17th ANNUAL USER CONFERENCE & SYMPOSIUM 2015 Las Vegas - April 27-29 SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS FlightView® Thermal PrinTers, BiomeTric securiTy, PassPorT scanners, FiDs, KeyBoarDs, PaPer sTocK anD cleaning carDs Pr int e rs f o r the tw e nt y- fi r st Cen tury The goal of VidTroniX is to work directly with their clients to develop products that fit the needs of their company. VidTroniX offers a full line of check-in and security related products, including Face and Iris Recognition Technology. A leading manufacturer and supplier of thermal printers for the aviation and travel industry. 6607 Martindale Road | Shawnee Mission, KS 66218 USA | V i d t r o n i x . c o m VidTronix_placed.indd 1 AirportYearbook_V4.indd 1 | 913.441.9777 09/01/2012 09:17 1/4/12 9:10 AM TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 3...............................................................................Show Hours 4..........................................................................Welcome Note 6...................................................................... Keynote Speaker 7....................................................Thank You to Our Sponsors 8..........................................................................Agenda Matrix 14...............................................................Agenda At A Glance 20.............................................................Session Descriptions 26......................................................................Sponsor Listings 30........................................AirIT Staff Presenter Biographies 38.............................................................................. Hotel Map CONFERENCE & SYMPOSIUM HOURS Monday, April 27th - 8:00 AM - 10:00 PM - Training Day Tuesday, April 28th - 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM Wednesday, April 29th - 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM CONFERENCE REGULATIONS A badge is required for all AirIT events, including the sessions, special functions, etc. No one under 18 will be admitted to the conference. Any person who attends the 2015 AirIT Annual User Conference & Symposium grants permission to AirIT to use and publish his or her image or likeness collected in connection with the conference for any usual and customary purpose of AirIT, including advertisements for AirIT and its conferences. APRIL 27-29, 2015 3 WELCOME FROM THE CEO Welcome To The 2015 AirIT User Conference & Symposium I would like to welcome and thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to join us for this exciting event. It is truly a remarkable time in the aviation industry as airports and airlines work more closely together than they ever have before to meet the challenges of a growing industry. At AirIT, we have also grown and adapted in an effort to remain forward thinking, motivated, and responsive to the needs of our airport and airline business partners. Our organization continues to develop and deliver industry-leading solutions to the changing industry and we are proud to continue to lead the way in contemporary technology design, while setting the standard for innovative airport business IT solutions. As we always have, we consider each of you as our partners. We are proud to host this annual event, as it presents us with the opportunity to listen to you and aids our mission to continue to make our products better. Please know that we genuinely value your opinions and they are critical to the continued success of our organization. This has been an exciting year for AirIT, as we have seen the successful launch of our mobile platform, begun our entry into the Business Intelligence arena, and expanded our base of hosted customers. We are very excited to see what the future has in store and we are committed to working diligently with all of you to 4 AirIT ANNUAL USER CONFERENCE & SYMPOSIUM WELCOME FROM THE CEO ensure our collective success. We know that airports are constantly challenged to get the most utilization possible from their facilities, while controlling costs, and delivering flexible technology solutions to their airline partners. Additionally, airports and airlines must work cooperatively to ensure that the passenger experience is a positive one. At AirIT, we are proud to have the opportunity to help our airport and airline partners achieve these goals and we look forward to our ongoing cooperation as we continue to raise the bar for the future. We can all be proud of how far we have come in this industry and we should be excited and challenged to see where tomorrow takes us. Collectively, we can work together to define the future and ensure the continued growth and success of this great industry. During the event, I encourage you to share your ideas and business concerns with the AirIT team. You are our greatest source of information and we will not be successful without your insight, leadership, and loyalty. Thank you again for joining us and I hope you have a great time! Sincerely, Betros Wakim CEO APRIL 27-29, 2015 5 KEYNOTE SPEAKER 2015 Keynote Address M r. Hauptli is the third CEO in AAAE’s history. He became CEO in 2013 and prior to that was responsible for overseeing AAAE’s interactions with Congress and the Executive Branch agencies. Before joining AAAE in 1991, Todd worked at the US Department of Transportation, the US Department of Commerce, on the White House staff of President Ronald Reagan, and on Capitol Hill. Under Mr. Hauptli’s leadership, AAAE has focused on new steps to deliver value for its combined airport and corporate member communities in three key areas: Service, Innovation, and Results. Comments Hauptli, “It is an honor to kick off AirIT’s Annual User Conference & Symposium next month. AAAE and AirIT share a common belief in the role technology must play in providing better solutions to an array of operational challenges at airports across the country. I look forward to furthering the discussion.” Mr. Hauptli has written two books and has studied organizational transformation and the innovation imperative. He is a graduate of the University of California at Santa Barbara. Todd Hauptli President & CEO, AAAE 6 AirIT ANNUAL USER CONFERENCE & SYMPOSIUM THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS Platinum Silver Base Level FlightView® APRIL 27-29, 2015 7 MONDAY, AGENDA MATRIX MONDAY, APRIL 27 - Optional Training TRAI 8:00AM – 9:00AM Breakfast & Registration Open – Grand Ballroom 4 9:00AM – 10:15AM T1. PROPworks® System Administration BUSINESS SYSTEMS/PROPWORKS® T2. Space Managem Target Audience: Technical Ballroom 2 Target Audience: Cont Administrators and Pla Ballroom 3 10:15AM – 10:30AM Break – Grand Ballroom 4 & 5 10:30AM – 12:00PM T1. (Cont’d.) PROPworks® System Administration BUSINESS SYSTEMS/PROPWORKS® T2. Space Managem (Cont’d.) Target Audience: Technical Ballroom 2 Target Audience: Con Administrators and Pla Ballroom 3 12:00PM – 1:30PM Lunch – Grand Ballroom 4 & 5 1:30PM – 3:00PM T1. (Cont’d.) PROPworks® System Administration BUSINESS SYSTEMS/PROPWORKS® T2. Space Managem (Cont’d.) APRI MONDAY, Target Audience: Technical Target Audience: Con Administrators and Pla TRAIN Ballroom 2 Ballroom 3 3:00PM – 3:15PM Break – Grand Ballroom 4 & 5 3:15PM – 4:45PM T1. (Cont’d.) PROPworks® 2015 AIRIT System Administration BUSINESS SYSTEMS/PROPWORKS® Target Audience: Technical Ballroom 2 T2. Space Managem USER CONFERE (Cont’d.) Target Audience: Cont Administrators and Pla Ballroom 3 7:00PM – 10:00PM Poolside Welcome Reception and Entertainment – 8 AirIT ANNUAL USER CONFERENCE & SYMPOSIUM APRIL 27 INING 4 & 5 OPERATIONAL ment T3. Functional Introduction to AODB/RMS & New System Features Target Audience: Airport Ops tract anning ntract anning ment ENCE & tract anning PASSENGER PROCESSING T6. EASE™ Advanced Training Ballroom 1 Platinum Room OPERATIONAL T5. Interface Controller Training th NING Target Audience: Airport IT T3. Functional Introduction to AODB/RMS & New System Features (Cont’d.) Target Audience: Airport Ops IL 27 (cont’d.) ntract anning Support Platinum Room OPERATIONAL ment PASSENGER PROCESSING T4. EASE™ Maintenance & Ballroom 1 ment AGENDA MATRIX Target Audience: System Admin; Airport Ops Ballroom 1 OPERATIONAL T5. Interface Controller Training SYMPOSIUM AGENDA (Cont’d.) Target Audience: System Admin; Airport Ops Ballroom 1 Target Audience: Airport IT PASSENGER PROCESSING T7. MIS Choice LDCS Administrator & User Training Target Audience: Airport IT and Ops Platinum Room PASSENGER PROCESSING T7. (Cont’d.) MIS Choice LDCS Administrator & User Training Target Audience: Airport IT and Ops Platinum Room – Island Festivities & BBQ APRIL 27-29, 2015 9 TUESDAY, AGENDA MATRIX TUESDAY, APRIL 28 8:00AM – 9:00AM 9:00AM – 9:15AM 9:15AM – 10:15AM 10:15AM – 10:30AM 10:30AM – 12:00PM Breakfast & Registration Open – Grand Ballroom 4 G1. General Session – Opening Remarks, Betros W G2. General Session – Keynote: Todd Hauptli, CEO, Break – Grand Ballroom 4 & 5 BUSINESS SYSTEMS/PROPWORKS® G3. General Ses • • Introduction to the AirIT Technology Platform St The Airport Business Intelligence Experience – A 12:00PM – 1:15PM Lunch – Yusho at Monte Carlo 1:15PM – 2:45PM B1. The Future of Business Systems • Version 8.1 -‐ New Features • PROPworks® Portal • Mobile Cashier • PROPworks® Mobile BUSINESS SYSTEMS/PROPWORKS® Target Audience: All Ballroom 3 2:45PM – 3:15PM Break – Grand Ballroom 4 & 5 BUSINESS SYSTEMS/PROPWORKS® G4. General Session: Te 3:15PM – 4:30PM Utilizing Technology to Leverage the Enterprise Platform the Passenger Experience. Topics Include: Application Suite / Virtualization Platform / Airp E-‐Commerce Pla 5:00PM – 8:00PM Networking Cocktail Reception & Entertainment – 2015 AIRIT USER CONFERE 10 AirIT ANNUAL USER CONFERENCE & SYMPOSIUM APRIL 28th AGENDA MATRIX 4 & 5 Wakim, CEO, AirIT – Grand Ballroom 4 & 5 , American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE) – Grand Ballroom 4 & 5 OPERATIONAL PASSENGER PROCESSING ssion: The Future of AirIT and its Platform trategy – Betros Wakim, CEO & CTO, AirIT Alex Fajet, MIA & Daniel Negron, AirIT Grand Ballroom 4 & 5 OPERATIONAL O1. Austin-‐Bergstrom Int’l Airport: Integration of EASE™ and the Resource Management System (RMS) Target Audience: All Ballroom 1 OPERATIONAL PASSENGER PROCESSING P1. Airline Validations Target Audience: Airlines Ballroom 2 PASSENGER PROCESSING echnology-‐Driven Business Innovation Concepts m to Improve Operational Efficiency, Create Revenue Opportunities, and Enhance port Business Intelligence Platform / AirBeacon Platform / Mobile Platform / atform / Visualization Platform – ‘The Future’ Grand Ballroom 4 & 5 – Casino Night ENCE & SYMPOSIUM AGENDA APRIL 27-29, 2015 11 AGENDA MATRIX WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29 8:00AM – 9:00AM Breakfast & Registration Open – Grand Ballroom BUSINESS SYSTEMS/PROPWORKS® 9:00AM – 10:00AM WEDNESDAY B2. PROPworks® Portal Target Audience: Finance Ballroom 2 B3. PROPworks® Ap Server Target Audience: Adm Ballroom 3 10:00AM – 10:30AM Break – Prize Drawing – Grand Ballroom 4 & 5 10:30AM – 11:30PM B4. PROPworks® 8.1 New Billing B5. PROPworks® V Future Direction Features BUSINESS SYSTEMS/PROPWORKS® Target Audience: Finance; Agreement Admin Ballroom 2 Target Audience: Agr Admin; Technical Ballroom 3 11:30PM – 1:00PM Lunch – Grand Ballroom 4 & 5 1:00PM – 2:00PM B6. PROPworks® e-‐Invoicing & Tampa Case Study B7. Mobile Applica Business Systems Ballroom 2 Ballroom 3 BUSINESS SYSTEMS/PROPWORKS® Target Audience: Finance; Agreement Admin 2:00PM – 2:15PM 2:15PM – 3:15PM Break Target Audience: All BUSINESS SYSTEMS/PROPWORKS® B8. PROPworks® Steering Committee/Focus Group Target Audience: All Ballroom 2 3:15PM – 4:30PM 4:30PM – 9:00PM Break Closing Reception & Show – Gold Room /Aria and 2015 AIRIT USER CONFERE 12 AirIT ANNUAL USER CONFERENCE & SYMPOSIUM Y, APRIL 29 AGENDA MATRIX th 4 & 5 ® pplication min ® Viewer & reement OPERATIONAL PASSENGER PROCESSING O2. AODB/RMS/FIDS System Features and Highlights P2. CUSS Issues: PCI and ADA Compliance Target Audience: Airport Ops Target Audience: All Platinum Room Ballroom 1 OPERATIONAL O3. Mobile Applications for Operational Systems Target Audience: Airport Ops and IT Ballroom 1 PASSENGER PROCESSING P3. EASE™ New Features Target Audience: Airport IT Platinum Room ® Target Audience: Airports with EASE™; Airlines ® ations for OPERATIONAL PASSENGER PROCESSING O4/P4. Airport and Airline Support Roundtable Ballroom 1 OPERATIONAL O5. Airport Roundtable Target Audience: Airports Ballroom 1 PASSENGER PROCESSING P5. Airline Roundtable Target Audience: Airlines Platinum Room d Cirque Du Soleil: Zarkana Show ENCE & SYMPOSIUM AGENDA APRIL 27-29, 2015 13 AGENDA AT A GLANCE MONDAY, APRIL 27th - Optional Training 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM Grand Ballroom 4 & 5 Breakfast & Registration Open 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Sessions 10:15 AM – 10:30 AM Break 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM Grand Ballroom 4 & 5 Lunch 1:30 PM – 4:45 PM Sessions 3:00 PM – 3:15 PM Break 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM Monte Carlo Pools Welcome Reception & Entertainment BUSINESS SYSTEMS/PROPWORKS® 9:00 AM – 4:45 AM Session A: PROPworks® System Administration Ballroom 2 Session B: Space Management Ballroom 3 14 AirIT ANNUAL USER CONFERENCE & SYMPOSIUM AGENDA AT A GLANCE OPERATIONAL SYSTEMS 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Functional Introduction to AODB/RMS & New System Features Ballroom 1 1:30 PM – 4:45 PM Interface Controller Training Ballroom 1 PASSENGER PROCESSING SYSTEMS 9:00 AM – 10:15 PM EASE™ Maintenance & Support Platinum Room 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM EASE™ Advanced Training Platinum Room 1:30 PM – 4:45 PM MIS Choice LDCS Administrator & User Training Platinum Room TUESDAY, APRIL 28th - Conference Day 1 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM Grand Ballroom 4 & 5 Breakfast & Registration Open 9:00 AM – 10:15 AM Grand Ballroom 4 & 5 Opening Remarks & Keynote Address Speakers: Betros Wakim, AirIT CEO; Todd Hauptli, AAAE President & CEO 10:15 AM – 10:30 AM Break APRIL 27-29, 2015 15 AGENDA AT A GLANCE 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM Sessions 12:00 PM – 1:15 PM Yusho at Monte Carlo Lunch 1:15 PM – 5:00 PM Sessions 2:45 PM – 3:15 PM Break 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM Grand Ballroom 4 & 5 Networking Reception & Entertainment BUSINESS SYSTEMS/PROPWORKS® 1:15 PM – 2:45 PM The Future of Business Systems Ballroom 3 OPERATIONAL SYSTEMS 1:15 PM – 2:45 PM Austin-Bergstrom International Airport: Integration of EASE™ and RMS Ballroom 1 PASSENGER PROCESSING SYSTEMS 1:15 PM – 2:45 PM Airline Validations Ballroom 2 GENERAL SESSIONS 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM The Future of AirIT and its Platform Grand Ballroom 4 & 5 16 AirIT ANNUAL USER CONFERENCE & SYMPOSIUM AGENDA AT A GLANCE 3:15 PM – 5:00 PM General Session: Technology-Driven Business Innovation Grand Ballroom 4 & 5 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29th - Conference Day 2 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM Grand Ballroom 4 & 5 Breakfast & Registration Open 9:00 AM – 11:30 PM Sessions 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM Break – Prize Drawing 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM Grand Ballroom 4 & 5 Lunch 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Sessions 2:00 PM – 2:15 PM Break 2:15 PM – 3:15 PM Sessions 4:30 PM – 9:00 PM Meet in Monte Carlo lobby for walk to the ARIA Closing Reception & Zarkana Show APRIL 27-29, 2015 17 AGENDA AT A GLANCE BUSINESS SYSTEMS/PROPWORKS® 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Session A: PROPworks® Portal Ballroom 2 Session B: PROPworks® Application Server Ballroom 3 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM Session A: PROPworks® 8.1 New Billing Features Ballroom 2 Session B: PROPworks® Viewer & Future Direction Ballroom 3 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Session A: PROPworks® e-Invoicing & Tampa Case Study Ballroom 2 Session B: Mobile Applications for Business Systems Ballroom 3 2:15 PM – 3: 15 PM PROPworks® Steering Committee/Focus Group Ballroom 2 OPERATIONAL SYSTEMS 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM AODB/RMS/FIDS System Features & Highlights Ballroom 1 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM Mobile Applications for Operational Systems Ballroom 1 18 AirIT ANNUAL USER CONFERENCE & SYMPOSIUM AGENDA AT A GLANCE 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Airport & Airline Support Roundtable Ballroom 1 2:15 PM – 3: 15 PM Airport Roundtable Ballroom 1 PASSENGER PROCESSING SYSTEMS 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM CUSS Issues: PCI and ADA Compliance Platinum Room 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM EASE™ New Features Platinum Room 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Airport & Airline Support Roundtable Ballroom 1 2:15 PM – 3: 15 PM Airline Roundtable Platinum Room APRIL 27-29, 2015 19 SESSION DESCRIPTIONS Business Systems/PROPworks® Ballrooms 2 and 3 OPTIONAL TRAINING PROPworks® System Administration Target Audience: Technical Instructor: Danny Negron This course takes an in depth look at installing, maintaining, and troubleshooting PROPworks®. Starting with basic PROPworks® navigation concepts, the course will continue building up through the different tiers of the PROPworks® environment, exposing students through hands-on exercises to the different aspects of PROPworks® administration. By the end, students will be familiar with the PROPworks® database, application server, the client tier, and how to configure, troubleshoot and maintain the PROPworks® system. Space Management Target Audience: Contract Administrators and Planning Instructors: Brian Smith; Liz Davidson The PROPworks® Space Module has benefitted from a few minor improvements over time, but is substantially the same as when first introduced. What has changed is the airport technology and business environment which enables much wider use and sharing of information. The training sessions will go into what the Space Module can do, and how to do it alongside developments in GIS, CADD, and the demand for information related to space. There will be a case study based on Los Angeles’ deployment of GIS that outlines a different approach to training using a real world model and hands-on experts. SESSIONS The Future of Business Systems Target Audience: All Presenters: Brian Smith; Marcus Alig; Steve Rose Moderator: Liz Davidson Learn about the new features and functionality in the latest version of PROPworks®. Be the first to learn about AirIT’s new PROPworks® Portal and Mobile Cashier products. Advances made with PROPworks® Mobile round out this session. PROPworks® Portal Target Audience: All Presenter: Steve Rose Moderator: Marcus Alig An in-depth look at one of AirIT’s newest products, learn how to set up a PROPworks® Portal for your clients to report Landing activity and Gross Sales receipts that can be imported into the PROPworks® Billing and Invoicing module. 20 AirIT ANNUAL USER CONFERENCE & SYMPOSIUM SESSION DESCRIPTIONS PROPworks® Application Server Target Audience: System Administrators Presenter: Danny Negron Moderator: Brian Smith This session will explore the differences between PROPworks® versions 7 and 8 as well as how to move up to version 8. PROPworks® 8.1 New Billing Features 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM Target Audience: Finance; Agreement Admin Presenter: Jim Bagli Moderator: Liz Davidson This session will cover the new billing features that benefit both the finance and agreement administrator users. PROPworks® Viewer & Future Direction Target Audience: Technical; Agreement Admin Presenter: Nick Ardan Moderator: Marcus Alig The session will demonstrate the overall module as well as new changes. PROPworks® e-Invoicing w/Tampa Int’l Airport Case Study Target Audience: Finance Presenter: Marcus Alig Moderator: Liz Davidson Learn the steps to enable e-Invoicing, add attachments and configure the subject line and body of the e-Invoice email itself, and how to send an e-Invoice to multiple email addresses. Tampa International Airport will present their experience with the implementation and use of e-Invoicing. In addition, AirIT will describe the vision and possible options for the invoicing process going forward. Mobile Applications for Business Systems Target Audience: All Presenter: Jim Bagli Moderator: Steve Rose New to the suite of Business Systems products, Mobile Cashier will be demonstrated in this session along with Mobile PROPworks® and Mobile Meter Reading. APRIL 28-30, 2015 21 SESSION DESCRIPTIONS PROPworks® Steering Committee/Focus Group Target Audience: All Presenters: Marcus Alig; Jim Bagli; Liz Davidson Moderators: Steve Rose; Nick Ardan AirIT holds bi-monthly WebEx meetings with PROPworks® users to discuss the direction of PROPworks® and receive user feedback. This conference session will be a face-toface version of these meetings. Take this opportunity to participate in these discussions with AirIT staff and your fellow peers. Everyone is welcome to attend this session and is encouraged to participate in future WebEx meetings. Operational Systems Ballroom 1 OPTIONAL TRAINING Functional Introduction to AODB/RMS & New System Features Target Audience: Airport Operations Instructors: Carmen Nash; Jorge Jarrin This course will consist of a high-level overview of the Airport Operational Database and Resource Management Module. Students will gain hands on knowledge in the following areas: • Operational Flight Schedules • Seasonal Flight Schedules • User Configuration and Permissions • Reference Data Setup and Configuration • Overview of RMS Functionality • System Auditing • Real-Time RMS Management • RMS Planning • Rule Configuration via the Rule Engine. Interface Controller Training Target Audience: System Administration and Airport Operations Instructors: Jorge Jarrin; Matt Willingham; Carmen Nash This course will consist of a detailed level of AirIT’s Interface Controller Module which allows the authorized users to control and manipulate data received from 3rd party systems before processed into AODB. Students will gain hands on knowledge in the following areas: • Interface Rules • Using the rule syntax • Manual changes on held records • Differences between PRE and POST interface rules. 22 AirIT ANNUAL USER CONFERENCE & SYMPOSIUM SESSION DESCRIPTIONS SESSIONS Austin-Bergstrom Int’l Airport: Integration of EASE™ and the Resource Management System (RMS) Target Audience: All Presenters: Austin-Bergstrom International Airport Moderator: Carmen Nash In this session a recent AirIT systems integration project will be introduced from the view of the airport by presenting the scope, timeline, challenges and successes of the project. AODB/RMS/FIDS System Features and Highlights Target Audience: Airport Ops Presenters: Carmen Nash; Jorge Jarrin An overview of AirIT’s class-leading operational tools, this session will cover a tutorial on the features and highlights of the Airport Operational Database (AODB), Resource Management System (RMS), and Flight Information Display System (FIDS). Mobile Applications for Operational Systems Target Audience: Airport Ops and IT Presenters: Jorge Jarrin; Matt Willingham; Carmen Nash This session will cover a tutorial on the features and highlights of the new mobile modules for AirIT’s operational systems. The new functionality will be demonstrated on tablets for AODB, RMS, and FIDS. Airport and Airline Support Roundtable Target Audience: EASE™ Airports; Airlines Moderators: Sharon Abate; Fred Atarian This session provides an opportunity for airport and airline professionals to provide feedback regarding AirIT support. Airports and airlines will be encouraged to share their own experiences and provide suggestions. Airport Roundtable Target Audience: Airports Presenters: Carmen Nash; Danny Negron This session will address how to improve the quality of the operational data to satisfy billing requirements. Airports will be encouraged to share their own experiences and provide suggestions. APRIL 28-30, 2015 23 SESSION DESCRIPTIONS Passenger Processing Systems Platinum Room OPTIONAL TRAINING EASE® Maintenance & Support Target Audience: Airport IT Instructors: Don Casey; Mark Kummerer Moderators: Sharon Abate; Fred Atarian This session will cover EASE™ maintenance tasks: peripheral cleaning, airline image maintenance (local and remote), and server process monitoring. We will also conduct a deep dive into trouble shooting common issues. EASE® Advanced Training Target Audience: Airport IT Instructors: Don Casey; Mark Kummerer Moderators: Sharon Abate; Fred Atarian This session will focus on adding airlines to EASE™, updating workstations, set-up of VMware, and more. MIS Choice LDCS Administrator & User Training Target Audience: Airport IT and Operations Instructors: Alex Kiss; John Kiss Moderator: Don Casey This course will consist of a high-level overview and administrator/user training of the MIS Choice Local Departure Control System. SESSIONS Airline Validations Target Audience: Airlines Presenters: Don Casey; Fred Atarian Moderators: Sharon Abate; Mark Kummerer This session includes a discussion on the EASE™ validation processes for new and existing airlines, a brief overview of EASE™ and virtual image guidelines followed by advice for upgrading to Windows 7, and a discussion on Windows upgrades beyond 7. CUSS Issues: PCI and ADA Compliance Target Audience: All Presenters: IER Moderators: Chris Keller; Sharon Abate A discussion of the most pressing issues regarding Common Use Self Service kiosks: Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS) compliance, and Americans with Disability Act (ADA) standards compliance. 24 AirIT ANNUAL USER CONFERENCE & SYMPOSIUM SESSION DESCRIPTIONS EASE™ New Features Target Audience: Airport IT Presenters: Don Casey; Mark Kummerer Moderators: Sharon Abate; Fred Atarian Review EASE™ releases from the past year, and new features planned for this coming year; also, a discussion on the EASE™ development roadmap. Airport and Airline Support Roundtable Target Audience: EASE™ Airports; Airlines Moderators: Sharon Abate; Fred Atarian This session provides an opportunity for airport and airline professionals to provide feedback regarding AirIT support. Airports and airlines will be encouraged to share their own experiences and provide suggestions. Airline Roundtable Target Audience: Airlines Moderators: Sharon Abate; Fred Atarian This session will be an open forum for discussion with airline conference attendees. General Sessions Grand Ballrooms 4 and 5 Conference Opening Remarks Target Audience: All Presenter: Betros Wakim Welcome remarks from AirIT CEO, Betros Wakim. Keynote Address Target Audience: All Presenter: Todd Hauptli Keynote address by American Association of Airport Executive (AAAE) CEO, Todd Hauptli. The Future of AirIT and its Platform Target Audience: All Presenters: Betros Wakim, Danny Negron, Alex Fajet An introduction to the AirIT technology platform strategy, and a presentation on Miami International Airport’s Business Intelligence experience. Technology-Driven Business Innovation Concepts Target Audience: All Presenter: Betros Wakim Utilizing technology to leverage the enterprise platform to improve operational efficiency, create revenue opportunities, and enhance the passenger experience. • AirIT’s AirBeacon Platform • e-Commerce Platform • Application Suite • Mobile Platform • Airport BI Platform • Visualization Platform APRIL 28-30, 2015 25 SPONSOR LISTINGS Samsung 85 Challenger Road Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660 Phone: (201) 229-4000 Fax: (201) 229-5080 www.samsung.com For more than 70 years, Samsung has been dedicated to making a better world through diverse businesses that today span advanced technology, semiconductors, skyscraper and plant construction, petrochemicals, fashion, medicine, finance, hotels, and more. Our flagship company, Samsung Electronics, leads the global market in high-tech electronics manufacturing and digital media. Through innovative, reliable products and services; talented people; a responsible approach to business and global citizenship; and collaboration with our partners and customers, Samsung is taking the world in imaginative new directions. Access IS 18 Suttons Business Park Reading, Berkshire RG6 1AZ United Kingdom Phone: +44 (0) 118 966 3333 Fax: +44 (0) 118 926 7281 www.access-is.com Access IS designs and manufactures innovative equipment that enables fast and accurate capture and transfer of information into electronic systems. Over 75 percent of the products we sell are application specific, so we are used to understanding our customers’ challenges and offering reliable and cost-effective solutions. We 26 have a wide range of platforms on which to base new custom or semi-custom designs. Our worldwide customer base includes airports, retail point-of-sale, retail banking and financial institutions, public transportation smart and mobile ticketing, and selfservice kiosk and industrial equipment manufacturers. AirIT ANNUAL USER CONFERENCE & SYMPOSIUM SPONSOR LISTINGS VidTroniX LLC 6607 Martindale Road Shawnee Mission, KS 66218 USA Phone: (913) 441-9777 Fax: (913) 441-9471 www.vidtronix.com In addition to being a leading manufacturer and supplier of boarding pass and baggage tag printers for the aviation and travel industry, VidTroniX offers a full line of check-in and security related products. The goal of VidTroniX is to work directly with our customer to develop products that fit the needs of their company. GateKeeper Systems, Inc. 1301 Corporate Center Dr., Suite #170 Eagan, MN 55121 Phone: (651) 365-0700 Fax: (651) 365-0777 www.gksys.com Founded in 1997, GateKeeper Systems provides specialized software to airports for managing ground transportation, parking access, and airfield inspections. Our integrated, turnkey airport systems are designed using ‘off-the-shelf’ components for affordability and reliability. They can be implemented at airports of all sizes. Our “Commercial Vehicle Management” (CVM) software is installed in about 30 airports, more than our top three competitors combined. Sixel Consulting Group, Inc. 497 Oakway Road, Ste. 220 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone: (541) 341-1601 Fax: (541) 341-1603 www.sixelconsulting.com Founded in 1996, Sixel Consulting Group has worked to recruit more than 125 new routes on behalf of its client airports in the US, Canada, and Mexico. The focus at Sixel Consulting Group is on connecting its client communities to new opportunities, through rock- solid research, innovative analysis, and flawless execution. Sixel helps its client airports grow passenger traffic through local and regional marketing programs, utilizing its consultants’ more than 100 years of air service marketing expertise. APRIL 27-29, 2015 27 SPONSOR LISTINGS Epson America Epson America, Inc. 3840 Kilroy Airport Way Long Beach, CA 90806 www.epson.aero The implementation of 2D barcodes, kiosk and home check-in and cell phone boarding is enabling a shift to new generation of cost-effective, open architecture POS printers at check-in areas and boarding gates As the world leader in POS printers, Epson’s proven solutions are ideal for both airline and airport operations. Solutions that increase efficiency, reduce the cost of operations and service customers faster. TransCore 3410 Midcourt Road Carrollton, TX 75006 Phone: (214) 461-6495 Fax: (214) 461-6478 www.transcore.com The busiest airports look to TransCore to maximize non-aeronautical revenue and improve operations. We custom-design Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) solutions that identify and create new revenue sources, optimize curbside use, control movement of commercial vehicles, and expedite access control for known and trusted vehicles. FlightView, Inc. 55 Chapel St. Newton, MA 02458 Phone: (617)787-4200 Fax: (617) 244-1483 www.flightview.com FlightView is the recognized leader in delivering accurate & timely flight information to over 140 airports, over 20 airlines, travel technology companies, & a wide variety of travel service providers worldwide, to help them improve customer satisfaction, operational efficiency & brand 28 FlightView® loyalty. We incorporate advanced visualization techniques & innovative new technologies to meet our customers’ varied needs, from flight & airport status data APIs to digital flight information displays to web & mobile flight tracing content. AirIT ANNUAL USER CONFERENCE & SYMPOSIUM SPONSOR LISTINGS MIS Choice 1699 Wall Street, Suite 602 Mount Prospect, IL 60056 Phone: (879) 690-1900 Fax: (847) 690-1350 www.mischoice.com MIS has been focused on providing single-source solutions to small and medium businesses since its founding in 1999. We offer our customers complete solutions including software, hardware, service, and support and have built our success on expertise, product quality, and customer satisfaction. Founded by IT veterans from the Logistics Industries, MIS regularly applies its vast knowledge base and in-depth experience in logistics and freight forwarding to the particular IT challenges of these and many other industries. Team MIS is comprised of highly skilled IT professionals, network engineers, application developers, computer experts, hardware specialists, and web designers. Our proven expertise means more capable solutions for small to medium enterprises worldwide. IER 1000 Industrial Park Road Belton, TX 76513 Phone: (214) 914-3040 Fax: (254) 933-5050 www.ier.aero IER is a world leader in passenger processing solutions for the transportation industry with unique skills in self-service hardware and software solutions used by millions of passengers daily. OAG 450 Capability Green United Kingdom Phone: +44 (0) 1582 695050 Fax: +44 (0) 1582 695230 www.OAG.com The world leader in aviation intelligence, OAG is relied upon globally for essential information and insight. Only OAG has the capability to deliver accurate, comprehensive and up-to-the-minute aviation data – and the expertise to convert this information into marketleading intelligence and innovative travel solutions. Our mission is to be the power behind the best decisions in global aviation. APRIL 27-29, 2015 29 AIRIT STAFF AirIT Presenter Biographies Betros Wakim, CEO Mr. Wakim has been the CEO of AirIT since 2004. He has more than 23 years of experience in the software & information technology industries. Mr. Wakim has strong technology and business experience across several executive management positions ranging from start-ups to multinational companies such as AirIT, 3Com/U.S. Robotics, Tava Technologies, and Rockwell Automation. He has built and maintained an award winning, innovative, and dynamic corporate culture at AirIT, and the company was recognized as one of the best companies to work for in Florida by Florida Trend Magazine. Mr. Wakim holds a BS and an MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Memphis State University, an MS in Engineering Management from Northwestern University, and an MBA from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Chris Keller, President and COO Mr. Keller joined AirIT in 2001 with more than 30 years of experience in operational, marketing, and sales management. Chris is responsible for the operations, sales, and marketing activities for AirIT and has more than eighteen years of experience in the air-transport industry providing operational, financial, and passenger processing solutions, as well as IT integration services. Prior to entering the air-transport industry, Mr. Keller worked for ten years at EchoStar Communications Corp. as a Divisional Vice President and was integrally involved in the product development and release of their direct broadcast satellite communications product, the DISH Network. Mr. Keller holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Political Science from California State University at Sacramento. He also has an Executive Certificate in Management and Leadership from the MIT-Sloan School of Management. 30 AirIT ANNUAL USER CONFERENCE & SYMPOSIUM AIRIT STAFF Jeff Shull, Executive VP Mr. Shull is responsible for the management and development of strategic alliances, emerging technologies, and industry relations. He is also directly responsible for the oversight of project implementation company-wide. Prior to joining AirIT, Mr. Shull was the Chief of Staff of the Philadelphia International Airport where he was responsible for the overall management and coordination of the airport’s executive staff, including four deputy directors. Jeff also managed special projects for the Director of Aviation, including the airport’s ambitious air service development initiative. Mr. Shull is a licensed commercial pilot and a graduate of the Florida Institute of Technology with a Bachelor’s Degree in Aviation Management and Flight Technology. Ray Vecchiarelli, VP of Infrastructure/Information Technology With more than 18 years of experience in information technology, Mr. Vecchiarelli has held numerous IT roles within the government and with aviation and financial companies. He has been with AirIT since 2003 and has held a variety of positions including Systems Engineer, Project Manager, and Director/VP of Operations. In his current role at AirIT, he is responsible for the management and oversight of all computer systems infrastructure and technology delivery including cloud solutions. Mr. Vecchiarelli holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Columbia College as well as numerous professional certifications. Daniel Negron, Business Systems Delivery Manager With more than 15 years of experience in IT and eight years working with airports, Daniel brings to AirIT real world experience managing and implementing financial systems, as well as developing IT solutions to improve business processes for large corporations and government entities in North America, Europe, the Caribbean, and Latin America. Daniel has a Bachelor of Science in Management, Minors in Management Information Systems and International Business from Purdue University, and a Master’s in Business Administration for the University of Phoenix. APRIL 28-30, 2015 31 AIRIT STAFF Brian Smith, Implementation Consultant Since becoming a fulltime AirIT employee in August 2011, Brian has worked on several PROPworks® upgrade and implementation projects. Brian also specializes in report writing and is currently responsible for the new Airport Business Intelligence powered by JasperReports Server which works with current and future versions of all AirIT products. Brian holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Information Technology from the University of Central Florida. Carmen Nash, Director, Product Delivery Operational Systems Ms. Nash has more than 23 years of experience in the air-transport industry and has been instrumental in more than 30 airport projects worldwide. Prior to joining AirIT in 2004, she managed system integration projects for T-Systems in airports such as Dusseldorf, Cologne-Bonn, Frankfurt, Hamburg, and Berlin. Since joining AirIT, she has been instrumental in the development of AirIT’s own operational software solutions and has led solution design in Miami, San Jose, Sacramento, Philadelphia, Winnipeg, Fort Lauderdale, Dallas/Fort Worth, Saint Petersburg, Antalya and Lima. She has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science from RWTH Aachen in Germany and is a certified PMP. 32 AirIT ANNUAL USER CONFERENCE & SYMPOSIUM AIRIT STAFF Jim Bagli, Manager, Product and Delivery Quality Jim has 26 years of experience in the aviation and IT industries. As a former pilot and airport property manager, Jim has leveraged his knowledge of the airport business with his training and experience in information systems and project management into his current responsibilities as Manager of Product and Delivery Quality. Jim holds an MBA Degree in Information Systems and is a certified Project Management Professional with the Project Management Institute (PMI). Liz Davidson, Support Manager, Business Systems Liz joined AirIT’s PROPworks® team in 2009. As a former airport employee, she brings with her 16 years of experience as a contract administrator and ten years as a PROPworks® System Administrator. She was the lead person in the implementation of PROPworks® at Orlando International Airport in 1999. On a day-to-day basis she assists clients providing support and assists our quality assurance department with the testing of new releases. Fred Atarian, Senior Director, Airline Solutions Mr. Atarian had more than 23+ years of experience with Northwest Airlines where he was responsible for all of the airline’s common use technology systems prior to joining AirIT. He joined the AirIT team in 2006 and is responsible for airline solutions, functioning as AirIT’s primary liaison for EASE™ implementations. Mr. Atarian graduated from the University of North Dakota with a BSBA in Aviation Administration. APRIL 27-29, 2015 33 AIRIT STAFF Sharon Abate, Director of Support Sharon has more than 20 years of experience in information and technology systems and has had numerous roles and responsibilities within the commercial aviation industry. Sharon joined the AirIT team in 2010 and leads the support team for AirIT customers. Prior to coming to AirIT, Sharon was responsible for project management, integration, implementation, and support of common use environments for 15 different airlines in more than 150 airports worldwide. She is currently responsible for support and management of existing AirIT customers. Sharon holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Management and Information Systems from DeVry University. Steven Rose, Product Manager, Business Systems Mr. Rose previously served as a developer on AirITs PROPworks® application. During his time with AirIT, his role has expanded to managing the development and support of PROPworks®. Mr. Rose has more than nine years of experience in software development and support and is an Oracle and Java-Certified Professional; Mr. Rose has extended his skill set with the Java programming language and other technologies including: JBOSS Application Server and MS SQL Server. He holds a Master of Science Degree in Management Information Systems and a Bachelor of Arts in Management Information Systems from the University Of Central Florida. Don Casey, Regional Manager, Support Don Casey joined AirIT in 2005 and is responsible for Supporting AirIT sites in the Eastern Region, including the Caribbean. Mr. Casey has more than 15 years of experience in the IT industry and his core competencies include consulting, internet service provider, systems administration, and network administration. At AirIT, Mr. Casey has been involved with the design and implementation of the EASE™ product at more than 30 airports worldwide. 34 AirIT ANNUAL USER CONFERENCE & SYMPOSIUM AIRIT STAFF Jorge Jarrin, Software Engineer Jorge started working for AirIT as an intern in the development department in May 2007. He obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from the University of Central Florida in December 2007 and joined AirIT as a full-time employee the following month. Jorge worked with the PROPworks® development team for two years before joining the Operational Systems development team. Since then, his main responsibility consists of development of new modules and features for the AODB as well as maintenance and support for several clients, including Antalya (Turkey), ST. Petersburg (Russia), Branson, Myrtle Beach, Nassau, Philadelphia, San Jose, San Juan (Puerto Rico), Fort Lauderdale, and Miami, among others. AIRIT STAFF Marcus Alig, Manager, Product Quality Marcus is a Product Quality Manager with AirIT. He is responsible for the Requirements Design and Quality Assurance for the PROPworks® product line. He joined AirIT in 2002, and during that time also had roles conducting project implementations, support, and development work. Prior to that, he worked for Oracle as a consultant in the CRM group, and also worked on the precursor to PROPworks® while working for Decision Support Technologies (DST). He has a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Florida Institute of Technology, and with more than 15 years of experience, has a deep knowledge of both the business and technical aspects of the product. Matt Willingham, Lead Developer, Enterprise Messaging Systems Mr. Willingham joined AirIT in 2008 having previously worked at Boeing. Matt has been with AirIT for every release of the company’s operational products and has worked on projects at San Jose International, Fresno Yosemite International, Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport, Sacramento International, Fort LauderdaleHollywood International, Russia’s Pulkovo International Airport in Saint Petersburg, and others. Mr. Willingham was the lead developer on the AirIT Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), and has also worked on Flight Information Display System solutions. 36 AirIT ANNUAL USER CONFERENCE & SYMPOSIUM AIRIT STAFF Nick Ardan, Software Development Manager Mr. Ardan is currently a Software Development Manager responsible for AirIT Business Systems Products and integration with AirIT Operational Systems. He has more than 20 years of experience in the Software field working with Oracle and SQLServer databases and various application architectures utilizing programing languages that include Oracle PL/SQL, Microsoft Transact-SQL, Java, and .NET/C#. Mr. Ardan joined the AirIT family in 2000 to work on the PROPworks® Revenue & Property Management System. While he continues to support the PROPworks® product, he is also the Product Manager and lead developer for AirIT’s Cashier and Viewer products. Mr. Ardan is an Oracle Certified Professional. He holds an MS degree in Operations Research from the Naval Post Graduate School and a BS degree from St. Lawrence University. Mark Kummerer Mr. Kummerer has been a Software Development Manager at AirIT since 2005. He has more than 30 years of experience in the software field, ranging from manufacturing, business systems, and now airport systems. Mr. Kummerer joined the AirIT family in 2001 on the PROPworks® project and has been supporting the AirIT EASE™ system since 2005, among other passenger processing systems, including BIWIS, LDCS, and BRS. Mr. Kummerer holds a BS in Applied Computer Science from Plymouth State University. APRIL 27-29, 2015 37 HOTEL INFO UM IN AT PL MO N 1TE CA 2RLO B 3ALLR O 4OMS 5 Monte Carlo Resort & Casino 3770 Las Vegas Blvd. South Las Vegas, NV 89109 38 38 AirIT ANNUAL USER CONFERENCE & SYMPOSIUM OUR THINKING IS INSIDE THE BOX. The embedded Samsung SMART Signage Platform creates more opportunities for your business. 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