Chenab when an unprecedented snow depth of more than 1 m was observed at Dam Site of BHEP (El. 710 masl). This was followed by persistent heavy rains in the monsoon months of June , July & August. Heavy precipitation and huge snow melt resulted in large sustained discharges varying from 3000 to 4000 cumecs consistently in June till early July with repeated fluctuations causing several rapid drawdowns , thus disturbing the hill slopes , which were already geologically weak . This discharge was, however, successfully catered by DT’s with some additional heading , as DT’s were designed to cater to a discharge of 3000 cumecs . After severe precipitation in first week of July heavy flood discharge of about 6250 cumecs was observed at site on 7th July, causing huge impounding behind the Dam after damaging & overtopping the u/s cofferdam when Dam was already completed to a height of about 65m above the main foundation level (El. 700m). The flood receded rapidly within a few days developing huge negative pore pressures due to rapid draw down, in the already weak & disturbed right bank slopes above DT’s & Intakes due to repeated drawdowns in June, thereby triggering massive slides near these areas and completely blocking DT-II . The situation immediately got stabilized to some extent due to reduction in flood discharge and the single operational Diversion Tunnel (DT-I) continued to function with additional impounding behind the Dam . Intense precipitation again occured in the following month of August and a discharge of about 4000 cumecs again hit the site , when only one Diversion Tunnel (DT-I) with a discharge carrying capacity of 1500 Cumecs was functional. This created immediate impounding behind the Dam at alarming levels and the already weakened slopes above Diversion Tunnel & Intakes due to slides in floods of July , again gave way blocking this only operational DT-I and Intake – I as well , thereby leading to overtopping of the Dam. At this time the Dam was completed in different blocks with minimum levels ranging above 760m (block-14) and about 11 laccum of concrete, out of total estimated quantity of 21.45 lac cum required for the Dam, was already executed. 479 ICHPSD-2015 SLIDES ABOVE INLETS OF DIVERSION TUNNELS The road connectivity to the Dam site on either sides got snapped due to massive slides including washing away of all the bridges and infrastructure around the Dam Site. The important Bye-pass road for critical Nasri Slide Zone of main National Highway (NH-1A) located in between Towns of Batote & Ramban , passing along the left bank at Dam Site got slided off. The situation grew serious with every passing day due to huge column of water of about 4000 Cumecs falling from about 65m high Dam with huge velocity . The whole area was severely vibrating by the impact of such an enormous water fall with maximum damage caused on right side, as the concrete level for main Dam was lowest on this side at El. 760m , El. 761m & El.762m in block Nos: 14, 16 & 13 respectively and the central / left side blocks were comparatively at higher levels above El.770m, thereby concentrating maximum discharge on this lower right side. The discharge mainly concentrated through the right training wall cum Auxiliary Spillway Channel completed up to El. 760 m and this wall cum channel protruding largely away from Dam body, resulted in huge scour of 20 m to 30 m in the bed rock below the foundation level up to El.670m and on the hill slopes with the development of a deep scour hole , named later on as “Black Hole”. The plunge pool concrete works which were in progress before floods got completely washed away. 480 International Conference on Hydropower for Sustainable Development Feb 05-07, 2015, Dehradun 7. NEW RIVER DIVERSION PROPOSALS Services of experienced divers were utilized to work out the strategies for removing the underwater blockades at the mouths of DT’s but all attempts to make the DT’s functional at such large water depths proved to be a failure as the depth of debris exceeded 30m. Geotechnical experts also unanimously opined that removal of muck near the DT’s would trigger further slides , thereby will worsen the situation endangering the Dam safety. At the first instance , it was decided to make a new Diversion Tunnel (DT-III) on left bank of 7m size , about 528m long and even though having full knowledge of the poor rock mass quality on this left bank (as the main Diversion Tunnels DT-I & DT-II were originally proposed on this left bank but were later on shifted to right bank during execution on account of poor geology) , still an attempt was made to construct new DT-III on left bank , but the work had to be suspended only within few weeks after executing about 50m of this tunnel, owing to huge slope debris and large scale rock mass failures due to poor geology , making it difficult to proceed ahead . The water continued to overflow the Dam accelerating damages in D/S plunge pool and right side slopes. All hopes to revive the project were dashed to ground and some desperate opinions were given even to abandon the project and blast the dam works already executed. 481 ICHPSD-2015 After the failure of constructing new DT-III, it was finally decided to puncture the main dam itself and make a temporary out let through it for diversion of water catering to immediate lean flows , with some additional construction sluices for monsoon flows , to allow completion of Dam above main spillway level. This novel decision was unprecedented & the first of its kind in history and was apt to have serious safety implications for the main dam and the workers, due to blasting and plugging later on , under huge hydraulic pressure. After conducting detailed consultations with National & International level experts and weighing all the merits and demerits of such a bold & a dare devil proposition , the Project Authorities finally decided to take a chance & go ahead with a temporary circular bottom outlet through the dam body in block 11 of 6.8m Ø, at inlet & outlet sill elevations of 733m & 732m respectively for a lean discharge of 580 cumecs, when a level of 764m was already achieved in this block. It was also decided that for catering to additional normal monsoon discharge of 2300 cumecs , go for four high level gated construction sluices, at two levels, having size of 3.5m (W) x 8.2m (H), two each in dam blocks 12 & 13 at sill levels of 766m & 763m respectively , when the concrete level already achieved in these two blocks was 765m & 762m , i.e. 1 m below the proposed sill levels of sluices , just to provide cushion for fresh concrete to be monolithic with Sluice structure . 8. TEMPORARY BOTTOM OUTLET AND CONSTRUCTION SLUICES After deciding to go for a Temporary Bottom Outlet and four Construction Sluices , the work had to be resumed on war footing . The whole infrastructure that was washed away due to floods & overtopping of dam had to be immediately rebuilt. A new tail track and rotec concrete conveyance system with other machinery & equipment , infrastructure etc. were put at dam site along with construction of new bridges and approaches . The existing Tunnel of Nashri Bye Pass Road on left bank later on required to be extended by about 700m to make this Bye Pass road functional near the damaged portion. After finalizing all the designs and making backup infrastructure ready, the work on this temporary bottom outlet was finally taken up in September - 2005under extremely controlled conditions and regularly digitally monitoring the dam behavior during blasting & construction , maintaining vibrations and 482 International Conference on Hydropower for Sustainable Development Feb 05-07, 2015, Dehradun crack development completely well below the permissible limits. This work was taken up under the strict supervision of experts from Central Mining Research Institute (CMRI) – Dhanbad , Bihar. Last main blast was taken with remote control simultaneously from d/s face as well as from u/s reservoir face (under water by using plastic mufflers), to ensure maximum impact and finally the puncture was completed on 14th January -2006, where after water level started receding behind the Dam and the water which continued to overflow the Dam continuously for more than five months , completely stopped overflowing within three days, being a lean period . During the period since starting of work on Bottom Outlet in September – 2005 till making it functional on 14th January – 2015 , all the designs & requisite backup arrangements for execution of Gated Construction Sluices and Spillways on war footing , were kept in place to pave way for immediate resumption of the work on the main Dam and Construction Sluices . The construction sluices were made fully operational well before monsoon of 2007 , but overflow of Dam continued during monsoon period of 2006 as well. Puncturing of Main Dam body (Block-11) VIEW OF BOTTOM OUTLET FROM INSIDE THE DAM for Temporary Bottom Outlet (Sept.- 05) 483 ICHPSD-2015 9. PLUGGING OF BOTTOM OUTLET AND CONSTRUCTION SLUICES After completing the major works of main Dam & spillways by January-2008, the new challenge was now to divert the water out of the plunge pool to resume work in this area by plugging the Temporary Bottom Outlet and Construction Sluices, with water proposed to be diverted through extreme left bay of Chute Spillway for which a Temporary Escape Channel of about 50m was constructed by extending the Chute Spill Channel beyond the d/s coffer dam area. There was no direct access to control the flow in Bottom Outlet for its plugging and the plugging had to be done under flowing water conditions. There was no alternative but to close this out let from its inlet on Reservoir side, where during closing of this Outlet & Construction Sluices , the water level would increase above sill level of Chute Spillways (El. 821m) . The plugging was started on 23rdMarch , 2008 . A heavy steel Bulkhead of size larger than the size of this Outlet , was lowered from the Reservoir side , in order to utilize the hydraulic head available behind the dam to partially close down the Outlet. Additional lateral support to this Bulkhead was induced due to earth pressure developed by dumping debris behind this bulkhead from the Reservoir end. This procedure worked out successfully and when the Bulkhead was lowered to cover the opening , it effectively reduced discharge through the outlet , thereby enabling access into this outlet from d/s face and adjoining Inspection Gallery. Huge leakages were taking place around the edges of this Bulkhead , causing severe turbulence and water flashes inside this bore , which were temporarily plugged by using packing materials and constructing a 2.5m thick temporary bulkhead of bags filled with dry concrete , inside this outlet to act as a solid shield after setting of dry concrete under moist conditions, in order to reduce turbulence of water during plugging. Additional concrete was laid after a few days behind this bulkhead and piped openings were provided on the side of this bulkhead for release of leakage water. The existing concrete surface inside the outlet was scrapped off loose materials, cleaned and chemically treated before carrying out concrete plugging. Concreting was done firstly behind this bulkhead by accessing through the Inspection Gallery and thereafter concreting was done rapidly from d/s face of outlet towards u/s direction and from Inspection Gallery simultaneously both in u/s as well as in d/s direction 484 International Conference on Hydropower for Sustainable Development Feb 05-07, 2015, Dehradun , followed with pressurized chemically treated concrete grouting to plug any micro openings and hair pin cracks , for its water tightness and ensuring bond with the cold concrete for its structural strength & durability. Later on pipe openings except one were closed by pressurized concreting and the leftover pipe was kept unplugged to safely drain the leakages , if any. The plugging was successfully completed on 18th July , 2008. LOWERING OF BULKHEAD FROM RESERVOIR SIDE LEAKAGES FROM BULKHEAD INSIDE THE OUTLET PLUGGING OF TEMPORARY BOTTOM OUTLET Temporary Bulkhead For Plugging Drainage Pipes For Plugging The plugging of four Construction Sluices was taken up on 15th September , 2008 immediately after plugging of Temporary Bottom Outlet and it was made rather easier due to lowering down of gates through the gate grooves already provided in them. The leakages through the gates were plugged in a similar way as that adopted for plugging leakages in temporary bottom outlet. These sluice ducts were concrete plugged and chemically grouted under controlled conditions to ensure water tightness and bond with the cold concrete joints and the plugging was completed on 21stFebruary , 2009 where after water got completely 485 ICHPSD-2015 safely diverted through temporary extended escape channel of Chute Spillway which had already become operational in May -2008 , immediately after initial plugging of temporary bottom outlet. LAYOUT OF TEMPORARY ESCAPE CHANNELTEMPORARY CHANNEL OF CHUTE OF CHUTE SPILLWAY IN OPERATION ESCAPE After great impediments, the plugging of blocked Diversion Tunnels was also taken up on 1st December , 2007 and completed on 6th May 2008 , without lowering of DT Gates , as these gates were already blocked under debris andimpounding of Reservoir up to MDDL (EL. 836m) was completed in August / September , 2008. The main Project works except Plunge Pool were completed by September-2008 and to avail the Power Generation during ensuing winter period, the Project was successfully commissioned formally and dedicated to Nation by Sh. Manmohan Singh Ji, Hon’ble Prime Minister of India on 10th October, 2008 , as the lean discharge till March – 2009 could easily be catered through extended Chute Spill Channel without the requirement of Plunge Pool. IMPOUNDING THE RESERVOIR UPTO MDDL (EL. 836 M) & SLOPE TREATMENT OF SLIDED AREA (AUG-SEP’08) 10. PLUNGE POOL AND RESTORATION WORKS Immediately after commissioning of Project on 10th October-2008, works on the Plunge Pool were resumed .The d/s coffer dam was reconstructed and plunge pool was dewatered in lean 486 International Conference on Hydropower for Sustainable Development Feb 05-07, 2015, Dehradun season from November-2008. After complete dewatering of plunge pool , the real extent of flood fury was exposed by witnessing the actual horrible status with Dam bed rock under scoured to the extent of 20m to 30 m (upto El. 670m) below the foundation level with Dam almost hanging for a major portion of it’s length and development of huge crater towards the right bank , nicknamed as “Black Hole” . Plunge Pool before Overtopping–(july-05) The damages in the plunge pool had got aggravated due to overtopping of Dam consecutively for two monsoon seasons of 2005 & 2006 and then due to diversion of monsoon flows continuously for two years during 2007 & 2008 through high level Construction Sluices , with a fall from about 65m above main foundation level , in absence of any other alternative . This scoured and damaged Plunge pool & Black Hole with extremely damaged right bank slopes were rebuilt with additional concreteof about 7 lac Cum (final quantity of concrete in Dam complex as 28.5 lac cum against earlier estimated 21.45 lac cum) and works were completed by April – 2009 and the main Spillways were actually made ready to operate in May -2009with the increase in discharge. 487 ICHPSD-2015 REHABILITATION OF ERODED FOUNDATION & BLACK HOLE CONCRETE The additional direct financial impact on the project, due to these flood damages , as approved by CEA was INR 1200 Cr. after completion of restoration works. The commissioning of the Project also got delayed from December - 2006 (earlier revised commissioning date prior to floods) to October – 2008, thereby causing a direct generation loss for about 22 months as well. 11. CONCLUSION The strategy for River Diversion Works for Hydro Projects especially with high Dams provided with Diversion Tunnels and without any construction sluices, need to be changed / reassessed in view of present climatological changes triggering intense unprecedented precipitations & snow fall causing instantaneous discharges much higher than designed diversion discharges , providing very limited reaction time during execution. These Mega Projects, which have longer gestation periods are prone to potential risks due to floods during construction period , requiring detailed risk management, planning and analysis with the option of increasing their diversion discharges and provision of some additional low level gated construction sluices to reduce redundancy factors. The slopes near intakes of Diversion Tunnels, where maximum suction and disturbances are caused, need to be specially protected 488 International Conference on Hydropower for Sustainable Development Feb 05-07, 2015, Dehradun up to elevations much above the top levels of u/s cofferdam, to ward off any failures against subsidence , slides & development of negative pore pressures due to any draw down conditions and / or overtopping of cofferdam during floods. A little extra expenditure on these safety measures / precautionary works will be worth to save the Project as a whole from the colossal damages with huge cost & time over run , as were witnessed in BHEP. 489
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